07/18/1989 - Packet 14*1 AGENDA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, July 18 , 1989, 7:30 A.M. DAVIDSON'S RESTAURANT - 12830 SW PACIFIC HIGHWAY, TIGARD, OR 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL: SAVORY CORLISS DE BERNARDIS CROUCH ORLANDINI CLARK MOORE ETCHEMENDY MONAHAN 3. APPROVE MINUTES 4. DEVELOPMENT UPDATES 5. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS 6. AMBASSADOR PROGRAM o outreach activities 7. OTHER BUSINESS 8. ADJOURNMENT tiwr►v ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Tuesday June 20, 1989 MEMBERS PRESENT: John Savory, Jim Corliss, Amo DeBernardis, Brian Moore, Bill Monahan OTHERS PRESENT: Peggy Weston Byrd, Ed Murphy, John Acker The meeting was called to order at 7:40 a.m. and the minutes of the May meeting were approved without modification. The meeting started with a discussion of the ambassador program. The point was raised that the program needs to be focused more on functions rather than individuals and ambassadors should be more pro-active. A suggestion was made that ambassadors conduct "exit interviews" for businesses that are either leaving Tigard or stopping operations. The value in doing this would be to discover if there is something that could be or could have been done by the ambassadors, the Chamber, or the City to prevent the move or alleviate the situation. It would also provide data to track those situations that cannot be affected by the ambassador program such as rental rates. It was decided that the EDC (Ambassadors) send a letter to the Ted Nelson Company which is relocating its business outside of Tigard, in an attempt to discover the reasons for relocation. In order to develop an approach for this and subsequent letters Peggy, Bill and John A. will meet prior to sending a letter. The possibility of personal meetings with Tigard businesses was discussed. The suggestion was that a three person group consisting of Chamber, City and Ambassador representatives make an appointment and meet with a local business each month. Establishments to be visited would represent a cross-section of Tigard businesses. Ed Murphy discussed the status of the Dartmouth Street Extension in the Tigard Triangle. He said that the City was seeking a Summary Judgement in respect to the Dartmouth Street LID. A favorable judgement could signal the beginning of execution of the LID. On the other hand, an unfavorable judgement or additional litigation could lead to the termination of this project. With respect to the Urban Renewal District that is proposed by Trammel Crow, Ed said the City Council and the Tigard School District are receptive to the idea. Neighborhood people have mixed feelings. Ed also said that the realization of this project, if pursued, requires a lot of groundwork and therefore will not occur in the immediate future. There was lengthy discussion concerning the Trammel Crow proposal as it relates to the downtown urban renewal district and redevelopment. Some committee members expressed concern that the Trammel Crow proposal appears to be supplanting the CBD redevelopment as the top priority of Tigard's City Council. Committee sentiment was that the City needs to work on public awareness/acceptance of the downtown urban renewal district.