03/18/1986 - Packet AGENDA
Tuesday, March 18, 1986
7:30 A.M. - Pioneer Pies
1. Review minutes of February 18, 1986.
2. Status of the Downtown Council Organizational Efforts
- Recruitment of participants.
- Application to Washington-Multnomah PIC for $10,000 funding.
- Status of City of Tigard budget request for $10,000 funding,
(Budget Committee meets on March 19, 1986 and March 26, 1986
at Durham Treatment Plant at 6:30 P.M. ) .
3. Economic Development Symposium sponsored by the I-5 Corridor
Association for September or October, 1986. Tigard's presentation
"Planning and the Committee 's Role".
4. Report on Development Projects underway and plans for 1986.
5. Developer Presentations.
6. Other Business.
7. Adjourn. Next meeting is Tuesday, August 15, 1986 at
7:30 A.M. at Pioneer Pies.
February 18, 1986 - Minutes
Pioneer Pies
Members Present: Jim Corliss, Kathy Budny, John Savory, David Clements,
Dick Cochran, Susan Clark, Tony Orlandini., Juanita Caday
Others Present: Bill Burton, Jeanne Caswell, Mrs. Geraldine Ball, Don
Hanson, Dehorah Stuart, Morgan Furrer, Ryann Furrer, Bill
The Committee reviewed the minutes of the January 21 , 1986 meeting and
approved them as written.
Jeanne Caswell of the Tigard Chamber of Commerce distributed a concept paper
describing the non-profit organization proposal which will be presented at the
February 20, 1986 meeting.
The plan incorporates existing Chamber Committees. Two plans were presented
which read:
Plan I:
1 . The Downtown Council incorporate as a private non-profit corporation
2. Elect officers to draft by.-laws in accordance with Oregon law.
3 . Develop a budget and means of developing revenue. See attached
4. Have a "Downtown" manager to be accountable to the Downtown council.
5. Contract with the 'Tigard Chamber of Commerce for support services,
i .e. , rent, publications, clerical, bookkeeping.
Plan II:
1 . The Downtown Council develop as a standing committee of the Tigard
Chamber of Commerce. The chairperson shall serve on the Chamber
Board of Directors .
2. The Downtown Council. develop a set of guidelines, policy and
procedures for the purposes of promotion of downtown Tigard. To be
reviewed by the Chamber Board of Directors .
3 . The Downtown Council develop a budget and a means of securing
revenue, See supporting schedule. Money will. be part of the Chamber
budget, administered by the Downtown Council. manager and council .
4 . Have a downtown manager to be accountable to the Downtown Council and
-the Chamber Executive Director.
The options are in lieu of joining the Oregon Main Street Program. Plan ].
membership is $125 for a business or property owner, or $75 for supporting
members, Plan 2. has a different membership fee based on whether or not the
business or property owner is a chamber member. Regardless, the council needs
about $24,000 for personnel, plus materials to equal at least $30,000. Of the
319 businesses, Jeanne feels 1/3 participation is realistic. The City
contribution of up to $10,000 will. not come from the general. fund.
John reported that at the last downtown meeting, held on February 6, 1986, the
participants were concerned about involvement: with the Chamber and the City .
A cooperative effort is the goal given the funds and commitments needed. Don
agreed there was some sentiment generated from past grudges, but, he felt they
could be overcome. At Thursday ' s meeting, the group will decide whether or
not to affiliate with the Chamber or form a separate group. Don feels that if
the group aligns with the Chamber, only a chairman is needed. If a separate
group is formed, the delays resultant from formation will push back the
committee at least a month.. Jeanne suggested that the City should have a
designated member on the Downtown Council . John and Don are concerned that
the Council needs to work closely with the City and present a uniform front to
the committee.
Jeanne will present the two options at the Thursday meeting, then the group
will decide which direction to go, John stated that most of the people who
have attended the meetings want to see some action. Don clistributed a
February 14, 1986 letter prepared by the City which invites businesses and
property owners to the February 20 meeting. It encourages participation and
ideas about what the group can do.
Don described the earlier efforts of the downtown merchants and its
Jeanne noted that five lending institutions are within the designated downtown
area. Juanita described efforts in Portland which are associated with a tax
incentive program. A low indirect loan program could be possible to assist
property owners in the area to finance improvements .
Tony suggested that the Thursday discussion center on the purposes of the
Council with less attention directed towards the fee structure. He reported
on the efforts of the Clackamas group. Jim felt that the fee structure
proposed gives too much emphasis to existing Chamber membership as those who
would benefit from the Council. are already Chamber members and would probably
be willing to contribute more. The Committee members agreed that the
structure should be looked at again. Jeanne pointed out that the I--5 Corridor
group has a list of major property owners identified which may be approached
to provide more financing than the dues structure provides for. She suggested
that a list of those properties, businesses, and banks which could underwrite
the Council be established. Susan suggested that a list of achievable goals
would be needed to help encourage those major contributors to participate.
Jeanne announced that the Chamber has negotiated a lease with the City to move
into the former City Hall on Main Street. The purpose is to eventually
purchase the building and to have it declared a Historic Property . A press
conference will be held on Wednesday, February 26 at 10 AM to announce the
cooperative effort. John noted that the Chamber' s decision was prompted by
the involvement with the Economic Development Committee and the efforts to
create a Downtown Council The Chamber' s choice_ was made because of its
commitment to the downtown efforts, i.t was not made because of the rent
arrangements .
Bill. described the City effort to improve Main Street and the Main Street
Bridge. The City has hired an engineering consultant to design an improved
bridge, and Main Street. The original plan to resurface Main Street has been
postponed into Fiscal Year 1987 because greater repair needs are needed than
just a resurface.
Burlington Northern has an economic development group which should be
contacted to begin discussion on the combination of railroad tracks in the
downtown. Bill reported that the new City Engineer, Randall. Wooley, will be
asked to initiate conversation with both Southorn Pacific and Burlington
Oon mentioned the success that Sari Francisco has had in enforcing a color code
for buildings . Some discussion was held concerning design standards and
committee review.
The Committee discussed the coordination with the Chamber and how the Chamber
feels about the proposed arrangement. Jeanne pointed out that five Chamber
Board members have businesses in the area.
The Committee discussed developments planned for 1986 and the current vacant
space relation in the Commercial. and Industrial markets.
John encouraged all to attend the Thursday meeting.
Other Business — Tony Orl.andini' s term has expired from the committee.
Juanita Caday has been appointed as his replacement.
The March edition of Oregon Business Magazine will feature the I-5 Corridor
and the downtown area.
The next meeting will. be held on Tuesday, March 18, 1986 at Pioneer Pies at
7:30 A.M.
LWI'll-lam A. Monahan
To more accurately ~ww, re the tax rates of ihe ]ur`��'ixdiriions providing
municipal services, the following table shows ra! ^s adjuoio6 to include
applicable special district rates .
/ 000 8V
Portland 6 . 29 6 . 48 K79 6. 58 6 . 43 K71
Municipal 5�37 7.01 6 . 48 5 . 23 5 , 52 4.23
Tual , « P � R Hill � R. _1 . 14
' 1�4�3 1-, 33 1.19 1 . 21 1.34
TOTAL. 6. 51 8 . 14 7, 81 1 .42 6. 73 5.57
Municipal 2. 12 3 . 50 3 , 30 3 . 9 . 3 , 51 4 . 13
Tualatin RFPD 3 .40 3_J�1 3 2O 3-1-11 3,12 2,60
TOTAL 512 60 6 .64 6,45 6� 63 6 . 73
Municipal �0 1- 1.0 1 . 12 1 . 18 1 .06 1 ,36
200 2. 75 2. 70 2 .70 2. 71 2 . 6y5
TOTAL 3 ,40 3 , 94 3 , 82 9 . 88 3 .77 4 .00
The Following is a table of tax rates as they would apply for
Metzger/Washington Square tax payers and the estimated property tax coot for
1985/86 based upon a $65^000 assessed valuation.
Municipal - 86 4 . 23 6.71
WaxK Co. 1.03 1 . 93 1 .03 1 .03
USA .36 .36 .36
School Dist. #23 11 .55 11 .65 11 .55 11 .66
Metzger Water .03 .03 .03 .03
Metzger Sanitary .28 .28 .28 .28
Metzger Water Combined .64 .64 .64 . 64
Wash. Co. ESD .25 .25 .25 .26
Port. Comm. Coll. .68 .58 .58 . 58
Wash. Co. RFPD #1 2.66 2.66
Port of Portland .37 .37 �37 .37
Metro Surv . Dist. . 16 . 16 . 16 . 16
Metzger Park l2 42 - _
Tual. Hilly Pr.
& Reo
' Dist. -- --__- -- _ _1�4 -
Total Tax Rate 18.02 10. 78 21- 72 22.50
Total Property Tax
$12?9.&0� 1285. 70 1411.80 1462.50
From Washington County Summary of Assessment & Tax roll' 1085-86.
TO: Loreen Wilson, City Recorder Fehrtiary 25. 1986
FROM: Billie Rawlings for Bill Monahan
SUBJECT: Minutes of Economic Development Committee
Meeting Date: February 18, 1986
STARTING TIME: 7:30 A.M. PLACE: Pioneer Pies Restaurant
MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Corliss, Kathy Budny, John Savory, David Clements,
Dick Cochran, Susan Clark, Tony Orlandini, Juanita Canday
PUBLIC, PRESS, STAFF & OTHERS PRESENT: Bill Burton, Jeanne Caswell, Mrs. Geraldine
Ball, Don Hanson, Deborah Stuart, Morgan Furrer, Fyann Furrer,
Bill Monahan
MINUTES: Attached are the minutes from said meeting, and a copy of the
meeting agenda.
XX A quorum was present and due notice had been given for the meeting.
Lack of quorum was noted, so the decision was made to proceed and
review the action items and to formulate a recommendation by consensus
of the members. Final action will be taken at the next scheduled
meeting. Due notice had been given for the meeting.
Lack of quorum was noted and the meeting was cancelled.
Next meeting scheduled for: March 18, 1986, 7:30 A.M.
a A. onahan