09/19/1989 - Packet AGENDA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, September 19, 1989, 7:30 A.M. CITY OF TIGARD, TOWN HALL CONFERENCE ROOM - 13125 SW HALL BOULEVARD, TIGARD, OR 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL: SAVORY CORLISS DE BERNARDIS CROUCH ETCHEMENDY ORLANDINI MOORE MONAHAN 3. APPROVE MINUTES 4. REPORT ON EXIT INTERVIEWS Discussion 5. POST CARDS FOR INFORMATION SHARING 6. TOUR OF TIGARD PUBLIC LIBRARY (8:15) 7. ADJOURNMENT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Tuesday August 15, 1989 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Corliss, Paul Etchemendy, Tony Orlandini OTHERS PRESENT: Peggy Weston Byrd, Valerie Johnson, Liz Newton, John Acker The meeting was called to order at 7:45 a.m, and the minutes of the July meeting were approved without modification. The meeting began with a discussion of "exit interviews" and how committee members will be able to know when a business is about to move. Relating to that discussion, a question was posed concerning how EDC members can pass along information, comments or suggestions in a timely manner to City staff. Valerie suggested that perhaps a postage paid postcard addressed to the City in care of John Acker would be a good way for information to be passed along to the appropriate person(s) . The postcard could be carried in a coat pocket or glove box and be used when an idea, a conversation or discovered information is still fresh in the mind. John will pursue this idea. It was suggested that a letter and written questionnaire would not elicit a good response rate and a better approach would be to personally contact exiting businesses by phone. Tony volunteered to contact Ted Nelson and Paul volunteered to call This Week. In addition to surveying businesses that are leaving town, the committee agreed that a welcoming letter and maybe a small packet of information should be sent to new businesses. This information should be sent out with the business tax. The possibility of a quarterly new business orientation that would allow new businesses to meet City staff and be introduced to available resources. An underutilized resource available to City businesses is the Tigard Library. Because committee members are not aware of business resources in the library, it was decided to hold the September EDC meeting at the City Hall and have a tour and explanation of library resources. John will make arrangements. Liz explained the parks levy for improvements to Cook, Fanno Creek and Summerlake Parks and selected greenways that will be on the September ballot. She also briefly talked about the status of the City Center Plan public education campaign. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00.