04/21/1987 - Packet �ftw AGENDA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 1987, 7:30 A.M. PIONEER PIES PACIFIC HIGHWAY AT MAIN STREET 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL: SAVORY CORLISS DE BARNARDIS HART FURRER PIERCE CLARK CLEMENT 3. Approve minutes 4. Introduction of New Members 5. Annual election of officers chairpersons .vice chairpersons .secretary 6. Economic Development Committee Open House Update 7. Action Plans 8. Triangle Plan 9. Other Business 10. Adjournment ~ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE . ' . 7' 38 a m Pioneer Pies . Meeting of March 17, 1987 Members Present: John Savory, Amo DeBernardio, Susan Clark, David Clement and Jim Corliss Others Present: Geraldine Ball, Peggy Weston Byrd, Tom Brian, Bill Monahan, Jim Freeman, Alan Black and John Acker Minutes of the February 17, 1087 meeting were approved as written. Jim Freeman of Seafirut asked the Committee what was planned for the downtown area of Tigard. He felt that the ou called Main Street property, now owned by Seafirot, was a key to the development of downtown. He also said that Seafirnt was anxious to help someone develop the property but they want to be a lender rather than an owner. Asked by Amo what the committee and the City could do to help, Jim responded that developers wanted data about the area and that it always helped to have a "slick" visual marketing preoentation. Tom said that the downtown plan would be market based and could be used as a marketing tool when finished. Jim asked what public improvements were planned in the downtown and what funding mechanisms are available. Bill said that there in a capital improvement list but it was determined that the downtown plan is needed as a focus before any capital improvements are made. Tom said that the mood of the voters may allow for the reinstitution of public financing in the future. Alan Black, of the Portland office of Seafirot, said that 'Tigard has a gond reputation in the Metro area. He also said that developers nuu cooperativeness of local officials as desirable in a potential development area. Jim said that there is a developers convention he will be attending in May . He said it would be helpful if he could have some marketing information on the Main Street property by that time. Tom pauum6 out a memo written by Counnilnr, Johnson and himself to Council stating their desire to change the criteria for Economic Development Committee membership. He said the present criteria, allowing only two representatives that live outside of Tigard together with the requirement of having representatives from specific areas, made it very difficult to find qualified volunteers . The proposed new criteria would allow three from outside the City and would give special consideration to representation of the specific areas , Susan Clark suggested that the requirements should be simply "either live or do business in Tigard. " Amu suggested that John write a letter to the Mayor supporting the criteria changes . _ ^ NNMWOI ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES Page 2 Meeting of March 17, 1087 Concerning the letters announcing the business persons meeting on March 26th, John Savory said that he thought the problems were solved and the letters would go out this week. Peggy volunteered to do name tags for people an they come in and suggested that a list of those receiving letters be passed out at the meeting. John and John will get together within the next week to work out specific details for the meeting. Amo passed around an article from the Tigard Timex about a development project in Tigard. He suggested that as members of the Economic Development Committee, they should have some advance notice of development activity in the City . John said he would see about getting that information to the committee. JA:cn/0084W WOW vow Economic Development Workshop Thursday, March 26, 1987 — 5:30 — 8 :00 Tigard Civic Center Town Hall %41W 13125 SW Hall Blvd. Attendance: Mike Marr, City Center Task Force; Tom Hill, Tigard/Tualatin 'Times; John Savory, SW Office Supply; Peggy Weston Byrd, Tigard Chamber Director; Donna Moda, Trammell. Crow; Mark Rockwell, Trammell Crow; Geraldine Ball; Amo De Bernardis, Economic Development Committee; Jerry Edwards, City Council and Liz Newton, City Staff. John Savory started the meeting at. approximately 5:45 with introductions . John and Liz reviewed current development activity including status reports on Albertson' s, the Family Drive In site and the Main Street property . John gave a brief overview of the responsibilities and focus of the Economic Development Committee. Liz talked about information the City has available regarding demographics. John asked Mark Rockwell what the City and Committee could do generally to assist businesses. Mark Rockwell discussed developers preference to undertake projects in jurisdictions with proactive, positive, cooperat:ive attitudes . The revitalization of the downtown was discussed . Councilor Edwards discussed the importance of a workable transportation network for the downtown. Peggy Weston Byrd mentioned the importance of developing an image for Tigard. Liz talked briefly about what the Portland State students are doing regarding an image for Tigard . Mark Rockwell concurred that: a workable transportation system should be the top priority . At 7:00, Toni Hill, Peggy, Liz, John and Amo moved to the -Town Hall Conference Room and discussed the Civic Center plan, the Economic Development Committee' s role and exchanged ideas on potential types of development for the downtown. Meeting adjourned 8:00 P.M. EAN:cn/1087W