02/24/1978 - Packet TIGARD DESIGN REVIEW
February 24 , 1978
Tigard City Hall
12420 SW Main
Tigard, Oregon 97223
Site Design Review 4-78
Applicant : Wendcorp of Portland Inc.
Request :
For site plan and architectural review of a 2300 square foot drive-
in restaurant and a 3 ,000 square foot office building
Site Location & Description :
SW Pacific Highway and McKenzie Street (Wa. Co. Tax Map 2S1-2BD,
Tax Lot 701) . The site is a flat parcel with a vacant building
(formerly Copeland Lumber Yard) occupying the eastern half of the
property. Surrounding land uses are Floyd' s Restaurant to the east ,
Pacific Highway to the south, a service station to the west , and
to the north a single family home and apartments .
Previous Action :
CU 35-77 - On January 10 , 1977 the Tigard Planning Commission approved
a conditional use permit for a restaurant and drive-through window
and attached the following conditions :
1 . That a half street improvement to local street standards
be made along the SW McKenzie Street frontage . No build-
ing permits will be issued until construction drawings have
been submitted to the public works department and the necessary
bond filed.
2. That five feet of right-of-way be dedicated along the SW
McKenzie Street frontage .
3 . That the location of access and agress be determined by the
Design Review Board.
4. That the entire project be subject to the Design Review
5. That a deceleration lane be considered along the Pacific
Highway frontage during design review.
6 . That no left turns be allowed from the site onto Pacific
Highway .
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SDR 4-78
Parking Requirements :
Restaurant - 2 , 300 square foot 100 = 23
Office - 3, 000 square foot = 350 = 8. 5
31 . 5 - 32 spaces
Site Plan Review:
The site plan submitted by the applicant specifies three points
of entry, one off of SW McKenzie Street and two-one ways on
SW Pacific Highway. This access/egress pattern has merit and is
probably the best solution considering the unusual traffic problems in
the area. However the plan does have several drawbacks which the
board should consider :
1 . Poor interior circulation - The main entry off the high-
way could be blocked by cars backing up and other cars waiting
to take their place. No plan should be approved that might
allow the traffic flow on SW Pacific Highway to be im-
2 . Pedestrian safety - Numerous points of conflict exist
between vehicular and pedestrian traffic . For instance ,
pedestrians will have to cross the main traffic lane for
cars coming off the highway as well as the back up area for the
row of cars in front of Wendy ' s .
3 . Parking for the office building is confusing and not
separated from the Wendy 's traffic flow.
4. The site plan presents a large amount of paving with the
two buildings islanded off from one another. Staffs first
suggestion to the applicant was that since the office will
contain the headquarters for Wendy' s the two buildings
should be integrated on the site with possibly small
court yard for outside eating. The applicant has stated
that this is unfeasible, therefore if the two buildings
cannot be treated as an architectural whole then parking
and ciruclation should be segregated from eachother with
landscaping as a buffer between uses .
5. Many of the landscape areas are too narrow to support growth
that could have any impact on the site. In addition
this arrangement on the site could be improved to form a more
pleasing design .
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SDR 4-78
6 . While inspecting the site, staff noted a fairly steep bank along
the rear of the site. Since there is a fence built along the top
of the bank it is assumed that this is the location of the
property line . No mention has been made of the need for a re-
taining wall or if the measurements for parking and back up along
this lot line took into account the bank location .
Problems 1 , 2 & 3 could be avoided in part by deleting the diagonal
parking on the right hand side of the main entry. This would leave parking
on the left hand side and an aisle wide enough for a car to pass some-
one waiting to park.
This revision to the parking would allow a better circulation plan and
would provide opportunities for a more aesthetic treatment of the
Enclosed in the packets is a rough site plan which shows the im-
plications of these revisions .
Staff Recommendation :
Staff recommends that the item be tabled and that a revised plan be
submitted for either board or staff approval . This revised plan
is subject to the following conditions :
1 . That the exact location of the rear lot line be established
and treatment of the bank area be specified.
2 . That the diagonal parking on the right hand side of the
main entry be deleted.
3 . That parking for the office area be segregated from the
Wendy ' s parking and circulation pattern by a landscape buffer .
4. That the landscape islands be aggregated where possible for
greater impact and that no island be less than 8 ' wide as
per the Tigard Municipal Code.
5. That a detailed landscape and irrigation plan be submitted.
6. That an 8 ' wide sidewalk to Commercial Street standards be
installed along SW Pacific Highway.
7. That the applicant work with staff and the Oregon State Highway
Department in finding a method to adhere to Planning Commission
Condition #6 "That no left turns be allowed from the site
onto Pacific Highway . "