06/18/1985 - Packet ea
Tuesday, -June 18, 1985 — 7:30 A.M.
Pioneer Pies
1. Review minutes of May 21, 1985 meeting.
2. Report on the survey of downtown businesses and property owners.
3 . Discussion of Tigard Promotions, Inc.
4. Report on I-5 Corridor annual meeting.
5. Presentation by Developers.
6. Election of Chairman.
7. Other.
8. Adjourn.
Minutes - May 21, 1985
Pioneer Pies Restaurant
Members Present: Pat Kennedy, Vice Chairman
Kathy Budney
John Savory
Tony Orlandini
Amo DeBernardis
David Clement
Members Absent: Jim Corliss
Greg Newton
Guest Present: J. B. Bishop
Geraldine Ball
Staff Present: Bill Monahan
The Committee reviewed the minutes of the April 16, 1985 meeting and approved
them as written.
Bruce Clark resigned from the Committee in May, due to work committments.
Vice Chairman Pat Kennedy chaired the meeting and will continue to until a new
chairman is elected.
A draft survey of downtown businesses and property owners was reviewed. Bill
will revise the survey for destribution. He will also look into the costs of
mailing the survey if return postage is paid by the City.
Input was given which restructured the survey and deleted some questions. The
attached survey is the product of the comments. Copies of the survey will be
sent to the resource leads for the central business district.
Presentations of Developers - J. B. Bishop distributed his final plan and an
article from the May 20 Portland Business Journal. He hopes to get a building
permit by July 1. He discussed the 50 ft. setback condition which the City
Council placed in the final order for the southerly property line adjoining
the Ash Street neighborhood. He hopes to discuss the item at the June NPO #1
meeting. He asked the Committee to designate a member to appear at that
meeting to speak on the issue. The Chamber of Commerce will be there.
Chairman Election - Pat Kennedy will continue as chairman for the next
meeting, however, he does not wish to be chairman. An election will be held
on June 18th.
I-5 Corridor - Bill reported that the I-5 Corridor group is progressing well.
The group, of which the City of Tigard will be an associate member, will hold
its annual meeting on August 13, 1985 from 4 - 6 PM at the Wilsonville Holiday
Bill distributed the Community Development Department's quarterly report.
David raised the issue of whether Tigard was being considered for the RCA
plant location. Tigard's sites do- not qualify due to cost. David suggested
that the Committee learn what the industrial brokers feel are the impediments
to growth in Tigard.
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 18, 1985 at 7:30 A.M. at
Pioneer Pies.
44rMW `WO
Name Representing
Allan Paterson Century 21
Amo DeBernardis Econ. Dev. Comm.
Betty Johnson Johnson Bldg.
Bill Burton Ins. Assoc. , Inc.
Bill Duff Tigard Shoe Repair
Dan Bentuleil Ins. Assoc. , Inc
Dee Dee Harrington — The Oregonian — 10245 SW Parkway — Portland, OR 97225
Dennis Thompson Tigard Car Wash/Arco
Don Hanson Tigard Cleaners
Dorothy Jordan Main St. Vet. Clinic
Doug Martell Doug's Big A Auto Parts
Ed Tarbell Self
Emanuel Sorg Self
Gary Aoisington A Boy Supply
Geraldine Ball Self
H. P. Vermilye TV Glass & Health Habit
Helen J. Bird 1st Interstate Bank
J. B. Bishop Self
J. R. Gulley Valley Auto Parts
Jeanne Caswell Tigard Chamber
Jerry Cash Cash' s Realty
Louis R. Bell Tigard Vacuum
Martha Bishop Self
Mary Gross Tigard Times
Norman 0. Sorg Lanson Bldg.
Pat Beylund Tigard Promotions, Inc.
Paul E. Miller Martinizing Building
Roger Sorg Self
Steve Mozinski Robert Randall Co.
Steve Richmond Tigard Tire Factory
Thomas J. Sullivan Tigard Trans. Adv, Comm
Tony Orlandini Economic Dev. Comm.
Vic Kaiser One—Hour Martinizing
Page 1
TO: Resource Leads for the Downtown Area
Tigard Economic Development Committee June 10, 1985
FROM: William A. Monahan, Director,
Community Development
SUBJECT: Downtown Survey of Economic Development Committee
You have been identified as a resource lead for Tigard' s Economic Development
Committee. As such, I would appreciate it if you would review the enclosed
survey which will be distributed to downtown businesses and property owners in
June. The survey is the Committee' s attempt to find out what changes are
needed in the downtown to make it a more viable economic entity .
Please give us your comments on the survey. Also, if you have an opportunity
to speak with downtown property owners or businesses, please encourage them to
complete the survey forms.
`W w
1. What do you feel are the existing problems which prevent the
central business district from developing into a stronger
commercial center?
Existing business mix
Appearance of the area.
Public Facilities.
Please elaborate on your concerns about these and other problems
which you feel exist.
2. Do you think the following would be positive steps toward
improving the area?
Development of a Tri Met transfer station at the site of
the Tigard Auto Body.
A shopping center at the south end of Main Street.
Rezoning of land along the railroad tracks on Burnham Ave.
to allow industrial uses.
Creation of off-street parking lots.
Encourage or require property owners to maintain the
appearance of their buildings.
Creation of a downtown merchants and property owners
association to promote the downtown.
3. What direction should the committee pursue to help the area change
for the better? (Let the area develop on its own, represent the
business community before the City Council, etc. )
Economic Development Committee -- Survey - Page 1
V40,01 *NOW
4 . What can and should the private sector, the existing property
owners, and businesses in the area, do to improve the
5. What are the greatest positive factors which would attract new
business to the area?
6. Would you like to assist the Committee or receive further
information concerning our efforts?
7. Please check the item which best describes you:
Owner of property in the downtown, and business operator
in the downtown.
Owner of property in the downtown.
Business operator in the downtown.
Please fill in your name and address:
Thank you for your assistance in completing this survey . Please return the
survey to:
William A. Monahan
Director of Community Development
City of Tigard, Oregon
P.O. Box 2.3397
Tigard, OR 97223
(WAM:br/1316P) `rro
Economic Development Committee - Survey - Page 2
May 31, 1985 OREGON
595 Cottage Street, NE.
Salem,Oregon 97310, U.S.A.
Telephone: (503)373-1200
TO: Cities, Counties, Chambers of Commerce and Economic Development
FROM: Oregon Film & Video Recruitment Program
SUBJECT: State Photo File
This is a progress report to all of you working hard to organize the
efforts to build the photo file of your community.
The 1985 Legislature has taken an interest in developing ways to assist
all of our communities in putting together their photo files. There is
currently a proposal to provide some funding for this project, although
it is not clear at this time how much funding there could be. The
proposal is to use lottery funds to assist with at least part of the
I have submitted a proposal to Kodak Corporation of America, to
participate in this project also. That proposal is currently being
reviewed in Rochester, New York.
I feel reasonably confident that one of these projects will provide at
least some funding that will be of assistance. I doubt we will have a
decision on either one of these projects before the first week of July.
If you are currently involved in developing your photo file, you may wish
to postpone taking all of the photographs. But I would encourage you to
continue to organize your photographers and lay your plans for completing
the project. When and if funding becomes available in July we will be
able to move very quickly.
I am very pleased to be able to give you this update. If you have any
questions don't hesitate to call .
Sincerely, F
Laura Pryor, Manager
Film and Video Recruitment Division ' g
Victor Atiyeh
LP:pl Governor
TO: Downtown Tigard Businesses and Property Owners May 28, 1985
FROM: Patrick Kennedy, Vice Chairman,
Tigard Economic Development Committee
SUBJECT: Economic Development Survey
Tigard's Economic Development Committee is interested in learning from you, a
member of the downtown business community, about the positive and negative
features of the central business district. We hope to receive input-from the
long established, as well as the new, businesses concerning the advantages and
disadvantages of doing business in the area. We also want to find out what
you feel are the improvements which the City should undertake in the area
which would benefit your business, enhance the economic vitalization of the
area, and attract new uses compatible with the area.
The present zoning of the central business district has been identified by
some as an area deserving of review. The zoning code was rewritten in 1983
when the City adopted its comprehensive plan. For your information, the
r present zoning allows commercial uses, high density residential, 85% lot
coverage, and 80 foot building height. Industrial uses are not allowed unless
they existed prior to 1983. Please comment on the zoning if it concerns you.
As members of the Committee, we urge you to take a moment to complete the
' enclosed survey and return it to the City. Your input will be analyzed, along
with the other returns, and presented to the Committee. We then will use this
information in formulating our recommendations for a plan of action to upgrade
the condition of the downtown area. We hope to recommend changes which are
supported by the people who will be most affected by our actions — you, the
property owner and business person.
Devela ment
to surveygrowth
TICAM—Tho Tigard Econom- to focus on the downtown area as a
Ic Development COMMIUM plans to priority,"said Tony Orlandini,com-
distribute a surrey of downtown mittee member. "With the survey,
businesses next month to evaluate we want to identify problems and
growth potential and problems for seek recommendations for improve-
that area ments to Instill development and
The City Council Monday night growth in that area.
authorized Bill Monahan, director "The timing is good because the
of community development. to use City Center complex Is soon to be
$150 in city mopey to fund the sur- constructed In that area and be-
vey. The deviloptbept committee, cause of the proposal for a shopping
at Its regular meeting Tuesday center that the City Council is car-
morning, reviewed and suggested rently considering for the downtown
minor changes for a survey that area."Orlandini added.
Monahan had drafted.The develop- Bids were accepted last week for
! went committee wants to determine the construction of the Civic Center,
•the adequacy of current zoning the which will house city offices,the po-
growth potential of the Highway 217 lice department and a new library.
area, what groups should be In- The contract is scheduled to be
volved In the planning of downtown, awarded June 10 and construction
what direction the property owners should begin this summer on 3.8
would like the downtown area to go, acres at the northwest corner of
the present and projected economic Hall Boulevard and Burnham
impact of the downtown area and Street.
the current public perception of the
central business district. The council earlier this month
The survey will be re-drafted approved a conceptual plan for the
and sent within three weeks to prop- first phase of a $14.5 million shop-
erty owners and business operators ping center on 20 acres of down-
in the downtown area. town property owned by JB Bishop's
Main Street Land Corp. The project
"We (the Economic Develop- site is at the corner of Main Street
ment Committee) recently decided and Pacific Highway.
1. What do you feel are the existing problems which prevent the
central business district from developing into a stronger
commercial center?
Existing business mix
Appearance of the area.
Public Facilities.
Please elaborate on your concerns about these and other problems
which you feel exist.
2. Do you think the following would be positive steps toward
improving the area?
Development of a Tri Met transfer station at the site of
the Tigard Auto Body.
A shopping center at the south end of Main Street.
Rezoning of land along the railroad tracks on Burnham Ave.
to allow industrial uses.
Creation of off—street parking lots.
Encourage or require property owners to maintain the
appearance of their buildings.
Creation of a downtown merchants and property owners
association to promote the downtown.
3. What direction should the committee pursue to help the area change
for the better? (Let the area develop on its own, represent the
business community before the City Council, etc.)
Economic Development Committee — Survey — Page 1
4. What can and should the private sector, the existing property
owners, and businesses in the area, do to improve the
5. What are the greatest positive factors which would attract new
business to the area?
6. Would you like to assist the Committee or receive further
information concerning our efforts?
7. Please check the item which best describes you:
Owner of property in the downtown, and business operator
in the downtown.
Owner of property in the downtown.
Business operator in the downtown.
Please fill in your name and address:
Thank you for your assistance in completing this survey . Please return the
survey to:
William A. Monahan
Director of Community Development
City of Tigard, Oregon
P.O. Box 23397
Tigard, OR 972.23
Economic Development Committee — Survey — Page 2
TO. Downtown Tigard Businesses and Property Owners May 23' 1085
FROM- ' Chairman,
Tigard Economic Development Committee
SUBJECT- Economic Development Survey
Tigard'o Economic Development Committee in interested in learning from you, a
member of the downtown business community, about the positive and negative
features of the central business district. We hope to receive input from the
long established, as well as the new businesses concerning the advantages and
disadvantages of doing business in the area. We also want to find out what
you feel are the improvements which the City should undertake in the area
which would benefit your business, enhance the economic revitalization of the
area, and attract new uses compatible with the area.
As members of the Committee, we urge you to take a moment to complete the
enclosed survey and return it to the City. Your input will be analyzed, along
` with the other returns, and presented to the Committee. We then will use this
�- information in formulating our recommendations for a plan of action to upgrade
the condition of the downtown area. We hope to recommend changes which are
supported by the people who will be most affected by our actions - You, the
property owner.
` . .
1. What do you feel are the existing problems which prevent the
central business district from developing into a stronger
commercial center?
w Traffic. What problems exist?
» Parking. Are facilities adequate? _____
» Zoning. Present zoning allows commercial uses, high density
residential, 85% lot coverage, and 80 ft. building height.
Induotrial uses are not allowed (except where they pre-..existed the
code) and no setbacks are required, unless the land abuts a
residential zone. What changes would you recommend?
^ Existing business mix. Are there certain types of business which
the City should attempt to attract to, or prohibit in the downtown?
Appearance of the area. What suggestions do you have for
improving the "image of the area"?
Public Facilities. What facilities (roads, sewer, water' streets,
railroad tracks) need improvement?
2. What are the greatest positive factors which would attract new
business to the area?
Economic Development Committee — Survey — Page 1
^ ` ' ~
M. What can the Committee do to help you as a property owner or
businessman? (Let the area develop on its own' suggest changes to
the City Council, help to form a private development group' etc. )
0. Would you like to assist the Committee or receive further
information concerning our efforts?
Please fill in your name and address:
Thank you for your assistance in completing this survey. Please return the
survey to:
William A. Monahan
Director of Community Development
' City of Tigard, Oregon
P.Q. Box 23397
Tigard, OR 97223
Economic Development Committee — Survey — Page 3
3. What direction should the committee and the City pursue to help
« the area change for the better?
4. What can and should the private sector, the existing property
owners, and businesses in the area, do to improve the
5. Do you think the following would be positive steps toward
improving the area?
Development of a Tri Met transfer station at the site of
the Tigard Auto Body.
A shopping center at the south end of Main Street.
__......_ Rezoning of land along the railroad tracks on Burnham Ave.
to allow industrial uses,
Creation of off.--street parking lots funded partially by
downtown businesses.
Require property owners to maintain the appearance of their
Create a private parternmhip of downtown businesses which
would hire m manager to coordinate promotions and
advertisements for all downtown businesses,
Formation of local improvement districts to improve
streets, drainage' traffic flow.
6. What can be done to improve the image of the downtown to the
public as they travel. through Tigard on Highway 99W?
7. Dm you have any plana to:
Upgrade your property (add to your building, remodel' build
a new facility).
Lease to a new tenant?
Sell your property?
Economic Development Committee — Survey -- Page 2