Report (36) ffl9xcocaj
106,,q tv X21-14 fit-
Location: GREENBURG RD&SHADY LN Date: 5/7/2012
Test made by: JAMES&HERB
Witness: Time: 9:15
Project name:
Discharge coefficient: .54816
Inside dia. of outlet = 4.5 inches
Pitot reading = 48 psi Pitot 2 = 0 psi
Observed flow rate = 2293.3 gpm
Flow method: HOSE MONSTER 4'1,
Static pressure: 109 psi Residual pressure: 101 psi
Flow at 20psi residual pressure (calculated): 8423 gpm
Location map: To be attached to test report and to show which hydrants were
used to monitor residual pressure and flow.
Gape information:
Static and residual pressure cane: 120997-2C Pitot cane: 9864E-1
Hydrant information:
Hydrant ID Year Make Notes
Flow hydrant: 1S1W35B22H50 2010 WATEROUS see map for location
Read hydrant: 1 S1 W35B29H50 2005 WATEROUS see map for location
The mapping,flow or pressure information contained herein reflects conditions on the date
and time of the test. Tualatin Valley Water District makes no representation as to the system's
ability to meet specific fire flow requirements. Future system capability may differ from the
flows reported herein because of subsequent modifications to the district's system and/or
because flow and pressure may vary by time of day and season. Test gage callibration
information available upon request.
Dan Nelson
To: Bryce Mitchell
Subject: RE:Iffy Indoor skydiving
From: Bryce Mitchell []
Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2015 1:55 PM
To: Dan Nelson
Subject: Ifly Indoor skydiving
Good Afternoon,
Attached is the hydrant flow certificate requested, along with the NFPA 13 design criteria
for the water curtain. The sprinkler head cut sheet for the upright sprinklers used was part of the
original submittal packet (V2704 1/2" 135deg QR WH) The specs did not ask for "window washer"
heads but called for a water curtain which we provided and calc'd per the attached NFPA 13
excerpt. Please let me know if you need anything else.
Thank You,
so+et.ass/«.e ...44.0pr ,r„
A Division ofJet Industries
Bryce Mitchell
1935 Silverton Rd. Tel: 503-363-2334
Salem,OR 97301 Fax: 503-364-2204 Mobile:971.218.2132
Copyright 2014 National Fire Protection Association(NFPA).Licensed,by agreement,for individual use and download on November 12,2014 to JET FIRE PROTECTION for designated user BRET DAVIS.No other reproduction
or transmission in any form permitted without written permission of NFPA.For inquires or to report unauthorized use,contact
- compounded based on the area of operation originally se- Sprinklers in ducts as described in Section 7.10
lected from Figure and 8.15.13 shall be hydraulically designed to provide a dis- If the building has unsprinklered combustible charge pressure of not less than 7 psi (0.5 bar) at each sprin-
concealed spaces,the rules of shall be applied after kler with all sprinklers within the duct flowing.
all other modifications have been made.
11.3 Special Design Approaches. Room Design Method.
11.3.1 Residential Sprinklers.*The water supply requirements for sprinklers only* The design area shall be the area that includes the
shall be based upon the room that creates the greatest demand.
four adjacent sprinklers that produce the greatest hydraulic The density selected shall be that from Fig- demand.
ure corresponding to the occupancy hazard classifi-
cation and room size.*Unless the requirements of are met for To utilize the room design method,all rooms shall buildings having unsprinklered combustible concealed
be enclosed with walls having a fire-resistance ratingequal to spaces,as ofsprindescribkl in 8operation andr that8.1portion the of the 9 sign sprinkler for of the build-
the water supply duration indicated in Table
ing shall be eight sprinklers. If the room is smaller than the area specified
in Figure, the provisions of and The design area of eight sprinklers shall be applied shall apply. only to the portion of the residential sprinklers that are adja- Minimum protection of openings shall be as follows: cent to the qualifying combustible concealed space. The tern adjacent shall apply to any sprinkler system
(1) Light hazard—Nonrated automatic or self-closing doors. protecting a space above,below,or next to the qualifying con-
(2) Light hazard with no opening protection—Where open- cealed space except where a barrier with a fire resistance rating at
ings are not protected, calculations shall include the least equivalent to the water supply duration completely sepa-
sprinklers in the room plus two sprinklers in the commu- rates the concealed space from the sprinklered area.
nicating space nearest each such unprotected opening • Unless the requirements of are met, the
unless the communicating space has only one sprinkler,
in which case calculations shall be extended to the opera- minimum required discharge from each of the four hydrauli-
tion of that sprinkler.The selection of the room and com- cally most demanding sprinklers shall be the greater of the
municating space sprinklers to be calculated shall be that following:
which produces the greatest hydraulic demand.For light
hazard occupancies with unprotected openings in walls,a
(1) In accordance with minimum flow rates indicated in indi-
minimum lintel of depth of 8 in. (203 mm)is required for vidual listings
(2) Calculated based ve delivering a minimum of 0.1 gpm/ft2
openings and the opening shall not exceed 8 ft (2.44 m)
in width.It shall be permitted to have a single opening of (4.1 mm/min) over the design area in accordance with
36 in. (914 mm) or less without a lintel, provided there the provisions of or
are no other openings to adjoining spaces. For modifications or additions to existing systems
(3) Ordinary and extra hazard —Automatic or self-closing equipped with residential sprinklers,the listed discharge crite-
doors with appropriate fire resistance ratings for the ria less than 0.1 gpm/ft2 (4.1 mm/min) shall be permitted to
enclosure, be used. Where the room design method is used and the area Where areas such as attics,basements,or other types
under consideration is a corridor protected by a single row of of occupancies are outside of dwelling units but within the
sprinklers with protected openings in accordance with, same structure, these areas shall be protected as a separate
the maximum number of sprinklers that needs to be calculated is design basis in accordance with Section 11.1.
five or,when extended coverage sprinklers are installed,all sprin-
klers contained within 75 linear feet (22.9 linear meters) of the Hose stream allowance and water supply duration
corridor. requirements shall be in accordance with those for light haz- Where the area under consideration is a corri- and occupancies in Table 1].2.3.].2.
dor protected by a single row of sprinklers with unprotected 11.3.2 Exposure Protection.
openings,in a light hazard occupancy,the design area shall*Piping shall be hydraulically calculated in accordance
include all sprinklers in the corridor to a maximum of five
with Section 23.4 to furnish a minimum of 7 psi (0.5 bar)at any
or, when extended coverage sprinklers are installed, all
sprinklers within 75 linear feet (22.9 linear meters) of the sprinkler with all sprinklers facing the exposure operating.
corridor. Where the water supply feeds other fire protection Special Design Areas. systems,it shall be capable of furnishing total demand for such Where the design area consists of a building ser- systems as well as the exposure system demand.
vice chute supplied by a separate riser,the maximum number 11.3.3 Water Curtains.
of sprinklers that needs to be calculated is three,each with a Sprinklers in a water curtain such as described in 8.15.4
minimum discharge of 15 gpm (57 L/min).
or shall be hydraulically designed to provide a dis-*Where an area is to be protected by a single line of charge of 3 gpm per lineal foot(37 L/min per lineal meter) of
sprinklers,the design area shall include all sprinklers on the water curtain,with no sprinklers discharging less than 15 gpm
line up to a maximum of seven. (56.8 L/min).
2013 Edition rNir
Copyright 2014 National Fire Protection Association(NFPA).Licensed,by agreement,for individual use and download on November 12,2014 to JET FIRE PROTECTION for designated user BRET DAVIS.No other reproduction
or transmission in any form permitted without written permission of NFPA.For inquires or to report unauthorized use,contact
13-126 INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS For water curtains employing automatic sprinklers, The sprinkler system design shall be based on the stor-
the number of sprinklers calculated in this water curtain shall age height and clearance to ceiling that routinely or periodically
be the number in the length corresponding to the length par- exist in the building and create the greatest water demand.
allel to the branch lines in the area determined by Where storage is placed above doors,the storage height shall be If a single fire can be expected to operate sprinklers calculated from the base of storage above the door.
within the water curtain and within the design area of a hydrauli- Clearance to Ceiling.
cally calculated system,the water supply to the water curtain shall* The clearance to ceiling shall be measured in ac-
be added to the water demand of the hydraulic calculations and
shall be balanced to the calculated area demand. cordance with through Hydraulic design calculations shall include a design For corrugated metal deck roofs up to 3 in.
area selected to include ceiling sprinklers adjacent to the wa- (76 mm) in depth,the clearance to ceiling shall be measured
ter curtain. from the top of storage to the bottom of the deck.
11.3.4 Sprinklers Under Roof or Ceiling in Combustible Con- For corrugated metal deck roofs deeper than
3 in. (76 mm), the clearance to ceiling shall be measured to
cealed Spaces of Wood Joist or Wood Truss Construction with
Members 3 ft(914 mm) or Less on Center and Slope Having the highest point on the deck.
Pitch of 4 in 12 or Greater. For ceilings that have insulation attached di- Where sprinkler spacing does not exceed 8 ft(2.5 m) rectly to underside of the ceiling or roof structure, the clear-
measured perpendicular to the slope,the minimum sprinkler ance to ceiling shall be measured from the top of storage to
discharge pressure shall be 7 psi (0.5 bar). the bottom of the insulation and shall be in accordance with Where sprinkler spacing exceeds 8 ft (2.5 m) mea- or
sured perpendicular to the slope,the minimum sprinkler dis- (A) For insulation that is attached directly to the ceiling or
charge pressure shall be 20 psi (1.4 bar). roof structure and is installed flat and parallel to the ceiling or
roof structure,the clearance to ceiling shall be measured from Hose stream allowance and water supply duration the top of storage to the underside of the insulation.
requirements shall be in accordance with those for light haz-
ard occupancies in Table (B) For insulation that is installed in a manner that causes it
to deflect or sag down from the ceiling or roof structure,the
clearance to ceiling shall be measured from the top of storage
Chapter 12 General Requirements for Stora e to a point half of the distance of the deflection from the insu-
lt lation high point to the insulation low point.If the deflection
12.1 General.The requirements of Section 12.1 shall a 1 to or sag in the insulation exceeds 6 in. (152 mm),the clearance
pp y to ceiling shall be measured from the top of storage to the
all storage arrangements and commodities other than miscel- high point of the insulation.
laneous storage (see Chapter 13) and as modified by specific
sections in Chapter 14 through Chapter 20. For spray sprinkler criteria where the clearance to
ceiling exceeds those identified in this section, the require-
12.1.1 Roof Vents and Draft Curtains. See Section C.6.
ments of through shall apply.* Manually operated roof vents or automatic roof Where the clearance to ceiling exceeds 20 ft
vents with operating elements that have a higher temperature
classification than the automatic sprinklers shall be permitted. (6.1 m) for Chapters 14 and 15, protection shall be based
upon the storage height that would result in a clearance to Early suppression fast-response (ESFR) sprinklers ceiling of 20 ft(6.1 m).
shall not be used in buildings with automatic heat or smoke Where the clearance to ceiling exceeds 20 ft
vents unless the vents use a high-temperature rated,standard-
response operating mechanism. (6.1 m) for Section 16.2,protection shall be based upon the
storage height that would result in a clearance to ceiling of* Draft curtains shall not be used within ESFR sprin- 20 ft (6.1 m) or providing one level of supplemental, quick-
kler systems. response in-rack sprinklers located directly below the top tier Draft curtains separating ESFR sprinklers at system of storage and at every flue space intersection.
breaks or from control mode sprinklers or between hazards Where the clearance to ceiling exceeds 10 ft(3.1 m)
shall be permitted. (See for Section 16.3 or Section 17.2,protection shall be based upon
12.1.2 Ceiling Slope. The sprinkler system criteria specified the storage height that would result in a clearance to ceiling of
10 ft (3.1 m) or providing one level of supplemental, quick-
in Chapter 12 and Chapters 14 through 20 are intended to
response in-rack sprinklers located directly below the top tier of
apply to buildings with ceiling slopes not exceeding 2 in 12
(16.7 percent) unless modified by a specific section in Chap- storage and at every flue space intersection.
ter 12 and Chapters 14 through 20. Where the clearance exceeds 10 ft(3.1 m)for Sec-
I12.1.3*Building and Storage Height. tion 17.3,protection shall be based upon providing one level
of supplemental,quick-response in-rack sprinklers located di- The maximum building height shall be measured to rectly below the top tier of storage and at every flue space
the underside of the roof deck or ceiling. intersection. ESFR sprinklers shall be used only in buildings equal When applying the supplemental in-rack sprinkler
to,or less than,the height of the building for which they have option,the ceiling density shall be based upon the given stor-
been listed. age height with an assumed acceptable clearance to ceiling.
[7:0 2013 Edition
Copyright 2014 National Fire Protection Association(NFPA).Licensed,by agreement,for individual use and download on November 12,2014 to JET FIRE PROTECTION for designated user BRET DAVIS.No other reproduction
or transmission in any form permitted without written permission of NFPA.For inquires or to report unauthorized use,contact
INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS 13-85 Localized Protection of Exposed Combustible Con- 8.15.3 Stairways.
struction or Exposed Combustibles.When otherwise noncom-
bustible or limited-combustible concealed spaces that would stalls .1 Combustible Construction. Sprinklers shall be in-
not require sprinkler protection have localized exposed com_ stalled beneath all stairways of combustible construction.
bustible construction, or contain localized areas of exposed Sprinklers shall be installed at the top of combus-
combustibles, the combustibles shall be permitted to be pro- tible stair shafts.
tected as follows:*Sprinklers shall be installed under the landings at
(l) If the exposed combustibles are in the vertical partitions each floor level.
or walls around all or a portion of the enclosure,a single Sprinklers shall be installed beneath the lowest in-
row of sprinklers spaced not over 12 ft (3.7 m) apart nor
more than 6 ft (1.8 m) from the inside of the partition termediate landing.
shall be permitted to protect the surface.The first and last Noncombustible Construction.
sprinklers in such a row shall not be over 5 ft(1.5 m)from
the ends of the partitions. In noncombustible stair shafts having noncombus-
(2) If the exposed combustibles are in the horizontal plane,the tible stairs with noncombustible or limited-combustible fin-
fishes, sprinklers shall be installed at the top of the shaft and
area of the combustibles shall be permitted to be protected
with sprinklers on a light hazard spacing.Additional sprin- under the first accessible landing above the bottom of the
klers shall be installed no more than 6 ft(1.8 in)outside the shaft.
outline of the area and not more than 12 ft(3.7 m)on cen- Where noncombustible stair shafts are divided by
ter along the outline.When the outline returns to a wall or walls or doors,sprinklers shall be provided on each side of the
other obstruction,the last sprinkler shall not be more than separation.
6 ft(1.8 in)from the wall or obstruction. Sprinklers shall be installed beneath landings or Sprinklers used in horizontal combustible con- stairways where the area beneath is used for storage.
cealed spaces (with a slope not exceeding 2 in 12) with com- Sprinklers shall be permitted to be omitted from
bustible wood truss,wood joist construction, or bar joist con- the bottom of the stairwell when the space under the stairs at
struction having a combustible upper surface and where the
depth of the space is less than 36 in. (914 mm) from deck to the bottom is blocked off so that storage cannot occur.
deck or with double wood joist construction with a maximum Sprinklers shall be permitted to be omitted from
- of 36 in. (914 mm)between the top of the bottom joist and the exterior stair towers when the exterior walls of the stair tower
bottom of the upper joist shall be listed for such use. are at least 50 percent open and when the stair tower is en- Sprinklers specifically listed to provide protection tirely of noncombustible construction.
of combustible concealed spaces described in shall be*Stairs Serving Two or More Areas.When stairs have
permitted to be used in accordance with where the openings to each side of a fire wall(s),sprinklers shall be in-
space is less than 12 in. (305 mm)from deck to deck. stalled in the stair shaft at each floor landing with multiple
openings. Sprinklers specifically listed to provide protection of
combustible concealed spaces described in shall be 8.15.4*Vertical Openings.
permitted to protect composite wood joist construction with a 8.15.4A*General.Unless the requirements of are met,
maximum of 36 in. (914 mm) between the top of the bottom where moving stairways,staircases,or similar floor openings are
joist and the bottom of the upper joist. unenclosed and where sprinkler protection is serving as the alter-
8.15.2 Vertical Shafts. native to enclosure of the vertical opening, the floor openings
involved shall be protected by closely spaced sprinklers in combi- General. Unless the requirements of or nation with draft stops in accordance with and are met,one sprinkler shall be installed at the top of Draft Stops. Draft stops shall meet all of the follow-
ing criteria: Noncombustible or limited-combustible, nonacces- (1) The draft stops shall be located immediately adjacent to
sible vertical duct shafts shall not require sprinkler protection. the opening.
(2) The draft stops shall be at least 18 in. (457 mm) deep. Noncombustible or limited-combustible, nonac
cessible vertical electrical or mechanical shafts shall not re- (3) The draft stops shall be of noncombustible or limited-
quire sprinkler protection. combustible material that will stay in place before and
during sprinkler operation.*Shafts with Combustible Surfaces. Sprinklers. Where vertical shafts have combustible surfaces, Sprinklers shall be spaced not more than 6 ft(1.8 m)
one sprinkler shall be installed at each alternate floor level. apart and placed 6 in. to 12 in. (152 mm to 305 mm)from the Where a shaft having combustible surfaces is draft stop on the side away from the opening.
trapped,an additional sprinkler shall be installed at the top of Where sprinklers are closer than 6 ft(1.8 m),cross
each trapped section. baffles shall be provided in accordance with Accessible Shafts with Noncombustible Surfaces. Large Openings. Closely spaced sprinklers and draft
Where accessible vertical shafts have noncombustible sur- stops are not required around large openings such as those
faces,one sprinkler shall be installed near the bottom, found in shopping malls,atrium buildings,and similar structures
2013 Edition NNW
Sheet 1 -SECOND FLOOR of 1
9600 Klingerman Street
��ODU P.O.Box 3365
South El Monte,CA 91733 USR' >y i 1,/
Phone:626.444.0541*Fax::626.444.$8 T a
MAX `2#
Sway Bracing Calculations per 2013 NFPA 13
Project/Contractor Information Seismic Brace Att ent k ;.
Project: iFLY TIGARD Stucture Attachment Adapter:
Project Address: 10655 SW GREENBURG RD
�0010 #n/a
Listed load rating: n/a
Project City/St: TIGARD,OR Structure Attachment Fitting:
Contractor: JET FIRE PROTECTION . 0,0 #077 Attachment End(Locking)
Contractor Address:1935 SILVERTON RD NE Listed load rating: 2,015 IbAdj.load rating per 1,745 lb
Contractor City/St: SALEM,OR 97301
Brace Pipe Adaptor:
Brace Pipe Information �J��o� #
Listed load rating: Adj.load rating per
Lenght of Brace: 10 ft 6 in
Sway Brace Fitting:
Diameter of Brace: 1 in ��Q.OZ, #001/020 Sway Brace(Model E)
Type of Brace: Schedule 40 Listed load rating: 1,730 Ib
Adj.load rating per 1,730 lb
Angle of Brace: 60°to 89° Seismic Brace Assembly Detail
Least Radius of Gyration: 0.42 ����D PgOFF s
UR Value: 300 s
Maximum Horizontal Load: 713 lb N5 ��GI • �w��
. ��. " Generic Drawing, Che -< T'J/P/N
al45 /%� ����
Fastener Information _ In The Section , -f••��,- �� /
` The Data Is Pill-.� 11/) ( WAIII
ii NFPA 13 Fastener 0 Listed Adapter Fasteners:n/a To OREe ON Q
Structural Supporting Member: Steel *+ x'<;vi,, ZO`b �4�
415 \
Orientation of connecting surface: "C" F"LYNN
Fastener Type: Connections to Steel I EXPIRES: 06-30-2016
Fastener Diamter: 3/8 in
Brace identification no. Calculated To: NFPA
Fastener Length(under head): n/a (to be used on plans) SECOND FLOOR
Maximum Load: 1,400 lb U Lateral Brace 0 Longitudinal Brace ❑ 4-Way Brace
Sprinkler System Load Calculation [Fpw=CpWp(default is 0.5Cp)] Ss .95 Cp 0.5
Diameter Type Length(ft) Total(ft) Weight per ft Cp Total Weight
0 2-1/2 in Schedule 10 20 ft 20.0 ft 5.89 0.5 58.90
0 1 in Schedule 40 120 ft 120.0 ft 2.05 0.5 123.00
.. 0
- 0
Total weight 181.90
Brace Connection Fpw x 1.15 209.19
Filename: P:12015115-0125-iFly Tigard11 ENGR14 FIREIIFLY SWAY.bak
Date:4/3/2015 AFCON ZOI Seismic Brace Tool Version:2013.1.5288 Sheet 1 -SECOND FLOOR