03/27/1990 - Packet VAW AGENDA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 27, 1990, 7:30 A.M. DAVIDSON'S RESTAURANT - 12830 SW PACIFIC HIGHWAY, TIGARD, OR 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL: SAVORY CORLISS DE BERNARDIS ETCHEMENDY ORLANDINI MOORE PULLIAM 3. APPROVE MINUTES 4. PERIODIC REVIEW • Goal 9 discussion 5. COMMUNITY DESIGN AWARDS 6. OTHER BUSINESS 7. ADJOURNMENT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, February 20, 1990 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Corliss, Amo DeBernardis, Tony Orlandini, Brian Moore, Ron Pulliam OTHERS PRESENT: Liz Newton, John Acker The meeting started at 7:30 a.m. and the minutes of the January meeting were approved as written. None present agreed to accept the position of chair of this committee so that position was left vacant. The committee entered a discussion of the proposed Presidents Parkway urban renewal district. The discussion centered around the Metzger School relocation issue and feelings of people in and near the area. The committee expressed support for the concept of urban renewal in the so-called diamond area. Liz suggested that committee members who are interested should attend a President's Parkway meeting at the Tigard Water District. There was a discussion concerning the possibility of the Portland Trailblazers locating a sports facility in Tigard. It was suggested that the triangle would be a good location for such a facility. The question was raised concerning what the committee could do to start the ball rolling. The committee decided that since the next regularly scheduled meeting falls during spring break the meeting will be held a week later on March 27. The meeting will be at Davidson's. O U T L I N E I. Introduction A. Tigard's place in the regional economy Economy does not begin and end with the City boundary. Local economic development is a regional enterprise involving all of the communities that share a common market area. Focus on locally based economic development activity and employment generation. B. City type: a growing community with new opportunities for business and commercial growth. Not under pressure to respond to economic problems. Competitive advantages are transportation links, infrastructure, housing stock, community services Creates an inducing environment for a firm to develop or locate in City II. Economic Conditions Addresses the present status of the City economy, describes major trends in population and employment, and examines key economic sectors A. Population Tabular trend data B. Residential location of workers Three-fourths of the resident labor force works outside the city C. Income Tabular data III. Recent Development Trends National, state, and regional forecasts, major trends A. Buildable lands inventory Tabular data The supply of commercial and industrial land is limited B. City commercial development Tabular data Wholesale and retail sectors play a dominant role in local economy. High-traffic locations required by retailers are becoming scarce. President's Parkway will be community's signature. C. City industrial development Tabular data and discussion Sector represents "basic" employment. Land designated for industrial uses is in short supply. Oregon Business Park expansion. D. Transportation Significance of the transportation network Access to arterial and freeways. Bus service. E. Public facilities IV Action Plan Aim of economic diversity. Public-private, local-regional partnership. 1. Role of economic development committee. 2. Regional task force cooperation and participation. 3. City recognized as having an effective development review process. Proposed streamline activities. 4. Regional development strategy: visitor industry development or tourism. Cook park improvements support attractions development and loop development goals. 5. CBD and Triangle economic development 6. Quality of life. Need for more local cultural and recreation opportunities. HW 99 presents unattractive image. Special assessment district for road and landscape improvements. Gateway improvements. ECONOMY A. Findings Economic development activities pursued by state and region. Tigard's role in the regional economy. Tigard's niche. Prominent location and good visibility. Clear and consistent development review procedures. Emphasis on sticking to basics and concentrating on investing in public works, schools, environmental amenities.. Government has not had to induce development. Triangle, CBD, Diamond areas lagging. More aggressive strategy needed. Another core problem is shortage of buildable land designated for industrial use. New water quality standards potential threat to economic development. Need for local cultural and recreational opportunities. HW 99 image. Entranceway beautification. B. Policies State/regional/local cooperation and collaboration. Public/private partnership. Target efforts to strategic areas for growth and diversification. Improve community appearance, i.e. HW 99. Maintain and improve quality of life. Provide infrastructure for business. Address shortage of industrial land. C. Implementation strategies. Maintain and expand high quality and readily accessible data base of information for business outreach program. Newsletter, resource book, GIS system. ,i Assist and demonstrate support local industry Business Development Fund and Industrial Revenue Bond applications for low interest financing. Improve quality of support services in CBD, Triangle and Diamond. Improve recreational and cultural opportunities. Support quality of life improvements, such and natural history museum, indoor soccer center, baseball field expansion and other private sector projects. Identify and apply for park improvement grants. Address issue of land supply. Look at rezoning, transportation issues, office density issues. Master plan and financial schemes for lagging areas and Triangle CBD. Develop handout information on lagging areas. Designate 74th as special study area. Survey to determine flood plain. Consider special design regulations for city, triangle, and diamond. Various ways to make HW 99 more attractive and reduce congestion. Boulevard look. Build a business reference library. Coordinate land inventory system with Washington County. DR/Out2