VAC1986-00002 AMW
DATE: September 2, 1986
TO: Loreen Wilson, City Recorder
FROM: Randy Clarno, Engineering Services Manager
RE: Tigard Triangle Area Street Vacations
I have discussed this matter in depth with both Bill Monahan and
Randy Wooley. I have been told that the Planning Division will begin
certain "Area Plans" this year. These Plans will develop zoning, land-
use and public facilities (including transportation) for several areas
(i.e. Scholls Ferry Rd. , Downtown, Triangle, ect. . , ) .
The Triangle is not scheduled until FY 87-88 and any vacations occuring
in the area prior to accomplish of the Plan would have to start by pet-
ition. In addition, each request would be evaluated on an individual
basis. Please be aware that this decision is based on the need for an
"Area Plan" and the lack of resourse to accomplish that Plan this year.
May 28, 1986
Arthur & Associates
Attn: Mr. Art Lutz
8875 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy.
Portland, OR 97225
Re: Street Vacation Information Meeting - Triangle Area - Tigard
Dear Mr. Lutz:
This is to confirm my recent conversation with your office regarding the above
mentioned vacation request. The City is currently conducting a major traffic
study in the Triangle Area. Upon completion of this study, staff will contact
you to proceed further with your request. We hope to hold a meeting with
interested Triangle Area property owners during July.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact my office, or
the Engineering Manager, Mr. Randy Clarno.
Loreen R. Wilson
City Recorder
CC: Randy Clarno
13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171
TO: Loreen Wilson August 30, 1985
FROM: Keith Liden' Senior Planner +4ā
SUBJECT: Street Vacation Request ā Triangle Area Superblockx
NPO # 4 reviewed the proposal on June 6' 1985. There was a consider-able
amount of discussion regarding the vacation and after full consideration, the
group supported the propoxal. A copy of the NPO # 4 minutes is attached.
The proposed street vacations in the Tigard Triangle are consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan and will greatly enhance the commercial development
potentiml of the area. The streets or, portions of streets to be vacated are
not shown on the adopted Trans portation Map as being necessary as arterial or
collector routes.
The construction of 70th Avenue would provide a 50 foot wide barrier between
the residential areas to the west, which are zoned R-3 .5 (Residential, 3 .5
units/acre), and the property zoned CāP (Commercial Professional) . However,
the Code does require that special setbacks, landscaping, and screening be
provided when commercial and rexidential properties are adjacent. Because of
these provisions, the vacation of 70th Avenue should not pose any
compatibility problems.
NPO #4 Members Present: Geraldine Ball, Chairperson
Jean Danley, Carl Johnson,
Irving Larson, Gordon Martin,
Louise Stewart.
Guests : Dick Arnold representing Roy Sims
Alfred Fred Kindrick
Jennie Larson
Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Ball 7: 30 P.M .
Minutes of the April 3, 1985 meeting were approved.
Irving Larson moved that the Dr. Davis annexation proposal
approved at the April 3, 1985 meeting in an amount of
.approximately 13 acres be changed to 28.44 acres. The action
was seconded by Jean Danley and unanimously approved.
No action was taken on "Zone Change" because we did not have
the assurance that the City of Tigard and Washington County
designations were the same or close as possable.
Gordon Martin moved that the vacation request initiated on
May 13, 1985 by the Tigard City Council at the request of
Elm Street Investments (Mr. Frederick H. Schriever) to
accommodate new site work planned for tax lot 1100 be approved.
The legal description of the parcel to be vacated is described
as follows:
That portion of SW 70th Avenue, being 20 feet
wide and 154.42 feet long, and abutting lot 17
of beveland No. 2 Subdivision. Said lot is on
the corner of SW 70th Avenue and SW Hampton
Street in Tigard, Oregon.
The action was seconded by Jean Danley and passed with 5
favoring and one "no" vote by "absIgntion".
The next meeting of the NPO #4 will be Wednesday July 39 1985
7:30 P.M . Tigard City Hall uhless it is changed due to the
4th of July holiday.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.
Irving L. Larson, Secretary
ttest: Geraldine Ball, Chairperson
TO: Keith Liden August 13, 1985
FROM: Loreen Wilson
SUBJECT: Street Vacation Request ā Triangle Area Superblocks
I need the following information from you regarding the above subject:
1. The map which I loaned to you to present the request to NPO #4.
2. A written memo, or copies of the minutes, from the NPO meeting showing
their concerns and support of the concept.
3. A written memo addressing Planning concerns regarding buffering zone
issues in the area, pertaining to 70th Avenue in particular.
Thanks for your help.
TO: Frank Currie &C Clarno June 6, 1985
FROM: Loreen Wilson
SUBJECT: Vacation Status Report
First is the current status of vacation files which are "on-hold" for various
reasons. Unless otherwise noted, the vacation requests are for street
right-of-ways only at this time.
Ash Avenue - JB Bishop: On 4/11/85 a prepetition conference was held. JB was
instructed to have McKenzie Engineering file a good map with the City along
with JB' s "Intent To Vacate" request. This is on hold for action by JB Bishop.
Cherry Street (7410) - Wayne & Joyce Jolly: 3/15/85 prepetition conference
was held. On 4/25/85 I contacted Ms. Jolly and was advised they would contact
the City when they were ready to begin the process. On 5/20/85 Ms. Jolly
requested a letter from the City noting the responsibility of maintenance for
public improvements within a vacated area. On 6/4/85 Randy Clarno responded
to her request in writing.
Dartmouth Area Vacation - Mozinski - Robert Randall Co. : On 1/18/85 a
prepetition conference was held. On 2/15/85 Mr. Mozinski advised me that
during, or after, the Dartmouth Street LID process, he would again contact
staff to proceed with request.
66th and Atlanta - Jerry Cach: No prepetition conference has been held.
Jerry Cach is interested in vacation of a portion of right-of-way in this
area. Prepetition conference will be scheduled in the near future.
70th Avenue (Superblocks) - Jerry Cach: No formal prepetition conference has
been held . Jerry Cach advised staff in January (1/14/85) of Don Pollock's
interest in this area. Cach was advised that staff would discuss with
Planning Commission and NPO #4 and contact him with staff' s recommendation for
possible vacations in the area. Prepetition conference would then be
scheduled with Pollock & Cach. Issue presented to NPO #4 on 6/5/85 by Keith.
116th & Katherine - Dale Ott: On 2/15/85 prepetition conference was held. On
4/25/85 Mr. Ott was contacted and advised that he is still interested but
would not have time to persue this issue until fall. This vacation would
include right-of--way and easements.
130th Avenue - Russ Krueger/Susan Ward: On 1/18/85 prepetition conference was
held. Russ Krueger will work with Washington County to determine how to
proceed. Contacted Russ Krueger 4/25/85 and he stated contact is continuing
with Washington County. He will contact staff when ready to proceed.