02/20/1975 - Minutes MINUTES
February 20, 1975 - regular meeting
Twality Junior High School - Lecture Room
14650 SW 97th Ave. , Tigard, Oregon
1. CALL TO ORDER: 4:45 p.m. - chm. Bartel
2. ROLL CALL: members present: Bartel, Cook, Edin, McMonagle, Wakem;
staff - Powell
3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of February 13 meeting were not
yet available
4.1 McDonalds - SDR 6-75
A request for site design and architectural review of a proposed
franchise fast foods restaurant at SW Pacific Hwy. and School St.
A. Staff Report: (see attached)
B. Applicant 's Presentation:
1. Larry Haugset (Norris, Beggs & Simpson) asked for clari-
fication of staff finding #4 c & e.
2. Mr. Mel Brook, representing McDonalds, felt exit on School
St. is needed.
3. Mr. , attorney for Jack Robertson, dis-
cussed the easement on School St. for the board.
4. Mr. Jack Robertson presented traffic count data on School
District 23J parking lot adjacent to the site and pedes-
trian counts crossing the site.
C. Opposing Testimony:
1. Mrs. Eleanor Quimby cited danger to school children -
brought up the pedestrian activated signal.
2. Mr. Klumpke, chairman Tigard NPO #3 said the NPO is con-
cerned about traffic problems on School St. and on Pacific
3. Petitions opposing the project were entered in the record
(attached) .
4. Letter from Tigard Public Schools read into record
(attached) .
D. Board Discussion and Action
1. Cook/Edin discussed traffic problem -- Cook suggested
that closing School St. exit and reversing traffic flow
may be worse than applicant's plan.
2. McMonagle said cross traffic at service station entrance
and McDonalds exit is only one problem -- conflict between
deceleration lane in front of school, the entrance/exit
at School St.and McDonalds northerly access as more
3. Bartel summarized concerns he had over the pedestrian
activated signal, the joint access with the service
station and McDonalds and the status of School St.
4. Moved (McMonagle) , seconded (Cook) to deny and request
that McDonalds redesign their site plan with entrance
and parallel to south boundary; shifting driveway from
Standard station property line in order to establish
separation of access drives and the only exit to be
on to School Street, closing the northerly access drive
5. Motion to amend (Edin) to have power pole moved, widen
School Street and leave fencing as shown. Died for
lack of second.
6. Original motion (McMonagle) passed unanimously.
4.2 Tigard Industrial Park (SDR 3-75)
A request for site design and architectural review of a proposed
light industrial building in an industrial park located at 9920
SW Tigard St.
A. Staff Report (see attached)
B. Applicant ' s Presentation; Bob Gray, applicant, presented
C. Board Discussion and Action
1. Board discussed access through site and whether there
is need for updated site plan/landscape plan.
2. Staff was asked to clarify boundaries of approval area
and if the rear landscaping and parking was included.
Staff 's inderstanding was that there would be a final
phase but that the parking lot was to be constructed in
this phase.
3. Motion (Cook) , seconded (Bartel) to accept site plan per
staff recommended conditions #1, 2, 3, 4 &6.
D. Architectural Review
SDR Minutes - 2/20/75 - page 2
1. Applicant's Presentation:
Mr. Bob Gray said that the building plans submitted were
in error and that the elevations would appear the same
as Tigard IV, the building immediately north east of
the proposed Tigard III.
2. Board Discussion and Action:
Moved (Cook) , seconded (Bartel) to accept building as
altered by applicant.
5.1 Charlotte Olson brought in revised site plans and elevations
for Setniker project to confer with board. Board concensus was
that redesign is much better than that submitted -- gas pump
location needs attention, existing landscaping needs to be shown
and parking may be still insufficient.
Mrs. Olson said she would not be doing building design, but
would furnish design criteria and proposed elevations to
architect selected by Mr. Setniker.
6. ADJOURNMENT: 8:00 p.m.
SDR Minutes - 2/20/75 - page 3
Tigard Public Schools, District 23j
Administration Office
13137 S.W. Pacific Hwy.
Tigard, Oregon 97223
Area Code (503)620-1620
February 18, 1975
Tigard Design Review Board
Mr. Ray Bartel, Chairman
Dear Mr. Bartel:
We wish to submit some recommendations pertaining to the proposed
McDonald's Restaurant development at 13225 S. W. Pacific Highway.
As you know, the proposed development is immediately adjacent to
the C. F. Tigard Elementary School to the south. We are making these
recommendations because of the potential effect of this development
upon the operation of the school and in consideration of the safety and
`*W welfare of the school public.
Our recommendations are:
1 . That no public driveway be constructed entering School Street
because of the inherent limitation of the 20-foot roadway
and the hazards of increased traffic on School, Grant and Park
Streets to students walking to and from the school grounds,
2 . To consider fencing of the total site to control pedestrian traffic,
3 . To provide street lighting adequate for pedestrian safety.
Your consideration of these recommendations is appreciated. If you
wish further information, we will have a representative at your meeting
of Thursday, February 20, 1975.
Del� rt S. Fennell, Superintendent
Copy: Tigard Planning Commission, Tom Whittaker, Chairman