09/19/1974 - Minutes MINUTES
Regular Meeting, September 19, 1974
Twality Junior High School - lecture room
14650 S. W. 97th Avenue, Tigard, Oregon
A. The meeting was called to order at 4:08 p.m.
A. Regular members Edin, Cook, Bartel , McMonagle and alternate
member Whittaker were present.
A. The minutes of the August 22, 1974, regular meeting were
approved as submitted.
SDR 18-74 (Ralph J. Peters)
A request by Ralph J. Peters for review of a new office facility
located on the southwesterly corner of the intersection of S. W.
''ww Main Street and Tigard Street. Site comprises approximately 8200
sq. ft. and is located within a C-3, General Commercial zone .
(Tax Map 2S1 2AB, Tax Lot 3500) .
A. Site Development Plan Review
1. The staff presented the staff findings as stated in the
staff report of September 19, 1974.
2. There was general discussion among the Design Review
Board members concerning the following items :
o separation of the parking lot from the Transamerica
Building parking lot
o location of hose bibbs
o reason for the non-continuation of the planting strip
behind the building
3. Staff stated that the planting strip was not continued
in order to leave room for maneuvering within the parking
space immediately adjacent the southwesterly property
SDR Minutes - September 19, 1974 - page 1
4. Cook questioned the staff about the front setback.
Brooks stated that a variance approval from the
W Planning Commission had been received to vary the
front yard setback from 10 feet to 4 feet.
5. Cook moved to approve the applicant ' s site development
and landscape plan with the condition that the City
Public Works Department approve a storm drainage plan
for the subject site.
6. Whittaker seconded the motion and the motion passed
by unanimous vote of those members present.
B. Architectural Design Review
1. Clarence Nicoli, representing Ralph J. Peters , made
a short presentation of the brick material to be
used for the exterior and interior of the building.
2. Whittaker asked if the downspouts were to drain onto
splash blocks or into a storm drain system. Charlotte
Olson, representing Ralph J. Peters , stated that the
downspouts would drain into the storm drain system.
3. Cook asked if exterior lighting would be provided on
the site. Ms. Olson stated that the only exterior
lighting would be adjacent the entrance.
4. Ms. Olson stated that all exposed walls were to be
brick as presented by Mr. Nicoli.
5. There was a general discussion of the adequacy of the
brick for firewall separation in the entrance area
as the entrance area was closely related to the ad-
jacent Transamerica Building.
6. McMonagle moved for approval of the architectural
plans, said approval subject to the use of the
materials and colors submitted by the applicant.
7. Edin seconded and the motion passed by unanimous
vote of those members present.
4.2 SDR 19-74 (Trend Leasing Co. )
A request by Trend Leasing Co. of Portland, Oregon, for review
of an office and parking area for truck and auto leasing
facility located at 11611 S. W. Pacific Highway between the
Mr. Steak Restaurant and the Fred Meyer Shopping Center. Site
comprises the front portion of tax lot as zoned C-3, General
Commercial. (Tax Map 1S1 36DB, Tax Lot 501) .
A. Site Development Plan Review
wr 1. No person was present representing Trend Leasing Co.
SDR Minutes - September 19, 1974 - page 2
2. General discussion ensued regarding the adequacy of
the submitted site plan related to access and egress
and adequacy of storage area for trucks, the visual
separation between a truck leasing operation and a
restaurant and other miscellaneous items.
3. Edin moved to deny the site development plan as submitted.
4. McMonagle asked that the motion be amended to include the
reasons for denial, those reasons being as follows:
o that the ingress and egress from the site should be
designed to prevent direct left hand turns exiting
the site; the applicant is requested to submit a
sketch of the relation between the adjacent traffic
island and the entrance to the subject site
o applicant should indicate location of truck and equip-
ment storage area, location of accessory equipment
storage such as hand trucks, furniture blankets,
trailer hitches , etc. and the location of any gas
o the Design Review Board desires an explanation of the
business operation
o the applicant should explain the need for access be-
tween the subject site and the Mr. Steak Restaurant;
the Design Review Board requests a letter from Mr.
Steak Restaurant regarding joint access from said
restaurant to subject site
o the applicant should consider visual screening between
the Mr. Steak Restaurant and the subject site
5. Edin accepted the amendments as proposed by McMonagle.
Cook seconded the motion as amended and the amended motion
passed by unanimous vote of all those members present.
4.3 SDR 20-74 (Eckmann Construction)
A request by Eckmann Construction Co. for review of a proposed
addition to an existing building located at 9035 S. W. Burnham.
Site is located within an M-3, Light Industrial zone. (Tax
Map 2S1 2AD, Tax Lot 1600) .
A. Site Development Plan Review
1. The staff presented staff findings as stated in the
staff report of September 19, 1974.
2. Brooks explained the relationship of land ownership
to the access easement providing access to subject
SDR Minutes - September 19, 1974 - page 3
3. The Design Review Board discussed delaying the
decision based on the quality of the applicant' s
4. Whittaker moved to approve the applicant's site
development and landscape plans subject to the
satisfaction of the following conditions:
a) that parking proposed be paved and striped City
b) that the rear and side yards be planted in lawn
and facilities for irrigation be approved by the
c) the width of the north planter be a minimum of
4 feet wide and the south planter 6 feet wide
adjacent the parking space proposed on the south
side of the existing building
5. Edin seconded the motion and the motion passed by
unanimous vote of those members present.
B. Architectural Design Review
1. Brooks stated that the proposed addition to the existing
building would be attractive and not offensive to the
neighbors and would essentially portray the same char-
acter as exists with the existing structure.
2. Cook moved approval of the architectural plans stating
that he felt the staff should require that material
samples be submitted with each application for review.
3. McMonagle proposed an amendment to apply a condition
to Cook ' s motion for approval , said condition being
that the new proposed addition carry the architectural
character of the existing building.
4. Cook approved the amendment as stated by McMonagle.
Whittaker seconded the motion and the motion passed
by unanimous vote of those members present.
A. There was no other business.
A. The meeting was adjourned at 5:20 p.m.
SDR Minutes - September 19, 1974 - page 4