10835 SW HIGHLAND DRIVE L al r r cn v G X 6 S CL v ti 4Q "SW Highland Drive 71) COAgre7- �9bb A-eSS S��tllo r, CITYOF TI V/'1RD MECHANICAL. PERMIT br�e�� DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PERMIT#: MEC2002-001b9 • 5/8/02 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 (503) 639-4171 ANTE ARCH-: 2S1'. PHRCF(_: 251'ADD-11800 SITE ADDRESS: 10035 SW HIGHLAND DR SUBDIVISION: :3UMMERFIELD NO.13 ZONING: ^ ' BLOCK: LOT: 688 JURISDICTION: TIG CLASS OF WORK: ALT FLOOR FURN: EVAP COOLERS: TYPE OF USE: SF UNIT HEATERS: VENT FAD'S: OCCUPANCY GRP: R3 VENTS W/O APPL: VFNIT CYSTEMS. STORIES: BOILERS/COMPRESS ORS Ht;rms: FUEL TYPES 0 3 HP: DOMES. INCIN: 3 '15 HP: COMML. INCIN: MAX INPUT: BTU 1.5 - 30 HP: REPAIR UNITS: FIRE DAMPERS?: 30 - 50 HP: WOODSTOVES: G,^,:, PRESSURE: 50 + HP: CLO DRYERS: FURN < 100K BTU: 1 _ AIR HANDLING UNITS OTHER UNITS: FURN >=100K BTU: 10(100 Cf m: GAS OUTLETS: > '10000 -fm: Remarks: Install of gas furnace. _Owner: _ _ _ FEES CHARLES CLOSE Type By Date Amcunt Receipt 10835 SW HIGHI.AND DR. PRMT CTR 5/8/02 $72.50 272002000C TIGARD, OR 97224 5PCT CTR 5/8/02 $5.80 2720020000 Total $78.30 Phone:502-620-8041 ----� '---- Contractor: PIONEER GAS FURNACE 3615 Nr BROADWAY PORTLAND, OR 072:12 _ REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Mechanical Insp Phone:249-5000 Heating Unt Insp Reg #:LIC 36102 Final Inspection This permit is issued subject to the regulations contained in the 'rigard Municipal Code, Statq of Ore. Specialty Codes and al! other applicable laws. All work will he done in accordance ,''ith approved plans. This permit will expi-e if work is not started within 180 days of issuance, or if ork is Suspended for more than 180 days. ATTENTION. Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted in the Oregon Utility Not°fication Center. Those rule are set forth in OAR 952-001-0010 through OAR 952-001.0030. Yoe i may obtain copies of these rules or direct questions to OUNC by calling (r,( Issue By: - �C� _ Permittee Signature Call (4G 639-4175 by 7:00 P.M. for inspections needed the next business day I 1 16 1111 '1111 12:32 ! \\ 50:1 : ' ' 1'u a 11 o 111:11111 �11r1 1 Mcchtinica "I Pohl � � - -�� 11a(crrcc�cd. ( ��� Pertnilno_�L��pUot -Died'l 9 City of Tigar� '��� FtiL�uap�i.n�.: �X,,iletlalr. A, Address: 13125 SW 1{all Mvd, 1'iratr ,I'It '17223 Date issued: [3 ' Rmret,tnn - 1 „ Phone: (503)639-4171 : / Vax (503)598.196/1 CITY OF TIGARD ('ase file no.: I'aymvn,lvl•v I.an(I tr,(`. app,, AANNINGIENGINEERIN 1i-.11dinppermltao.: , t RC1 1[ 2 fnmily dwelling or accessory U Cotmulcccial/indusus,l U NIt1IIi-Gnolily U'1'c.ttnal intpn,veutcnt U New construction U Addiri(ni/atteralion/replucemcnt U 0111cr: 1)b addregs: $ / 1d _ lndicale equipment((malities in boxes below,Indicate the dollar� �r Bldg.nc1.: }�'� ,.'uite no,. _ value of all mechanical rnawt•hila,c(Impntenl,labor,merliutd, ____..�f6'� profit. value Tax m2 /tax Win count no.: — Lot. _- iUlock: �~ Suhdivi!iott: 'Sec checklist litr important application irfnfwatiou nod Prn,ieel uame C(L?� �� jutisdiction's fee schedule.for rrsidcntinl permit t,c City/county: T,' 7.11': _ N•scription and I& anon of work on pramiacs: CA it Kiat.date of completion/ivapeclion: --..`-- -- 1Dr'•�tiptlun _ (Ay. Req.nul Re+.Pill), Tenant improvement or change of usc:n 9 ace heated or cundiliuned 1 U Yc; Nu Air handling unit _ _ .(:I'M-- 1s existi g•p AtrconJiliuti{ng/iitcp an repo rc 1__=___. -. . .-_ -- - is existing space insulated?O Yes, Q No teras ono citsting IIVA .qtr ystcm u rr/cnmpregsora SIntel)uiIcr pctmIt nn.: 11B�ssn j' �,_._�--I.A.1_X ViL�._--_- _ Hl' Ibr.a—._1!'1'11/l1 Addresg: 3I,��_���j IAX� �TTfCJ911t0If—C(TAI11nCrnIUUCrg111�`f(ci�(cciuiw City: &.1 S tc ll': � -Moipump(s tr ,Tait icqu r j Phone: F rnuil: I`T t s ace.A unac tr _p t1=—' ---�"�� — --^^-- Iiietudiltp dnclwork/v-iii lI!Icl !J Ycg U No ( 1f1�,Ql� CO3 nu.. _ ___.��� _ �.._ IICIA ITicplaPC re netllChl+tlu:M-•gl)sl,(`Illlrrl,�-- -��-�� Cityhnelro lie,nn., 0 wall,of floor mounted Name(please ant): SJ Vent ur appliance—dllcr Th—nn turnnce -_ TONTAC"UPERS1 • c tetra on: Ahsurptionunits Nattx: 'Ch (t? Adtt_.Ls (.nv rnnmenta ex taunt milli Ventilation: City: -- State: - �''ll' - -- Appliance vent Phone: — hnx: I. ni,ul fluyerexlta`uei - Mill Ilnx s.''ypeT/111rrs_kikiirit/lmcnud hood firesupptclisicti sysleu, Name: //'���� �{��f� Lrxhaust Ian w;th vinple duel(bath tone) . . - _ _.. Mailing addo U 8 au►1•yatem a cart from heating-ui7lt' - -- -- y; av SIatC �,II' Fuel P linp an it ►u un(tip In oat rts) Cil 'j (� ___L.— - _. �?•�_ _ Ty1,r _I.I'li ---- NU Piton, .804/ rax: H inrtil troll iiia cacGa i onalurclrlauticLq rewess ilp nR(sc tcntai c requ to) Numhcr of uudcls Name: �ihcr rtr.Te`pllilgnlcnrrqu proerlli L ansert-type - - ----- - __—_�—...- Wi,o aUty•1>rlTil fitovo Phoney Applica,trs siCnalurt^: � �_�1 .�. 1h)tc: Name Nd all itrrfsdfCllotll lltteta CralllrMlf,please cdl lmlallrtdut lar ata«fu bt nuttnx� - ._. --- - -- -_" Per Illi)feev _. �• Nnitrc Itnv penal nppliralioi, Minimum fry ... . . $ 7A U Visa U MnsterCnnt rXltires if a permit is nut obtained , „ r:itditeutd nuudtee -.—-- __. 1 Ian leview tat -- - F'•r fi Lithia 1RI1 days after it has been Sink sulcllnlgt•(A'3•) . ..F 7•�� An ------ - uccel•Ird as ernnplelc.se ra h�oliier ax�Fiuwu nn curiht rruT f •♦01rAll. ... ...... ....... _�— car to r s attature �_ — Atistiat non/all(Man ,n t fill If I,,, MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES COMMERCIAL FEE SCHFDUI_E; 1 & 2 FAMI1_Y DWELLING FEL". SCHEDULE: TOTAL VALUAT!0_ N. FEE: -�_ Description:- - PAae $1.Of1 l0 55,000,00- -Minimum fee$72.50 Table 1A Mechanical Code Talar _.._- ---L_L _ 41 $5,001.00 la$1Q,000AU $72.50 for the first$5,66 .00 and 1) Fumara to 100,000131'1� 1' (Ea) Amt $1 572 for each adrHH;,nal$tU0 0u of Including ducts 61 vents ( 14 00 fALly t� fraction thereof,to and Ircluding 2) Furnace 100,000 "- $10,000,000_ Including ducts 8 vents y' 1140 $10.601 OG to$25,000 00 - 3) Floor Furnace $148.50 for the first$1(1,)0_0.00 a-a nd5- - - _ - ~--------- ---_. $1.54 for earh additional$100.00 or includin event — 14.00 Irar,Uon thereof,to and Ircluding 4) SuspendwJ heater,wnll heoler _ �2y000.Q0 _ - or floor mounted hnaler - 14.0o - $25,001.00 to SSU,OOt)60 $370.50 for the first!05j 0-0 a;xt !�j-Vont nui Includt�d in� airtrllanrR nermlt - '� - - - $1Ali lar each addiliona•$100.00•ir Fan Inaction 11`10100f,to and It eluding G) Repalr 550,000.00, - 1215 $5C,001.rii)3n�I�p W - $7A2.00 for the fl-15i$50,000.00 and Check all that a - $1.20 for each additiona $100,00 or For Itemb 7-11 p6 o D�tler into Cond - fraction therr-of, footnotes below. p -- 7)01 II;b,sorb unit - - -""-' -' In 100K(ITU ASSUMEp VALUATIONS PER At LIA14CE: _ 14,00 ._.._-. 8)3-15 HN;aabsorb �� ---_. __.__. _a_._.___ -- - Value Total unit 1001;to 500k BTU Descrirtcn: Amount ._._ __-� ___ 25.80 Hurnrcn to 1Uu,C36 t3TU,induc -�E15 "•l `--- 9) 15-30 HP;abcorh - - 1 055 unit.5.1 mil BTU ducts 4 vents 35.00 _. . .. F'urnace> 100,000 el'U Including - �� -� j;+/p � '-- 10)30-50 t-tF';srbsofb -- ---_ ---. au.I^w ^nls unit 1-1,75 nil;nTU 52?0 F leer fumacu Including vent-_ - - TJ5;i -- ' '+>50i 1f',ahsnrh____ .__ T --__ _...--------_. - uuepe'nded!realer,wall boater or - g5g unit>1.75 mil_HTU A7?0 floor mounted healer 12J Alr handling 11 It to 10,WU CFM `- _... . Vent sat included In appl1wricea 446 - -- ___ _-_��- 10.00 annlf 13 Alr _ — -- -- J handling 11ni1 10,000 CPM+ -- Rrt air units - -- _._ _ _._ BOB. _._.-.-_ __- __-_.. _ 11.7.0 c 3 hp;absorb,unit, - 95", 141 Non portable evaporate ccxrkrr -- - to 100k BTU 1n uo0 -5)Vent — tan connecl_od o -_. ----- 3-15 Wp;._bsorbunit, _ 101k to 500k BTU 8.80 15.30 hp;absorb.unit,501k to 1 "-- 2,310 - - 10)Ventilation system nrl included In - - -' mil.BTU eppuenco�erml! 10 00 30.50 hp;abs(;rb.unit, - _ 3,400 - — - 17)Hood served by mechanical ex Iaoff _- 1-1.75 mil,BTU > 0 fp;absorb,unit, ,77.5 -- -- 1d)Dolneslic indi�rsa1 rl;al -_. 1.75 roll.BTU 17.40 Air handling unit to 10,000 din 056 19)c anln mrciai or indtlslrlal type incinerator ` - Alr handlin unit>10 000 crr►1 '- _ @_ _.� . 1,170_ _ _ _-..-- - Nan portable evapnrata cxloler _ p58 )Other units,Includhfg wood stoves Vent fan connected to as sin to duct _ 446 Vent - tO.W - -----_.w�__.- --- - lren(ay'slem not Induded'In 056 - - 21)Gas piping one to tour oulleLg _- -. a p1lanaeparr,-it� -- _ - 5.40 Hood served mechanical exhaust p58 '- 22)Mora Ilion 4•per - Domealir Incinuralar 1 170 '-- - V _ 1.00 CommerGelor I�ustrtal(ncinerstor __-4 _ - Mlnlmutn Permit Fee$72.!)0 8U1ltOTAt_: — "- ggQ - - __.-_._-WO-0 ii-10; .7•� Other unit,Including d cloves, '- nserls etc. fly.state Bill charge --� -" Cas )1j1oEj-4 outlets __ - _ _ __ --_ _ __._.r Farb addilirx;nl cw�l i _ 6,T - ?696 f'Irn Revinw Fee(of sublot-a�) -' __ __ _ - - - - - Rmulled for A:I rnrrxnerdat pennlls oniv - y tOTAL COMMIERCIAL - ---•_- ---- TOTAL RESIDENTIAL PERMIT FEF: -- - VALUATION: �7Y 30 Qtl)arslid Lees. 1 (napecllons uutsirle of mm111171 (trrndnnmr chargn two hoers? $ftSO per IImt 2 Inap0010.1s for INhiCh no lee 19 Rpoclllrelly Irvli(Ated (nitretrrum ciUrgr.trnit 172 80 1m hour 3 Addllionrrl plan rnvim*requitod by rhangm nddllinns m rnvlRlon IU plans tnlhthlmnl charOe-onn-hall hour)$72.50 pmr h ler 'State Gontruclor Soller Csrllfksflon req shod for units>20ek III-11. "Residential A1C requires rule plan showhrg placement of unit I:Idst,4VorrnsVnech-fees doe 10,11/00 CITY OF TIGARD 24-Hour BUILDING Inspection Lite: (503) 639.4175T INSPECTION DIVISION Business Line: (503) 639-4171 M BUP v Received -__ _—Date Requested_ I - AM __PM BUP Location ------------- �' , . .c Ir rG,( c ►._�_-._-suite_ ~ Z- MEr, Coi:;act Person __4 _- Ph ( -) �OZD- RO Y� PUM ----_- ___--- Contractor Ph c'T C1<X. SWR BUILDING Tenant/Owner ELC - Footing -� Foundation ELC Access: Ftg Drain ELF! Crawl Drain Slab Inspection Notes: SIT Post& Beam Shear.Anchors _-- -, Ext Sheath/Shear Int Sheath/Shear Framing [ 14G`TX+tC�C.. Insulation Drywall Nailing - --- - -- - Firewall Fire Sprinkler Fire Alarm Susp'd Cs11ing Roof Other: — --- ----- ---- Final PASS PART FAIL_ - — PLUMBING Post& Beam - — - -� Under Slab _ Rough-In - Water Sc^:;_-j _ Sanitary Sewer — Rain Drains — Catch Basin/Manhole Storm Drain Shower Pan Other. - Final PAS '—PART FAIL -_- - - - - - - - - EC —_ Post& Beam -- --- -- -.- -- ----- - ---- Rough-In Gas Line -- - Smoke Dampers ES�AS PART FAIL LECTRICAL Service - -- -- e �- Rough-In UG/Slab -- ---- -- Low Voltage ----- -- __.-.�- - Fire Alarm --�� -- - Y-- -- — - Final Reinspection fee of required before next inspection. Pay at City Hall. 13125 SW H. 31vd. PASS PART r-AIL SITE -�_ i [ Please call for reinspection RE:__— — �� Unable to inspect-no access Fire Supply Line l ADA Sr Z/ 'el .� Approach/Sidewalk Date - - — Inspector Ext Other: _ Final DO NOT REMOVE this Inspection record from the job site. PASS PART FAIL