01/09/2017 - Minutes v City of Tigard TIGARD Park & Recreation Advisory Board Minutes The purpose of the Park and Recreation Advisory Board is to advise and advocate for park and recreation opportunities for a growing Tigard. MEETING DATE: January 9, 2017 7-9 p.m. MEETING LOCATION: Tigard Public Works Auditorium, 8777 SW Burnham. Members: Present Dave Brown Yes Claudia Ciobanu Yes Wayne Gross Yes Troy Mears Yes Holly Polivka Yes Linda Shaw Yes Scott Winkels Yes Other: Barry Albertson No Tigard-Tualatin School District Liaison Sara Darland No Alternate Tim Pepper Yes Alternate Jason Snider No Council Liaison Tom Anderson Yes Council Liaison City of Tigard Staff Present: Steve Martin Public Works Division Manager Anthony Markey Recreation Coordinator Martin McKnight Parks Supervisor Lexi Hallum Recorder Audience: Neal Brown PARK& RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES —January 9, 2017 Cityof Tigard 1 13125 SW HaH Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 1 of 6 1. Call to Order and Roll Call At 7 p.m. the meeting was called to order by Holly Polivka. 2. Approval of Minutes: December 12, 2016 Troy Mears moved to approve the amended December 12, 2016, meeting minutes. Linda Shaw seconded the motion. The minutes were approved by unanimous vote of the board members present with Claudia Ciobanu, Wayne Gross, Troy Mears, Holly Polivka, Linda Shaw, and Scott Winkels voting yes. Dave Brown abstained. 3. Comments from the Audience Neal Brown shared his thoughts about the November 15 PRAB meeting with city council. Mr. Brown commented on the PRAB asking the council liaison to PRAB meetings. Mr. Brown commented on Tim Pepper's opinion of the city's need for a recreation center, adding that due to the city's population growth there may be a need for two recreation centers. Mr. Brown passed a map of the Sunrise Park aerial view with the new addition to the park that was recently donated to the city by the property owner. Mr. Brown mentioned the property on Gaarde Street., and encouraged PRAB to buy the property as a neighborhood park. Mr. Brown passed out a map of the surrounding existing city parks, emphasizing the need for a park in that area. The proposed park would be 1.92 acres and would cost $495,000. Handouts provided by Mr. Brown are on file in the PRAB meeting record. 4. Discussion Items from Previous Meetings Holly Polivka wanted information about any white papers that were being created, as the PRAB would like to be more involved with the budget process. Mr. Martin commented that the Parks Department is currently working on white papers that would include an increase for parks staff, vehicles and equipment, and recreation staff The Parks crew is working on finding another way to accomplish major construction on current facilities. The SDC reimbursement fee would allow for some funding toward that construction. 5. PRAB Chair and Vice Chair Elections The following were the suggestions from the previous December 12, 2016 meeting: • Wayne Gross for Board Chair • Linda Shaw for Vice Chair No other suggestions were made and there were no further discussions. Troy Mears moved to nominate Wayne Gross for Board Chair and Linda Shaw for Vice Chair. Claudia Ciobanu seconded the motion. The motion was passed by a unanimous vote of the board members present with Claudia Ciobanu, Wayne Gross, Troy Mears, Holly Polivka, Linda Shaw, and Scott Winkels voting yes. PARK& RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES —January 9, 2017 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 2 of 6 6. PRAB Goals Holly Polivka referred to the handout that listed the current goals. She suggested being more proactive in promoting parks and recreation and thought it could be incorporated into existing goals. Claudia Ciobanu suggested that the goal could be a stand-alone goal. Troy Mears suggested adding the new goal and keeping the existing. Wayne Gross suggested to use stronger language when creating the new goal to emphasize the advocacy. Claudia Ciobanu suggested emphasizing PRAB participation in the budget committee meetings. Holly Polivka read the new goal: Participate in budget committee meetings and advocate for the needs of parks and recreation in the annual budget process. Wayne Gross motioned to add this additional goal and keep the remaining goals the same. Claudia Ciobanu seconded the motion. The motion was passed by a unanimous vote of the board members present with Claudia Ciobanu, Wayne Gross, Troy Mears, Holly Polivka, Linda Shaw, and Scott Winkels voting yes. Handouts provided by Holly Polivka are on file in the PRAB meeting record. 7. Discussion of Recreation opportunities Mr. Martin introduced the discussion with a council meeting item from December about the City of Tigard joining with a neighboring agency. It was reported that council liked the idea of being partners with a neighboring agency for recreation and the use of amenities. However, they did not like the price some of the options might cost current Tigard residents. Mr. Martin referred to the council agenda packet as reference. New Council Liaison, Tom Anderson, spoke about the new councilors being interested in this type of partnership between agencies. He commented that council members could potentially join PRAB in the board meetings to discuss this further. Recreation Coordinator,Anthony Markey, intended to show a video of the council discussion, however the video was not functional. Mr. Martin will contact city administrative staff to discuss council's opinion. Mr. Martin reported that council suggested that PRAB could have a sub-committee to further discuss the partnership between Tigard and neighboring agencies. Linda Shaw suggested that the sub- committee should involve members from the participating cities and it would require more internal communication and'structure to determine how and if the city can move forward. Mr. Markey mentioned he is now a SPRINT member (Section for Program, Interests/Recreational Sports), which is an organization through Oregon Parks and Recreation Association, and this would allow him to stay in touch with surrounding cities on a regular basis. PARK & RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES —January 9, 2017 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 3 of 6 Mr. Martin discussed plans to rent out some of the city's facilities, particularly Fanno Creek House. Fanno Creek House was partly purchased with metro bond funds and improved with park bonds. There have been requests from the public to use the house for small events. The Parks and Recreation Division is starting a proposal to rent out this house and some other city facilities to the public. The proposal rcquires a room monitor position to give tours of the facilities, assist with paperwork, and monitor the facility while it is in use. Opening facilities for rent would bring some funds back to the city through application fees, hourly rates and deposits. The proposal also includes a plan to expand parking by adding twelve more spaces to the current eleven spaces. The Parks and Recreation Division is currently moving forward to go through the permitting process and waiting for administrative approval. Handouts provided by Mr. Martin are on file in the PRAB meeting record. 8. Parks and Recreation Updates Parks Supervisor, Martin McKnight gave the following updates: • The Boy Scouts organization is continuing their tree recycling program in Cook Park. • Bull Mountain Park construction is affected by weather. The progress is slow. • In December park staff met with new Tigard Little League field manager. • An inclusive play package is identified, and the purchasing process will begin soon. It will be $15,000 and would go toward accessibility items for a Cook Park play area. • The parks crew is doing staff training with classes such as chainsaw safety, hazardous tree identification, and re-certification. • The parks crew is doing their routine equipment maintenance. • Park shelter reservations opened January 3. • Some parks crew members have been helping the streets division with plowing or sanding during inclement weather. Recreation Coordinator,Anthony Markey gave the following updates: • The recreation program is working on the 2017 Spring Activity Guide. • The recreation program is currently partnering with two organizations—Skyhawks and Young Rembrandts—to host classes for the 2017 spring and summer season. Mr. Markey provided a handout of times and locations for the classes. • The 2°a annual Egg Hunt is scheduled for April 15. The program has received its first sponsor for the event. • The program plans to have four Movies in the Park in the summer of 2017, with a plan to engage the community through a social media campaign to choose the movies. • A Facebook group for the program has been created through the city's Facebook account. • There is a plan to create a recreation hashtag to use on social media. PARK & RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES –Janua 9, 2017 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 4 of 6 • The program is working on creating an after school pilot program, which will be three 5- week sessions. Interviews for instructor positions have begun. • A budget request was put in for the Quarter 2 budget adjustment to increase the hours of the Administrative Specialist II position from 30 hours to 40 hours. • A plan to have Concerts in the Park for the summer of 2017 is in motion. The program contracted an outside organization to plan the event and find sponsors. The organization has until March 20, 2017 to find sponsors for the program to move forward. • There will be two small Public Works Days for Metzger Elementary and St. Anthony's Elementary school. Handouts provided by Mr. Markey are on file in the PRAB meeting record. 9. PRAB Priorities and Recommendations for Projects Downtown • The City plans on reimbursing the Saxony property purchase with redevelopment funds. The plan is to move forward by using the Brownfield grant to help clean up the existing property. • The rotary is interested in the plaza area near Symposium Coffee House on Main Street, including amenities like a splash pad, restrooms, and a memorial wall and naming the plaza. The grant for the Tigard Street trail will be for the trail development, and not any amenities of the plaza area. • The Tigard Area Farmer's Market would like to host a mid-week market in the proposed plaza area. Mr. Martin will start the discussion on that. 10. PRAB Liaison Reports There were no PRAB liaison reports. 11. Non —Agenda Items The following were the non-agenda items: ■ Holly Polivka mentioned interest in using the new Templeton Elementary School grounds similarly to how the Metzger Elementary School is going to be used. • Holly Polivka will play a part in the new mayor's address video. • New Council Liaison, Tom Anderson, was introduced. • Scott Winkels mentioned three bills introduced at the state level about the recreational immunity issue. • Scott Winkels commented on a property that has excessive trash piling up. • Mr. Martin commented that the city has applied for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for Bagan Park. There will be a presentation for the CDBG Board on January 26. 12. Executive Session — 8:46 p.m. PARK& RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES —January 9, 2017 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 5 of 6 An executive session was held to discuss real property. 13. Adjourn At 9:04 p.m., the PRAB adjourned. Next Meetings: February 13, 2017, Public Works Auditorium VVr Lexi Hall m, PRAB Recorder Attest: Chairman Date: PARK& RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES —January 9, 2017 City of Tigard 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 www.tigard-or.gov f Page 6 of 6