04/15/1993 - Packet y Y
7:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order/Introductions
2. Roll Call: Reilly [7f Deuth Gervais 11 Clark IT
Cook Moore C3 Holland
Edwards Schweitz Hawley
Alternates: Carver Hopkins
3. Visitors' Comments
4. 99W STUDY - (Scope of Work and Letter From O.D.O.T. Attached) Action Item
5. Discussion of Future Activities
b. Other
7. Adjourn
April 5, 1993 DEPARTMENT OF
Ms. Carol Landsman, Senior Planner Region 1
City of Tigard
13125 SW Hall Blvd.,
Tigard, OR 97223 FILE CODE:
Dear Carol:
This is to provide you with an update on our corridor planning effort, especially as it relates
to your request for ODOT assistance to study OR 99W through Tigard.
We recently received approval from the Oregon Transportation Commission to undertake
corridor planning and are developing the work program for studying state highway corridors
in the region. The study effort and scope of work for each corridor will be based on the level
of importance and function of the facility.
The"1991 Oregon Highway Plan" includes a Level of Importance (LOI) Policy that has four
categories: interstate, statewide, regional, and district highways. The section of OR 99W
located west of 1-5 to the Region 1 boundary (in Sherwood) is currently classified as a
statewide highway. It is also designated an Access Oregon Highway; a highway which
connects the interstate system to urban areas, ports and major recreation areas. According
to the LOI policy, the state's management objective for such facilities is to provide for a high
to moderate—speed operation with limited interruptions in traffic flow.
The first phase of corridor planning will involve the development of corridor strategies based
on classification and function of the facility. The strategies will provide a framework for
evaluating transportation improvements and land use changes along the corridor.
The tasks outlined in your draft scope of work focus on transportation system management
solutions (TSM). While we intend to include a TSM component in the corridor studies, we
do not want to study such solutions without a context for evaluating their importance. The
corridor strategies will provide such a context.
We plan to begin collecting data for establishing corridor strategies for several statewide
highways in the next month. We will be working closely with affected local jurisdictions in this
effort. Development of the corridor strategies will also need to be coordinated with relevant
studies being undertaken in the region.
The Western Bypass Study includes several alternatives which will affect Tigard and OR
99W. The Region 2040 Study and the High Capacity Transit Study may also affect OR 99W.
The future classification and function of OR 99W may change depending on the outcome of
these studies. It would be premature, therefore, to initiate a corridor study for OR 99W
absent some direction from the Western Bypass Study and Region 2040.
9002 SE McLoughlin
Milivaukie, OR 97222
(503) 653-3090
731-1850(12--32) FAX (503) 653-3267
In conclusion,we are not in a position to share in the costs of your study at this time. Please
call me at 653-3269 if you have questions.
Robin McArthur-Phillips, Manager
Land Use/Transportation Planning
cc: Bruce Warner
Mike Wert
Lidwien Rahman
Bill Ciz
Ed Murphy, Tigard
To identify problem areas and points of conflicts on 99W and determine a package of actions and
projects to improve mobility and safety while not undermining economic development. These projects
will be relatively low cost,use existing capacity more efficiently and will not add new pavement.
Study Area:
99W in Tigard.
99W is a major arterial connecting Portland and communities to the southwest; it moves large amounts
of commuter and recreational traffic. it is also a major commercial district with many types of busy
activities that attract trips, conflicting turns and congestion.
The regional transportation plan identified the need for improvements to 99W in Tigard. ODOT has
conducted studies of this corridor. The results of the western bypass study will affect traffic on 99W as
will the proposed Barbur LRT study. Whatever the results of these studies, mobility and safety need to
be improved on 99W. This study will identify low cost interim improvements that will be a part of
whatever other improvements other studies recommend.
This study will review existing conditions and identify points of conflict, accident locations, and
unsatisfactory service levels. It will explore a range of low cost actions and projects to improve mobility,
safety and access on 99W and evaluate their costs and benefits. It will involve and inform the business
community and general public and build a consensus for a series of road improvements.
Options considered in study:
• Access management techniques such as consolidating driveways, closing off non essential
driveways and streets, adding frontage roads and medians.
• Transportation systems management improvements such as modifications to signal system or lane
stripping patterns, adding turn lanes.
• Pedestrian and bike safety improvements including installation of sidewalks and improved
pedestrian crossings, better connections from commercial centers to streets, transit stops,
neighborhoods and other commergial centers.
• Transit improvements including pullouts,shelters and park and ride lots.
• Improved signs to reduce driver confusion and last second lane switching.
• Improvements to the aesthetic quality of the street particularly where needed to reduce driver
confusion or where other traffic improvements are proposed.
Study methodology:
• Set goals and decision criteria.
• Gather and review all existing studies and information; create database and maps.
• Create a public information program.
• Review existing conditions.
• Identify trouble areas.
• Identify range of possible improvements.
• Evaluate the possible improvements in terms of mobility, safety, economic development, and
aesthetic impact.
• Determine costs and benefits.
• Develop a package of improvements and implementation techniques.
• Hold public hearings.
• Adopt a plan.
March 25, 1993
Neil Goldschmidt, Inc. Region 1
222 S.W. Columbia, Suite 1850 FILE CODE:
Portland, Oregon 97201-6618
I am writing in response to your letter of March 1, 1993, and our
meetings regarding your frontage road proposal.
My staff and I have reviewed your February 16, 1993 report. Section
7 presents a new traffic analysis which includes your frontage road
design with and without a new east/west road across OR 217 connect-
ing the Tigard Triangle and downtown Tigard. The results show slight
improvements in level of service and delay at OR 99W/SB OR 217
ramp intersection with Year 2015 interim improvements, and at OR
99W/Hall Boulevard intersection with 2015 ultimate improvements.
Our review indicates the traffic volumes used in these calculations
assume the following transportation improvements (Section 7, page 3
of your report) are in place:
♦ Construction of at least Phase 1 of a Western Bypass (I-5
to 99W);
♦ Widening of OR 217 to six lanes;
♦ Widening of I-5 (S. Tigard to I-205) (this was completed
in 1992);
♦ Widening of OR 99W to six lanes (I-5 to Greenburg);
♦ Completion of Phase 1 and 2 of Kruse Way Interchange:
♦ Widening of Scholls Ferry Road to five lanes (OR 217
to Murray) (this was completed in 1992), and
♦ Widening Hall Boulevard to three lanes.
9002 SE McLoughlin
Milwaukie, OR 97222
(503) 653-3090
734-1850(Rev.3-91) FAX (503) 653-3267
Neil Goldschmidt
March 19, 1993
Page 2
These improvements represent a huge monetary commitment to the
southwest area. Ongoing studies will determine which projects will
proceed, but many of these improvements will not be completed for a
number of years. Two of those projects, the widening of OR 99W (to
six lanes) and OR 217 (to six lanes) will involve design decisions
which will impact your proposed frontage road and overcrossing. The
widening of OR 99W to six lanes is on "hold" for more direction and
commitment from the City of Tigard, and widening of OR 217 to six
lanes is also on "hold" pending outcome of the Western Bypass Study.
During meetings with my staff subsequent to our meeting, a number of
other problems and issues were identified. These include:
♦ Impact of frontage road on ramp metering scheduled for
this summer (1993);
♦ Impact of frontage road on southbound ramp and possi-
ble widening of structure over the creek;
♦ Impact of frontage road and ramp on 72nd interchange
reconfiguration included in Kruse Way project. Parts of
Kruse Way are scheduled for construction in 1995;
♦ The engineering and environmental feasibility of your
frontage road and overcrossing design, (i.e. can it
physically be done without major impact to existing
buildings and wetlands), and
♦ ODOT policy concerns expressed in Don Adams' August
4 letter to Mayor Edwards (attached).
After this review and further discussion, I find that I cannot support a
frontage road system in this area until these issues and project-level
designs are examined. In other words, the decision to delay the OR
99W and OR 217 project development process was probably not
prudent. I intend to discuss our schedules and the status of these
projects as we progress through the Six-Year TIP update process.
Neil Goldschmidt
March 19, 1993
Page 3
I am concerned that the data you furnished does not show real
improvements to OR 99W capacity or life with your proposal.
Operational improvements and a long-term solution to 99W were the
premises behind Don Adams continuing to look at the proposal. Your
proposal does not appear to eliminate the need to widen OR 99W.
The installation of a median barrier between OR 217 and Hall
Boulevard, and improved signage will not be advanced at this time.
The status of this project has not changed since our letter of October
2, 1992 to Mayor Edwards. I can understand that the loss of this
access would be a major reason for the new access off the southbound
OR 217 on-ramp roadway. Access to and from Garden Place will be
unchanged (no median) for now. There has been a long history of
accidents at this location. If accident frequency and severity increase,
we will have to revisit this issue.
We still intend to proceed with the widening of Hall Boulevard on both
approaches to OR 99W to provide additional turn lanes and signal
modifications, and it is progressing in our current Six-Year TIP update.
A project prospectus has been prepared. Hopefully, this project would
eliminate cut-through traffic avoiding the Hall Boulevard Intersection
and improve the operations at Garden Place.
In closing, we have learned a great deal from your efforts to solve the
City's pressing local circulation problems. I would encourage you to
continue working with the City of Tigard. If the new east/west street
across OR 217 connecting the Tigard Triangle with downtown solves
local circulation problems and is feasible, it should be advanced in the
transportation element of their comprehensive plan and to implementa-
tion. Allowing Garden Place open for full directional access would not
be possible if OR 99W were widened to six lanes due to intersection
and signal spacing. However, if it connects to a through road system,
a right in/out could be maintained, and/or other mitigation measures
Neil Goldschmidt
March 19, 1993
Page 4
I hope this letter addresses your concerns about restrictions of access
at Garden Place and will allow us to work toward a total integrated
system including all parties at this major cross-roads. My staff and I
are willing to meet with you and your clients again if you have any
questions or concerns.
Bruce Warner
Region Manager
cc: Ernie Munch Rick Gervais, Spieker Partners
Walt Mulvey Michal Wert
Don Adams Dennis Mitchell )
Bill Ciz
� n
August 4, 1992 DEPARTMENT OF
The Honorable Gerald R. Edwards H1cHIA'AY DIVISION
Mayor Region 1
City of Tigard FILE CODE:
P.O. Box 23397
Tigard, Oregon 97223 C034-1804
On August 11, 1992,the Tigard City Council will receive a recommendation from the Tigard
99W Task Force for interim improvements to Highway 99W and Hall Boulevard. We
appreciated the opportunity to work with the Task Force and generally support the
recommendations of the group. However, part of this package includes a proposal to provide
access to Park 217 from the southbound on-ramp to Highway 217 from Highway 99W. This
proposed access is against ODOT policy and will not be approved by ODOT.
Highway 217 is a fully access-controlled facility where egress and ingress is controlled by
one-way ramp interchanges. The sole purpose of these ramps is access to and from the
mainline of Highway 217. ODOT's policy is that no access to city streets, county roads, or
private development will be allowed off of interchange access ramps. This policy is
recognized throughout the state to preserve the integrity of the state highway system. The
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)recognizes
this standard as vital to reduce conflicts and to maintain safe and efficient freeway
operations. This long-time policy is strengthened with renewed emphasis on protecting the
highway infrastructure through access control measures. Therefore, no design solution
utilizing an interchange ramp for access to public or private development will be acceptable
to ODOT.
In a June 24, 1992 report prepared by Ernest R. Munch, there are examples of several other
interchange locations around the Portland metropolitan area that allow freeway access from
a parallel city street. In every case,these are mitigating measures included as part of a major
freeway project to maintain the local circulation of existing city streets while also providing
new freeway access to serve a large geographical area. These examples differ from Mr.
Munch's proposal in that this is a proposal to serve a local property owner and is not
necessary as mitigation for a major ODOT project.
9002 SE McLoughlin
Milivaukie, OR 97222
(503) 653-3090
4-1850(Rev.3-91) FAX (503) 653-3267
The Honorable Gerald R. Edwards
August 5, 1992
Page 2
Based on Mr. Munch's examples, ODOT is being asked to compromise the safety and
integrity of Highway 217 so that a private development will have better access. Good access
is already provided to the property from Hall Blvd. ODOT's responsibility is to provide a
statewide system of transportation to serve the public at large, not to improve access to
private developments where they feel their access is inadequate. ODOT cannot compromise
the safety and integrity of Highway 217 to provide this individual access.
Concern has been expressed that ODOT has not provided alternatives to this proposal. The
Tigard 99W Task Force has discussed allowing U-turns at Highway 99W and Hall Boulevard
and improving the signing to Park 217 if a raised median is constructed to improve the safety
on Highway 99W. ODOT is open to both of these alternatives as part of a package for
interim improvements to Highway 99W. The City of Tigard staff report recommendations
to the 99W Task Force and ODOT's design represent a good workable solution for interim
improvements to Highway 99W. That solution includes widening of Hall Boulevard at
Highway 99W to include additional turning lanes onto Highway 99W and a raised median
on Highway 99W between Highway 217 and Hall Boulevard.
My staff has worked with Tigard City staff and the Tigard 99W Task Force for over a year
now. Our participation is to provide technical support and information based on ODOT
policies and good engineering practices. We are committed to continue our involvement with
the task force, but our commitment is equally strong to not create future problems where they
do not exist today and not to preclude future operations and improvements to Hwy 217.
blind cc: Michael Hollern
Donald R. A ms, P.E.
Bob Gettis
Region 1 Engineer
Dennis Mitchell
Dave Williams
Ted Spence
Robin Mc,Vthur-Phillips
TK:po:afm Ron Failmezger
cc: Don Forbes Bill Anhorn Mike Wert
Ted Keasey Bili Ciz Randy Wooley
Ed Murphy Ernest Munch
Steve Clark, Chair-Tigard 99W TASK Force
Rick Gervais, Spreker Parthers
Glen Groden, President, Smiths Home Furnishings
Walt Mulvy, Chief Operating Office, Smiths Home Furnishings