09/14/2016 - Packet M.— p- Completeness Review
for Boards, Commissions
TIGARD and Committee Records
CCAC - City Center Advisory Commission
Name of Board, Commission or Committee
September 14, 2016
Date of Meeting
I have verified these documents are a complete copy of the official record.
Joe Patton,Meeting Secretary
Print Name
October 13, 2016
14, City of Tigard
= City Center Advisory Commission Agenda
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MEETING DATE/TIME: September 14, 2016—6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
MEETING LOCATION: Red Rock Creek Conference Room, 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223
1. CALL TO ORDER Carine 6:30
2. PUBLIC COMMENT Carine 6:35
9. NON-AGENDA ITEMS Carine 8:15
11. ADJOURNMENT Carine 8:30
*EXECUTIVE SESSION:The Tigard City Center Advisory Commission may go into Executive Session to discuss real
property transaction negotiations under ORS 192.660(2) (e).All discussions are confidential and those present may
disclose nothing from the Session. Representatives of the news media are allowed to attend Executive Sessions,as
provided by ORS 192.660(4),but must not disclose any information discussed. No Executive Session may be held for
the purpose of taking any final action or making any final decision. Executive Sessions are closed to the public.
Uucoming meetings of note:
Monday, September 19,7:00 p.m.,Hearings Officer on Main St./Fanno redevelopment application
Tuesday,September 20, 7:30 p.m., City Council/Planning Commission Joint meeting on City Center URP Amendment
Tuesday, October 4, 6:30 p.m.,CCDA Board Meeting,Tigard City Hall
Wednesday,October 12,6:30 p.m., Regular CCAC Meeting, Red Rock Creek Conference Room
City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 1 of 1
Meeting Minutes
September 14, 2016
Members Present: Cameron Anderly, Carine Arendes (Chair),Joyce Casey,Tim Myshak (Alternate),
Richard Shavey,Mark Skorupa, Sarah Villanueva (Ex Officio), and David Walsh.
Members Absent: Sherrie Devaney, Linh Pao (Vice Chair), and Gina Schlatter.
Staff Present: Redevelopment Project Manager Sean Farrelly, and Administrative Specialist Joe Patton.
Others Present: Councilor Marland Henderson, Council Liaison to the CCAC.
Chair Arendes called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. The meeting was held in the Tigard Red Rock
Conference Room, at 13125 SW Hall Blvd.Joe recorded the roll call.
The August 10, 2016 CCAC Minutes were approved.
Sean noted the state limits increases to an URD to 20% (approximately 38 acres for the current URD).
The consultant is working on the substantial amendment analysis to bring in the maximum income
during the plan duration ending in 2026. They provided a map showing the existing URD,proposed
expansion (A—George Morlan Plumbing,B—Main St.Village, E—Park 217 and an industrial building
at the corner of Hall and Hunziker), and other potential expansion areas. The additional areas must be
contiguous. The financial analysis is not complete but current revenue will be about $13 million.Adding
the additional areas could provide revenue closer to $18 million. Sean outlined the general schedule of
events. Consensus was that while the vote could go either way,it seems more beneficial to have the
Downtown URD expansion on the same ballot as the Tigard Triangle URD.
The consensus of CCAC members attending the meeting was that it was a positive experience. CCDA
was receptive and appreciative of the work CCAC is doing. Carine commented that the
recommendations included in the memo to CCDA might need a little refinement such as exploring
whether property owners would voluntarily build to fully accessible or universal design or whether
regulatory action would be required. The Downtown Maps project will proceed when more staff time is
available. Due to limited space,Richard suggested that rather than specifying a splash pad it would be
better to reference a water feature to allow more flexibility. A suggestion for special event parking was to
have a shared parking arrangement in the nearby industrial area. Sean will explore the possibilities.
Richard shared an article from the Business Tribune on the Main St./Fanno project. Carine
recommended tracking the various coverage on downtown for future reference. She noted this topic
includes two parts: Marketing to Developers and Marketing Downtown to people who live,work and
play downtown. She briefly discussed the Methodology, Findings and Concluding Recommendations for
September 14, 2016
both. TDA members will be invited to attend the October meeting to discuss their role and the business
owner perspective. It is important to make developers aware of the current URD and the potential
Tigard Triangle URD and SW Corridor. Sean stated that current marketing to developers has primarily
involved conversations regarding the Main St./Fanno project. The Attwell project,which will be eligible
for a certificate of occupancy for building one in November,is garnering interest from developers. The
City will be hiring a new Economic Development Coordinator who will work with the TDA and staff to
develop a survey for downtown business and property owners. Downtown Tigard is well situated to take
advantage of market trends in real estate and the city is working towards improving walkability, especially
in the downtown area. Emphasizing the walkability of Downtown and engaging in communications that
support that message, similar to LA's Angle Wings campaign,would be a way to market Downtown as
place where people can live,work and play. Recommendations could include CCAC support for staff
efforts in consolidating the Economic Development, Redevelopment and Downtown webpages,
updating the Leland Reports, and for the downtown survey with CCAC input. Once all of the topics of
interest recommendations have been refined, a summary that includes one or two from each topic that
connect to the other topics to tie them all together with prioritization.
There was no questions regarding the updates included in the agenda packet.
The Main St./Fanno public hearing is on Monday, September 20 at 7:00 p.m. in Town Hall. The parking
requirement will likely be the largest issue.A shared parking arrangement is allowed under the Tigard
Development Code. The tenants have vacated the building and the cost to CCDA is $45,000,with the
largest portion allocated to the increased rent costs for two years as required by federal law. The project
schedule includes an October 6 open house. The Urban Lofts project includes three options. The project
can move forward if TriMet agrees with any of them. The Brownfields Assessment Grant is benefitting
six properties. Phase 2 is proceeding on the property on the Hall and Hwy 99W sites. There was a study
on the Parks bond revealing more money is available for development of public spaces in downtown.
A. Carine stated discussion on the financing of the Civic Center included two options: a local option
levy and a facilities bond. The City has an opportunity to develop an active urban site to
showcase the kind of development we want Downtown.
B. The Tigard Triangle has one more meeting to finalize the length of time, the amount of money
and the size of the new URD.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:29 pm.
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Jo atton, CCAC Meeting Secretary
A S Car' Aredes Chair
Agenda Item 5
TO: Tigard City Center Development Agency Board
FR: City Center Advisory Commission
DT: September 1, 2016
RE: CCAC 2016 research and mid-term recommendations to CCDA/City Council
The annual 2016 CCAC goals for the year included a new goal to develop internal
expertise on topics of interest related to the City Center. This included identifying specific topics
of interest, reviewing existing materials (including City of Tigard materials), identifying areas of
potential further research, formulating communication plan content, and preparing
recommendations based on the research.
This memorandum, prepared by the CCAC, is intended to 1) provide CCDA a briefing on
the research process and 2) share general findings and recommendations.
Research Process
The four topics of interest identified by CCAC are housing and transportation downtown,
marketing downtown businesses, and marketing the area to developers. As of the writing of this
memo, the CCAC has reviewed downtown Housing, the SW Corridor Plan and the Connectivity
Plan. The research process has led to a number of CCAC specific suggestions that may be
conveyed to Council as part of the CCAC's Annual Report to CCDA. A large percentage of the
CCAC's activities for the remainder of the 2016 calendar year will include reviewing materials
related to marketing and parking, deliberating the incorporation of changes suggested by the
review into CCAC processes, and developing further recommendations for CCDA's
consideration. The recommendations in this memo are limited to those identified by CCAC for
CCDA or City Council consideration.
Connectivity Plan
General findings related to the Connectivity Plan include:
• When development occurs on vacant land, new roads are constructed.
• Alterations of existing street grids can be challenging in the absence of new
• The city has prepared for increasing connectivity and circulation in the Downtown when
development occurs by adopting requirements in the Tigard Community Development
• Code standards require the creation of new roads and the extension of existing roads
when new development or significant redevelopment occurs.
Based on the research conducted by the CCAC on the Connectivity Plan, the CCAC
recommends the following:
Re: CCAC 2016 research and mid-term recommendations to CCDA/City Council Page 1 of 3
1. Seek input from downtown stakeholders (including business and property owners), as
well as CCAC early in the process.
2. Improve communication with public regarding upcoming projects, especially for projects
that have longer development timeframes.
a) Current webpage on Downtown reference to Main St\Green St should note phased
nature of project.
None at this time, however Council may wish to consider whether other strategies to
increase circulation through the development of new roads are desirable.
SW Corridor Plan (SWCP)
General findings related to the SWCP include:
• SWCP is about more than just the High Capacity Transit Line (MAX Light Rail).
• Infrastructure improvements and enhanced Tri-Met service beyond the HRT corridor
includes numerous bike\ped improvements that support the City's strategic plan.
• HCT stations would provide a valuable amenity for mixed-use housing Downtown.
Based on the research conducted by CCAC on the SW Corridor Plan, CCAC recommends the
1. If approved by voters in concept, city should advocate for a Downtown station through
the Environmental Impact Analysis and Design process.
1. Continue to consider new revenue streams to fund a variety of transportation
infrastructure projects aside from SWCP projects.
2. Continue to develop pedestrian projects as well as other bicycle and transit priorities that
support the City's walkable vision.
3. Complete Downtown Urban Lofts study on the Nicoli site, including alternative transit
station feasibility.
Downtown Housing
General findings related to housing downtown include:
• Mixed-use housing was envisioned in the Tigard Downtown Improvement Plan and the
City Center Urban Renewal Plan.
• The issues of creating housing in the downtown as an economic stimulus engine,
affordability of housing, and having an adequate supply of housing in the downtown area
are interlinked.
Re:CCAC 2016 research and mid-term recommendations to CCDA/City Council Page 2 of 3
• Current market conditions suggest that there is not enough housing to fulfill existing
demand, and current housing prices are not affordable to all of those seeking housing.
Based on the research conducted by CCAC on Downtown Housing, CCAC recommends the
Policy: Make Downtown a top priority for production of new housing units for the next 10 years
(consider setting production goal based on projected population increases).
1. Recommend the city develop policies to encourage production of"fully" accessible ADA
units and consider other recommendations to support aging in place.
2. Recommend the city adopt policies\tools to protect affordability.
a) Consider appointing a CCAC representative on the planned advisory/technical
committee developed to implement the Metro Equitable Housing Planning and
Development Grant.
1. Create a yearly demographic snapshot of housing [and employment] trends.
2. Continue to seek opportunities to consolidate land to set the stage for redevelopment.
3. Update the City Center Urban Renewal Plan to reflect the current trends in housing
needs prior to any City Center Urban Renewal Plan (UPS) updates referred to voters.
4. Staff should continue to market redevelopment opportunities downtown to developers
and property owners; however existing incentives should be promoted to developers
more effectively. Examples include:
a) Create a list of existing redevelopment resources (including existing incentives that
will facilitate high density projects) and develop inventory of redevelopment
opportunities (provide a "marketplace" for willing property owners and developers to
connect) that is made readily available and visible on the City of Tigard website.
b) Create a marketing identity for the Downtown that has a name, like the "Pearl" or the
"Platform". Consider leveraging project names, such as the Transit-Orientated
Urban "Lofts."
c) Study other suburban areas with more active downtown\urban centers, such as
Hillsboro's Orenco Station, Lake Oswego and Oregon City.
5. Research the feasibility for an Assisted Living Facility downtown.
Re:CCAC 2016 research and mid-term recommendations to CCDA/City Council Page 3 of 3
CCAC 2016 Adopted Goals Third Quarter Update
1. Support URA Project Infrastructure& a. Key Projects a.ii. $700,000 Connect Oregon VI grant for
Development i. Ash/Burnham Redevelopment Tigard Street Trail awarded in August 2016
a. Monitor,review,and provide input on key ii. Public space (Tigard Street Trail, Fanno
projects Creek Park Improvements) a.iii. Cleanup grant work plan submitted to
b. Monitor progress of prioritized Urban iii. Fanno&Main project tracking EPA. Land use application to go before
Renewal Plan Projects iv. New Metro CET grant(Main Street Hearings Officer on September 19.
Lofts) -scope of work
v. Parking management a.iv.Transit Center Reconfiguration plan
b. URP projects underway.TriMet reviewing proposed
i. fill-in gaps of Hall Blvd sidewalks options. Real estate/architect team hired in
ii.plaza(s) development August.
iii.the Tigard Street Trail&Tigard Street
on-street bicycle lane a.v. Parking management- notices
iv.public restrooms distributed to businesses regarding stepped
v.Ash Avenue rail crossing up enforcement of time limits in parking lot
and Main Street.
2. Identify and Discuss Long-term impacts a. Factors may include supply,location, a. CCAC wrote letter of support for city's
of future development projects to the affordability Metro Equitable Housing Planning and
downtown area b1. SW Corridor Plan- (High Capacity Transit Development Grant application for the
a. Housing availability &corridor land use planning) Tigard Southwest Corridor Affordable
b. Transportation&Circulation b2. Main Street Green Street Phase II Housing Predevelopment project.
c. Improvement Programs c. Skyline Improvement Program (SIP)
b1. CCAC participated in June 7 CCDA
discussion of light rail.
c. Skyline Improvement Program as part of
Urban Renewal Improvement Programs
acce ting applications until September 30.
3. Communications&Engagement a. Liaisons W.TDA funding included in city FY 16-17
a. Liaisons i. Attend meetings when downtown budget
i. Define the role of liaison and scope of related agenda items listed; appoint
representation main liaison and a second. b.ii."Effective advocacy"training at July
ii. Identify and assign CCAC members to ii. Identify liaison for TTAC,SW Corridor CCAC meeting
liaise with other boards and committees Plan Meetings,TDA, Budget, PRAB
CCAC 2016 Adopted Goals Third Quarter Update
b. Engagement b. Engagement
i. Support expansion and/or formalization i. Advocate for potential funding options
of partnership with Tigard Downtown to keep TDA momentum going;
Alliance ii. For example,when talking about HCT,
ii. Develop communications plan for CCAC urban renewal financing, downtown
member engagement with public for parking, etc.
upcoming projects iii. Advocating for bilingual outreach as a
iii. Communication appropriate for all policy
Tigard communities c. Refine communication with Council/CCDA
c. Communication with Council/CCDA Board Board,update Council/CCDA Board on
prior goal issues and outcomes,and
request Council give more details when
charging CCAC to examine issues.
4. Actively self-educate on topics of a. Identify topics of interest c. CCAC members researched and presented
interest to the downtown,such as b. Identify resources such as staff, information on topics of interest at CCAC
marketing to developers and information sources, existing programs, meetings. Presented results on research at
consumers,and affordable housing. etc.related to topics of interest September CCAC/CCDA joint meeting
c. After reviewing materials, consider
making recommendations regarding