Report (12) RECEIVED APR 2 4 2017 ' CITY OF TIGARD BUILDING DIVISION SPECIFICATIONS FOR ' HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ABATEMENT For Fowler Middle School I Produced For: Day CPM Services Tigard-Tualatin Public School District I C0 5--9E, b(4e ' OFFICE COPY 1 KELSAY Environmental Consulting ' 833 SE Main St—Suite 410 Portland, Oregon 97214 April 2017 1 Tigard-Tualatin School District Hazardous Materials Removal Specifications g P ' TABLE OF CONTENTS Tigard-Tualatin School District 6960 SW Sandburg St Tigard, OR 97223 DRAWINGS ASB-101 AIR MONIORING REQUIREMENTS (Section 0145 00) ' PART I—GENERAL—ASBESTOS 1.1 Air Monitoring by Contractor ' 1.2 Air Monitoring by Owner 1.3 Quality Assurance ' PART II—GENERAL—MERCURY 2.1 Air Monitoring by Contractor 2.2 Air Monitoring by Owner 1 2.3 Quality Assurance ' PART III— PRODUCTS(Not Used) PART IV—EXECUTIONS(Not Used) ASBESTOS ABATEMENT(Section 02 82 13.01) PART I—GENERAL 1.1 Description of Requirements ' 1.2 Related Project Work by Others—Owner's Consultant 1.3 Abatement Scope of Work 1.4 Guidance Documents Included by Reference ' 1.5 Contractor Submittals and Project Notices 1.6 Required Air Monitoring By Contractor 1.7 Clearance Air Sampling 1.8 Personnel Protection and Site Security 1.9 Project Quality Assurance 1.10 Liability 1.11 Project Protection 1.12 Project Work Stoppage 1 Page 1 of 3 Kelsay Environmental Tigard-Tualatin School District Hazardous Materials Removal Specifications PART II— INDUSTRY SPECIFIC 2.1 Tools and Equipment I PART III— PROJECT-RELATED WORK AND EXECUTION 3.1 Work Area Preparation ' 3.2 Removal of Asbestos-Containing Materials in Full Containment 3.3 Removal of Asbestos-Containing Materials in Non-Isolated Containment 3.4 Cut and Wrap Method For Removal of Pipes 3.5 Cleanup of Asbestos-Containing Materials in Full Isolation Work Areas 3.6 Re-establishment of Objects and Systems 3.7 Disposal Requirements APPENDIX-A LEAD RRP/LEAD COATED SURFACES (Section 02 82 13.02) PART 1 GENERAL ' 1.1 Scope 1.2 Industry Standards 1.3 Definitions 1.4 Submittals 1.5 Lead Exposure Monitoring Requirements 1.6 Quality Control 1.7 Personal Protection 1.8 Liability 1.9 Protection 1.10 Subcontractors PART 2 PRODUCTS—NOT USED PART 3 EXECUTION ' 3.1 Full Containment Establishment 3.2 Partial Containment Establishment 3.3 Disposal APPENDIX-B REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYL (PCB) LIGHT BALLASTS, MERCURY VAPOR TUBES,AND MERCURY-CONTAINING TARTAN FLOORING (Section 02 82 13.03) PART I—GENERAL 1.1 Scope 1.2 Definitions 1.3 Industry Standards 1.4 Submittals 1.5 Worker Protection 1.6 Liability 1.7 Quality Assurance Page 2 of 3 Kelsay Environmental Tigard-Tualatin School District Hazardous Materials Removal Specifications PART II—PRODUCTS PART III—EXECUTION 3.1 Preparation of Work Area 3.2 Removal of PCBs and Mercury Vapor Tubes ' PART IV—MERCURY-CONTAINING FLOORING SECTION 4.1 Guidance Documents Included by Reference 4.2 Contractor Submittals and Project Notices ' 4.3 Required Contractor Air Monitoring 4.4 Clearance Air Sampling 4.5 Personal Protection and Site Security 4.6 Project Quality Assurance ' 4.7 Liability 4.8 Project Protection 4.9 Project Work Stoppage ' PART V—INDUSTRY SPECIFIC 5.1 Tools and Equipment ' PART VI—PROJECT RELATED WORK AND EXECUTION 6.1 Work Area Preparation—Full Isolation Containment for Mercury-Containing Hazardous Materials Work 6.2 Removal of Mercury-Containing Materials in Full Containment ' 6.3 Cleanup of Mercury-Containing Materials in Full Isolation Work Areas 6.4 Re-establishment of Objects and Systems 6.5 Disposal Requirements 1 1 I 1 I t Page 3 of 3 Kelsay Environmental Fowler Middle School Renovation Section 0145 00 ' SECTION 01 45 00-AIR MONITORING REQUIREMENTS PART 1 —GENERAL-ASBESTOS 1.1 AIR MONITORING BY CONTRACTOR ' A. An Independent Testing Laboratory shall be retained by the Contractor. All air-monitoring analysis shall be performed by an Industrial Hygienist. The Hygienist must be experienced and trained in asbestos sampling and analysis. At a minimum, documentation of prior asbestos sampling and analysis experience, plus satisfactory completion of the NIOSH 582 ' course or equivalent formal asbestos education, will be required. The laboratory must meet the requirements specified in Section 02 82 13. Air sample collection may be performed by an Industrial Hygienist or the Contractor's foreman at the Contractor's option. B. Documentation shall be kept for each filter sample procured as to worker sampled, work area location, date and time taken, volume of air drawn through filter, pump identification number ' and calibration. Documentation shall indicate in what areas tests were taken and shall clearly indicate the specified maximum allowable fiber levels for each area tested. Report all data on copies of"Asbestos Air Sampling Data Form" bound in these Specifications or similar form. Fill in all information on every form. Submit chain-of-custody records along with all samples. ' C. The samples shall be collected on 25 mm filters and analyzed within 24 hours using the membrane filter method at 400-500x magnification with phase contrast illumination - NIOSH ' Analytical Method No. 7400 - for laboratory and field analysis. The analyst shall sign and submit permanent records of all samples analyzed directly to the Environmental Consultant. The Independent Testing Laboratory shall seal the unused portion of all filters in airtight containers so that individual samples can be reanalyzed at a later date if necessary. The U containers shall be clearly labeled with Project Name and Sample Number and shall become property of the Owner at work completion at the Owner's request. ' D. The Contractor's testing laboratory shall submit sample analysis results to the Environmental Consultant verbally within 18 hours from the time of collection and written within two weeks including chain-of-custody and equipment calibration records. ' E. Contractor's Sampling During Abatement: 1. Air monitoring shall be performed to provide samples during the period of asbestos abatement in each work area. Begin sampling when asbestos removal commences. Samples are to be taken where Class I or II work is being conducted during each 8- hour work shift until abatement is complete in that work area or until a negative U 2. exposure assessment is established per 29 CFR 1926.1101. The Contractor shall determine which worker(s) in each work area is probably experiencing the most severe exposure. This is the"Most Contaminated Worker(s)". ' 8-hour TWA and 30-minute excursion samples shall be collected on this worker(s). This worker shall wear a personal sampling pump and the sample shall be drawn from the breathing zone of this worker. All other samples are area samples. 1 3. The number of air samples collected shall be determined by the Contractor, and may be altered during the project based on work activity and results. 4. The maximum allowable fiber levels shall be as determined by the ' Environmental Consultant based on the respiratory protection being utilized. F. Contractor shall notify the Department of Environmental Quality of air monitoring clearance APRIL 2017 01 45 00-1 TIGARD-TUALATIN SCHOOL DISTRICT Fowler Middle School Renovation Section 0145 00 I results as supplied by Environmental Consultant. Notification shall be within 30 days after I monitoring procedures were performed in accordance to OAR 340-32-465. 1.2 AIR MONITORING BY OWNER A. The Owner will retain an experienced Industrial Hygienist/Environmental Consultant to collect and analyze asbestos air samples. Documentation of sample results will be forwarded to the Contractor as appropriate to regulatory requirements. I B. Samples analyzed by phase contrast microscopy will use NIOSH Analytical Method No. 7400. Samples analyzed by transmission electron microscopy will use either I the AHERA methodology, 40 CFR Part 763, or Yamate Level Two. C. Owner's Air Sampling During and After Abatement: I 1. Air Sampling Table is to be used as a guide. The Owner's Industrial Hygienist/ Environmental Consultant may modify criteria. Modifications to the Maximum I Allowable Fiber Count shall be made in writing by the Owner. 2. Air sampling for post-abatement work in isolated work areas will use the aggressive sampling method. Use of aggressive sampling in other areas shall bead directed by the Environmental Consultant. Aggressive sampling shall be conducted I to assure that fibers remain airborne during sample collection. 3. Analysis of clearance samples shall be via phase contrast microscopy (PCM)or transmission electron microscopy (TEM) at the discretion of the Owner and the I Environmental Consultant. 4. The Owner reserves the right to monitor Contractor's performance via air samples on abatement workers and in the work area in addition to the I Contractor's air monitoring. Asbestos Air Monitoring Guidance Table I �I Sample i e '� tApproximatew :'- of (l iter r i ' r . fa n ate A Iii--:',, Fib (�i� ' qr�i F( rpt 5 Inf"cud ., 1-"'-w, ��1� u r ���li q� a g bell/ ��. �II 7 r 4 HEPA Fan or 0 to 1 2- 10 LPM 400-2000 L 0.01 fibers/cc Exhaust Outside Work 0 to 5 2- 10 LPM 400-2000 L 0.01 fibers/cc I Area PCM Clearance 5 2- 10 LPM 400-3000 L 0.01 fibers/cc TEM Clearance 5 2- 10 LPM 1200-1800 L <70 s/mm2 I 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE I A. If, at any time during the work, analysis of an air sample taken by the Contractor, Owner, or Owner's representative, indicates a fiber analyzed count in excess the air sample shall of the allowable I maximums specified, the Industrial Hygienist who immediately notify: APRIL 2017 01 45 00-2 I TIGARD-TUALATIN SCHOOL DISTRICT Fowler Middle School Renovation Section 0145 00 1. The Contractor's Foreman 2. The Environmental Consultant: ' Kelsay Environmental 503-705-0514 3. Owner's Asbestos Project Manager 4. Other workers, employees, occupants, etc. in affected area(s). B. Immediately upon being notified of fiber count exceeding the specified maximum allowable levels, the Contractor shall perform the following steps in the order presented, at no additional cost to the Owner: ' 1. Stop abatement work. 2. Identify source of high fiber counts. 3. Immediately correct any containment breaches, pressure differential changes, or other potential cause, and other concerns with the Environmental Consultant, and the Owner ' if the Owner is available. The Environmental Consultant will determine the affected area and affected adjacent areas considered to be contaminated. The Environmental Consultant will determine the actions to be taken by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. a. Clean the affected area and the affected adjacent areas. Cleaning ' b. shall use wet methods and HEPA vacuuming. Resample air until fiber counts are determined to be below one half of the specified maximum levels. c. Secure and repair containment barriers, repair or add equipment. ' d. Modify work procedures, and make other changes determined to be the possible cause of high fiber counts. ' 4. Complete every part of the "Fiber Count Above Control Limit Data Form" bound into these Specifications. 5. Carefully resume work under close air monitoring. 6. The Contractor shall be responsible for costs of any testing, cleanup, repair, down time loss, etc. that is a result of the Contractor's negligence, poor maintenance of isolated areas or improper procedures. PART 2—GENERAL—MERCURY ' 2.1 AIR MONITORING BY CONTRACTOR ' A. An Independent Testing Laboratory shall be retained by the Contractor. All air-monitoring analysis shall be performed by an Industrial Hygienist. The Hygienist must be experienced and trained in general air sampling methods for regulated hazardous materials. The ' laboratory must meet the requirements specified in Section 02 82 13. Air sample collection may be performed by an Industrial Hygienist or the Contractor's foreman at the Contractor's option. ' B. Documentation shall be kept for each sample procured as to worker sampled, work area location, date and time taken, volume of air drawn through filter, pump identification number and calibration. Documentation shall indicate in what areas tests were taken and shall clearly ' APRIL 2017 01 45 00-3 TIGARD-TUALATIN SCHOOL DISTRICT 1 Fowler Middle School Renovation Section 0145 00 indicate the specified maximum allowable airborne concentration levels of mercury vapor/particulate for each area tested. Report all data on copies of "Mercury Air Sampling Data Form" bound in these Specifications or similar form. Fill in all information on every form. Submit chain-of-custody records along with all samples. B. Samples shall be collected to measure mercury vapor in air. The samples shall be collected on mercury vapor sorbent detector tubes and a calibrated personal sampling pump. A direct- read mercury monitor may also be used in instances where direct-read information is more desirable to the consultant. The samples shall be sent to an independent Environmental Laboratory and analyzed using NIOSH Analytical Method No. 6009 C. Samples shall be collected to measure mercury dust in air. The samples shall be collected on 37mm mixed cellulose ester filters with a 0.8-pm pore size and using a calibrated personal sampling pump. A direct-read mercury monitor may also be used in instances where direct- read information is more desirable to the consultant. The samples shall be sent to an independent Environmental Laboratory and analyzed using NIOSH Analytical Method No. 6009. D. The Contractor's testing laboratory shall submit sample analysis results to the Environmental Consultant verbally within 18 hours from the time of collection and written within two weeks including chain-of-custody and equipment calibration records. E. Contractor's Sampling During Abatement: 1. Air monitoring shall be performed to provide samples during the period of Tartan flooring abatement in each work area. Begin sampling when flooring removal commences. Samples are to be taken where Tartan flooring abatement work is being conducted during each 8-hour work shift until abatement is complete in that work area or until a negative exposure assessment is established per 29 CFR 1926. 9 2. The Contractor shall determine which worker(s) in each work area is probably experiencing the most severe exposure. This is the"Most Contaminated Worker(s)". 8-hour TWA and 30-minute excursion samples shall be collected on this worker(s). This worker shall wear a personal sampling pump and the sample shall be drawn from the breathing zone of this worker. All other samples are area samples. 3. The number of air samples collected shall be determined by the Contractor, and may be altered during the project based on work activity and results. 4. The maximum allowable concentrations shall be as determined by the Environmental Consultant based on the respiratory protection being utilized. 2.2 AIR MONITORING BY OWNER A. The Owner will retain an experienced Industrial Hygienist/Environmental Consultant to collect and analyze air samples. Documentation of sample results will be forwarded to the Contractor as appropriate to regulatory requirements. B. Owner's Air Sampling During and After Abatement: 1. Mercury Monitoring Guidance Table is to be used as a guide. The Owner's Industrial Hygienist/Environmental Consultant may modify criteria. 2. Air sampling for post-abatement work in isolated work areas will use the aggressive sampling method. Use of aggressive sampling in other areas shall be as directed by the Environmental Consultant. Aggressive sampling shall be conducted to assure that dust remain airborne during sample collection. APRIL 2017 01 45 00-4 TIGARD-TUALATIN SCHOOL DISTRICT I IFowler Middle School Renovation Section 0145 00 I 3. Analysis of clearance samples shall be via NIOSH Analytical Method No. 6009, as performed by an independent environmental laboratory. 4. The Owner reserves the right to monitor Contractor's performance via air samples on abatement workers and in the work area in addition to the IContractor's air monitoring. IMercury Monitoring Guidance Table Ty,® )e - Approximate lti *WO* � .hs n ' I a, ,,..,,,L,--- � a t'e — i � t��� Netary, 1 " _ v Sa. T , it ,fixate _ cent ate 9 I Particulate Hg 0 to 5 2 LPM >10 L 3 ug/m3 1 Vapor Hg (for 0 to 5 0.15-0.25 LPM 2-100 L 3 ug/m3 1 School Clearance) I Hg Wipe (for 3 NA 1 ft2 NA 1 School Clearance) Hg Particulate or 0 to 5 2 LPM >10 L 25 ug/m3* 1 I Vapor(Worker Exposure) *This is the ACGIH Threshold Limit Value and is more stringent than the OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit Iand was chosen to provide the greatest level of safety for workers and the School District. 1 2.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. If, at any time during the work, analysis of an air sample taken by the Contractor, I Owner, or Owner's representative, indicates air concentrations in excess of the allowable maximums specified, the Industrial Hygienist shall immediately notify: I 1. The Contractor's Foreman 2. The Environmental Consultant: Kelsay Environmental 503-705-0514 3. Owner's Project Manager 4. Other workers, employees, occupants, etc. in affected area(s). IB. Immediately upon being notified of air concentrations exceeding the specified maximum allowable levels, the Contractor shall perform the following steps in the order Ipresented, at no additional cost to the Owner: 1. Stop abatement work. I 2. Identify source of high air concentrations. 3. Immediately correct any containment breaches, pressure differential changes, or other potential cause, and other concerns with the Environmental Consultant, and the Owner if the Owner is available. The Environmental Consultant will determine the affected area I and affected adjacent areas considered to be contaminated. The Environmental Consultant will determine the actions to be taken by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. IAPRIL 2017 01 45 00-5 TIGARD-TUALATIN SCHOOL DISTRICT Fowler Middle School Renovation Section 0145 00 a. Clean the affected area and the affected adjacent areas. Cleaning ' shall use wet methods and NEPA vacuuming. b. Resample air until concentrations are determined to be below one half of the specified maximum levels. c. Secure and repair containment barriers, repair or add equipment. d. Modify work procedures, and make other changes determined to be the possible cause of high concentrations. ' 4. Carefully resume work under close air monitoring. 5. The Contractor shall be responsible for costs of any testing, cleanup, repair, down time loss, etc. that is a result of the Contractor's negligence, poor maintenance of isolated areas or improper procedures. PART 3- PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 4- EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION 01 45 00 14-122 01 45 00-4 TIGARD-TUALATIN SCHOOL DISTRICT 1 1 APRIL 2017 01 45 00-6 TIGARD-TUALATIN SCHOOL DISTRICT Fowler Middle School Renovation Section 02 8213.01 ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ' PART I GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENTS ' A. The work under this Project Specification consists of asbestos abatement and related procedures to accommodate structural upgrades and general renovations to Fowler Middle School. The Contractor (Asbestos Abatement Contractor) is responsible for providing all material, labor and equipment necessary ' to accomplish the work. B. The Contractor is to perform all planning, administrative, execution, and cleaning requirements necessary to ' safely remove the Asbestos-Containing Materials (ACMs)and asbestos-contaminated materials as indicated in these Project Specifications, exercising care, taking safety precautions, and implementing protective measures, as necessary to prevent damage to the owner's property. ' C. The contract sum shall not be affected by changes due to increases in equipment, transportation, training, labor and material costs, disposal costs and fees, or other similar events. ' D. The Contractor is responsible for verifying and identifying all locations of abatement, types of materials, and ACM quantities to be removed at the facility prior to the commencement of any work. ' 1.2 RELATED WORK BY OTHERS—OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE A. The owner has retained a representative to perform the following tasks: ' 1. Observe the work procedures of the Contractor and the Contractor's compliance with all Federal, state, and local regulations and the Project Specifications. 2. Collect and analyze air samples. ' 3. Verify that all specified work is completed 1.3 ABATEMENT SCOPE OF WORK A. The asbestos abatement contractor shall provide all labor and materials to complete the following removal and disposal of asbestos-containing and products. Include pricing in base bid. Fowler Middle School Renovation BASE BID INCLUDES REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF THE FOLLOWING: A. Approximately 250 square feet of floor tile and associated mastic from the science office (23A); ' B. Approximately 875 square feet of floor tile and associated mastic from the front entryway; and C. Approximately 80 square feet of asbestos cement counter top and back splash from the science office (23A). 1 I ' APRIL 2017 02 82 13.01 TIGARD-TUALATIN SCHOOL DISTRICT Fowler Middle School Renovation Section 02 8213.01 Provide unit prices for the removal of additional asbestos-containing materials identified at the schools during the course of the renovation. Please be advised that these unit costs can be used as both an additive and a deductive to the base scope. Removal and disposal of hard fittings /EA Removal and disposal of Aircell pipe insulation /LF Removal and disposal of mag-block pipe insulation /LF Removal and disposal of carpeting over vinyl asbestos floor tile* /SF Removal and disposal of asbestos-containing floor tile and non-asbestos mastic /SF Removal and disposal of asbestos-containing floor mastic and floor tile /SF Removal and disposal of asbestos-containing floor mastic and non-asbestos floor tile /SF Removal and disposal of asbestos plaster /SF Removal and disposal of plaster w/less than 1%or trace amounts of asbestos /SF , Removal and disposal of asbestos cement countertops /SF Removal and disposal of asbestos containing wall mastic /SF Removal and disposal of asbestos-containing fire-brick /SF ' Removal and disposal of drywall/joint compound trace amounts of asbestos* /SF Removal and disposal of asbestos-containing lay-in ceiling tiles /SF ' Removal and disposal of fire doors lEA Removal and disposal of glued-on ceiling tile dots /SF Removal and disposal of asbestos built up roofing /SF , Disposal of asbestos built up roofing /SF Removal and disposal/recycling of fluorescent light tubes /EA Removal and disposal PCB-containing light ballasts /EA Re-mobilization /EA Asbestos abatement worker /HR (Includes tools,equipment and materials) Asbestos abatement supervisor /HR (Includes tools, equipment and materials) *Waste to be disposed of normal waste stream APRIL 2017 02 82 13.01 ' TIGARD-TUALATIN SCHOOL DISTRICT Fowler Middle School Renovation Section 02 8213.01 1 ' 1.4 GUIDANCE DOCUMENTS INCLUDED BY REFERENCE A. The current issue of each of the following documents shall govern. Where conflict among requirements or with these Project Specifications exists, the most stringent requirements shall apply. ' 1. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPS). (Code of Federal Regulations Title 40, Part 61, Subparts A and B). 2. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Toxic Substances Guidance Document, "Guidance for Controlling Friable Asbestos-Containing Materials in Buildings." EPA Report Number 560/5-85-024 ("Purple Book"). ' 3. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency"Asbestos-Containing Materials in Schools Final Rule 40 CFR Part 763. 4. U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): ' a. Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations Section 1910.1001—General Industry Standard for Asbestos. b. Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations Section 1910.134—General Industry ' Standard for Respiratory Protection. c. Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations Section 1910 et al.—Occupational Exposure to Asbestos; Final Rule. ' d. Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations 1926.1101—Construction Standard for Asbestos. e. Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations Section 1910.2—Access to Employee Exposure and Medical records. f. Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations Section 1910.1200—Hazard Communication. 5. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), 30 CFR, Part 11 and 40 CFR Part 84, Respirators. 6. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) NY;ANSI Standard Z 88.2-1980. "American National Standards Practice for Respiratory Protection", latest edition. ' 7. Oregon Administrative Rule Chapter 340, Division 32, Department of Environmental Quality; Chapter 340, Division 33, Licensing and Certification Requirements. 8. Oregon Administrative Rules Chapter 437, Divisions 2 and 3. 9. Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS), Chapter 279, Certified Asbestos Contractors and Prevailing Wage; 656,Workers Compensation; and 701, Construction Contractors Board Registration. 10. International Construction Code (I.C.C), latest edition, regulations as applicable. ' 11. All related electrical work shall be performed in accordance with the National Electrical Code. 12. All local ordinances, regulations, or rules pertaining to asbestos, including its storage, transportation, and disposal. 1.5 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS AND PROJECT NOTICES A. Contractor shall provide three copies of the following submittals to the Owner's Representative. B. Contractor shall submit to the Owner's Representative the following information prior to the Commencement of work: ' APRIL 2017 02 82 13.01 TIGARD-TUALATIN SCHOOL DISTRICT Fowler Middle School Renovation Section 02 8213.01 1. Contractor's License—Submit proof that the Contractor is currently and for the duration of the project is licensed in the State of Oregon to perform asbestos abatement, per Oregon Revised Statues (ORS) Chapter 701, and Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR)Chapter 340, Division 32. 2. Asbestos Supervisor—Submit the name and resume and experience of the assigned on- site foreman. The foreman shall have successfully completed the Department of Environmental Quality(DEQ)Asbestos Supervisor course as approved by the State of Oregon. Other criteria such as references and similar projects will also be reviewed. The Owner and the Owner's Representative reserves the right to remove the foreman from the project at any time during the duration of the project. The Contractor shall then assign another on-site supervisor who meets the above mention requirements prior to the re- commencement of any further work activity. 3. Insurance Certificate—Submit proof of insurance coverage including general comprehensive liability, asbestos liability, worker's compensation, and employer's liability. Asbestos specific insurance shall be of the"Occurrence"type in amounts of not less than $2,000,000.00 per occurrence. 4. Worker Certification—Submit written proof indicating that all employees impacting asbestos-containing materials are Oregon State-certified asbestos workers. Provide photo copies for each employee. 5. Emergency Plans—Submit written emergency control and cleanup plans to be followed by the Contractor in the event of an accidental breach in containment, power failure, and accidental disturbance of ACMs in non-isolated areas. Please refer to the Project Quality Assurance Section for more information. 6. Notification—Contractor shall Submit a copy of any changes to the written notification to the DEQ of the proposed asbestos work not fewer than (10) days before work is scheduled to commence for this project. If district supplies the ASN-1, provide any updates or changes to the ASN-1 to the district with 3 working days of changes. 7. Confined Space Entry Plan—Submit procedures for performing work in confined areas (e.g. Attic spaces, above drop ceilings, basements, etc.) including a description and plan showing primary access points, material removal routes, newly created access locations and worker protection. The approved plan shall be posted in the Contractor's equipment area. All abatement workers entering confined areas shall review the approved plan. 8. Work Plan—Submit a written work plan for review by the Owner's Representative describing the schedule for asbestos abatement, decontamination procedures, and plans for construction and location of the decontamination enclosure systems, pressure differential exhaust fans, etc., including calculations for determining the required number of negative-air filtration units. The plan shall include the systematic flow of work throughout the facility, per the Project Specifications, outlining area-by-area procedures and planned alternative control measures. The Contractor shall keep close coordination of his work with the Project Manager and the Owner's Representative. 9. Product Information—Submit complete product information for any materials and products for which the Contractor requests approval for use on this project. 10. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)—Submit copies of all MSDS's for chemicals for which the Contractor requests approval for use on this project. 11. Emergency Phone Number—Submit a local phone number at which the Contractor or on- site foreman can be reached on a twenty-four-hour basis during the course of the project. APRIL 2017 02 82 13.01 TIGARD-TUALATIN SCHOOL DISTRICT Fowler Middle School Renovation Section 02 8213.01 ' 12. Contractors Testing Laboratory—Submit name, address, phone number and contact for testing laboratory proposed for this project. ' 13. Submit a schedule of work indicating start and completion dates for each school. C. Contractor shall not begin work until submittals are reviewed and accepted by the Owner and the Owner's ' Representative. D. During the duration of the project, the Contractor shall submit to the Owner's Representative on a periodic basis the following: 1 1. Waste shipment and disposal documentation 2. Personal air monitoring data ' 3. Notification updates E. Contractor shall submit to the Owner's Representative in writing all information required above regarding any new asbestos workers hired by or subcontracted to the Contractor before the new asbestos abatement ' workers begin work. F. Prior to the removal of the decontamination systems and isolation barriers, the Contractor shall obtain specific written permission from the Owner's Representative. ' G. Contractor shall submit at the completion of the project a post-project submittal package that includes all up-to-date information, worker certifications, waste shipment records, personal air monitoring results, etc. H. Contractor shall complete all assigned work under the signed contract with the Owner. 1.6 REQUIRED CONTRACTOR AIR MONITORING A. Contractor's monitoring during abatement shall include: 1. Air monitoring shall be performed to provide samples during the period of asbestos abatement in ' each work area. Begin samples when asbestos removal begins. Samples are to be taken where Class I and Class II work is being performed during each 8-hour shift until abatement is complete in that work area or until a negative exposure assessment has been established per 29 CFR 1926.1101. 2. The Contractor shall determine which worker(s) in each work area is most likely experiencing the most severe exposure. This is the "Most Contaminated Worker(s)". An eight-hour Time Weighted Average (TWA) and 30-minute excursion samples shall be collected on these worker(s). The worker(s)shall wear a personal sampling pump and the sample shall be drawn from the breathing zone of the worker. 3. The number of air samples collected shall be determined by the Contractor and may be altered ' during the project based on work activity and air sampling results. 4. The maximum allowable fiber levels shall be based on the engineering controls and respiratory protection. 5. The Owner's Representative reserves the right to monitor the Contractor's performance performing air sampling on abatement workers and in the work area in addition to the Contractor's air monitoring. 1 1.7 CLEARANCE AIR SAMPLING A. Owner's Representative will perform clearance sampling in the following manner: APRIL 2017 02 82 13.01 TIGARD-TUALATIN SCHOOL DISTRICT Fowler Middle School Renovation Section 02 8213.01 1. Air sampling for post-abatement work in isolated and non-isolated work areas will use an aggressive or non-aggressive sampling method, whichever method is deemed more appropriate by the Owner's Representative. Aggressive sampling shall be conducted in accordance with DEQ and AHERA requirements to assure that fibers remain airborne during sampling collection. 2. Analysis of clearance samples shall be via Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM) or Transmission Electron Microscopy(TEM). The liter per minute average shall range between 1200 to 3000 liters and shall be determined by the Owner's Representative. 1.8 PERSONAL PROTECTION AND SITE SECURITY I A. Personnel Protective Equipment for Asbestos Removal Includes: 1. Work clothes shall consist of disposable full-body coveralls and head and foot covers ("Tyvek"or approved), boots, or sneakers. Eye, hearing,fall protection and hard hats should be available as appropriate. 2. At a minimum, respiratory protection shall be approved by National Institute for Occupational 1 Safety and Health (NIOSH), United States Department of Labor, and U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Centers for Disease Control, and be as listed below. Respiratory protection shall provide workers with a maximum calculated fiber level inside the mask of 0.01 fibers/cubic centimeter(f/cc). 3. As part of the Contractor's Respiratory Protection Program, all workers shall be provided with a selection of brands and sizes of respirators to choose from. At a minimum, all workers shall be qualitatively fit-tested at the time of respirator selection per OR-OSHA Worker's Compensation Department Rule 22-069 (4) (e) (5) (I), and semi-annually thereafter. Contractor shall supply replacement filter cartridges as required. Cartridges that have become wet or clogged shall be replaced immediately. 4. Each worker shall, upon entering the jobsite: Remove street clothes in the clean change room, put on and fit-test his respirator, put on clean protective clothing and sign in on the Worksite Entry Logbook before entering the equipment room or the work area. 5. Workers shall, each time they leave the work area: Remove gross contamination from clothing before leaving the work area; proceed to the equipment room and remove and dispose of disposable work clothes; remove and store shoes, boots and other equipment except respirators; still wearing the respirator, proceed to the showers; clean the outside of the respirator with soap and water while showering; remove the respirator; thoroughly shampoo and wash themselves; remove filters, dispose of filters in the container provided for the purpose; and wash and rinse inside of the respirator. 6. Workers shall not eat, drink or chew gum at the worksite except in a designated break room that is not situated closer than 20-feet from the decontamination enclosure system or work area. Smoking or using tobacco products is prohibited. 7. Workers shall be fully protected with respirators and protective clothing immediately prior to the first disturbance of asbestos-containing or contaminated material and until final cleanup is completed. B. Worker Decontamination Enclosure System: 1. A worker decontamination chamber shall be established for all Class I and Class II work performed in the building. The Contractor shall construct the personnel decontamination facility immediately outside of the isolated work area consisting of three chambers and two air locks as follows: ' APRIL 2017 02 82 13.01 TIGARD-TUALATIN SCHOOL DISTRICT IFowler Middle School Renovation Section 02 8213.01 Ia. The equipment room shall consist of an air lock to the shower room, and a curtained doorway to the work area. I b. The shower room shall have two air locks, one to the equipment room and one to the clean room. All showers shall have hot and cold controllable at the taps running waters and shall be installed in this room. The Contractor shall supply and maintain soap, shampoo and towels at all times in the shower area. Shower wastewater shall I be filtered to remove all fibers larger than 3 microns and as required by local regulations, before disposal in the municipal sewer system, or shall be collected and disposed of as asbestos-contaminated material. Water filters shall be disposed of ' as asbestos-contaminated material. c. The clean room shall consist of an air lock to the shower room and a curtained doorway to the adjacent building area. The clean room shall contain a first aid kit, I storage for workers' and visitors' clothing and shoes, a place to sit down, and the Worksite Entry Logbook. Work, respirator and decontamination procedures, regulations and Prevailing Wage Rates shall be conspicuously posted. I 2. The Contractor shall not begin asbestos abatement work unless this system is functional, in good repair, and has been found acceptable for specification compliance by the Owner's Representative. IC. Building Security and Protection shall be administered as follows: I1. The Contractor shall post adequate warning signs at all potential entrances to work areas as required by EPA and OSHA. 2. Contractor shall protect all existing fixed equipment, existing building finishes that are to be I remain, and existing systems and functions from damage during the abatement process. Extra precautions are to be taken in protecting existing electrical panels, light fixtures, etc. Any damage to the existing building, services, and/or equipment shall be remedied by the Contractor at his/her expense. I 3. Contractor shall clean external surfaces of contaminated containers and equipment thoroughly by wet sponging and HEPA vacuuming. I 1.9 PROJECT QUALITY ASSURANCE A. If at any time during the work, analysis of an air sample taken outside the work area by the Contractor or I the Owner's Representative indicates a fiber count in excess of the allowable maximum specified (0.01 f/cc for an area sample), the Contractor shall immediately notify the Owner's Representative. B. Immediately upon being notified of fiber counts exceeding the specified maximum allowable levels, the I Contractor shall perform the following steps in the order presented, at no additional cost to the owner: 1. Stop abatement work. I 2. 3. Identify source of high fiber counts. Immediately correct any containment breaches, pressure differential changes, or other potential cause, and other concerns with the Owner's Representative. The Owner's Representative will I determine the affected area and affected adjacent areas to be contained. The Owner's Representative will determine the actions to be taken by the Contractor at no additional cost the Owner. I a. Clean the affected area and the affected adjacent areas. Cleaning of the areas shall include the use of wet methods and HEPA vacuuming. b. Resample air until fiber counts are determined to be below 0.01 f/cc. IAPRIL 2017 02 82 13.01 TIGARD-TUALATIN SCHOOL DISTRICT I Fowler Middle School Renovation Section 02 8213.01 c. Secure and repair containment barriers, repair or add equipment. d. Modify work procedures, and make other changes determined to be the possible cause of the high fiber counts. 1.10 LIABILITY A. The Contractor is an independent contractor and not an employee of the Owner, Architect, or the Owner's I Representative. The Owner, Architect, and the Environmental Consultant shall have no liability to the Contractor or any third party for Contractor's failure to faithfully perform and follow the provisions of these Project Specifications and the requirements of the governing agencies. ' 1.11 PROJECT PROTECTION A. Damaged or deteriorating materials shall not be used and shall be removed from the premises by the Contractor. Materials that become contaminated with asbestos shall be disposed of in accordance with the applicable regulations by the Contractor. 1.12 PROJECT WORK STOPPAGE ' B. At any time during the work, the Owner and the Owner's Representative may stop the work if violations of the Project Specifications are observed or if the functioning of the Owner by the activities of the Contractor or his subcontractors is determined to be impaired. Work shall stop immediately upon verbal direction of the Owner or the Owner's Representative. Work may commence when the violations have been rectified or activities are altered and determined to be acceptable by the Owner or the Owner's Representative. PART II INDUSTRY SPECIFIC I 2.1 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 1. Water Sprayer—The water sprayer shall be an airless or other low-pressure sprayer for amended water application. 2. Air Purifying Equipment—Air purifying equipment shall consist of High-efficiency Particulate Air(HEPA) filtration systems. No air movement system or air equipment shall discharge asbestos fibers outside the work area. Each unit shall be capable of variable volume from a minimum of 500 CFM to at least 1700 CFM under load and shall have at least 2 stages of prefiltration ahead of the HEPA final filter. 3. Pressure Differential Monitoring Equipment—A combination sensing, alarm and recording device shall be in operation at all times during use of the HEPA air—purifying equipment. 4. Water Purification Equipment—Capable of removing all fibers longer than 3 microns in length or as required by local regulations from water used in abatement work and decontamination showers. 5. Vacuum Equipment—All vacuum equipment utilized in the work area shall be High-efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA)equipment, and suitable for wet/dry usage. 6. Scaffolding—Scaffolding, as required to accomplish the specified work, shall meet all applicable safety regulations. APRIL 2017 02 82 13.01 TIGARD-TUALATIN SCHOOL DISTRICT i IFowler Middle School Renovation Section 02 8213.01 I7. Transportation Equipment—Transportation equipment, as required, shall be suitable for loading, temporary storage, transit, and unloading of contaminated waste without exposure to persons or property. Equipment shall have a hard top, bottom and sides. If equipment is rented, notify rental agency in advance, in writing, I of intended use of equipment. 8. Electrical —Electrical tools, equipment and lighting shall meet all applicable codes and regulations. Ground I fault protection, as required by OSHA, shall be in effect at all times. Contractor shall take all additional precautions and measures necessary to ensure a safe working environment during wet removal. NOTE: All lighting fixtures, cords, etc., that are used for abatement purposes shall be kept off of the floor area and attached to the wall or ceiling. I 9. Glovebag—Glovebags shall be clean polyethylene bags seamless at the bottom with pre-printed asbestos warning labels, 6-mil plastic with attached TYVEK arms and latex gloves 10. Other Tools and Equipment— Provide other suitable tools for removal, enclosure, encapsulation, patching, I and disposal activities including but not limited to: hand-held scrapers, wire brushes, sponges, and rounded-edge shovels. IPART III PROJECT RELATED WORK AND EXECUTION I 3.1 WORK AREA PREPARATION— FULL ISOLATION CONTAINMENT FOR CLASS I AND CLASS II WORK IA. Contractor shall perform the following isolation procedures in the order in which they are presented. Any alternative control methods for Class I and Class II work shall be approved by the Owner's Representative I and performed in accordance with 29 CFR 1926.1101. Work under this classification includes but is not limited to the removal of asbestos-containing sheet flooring, textured ceiling materials, pipe insulation, ceiling tiles, and fireproofing. 1 1. Shut down, remove filters and isolate HVAC systems to prevent contamination and fiber dispersal. Coordinate with the owner and maintenance personnel prior to shutdown. I 2. Coordinate all electrical, safety and other service connections, requirements and equipment with appropriate individuals. Use a journeyman electrician at a minimum. It is the Contractor's responsibility to verify operation of systems that will be shut off during abatement. If any system is I found to be defective or not operating satisfactorily, the Contractor shall notify the Owner. 3. Install barriers as follows: Seal off openings, including but not limited to doorways, windows, and other penetrations of the work area, with solid critical barriers, except openings left for HEPA air- I purification system, which shall be properly NEPA—filtered. Solid critical barriers shall constructed from a minimum of 2"X 4" studs, and "A" plywood or drywall sealed airtight and covered on both sides with 2 layers of 6-mil polyethylene sheeting. Where doors exist, sealing may be done by closing the door, sealing with tape on both sides, then covering both sides with two layers of plastic sheeting. 4. Pre-clean moveable objects, such as furniture and equipment to be removed (and carpeting), within the proposed work areas using HEPA-filtered vacuum equipment and/or wet cleaning methods as I appropriate, and remove such objects from the work areas to a temporary location, or consolidate such objects away from removal work and enclose with critical barriers. 5. Pre-clean fixed objects within the proposed work area; using HEPA-filtered vacuum equipment I and/or wet cleaning methods as appropriate, and enclose with critical barriers. Equipment that must continue operating shall be enclosed and ventilated to avoid damage, if necessary. IAPRIL 2017 02 82 13.01 TIGARD-TUALATIN SCHOOL DISTRICT Fowler Middle School Renovation Section 02 8213.01 I 6. Set-up the worker decontamination enclosure system (decon). I 7. Install HEPA air-purifying equipment pressure differential fan system to ensure lower static pressure in the isolated work area than in surrounding areas, a flow of air through all parts of the I isolated work area towards the air-purifying equipment, and minimum air contamination levels at abatement worker breathing zones. Discharge from air-purifying equipment shall be ducted outside the building. Use one or more units of capacity as recommended by the manufacturer for the volume of the isolated work area, but in no case shall air flow be less than 6 air changes every 60 minutes with a minimum pressure differential of 0.02 inches of water gauge between the work area and the decontamination clean room. 8. Cover floor and wall surfaces with plastic sheeting sealed with duct tape. I 9. Maintain emergency and fire exits from the work areas, or establish alternative exits satisfactorily to the local building or fire department officials. Ensure that all exits remain unobstructed and well- marked. I 10. Adequate portable fire extinguishing equipment shall be maintained within the work area as defined by OSHA and/or the local fire department officials. I B. No Class I or Class II asbestos abatement work shall occur unless the work area isolation has been found acceptable for Project Specification compliance by the Owner's Representative. I C. Isolated work area enclosure system maintenance. The Contractor shall be responsible for daily documentation of the following: I 1. Prior to the first use and at the beginning of each shift during abatement work, the containment I shall be given a complete visual inspection by the Contractor's on-site supervisor and the Owner's Representative. This shall include inspection of the HEPA air-purification system and associated filters. A smoke tube test by the on-site supervisor shall then be made of the worker decontamination enclosure system and other critical areas to verify that the isolated area is under I negative air pressure. Work shall not begin until all defects have been repaired. 2. Periodic inspections shall be made as required during each shift to assure continued proper functioning of the containment and HEPA system. I 3.2 REMOVAL OF ASBESTOS-CONTAINING MATERIALS IN FULL CONTAINMENT A. Contractor shall remove all asbestos-containing materials as designated by the contract drawings using the following procedures. I 1. Contractor shall spray the asbestos material with amended water. The asbestos shall be sufficiently saturated to prevent emission of airborne fibers in excess of specified fiber levels. 2. Contractor shall remove asbestos materials while damp and pack in sealable plastic bags (6-mil minimum thickness). Move bags to bag load out facility or equipment room in the worker decontamination system. Wash outside surface and place inside a second plastic bag bearing DEQ warning label and name of waste generator and location from which waste was generated. 3. After completion of the stripping work, Contractor shall clean all surfaces from which asbestos has been removed by brushing and/or wet sponging or cleaning by an equivalent method to remove all APRIL 2017 02 82 13.01 1 TIGARD-TUALATIN SCHOOL DISTRICT Fowler Middle School Renovation Section 02 8213.01 visible material. During this work, continue the use of wet methods where possible. Avoid using wire brushes if damage will occur to substrate. ' 4. Contractor shall collect all water used in the removal and cleaning process and dispose of as contaminated waste or filter to remove all fibers more than three microns in length before disposal in the municipal sewer system, or as required by local regulations. Water filters shall be disposed of as asbestos-contaminated material. 3.3 REMOVAL OF ASBESTOS-CONTAINING MATERIALS IN NON-ISOLATED CONTAINMENT 1 A. Contractor shall apply spray coat of amended water to the material to be removed. Keep the material damp ' during the entire removal process. a. In the case of removal of non-asbestos carpeting over vinyl asbestos tile work shall be as follows. i. Removal shall be performed under negative isolation with critical barriers only. ii. Remove carpet with an emphasis on leaving remaining tile in place(minimal disturbance) iii. If at any time greater than 100 SF of floor tile have loosened or were removed from the substrate work shall stop and a full negative pressure isolation shall be created and all vinyl asbestos tile and mastic shall be removed. ' B. Glovebag work shall be as follows: All removal using the glovebag method shall be performed strictly according to regulations. Workers are not to smoke or wear hand or wrist jewelry while using glovebags. 1. Contractor shall coordinate the shutoff of all sources of heat to the objects to be worked on. NOTE: Do not work on objects above 150 degrees F. 2. Contractor shall install a port for the hose of the HEPA vacuum to create reduced pressure inside ' the glovebag. Installing of fresh air intake and/or bridging to prevent collapse of bag are acceptable. Reduced Pressure shall be maintained throughout entire abatement procedure. 3. During the removal phase, Contractor shall utilize amended water to reduce potential for airborne ' 4. fibers. After completion of insulation removal and cleaning, but prior to removal of glovebag, Contractor shall apply a single"tack" coat of penetrating encapsulant to the surface of the pipe and any remaining non-asbestos insulation, within the glovebag. 5. After the pipe has been sealed, the Contractor shall thoroughly wash the upper chamber of the glovebag and seal the contents of the bag in the lower chamber. ' 6. Contractor shall seal flap, utilize a HEPA vacuum, and remove all contaminated air in the upper chamber. 7. Contractor shall promptly double bag the glovebag after removal is complete, place into a sealed Icontainer and remove to the bag holding enclosure. 8. Contractor shall cover ends of remaining existing insulation with re-wettable lagging cloth. 3.4 CUT AND WRAP METHOD FOR REMOVAL OF PIPING WITH ASBESTOS-CONTAINING INSULATION ' A. The Contractor shall perform the following procedures in the order in which they are presented for removal of piping. Any alternative control methods for removal of pipes shall be approved by the Owner's Representative and performed in accordance with applicable regulations. APRIL 2017 02 82 13.01 TIGARD-TUALATIN SCHOOL DISTRICT Fowler Middle School Renovation Section 02 8213.01 1. Cover all objects within the work area including but not limited to furniture and equipment with a minimum of 4-mil plastic sheeting. 2. Restrict all entrances to work area to abatement personnel only. Use barrier tape and signage at a minimum to restrict access. Have a negative air machine available for use in case of accidental release or impact of asbestos-containing materials. 3. Install a minimum of one layer of 4-mil plastic sheeting to floors of work area. 4. Remove insulation in areas to be cut using glovebag method. 5. Wrap pipe to be removed with 6-mil plastic sheeting. 6. Cut pipe into sections. 7. Remove section and wrap with second layer of 6-mil plastic sheeting. 8. Clean all surfaces in the work area with water and/or with HEPA-filtered vacuum ' equipment. Remove all material and equipment from work area. All plastic sheeting shall be placed in sealed containers for disposa 3.5 CLEANUP OF ASBESTOS-CONTAINING MATERIALS IN FULL ISOLATION WORK AREAS A. At the conclusion of removal in the isolated work area, conduct cleanup in the sequence described below. Windows, doors, HVAC vents, etc., shall remain sealed and HEPA-filtered pressure differential fan systems shall remain in service. 1 1. Remove all of the material and equipment. Contractor shall remove visible accumulations of material and debris. Contractor shall include all sealed containers and equipment used in the work area in the cleanup and remove them from the work area, after decontamination of outer surfaces. 2. Clean the work area. Contractor shall clean all surfaces in the work area and any other contaminated areas with water and/or with HEPA-filtered vacuum equipment. Wet clean or clean with HEPA-filtered vacuum equipment all surfaces in the work area. After completion of the cleaning operation, perform a complete visual inspection of the work area to ensure that the work area is free of visible debris. 3. Final visual inspection. Prior to the application of the post-removal encapsulant, contact the Owner's Representative for a visual inspection of the work area. The work area shall be free of visible asbestos-containing debris. 4. Remove the first layer of plastic sheeting. 5. Perform a final detail cleaning of the work area and all the equipment. After the visual I inspection by the Owner's Representative, the Contractor shall apply the approved encapsulant to all surfaces in the work area. 6. The Owner's Representative shall perform the clearance air sampling. I 7. When the final inspection by the Owner's Representative and air sampling test results are satisfactory, remove the decontamination system and remaining barriers and tear down any remaining items. 8. Properly dispose of the waste. Contractor shall properly dispose of all waste materials including all of the polyethylene sheeting, duct tape, cleaning materials, and contaminated clothing, etc. All of the waste shall be properly sealed and labeled in accordance with all applicable regulations.3.6 APRIL 2017 02 82 13.01 TIGARD-TUALATIN SCHOOL DISTRICT Fowler Middle School Renovation Section 02 8213.01 3.6 RE-ESTABLISHMENT OF OBJECTS AND SYSTEMS A. When the cleanup has been completed, the Contractor shall: 1. Relocate objects moved to temporary locations in the course of the work to their former ' positions. 2. Clean, repair and/or repaint all surfaces soiled, discolored or damaged by removal of duct tape, adhesive or other work of this contract to match existing surfaces. The Contractor shall bear ' all costs associated with damage incurred during abatement, which includes but is not limited to gypsum board, windows, mullions, and elevator cars. 3. Return mechanical, electrical, and other systems shut down by the Contractor to complete and functional operation. 3.7 DISPOSAL REQUIREMENTS ' A. Contractor shall affix warning labels having waterproof print and permanent adhesive, to the lid and sides of containers and/or waste bags, whichever applies. Warning labels shall be conspicuous and legible and contain the following words: ' DANGER ' CONTAINS ASBESTOS FIBERS AVOID CREATING DUST CANCER AND LUNG DISEASE HAZARD AVOID BREATHING AIRBORNE ASBESTOS FIBERS ' B. The Contractor shall determine current waste handling, transportation, and disposal regulations for the work site and for each waste disposal landfill. The Contractor must comply with these regulations and all U.S. Department of Transportation, DEQ and EPA requirements. Double-bagged material containers shall be ' delivered to the predesignated disposal site for burial. Labels and all necessary signs shall be in accordance with DEQ and OSHA standards. ' C. Contractor shall remove decontaminated containers from the facility as soon as possible. Notify disposal site in advance of delivery of material to assure immediate burial of containers. ' D. If the bags are broken or damaged, or the container is contaminated, the Contractor shall clean and decontaminate the entire container for reuse. ' E. Contractor shall submit three copies of written proof of disposal at an approved disposal site to the Owner's Representative. Prior to completion of the abatement work specified in this Section. Use copies of the DEQ Waste Shipment Record ASN-4, completely filled out and signed, and accompanied by tickets and/or ' receipts from the disposal site. END OF SECTION 02 82 13 APRIL 2017 02 82 13.01 TIGARD-TUALATIN SCHOOL DISTRICT Fowler Middle School Renovation Section 02 8213.02 ' SECTION 02 8213.02 Lead RRP/Lead Coated Surfaces PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE A. This section covers all construction work where exposure to lead may occur. This includes the performance of tasks ' such as; demolition, selective demolition, removal or encapsulation of materials containing lead, alteration, repair or renovation of structures that contain lead, abrasive blasting, welding, sanding, stripping, torch burning, paint preparation or any other task performed on painted or varnished surfaces which contain lead. B. All contractors performing tasks as identified under OAR 437-003-001 (Lead for the Construction Industry Standard, Oregon)shall perform work in accordance with the standard and these specifications. All contractors subject to these regulations and specifications shall provide all labor, materials, equipment and training as required by the standard ' and as indicated in these specifications. C. All work in areas identified in schools with children of target age were during the hazardous materials inspection to ' qualify under the Lead Renovation, Repair, and Painting Program (RRP), 40 CFR Part 745. These areas include the demolition areas impacting paint at the site. All Identified areas under this provision will require partial containment procedures as outlined below. All contractors subject to these regulations and specifications shall provide all labor, materials,equipment and training as required by the standard and as indicated in these specifications. The facilities that were identified that have children of target age and lead based paint within the facility were: 1. None available D. The contractor shall assume that all painted or varnished surfaces are lead containing until site-specific testing is performed to verify or deny the presence of lead. Demolition performed within a containment for the purposes of asbestos abatement may be excluded from many of these rules. 1.2 INDUSTRY STANDARDS A. General Applicability of Standards:Except where contract documents include more stringent requirements,applicable standards of the construction industry shall govern lead-related work and disposal of waste materials. Such standards are made a part of the contract documents by reference. Applicable standards are recognized in the handling of hazardous waste include but are not limited to: ' 1. Centers for Disease Control. Surveillance for occupational lead exposure. Atlanta: Department of Health and Human Services, MMWR 1989; 38(37):642-6. 2. Environmental Protection Agency. ' A. Air quality criteria for lead,Volume 2. Research Triangle Park, North Carolina: US environmental Protection Agency,Office of Health and environmental Assessment. Report No. EPA-600/8-83/028bF. B. EPA's Renovation,Repair and Painting Final Rule--Toxic Substances Control Act(section 402(c)(3)of TSCA). 3. Occupational Exposure to Lead: Federal Register 43:220(14 November 1978) pp.52952-52014. ' 4. Occupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA): A. Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations Section 1910.1025—General Industry Standard for Lead. B. Title 29 code of Federal Regulations Section 1910.1200 Hazard Communications/Global Harmonizing System. ' C. Title 29 code of Federal Regulations Section 1910.134 General Industry Standard for Respiratory Protection. D. Title 29 code of Federal Regulations Section 1910.2 Access to employee Exposure and APRIL 2017 02 82 13.02 TIGARD-TUALATIN SCHOOL DISTRICT Fowler Middle School Renovation Section 02 8213.02 Medical Records. ' E. Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations Section 1926.62 OSHA's Lead in Construction. 5. Uniform Building Code(U.B.C.). 1.3 DEFINITIONS 1. Action Level:Employee exposure to an airborne concentration of lead of 30 micrograms per cubic meter of air averaged over an 8-hour period. 2. Air Monitoring:The process of measuring the airborne concentrations of a specific volume of air in a stated period of time. 3. Atomic Absorption:A method of measuring lead. 4. Authorized Visitor:The Owner or designated representative having the required training,medical,fit test, etc. required to enter a lead contaminated area. 5. Blood Lead Testing:The measurement of lead in blood at regulated intervals for employees exposed above the Action Level. 6. Containment: A process for controlling lead exposures for the environment and workers. ' 7. Cleaning Verification Procedure: Procedure used to verify RRP areas have been sufficiently cleaned. 8. Critical Barriers: Seal applied to openings connecting the work area with adjacent spaces that will not be included in the lead-related work. Examples of openings requiring critical barriers include,but are not limited to: HVAC vents, diffusers;doorways;windows;floors;walls,and ceiling penetrations. 9. Decontamination System: A system designed for the controlled passage of workers, and authorized visitors,typically consisting of a clean room,shower room and equipment room. 10. Disposal: Procedures necessary to transport and deposit lead waste in an approved waste disposal site in compliance with EPA and other applicable regulations. 11. Enclosure: Procedures necessary to enclose completely behind airtight,impermeable, permanent barriers. 12. Engineering Controls: Measures implemented to contain,control and/or reduce exposure to lead. 13. High Efficiency Particulate Air(NEPA): Filtered equipment capable of collecting and retaining lead particles. Filters are 99.97%efficient for retaining particles of 0.3 microns in length or larger. 14. High Phosphate Detergent: Detergent,which contains at least 5%trisodium phosphate(TSP). 15. Isolation:The sealing of all openings into a work area. 16. Paint Removal:Stripping,sanding,scraping or other means of removal of paint from surfaces or components. 17. Parts per million (PPM): Unit of measure meaning the weight of one part per weight of the total amount of material. 18. Permissible Exposure Limit(PEL):An airborne concentration of lead in excess of 50 PPM of air measured over an 8-hour time weighted average. 19. Regulated Area:An area where the PEL has been or is expected to be exceeded. 20. Toxicity Leachate Procedure(TCLP):Test used for the determination of waste disposal. 21. Visual Inspection:A inspection performed prior to the Cleaning Verification Procedure under RRP to ensure areas have been cleaned sufficiently 1.4 SUBMITTALS t A. The contractor shall submit two copies of the following information to the Owner's Representative: 1. Written proof that all employees impacting lead-containing materials have received training per OAR 437-03-001 and EPA 40 CFR Part 745 Lead; Renovation, Repair,and Painting Program. 2. Complete product information for chemical removal agents and for any materials, products and procedures for which the Contractor requests approval for use on this job. 3. Material Safety Data Sheets(MSDS)-Submit copies of all MSDS's for chemicals for which the Contractor requests approval for use on this project. 1 B. During the course of the project the Contractor shall submit the following: APRIL 2017 02 82 13.02 TIGARD-TUALATIN SCHOOL DISTRICT Fowler Middle School Renovation Section 02 8213.02 1. All exposure monitoring data. 2. Waste sample analysis(if applicable) ' 3. Hazardous wastes disposal documentation (if applicable). 1.5 LEAD EXPOSURE MONITORING REQUIREMENTS A. Contractors shall perform exposure assessments in accordance with OAR 437-03-001 for any employees performing tasks that may result in exposures above the AL. ' B. An independent testing laboratory in accordance with 29 CFR Part 1926.62 shall perform all exposure analysis. Results shall be submitted to the Owner's Representative within 3 days from the time of collection. ' C. The owner reserves the right to monitor the contractor's performance via air,dust wipe and TCLP samples during the project. ' 1.6 QUALITY CONTROL A. The following allowable lead limits may apply to all areas where lead-handling procedures are taken place. 1. Cleaning Verification-Visual inspection and Verification 2. Air Samples: 30 u/m3—OSHA Action Level ' S0 u/m3—OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit 2. Dust Samples: 200 u/ft2—Clearance level for floors(OSHA) ' 40 u/ft2—Clearance level for floors(HUD) 250 u/ft2—Clearance level for interior windowsills. 250 u/ft2—Clearance level for rough surfaces. 400 u/ft2—Clearance level for window troughs. B. If at any time during the work,analysis of air or wipe samples taken from an occupied area indicate a concentration in excess of the allowable maximums the contractor shall immediately inform the Owner's Representative. The Contractor shall then perform the following steps at no additional cost to the Owner: 1. Stop work which impacts lead surfaces. 2. Identify the source of the lead contamination. 3. Correct any breaches in containment or other potential cause of elevated levels. 4. Clean the affected area and affected adjacent areas using a phosphate cleaning solution. 5. Resample air and surfaces until concentrations are below the allowable limits. 6. Resume work. 1.7 PERSONAL PROTECTION A. GENERAL ' 1. Prior to the commencement of work the Contractor shall insure that all workers performing tasks that may impact lead-based paint have been trained in accordance with 29 CFR 1926.62 2. At a minimum the Contractor shall provide hand wash locations for all employees. Showers shall be provided where feasible and when exposure levels exceed the PEL. 3. Workers shall not eat,drink,chew gum or apply cosmetics except in the established clean area of the building. ' 4. Workers shall be protected with appropriate respirators and protective clothing as defined by 29 CFR APRIL 2017 02 82 13.02 TIGARD-TUALATIN SCHOOL DISTRICT Fowler Middle School Renovation Section 02 8213.02 1926.62 and the air monitoring results for specific lead related tasks. ' 5. The work area shall be limited to authorized visitors. 6. The Contractor shall provide protective clothing for all authorized visitors and ensure that all visitors follow these specifications and applicable regulations. B. EMERGENCY EXITS 1. The Contractor shall establish emergency exits from the work area. All exits shall be clearly marked and remain unobstructed. 2. The Contractor shall be prepared to administer first aid if necessary. 111 1.8 LIABILITY A. The Contractor is an independent contractor and not an employee of the,Architect,or the Owner's Representative. , The Architect, and the Environmental Consultant shall have no liability to the Contractor or any third party for Contractor's failure to faithfully perform and follow the provisions of these Project Specifications and the requirements of the governing agencies. 1.9 PROTECTION A. Damaged or deteriorating materials shall not be used and shall be removed from the premises by the Contractor. The Contractor shall dispose of materials that become contaminated with lead dust in accordance with the applicable regulations. 1.10 SUBCONTRACTORS A. Any Subcontractors employed by the Contractor shall be bound to all the work and safety standards specified in this Specification. PART 2 PRODUCTS—NOT USED ' PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 FULL CONTAINMENT ESTABLISHEMENT ' A. The following tasks impacting lead surfaces shall be performed under full containment: abrasive blasting,welding, torch cutting,grinding,dry sanding,and chemical stripping with volatile and caustic chemicals. 1. Shut down,remove filters and seal off HVAC system from work area. 2. Use a journeyman electrician to disconnect necessary electrical and install any temporary electrical requirements. 3. Install critical barriers at all openings to outside the work area. 4. Set up worker decontamination system for all entrance and exiting from the work area. A remote shower may be utilized if decontamination system is not feasible. 5. Install HEPA air-purifying fan system.Airflow shall be no less than 4 changes of air within the work area per hour. Locate the fan so that dust generated is drawn away from the worker and exhausted to the exterior of the building. 6. Designate emergency exits from the work area. Ensure that these exits remain unobstructed during the course of the work. B. Alternative engineering controls utilized by the Contractor must be proven by historical data and approved by the Owner's Representative. 3.2 PARTIAL CONTAINMENT ESTABLISHMENT APRIL 2017 02 82 13.02 TIGARD-TUALATIN SCHOOL DISTRICT Fowler Middle School Renovation Section 02 8213.02 1. All work expected to create exposures greater than the action level shall be performed under full or partial containment at a minimum. These activities include, but are not limited to,selective demolition,demolition,exterior paint removal, patch and repair of lead coated surfaces and other tasks where incidental exposure to airborne lead concentrations may occur. 2. All work to be performed under RRP rules(HEPA exhaust not required) 1. Shut down, remove filters and seal off HVAC system from work area. 2. Restrict accesses to the work area by use of signage, barrier tape,etc. 3. Install localized HEPA exhaust fan in the work area. Locate the fan so that dust generated is drawn away from the worker and exhausted to the exterior of the building. 4. Ensure emergency cleanup supplies such as HEPA vacuum,mops,water,etc.are available in the immediate vicinity. II' ' 5. Provide plastic sheeting 6 feet beyond work area for interior work and 10 feet beyond work area for exterior work. B. Alternative engineering controls utilized by the Contractor must be proven by historical data and approved by the Owner's Representative. 3.3 DISPOSAL A. The Contractor shall make all waste disposal arrangements including all necessary testing to determine waste ' categories and the disposal of all waste generated by the Contractor.The Contractor shall pay for all testing of waste and required disposal. B. The Contractor must remove all waste containers from the site as soon as possible. C. All labels and necessary signage shall be in accordance with DEQ,EPA and OSHA standards. END OF SECTION 1 APRIL 2017 02 82 13.02 TIGARD-TUALATIN SCHOOL DISTRICT IFowler Middle School Renovation Section 02 8213.03 IREMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYL (PCB) LIGHT BALLESTS, MERCURY VAPOR TUBES,AND MERCURY-CONTAINING TARTAN FLOORING IPART 1 —GENERAL I 1.1 Scope A. This section covers all handling and disposal of PCBs, mercury vapor tubes, and mercury- ' containing Tartan flooring material B. The contractor shall provide all labor, equipment, permits and insurance required to complete the removal and disposal of mercury vapor tubes, PCB-containing light ballasts, and mercury- ' containing Tartan flooring materials identified in the building. II.2 Definitions A. Controlled Area: Area, which only properly protected individuals and authorized visitors may enter. I B. Destination Facility: A facility that treats, disposes of, or recycles universal waste. Facilities treating universal waste under 40 CFR 273.13, 273.33 or OAR 340-112-030(5)area not considered Destination Facilities. IC. Disposal: Procedures necessary to package, transport and deposit PCB materials and mercury vapor tubes in an approved waste disposal site in compliance with EPA and other applicable regulations. Approved disposal sites may be landfill, incinerator or recycling facility for PCB- Icontaining waste. D. Incineration: The destruction of PCBs by an EPA-approved facility. The facility must be a TSCA- I permitted incinerator and a licensed Transportation Storage and Disposal Facility(TSDF). E. Mercury Vapor Tube: An electric tube in which the manufacturer for the operation of the light introduces mercury. IF. Off-Site Collection Site: A site that receives and accumulates universal waste from off-site. G. Polychlorinated Biphenyl's (PCBs): A class of chlorinated hydrocarbon compounds. PCBs can take I the form of oily liquids, crystalline solids and hard non-crystalline resins. H. Universal Waste: Any waste that is listed in 40 CFR 273.1 and OAR 340-113-010 and subject to the 1 universal waste requirements of 40 CFR Part 273 and OAR 340 Division 113. I. Waste Shipment Records: Form similar to Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest. I1.3 Industry Standards IA. General Applicability of Standards: Except where contract documents include more stringent requirements, applicable standards of the construction industry shall govern the work covered under this section and disposal of waste materials. Such standards are made a part of the contract documents by reference. Applicable standards are recognized in the handling of hazardous waste I include but are not limited to: IAPRIL 2017 14-122 02 8213.03 I TIGARD-TUALATIN SCHOOL DISTRICT Fowler Middle School Renovation Section 02 82 13.03 I I 1. Environmental Protection Agency Toxic Substance Control Act, TSCA, (Code of Federal Regulations title 40, Part 761); 2. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Toxic Substances Guidance Document, I Summary of PCB Regulations, EPA Document Number 910-S-94-002); 3. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA); 4. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act(RCRA), 40 CFR Part 2761, Subpart D., 40 I CFR 273; 5. Oregon Administrative Rules: Hazardous Waste Regulations, OAR 340-100 through 340- 104; Universal Waste Management Regulations, OAR 340-113; and 6. International Building Code (I.B.C.). I 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. The contractor shall submit two copies to the Owner's Representative prior to the start of work: I 1. Required notifications including transportation, disposal or incineration. 2. A written emergency plan for the control and cleanup of accidental release of contaminants. I 3. A written work plan describing disposal procedures, worker protection, and any other pertinent information regarding the safe handling of PCBs and mercury tubes. B. During the course of the project the Contractor shall submit the following: I 1. Completed Waste Shipment Records that have been signed by all handlers. 1.5 WORKER PROTECTION I A. At minimum, personal protective equipment for the handling, removal and disposal of PCBs shall I consist of the following: 1. PCB-resistant clothing. 2. Eyes, hearing, head and fall protection as required by the job-site conditions. I 3. Half-face negative pressure respirator with disposable chemical vapor cartridges. B. Caution shall be taken at all times during the handling and disposal of mercury vapor tubes. If I breakage of any lamp occurs, the following personal protective equipment must be utilized at a minimum to handle and disposal of the lamp. 1. Chemical resistant gloves and clothing (compatible with mercury)to minimize dermal I contact. 2. Chemical cartridge or canister respirator which provides protection against mercury. The cartridge must be equipped with an end of service life indicator. I 1.6 LIABILITY A. The Contractor is an independent contractor and not an employee the owner, Architect, or the IlOwner's Representative. The Owner Architect, and the Environmental Consultant shall have no liability to the Contractor or any third party for Contractor's failure to faithfully perform and follow the provisions of these Project Specifications and the requirements of the governing agencies. I 1.7 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The owner's representative may perform periodic inspections during the course of the work to I observe handling and packaging procedures. The owner's representative may stop work if he/she determines that work practices are unsafe or in violation of the Specifications. APRIL 2017 14-122 02 8213.03 I TIGARD-TUALATIN SCHOOL DISTRICT I 1 Fowler Middle School Renovation Section 02 8213.03 B. The following limits for PCBs shall be maintained: 1 1. Airborne concentrations: <1 ug/M3 2. Building surfaces: <10 ug/100 cm2 ' C. The following limits for mercury shall be maintained: 1. Airborne concentrations: <0.05 mg/M3 PART II —PRODUCTS A. The following applies to PCB handling and disposal: 1. Plastic sheeting shall be flame retardant polyethylene material that will not dissolve on ' contact with PCBs or any other chemicals used by the contractor. The minimum thickness shall be 4-mil. 2. Storage containers shall be suitable to receive and retain any PCB-containing or contaminated materials until disposal or incineration. Containers shall comply with 49 CFR ' 178.80, 178.82, 178.102 and/or 178.116. All containers shall be labeled with waterproof print and permanent adhesive in accordance with OSHA, DOT and EPA regulations. 3. Warning labels shall include the following information: DANGER CONTAINS POLYCHLORINATED BYPHENYLS CANCER HAZARD ' 4. Warning signs shall be provided and clearly displayed to regulate entry into a work area. Warning signs shall warn the presence of PCBs. B. The following applies to the handling and disposal of mercury vapor tubes: 1. Storage containers for tubes must be closed, structurally sound, compatible with mercury, ' must lack evidence of leakage, spillage or damage that could cause leakage under unforeseeable conditions. ' 2. In addition to the requirements in 40 CFR 273.14 and 40 CFR 273.34, containers used for mercury vapor tubes must be clearly marked with one of the following warnings: UNIVERSAL WASTE—MERCURY-CONTAINING LAMPS, or ' WASTE MERCURY-CONTAINING LAMPS, or USED MERCURY CONTAINING LAMPS. PART III —EXECUTION I3.1 PREPARTION OF WORK AREA A. PCBs. At a minimum the following steps shall be undertaken for the preparation of the work area which PCBs are removed, handled and packaged for disposal. ' 1. Post warning signs and/or barrier tape to limit the access of unauthorized personnel. APRIL 2017 14-122 02 8213.03 TIGARD-TUALATIN SCHOOL DISTRICT Fowler Middle School Renovation Section 02 82 13.03 Il 2. Plastic sheeting shall be used to cover the floors in area where any dismantling, packaging, I consolidation, etc. is performed. 3. An approved worker decontamination shall be on-site for emergency use. I B. Mercury-Containing Tubes. No special precautions are necessary if the contractor handles lamps in a manner that prohibits breakage, with exception of the following: 1. Have available on site, emergency cleanup equipment in accordance with 40 CFR 262.34. I 2. Ensure that the work area is well ventilated and monitored in the event of breakage. 3.2 REMOVAL OF PCBs AND MERCURY VAPOR TUBES I A. The contractor shall isolate the area as described above and perform work in a manner that will not release , or discharge PCBs or mercury vapor. B. The contractor shall carefully handle light ballasts and tubes and shall not break, drop, throw or otherwise I damage the ballasts and tubes. All ballasts must be packaged in absorbent sand for transportation. C. Added precautions shall be taken if the contractor suspects that ballasts may be leaking. D. Should breakage of tubes occur, the contractor shall determine if the materials must be classified as I hazardous waste. 3.3 DISPOSAL I A. At a minimum, the contractor must comply with ODOT and EPA requirements for transportation and disposal of PCBs and mercury vapor tubes. The contractor shall determine current waste handling, I transportation and disposal requirements. B. The contractor shall remove containers from the site within 5 calendar days after collection for disposal or incineration in accordance with 40 CFR 761 (PCB waste)and OAR 340-113 and 40 CFR 273 (mercury- ' containing lamps). The contractor shall notify the disposal site in advance of delivery to ensure immediate disposal. 1 PART IV–MERCURY-CONTAINING FLOORING SECTION 4.1 GUIDANCE DOCUMENTS INCLUDED BY REFERENCE A. The current issue of each of the following documents shall govern. Where conflict among requirements or with these Project Specifications exists, the most stringent requirements shall I apply. 1. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPS). (Code of Federal Regulations Title 40, Part 61, Subparts A and B). 2. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Toxic Substances Guidance Document, 3. U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): I a. Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations Section 1910—General Industry Standard for Mercury. I b. Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations Section 1910.134—General Industry Standard for Respiratory Protection. APRIL 2017 14-122 02 82 13.03 1 TIGARD-TUALATIN SCHOOL DISTRICT I Fowler Middle School Renovation Section 02 8213.03 c. Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations Section 1910.2—Access to Employee Exposure and Medical records. ' d. Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations Section 1910.1200—Hazard Communication. 4. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), 30 CFR, Part 11 and 40 CFR Part 84, Respirators. ' 5. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) NY; ANSI Standard Z 88.2-1980. "American National Standards Practice for Respiratory Protection", latest edition. 6. Oregon Administrative Rule Chapter 340, Division 32, Department of Environmental IQuality; Chapter 340, Division 33, Licensing and Certification Requirements. 7. Oregon Administrative Rules Chapter 437, Divisions 2 and 3. ' 8. 9. International Construction Code (I.C.C), latest edition, regulations as applicable. All related electrical work shall be performed in accordance with the National Electrical Code. ' 10. All local ordinances, regulations, or rules pertaining to mercury hazardous materials and wastes, including its storage, transportation, and disposal. ' 4.2 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS AND PROJECT NOTICES A. Contractor shall provide three copies of the following submittals to the Owner's Representative. B. Contractor shall submit to the Owner's Representative the following information prior to the Commencement of work: 1. If the contractor is a licensed asbestos abatement contractor, the following documentation must be provided: a. Contractor's License–Submit proof that the Contractor is currently and for the duration of the project licensed in the State of Oregon to perform asbestos abatement, per Oregon Revised Statues(ORS) Chapter 701, and Oregon Administrative Rules(OAR) Chapter 340, Division 32. ' b. Mercury Hazard Communication Training–Submit proof that employees who will be on site and actively involved with removal of, packing of, or disposal of mercury-containing hazardous waste possess active hazard ' communication training covering mercury hazards, per OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1200 c. Supervisor–Submit the name and resume and experience of the assigned Ion-site foreman. The foreman shall have successfully completed the Department of Environmental Quality(DEQ)Asbestos Supervisor course as approved by the State of Oregon. Other criteria such as references and ' similar projects will also be reviewed. The Owner and the Owner's Representative reserves the right to remove the foreman from the project at any time during the duration of the project. The Contractor shall then assign another on-site supervisor who meets the above mention requirements prior to the re-commencement of any further work activity. d. Insurance Certificate–Submit proof of insurance coverage including ' general comprehensive liability, asbestos liability,worker's compensation, APRIL 2017 14-122 02 8213.03 TIGARD-TUALATIN SCHOOL DISTRICT Fowler Middle School Renovation Section 02 8213.03 and employer's liability. Asbestos specific insurance shall be of the "Occurrence"type in amounts of not less than $2,000,000.00 per occurrence. e. Worker Certification —Submit written proof indicating that all employees , impacting asbestos-containing materials are Oregon State-certified asbestos workers. Provide photo copies for each employee. 2. If the contractor is not a licensed asbestos abatement contractor, the following ' documentation must be provided: a. 40-Hour HAZWOPER Certification—Submit proof that employees who will be on site and actively involved with removal of, packing of, or disposal of mercury-containing hazardous waste possess active Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Standard (HAZWOPER)training certificates, per OSHA; and b. Insurance Certificate—Submit proof of insurance coverage including general comprehensive liability, asbestos liability, worker's compensation, and employer's liability. Asbestos specific insurance shall be of the "Occurrence"type in amounts of not less than $2,000,000.00 per occurrence. 3. Emergency Plans—Submit written emergency control and cleanup plans to be followed by the Contractor in the event of an accidental breach in containment, power failure, and accidental disturbance of materials in non-isolated areas. Please refer to the Project Quality Assurance Section for more information. 4. Confined Space Entry Plan—Submit procedures for performing work in confined areas (e.g. Attic spaces, above drop ceilings, basements, etc.) including a description and plan showing primary access points, material removal routes, newly created access locations and worker protection. The approved plan shall be posted in the Contractor's equipment area. All abatement workers entering confined areas shall review the approved plan. 5. Work Plan—Submit a written work plan for review by the Owner's Representative describing the schedule for abatement work, decontamination procedures, and plans for construction and location of the decontamination enclosure systems, pressure differential exhaust fans, etc., including calculations for determining the required number of negative-air filtration units. The plan shall include the systematic flow of work throughout the facility, per the Project Specifications, outlining area-by-area procedures and planned alternative control measures. The Contractor shall keep close coordination of his work with the Project Manager and the Owner's Representative. 6. Product Information—Submit complete product information for any materials and products for which the Contractor requests approval for use on this project. 7. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)—Submit copies of all MSDS's for chemicals for which the Contractor requests approval for use on this project. 8. Emergency Phone Number—Submit a local phone number at which the Contractor or on-site foreman can be reached on a twenty-four-hour basis during the course of the project. 9. Contractors Testing Laboratory—Submit name, address, phone number and contact for testing laboratory proposed for this project. 10. Submit a schedule of work indicating start and completion dates for each school. APRIL 2017 14-122 02 8213.03 TIGARD-TUALATIN SCHOOL DISTRICT Fowler Middle School Renovation Section 02 82 13.03 C. Contractor shall not begin work until submittals are reviewed and accepted by the Owner and the Owner's Representative. D. During the duration of the project, the Contractor shall submit to the Owner's Representative on a periodic basis the following: 1. Waste shipment and disposal documentation 2. Personal air monitoring data 3. Notification updates ' E. Contractor shall submit to the Owner's Representative in writing all information required above regarding any new workers hired by or subcontracted to the Contractor before the new mercury abatement workers begin work. ' F. Prior to the removal of the decontamination systems and isolation barriers, the Contractor shall obtain specific written permission from the Owner's Representative. G. Contractor shall submit at the completion of the project a post-project submittal package that includes all up-to-date information, worker certifications, waste shipment records, personal air monitoring results, etc. H. Contractor shall complete all assigned work under the signed contract with the Owner. 4.3 REQUIRED CONTRACTOR AIR MONITORING A. Contractor's monitoring during mercury-containing floor abatement shall include: 1. Air monitoring shall be performed to provide samples during the period of floor abatement in each work area. Begin samples when floor removal begins. Samples are to be taken ' when work is being performed during each 8-hour shift until abatement is complete in that work area or until a negative exposure assessment has been established per 29 CFR 1926.1101. 2. The number of air samples collected shall be determined by the Contractor and may be altered during the project based on work activity and air sampling results. 3. The maximum allowable mercury exposure levels shall be based on the engineering ' controls and respiratory protection. 4. The Owner's Representative reserves the right to monitor the Contractor's performance performing air sampling on abatement workers and in the work area in addition to the ' Contractor's air monitoring. ' 4.4 CLEARANCE AIR SAMPLING A. Owner's Representative will perform clearance sampling in the following manner: 1. Airborne mercury vapor and particulate levels shall be measured at the completion of the project to ensure that they are all below the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry(ASTDR)Mercury Cleanup Action Level of less than or equal to 3.0 micrograms per cubic meter of air(<_3 pg/m3)for schools. ' Settled dusts on the Gymnasium floor and other horizontal surfaces can be measured via Mercury Surface Wipe Sampling at the discretion of Tigard-Tualatin School District. This would be based on testing of three locations, each of a 1 ft2 ' area. However, there is no standard or recommendation to weigh the result against, only the professional judgement of the Environmental Consultant. APRIL 2017 14-122 02 82 13.03 TIGARD-TUALATIN SCHOOL DISTRICT Fowler Middle School Renovation Section 02 8213.03 2. Analysis of clearance samples shall be performed using the NIOSH 6009 method ' for both wipe samples and air samples. A direct-read monitor may also be used to determine mercury vapor levels. 4.5 PERSONAL PROTECTION AND SITE SECURITY A. Personnel Protective Equipment for Mercury-Containing Flooring Removal Includes: 1. Work clothes shall consist of disposable full-body impervious coveralls and head and foot covers ("Tyvek" or approved), boots, or sneakers. Eye, hearing, fall protection and hard hats should be available as appropriate. 2. At a minimum, respiratory protection shall be approved by National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health(NIOSH), United States Department of Labor, and U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Centers for Disease Control, and be as listed below. Respiratory protection shall provide workers with a maximum calculated mercury vapor concentration inside the mask of 0.1 milligrams per cubic meter(mg/m3). 3. As part of the Contractor's Respiratory Protection Program, all workers shall be provided with a selection of brands and sizes of respirators to choose from. At a minimum, all workers shall be qualitatively fit-tested at the time of respirator selection per OR-OSHA Worker's Compensation Department Rule 22-069 (4) (e) (5) (I), and semi-annually thereafter. Contractor shall supply replacement filter cartridges as required. Combination Mercury Vapor / P100 filters shall be used. Cartridges that have become wet or clogged shall be replaced immediately. 4. Each worker shall, upon entering the jobsite: Remove street clothes in the clean change room, put on and fit-test his respirator, put on clean protective clothing and sign in on the Worksite Entry Logbook before entering the equipment room or the work area. 5. Workers shall, each time they leave the work area: Remove gross contamination from clothing before leaving the work area; proceed to the equipment room and remove and dispose of disposable work clothes; remove and store shoes, boots and other equipment except respirators; still wearing the respirator, proceed to the showers; clean the outside of the respirator with soap and water while showering; remove the respirator; thoroughly shampoo and wash themselves; remove filters, dispose of filters in the container provided for the purpose; and wash and rinse inside of the respirator. 6. Workers shall not eat, drink or chew gum at the worksite except in a designated break room that is not situated closer than 20-feet from the decontamination enclosure system or work area. Smoking or using tobacco products is prohibited. 7. Workers shall be fully protected with respirators and protective clothing immediately prior to the first disturbance of mercury-containing or contaminated material and until final cleanup is completed. B. Worker Decontamination Enclosure System: 1. A worker decontamination chamber shall be established for all work with mercury- containing Tartan flooring. The Contractor shall construct the personnel decontamination facility immediately outside of the isolated work area consisting of three chambers and two air locks as follows: a. The equipment room shall consist of an air lock to the shower room, and a curtained doorway to the work area. APRIL 2017 14-122 02 8213.03 TIGARD-TUALATIN SCHOOL DISTRICT Fowler Middle School Renovation Section 02 8213.03 b. The shower room shall have two air locks, one to the equipment room and one to the clean room. All showers shall have hot and cold controllable at ' the taps running waters and shall be installed in this room. The Contractor shall supply and maintain soap, shampoo and towels at all times in the shower area. Shower wastewater shall be filtered to remove all materials larger than 3 microns and as required by local regulations, before disposal in the municipal sewer system, or shall be collected and disposed of as contaminated material. Water filters shall be disposed of as contaminated material. ' c. The clean room shall consist of an air lock to the shower room and a curtained doorway to the adjacent building area. The clean room shall contain a first aid kit, storage for workers'and visitors' clothing and shoes, ' a place to sit down,and the Worksite Entry Logbook. Work, respirator and decontamination procedures, regulations and Prevailing Wage Rates shall be conspicuously posted (on projects where rates are applicable). ' 2. The Contractor shall not begin flooring abatement work unless this system is functional, in good repair, and has been found acceptable for specification compliance by the Owner's Representative. C. Building Security and Protection shall be administered as follows: 1. The Contractor shall post adequate warning signs at all potential entrances to work areas as required by EPA and OSHA. 2. Contractor shall protect all existing fixed equipment, existing building finishes that are to be remain, and existing systems and functions from damage during the abatement process. Extra precautions are to be taken in protecting existing ' electrical panels, light fixtures, etc. Any damage to the existing building, services, and/or equipment shall be remedied by the Contractor at his/her expense. 3. Contractor shall clean external surfaces of contaminated containers and equipment thoroughly by wet sponging and HEPA vacuuming. I4.6 PROJECT QUALITY ASSURANCE A. If at any time during the work, analysis of an air sample taken outside the work area by the ' Contractor or the Owner's Representative indicates a mercury vapor concentration in excess of the ASTDR Mercury Cleanup Action Level of less than or equal to 3.0 micrograms per cubic meter of air(53 pg/m3)for schools, the Contractor shall immediately notify the Owner's Representative. ' B. Immediately upon being notified of mercury vapor air concentrations exceeding the specified maximum allowable levels, the Contractor shall perform the following steps in the order ' presented, at no additional cost to the owner: 1. Stop abatement work. 2. Identify source of high mercury vapor air concentration outside of containment. ' 3. Immediately correct any containment breaches, pressure differential changes, or other potential cause, and other concerns with the Owner's Representative. The Owner's Representative will determine the affected area and affected adjacent areas to be ' contained. The Owner's Representative will determine the actions to be taken by the Contractor at no additional cost the Owner. a. Clean the affected area and the affected adjacent areas. Cleaning of the areas ' shall include the use of wet methods. b. Resample air until mercury vapor concentrations in air are determined to be below 3 pg/m3 ' APRIL 2017 14-122 02 82 13.03 TIGARD-TUALATIN SCHOOL DISTRICT Fowler Middle School Renovation Section 02 8213.03 c. Secure and repair containment barriers, repair or add equipment. d. Modify work procedures, and make other changes determined to be the possible cause of the high air concentrations. 4.7 LIABILITY A. The Contractor is an independent contractor and not an employee of the Owner, Architect, or the ' Owner's Representative. The Owner, Architect, and the Environmental Consultant shall have no liability to the Contractor or any third party for Contractor's failure to faithfully perform and follow the provisions of these Project Specifications and the requirements of the governing agencies. 4.8 PROJECT PROTECTION A. Damaged or deteriorating materials shall not be used and shall be removed from the premises by the Contractor. Materials that become contaminated with mercury/mercury vapor shall be disposed of in accordance with the applicable regulations by the Contractor. 4.9 PROJECT WORK STOPPAGE , B. At any time during the work, the Owner and the Owner's Representative may stop the work if violations of the Project Specifications are observed or if the functioning of the Owner by the activities of the Contractor or his subcontractors is determined to be impaired. Work shall stop immediately upon verbal direction of the Owner or the Owner's Representative. Work may commence when the violations have been rectified or activities are altered and determined to be acceptable by the Owner or the Owner's Representative. PART V INDUSTRY SPECIFIC 5.1 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT ' 1. Water Sprayer—The water sprayer shall be an airless or other low-pressure sprayer for amended water application. 2. Air Purifying Equipment—Air purifying equipment shall consist of High-efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA)filtration systems. No air movement system or air equipment shall discharge contaminants outside the work area. Each unit shall be capable of variable volume from a minimum of 500 CFM to at least 1700 CFM under load and shall have at least 2 stages of prefiltration ahead of the HEPA final filter. 3. Pressure Differential Monitoring Equipment—A combination sensing, alarm and recording device shall be in operation at all times during use of the HEPA air—purifying equipment. 4. Water Purification Equipment—Capable of removing all contaminants longer than 3 microns in I length or as required by local regulations from water used in abatement work and decontamination showers. 5. Vacuum Equipment—All vacuum equipment utilized in the work area shall be High-efficiency Particulate Air(HEPA)equipment, and suitable for wet/dry usage. APRIL 2017 14-122 02 8213.03 TIGARD-TUALATIN SCHOOL DISTRICT Fowler Middle School Renovation Section 02 8213.03 ' 6. Scaffolding—Scaffolding, as required to accomplish the specified work, shall meet all applicable safety regulations. 7. Transportation Equipment—Transportation equipment, as required, shall be suitable for loading, temporary storage, transit, and unloading of contaminated waste without exposure to persons or property. Equipment shall have a hard top, bottom and sides. If equipment is rented, notify rental ' agency in advance, in writing, of intended use of equipment. 8. Electrical—Electrical tools, equipment and lighting shall meet all applicable codes and regulations. Ground fault protection, as required by OSHA, shall be in effect at all times. ' Contractor shall take all additional precautions and measures necessary to ensure a safe working environment during wet removal. NOTE: All lighting fixtures, cords, etc., that are used for abatement purposes shall be kept off of the floor area and attached to the wall or ceiling. ' 10. Other Tools and Equipment— Provide other suitable tools for removal, enclosure, encapsulation, patching, and disposal activities including but not limited to: hand-held scrapers, wire brushes, sponges, and rounded-edge shovels. ' PART VI PROJECT RELATED WORK AND EXECUTION 6.1 WORK AREA PREPARATION— FULL ISOLATION CONTAINMENT FOR MERCURY- CONTAINING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS WORK A. Contractor shall perform the following isolation procedures in the order in which they are presented. Any alternative control methods for mercury hazardous materials work shall be approved by the Owner's Representative and performed in accordance with 29 CFR 1926.1101. 1. Shut down, remove filters and isolate HVAC systems to prevent contamination. 1 Coordinate with the owner and maintenance personnel prior to shut down. 2. Coordinate all electrical, safety and other service connections, requirements and equipment with appropriate individuals. Use a journeyman electrician at a minimum. It is ' the Contractor's responsibility to verify operation of systems that will be shut off during abatement. If any system is found to be defective or not operating satisfactorily, the Contractor shall notify the Owner. ' 3. Install barriers as follows: Seal off openings, including but not limited to doorways, windows, and other penetrations of the work area, with solid critical barriers, except openings left for HEPA air-purification system, which shall be properly HEPA—filtered. ' Solid critical barriers shall constructed from a minimum of 2" X 4" studs, and 1/2" plywood or drywall sealed airtight and covered on both sides with 2 layers of 6-mil polyethylene sheeting. Where doors exist, sealing may be done by closing the door, sealing with tape on both sides, then covering both sides with two layers of plastic sheeting. ' 4. Pre-clean moveable objects, such as furniture and equipment to be removed (and carpeting), within the proposed work areas using HEPA-filtered vacuum equipment and/or wet cleaning methods as appropriate, and remove such objects from the work ' areas to a temporary location, or consolidate such objects away from removal work and enclose with critical barriers. 5. Pre-clean fixed objects within the proposed work area; using HEPA-filtered vacuum equipment and/or wet cleaning methods as appropriate, and enclose with critical barriers. Equipment that must continue operating shall be enclosed and ventilated to avoid damage, if necessary. APRIL 2017 14-122 02 8213.03 TIGARD-TUALATIN SCHOOL DISTRICT Fowler Middle School Renovation Section 02 8213.03 6. Set-up the worker decontamination enclosure system (decon). ' 7. Install HEPA air-purifying equipment pressure differential fan system to ensure lower static pressure in the isolated work area than in surrounding areas, a flow of air through all parts of the isolated work area towards the air-purifying equipment, and minimum air contamination levels at abatement worker breathing zones. Discharge from air-purifying equipment shall be ducted outside the building. Use one or more units of capacity as recommended by the manufacturer for the volume of the isolated work area, but in no case shall air flow be less than 6 air changes every 60 minutes with a minimum pressure differential of 0.02 inches of water gauge between the work area and the decontamination clean room. 8. Cover floor and wall surfaces with plastic sheeting sealed with duct tape. 9. Maintain emergency and fire exits from the work areas, or establish alternative exits satisfactorily to the local building or fire department officials. Ensure that all exits remain unobstructed and well-marked. 10. Adequate portable fire extinguishing equipment shall be maintained within the work area as defined by OSHA and/or the local fire department officials. B. Abatement work shall not occur unless the work area isolation has been found acceptable for Project Specification compliance by the Owner's Representative. C. Isolated work area enclosure system maintenance. The Contractor shall be responsible for daily documentation of the following: 1. Prior to the first use and at the beginning of each shift during abatement work, the containment shall be given a complete visual inspection by the Contractor's on-site supervisor and the Owner's Representative. This shall include inspection of the HEPA air-purification system and associated filters. A smoke tube test by the on-site supervisor shall then be made of the worker decontamination enclosure system and other critical areas to verify that the isolated area is under negative air pressure. Work shall not begin until all defects have been repaired. 2. Periodic inspections shall be made as required during each shift to assure continued proper functioning of the containment and HEPA system. 6.2 REMOVAL OF MERCURY-CONTAINING MATERIALS IN FULL CONTAINMENT A. Contractor shall remove all mercury-containing materials as designated by the contract drawings using the following procedures. 1. Contractor shall spray the mercury-containing flooring material with amended water. The material shall be sufficiently saturated to prevent emission of airborne dust. 2. Contractor shall remove materials while damp and pack in sealable plastic bags wrap in poly sheeting (6-mil minimum thickness). Move bags/wraps to bag load out facility or equipment room in the worker decontamination system. Wash outside surface and place inside a second plastic bag or poly wrapping bearing appropriate EPA/RCRA warning label and name of waste generator and location from which waste was generated. APRIL 2017 14-122 02 82 13.03 TIGARD-TUALATIN SCHOOL DISTRICT Fowler Middle School Renovation Section 02 8213.03 3. After completion of the stripping work, Contractor shall clean all surfaces from which flooring material has been removed by brushing and/or wet sponging or cleaning by an equivalent method to remove all visible material. During this work, continue the use of wet methods where possible. Avoid using wire brushes if damage will occur to substrate. 4. Contractor shall collect all water used in the removal and cleaning process and disposed of as contaminated waste. 6.3 CLEANUP OF MERCURY-CONTAINING MATERIALS IN FULL ISOLATION WORK AREAS 1 A. At the conclusion of removal in the isolated work area, conduct cleanup in the sequence described below. Windows, doors, HVAC vents, etc., shall remain sealed and HEPA- filtered pressure differential fan systems shall remain in service. I1. Remove all of the material and equipment. Contractor shall remove visible accumulations of material and debris. Contractor shall include all sealed containers and equipment used in the work area in the cleanup and remove them ' 2. from the work area, after decontamination of outer surfaces. Clean the work area. Contractor shall clean all surfaces in the work area and any other contaminated areas with water and/or with HEPA-filtered vacuum equipment. Wet clean or clean with HEPA-filtered vacuum equipment all surfaces in the work area. After completion of the cleaning operation, perform a complete visual inspection of the work area to ensure that the work area is free of visible debris. ' 3. Final visual inspection. Prior to the application of the post-removal encapsulant, contact the Owner's Representative for a visual inspection of the work area. The work area shall be free of visible flooring material debris. 4. Remove the first layer of plastic sheeting. 5. Perform a final detail cleaning of the work area and all the equipment.After the ' visual inspection by the Owner's Representative, the Contractor shall apply the approved encapsulant to all surfaces in the work area. 6. The Owner's Representative shall perform the clearance air sampling. ' 7. When the final inspection by the Owner's Representative and air sampling test results are satisfactory, remove the decontamination system and remaining barriers and tear down any remaining items. ' 8. Properly dispose of the waste. Contractor shall properly dispose of all waste materials including all of the polyethylene sheeting, duct tape, cleaning materials, and contaminated clothing, etc. All of the waste shall be properly sealed and labeled in accordance with all applicable regulations. 6.4 RE-ESTABLISHMENT OF OBJECTS AND SYSTEMS ' A. When the cleanup has been completed, the Contractor shall: 1. Relocate objects moved to temporary locations in the course of the work to their ' 2. former positions. Clean, repair and/or repaint all surfaces soiled, discolored or damaged by removal of duct tape, adhesive or other work of this contract to match existing ' surfaces. The Contractor shall bear all costs associated with damage incurred APRIL 2017 14-122 02 8213.03 TIGARD-TUALATIN SCHOOL DISTRICT Fowler Middle School Renovation Section 02 8213.03 during abatement,which includes but is not limited to gypsum board, windows, ' mullions, and elevator cars. 3. Return mechanical, electrical, and other systems shut down by the Contractor to complete and functional operation. 6.5 DISPOSAL REQUIREMENTS ' A. Contractor shall affix warning labels having waterproof print and permanent adhesive, to the lid and sides of containers and/or waste bags, whichever applies. Warning labels shall be conspicuous and legible and in adherence with local, state, and federal regulations. B. The Contractor shall determine current waste handling, transportation, and disposal regulationsulations for the work site and for each waste disposal landfill. The Contractor must comply with these regulations and all U.S. Department of Transportation, ODOT, DEQ and EPA requirements. Double-bagged material containers shall be delivered to the predesignated disposal site for burial. Labels and all necessary signs shall be in accordance with all applicable local, state, and federal regulations. a. Based on TCLP results of this particular flooring material, it is considered an EPA designated D009 Hazardous material which requires disposal in a Subclass C hazardous materials landfill. C. Contractor shall remove decontaminated containers from the facility as soon as possible. Notify disposal site in advance of delivery of material to assure immediate burial of containers. D. If the bags are broken or damaged, or the container is contaminated, the Contractor shall clean and decontaminate the entire container for reuse. E. Contractor shall submit three copies of written proof of disposal at an approved disposal site to the Owner's Representative. Prior to completion of the abatement work specified in this Section. Prepared by Kelsay Environmental Building Consulting Services Corporation END OF SECTION APRIL 2017 14-122 02 8213.03 TIGARD-TUALATIN SCHOOL DISTRICT Sample No. Material Description Results(%by weight) 0221029 7083.00-001 Gypsum/Joint Compound NAD 031- 003 7083.00-002 White Spotted 12"VCT/Glue NAD 021- 043 042 004In 032 p CLAW/30CW 30 1 7083.00-003 Tan 12"VCT/Glue NAD _ � 7083.00-004 Gypsum/Joint Compound NAD 25 002 i a� � I° 2E 7083.00-005 Gypsum/Joint Compound NAD 43 1I 33222302 7083.00-006 Cove Base/Mastic NAD ! 83228^ 88 1 1 - E 7083.00-007 Gypsum/Joint Compound NAD�� 23 330323 1 32 1 � L041 Sealant Behind Wooden 020 WS 3,13323 I a " 7083.00-008 Acoustical Wall11 NAD zs 1002 " � Brown Mastic Behind White \_ d 7083.00 009 NAD ....„ :i m, 32233100341 \ ) ? =FLBoards ss 030 " Brown Mastic Behind White 11 32023330 143 1003 [� 7083.00 010 NAD I? i ' Boards 019 CLASSROW �` CLASSROOM " s , �� a.: Ej Floor Tile: NAD a�a i s `7 .__ fl 7083.00011 White FloorI \ 005 023 024-026 016 035-------.. - war I Tan/Black Mastic:3%CH 028 -017 it 7083.00-012 1'Ceiling Tile/Mastic NAD B 033 me 4 f ° ° 034 ( 7083.00 013 Hard Fitting on Domestic Line NAD woH Kro: I REAMS eacv • i f8 ; 4 ° 7083.00-014 Gypsum/Joint Compound NAD 21z a 77080833..000_0-001153 1 n ® Q C G 1 083040 5 Gypsum/Joint Compound NAD ,$3/A352Esc 040 7083.00-016 White Sheet Flooring NAD 17 ' 7083.00-017 White Sheet Flooring NAD ....tts xw- 1004 r 31,0333 020 7083.00-018 2x4 Lay-In Ceiling Tile NAD 121,4383,1 32324033 10.33323/32 White Spotted 12"Floor s 014 ` 7083.04019 NAD Tile/Mastic El 015 .....EELS viien vl j s>ars 7083.00-020 Tan 12"Floor Tile/Mastic NAD 7083.00-021 Brown 12"Floor Tile/Black Mastic Tile:2%CH L ta . x� - Mastic:Insufficient Amnt ID 323131034 1 11 i:Zs�T I $ ) Tile: Positive Stop I 11 32433032 I ,. 333 k scc m . 7083.00-022li Brown 12"Floor Tile/Black Mastic ❑ 0 ( Mastic:4%CH 038 018 008 013 011 039 7083.00-023 2x4 Lay-In Ceiling Tile NAD 012 1 140300 142 I 17 - - - 7083.04024 Textured Surfacing On Wall NAD 50 1 €- v ) 7083.04025 Textured Surfacing On Wall NAD as3e 33 e ) . l; ,,� f 1 7083.04026 Textured Surfacing On Wall NAD 333133202 V 44 BAAS 12 a 68 l =RACEi . ._ i 7083.00-027 Yellow Mastic Behind Wood Panel NAD 006 I ® . as ( 4444.44 r: OW 3,20330821 3214323133303 WSW j� ) 7=i' llil 7083.00-028 Yellow Mastic Behind Wood Panel NAD «�T WARM Yellow Mastic Behind Fiberboard 3 �'" r - r 1 `( 030 001 037 7083.04029 Wall NAD I 010 \___ 036 7083.04030 Yellow Mastic Behind Fiberboard NAD 009�r ,�1001 7083.00-031 Cementitious Countertop(black) 18%CH 007 I Legend -001 - ASBESTOS SAMPLE 7083.00-032 Gypsum/Joint Compound NAD 7083.00-033 Gypsum/Joint Compound NAD 7083.04034 Yellow Mastic Behind Fiberboard NAD -1001 - LEAD PAINT SAMPLE LOCATION Wall I ■ ASBESTOS TRANSITE COUNTER TOPS TO BE REMOVED 7083.00-035 Black 6"Cove Base/Mastic NAD 7083.00-036 Gypsum/Joint Compound NAD ASBESTOS CONTAINING FLOOR TILE 7083.00-037 Gypsum/Joint Compound NAD AND MASTIC TO BE REMOVED 7083.00-038 12"Blue FloorTile/Mastic NAD IGeneral Notes 7083.00-039 12"Tan Floor Tile/Mastic Tile:3%CH FOWLER MIDDLE SCHOOL 1. Asbestos materials have been identified in various areas of the building.Asbestos materials are required to be removed prior to demolition/renovation activities. Mastic:2%CH Suspect/Presumed materials include but are not limited to:Vinyl Floor Tile and associated Mastic,and Black Transite Counter Tops and Back Splashes. 7083.00-040 Black Textured Roofing/Tar Layers NAD I 10865 SW WALNUT oimu.r ncARO,OR 97223 2. Some areas were inaccessible during the inspection and should be assessed when exposure of these areas is possible.These areas include but are not limited to:void spaces 7083.00 041 Black Textured Roofing/Tar NAD in wall cavities and plenums,potential pipe insulation below the concrete slab,and a small number of locked rooms/closets. IKELSAY 3. Provide selective demolition to access concealed areas. 7083.00-042 Black Textured Roofing/Tar Layers NAD Environmental � 4.A screening of painted surfaces performed by the district found both lead containing/lead based paint at the site.All surfaces are presumed to contain at least some lead. 7083.00-043 Black Textured Roofing/Tar Layers NAD Contractors and subcontractors shall comply with OR--OSHA regulation(OAR Chapter 437 Division 3 1926.62). 3693 SE Francis Street Sample No. Material Description Location Results(parts per million) Portland,OR 97202 5. Fluorescent light tubes at the site contain mercury and should be disposed of in adherence with applicable state and federal regulations and/or be recycled. (503)705-0514 7083.00-1001 White Paint Chip Bottom Theater Area 788 DATE SPEC101 6. Tartan flooring in the Upper Gymnasium is considered a mercury-containing hazardous material and must be removed and disposed of in adherence with applicable state and 7083.00-1002 Green Paint Chip Science Office Window 2890 federal regulations and methods outlined in the project specification. I 04-10-17 FLOOR MAIN 7. A screening for PCB-containing ballasts was conducted. PCB ballasts were not found throughout the structure. Since various models appeared randomly throughout most 7083.00 1003 White Paint Chip Wood Shop 890 fixtures,all ballasts to be removed should be verified to be Non-PCB before disposal. 7083.00-1004 Cream Paint Chip Nurse's Room 265 ... ( Sample No. Material Description Results(milligrams per liter) Sample No.'Material Description Results(%by weight) ( �. i Brown Tartan Flooring in Upper 7083.00 001 Gypsum/Joint Compound NAD €( l 7083.00-HG-01 3.18 [ 3 i Gymnasium 7083.00-002 White Spotted 12"VCT/Glue NAD I, 7083.00-003 Tan 12"VCT/Glue NAD 7083.00-004 Gypsum/Joint Compound NAD CI ll 7083.00-005 Gypsum/Joint Compound NAD _I] j 7083.00-006 Cove Base/Mastic NAD O O O J 7083.00-007 Gypsum/Joint Compound NAD Sealant Behind Wooden 7083.00 008 Acoustical Wall NAD O O O I Brown Mastic Behind White I O 7083 00 009 O O Boards Brown Mastic Behind White NAD 7083.00-010 NAD Boards I 0 0 0 7083.00-011 White FloorTile/Mastic Floor Tile: NAD Tan/Black Mastic:3%CH 00 O I 7083.00-012 1'Ceiling Tile/Mastic NAD 0 _ 7083.00-013 Hard Fitting on Domestic Line NAD ____c ^I 7083.00-014 Gypsum/Joint Compound NAD OO O 7083.00-015 Gypsum/Joint Compound NAD O O O 7083.00-016 White Sheet Flooring NAD 7083.00-017 White Sheet Flooring NAD 7083.00-018 2x4 Lay-In Ceiling Tile NAD O 0 0 708300-019 White Spotted 12"Floor I Tile/Mastic c NAD 7083.00 020 Tan 12"FloorTile/Mastic NAD 0 0 0 � Tile:2%CH 7083.00-021 Brown 12"Floor Tile/Black Mastic I Mastic:Insufficient Amnt I O O O 7083.00-022 Brown 12"FloorTile/Black Mastic Tile: Positive Stop Mastic:4%CH OO O 7083.00-023 2x4Lay-InCeilingTile NAD 7083.00-024 Textured Surfacing On Wall _�, _� �/_ ; 7083.00-025 Textured Surfacing On Wall NAD NAD 7083.00-026 Textured Surfacing On Wall NAD i 0 0 0 7083.00-027 Yellow Mastic Behind Wood Panel NAD O0 0 7083.00-028 Yellow Mastic Behind Wood Panel NAD 0'v �0�-i Legend 7083.00 029 Yellow Mastic Behind Fiberboard NAD I 0 0 0 ��� -001 - ASBESTOS SAMPLE wall I Yellow Mastic Behind Fiberboard 7083.00 030 NAD -1001 - LEAD PAINT SAMPLE LOCATION Wall 0 0 0 7083.00-031 Cementitious Countertop(black) 18%CH 0 0 0 -HGO1 - TCLP SAMPLE LOCATION 7083.00-032 Gypsum/Joint Compound NAD 7083.00-033 Gypsum/Joint Compound NAD ASBESTOS TRANSITE COUNTER TOPS Yellow Mastic Behind Fiberboard 01 ti-IF- -I TO BE REMOVED 7083.00-034 Wall NAD ASBESTOS CONTAINING FLOOR TILE 7083.00-035 Black 6"Cove Base/Mastic NAD i t AND MASTIC TO BE REMOVED 7083.00-036 Gypsum/Joint Compound NAD IL, € i, 7083.00-037 Gypsum/Joint Compound NAD .1 I G�7 MERCURY CONTAINING TARTAN h J FLOORING TO BE REMOVED 7083.00-038 12"Blue FloorTile/Mastic 7083NAD General NotesTile:3%CH .00-039 12"Tan FloorTile/Mastic FOWLER MIDDLE SCHOOL 1. Asbestos materials have been identified in various areas of the building.Asbestos materials are required to be removed prior to demolition/renovation activities. Mastic:2%CH Suspect/Presumed materials include but are not limited to:Vinyl Floor Tile and associated Mastic,and Black Transite Counter Tops and Back Splashes. 7083.00-040 Black Textured Roofing/Tar Layers NAD I 10865 SW WALNUT STREET TGARD,OR 97223 2. Some areas were inaccessible during the inspection and should be assessed when exposure of these areas is possible.These areas include but are not limited to:void spaces 7083.00-041 Black Textured Roofing/Tar Layers NAD in wall cavities and plenums,potential pipe insulation below the concrete slab,and a small number of locked rooms/closets. KELSAY 3. Provide selective demolition to access concealed areas. 7083.00-042 Black Textured Roofing/Tar Layers NAD IEnvironmentalConsulting 4.A screening of painted surfaces performed by the district found both lead containing/lead based paint at the site.All surfaces are presumed to contain at least some lead. 7083.00-043 Black Textured Roofing/Tar Layers NAD Contractors and subcontractors shall comply with OR--OSHA regulation(OAR Chapter 437 Division 3 1926.62). 3693 SE Francis Street Sample No. Material Description Location Results(parts per million) I Portland,OR 97202 5.Fluorescent light tubes at the site contain mercury and should be disposed of in adherence with applicable state and federal regulations and/or be recycled. (503)705-0514 6. Tartan flooring in the Upper Gymnasium is considered a mercury-containing hazardous material and must be removed and disposed of in adherence with applicable state and 7083.00-1001 White Paint Chip Bottom Theater Area 788 DATE SPEC102 federal regulations and methods outlined in the project specification. 7083.00-loot Green Paint chip Science Office Window 2890 UPPER 7. A screening for PCB-containing ballasts was conducted. PCB ballasts were not found throughout the structure. Since various models appeared randomly throughout most 7083.00-1003 White Paint Chip Wood Shop 890 04-10-17 GYMNASIUM fixtures,all ballasts to be removed should be verified to be Non-PCB before disposal. 7083.00-1004 Cream Paint Chip Nurse's Room 265