02/01/1979 - Minutes MINUTES
February 1, 1979 - 7:30 P.M.
Tigard City Hall
12420 S.W. Main Street - Tigard, Oregon
1. Call to order:
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Cook.
2. Roll Call:
Present: Monte Cook, Charlotte Olson, Doug Smith
Absent: Attempts were made to contact member Bill McMonagle & alternate
member Clifford Speaker. No response.
Staff: Aldace Howard, Planning Director, represented Staff.
Note that a quorum did not exist.
3. Minutes:
4. Communication:
Applicants Ken Waymire and Paul Grimstad were present and it was noted that
this was the second time that these people had been summoned for a meeting
and that the first meeting was cancelled after they had arrived. It was the
consensus of all present that the meeting would proceed.
5. Hearings:
5.1 SDR 2-79 Picks Landing
A request for site plan and landscape review of a 136 unit Planned
Unit Development.
A. Staff Presentation:
Staff read the conditions placed upon the applicant by the Planning
Commission and ratified by the Tigard City Council through passage
of ordinance 78-84 of December 18, 1978.
B. Applicant's Presentation:
A brief presentation was made by the applicants. General discussion
was held concerning the overall project.
C. Board Discussion:
Specifically discussed were issues surrounding the small neighborhood
park landscaping materials and the placement of a bike path along the
Tualatin River through property dedicated to the City.
It was moved by Smith and seconded by Olson to:
1. Plant heavier materials around the neighborhood park to keep
children from running into the street.
February 1, 1979 7:30 P.M.
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�w 2. Require a six (61) foot paved bike path along the southern
portion of the property to the north of the river to keep
out of the steeply sloped portion of the property.
3. Require dedication of the bike path which enters onto
Riverwood Lane from the dedicated area. Area designated
on the plat as tracts "D" and "C".
Motion passed unanimously.
6. Other Business:
Board members requested staff to draft a memorandum to the City Council
requesting that the quorum requirements be changed from a quorum of four
out of five to a quorum of three out of five. The members present felt
that this requirement was an inhibiting factor to the progress of business
noting that as the Site Design Review Board was not meeting on a regular
basis and now only as an appeal board, that they were unable to maintain
the "interest" among members and it was very difficult to obtain a four
person quorum each time.
Staff agreed to draft a memo and include a copy of the Site Design Review
Board enabling ordinance. Topic to be discussed at a Council study session
in the near future. Staff was also asked to draft reorganization "thought"
for review by the Site Design Review Board prior to general discussion with
either the Planning Commission or the City Council.
7. Adjournment:
Formal meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.