01/24/1989 - Meeting Notice z January 10, 1989 MEM) TO TRANSTMATICKADINISORY COMMITTEE FROM: RANUALL R. W)QLEY RE: JANUARY MEETING SPECIAL MEETING Although the Committee had previously agreed to cancel the January meeting, it has became necessary to call a special meeting regarding a street closure request. The meeting will be held jointly with Planning Commission and NPO #7. SPECIAL MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1989 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL, TOWN HALL ROCK At the request of Anton Park residents, the City Council has agreed to hold a public hearing to consider a temporary closure of SW North Dakota Street to through traffic between 121st Avenue and Scholls Ferry Road. The Council directed that there should be an opportunity for the Planning Commission, the Transportation Advisory Committee, and NPO #7 to provide any moments they may have prior to the Council hearing. The joint meeting has been scheduled for January 24th so the Anton Park group can make any presentation they may wish to the three groups. Afterwards, the Committee can meet separately to take any formal action it may choose. Next regular meeting The next regular meeting of the Transportation Advisory Carmittee is scheduled for Thursday,ay, February 9, 1989. Please mark your calendars. New members 1 o new neuters, Robert Waterman and Barbara Zanzig, were appointed to the Committee in December. They replace two of the three neuters who have left the Committee. Erick Petersen and Dick Walker resigned from the Committee. Joe Kasten's membership has terminated due to his election to the city Council; a committee member replacement has not yet been appointed.