05/25/1976 - Packet AGENDA
Tigard Site Development Plan & Architectural Design Review Board
May 25, 1976 - 5 :00 p.m.
General Telephone Building
'wow 12460 SW Main St. , Tigard, Oregon
5.1 SDR 19-76 (McClure Law Offices)
A request by Charles McClure for design review of a
1570 sq. ft. office building at 9250 SW Tigard St.
5.2 SDR 15-76 (Associated Computer Center)
A request for review of a parking lot expansion at
13700 SW 72nd Avenue.
5.3 SDR 16-76 (Mote/Klebe)
A request for review of a landscaping plan for a commercial
building at 12200 SW Main St.
5.4 SDR 18-76 (Southwest Church of Christ)
A request for review of a new church at the northeast
4*W corner of SW 98th Avenue and Durham Road.
Design Review Board
May 25, 1976
Item 5.1
Staff Report
SDR 19-76 A request by Charles McClure for review of a proposed
law office building at 9520 S.W. Tigard, Avenue.
Basic Facts:
1. The Tigard Community Plan designates the area of the subject site
as "Commercial-Industrial" and is zoned "C-3M, Main Street Commercial".
2. On May 4, 1976, the Planning Commission granted approval to a
variance to the setback requirements of the zone thereby allowing
a two foot setback from the northwest property line, rather
than the 10' called for in the Tigard Municipal Code. The
variance was approved with the following conditions:
1. The improvements at the corner of Tigard and Main Streets
shall be extended along this property with curb, sidewalk
and street margin improvements.
2. A five foot right-of-way dedication be provided so as
to allow room for the half street improvement.
1. A discrepency between the survey submitted by the applicant
and the Washington County tax maps has been discovered and is
presently being researched.
2. Section 18.60. 120 (4) (F) of the Tigard Municipal Code requires
1 parking space be provided for each 350 square feet of gross
floor area. A 1570 square foot office building would require
a minimum of 4 spaces which the site plan has satisfied. The
parking stalls meet the 9.5' x 19' requirement but the 24'
aisle width is lacking and the 10' backout space for the
southwest space has not adequately been provided.
The entire block bounded by S.W. Tigard, S.W. Electric, S.W.
Main and Pacific Highway is owned by two persons and is in
4 parcels of which two are developed. The prazent pattern of
development is lacking any interrelation and could be improved
by joining the parking areas thus creating a more efficient
circulation and parking pattern. A sketch map has been prepared
showing how this might be achieved (attached) . The applicant
has stated his support for this concept.
Design Review Board
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May 25, 1976
3. The sidewalk and curbing improvements are shown as a continuation
of the improvements existing on the adjacent parcel. This requires
locating the sidewalk partially on the right-of-way and partially
on the applicant's property through an easement. Although a
dedication was required as a condition to the variance, the
intent can be achieved through an easement and thereby satisfying
the front yard landscaping requirements of the C-3M zone. The
continuation of this sidewalk through the overpass along
S.W. Tigard necessitated the proposed alignment at the northwestern
property line.
4. The landscaping detail provided by the applicant is inadequate
with only "planting" being noted. Evergreening shrubbery and
ground cover should be provided to adequately buffer the building
from S.W. Tigard Street. The planting area along the southwestern
property line would be eliminated if the parking alternative is
found to be more acceptable. But adequate parking area landscaping
would be provided by the existing landscaped berm between the
adjacent parcel to the southeast.
5. If the parking alternative is accepted the need for a 20' wide
entrance would be alleviated and a 15' one way drive would be
all that is necessary. Additional landscaping could be provided
in the northwestern portion of the driveway.
°' 6. Although an irrigation system is noted, no location has been
Staff Recommendation:
Staff recommends approval with the following changes
1. Provisions be made for combining the parking area of this
site with the adjacent sites utilizing a one way, through
drive and 60 angle parking stalls and tle following conditions:
1) Easements along S.W. Tigard Ave. be provided for the
sidewalk and street margin improvements including extending
pavement and base rock from the existing location to the
curb, in accordance of City standards.
2) The sidewalk be aligned to be a continuation of the existing
sidewalk and located in such a manner as to allow passage
through the Pacific Highway overpass.
3) The irrigation system and landscape plan be submitted to
staff for final approval.
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Staff Report
Design Review Board
May 25, 1976
Item 5.2
SDR 15-76 (Associated Computer Center)
A request for review of a parking lot expansion at 13700 SW 72nd Ave.
1. The site is designated "general industrial" on the TCP and
zoned "M-2, General Industrial" .
2. Section 18.58.080(1) of the TMC requires landscaping within
parking areas to be provided and maintained at approximately
70' on center.
1. The current use of the proposed parking area is a vacant grassy
area with some dead, immature trees.
2. The applicant proposes to plant "Quercus Borealis" (Northern
Red Oak) along the landscape strip between the parking area
and the curb which appear to be appropriate to the location.
3. The landscape along the existing parking lot is not being properly
maintained. The ivy has not begun to infill. This appears to
be due to lack of proper watering. Two of the existing trees are
dead and need to be replaced.
4. Hedrea Helix ivy root cuttings are shown for ground cover. This
will be appropriate if planted denser than the existing ivy and
maintained with plenty of moisture.
5. The parking stalls are one foot over what the code requires.
By reducing the length of the stalls, the landscape margin will
be increased from 9141 to the required 101 .
6. Section 18.60.160 of the TMC requires that parking stalls be a
minimum 916" wide. The plan shows 9' wide stalls.
7. Section 18.58.080(1) requires that a landscaped area be provided
approximately 70' on center each way within parking areas.
Using the middle space on each parking row for landscaping will
satisfy the requirement.
8. Section 18.60.160 requires that a 10' backout space be provided
for end stalls. Compliance with this provision will necessitate
transplanting the existing small trees.
Staff recommends approval of the site plan with the following
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DRB Staff Report
Item 5.2
1. The parking stalls be shortened to provide for a 10' landscape
strip between the curb and the parking lot.
2. The parking stalls be widened to 916".
3. The middle stall on both rows be curbed and landscaped.
4. The dead trees along the existing landscape strip be replaced
with like trees of a minimum 2" caliper.
5. Additional ivy planting be added in the existing landscape strip.
6. An irrigation system be provided for the entire landscape strip.
7. The existing trees at the eastern end of the proposed parking
lot be transplanted and a 10' backout be provided.
8. New trees be a minimum 2" caliper.
9. Mugo Pine be placed between each Northern Red Oak.
Tigard Design Review Board
May 25, 1976
Item 5.3
SDR 16-76 (Mote/Klebe)
A request for review of a landscaping plan for a commercial building
at 12200 SW Main St.
1. The TCP designates this area as "commercial-industrial" and is
zoned 11C-3M, Main Street General Commercial".
1. No new exterior construction is being done.
2. The TMC requires 10 parking spaces. The site plan shows 17
spaces. The parking in area east of the building is large
enough to accommodate ten 900 spaces with a 101 back-out, there-
by increasing parking by 3 spaces with no additional spaces.
Also, the easternmost tier of parking spaces would be extremely
difficult to utilize as shown on the site plan.
3. The area between the subject building and the post office is
partially shown for English ivy. The rock would be more
'WOW, attractive if river-run gravel and some type of evergreen shrub
(azalea) in the front side portion of the building with vine
maple clumped on the property line.
4. No irrigation system is shown.
Staff recommends approval with the following conditions:
1. The rear parking lot be redesigned to show 900 parking stalls
with a 101 back-out for the southernmost stalls.
2. Wheel blocks be provided 21 from the front end of each stall.
3. Means of irrigation be submitted to staff for final approval.
Staff Report
Design Review Board
May 25, 1976
Item 5.4
SDR 18-76 (Southwest Church of Christ)
A request for review of a new church at the northeast corner of
SW 98th Avenue and Durham Road.
1. The site is designated "urban low density residential" on the
Tigard Community Plan.
2. This area was annexed in June, 1975, and zoned 11R-7, Single
Family Residential".
3. Prior to annexation (1974) , a conditional use permit was granted
by Washington County for construction of a church. Conditions
of that approval were that the use be initiated within three
years, public sewer be brought to the site, site and building be
subject to DRB, dedication of additional right-of-way for SW
98th & SW Durham Rd. and compliance with all applicable zoning
and health code requirements. Conditions attached by the county
remain with the parcel although annexed into the City.
1. Although the surrounding area is relatively undeveloped, Summer-
field Phase IV has received Preliminary Plat approval for continu-
ation of Summerfield across SW 98th. Development of this phase
is expected to begin this summer.
2. The subject site consists of 3.15 acres which are presently vacant
except for a deteriorated dwelling unit and an out-building whcih
are both shown for removal.
3. The policies of the TCP specify that arterials will give limited
access to adjoining property and that existing arterials of less
than 80' right-of-way will require stringent access controls.
Since the existing right-of-way is 701 , access could be pro-
vided off of SW 98th Ave. , the ingress and egress shown on the
proposed plan be changed to SW 98th. This change would also
necessitate relocation of the parking area. The site is large
enough to turn either just the parking area or also the church
building 900. When relocating the parking lot it should be
noted that the driveway must be placed a minimum of 100 ft. from
the intersection of Durham & 98th.
4. The building is shown to be located 13'8" from the east lot
line. Although the TMC specifies a 7 ft. setback for residential
structures of this height, the proposed setback appears to be
Nbw inadequate and could be more centrally located on the lot.
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DRB Staff Report
Item 5.4
5. The 45 parking spaces shown on the proposed plan far exceed the
minimum called for in the TMC, but the parking stalls are in-
adequate in that the TMC calls for a 19' x 916" stall. In
utilizing 900 parking, the drive needs to be 24' rather than
the 20 ' as shown on the site plan. A 10 ' back-up is also
needed for the parking space shown at the NW corner of the
parking lot. The 6" wheel block shown along most of the parking
lot should be continued along the northern edge so as to pro-
hibit intrusion into the sidewalk.
6. The existing pedestrian path along Durham Rd. should be main-
tained and a 5 ' sidewalk is required by Section 17.44.040 of
the TMC along SW 98th Ave.
7. All utility lines serving the site are required to be underground.
8. No specific width of the access drive has been shown. Due to
the anticipated heavy use, the driveway width at the curb cut
should be 30 ' .
9. A good number of existing large trees appear on the site and
the applicant has stated his intent to maintain them. The
remaining landscaping appears to be minimal and significantly
IAW lacking immediate to the building.
10. The majority of the site is shown for "new lawn". This appears
satisfactory due to the demonstrated intent to locate future
buildings in these areas, if the lawn area is regularly mowed
and maintained. A row of trees such as birch or maple between
the sidewalk and curb would greatly enhance the site and provide
a buffer to the residentially zoned parcel on the west side of
SW 98th. Such planting would be in accordance with the arterial
and collector street requirements of the TCP.
11. The area, type and configuration of the future buildings are
not specified. A project shaving full development, but phased
if necessary, allows better site planning.
Due to the major deficiences found in the submittal, the staff
recommends denial of the request and that it be resubmitted, satisfying
the points noted in the staff report.
The Columbia Region Association of Governments Regional Transportation
Plan, with concurrence of Washington County, designates SW Durham Rd.
as a major connector linking I-5 with SW Pacific Hwy. and the TCP
also designates it as an arterial with SW 98th Ave. being designated
as a collector.