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•ul auMOp9ur7 MS KM _ _�
January 2, 1997
12291 SW Lansdov.Pie Lane
RE: 1995/1996 Storni Damage
We hope that you have recovered from the storm and that yc,i are not experiencing any
dn;icu'ties related to storm damage. As you will recall, follows g the 1995/1996 Storm, a
staff member of the City of Tigard Building Division performeu 1n inspection at the above
noted address, to assess sto-m damage At that time you were leq a notice regarding the
need for a petatit to cover t, c ► cessary repairs
Our records indicate that a Buuamg Permit has not been obtained for the repair. Permits
and inspections required by the Tigard Municipal Code are an important part of your
repair project. Permits help to ensure that work is done in compliance with minimum code
requirtments. Inspections are intended to protect the occupants of,Iniildings ?nd building
owners. 1;the work has already been done, we can `till inspect it for compliance with the
Enclosed are the necessary permit applications along with supplemental
Please subinit, i^ person, thc: necessary application materials to DEVFLOPMENT
SERVICES, 13125 SW Hall Blvd. Or, if you have questions regar0ing the permit
process, contact DEVELOPMENT SERVICES nt 639-4171 ext. N41.
Thank You,
Jill Aldrich, Customer Service Manager
Development Services
August 10, E192
Ms. Marion Prichard
12294 SW Lansdowne Ln.
Tigard, OR 97223
Dear Ms. Prichard,
In answer tp tl.e questions tri your letter of August 6, 1: 92. I do
not find any records of soil compaction tests or repo-, a from a
geotechnical (soils) engineer. The name of the pe�rs,in that
inspected the construction of the subdivision is Mr. Carl Vieweg
(Engineering Department) . There are numerous comments from the
inspector regarding the construction- work (i.e, construction of
j curb, storm sewer roadways, etc. . . ) , however, there were none that
discuss any problems relating to soils, springs or fill. I€ you
wish to review the comments, I would be hapr , to provide them for
As for a date when the subdivision was appro•red, there isn't one.
The final. acceptance of a subdivision does not occur for several
years after initial construction (which all.owu for deficiencies in
the public improvcments to surface and he corrected. before the city
assumes responsibility for maintenance of the development) . I
believe the subdivision was approved for issuance of building
permits in August or September 1.990,
If you have any further_ questions, please call me at 639-4171.
Brad Roast
Building Official
pc: J.T. Roth
13125 SW Hall Blvd,P.O.Bo.-(23397,Tigard,Oregon 9722.3 (503)639-4171 --- -
Marion L . Prichard
12294 S .W. Lansdowne Lane
T=gard, nr�gon 97?23
( 50? ) 624--2176
August 6, 1992
Brad Rust
Cit, of Tigard
1312: S . W. Hall Blvd .
Tigard, Oregon 97223
Dear Bract,
We have met now on two occasioAs to dlscuri the soils conditions ex-
istinS on our property in the Fyrestone : apment . I me 25, 1992,
our first- meeting, I reviewed the Fyrest -velopment file and the
file pertaining to lot 15 ( where our home wd_ built ) . At this time I
wont to establish, with certainty thct there was never a soils engi-
neer consult or report, and that thele was never a compaction r._�poxt
made . Could you also include the name of the city insper. .or who ap-
proved the Fyrestone developmert, date of approval and if any comments
were made at that time .
The file was cumbersome and this information could e"Int, filed in an-
other area . Wouid yov please clarify with c-irtainty these details .
Dwight Hamlin, the soils engineer would like to contact you Lefur.e he
finishes his report . As soon as I receive a completed ropy I gill
make sure you have a copy also .
Thank you for your prompt ottention . I am. . .
Marion L . Prichard
cc : J .T. Roth
Erwin Spar
1727 N.V.. Hoyt Street
Portland,Oregon 97209 AUG ? 7199?
TE11PHONE: (503) 2224402
FAX: (503) 243-2944
DATE: Pugust It , 1992
TO: Dick Bewarsdorff, Senior Planner
FROM: Michael C. Robinson, City Attor.evs office
RE: City Liability for Damaged Foundation
You called and asked me whether the City might be liable for damage
to a dwelling's foundation. You told me that there was some
evidence in the record of underground springs in the subdivision,.
The dwelling's owner has asked the City if it has any liability.
The Cita might be liable only if there was a duty to consider the
springs when reviewing the subdivision. See Miller v_ Grants Pass
Irr_Aation District; 297 Or 312, 686 P2d 32.4 (1984) . Even if there
was a duty, if the City reviewed ti.- evidence and approved the
subd.'.viLion anyway, this is a discretionary decision. The city is
not li2-hl- for negligence in discretionary decision-making.
Stevenson v., State__ of Creaon, 2^0 Or 3 , 619 P2d 247 (1980) .
Another issue is when the owner_ first had notice and suspected the
city. The owner must. give notice within 180 days of notice of
damage caused by the City13 acts or the claim is barred. Sells v.
Nickerson, 76 Or App 686, 711 P2d 171 (7.985) .
The property owner may have a c1dim against the builder or the
subdivider, but the City is not liable unless it failed to exercise
to exercise a ministerial duty.
I suggest that we meet. with Brad Coast to discuss this matter
furt'ier. This memorandum is based only on the facts contained
tntr\tigard\bewersdorfl.lt 1
t f 17 0717/—
Geotechnical Resource; Incorporated
Consulting Engineers, Geologists, and Environmental Scientists
July 28, 1992 1\FINKPT-1.160
Charles and Mary Pritchard
12294 SW Landsdown Lane
Tigard, OR 97223
At your request, G-,otechnical Resources, Ili„ trt?;j h evaluated subsurface drainage and foundation
performance at the above-referenced residence. Dwight Hardin, a GRI principal, visited the residence on
July 1 and 9, 1992, and met with you. Based on our observations and discussions with you, we
understand that your primary concerns are :.;sociated with wet ground conditions beneath and around the
house and recently note! cracking of the foundation. We understand that construction of the house was
completed in April or May 1?91, and you have occupied the residence for abont 1 year.
Site Observations
For the purpose of this discussion, we have assumed that the plain, or front, entrance is on the east side of
the house, and the fireplace in the family room is on the north side of the house. The garage extends to
the southeast from the southeast corner of the house. Our observations are summarized below.
1. The residence is located at the unci of a private roadway ex,ending north from
SW Landsdown Lane. The roadway slopes down from south to mirth and the lowest
point of the roadway is at the top of the Pritchard's driveway. Basad on a review of
street improvement plans for the subdivision prepared in 1990 by Burtc . =:ngineering
and Surveying, runoff flows down the pri• ate driveway where it enters two catch
basins near the top of the Pritchard's drivc,,vay.
2. The mo-story house is situated on a lot that slopes down from east to west toward a
small creek. The miia entrance door is at ahout the same level as the ground
surface, the main floor is 7 to 8 ft above the ground surface r.t the west side, or rear,
cf the house.
3. The house is supported by continuous wall ibotings and interior isolated pad footings.
A craMspace is present beneath all of the house, except the garage which has a
concrete slab-on-grade floor.
i` �. ► o� P;t�
7412 SW Bea%erton-Hillsdale Hwy � O
Suite 102
Portland 0,egon 9722 O
Phone(503)292-2621 J C f
---------� =SAX j503►2�.'•]b96 - ---_ °_-----�- - _'..._...� �__� ? �� � � � �•� — — � _ _ r � :' �
4. Groundwater ser,)s or springs emerge beneath the house. The water ponds and
slowly flows to a drain outlet in th( northwest c,2rner of the crawlspace. Most of the
seepage appears to emerge in the south and north portions of the crawlspace. Most
of the ground surface i•t the crawlspace is wet and muddy, and there are areas where
the water forms pu('.,tles. The remnants of water-loving plants were observed beneath
the visqueen ground cover.
S. WiEn the crawlspace, the ground adjacent to footings was probed with a 'f2-in.
diainetec rebar. The bar could easily be pushed by hand to depths of about 8 to !2
in. below the bottom of the wall footing along portions of the north and south walls
and at some interior pad footings. The soft soils are generally most prevalent beneath
about the west half of the house.
6. Decent shallow cuts near the e4st, west, and south sides of the house expose about a
2-ft thickness of surface silty fill containing varying amounts of wood and vegetation
material. The fill appeers to be underlain by natu.ally occurring silt soils.
7. Shallow groundwater was noted in a recent excavation about 40 ft west of the house
and in freshly dug post holes along the west portion of the north property line.
8. A few hairline cracks are present in the wall footings and one larger crack is present
in each of the south and north wall fo,qinm. The Pritchards indicated that cracks
were ; it;ally noticed in April 1992, and new hairline cracks were discovered in July
1992. "I he Pritchards have noted a total of five hairline cracks and two larger cracks.
The larger crack in the south wall footing was noted as a hairline crack in April 1992
and is presently about tix in. wide.
9. A crack extends across the garage floor slab from northwest to southeast. The
southwest, or rear, side of the slab is relatively level; the northeast side slopes down
to the northeast The crack was recently sealed with a filling agent by the contractor.
Conclusions and Recommendations
Our observations at the site indicate th:tt at least portions of the lot are blanketed with fill containing wood
and other organic material. We do not know if fill is present beneath the house or beneath the footings.
However, soft, compressible soils are present beneath some of the wall and pad footings. The large
cracks in the north and south wall footings are probably the result of settlement due to the underlying soft
soils. The appearance of new ct acks during the past few months suggests that settlement is occurring-
however, since you have not observed any significant cracking of the interior finished walls, it does not
appear that significant differential settlement has occurred tc date. It also appears that the cracking of the
garage floor slab may be due to settlement of the northeast portion of the garage floor area.
We anticipate that continued significant settlement of the foundation would initially result in the formation
of cracks in interior finished walls and around windows and do,)rways. More severe settlement could
reo-ire remedial measures such as deepening the footings to firm soil.
The ground beneath the house is wet due to springs and seeps. The drain outlet located in the northwest
corner of the crawlspace does not effectively drain the crawlspace. Groundwater occurs at shallow depths
on the sloping lot. Considering that the winter of 1991-92 was drier than usual and the summer has been
relatively dry, i, should be anticipated that seepage could be more severe during years uf normal or above-
average rainfall. The roadway base course and utility trenches beneath the roadway may also be directing
water toward the house.
Our recommendations are summarized below.
1. To evaluate whether settiement ;',e wall footings may be continuing, the footings
should be frequently examined for new cracks. Existing cracks should be monitored
to determine if the cracks are becoming wider and longer. Procedures for m;nc.4oring
the cracks were reviev ed with Mary Pritchard.
2. As recommended by the writer, the ground surface along the south side of the house
was recently regraded to droin surface ninoff away from the house.
3. To drain the water in the crawtsnace, we recommend teat subdrains be installed
heneath the house to intercept, co lest, and remove the seepage nd spring water. A
si,ggested layout and detail for cr..µ,lspace drains are attached. The drain layout is
approximate and may need to be modified during; ins,allation.
;. To intercept shallow groundwater moving toward the house, subdrains can be
installed along the perimetox of the house. However, a concrete sidewalk, dri✓eway,
and parking area are. i,r. ;ent along the front of the house. For this reason, the drains
could initially be constructed as sho%tn on the attachment and evaluated. If this
layout does not significantly reduce or eliminate the seepage beneath the house, the
1 drains could be extended around the front of the house and garage. However, it
1 should be understood that ev:.n if the drain is extended around the garage and front of
the house, it may not completely eliminate the seepage beneath the house.
5. To intercept water that may be flowing toward the !louse through the roadway
pavement hale course, we suggest that drain, or weep, holes be made in the catch
basins at the granular base course level.
We anticipate that continued significant settlement of the foundation would initially result in the formation
of cracks in interior finished walls and around windows and doorways, More severe settlement could
requirf; remedial measures such as deepening the footings to firm soil.
The ground beneath the house is wet due to springs and seep,. The drain outlet located in the aorthwest
corner of the crawlspace does not effectively drain the crawlspace. Groundwater occurs at shallow depths
on the sloping lot. Considering that the winter of 1991-92 was drier than usual and the summer has been
relatively dry, it should be anticipated that seepage could be more severe during years of normal or above-
average rainfall. The roadway base coarse and utility trenches beneath the roadway may also be directing
water toward the hour
Ou• recommendati(,ns are summarized below.
1. To evaluate whether settlement of the wall footings may b! continuing, the footings
should )e frequently examined for new cracks. Existing cracks should be monitored
to determine if the cracks are becoming wider and longer. Procedures for monitoring
the cracks were reviewed with Mary Pritchard.
2. As recommended by the writer, the ground surface along the south side of the house
was recently regraded to drain surface runoff away from the house.
3. To drain the water in the crawlspace, we recommend that subdrains be installed
beneath the house to intercept, collect, and remove the seepage and spring water. A
suggested layout and detail for crawlspace drains are attached. The drain layout is
approximate and may nee,1 to be modified during installation.
4. To intercept shallow groundwater moving toward the house, subdrains can b,!
installed along the perimeter of the house. However, a concrete sidewalk, driveway,
and parking area are present along the front of the house. For this reason, the drains
could initially be constructed as sho%�ii on the attachment and evaluated. If this
layout does not significantly reduce or eliminate the seepage beneath the house, the
drains could be extended around the front of the house and garage. However, it
should be understood that even if the drain is extended around the garage and front of
the house, it may not completely eliminate the seepage be'leath the house.
5. To intercept water that may be flowing toward the house through the roadwav
pavement base course, we suggest that drain, or weep, holes be made in he catch
basins at the granular base course level.
-3- 1 1
The fee for the above wort, and terms under which the services have been provided are in accordance with
the attached General Conditions of the Proposal. This report has been prepared to aid in the evaluation of
this property. The scope was limited to the specific property described herein. This description
r;piesents our understanding of the significant aspects of the property relevant to the conclusions and
recommendations presented herein.
Please contact the undersigred if you have any questions.
30. 19'0
�CHr Jr H i•��\a
Dwight J. Hardin, P.t-.
Attached: Cra%u1, dce Dr;dri Detail
Ge feral Conditions of the Proposal (2)
Fet• Schedule
! ,1oox�R• a oa•ar o yry -7-
24 1' 24hNe•x —' Q4'aKa• 3"hC45uu• \ �. \
ri 17
-- —1-- I -- Iv'o• It/ _ '� 3oxSo. 1�•Ft� .•b/ / /%
-1— 1
I .lr�>o•K�2•F. /
• Sd-ot
7412 S.W.Beaverton-Hillsdale H%vy,,Suite 102 Made by–` �^_Checked by—. _
Portland,Oregon 97225 •292-2621 / ,,
Date�/ ��=Job co._ �LrQQ—_—o9---M_
�X�42rio r �y/'ac�lr
n ��
Owners Mary Pritchard
122.94 S.W. Lansdowne Ln.
Ti7a.rd, Oregon M 0 T E
This drawing is nc
D r' T A I L I to scale, it.'s for
of Crr4,ain Drain i illustration purposes
only. )
---- Foundation
Back Fill \
r Fabric Li ner I `. Drop off a.r(,a
L 1
--Drain Ruck l fi r
j„„ Perforated Pipe Artifical-_`��, Wood pile under deck
Stream d;4Deck
e removed by owner
Variable D stance
(existing) "�'' needed
and height elevat n) urtain Drain
of Driveway Drain . „���„ ,. """ j---Chimney N
Interior trenchin' �.` Base
- Concrete Surface +
k Where needed ,+
a .to discthrae to +' / {, i
Galvanized Grate +
Gutter for Surface N \existing'4rain,+/ ,
`i. Water '0 re
+� Grae �. s
�, • _ Fabric / /
Dr,:in Rock
,y Perforated Pipe SidewalkV C � o /
atch /
Pubic Catch_A�\ tio�`
Basin 2
C �T
U111y 16, 1992 OREGON
Re: 12294 SW Lansdowne Lane
To Whom It May Concern,
On July 2., 1992, per request of Mary Prichard, I did a
courtesy inspection of underf loor watp;: problems at 12.294
SW Latlsdowne Lane.
I observed starnding water near the footings along both
sides and the rear of the house. I probed these areas
with a 3/8" round, pointed probe. The ground was Fof} to
a. depth of approximataly 3.0-18". There appears to be
some erosion of the dirt under the footings at a couple
of locations.
I believe the source of this water is probably from
springs located in the hillside above the house.
George Steele
Building inspector
13125 SW Hall Bwd.,P.U.Box 23397,1 igard,Oregon 9','2.23 (503)639-4171 -- - --
November 16, 1992
Mr. Tim Roth
J.T. Roth Construction
12300 SW 69th Ave
Tigard, OR 97223
Re: 12294 SW Lansdowne Ln, Permit fMST90-0269
Dear Mr. Roth,
Please find enclosed a copy of the icxspection records you requested
for the above referenced property.
Additionally, in answer to your questir:, regarding the code
requirements for drainage under and around a residential structure.
The State of Oregon 1&2 Family Dwelling Code requires the
Section 301.3 Requires that the lot be sloped to drain surface
wat:et away from the foundations walls.
Section 305. 1 Requires perimeter foundation drains to be provided;
if the foundation, walls are enclosing a habitable space (i.e, areas
such as a beuroom, family room, living room, etc. . . ) that is
located below grade.
Sectiox. 309 .4 Requires that crawl spaces be provided with an
approved drainage system. This would be a system that is adequate
to drain water from the crawl area.
If you have :iny questions, Please call me at 639-4171.
Brad Roast
Building Official
pc: M. Prichard
13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 --- - ---------
Inspection Line (Rec-O-Phone): 639-4175 Business Phone: 6.39-4171
Inspection:- --1p LIA-LdIcA,c Q S'S:=S5444 LgA. =,
Footino Su,:p. Ceiling Sprink. Rough-in Appr/Sdwlk
Foundation Plbg. Underslab Mech. Rough-in Fireplace
Post/Beam Strutt. Plbg. Top Out Elec. Rough-in FINAL:
Post/Beam Mech. San. Sewer Gas Line -Bldg.
Plbg. Underflror Rain Drain Framing -Plumb.
Alarm Water Line Insulation -Merh.
Underflr. Insul. Shear Wall Gyp. Bd. -Elect.
Date Requested: 92Z.CZQ� Time: AM PM
Address:_L2-.-1 `� 4.0..'vs ;1A) A ti,'
builder- Permit #:
y V,:; --
Inspector: � _ Date: ? _
`_Call For Reinsp.