04/03/1975 - Minutes MINUTES
Tigard Site Development and Design Review Board
April 3, 1975
Twality Junior High School - lecture room
14650 SW 97th Avenue, Tigard, Oregon
Qhairman Bartel called the meeting to order at 4:40 p.m.
2. ROLL CALL (roll was recorded by Powell, staff)
Members present: Bartel, Cook, Mann, Wakem
Staff: Powell, Austin (City Building Official)
Tom Whittaker, Chrmn. Tigard Planning Commission, attended
to observe
The minutes of the last meeting were not yet available.
Staff asked the agenda be amended to add an Architectural
Design Review item for Clark Industries on a previously
approved Site Design Review
4.1 SDR 8-75 (Harris Enterprises dba Awful Brothers)
A request for review of the remodeling and site development
of an existing service station on SW Pacific Hwy. at Park St.
A. Staff Report
Staff report (attached) was read by Powell; staff pointed
out additionally that some of the plant materials shown
were not hardy enough for a service station site.
B. Applicant ' s Presentation
Mr. Dennis Norstrom (Design Forum, designers for the appli-
cant) told the board that Mr. Harrid had been called away
on business and would not attend, but that he was present
answer what design questions he could.
C . Public Testimony
Mr. Dick Kluempke, Chairman of NPO #3, indicated that the
NPO had no objection to the plan but wanted curbs and side-
walks provided, access to Pacific Hwy. and Park St. re-
stricted to conform to City code and would additionally
;, ,„ like to see the corner "sign cube" moved back to allow
better vision when approaching Pacific Hwy. on Park.
Tom Whittaker asked if this was an adequate submission.
It appeared to lack many of the items required to be sub-
mitted before the Design Review Board for consideration.
D. Board Discussion and Action
Motion for approval (Cook) on conditions that:
1. Curb cut and apron on Park St. be no more than 30 feet
2. Areas of landscaping be provided adjacent that access
(per code) .
3. Some curb, bumper rail or other protection be provided
between the outer service lane (adjacent to pumps)
and sidewalk.
Bartel indicated he could not support the motion.
Discussion of the adequacy of the submission ensued. Con-
census was that under the circumstances of a remodeling
where much was predetermined, that the plan was sufficient,
even if not entirely complete.
Cook withdrew his motion (there had been no second) .
Mann asked about storm drainage and how the canopy would
low be drained.
Bartel drew a diagram of the "sign cube" location with
respect to the posts and poles on the street corner, in-
dicating a location about 15 ft. further back on the site,
but only 10 ft. further back from the highway.
Wakem asked if there were sidewalks now on the site.
Staff responded "yes" , but really they were simply the
edge of the station ' s apron.
Motion for denial (Cook) based on the findings that:
1. Plant sizes and irrigation were not shown on plan.
2. Applicant had not shown compliance with City code on
drainage disposal.
3. Size and location of driveway access on Park Avenue was
4. Sign location should be moved back from Pacific High-
way unless applicant can show that it doesn't interfere
with vision from Park.
5. Separation between the outermost service lane and the
sidewalk is necessary for safety.
SDR Minutes - April 3, 1975 - page 2
Second (Wakem)
Motion approved unanimously
Norstrom asked if the Design Review Board was going to
look at the architecture.
Bartel answered "no" , that the Board would consider the
architecture after it had approved the site plan.
Cook asked if the applicant would bring in more detail on
elevations when resubmitting and bring materials samples
rather than a "color board".
Applicant said that was possible.
SDR 9-73 Clark Industries
A request for architectural design review of four duplexes
at 124th and Walnut. The site plan had been approved prior
to creation of the Design Review Board, but the project had
not been built and the applicant now is applying for new build-
ing permits. (Staff provided site plans from file) .
A. Applicant ' s Presentation
ow Mr. Orville Chapman presented his proposed project.
Tom Whittaker indicated he had been on the Planning Commission
when the project had been approved and recalled it.
B. Board Discussion and Action
Mann asked if the trees at the front of the site were on
the site or in the street right-of-way.
Applicant said they were right on the property line.
Bartel asked if all units would be the same color and
Applicant said they would.
Mann observed that nearly anything tucked back in the site
would be ok. because the site was really dominated by the
Motion (Cook) to approve, second (Mann) , vote unanimous.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m.
SDR Minutes - April 3, 1975 - page 3