05/21/1985 - Packet -
Tuesday, May 21' 1905 — 7:30 A.M.
Pioneer Pies
1. Review minutes of April 16' 1085 meeting
2. Review of draft survey of downtown businesses and property owners
3 . Presentation by Developers
4. Election of Chairman
5. Other
6. Adjourn
Minutes - April 16' 1085
Pioneer Pies Restaurant
Members Present: Pat Kennedy, Vice Chairman
Kathy Budney
Jim Corliss
Guests Present: Cam Lansford, Costco
John Savory
J. B. Bishop
Iry Larson
Geraldine Gall
Janan Gardner, Oregonian
Staff Present: Bill Monahan
The Committee reviewed the minutes of the March 26' 1.985 meeting and
approved them as written. Minutes of the April 1 Special Meeting were
reviewed; no action was taken.
The Committee discussed the goals and objectives of the Committee for the
downtown area. Kathy and Amo had submitted comments to Bill which he related
to the Committee. They included:
- Make a survey of downtown businesses to evaluate problems and
potential of growth.
Zoning problems in the downtown should be evaluated.
-~ - Private sector involvement should be evaluated in terms of
remodeling' signing, lighting, and landscaping.
- The growth potential of the Highway 217 area should be evaluated.
- Determine what groups should be involved in the planning of the area.
- The community should think big when planning for the downtown.
- The present and projected economic impact of the downtown area should
be determined.
Public perception of the Central Business District should be assessed.
Discussion then centered on how the Committee could be involved in the
downtown. Pat suggested that a questionnaire be set up which could be
circulated, then followed up with a phone call. Bill will check into the cost
of mailing a survey to the downtown area. J. B. Bishop will provide a list of
property owners which he will get from a title company. Bill will prepare a
draft questionnaire and send it to members for their review prior to the next
meeting. The questionnaire will ask
1) What direction the property owners would like the downtown to go;
2} Adequacy of zoning, and
3) What can the public and private sector do to improve the downtown.
Bill will check to see if the City can fund some or all of the survey
oomt. If the City cannot, it was suggested that local businesses may be
willing to provide funds for the survey.
The Committee suggested other questions, including-.
— Do you consider the construction of a Tri Met Transfer Station at the
present site of Tigard Auto Body to be a positive step for the area?
— Do you have any suggestions concerning improving the style or image
of the downtown?
— Are you interested in starting a Downtown Program similar to those
now operating in Hillsboro, and other Oregon cities where merchants
contribute to the hiring of a downtown promotion manager?
— Should we leave the downtown as it is, and let it develop on it's own?
— Are the traffic and transportation services in the downtown
adequate? Any suggestions?
— Aro there any uses which should be restricted or prohibited?
Pat asked each member, to contact a business person and ask them what their
concerns are. Each member in to get input to Bill by May 1 . The members
present agreed to pursue the survey.
Bill reported on the progress of the I-5 Corridor group which has formed
as an outgrowth of the Sister City project. The group planned a kickoff
meeting for April �5th
J. G. Bishop asked the Committee to give further input to the City Council
concerning it' s support of the Main Street project. He asked that the
committee enhance its' letter. Pat agreed to poll the members to see what
their feelings are in this regard.
The meeting ended at 9:00 A.M.
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 21' 1985' at 7:38 A.M. at
Pioneer Pies.