12/09/1975 - Minutes MINUTES
Site Development Plan & Architectural Design Review Board
December 9, 1975
General Telephone Building
Main St. , Tigard, Oregon
1. CALL TO ORDER: 5:08 p.m.
2. ROLL CALL: Members present: Cook, McMonagle, Wakem, Hammes,
Olson; staff: Powell
3. MINUTES: Cook moved for approval, seconded and passed
4. COMMUNICATIONS: Staff noted that Joe Bailey would be in atten-
dance later to discuss street improvements and
dedications with the Board.
5.1 SDR 30-75 (Hunnicutt/Burke Mechanical Equipment)
A. Site Development Plan Review
1. Staff Report: read by Powell with recommendation for
approval with conditions
2. Applicant Presentation
,,. o Mr. Hunnicutt described his proposed project and
answered questions from the Board.
3. Board Discussion and Action
o Board discussion concerned drainage and landscape
elements, particularly fencing.
o Motion (Olson) to approve with staff conditions
and that driveway be kept 5 ' from the property
line and that a "non fence" solution be sought
at the front of the site on the north side ad-
jacent Associated Trucking.
o Seconded (Cook)
o Unanimously approved.
B. Architectural Design Review
1. Applicant explained the submitted elevations and
2. Board questioning centered on location of mechanical
units and further explanation of materials and front
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DRB Minutes
December 9, 1975
3. Cook moved for approval; Olson seconded;
approved unanimously.
o Joe Bailey, City Attorney, discussed street improvements
and dedications with the Board, particularly explaining
what the powers of the Design Review Board are. Further
discussion also dealt with development of better enforce-
ment techniques.
7. ADJOURNMENT: 6:30 p.m.