7880 ~ Grant Avenue IMF
That BE! H. LAVIS and ANN/%
0, DAVIS, husband and w4fe, in consideration of the sum of One and
0/100 ($1 ,00) Dollars and other consideration, the receipt of which.
in hereby acknowle0ted , do barnatn, sell, convey, transfer an6 de-
liver unto TIGARD SANITARY DISTRICT, a municipaT corporat0n, a
perpewal easement anCl-� riiht :)f- %)!ay for an und.erarnu& municipal sewoz
line with necessary and nsua3. appartenances within the following Co-
scribed portions of the grantors premises :
A strip of land ly%; Northeasterly of anO within seven
feet of the jouthwesterly boundary line of Erantors '
pperty, said boundary line being describee as follows :
Beginning at a poLnt North 39* 50' East 74 .94 feet fro-m
the most Testerly corner of Lot 34 , AORTH TICARDVIL0.,
ADPITION, in Enction 2, Township 2 South, Range 1 West ,
Willamette Meridian, FasUngton County , Oregon; thence
South 50* 47 ' East 118.33 feet to a point marking the
most Vasterly corner of tract conveyed to Mason H. Steel.
and Lois V. 9teel by Oe recorded in Book 432 at page
981 Deed Records of `-Jashington County , Oregon.
ALTO, that portion of Scantor s ' lands lying Northwesterly
10P. of and within fiftee0ft. of that portion of the South-
easterly boundary of grantors ' lands described as follows:
Be8innind at the most ;asterly corner of said Steel tract ;
thence North 45' 0 ' East 39 feet to the most Krtherly
corner of tract conveyed to John R. Baldwfn by deecl
reco&& on page 447 of Book 376 , Washington County Deed
included 4 the rights hereby granted to the 'ii TGP_I'r
DISTRICT is the right to enter upon the seven-foot strip of lane,
hereinabove described , and no other lands of the grantors, for the
purpose of constructing, maintaining and repairin,�__, underground sewer
lines and mains as a part of the DAtrict 's sanitary sewer system,
together with the right to excavate and refill ditches and trenches
and to remove trees, brush and underSrowth or other obstructions
within saLd area , provided that TIGARD SAMITARY DISTRICT shall re-
store the surface after construction or after repair nr maintenance
work to its pre-exist ng con0ition as nearly as reasonable ane pos-
sible to d0i and TTGARD SAMITARY DISTRICT shall further repair ory
damage or replace grantors ' property to its pre-eETstlng cond4tTon .
As and for additional consideration for the rights herein
grante6, by acceptinS this deed, of easement , TIGARD SANITARY DISTRICT
es that BEN H. DAVIS anC ANNA 0. FAVIF shall be entitled to one
free sewer service connection to the District sewer system within
the granteO aren or adjacent to grantors ' property, but otherwise
subjact 1„Dthe rulys and regulat %ns of Ke saiO District .
B(;�! 3 Finn hji-a
County of sWashington
cay i.')f t 6) 1960 befnre m,:,
9xy Public in nnd tor saW county ane state,
the uWarsAtnev ,
-personally appearEle the within naned Wn M. DAVIS and WA A. MIT>
who are known to me to be the identical indivnduals described in ane
who executed the Wthin instrument , any acknowineLed to me that My
executed the same fre2ly and voluntarily .
Q 1EMMI NY WHE1'aEOF1 1 have hereunto set my hane and offi0al
seal thn day and year last above wKtten.
Notary Public for Cregor,
'hy colnm-*' ss-',on exp :.-res :
Filed tor re"M at/ OR,
446 NOE Tij
County of Washington, ss'
1, ROGER THOMSSEN, do hereby
certify that the foregoing instrument was
received for the record on the,�:/.__day
of ---- - r z1 a{,i'$ ----------------s 194/1!
ate./. "_.o"clock__-r4I_M., and recorded
on page-------------------- in Book
of Records of----------4` ----------------
of said County.
WITNESS my hand and seal hereunto
set this___
''---__day af____.-,.� �_-.-.__-
A. D., M 1
t1,Q (.#sMN£T£.thTit kdrtlh� AA,u SSOUI Halltr-S W_Tho3
•s I r .. ;+ ? ,•� - - - — - - seg a\\ses. T. S,'i vv - �' 18
� • ,trrr.r
to e 23
Z 'j.
r.• -=�..y C*CS .v .I • �cf5
1Gr t nc. �.r
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ter . yina, r I ] 12
e_hrl and f( •• � � � ' < y / _ Sc t+�,�'
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c .'('.
"r•�� � ...,_tri'"", � .�b/ � ' �,,,.,'X, ,S ''-...,�. �+ , .s.,
,his eucc•rr ^ay of f� , V.
ore `E , t}.` 1'r'PI'31jt
;t.d tate, t .e `rithi'� } .4' , �'�'" .�`' lo-
2a i
Ili %ne—+vn to -e to be 10
rii-Pd to t' e L'
r'Cutp,1 t!,P st.Tre, rniJ {- ,y !•3 )h �� :ry ; a /t�r� �'i
reely snel. volurtar'l�/, -. ' .� �.._J �Y 2/ ��/ 'y '^�F,r'S -}"�'c y ?r� N
a-id Not,arin_ 7ea1y ,� t. ,• J rtr , ;��+
t a``c-e Kritt,tnp _ .s 29 r
Ir.:n `to_. ry Public for Oreron. 40
:ltoidi.nL at Port'_:"]', Ore. 39
�t �_�•jcrt5 +,.z . 4
s',Crn, ,'encse af1C! ., y •. fc..; ' r. ,!�`a
ty Surveyor of 7Peshin.7ton Count;•, ; •., tA•rr
< r 30 42
�pSV-*j .}r ,+�
rd rked with prcper .onim:''nts, to ' 1'.• --it.rr. ,�, �. Jr
and plata of I!or,.h Tib^rev11 re A,..,iA_ tt� S} ,ff.r��'4•X ,• - •.#c.e. n{�
esent-gid in said -•latt. 1're initis-1 Nina �' y' t ,, Vocotion of port of Ruedy
etweFn �lecs, 2 & ?, in 2 of it. l W. of the Fill- 32' `` 1` Ave. Deed Soak 290,pg.320
States ';cvern,.e '+, RUrvey of said pointe now being nbrk- a;rt i,3A;r,
t I pla`zteO at each and every said eor-er of said lots,
driven i' tLo grotnci, leavini: about six inches eb ve the I SC ,,
,,,., '� �'3 ,• fy
ipes ere driven *lush with the surface. Tl,^% to the boon- t�;�;t, �,
ek, es nl:ovrn in said platt, is in and follows the center ,�Y 'e. ` . Fl,r
f said Lots, are driven and set upon the lot.line near 0
r•a /l JY�/� `•
A. A. Morrill
rd day of October, 1906.
.'ohn '_.. fichuylf=- e.r totr-ry Public for 'haltnonah Co. Ito 10.
3tr-tte of Oregon. �'
i.• � ro '
sea . �`'' PLAT
'clock Y. :Kr Examined and Approvert this the 10th day or Dot. 1906.
rder of Con-in ances J. W. "odin . Ommt nudge