09/16/1993 - Minutes 99W TASK FORCE MINUTES
Thursday, September 16, 1993
1. Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.
Clark, Carver, Hawley, Holland, Moore, Schweitz
Also Present:
Senior Planner, Carol Landsman
Ernest R. Munch, Urban Planner
Moore moved and Clark seconded to approve minutes dated April 15, 1993,
as amended. Motion carried unanimously by the Task Force.
4. 99W STUDY
Senior Planner, Carol Landsman, reviewed the proposed 99W Scope of Work that
the City of Tigard and ODOT staff have been working on. ODOT proposes to contribute
$20,000 and the City would contribute $18,000 - $20,000. The study would be managed
by a team consisting of 2 representatives from ODOT, 2 from the 99W Task Force, City
Engineer, Randy Wooley, and a Metro representative. Carol would like the Task Force
to recommend this project and proposed funding to the City Council. Carol handed out
an Intergovernmental Agreement to be approved with the Scope of Work.
Schweitz asked if Tri-Met would be included in this study and Carol replied that no,
It would not, because due to limited funding, this study will only address traffic operations.
Clark suggested that the Task Force discuss the options for consideration
regarding the Scope of Work.
Ernest Munch asked if the study will address SW Hall Blvd and 99W and Carol
responded that she is unable to say what portion of 99W the study will cover. Due to
limited funding It will not cover the entire road but will look at the areas of conflict which
will be Identified by the consultant. Discussion ensued.
Clark questioned the last paragraph on page 1 of the Draft of the Scope of Work
and asked the meaning of the word "justified" and what Is an established ODOT
procedure? Carol explained this language was used so that the study Is unbiased and
ODOT can feel protected.
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Clark wanted to discuss third bullet item from the bottom on page 2 of the Draft
regarding making presentations to the general public. Discussion followed on getting the
word out to the general public. Clark said some of the ideas for involving the community
would be to use the CIT format, prepare flyers to be circulated along Pacific Highway,
and disseminate information through service organizations, the school district, board
meetings and Chamber of Commerce.
Lengthy discussion followed on the Western Bypass, traffic on 99W, and the
Incremental Improvements that will be undertaken on 99W which will hopefully lay the
groundwork for a working relationship between ODOT and Tigard in the future.
Carol said that the consultant will give us a technical, unbiased report, with their
recommendations, which will remain intact. If the Task Force, ODOT or anyone else does
disagrees with the recommendations they will be able to state their reasons.
Clark moved and Carver seconded to approve 99W Scope of Work for
recommendation to the City Council. Motion carried unanimously by Task Force
members present.
Moore moved and Holland seconded to recommend to City Council for their
approval of Intergovernmental Agreement Tigard/Hwy 99W Transportation System
and Access Management Plan, in concept, with proposed funding not to exceed
$40,000. Motion carried unanimously by Task Force members present.
Moore asked what staff is looking for in the 2 members of the 99W Task Force
who will be on the management team. Carol replied that she would like to see someone
who represents the business community and someone who represents the community
at large. Mr. Munch recommended Jim Eddy of Spieker Partners and Moore
recommended Bob Deuth. Discussion followed.
Clark read a letter dated September 15, 1993, from Jim Eddy expressing his
support to the 99W Task Force.
Meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM.
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