9715 SW LAKESIDE DRIVE I i cn 4 J CS G r m a m �D 97+3 SW Lake Side Drive CITYO F I I G A R D MECHANICA!_ PERMIT DEVELOPMENT 'ERVICES PERMIT#: MEC2002 00177 13125 SW Ha'I Blvd., Tigard, ')R 97223 (503) 639-4171 DATE ISSUED: 5/2/02 PARCEL: 2S1 1 1CA-0370(, F: E ADDRESS: 09715 SW I.AI.E SIDE DR SUBDIVISION: SUMMERFIEI_D NO 12 ZONING: R-7 BLOCK: LOT: 637 JURISDICTION: TIG t✓LASS OF WORK: ^'_T FLOUR FURN: EVAP COOLERS: TYPE OF USE: UNIT HPATERS: VENT FANS: OCCUPANCY GRP: R3 VEP.(S W/O APPL: VENT SYSTEMS: STORIES. BOILER.WCOMPRESSORS _ HOODS: _ FUEL TYPES 0 - 3 HP DOMES INCIN: SAS 3 - 15 HP: COMML. INCIN: MAX INPUT: EiTU 15 - 30 HP: REi`AIR UNITS: FIRE DAMPERS?: 30 - 50 HP: V'.'OODSTOVES: GAS PRESS'JRE: 50 + HP: CLO DRYERS: FURN < 100K F--TU: 1 AIR H_A_N_D"_IN-G LiNII S FURN >=10UK Bl 11: <- 10000 cfrt: --- -- OTHER UNITS. > GAS OUTLETS: 10000 cfm: Remarks: Install gas furnace. Owner: -- ------------_FEES KINSLEY, FRED H AND ETHEL M Type By Date Amount Receipt 9715 SW LAKESIDE DRIVE f'RMT CTR 5/2/02 y72 50 2720020000 TIGARD, OR 97223 5PCT CTR 5/2/02 $5.80 272.002000C Total $78.'x0 Phone: ------ - Contractor: PIONEER GAS FURNACE 3615 NE BROADVVAY PORTLAND, OR 97232 REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Mechanical Imp Phone:249-5000 Heating Unt Insp Reg#:LIC 36102 Final Inspection This permit is issued subject to the regulations contained in the Tigan; Municipal Code, State of Ore Specialty Codes and all other applicable laws. All work will be done in accordance with approved plans -This permit will expire if work is not started with'n 180 days of issuance, or if work is suspended for more than 180 days. ATTENTION: Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted in the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Those rules are set forth in OAR 952-001-P010 through OAR 952-001-0080 You may obtain copies of these rules or direct questions to OUNC by calling (503)246-9189. Issue By: � 1�� ; _ Permittee Signature: Call (503) 639-4175 by 7:00 P.M. for inspections needed the next buslness day t t c'II1 1 I I(IWil Itlllrnl I I Ili Ult 'I'llll 12::4:.' I \1 5035 .•i I 111• J �'•� MCC.�1:1i 8�PQ1'Il�lt/��1�l;�ICi1 uI.� Permit na.m n ' 1 - ---iv D City of 1 igard project/appl.no.. — LKphcdatt Address: 13125 SW hall ftivdripim ,flat Date issued _- Y:f4:: CirynfTignrr! phc'le: (503)hat)4171 Came file 1'aynlrntly r t ax (5(13)598-19611 ►tolhliag prmlt nu.; 1.autl test:approval. ----- -- - U Multi-famil; .1'I t•nanl incl+n.,l•n+�•nt 1 1 &2 fancily dwelling or accossot'Y U lConliticrcial/industrial (]Now C17n5tn1Cllo11 U Aklditil +/aUrlxUnn/rlrrlarl'"lrnl 1 1 ' t _, ���Ln '���. �r.-. _ lndicale equipmentqutlnti'ifi in 1)(11"hrlaw.Indicnt(•the dollarlob:1il.ress: ^` value of all mechanical maU•rials,cquipmrnt,labor.melilenl, Sl__rile,no.: Bldg.no.- __ -_ --.-- profit.Valtic$ Tax snap/tax lot/account no.: - '- •5�c checklist fiat inlprn�ant npplirntian infil matinu mad Lit: If4W.ck: ____ SUbdivisfon: ___ --__ _ __- jurisdiction's fcc schedule for rrsitlentital permit trc project name: l �l #1%_- City/cllunty: •Iicat,&Atlof %II': �?.t{ _ 1 _ _ 1 Descript n an(1 kl work on p ad , t„(,A., lilt; ,lsQ _.- t!cy.and Iter.mal} list,dal compact an/ulO.'t, I Tcrinot improvement'•r chatlFc of use.: Airhnndlingun;t - 1:11N (s cxisUnr.sfnuc!lcnlcll or c>ndiliuned 1 O Ye, U No Aircon iwn ng l+ice pluu tcyu Ic ) __ feral nn u cx sling i1V1�(.`syatrin Is existing space in:ulnted7 U Yc•. U N�� ,+i rrh"mprrRgorg 1 1 51ntc bulla pcnnit no.: Sa name: ___ HP -_ 1'o"g 1lusinC _tt'rtUll Addtt,ns. _ `1Telgnto cdam�c`r(s(uctam�kn c�dEicciutR _ - Hcntpimip(TepianIrqutj 4i(Hii urn City: 1 j St.tc J - - -- nate Urep ncr. acrlhurnet- lfX Fax: �} �F.-Iv; 'l Including ductwork/veol.litter U_Yeg U No -y,db —` —,. .,._-_,_ IaS� t 1 aeC rC10Cnle ICn1CtR—RttStl(•rlllrll, 'Co nJf, �. --- - -�'--_- wall,at f lour mounted City/metro tic.nn.: b _13�C'_ -- -- -- -WTI or a unceollet JR-ml urnncc Name ienlc rant : U� Q 3 � a Sero ant IIT11/It Ahsurption units lip - Natnc:- tram - AddrFss: m routae"a ex lint is ant vfn lint"n: - : Slalc:G rnnlll rl: Appliauvn t CityT,ryrauatcenli lx'honc: (xxs. - - lypc l hcc i.uth...... lt.nc,i hood firesupill casiun YyRlrai F-haust fan with single duct(badl; nc Namf � _��t __ — x ca1161 SyAtel"0 1011 10111 Eal ag Ur�� — 71 - �' Mailin�address: I P p ".uf j�TnR nn( st 1u un(up In nut tll g - _ State:4X� rtl'_� •}yl,c. 1141 --- nc; City: I _ }:-Inel(I T I�ef iri iar1i n(iI gion iii»i i�i uiiih in - 1'I m� - 7 I ax: tm rtt Y p IRchema a req I tell d l - Nustiln-,[if M100% ..f icrllnrd epp once or rq- u-Tpi-1H�M' Decolalive tlrcpinc_-- - - Adrhl•::;; --- - - -nsert-type -- - City _ i�uo stov w.11rtslnve L'-mull: _!. F'tlon_. rFax: -2f}t ier: - -- -• F- _ l}ale: ere ly f 0b tVd 1111)iNlYiticlbllf act ettl ClGtll Canty,paeaYe-At Oil Action tn1 Inmr ili nulmllMl.1 Notive• I Ili5 penml app kation nl I Illllllllll fr(• ... .. - .-_!'�' U 1;nn U m 'terCiad I cxpireR if a permit fa nal ul+l"i"ed hall rcvirw Lal "f} ° 4vlthin 180 days alter it ling lice" Stair. mrclinrpe(811 uccerled m complete. TOTAI, . .... .._. ... 7� � - Nuae nl eu oL r n,�iowa nn e1�11 t•wT- S ern 1611(titan" t' 1- I I 111 110 1111 1 I ' \ ..n.'. .,'i I 'ii n 11 1 I til III,MI, MECHANICAL F ERMIT FEES COMMERCIAL FEE SCHEDULE: 'I & 2 FAMILY DWELLING F1 1- SCHEDULE: - - -- -� Description price Trl _TOTAL VALUATION: _ FEE_ _ -__ Table 1A Mechanical Code _ qly (EG).. Ali,, $1.0010.56,000.00 Minimum lee$72.50 1) Nrlece l0 100,000 0111 v _ - - -- - 35,001.00 le 310,000.00 572.50 for the frit$5,00).00 and Including ducts&vents - 14 00 - $1 52 for encll,addlllunai$100.Ou or 2��tlrnaro 100,000 t]TU* W _ .- -- traction thoreol,to atilt Irctudln0 - includin�lucts 6 vents 1!40 _ _ _ s10,u00.00. 3) Floor Furnuco - S1b 001 00 to$25,000 OU__ $148.50 for the firs l0,)OO,OU Ant! Ineludin vent 14 0U _ $1.54 for each additional$10o,0o or -,�) rSuspende�d ealhealh er,wall healer Ua<;Ilnn It lerool,to and Ir cluding or floor mounted hooter _ 25 000.00 _ _ _ - 52 ,401.00 le$50,000.00 (178 50 for the first$25,)00.00 and fit-Vent nut Included In rippllancR pennll $1 45 for each adrlifiona'$100.00 or - -_ . - 6 ao Iractinn thereof,to and It cluding 6j�rpnir unila- _ $50 000.00. _ _ - - _ - 12.15 - --- r Uuiler - Hent !►Ir $5 ,001.00 and upi - $742.00 for the filsl S.,O,J00.00 and Check all that apply: $1,20 for each additiona $100.00 or For Ilerltiii 7-11,Geo or PUI71p Gond fraction lhersol. footnotes below. Com - - - -- - 7)<31If';absor1)tinil - -• --- - - to 100K 11TU 14.00 _AS_SUM_ED VALUATIONS PER APPLIANCE:_ _ 8)3-15 HN:absorb �J Value Total will look to 50ok BTI) 25.80 uoscriLon- -_ Amount _ r0)15.30 HP;absorh F rnaco to 100,00013T11,Indud-Ing g5•`' unit.5.1 mil BTU ducts B vunts _ - - - -- 10)30-50 HI',absorb 0 Furnaca 81' > 100,000 0 Including 1,170 unit 1-1.75 11)11 BTU _ _ �?n _ - ducts 8 vents _.- - 11)>501-I1':absorb - - - -- - - Floor furnace including vent! r_ unit>1.75 mll_[JU 8120 Suspended heater,,WOil Iteatar Or 9J5 12)Air hnndling unit to 10,W0 CFM floor mounted heater tO Un_ b'enl nal Included in applicants 445 13)Alr handling hill 10,000 ponnit Rotralr_units_ - _ _ gn J- --- 1A)Non portable evaporate cooler c 3 hp;absorb,unit, ` 10 00 to'I 00k BTU __ -_ _ - - I 15)Vont fan connected la a single dol 3 5 hp:aboorb.unlf,i 1,700- 1 _ 8.80 _ folk to 5oCk BTU - _ 16)Vonlilation syslem not Included In 15.30 hp;absorb,unit,5011k to 1 1,3 0 apy0ance enp nit - tU o0 mit BTU, 17)blood served by machanleal exha�iAl 30.50 hp;absorb.unit, 3,400 0 1.1.75 mil.BTU _ - -- -- 18)Domestic Incli eralrim - >50 tip;absorb,unit, 5,725 17.40 >1 75 mil.BTU �35d - 19j COnunerclal or indtlslrltll ly►1c(ncincraler Air Itandlin unit to 10,000 cfm._ _ _ _ ny 95 _ Air handling unit>10,000 r-111" -_, - _- l a68 ___ 20)Other urns,Including wood strnes Nan odable eva�orate cooler - _ -- -. - _ 10.00 -_ Vent fan connnrled tog single duct,._ 446 21)(3as plping one to four outlets l Vent systam not Included Ili _ _ _ S 40 - plian2!j_pOrmil _ -._ -- — 22)More than A-per outlet(each) Hood servedFy mechanical oxhaust - _056 — _-_- _1 0- Demeslic lnclnoralor - 1 74_ -- __ - intmum Permit FaoJ72 - 80TOTAI.: Commercial or industrial Incinerator_ 4,590 _ - _ _ _ _ _ , --7)-Se sr- Other unit,Including wood s(ovos, -656 -- 8%slate surcharge ) Inserts,etc. _ - - — _ _ _ pas-iii ding 1-4_autlets _ - _ 30n _ - 25%Plan Rovirtvlr Fee(el tsubtola) $ Each addfllOnill outlet - _ _.__ 63 -- --. -- I?nrirllred for Alt conanerdal perndts ofrly TOTAL COMMERCIAL $ T TOTAL RESIDENTIAL PERMIT FEE: 7 VALUATION_ — — Vtllcr trap r loris end Ftglt� 1 Inspeclloml oulalde of normal hii-top s Ixxnn(mminlurn chtxgn two houre) S72.!i0 per hour 7 Inapaiclio-ir fur which no lee Ig spocircrilly F1dU;nlrrd (mUlimwn rhlrge-'Intl hon11 S?z50 pot hnur 3 Addllidnal plan rovinw twqu +d by rhinge,,nrlri0lnn,nt Invl%iuus it)pinns 00011 Ium Chnt{)e-0110 It:1il houil$77 fir)pp,hnto *swe r aritinctor Boller Codification rtrq tired for wills>20ek 8111. "Resldenllal NC requires aIle plan showing placement of unit. Iadsts\torrn9\1nech-fees doe 10111/00 CITY MJF TIGARD 9-4-Hour BUILDING Inspection Line: (503)639.4175 / MST INSPECTION DIVISION Business Line: (503) 639-4171 BUIP Received —___-___ Date Requested__ -__ s -3 - AM __ PIA _L/ BLIP -77 Location — - `-- �4 -{. ' - 6LILSUite_ __ MkC c2 c) i Contact Person _ '_�/ — Ph( ) PLM Contractor - _____- Ph( ) ��� ~DO _ SWR BUILDING lenanJOwner ELC _ Footing ELC Foundation Access: Ftg Drain ��' ELR -- --- _-- Crawl Drain — ----- Slab Inspection Notes: SIT Post&Beam Shear Anchors - - Ext Sheath/Shear _ Int Sheath/Shear Framing _ - - Insulation Drywall Nailing - Firewall Fire Sprink!ar - -- — "— - Fire Alarm Susp'd Ceiling -- -"---- Roof Other: - Final _ PASS PART FAIL PLUMBING Post&Beam Under Slab - ----- -- Rough-In Water Service - --- - _ Sanitary Sewer Rain Drains ------- - _-. __._..__.._ Catch Basin/Manhole ' Storm Drain -- - - - - - - --- -- --- -- Shower Pan Other: Final PASS �OJBT FAIL __ ---- --- - - --- -- _- .__. ------------- - HA `TL Post A Beam--- T Rough-In Gas Line eke Dampers ti 5 PART FA!L -- ELECTRICAL Servicr, Rough-In .--- — - - — -- - UG/Slaa Low Vohage _.- Fire Alarm Final Reinspection fee of$ -required before next inspection. Pay at City Hall, 13125 SW Hell Blvd. PASS PART FAIL SITE [ 1 Please call for reinspection R!::_ _- - Unat a to inspect-no access Fire Supply Line ADA Approach/Sidewalk Date/ ��- Inspoder _- Other: - Final DO NOT REMOVE this Inspection record from the job site. PASS PART FAIL