01/08/1986 - Packet MEMORANDUM
TO: Loreen Wilson, City Recorder January 8, 1086
FROM: William A. Monahan, Director,
Community Development
SUBJECT: Minutes of Economic Development
Meeting Date: December 17, 1085
STARTING TIME: 7:30 A.M. Place: Pioneer Pies Restaurant
Members Present: John Savory, David Clements, Kathy 8udny, Susan Clark,
Tony 0rlan6ini' Jim Corliss
Staff, Press, Public & Others Present: Bill Monahan, Deborah Stuart,
Jeanne Caswell, Don Hannon, Vic
Kaiser, Douglas MoCaoline, Bill
Burton, Dan Burtulmit, Doug
Martell, Maria R. Arbl, Allan
Attached is the summary of minutes from said meeting and a copy of the meeting
A quorum was present and due notice had been given for the meeting.
Next Meeting Schedule for: January 21, 1986 at 7:30 A.M.
Adjournment: 0:00 H.M. TOTAL VOLUNTEER HOURS:
L=or- ing Secretary' s Signature
*Now, _
MINUTES - December 17, 1985
' Members Present: John Savory, David Clements, Kathy Budny, Susan Clark,
Tony Orlandini, Jim Corliss
Others Present: Bill Monahan, Deborah Stuart, Jeanne Caswell, Don
Hanson, Vic Kaiser, Douglas McCasline, Bill Burton, Dan
Bertuleit, Doug Martell, Maria R. Arbl, Allan Paterson
The minutes of the November 19, 1985 meeting were reviewed and approved.
John introduced Dori Hansen who reported on the meeting of a group which is
working to create a non-profit downtown group. A meeting was held where ten
attended. Three subcommittees were formed - finance, marketing, and working
with the City. The survey is being distributed by 8 or 9. After the first of
the year, they will meet to discuss the results and in late January or
February, an organizational meeting will be held.
A meeting was held on Friday, December 13 with Brian Scott of the Oregon
Downtown Development Association. John, Jeanne, and Bill briefed him on the
City's downtown redevelopment efforts and history. Brian then explained the
Main Street Program. For Tigard to participate, a commitment of at least two
years is necessary with local funding of $10,000 needed the first year and
$4,500 the next. In addition, approximately $30,000 each year is needed to
cover the cost of a downtown manager's salary, training benefits, and
expenses. ODDA encourages a City contribution of up to 50%. A walking tour
of the Main Street area was conducted resulting in Brian giving positive
,. feedback on the potential of the area.
Amo suggested that we check with some participant cities to see what success
they are having. Don Hansen reported that Hillsboro has the program and he
has contacted one business person in Hillsboro to discuss the program. It is
the only participating program which is totally privately financed.
January 7 at noon at the Hi Fiat, Brian Scott will make a presentation on the
program. He indicated that he may bring a manager of a participating program
with him.
Jeanne will check with some of the people in the participating communities to
see what the reaction has been to the program.
Developer Presentation - No developers were present.
Jeanne reported that she has viewed plans for Howard' s to be located in
Tigard East. No plans for the Main Street program have been received by City
Bill described the 18 month capital improvements plan (CIP) adopted by the
City Council on December 16. Among the projects slated are several related to
Main Street: reconditioning of Main Street; reconditioning of Commercial
Street; signalization of the intersection of Main and Burnham, right-of-way
acquisition at S.W. Burnham Street. The Council action requires that these
projects be delayed until the downtown merchants review the projects and
develop a plan of action to commit private funds for other downtown
I%W improvements to take place in conjunction with the City efforts. The Council
also requested that Tri Met be contacted to see if participation is possible
on those roads where Tri Met has a heavy impact.
Garbage Facility — Amo stated that from the standpoint of economic
development, the facility could be terrible for Tigard.; He noted that the
Chamber has sent a letter in opposition.
Jeanne asked the Committee to authorize John to draft a letter opposing the
facility. Alan Paterson related that any opposition should be formed around
requesting that Metro follow its criteria and have the facility centrally
Doug McCasline pointed out that TVEDC has followed the issue from inception.
He explained that TVEDC suggested that Metro site the facility close to where
the landfill will be located, which would riot be in a city. He suggested that
Katherine Brown of a Beaverton law firm described the issue best. He pointed
out that Beaverton is opposed to the Champion site. Given the political
situation, he feels that Champion and the Tigard site will probably be the top
sites to be considered by Metro.
Much discussion was held concerning the transfer facility and the further
concern of where a landfill would be located. John will draft a letter to
Metro on behalf of the Committee.
1"he meeting adjourned at 8:45 A.M. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday,
January 21, 1986.