02/17/1987 - Packet it
Tigard Economic Development Committee
Agenda of Feb. 17, 1987
7:30 AM
Pioneer Pies
Savory DeBernardis Clement
Clark Budny Corliss
1. Call to Order
2. Minutes of January 20, 1987
3. Subcommittee Report "Philosophy Statement and Action Plan"
for next 18 months.
4. Status Report on Cascade Study
5. Seafirst Bank letter
6. Realtor Assistance Discussion - Schedule
7. Developer Presentation
8. Other Business
9. Adjournment. Next meeting March of 1987
February 3, 1987 CITY
25 Years of Serves
Mr. James P. Freeman, Credit Officer
Seafirst Real Estate Group
Columbia Seafirst Center
701 Fifth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
RE: Main Street Property - Tigard, Oregon
Dear Jim:
I would like to take this opportunity to express the City of Tigard's sincere
desire to work with Seafirst to make the most optimum use of the land now
owned by Seafirst on Main Street in Tigard. As you are aware, the property,
formerly owned by Main Street Land Corporation (J.B. Bishop) has a checkered
history. I would like to set the record straight, however, that the City of
Tigard has never set up roadblocks to the development of that land. Instead,
the City has provided the land with favorable zoning, created a local
i%r improvement district to help the owner develop the land, and worked with the
developer to create a suitable plan for the land. Today, we stand ready to
assist Seafirst to develop the property.
I would like to list several City individuals and groups which wish to provide
assistance to Seafirst in_ marketing, developing, or evaluating the potential
of the-- --property:
1. Tigard has an Economic Development Committee which is very interested
in the land in question. The EDC is now working on evaluating the
type of commercial entities desired for the downtown area. The land
owned by Seafirst is considered by the staff and EDC to be 4.he anchor
site which will has a major role in determining the fate of Tigard's
City Center renewal efforts. The EDC asked me to invite you or
another Seafirst representative to meet with them at their regular
meeting on the third Tuesday of any month.
2. A new City Center Plan Task Force was recently created by the City
Council. The Task Force will work with the staff and consultants to
prepare a comprehensive revitalization plan for the downtown area.
We are willing to reevaluate zoning, capital improvement meds,
traffic patterns, and other constraints on development. We hope that
Seafirst will be active in our plan preparation process.
13125 SW Hail Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171
Seafirst Real Estate Group
Page 2
February 2, 1987
3. The City staff is committed to working to attract quality development
to the downtown. My planning staff has assembled a large amount of
data on the downtown businesses, city wide development trends, and
marketing analysis which may be useful to Seafirst. The following
planning staff members would be pleased to assist you - Elizabeth
Newton, Senior Planner (503) 639-4171 eat. 347, or Duane Roberts,
Administrative Planner (503) 639-4171 ext. 349.
4. Tigard's new Mayor, Tom Brian, is very knowledgable of the real
estate market in Tigard and the history of this site. He has
expressed an interest in directly assisting the staff to provide you
with information which will help to determine the maximum use of your
land. Mayor Brian and I would be pleased to visit with your staff to
discuss the potential for this site.
Finally, I am committed to helping you to develop your site. I have been with
the City for four and one-half year. During that time two development plans
have been approved by the City, but, due to whatever circumstances befell Mr.
Bishop, the projects failed. I recognize your land to be the single most
important site in downtown Tigard. I want to make certain that development of
this land occurs in a way that has maximum benefit to you as well as the
I%W citizens of Tigard. Therefore, I propose that we jointly work to further our
mutual interest.
Please call on me or my staff whenever we may assist you. Also, please advise
me whether or not you will continue to be the City's contact person With
Seafirst. I would appreciate any assistance which you may provide to share
Tigard's commitment with your supervisors.
Thank you for providing me with this opportunity.
William A. Monahan
Community Development
Minutes of January 20, 1987 Meeting
7:30 AM Pioneer Pies
Present: John Savory, Amo DeBernardix, David Clements Susan Clark,
Jim Corliss
' r ,
Others Present: Greg Knox (Rep. Phillips Office), Duane Roberts,
»'Geraldine Ball, Liz Newton, John Acker'
8ill Monahan
The Minutes of the December 16 meeting were approved as written.
John Savory introduced the Committee work Alan. With the creation of th Cit
Plan Tmuh Force, the Committee needs to choose its next major e y
'The roles defined in Resolution 80-134 and 136 were discussed. Bill d '
the staff commitment now available to the Committee. Li eo�ribe6
now being worked on, in particular the Cascade Blvd. z noted the studyprojects,
Discussion centered on the relationship of the Committee
tthe- Chamber.may wish to make m Presentation to the^nmmver for purposes of interfacing. The Possibility of meeting with various clubs was also mentioned. Codes enforcement concerns were also
Susan suggested that the "Jobs Created by Development" be.. oent to the P i t
Industry Council. to illustrate that we are continuing our efforts
r «m e
write a letter to introduce it. The list represents t e or » ' Susan will
Tenumber he Committee exprenne6 interest in measuring th � two years »f activity.
be able to annually update to show gains and l » jobs in Tigard to
modified to include existing jobs .
000eu ' The lint could 6e
The Committee discussed the established priority Of its efforts retention,
expansion, and attraction. New emphasis will be give t -- re en on'
philosophy statement and action plan will b n o attraction. A
consistent with the revised Resolution authorizing
prepared by the Cnmmittee
Amo volunteered to work on a subcommittee «r zzng the Cummittee' Susan and
proposal , Liz will coordinate the staff
przor to the next meeting to draft a
a r znput.
John rioted that Dick Coohran' o term has expired Dick is not ki
term. Also, Todd Mains has advised John tha'� he i» res resigning i oee ng a new
Committee due to schedule conflicts .
ing from the
Bill reported to the Committee on the status of the Mai St
formerly owned by J. B. Biuhop, Seafirut Bank purchased
nth reet Property
auction at the end of 1086. The City was paid in full f LID e property at
the County was paid Past due taxes , Some creditors or assessments and
Committee supported Bill . e nr» re«ei»ed no payment The
welcoming their participation
suggestion that he write a letter to Ge' firot
stress the C itt . pa zon 1n the City Center Plan. The letter will
and tenants umm ee x desire to work with Seafirnt in finding suitable
b i nan o for the property. An invitation to meet with the committee m �e u«e
e included,
Duane presented a new map of the Downtown. Greg Knox working with
Rep. u� Phillips, invited Committee members to give input' to leginlative
".=°»urepanow ow unoer consideration.
The meeting concluded at 9:08 AM. The next meeting will be held on Tu d
February l/, 15 7:30 AM at pioneer Pies . e« ay'
Philosophy Statement:
In order to promote a Positive business
attract new businesses and support environment in the City Of Tigmrd
Economic Development proposes t � existing 6uuinen»en, the City Of Ti r6. '
the next eighteen months : n facilitate the following activities ga «
. eu during
Monitor the inventory of industrial lands conducted by the Planning utaff.
the initiation of rexiew of areas which h '
commercial or industrial zoning where appropriate. ave rezoning Potential to
Make recommendations to the NPO, Planning ann ng Commiu»ion and City Council on zone
changes initiated.
Develop a strategy to market Tigard to new bu«i
an aggressive outreach program to ouli�it th neooeo including publicity and
new businesses. e ideau and concerns of potential
Monitor the data—bane information collected
and maintained by the planning
staff to ensure information collecte6
community, useful to City staff and the business
Coordinate economic development effort ,
jurisdictions and organizations to io with business interestsother
including sharing information and pro improve the business climate i` Tigard
of existing businesses d promoting programs which support the gr»wth
an enoourage now buxineonen to locate in Tigard.
Recommend changes to City codes and ordinances
and development of businesses and support the Ciwhioh encourage planned growth
ry Center plan.
SupportTigard ' o image developed through the city Center Plan
~^^x Center plan policies.
r an and uupport the
Tigard Economic Development Committee
Agenda of Feb. 17, 1987
7:30 AM
Pioneer Pies
Savory DeBernardis Clement
Clark Budny Corliss
1. Call to Order
2. Minutes of January 20, 1987
3. Subcommittee Report "Philosophy Statement and Action Plan"
for next 18 months.
4. Status Report on Cascade Study
5. Seafirst Bank letter
6. Realtor Assistance Discussion - Schedule
7. Developer Presentation
8. Other Business
9. Adjournment. Next meeting March of 1987
February 3, 1987 (CITY OF TI ARD
25 Yeas of Ser0ce
Mr. James P. Freeman, Credit Officer
Seafirst Real Estate Group
Columbia Seafirst Center
701 Fifth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
RE: Main Street Property - Tigard, Oregon
Dear Jim:
I would like to take this opportunity to express the City of Tigard's sincere
desire to work with Seafirst to make the most optimum use of the land now
owned by Seafirst on Main Street in Tigard. As you are aware, the property,
formerly owned by Main Street Land Corporation O.B. Bishop) has a checkered
history. I would like to set the record straight, however, that the City of
Tigard has never set up roadblocks to the development of that land. Instead,
the City has provided the land with favorable zoning, created a local
' wl improvement district to help the owner develop the land, and worked with the
developer to create a suitable plan for the land. Today, we stand ready to
assist Seafirst to develop the property.
I would like to list several City individuals and groups which wish to provide
assistance to Seafirst in marketing, developing, or evaluating the potential
of the property:
1. Tigard has an Economic Development Committee which is very interested
in the land in question. The EDC is now working on evaluating the
type of commercial entities desired for the downtown area. The land
owned by Seafirst is considered by the staff and EDC to be &he anchor
site which will has a major role in determining the fate of Tigard's
City Center renewal efforts. The EDC asked me to invite you or
another Seafirst representative to meet with them at their regular
meeting on the third Tuesday of any month.
2. A new City Center Plan Task Force was recently created by the City
Council. The Task Force will work with the staff and consultants to
prepare a comprehensive revitalization plan for the downtown area.
We are willing to reevaluate zoning, capital improvement needs,
traffic patterns, and other constraints on development. We hope that
Seafirst will be active in our plan preparation process.
13125 SW Hall Blvd.P.O.Box 23397,Tigard Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171
' , I�IYW►J i
Seafirst Real Estate Group
Page 2
February 2, 1987
3. The City staff is committed to working to attract quality development
to the downtown. My planning staff has assembled a large amount of
data on the downtown businesses, city wide development trends, and
marketing analysis which may be useful to Seafirst. The following
planning staff members would be pleased to assist you - Elizabeth
Newton, Senior Planner (503) 639-4171 ext. 347, or Duane Roberts,
Administrative Planner (503) 639-4171 eat. 349.
4. Tigard's new Mayor, Tom Brian, is very knowledgable of the real
estate market in Tigard and the history of this site. He has
expressed an interest in directly assisting the staff to provide you
with information which will help to determine the maximum use of your
land. Mayor Brian and I would be pleased to visit with your staff to
discuss the potential for this site.
Finally, I am committed to helping you to develop your site. I have been with
the City for four and one-half year. During that time two development plans
have been approved by the City, but, due to whatever circumstances befell Mr.
Bishop, the projects failed. I recognize your land to be the single most
important site in downtown Tigard. I want to make certain that development of
this land occurs in a way that has maximum benefit to you as well as the
citizens of Tigard. Therefore, I propose that we jointly work to further our
mutual interest.
Please call on me or my staff whenever we may assist you. Also, please advise
me whether or not you will continue to be the City's contact person With
Seafirst. I would appreciate any assistance which you may provide to share
Tigard's commitment with your supervisors.
Thank you for providing me with this opportunity.
William A. Monahan
Community Development
Minutes of January 20, 1087 Meeting
7:38 AM Pioneer Pies
Present: John Savory, Amo DeBurnandin, David Clements, Susan Clark,
Jim Corliss
Others Present: Greg Knox (Rep. Phillips Office), Duane Roberts,
Geraldine Ball, Liz Newton, John Acker, Bill Monahan
The Minutes of the December 10 meeting were approved as written.
John Savory introduced the Committee work plan. With the creation of the City
Center Plan Task Force, the. Committee needs to choose its next major focus .
The roles defined in Resolution 80-134 and 135 were discussed . Bill described
the staff commitment now available to the Committee. Liz noted the projects
now being worked on, in particular the Cascade Blvd. study.
Discussion centered on the relationship of the Committee to the Chamber.
Susan suggested that the Committee may wish to make a presentation to the
Chamber for purposes of interfacing. The possibility of meeting with various
service clubs was also mentioned. Cu6ux enforcement concerns were also raised.
Susan suggested that the "Jobs Created by Development" be sent to the Private
Industry Council to illustrate that we are continuing our efforts . Susan will
write a letter to introdtxe it. The list represents two years of activity.
The Committee expressed interest in measuring the number of jobs in Tigard to
be able to annually update to show gains and losses. The lint could be
modified to include existing jobs.
The Committee discussed the established priority of its efforts -- retention,
expansion, and attraction. New emphasis will be given to attraction. A
philosophy statement and action plan will be prepared by the Committee
consistent with the revised Resolution authorizing the Committee. Susan and
Amo volunteered to work on a subcommittee prior to the next meeting to draft a
proposal . Liz will coordinate the staff input.
John noted that Dick Coohnan' o term has expired. Dick is not seeking a new
term. Also, Todd Mains has advised John that he is resigning from the
Committee due to schedule conflicts.
Bill reported to the Committee on the status of the Main Street property
formerly owned by J. B. Biohnp, Suafirnt Bank purchased the property at
auction at the end of 1980. The City was paid in full for LID assessments and
the County was paid pant due taxes . Some creditors received no payment. The
Committee supported Bill' s suggestion that he write a letter to Seafirot
welcoming their participation in the City Center Plan. The letter will also
stress the Committee' s desire to work with Seafirot in finding suitable use
and tenants for the property. An invitation to meet with the Committee will
be included.
Duane presented a new map of the Downtown. Greg Knox, working with
Rep. Paul Phillips, invited Committee members to give input to legislative
measures now under nonmideration.
The meeting concluded at 0:00 AM. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday,
February 17, 15 7:30 AM at Pioneer Pies.
Philosophy Statement:
:In order• to promote a positive business environment in the City of Tigard,
attract new businesses and support existing businesses, the City of T:igard' s
Economic Development proposes to facilitate the following activities during
the next eighteen months :
Monitor• the inventory of industr•:i.al. .lands conducted by the Planning staff.
Suggest the initiation of review of areas which have rezoning potential to
commercial or industrial zoning where appropriate.
Make recommendations to the NPO, Planning Commission and City Council on zone
changes initiated.
Develop a strategy to market.: Tigard to new businesses including publicity and
an aggressive outreach program to solicit the ideas and concerns of potential
new businesses .
Mon:i.tor• the data base information collected and maintained by the Planning
staff to ensure information collected is useful to City staff and the business
community .
Coordinate economic development, efforts with business interests, other
jurisdictions and organizations to improve the business climate in Tigard
including sharing information and promoting programs which support the growth
of existing businesses and encourage new businesses to locate in Tigard.
Recommend changes to City codes and ordinances which encourage planned growth
and development of businesses and support the City Center plan.
Support Tigar•d' s image developed through the City Center• Plan and support the
City Center• Plan policies .