02/20/1992 - Packet 9W TASK FORCE AGENDA"m'`1
FEBRUARY 20, 1992
7:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call: Clark _ Cook _ Deuth _ Eddy _
Edwards _ Hawley _ Holland _ Moore _
Reilly _ Schwartz _ Schweitz
Alternates: Carver _ Hopkins _
3. Introductions
4. Visitor's Agenda
5. Approval of minutes from January 16, 1992
6. Affect of the Western Bypass alternatives study on the 99W study
(and a decision on whether or not any further review of 99W should
wait until the Bypass study is completed).
7. Further response from ODOT on Kittleson's proposal.
8. Other
9. Adjourn
99W Task Force Minutes
January 16, 1992
1. Meeting was called to order at 7: 10 pm.
2 . Present: Clark, Cook, Deuth, Edwards, Hawley, Holland,
Moore, Schwartz, Schweitz, and Eddy coming in late
Also attending: City staff, Ed Murphy, Randy Wooley and
Billie Rawlings.
ODOT Staff: Ted Keasey
3. Steve Clark had members of the audience introduce themselves.
4. Visitor's Agenda:
The representative from Smith's Home Furnishings spoke of the
amount of customers his store has coming from 99W, and the
comments they receive from their customers on the difficulty
getting into the Garden Place from Pacific Highway. He stated
that they had been there six years, and have 70 employees. If
state restricts left turn movement, the store may be forced to
Mr. Meyer, a resident on Center Street stated his concerns
about the proposed bus ramp and that it would eliminate his
Mr. Bissett stated that any decision is premature at this
point. A lot of hearings and input from the public needs to
take place at the Task Force level before any recommendations
are sent to Council and state.
The representative from Pioneer Pies stated his concerns about
a prolonged decision. Would like to have something decided
soon so that he can have answers for potential buyers.
Steve Clark reminded all that this is a state highway project
- not a city project.
5. Motion to approve minutes of November 21 with corrections that
Joe Schweitz was in attendance was approved.
6. There was considerable discussion of the purpose of the Task
Force, with most members present giving their input.
7. There was discussion of various short term projects that may
be possible, including restricting left turn movements on 99W.
Jerry Edward moved that state review the following options and
report back at the March meeting:
1. Installing a 1 foot high concrete median barrier on 99W
between Hwy 217 and Hall Blvd.
2. Allowing U-Turns at Hall Blvd. and Pfaffle Street.
3 . Constructing a new access road off of Hall Blvd.
connecting to Warner, serving those commercial properties
north of 99W and est of Hall Blvd. (Young's Funeral Home
and surrounding businesses) .
4. Improving right turn from 99W onto Hall Blvd. , or Hall
turning left onto 99W (i.e. , improving vision from the 99
Towing service station.
5. Installing a signal at Hall Blvd. and Garden Place to
serve Park 217.
The motion was seconded by John Cook. It was approved by
unanimous vote of the Task Force.
8. Alternative Facilities:
Ted Keasey discussed ODOT's review of Kittleson's proposal to
connect the proposed Dartmouth Road with Hall Blvd. , with
"interface" roads linking into Hwy. 217. There was discussion
about the potential impact on 99W as well as other roads in
the City. Ted suggested that it did not appear that the
proposed new route would relieve congestion on 99W, but that
he thought that the City should consider studying the
feasibility of such a new road to accommodate local traffic.
It was agreed unanimously that there be no recommendation on
further study of the Kittleson proposal at this time.
9. Jerry Edwards has requested a possible Saturday workshop with
City Council and the 99W Task Force, possibly in April, so
that the Task Force can bring Council up-to-date on their
findings, after the report from Ted Keasey in March.
10. Adjourn 8:47 PM.