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NFPA 25 Definitions
— Part One in a Series
By Jason Webb
n many of NFSA's training cours- pump is defined by both NFPA 25 and the context of ITM.The most common of
es, we speak of the importance NFPA 1901 (the Standard for Automotive these is the term "service," as in "we're
of definitions. Rarely are they Fire Apparatus). But the way they are here to service your sprinkler system,"
more important than when it used in those standards certainly varies. when in fact, the technician is there to
comes to how NFPA 25 is applied. With In NFPA 1901,the fire pump is "mounted perform inspections or tests.While most
that standard,the use of the wrong term on a fire apparatus." sprinkler contractors perform service, it
can lead to anything from a minor mis- Chapter 3 also explains what to do is usually as a result of a problem found
understanding to opening the contractor when terms are used in the standard but during an inspection or a test.Using this
up to major liability. As we repeat in the aren't defined in the document. In the term out of context can lead to an expec-
Navigating the ITM Liability Minefield case of the 2014 edition of NFPA 25,sec- tation by the owner that more should
class,"words matter"!In this first install- tion 3.1 refers you to Merriam-Webster's have been done than actually was agreed
ment in a series on definitions,we'll take Collegiate Dictionary, 11th edition. An upon.
an overall look at NFPA 25 definitions and example of a term that is used in the The remainder of the definitions in
how Chapter 3 is one of the most critical standard and can have an effect on its Chapter 3 are related to systems,compo-
in the standard. application,but is not defined,is the term nents, tasks and conditions found. Over
If the number of terms defined is any "accessible". The dictionary defines it the next several editions of SQ, we will
measure of the importance,consider that as "capable of being reached." In order explore some of the commonly used,and
the first edition of NFPA 25(the 1992 edi- to apply the term correctly, section 3.1 misused,terms that are defined by NFPA
tion) defined a total of 77 terms. In the states that it is to be"within the context" 25.As stated earlier,words do matter and
2014 edition, that number has grown in which its used, and defined as stated all the stakeholders in the ITM process
to 139. As the use of NFPA 25 becomes above. benefit when there is a clear understand-
more widespread,is can only be assumed Chapter 3 also defines certain terms ing of how and why certain terms are
that this number will continue to grow as "NFPA Official Definitions". These defined.®
making understanding the terms, and are terms that are used throughout
their context in the ITM process, all the most NFPA documents (including NFPA
more crucial. 25) and are intended to have the same
Definitions can be found primarily in meaning regardless of in which standard
Chapter 3 of NFPA 25 and most other or recommended practice they appear.
NFPA standards.Much of the information These terms include approved,Authority
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in Chapter 3 is pretty straightforward.Af- Having Jurisdiction,Listed,Shall,Should, ���
ter all,definitions are definitions. Under- and Standard.For those definitions,refer '
standing the first section of that chapter to 3.2.1 through 3.2.6 in NFPA 25-2014. Director of Public
is important though,as it establishes how There are also terms sometimes used , :'` ° o
Fire Protection
the definitions apply to the standard.For either verbally or in writing during the `�,
some of the terms to make sense, they inspection, testing and maintenance E
have to be defined as they are used in process that are neither defined in the I
NFPA 25. For example, the term fire standard, or are intended to be used in "Jebb
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NFPA 25 Definitions
Part Two in a Series
By Jason Webb
n the last edition of SO,we talked ters establishes the scope,and therefore but when compared to the results of the
about the importance of defin- should establish the expectations, for main drain test results at commissioning
ing terms correctly and where what's being done. For example, when or previous tests, a reduction of more
those definitions are located in inspecting sprinklers, says that than 10% triggers additional investiga-
NFPA 25,the Standard for the Inspection, sprinklers shall be"inspected [i.e.looked tion.
Testing,and Maintenance of Water-Based at]from the floor Of the three most commonly used
Fire Protection Systems.The definition of The second part of the definition is to terms in the process, maintenance is
many commonly used terms in the ITM "verify that it appears to be in operating perhaps the simplest and least likely
process may seem like common sense at condition and is free of physical damage." to used out of context. It simply refers
first glance, but even those used to de- In this case,it's what is not included that to any work that is performed to keep
scribe the actual work done, like inspec- is important. And what's not there is an the equipment in operating condition.
tion,testing,and maintenance,have very evaluation of extent or ability.Within this Examples might include repainting of a
specific meanings within the context that definition there is no expectation to mea- fire hydrant or opening auxiliary drains
they are used in the standard. sure the distance between sprinklers, or to remove accumulated moisture before
For the process of inspection, testing, from sprinklers to the wall, for example. freezing weather. Many times mainte-
and maintenance to be successful, the Nor is there an expectation to verify the nance is triggered by an inspection or the
stakeholders must be on the same page extent of coverage or the ability of the results of a test.
when it comes to expectations.The scope system to control a potential fire based As mentioned in the previous install-
of what's being done... or not done, can on any particular hazard. ment, the concept of "words matter" is
hinge on how terms are used. The next most common task is test- just as true with the terms inspection,
One of the best examples is also one of ing. That definition includes words like testing and maintenance as with any
the most basic of terms.The most com- "procedure" and "determine operational others.Using these terms incorrectly can
monly performed task in ITM is,of course, status". Within the context of this term, cause misunderstandings that can lead to
inspection. Its definition from NFPA 25, there is an expectation of touching and costly or even potentially dangerous situ-
"a visual examination of a system or por- manipulation. The definition provides ations. For more complete information
tion thereof to verify that it appears to examples of fire pump tests, flow tests on these terms and others defined by the
be in operating condition and is free of and others. standard,refer to NFPA 25 chapter 3 and
physical damage" provides users with a With testing,there sometimes is an as- the associated annex guidance.(
lot of insight into the scope and limits of sumption that the test results in a pass/
what's actually being done. fail. But with many of the tests required
Breaking that definition down into it by NFPA 25, the result of the test is �,f% •
parts explains a great deal.The first part simply compared with the original accep • Director of Public
is "visual examination". This of course, tance test to determine that operational Fire Protection o
refers to simply looking at something. status referenced in the definition. De- �r� f,
There's no expectation to touch or pending on the result of that comparison,
manipulate the items being inspected. it may prompt more thorough study. For
This definition, combined with the other example,main drain test results by them-
Jason Webb
clarifying statements in the system chap- selves provide some usable information,
NFPA 25 Definitions
— Part Three in a Series
Defining Conditions Found During
Inspection or Testing
By Jason Webb
n the two previous issues of SQ, are meant to refer to conditions that"will meaning, NFPA 25 has created 4 pro-
we discussed the importance of or [have] the potential to adversely im- gressive "categories" in which a system
correctly defining terms and how pact the performance" of the system or or components of a system can be clas-
the terms used to describe the component but do not "rise to the level sified (compliant, non-critical deficiency,
tasks called for in NFPA 25 (inspection, of an impairment". Critical and non-crit- critical deficiency, or impairment). This
testing, and maintenance) are defined ical refer to the severity of the condition is where the application of the terms
in chapter 3. In this third installment in found.In the 2014 edition,they differenti- happens. During an inspection or test, if
the series,we will look at how the defini- ate between a deficiency that either will a condition is found which the standard
tions for the terms are used to classify or won't have a "material effect" on the identifies as non-conforming, the issue
the conditions found during inspections system's performance. Examples might should be classified using one of these
and testing, which are deficiencies and include a damaged component (critical) terms.Annex A.3.3.7 provides users with
impairments. versus a missing sign(non-critical). recommended classifications to assist in
If you remember back to the first article While a deficiency is somewhat subjec- this effort.
in this series, we discussed how chapter tive and classification of those conditions Consistently applying these terms as
3 defines terms as they are used in the may vary,the definition of an impairment defined helps put all the stakeholders
standard. Interestingly, the term defi- is meant to refer to a specific, non- on the same page when it comes to the
ciency, with one minor exception, is not functional condition. Impairment has conditions found or identified. Con-
used in the standard and is only found in been defined by NFPA 25 since its first versely, incorrectly applying them can
chapter 3 and referenced in a few annex edition in 1992. Although the definition lead to trouble. Repairs of minor issues
notes. The exception is in chapter 6, re- has gone through some refinement over that could be dealt with over time may
ferring to missing fire hose on standpipes the update cycles,the intent remains the be required to be addressed sooner by
not being recorded as a deficiency when same now as it did then,and is defined in an AHJ or worse yet, correcting serious
the removal is approved by the authority the 2014 edition using words like"out of problems that would render the system
having jurisdiction. But the fact that it order"and"not functioning",if needed. inoperable might get delayed due to a
isn't used in the system chapters doesn't Impairment has two additional quali- miscommunication. As with each of the
mean it's not important in the application fiers as well, but unlike deficiency, they terms discussed thus far in this series,
of NFPA 25. don't refer to severity. Impairments these "words matter" as much as any
"Deficiency"is a relatively new term in are classified as "emergency" or "pre- used in the context of ITM.®
the definitions chapter.It was first defined planned", simply based upon whether
in the 2008 edition to provide some con- or not the impairment happened unex-
sistency for what to call non-compliant pectedly or was previously scheduled.
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conditions found during inspections and Regardless of the type,once a system or ��f a�
tests. The definition was further refined unit is "impaired",the requirements out-
' Director
in the 2011 edition, adding the qualifying lined in chapter 15 must be implemented s Director of Public
terms of "critical" and "non-critical" to due to the fact that the s Y stem will note Fire Protection
aid in prioritizing repairs. operate properly. �F f
Those definitions were again refined in By defining deficiency and further rF
the 2014 edition(most current edition at breaking down the term by severity,
the time of this writing) and, simply put, and with impairment having its specific