SCA 5-76 12970 SW HALL ,400 OREGON FOOD SERVICE/EARL ADAMS w Sign Code Appeals (SCA 5-76) 12970 SW Hall ' r r i. MAI MA) CITY OF TIGARD CITY (it' P. O. Box 23557 12420 S. W. Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 L _D May 12, 1976 �►ry OF FICA ] Mr. Earl C. Adams, President Oregon Food Service P. 0. Box 23325 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Reference: File No. SCA 5-76 Dear Mr. Adams: Please be advised that the Tigard Planning Commission, at its regular meeting of May 4, 1976, considered your request for a variance to Title 16 of the Tigard Municipal Code to allow a string of pennants and a flashing light and your request uras approved, with the understanding that, should the bird problem cease to exist, you will voluntarily remove the pennants and light. If you need additional information or assistance, please do not hesitate to call this office at 639-4171. S in_c/ere ly, Richard Bolen Planning Director RB:pt cc: Bldg. Official Note: The following acknowledgment must be received by the City of Tigard within fourteen (14) days of your receipt of this letter. Failure to return this acknowledgment may result in action by the City of Tigard. I hereby acknowledge this letter documenting -the action of the Tigard Planning Commission. I have received and read this letter and I agree to the decision here documented and to abide by any terms and/or conditions attached. signature • d Sc� s� �� MINUTES Tigard Planning Commission May 4, 1976 - 7:30 p.m. Twality Jr. High School - Lecture Room 14650 S. W. 97th Ave. , Tigard, Oregon 1. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Commissioner Porter in the absence of Chair- man Popp. 2. HOLT, CALL: Present: Goldbach, Moore, Nicoli, Phillips, Porter, Sakata, Tepedino; staff: Bolen, Daniels Excused Absence: Krause, Popp 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The 4/20/76 minutes were approved as submitted. 4. COMMUNICATIONS: None. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5.1 ZONE CHANGE ?C 4-76 (Roberta O'Donoghue) A request by Roberta O'Donoghue for a zone map amendment to zone a parcel of land at 7310 SW Spruce, presently zoned county RU-4 (urban residential) to City R-7 (single family residential) . (Wash. Co. tax map 1S1 36AC, tax lot 3700) . A. Staff Report: read by Daniels. .B. Applicant Presentation: None. C. Public Testimony: None D. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommended approval of the zone change to R-7, based on the following: 1) R-7 zoning conforms to the TCP as it applies to this area. 2) R-7 is closest to county zoning R'J-4 in dimensional and use .requirements. E. Commission Discussion and Action o Sakata moved and Goldbach seconded to approve the zone change request based on staff findings. o Motion approved by unanimous voice vote. . .2 ZONE CHANGE ZC 5-16 (Ilansen-Fletcher-Parsons) Page 2 i PC Minutes 5/4/76 A request by Hansen-Fletcher-Parsons for an amendment to a planned development approved 1/10/74, for property located at the southeast corner of SW 72nd and SW Varns Rd. (Wash. Co. tax map 2S1 1D, tax lot 900) . A. Staff Report: read by Bolen. B. Applicant's Presentation: o Mr. Robert Fletcher, applicant, stated that the need for the change from the originally approved plan is necessitated by a change in the market, which is not presently conducive to larger office buildings. The present market is favorable for smaller, owner-occupied office buildings. He also stated that limiting the building coverage to 40% would leave adequate open space and land- scaping around the buildings much in excess of what is required in M-4 zoning. o Mr. Hilton Smith, economist for the applicant, stated that a good example of the lack of a good market for large office buildings can be reflected in Lincolnwo,)d Office Building which exhibits a high vacancy rate. o Moore asked about what the intention was 'in regard to the .land-locked parcel labeled as lot 15. o Fletcher responded they did not presently contem- plate the southerly extension of the interior street, but were leaving that option open should it present itself. o Goldbach stated that the preliminary concept was sound and that a staff/applicant conference would be in order to iron out the dimensional differences which were pointed out in the staff report. o Bolen stated that when Smith and Hansen first con- tacted him about the development of the property or abo-at revising the general development plan, he informed them that they had a unique piece of property in this part of the City and that it should be developed to take advantage of those on- site amenities. o Barry Rand, representative of Campbell-Yost and Grube, consulting architects for the project, stated that i ne first alternative 71-owed to be page .3 PC Minutes 5/4/76 uneconomic and that they are willing to work with staff to settle the dimensional problems. '.There being no further public testimony, the public meeting was closed. E. Commission Discussion and taction o Porter stated that the concept, as presented by the applicant, conforms to the Comprehensive Plan; that the market has changed in regard to office space; and that the presented development concept fulfills a community need for office space in the Tigard area. o Goldbach questioned whether the property could be used as M-4. o Bolen responded that the only use that could be made of that property is as per the Planned Develop- ment agreement. o Porter questioned what the previous zoning was. o Bolen responded that the parcel was previously zoned R-7 and if the Planning Commission finds that this PD cannot be initiated within a year, then they may initiate rezoning proceedings to revert that zoning to R-7. o Goldbach stated that the concept was OK and the details needed to be worked out and urged a staff/ applicant conference. o Nicoli stated that he also felt the concept was sound. o Goldbach moved and Sakata seconded to table the re- quest until aftor an applicant/staff meeting and the applicant is willing to reappear with the request. o Motion approved by unanimous voice vete. 5.3 VARIANCE V 4-76 (Charles McClure) A request by Charles McClure fora variance to the side- yard setback requirements in a C_5M (general commercial Main St. ) zone on a parcel of ] and at 9250 SSW Tigard St. (Wash. Co. -tax map 2S1 2AB, tax lot 31100) . Nicoli abstained from hearing the matter. page 4 PC Minutes May 4, 1976 A. ,Staff Report: read by Daniels. B. Applica..+':, Presentation: o Tepedino asked whether an absent applicant could have his proposal presented to the Tigard Planning Commission by an agent or party who is not a member of the Oregon State Bar. o Bolen stated that the past practice has been to allow this, but they would check with the City Attorney as to its legaili.ty and report back at the next Planning Commission meeting. o Mrs. Char:lott? Olson summarized the request and stated that McClure is also willing to maintain the highway embankment, which landscaping has been allowed to deteriorate. C. Public Testimony: None. D. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommended approval of the variance to allow a reduction in the sideyard setback from 10' to 21 , subject to the following conditions: 1) The improvements at the corner of Tigard and Main Sts. be extended along this property with curb, sidewalk, half-street improvement;.; 2) A 5 ft. right-of-way dedication be provided so as to provide room for the half street improve- ment. E. Commission Discussion and Action o Porter stated that he agrepri ,pith staff recommendation and that the variance was nit injurious to the Tigard Municipal Code. o Goldbach moved and Moore seconded to approve the variance based on staff findings. o Motion approved by unanimous voice vote, with Nicoli abstaining. t 6. MISCELLANEOUS 6.1 FLOOD PLAIN FILL PERMIT M 9-74 (Ilowe E. Lee) A request for a flood plain fill permit to fill lands page 5 PC Minutes 5/4/76 presently situated within the 100 year flood plain located a , 9110 SW Burnham St. (Wash. Co. tax map 2S1 2AC, tax lot 200) . A. Staff 'Report: read by Bolen. B. Applicant's Presentation: o Mr. Jack St. Clair, architect for the applicant, summarized the request. o Mr. Frederick C. Cooper, professional engineer with Cooper and Associates, introduced exhib- t "A", which explained the impact which this fill ..ould have on the 100 year flood plain of Fanno Creek. o Bolen questioned whether the fill would have a. .y impact upon the storage capacity of the floodway, as opposed to the current motion associated with the floodway. o Cooper responded that the flood plain's capacity for storage in the event -)f a 100 year flood would be lessened, but that if a 13,000 cubic yard fill were permitted, it would amount to displacement of about li" of water along a one mile section of the Fanno Creek floodway. o Ms. Hanneman, property owner downstream and to the south, questioned Mr. Cooper as to the impact it would have on her property. o Cooper responded that it would be negligible. o Cooper also stated that -the fill would have no impact on erosion. C. Public Testimony o Dick Miller stated that constrictions along the flood plain, associated with fills and other manmade features such as Grimsted Bridge, have constricted the flow of water of Fanno Creek and have caused unnecessary flooding. o Mr. Berman Buchholz, neighbor, also stated that by filling the flood plain additional flooding would be resultant. D. Staff Recommendation: Approval of a fill concept, sub- ject to the following conditions: page 6 PC Minutes 5/4/76 1. Net fill brought to the site not exceed 5,000 cubic yards. 2. Average slope of 1:60 to be maintained within the 1110 year flood plain" (elevation less than 146' MSL from low water surface to edge of parking area) . 3. No slopes exceed 1:20 for more than 2 ft. rise. 4. That a specific development plan be submitted and stamped by a professional engineer with demonstrable expertise in hydrology and that it be reviewed by the Army Corps of Engineers and the City Engineering Dept. before final approval. 5. Subsurface drainage be pro-ided to drain hard- surface water areas. 6. All areas not used for parking, buildings, access or pedestrian way be landscaped with suitable flood- able materials. 7,. An easement be dedicated for bikeway right-of-way and stream access, said easement to be negotiated by applicant with City, subject to staff approval and negotiated prior to Commission review of the final plan. 8. 10 ft. of additional right-of-way be dedicated along SW Burnham St. 9. Applicant waiver his right to remonstrate against street improvement LID on Burnham St. 10. The contours of the southwest property line meet the contours nog, existing on the adjacent property and an appropri.ate slope also be provided Lis noted in condition #3- o Upon responding to a question from Porter, Mr. St. Clair stated that the applicant was agreeable to the staff conditions. E. Commission Discussion and Action o Moore stated that he felt there was a need to have a more detailed plan drawn'up for Planning Commission review prepared by a qualified hydrologist. o Phillips moved and Goldbach seconded to approve the concept of the fill, subject to the conditions stated in the staff report. page 7 PC Minutes 5/4/76 o Motion approved by majority voice vote, Moore dissenting. 6.2 SIGN CODE APPEAL SCA 5-76 (Oregon Food Service) A request by Earl. Adams for v-riance to Title 16, Sign Regulations, Section 16.40.010 - flags, banners, political signs. A. Staff Report: read by Daniels. B. Applicant's Presentation: o Earl Adams, applicant, summarized the request and stated the situation his company was in with regard to FDA regulations. o Phillips asked if air doors had been considered as remedy to -the bird problem. o Adams responded that they were too expensive. o Moore asked if the light could be turned off at sundown so it wouldn't be on in the winter after dark, but before 6 p.m. . o Adams responded that it was possible to do that. C. Public Testimony: None. D. Staff Recommendation: Approval, with the following condition: 1) that a flashing light only be operated during normal business hours. E. Commission Discussion and Action o Moore stated that normal business hours during the winter months would, in all probability, be during rion-daylight hours and recommended instead that the flashing light only be operated during daylight hours. o Sakata stated that the applicant has proven a need for the variance and have an unusual hardship because their plant on Hunziker does not have this problem, nor is it shared by other operators in this general area. page 8 PC Minutes 5/4/76 o Sakata moved and Tepedino second that the variance to allow penna: ts and a flashing light be approved. o Phillips stated that the approval should only be given for a 12 month period and at the end of that time be re-evaluated to determine if the problem still exists and whether all of the remedies now being used are necessary. o Moore recommended that the applicant be able to use his own judgment whether they still have the problem and leave it to the applicant's own volition to re- move the flashing light and banners when the problem no longer exists. o Motion was approved by majority voice vote with Phillips dissenting. 6,3 SIGN CODE. APPEAL SCA 6-76 (Martell, Inc. dba Doug's Staff informed the Commission dithat scoverythis 'thatitem nohad aariance removed from the agendaupon is necessary. 7. OTHER BUSINEIS Staff distributed copies of the rasano and Baker Supreme Court decisions to Commissioners who had voiced an interest in receiving those at the last Commission workshop. 8. ADJOU.'9[ZNMENT: There being n about further business, the meeting STAFF REPORT TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION May 4, 1976 Agenda Item 6.3 DOCKET: SCA J7,6 REQUEST: Sign Code variance to Section 16.40.010 ane' Section 16.40.060 of Tigard Muni6ipal Code to allow a string of pennants and a . flashing sign. LOCATION: 12970 S.W. Hall Blvd. (Wash. Co. tax map 2S1 2DA, tax lot 501) APPLICANT: Oregon Food Service BASIC FACTS: 1. Tigard Comprehensive Plan designates the site for general industrial and the zoning is M-3 (light industrial) which allows food processing as an outright permitted use. 2. Section 16.08. 150 of Tigard Municipal Code defines flashing sign to mean any sign which is illuminated by an intermittant or flashing light or which is in any other way animated so as to create the illusion of movement without actual physical movement or the illusion of a f.las'hi.ng or intermittant light or light source. 3. Section 16.60.010 (A) Tigard Municipal Code prohibits the display or maintenance of strings of pennants, banners or streamers, festoons of lights, clusters of flags, strings of twirlers or propellers, flashing or blinking lights, flares, balloons or similar devices of carnival nature. 4. Section 16.40.060 Tigard Municipal Code subsectlon "A" states that no exposed, reflective type bulbs, strobe lights, rotary beacons, par spots, zip lights or similar devices shall be permitted. 5. Section 16.34.020 Tigard Municipal Code allows the Planning Commission to grant variances from these requirements based on findings that, due to practical difficulties, undue hardship or inconsistencies with the obj�•ct.ives of this title, the strict and literal inter.prepation and enforcement of a specific requirement hereunder should be waived or modified. FINDINGS 1. Applicant has requested a variance to sections 16.40.O60 and 16.40.010 of the Tigard Municipal Code to allow the maintenance of a flashing strobe light and two ,strings of banners on the exterior of their food storage plant. at 1.7.970 S.W. Hall. page, 2 Staff Report May 4, 19;16 2. According to the applicant's written submittal, in December of 1975 his company was inspected by the Food and Drug Administration and cited 36 times for allowing birds inside the warehouse. 3. With the help of American Sanitation Institute, the following remedial action were undertaken; 1) Install 3 bird lights - one inside the door, one on the west side and one on the south end; 2) Installed ,flashing lights inside warehouse; 3) To obtain plastic banners and suspend them down under the canopy approximately 1 foot on the west and south exposures. 4) Build bird feeders and place on the roof with bird feed containing dvitrol. These 4 actions were completed in January and have resolved the problem of birds in the warehouse. 4. Flashing lights are on only during working hours which are pot earlier than 7 A.M. to not later than 6 P.M. 5. According to Mr. Adams, failure to control the situat{.on of the birds would have meant closure of his plant and possible felony charge. 6. The written material submitted by Oregon Food Service has exhibited practical difficulties, undue hardships with the strict interpretation and enforcement of these 2 particular sections of the Tigard Municipal Cede may be waived. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the sign code appeal, based on following Londitiunt 1 . The flashing light only be operated during normal business hours. 1 r •elf"����YS/�/ V�r 10� / 4I—d P.O. fox 23325 12970 S.W.Hall Phone 639 6141 -nGARD,OREGON 972.23 March 7, 1976 City of Tigard ).2420 S.W. Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attention: Mr. Bruce Cook Dear Mr. Cook: During the past year, birds have flown in and out of our warehouse when the doors were open. In December 1975, we were inspected by the Federal Food and Drug, at which time our company was cited 36 times for allowing birds in our warehouse. 1 then called the F.D.A. in Seattle to inquire as to whether or not they had a solution. They advised me to contact the Department of Environment who informed me to contact the Health Department of Hillsboro" and they informed me that they could not help as they were unfamiliar with this type of a problem. The problem is that if we do not conform to F.D.A., they can close our business down and charge we with a felony. At this time I dccided to hire experts to assist me with our bird problem. We contracted with American Sanitation. Institute who inspect-A our Facilities and informed us that the only way to keep the birds out of our ,warehouse were as follows: 1. Install 3 bird lights - 1 inside the door and 1 vn the v:ost side and 1 on the south end. 2. Install flashing lights inside varcliouse. 3. To obtain plastic burners and suspend them down under the canopy approximately 1 foot on the west and south exposures. 4. Build bird feeder and place on the roof with bird feed containing Dvitrol. The above four items were completed in January and have solved our biLd problem in our warchouse. i c k P.O. [lox 23325 12970 S.W.Hall Phone 639.6141 TIGARD,OREGON 97223 • 2 - I would like to ask the Planning Commission to grant us a variance to use equipment now installed due to the difficulties beyond our control. Sincere Yours, OREEGM F000 SERVICE E,Irl ERVICE Earl C. (Adams ECA:rms President AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICA i 10N I SPATE OF 011,l;G0N' NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COUNTY OF 1VASHINGTON, } ss• AGENDA f Tigard Planning Commission May 4, 1976 — 7:30 p.m. � 1 Twality Jr. High School -- Lecture Joseph_Schiffer-y..._..._...................................._._....._... Room - i 14650 SW 97th Ave:,Tigard, Oregon Iwing first duly sworn, depose and say that I am the publisher .............__. rkPUBLIC HEARIN S: 5.1 ZONE CHANGE ZC 4.76(Bober- of The Tigard Times, a newspaper of general circulation, as defined to O'Dbnol;huc) A'riltest by Roberta, ; O'Donaghue for a zoning tpr p arfiend- ment to zone a parcel of ianFat 7310 , by t1HS 193.010 and 193.020, published at Tigard, in the aforesaid county and SW Spruce, presently toned county RUA (urban residential to R•7(single stare; that the legal notice, a printed copy of which is hereto annexed, was family residential).(Wash.Co.tax map 1S1 36AC, tax lot 3700). published i^ the entire issue of said newspaper for ......2....._.. 5.2 ZONE CHANGE 7C 4-75(Bonn) successive and A request by Jerry• Bonn for general plan and program revie,v of a proposed consecutive weeks in the following issues ._. .. .._........................_..........._........_........-- multi-family (88 unit) residential April 22 .&__29,_ 19'� planned development In the vicinity of. _..__ .... _ 109th and Canterbury Lane.(Wash.Co. lax map 1S1 34B, tax lot 50d). _.. c< ... ..._..._ 5.3 ZONE.CHANGE ZC 3 78(Bolan (5i ture) ich) A request by Roger Belanich for a general plan and program review of a proposed commercial planned dcvcl G.tl,scribed and sworn to before me this .............2-nth......... day of .. ...... opment In the vicinity of 121st, 122nd and Scholls Ferry Rd. (Wash. Co. tax map 1S1 34B, tax lot 500). A lig .i.l 1y 76 5.4 ZONE CHANGE Zf-5 .76 (Ilan- 5.4 A ,request by Hansen-Fletcher-Parrons for an lG'E�tf..•. •-C��C ' amendment to a planned development Notary I blic of Oregon approved June 10,1974,for property lu-r� cated at the Southeast corner of SW �1v ni ntisci •n expires �( ry�J 72nd and SW Varns Rd.(Wash.Co.tax _ 79/ map 2S1 ID, lax lot 960). 5.5 VARIANCE V 4-76 (Charles sic- Clure) A request by Charles McClure -" for a variance to the front yard setback requirements In a C-3M (Main St. ggen- oral commercial) zone on a parcel of land tit 9250 SW Tigard St:(Wash.Co. tax map 2S1 2AB, lax lot 3400). 6. MISCFLLANFOUS: 6.1 FLOOD PLAIN FILL PERA-iTT M 9 7$ (Bowe Lee) A request for a flood plain fill permit to fill lands presently situated within the 100 year flood plain, located at 9110 SW Burnham St. (Wash. Co. tax map 2$1 2AC, tax lot 200). (tabled from Februay 17, 11176, meeting) A request by 4,r Adanis for a variance of 'Title 16, Sign Regulations, Section 16.40.010 — Fiags, banners, political signs. (TT 2699—Publish April 22&29,1976) Far � ho�a foo k SCA5t 7L x 5)