03/16/2017 - Summary Transportation PBS Advisory Committee Meeting Notes Pedestrian-Bicycle advisory Sub-committee (PBS) Meeting Date Thursday, Mar 16, 2017 5:00 to 6:30 PM Location Red Rock Room, City Hall, Tigard PBS Members: Jen Vasicek; Steve Boughton (phone), Stephan Belding; Ben Gooley; and City staff: Buff Brown, Mike McCarthy Visitors: Alan Eckert, Linnea Alvord Guests: Sharon Gavin, Lloyd Purdy Item # (Time) AGENDA Items with Meeting Notes # 1 (5:00) Welcome and Introductions Linnea Alvord is an applicant for PBS. This is her first visit. Alan is here for his second time and wants to join. # 2 (5:08) Review and Approve November 2016 Meeting Notes Minutes were accepted. NOTE: PBS is not required to approve its notes/minutes. # 3 (5:09) Member and Guest Communications/Announcements Joyce was in Sierra Vista, AZ, and they had a Borrow-a -Bike program through the library. No charge. Jen said she would make contact with library director. Joyce also had a map of mountain bike trails from Sierra Vista. Steve Boughton - WCBTC has acquired a bunch (130ish) of single-speed bikes, step- through frames that could be used for bikeshare. WTA is doing bikeshare with Kaiser. They are using these bikes. Stephan Belding is on the SWC CAC, and is a liaison to Steering Committee, if anyone has thoughts on bike/ped infrastructure for SW corridor. S. Boughton announced Summer bike camp. Had NICE postcards on it. The need instructors, and want to grow the program with more classes, more weeks, more kids. #4 (5:30) Tigard St Trail Lloyd Purdy updated us on the Tigard St Trail project. Expect construction in 2018, community input in 2017. Will make the area behind Symposium event space. Lloyd said the Taste of Tigard will be in this space on June 17. Transportation PBS Advisory Committee Meeting Notes Pedestrian-Bicycle advisory Sub-committee (PBS) #5 (5:41) Tour de Parks/ Bike to Market To hold the Tour de Parks, Sharon said we would need a Special Events permit. She is not sure if we need insurance. Will need to coordinate with police. Anthony had said he could staff the registration tent/tables. Steve Boughton did not want us to use the Tour de Parks name. No one seemed to step up and be interested in leading this. # 6 (6:20) Elections Joyce won re-election as Chair. Jen Vasicek is Vice Chair. Ben Gooley is TTAC Liaison. #7 (6:25) Bike to Market Jen suggested June 111h as the best day for it. This is before school lets out. There was some thought that we could do a few of these if it worked out. Might want to have a valet parking area for bikes. Jen has spoken to the new shop at Progress Ridge (Veloce), and Buff spoke to Bikeworks— both are interested in participating. We will discuss this at next meeting. There was a sense that focusing on the Bike to Market this year, and possibly doing it multiple times over the summer, might be enough for the group. 6:36 Meeting Adjourned