Sign Code Appeal (October 12, 1972 '
TO: Sign Code Board of Appeals
FROM: Ray Rangila, Planning Dept.
DATE: October 12, 1972
SUBJECT: Board of Appeals Meeting
October 24, 1972 at 7:30 P.M., City Hall
Attached is a letter from the "Pizza caboose" hestaurant requesting
a variance from the Tigard Sign ordinance.
The ex:stin13 sign is constructed to the maximus, allowable size
permitted within the Sign Code. The size allewanc2 is based
on the length of frontage along Pacific Aighway (150 Oquare feet
for the first 100 feet of frontage, plus 1 square foot for each
frontaSc foot in excess of 100 frontage feet).
I've setup the meeting night for October 24th at 7:30 P.M. within
City Hall.
It will be your authority to take one of the following actions:
1. Approve the variance without conditions
2. Approve the variwice with conditions
3. Deny the variance
Please contact me if you ha•,e any questions about the request or
the Sign Code. I'll try to have copies of the Code to hand-out at
the meeting.
See you on the 24th
The Pizza Caboose
11670 S. W. Pacific Highway
Tigard, Oregon 97223
Sign Board of Appeals
Tigard, Oregon 97223
SUBJECT: Sigh Variance Request
Proposal - We would like to install an additional wood or metal sign
between the support posts of our existing sign. This addition would
have a white background with "PIZZA" written on it in red letters.
The accompanying photographs illustrate what our sign looks like now
and how it would appear if we are granted a va dance. The addition in
the photograph is a temporary canvas sign whJ.-,h is used only for illus-
tration purposes. Our actual sign would be of wood or metal and would
conform to normal sign construction codes.
Justification for this Request
1. We are a new business (Nov. 15, 1971) and we are local;ed 300 feet
off of the highway on a lower elevation than the highway.
2. Our business is not as well identified as our neighbors. Our small
sign tends to be lost and blocked off by the other larger signs in the
imnediate area.
3. If our sign -were more visible we feel that fewer people would be
driving by slowly looking for our driveway and creating a traffic
hazard on this alre-dy dangerous piece of road.
4. We do not propose to alter our present sign. The addition could be
easily removed to bring our sign back into compliance with the city
5. We would like to have the variance granted for three years or longer,
but this is up to the committee. in any event, we would expect to conform
to the Tigard sign code as soon as our neighbors do.
Let us state to begin with that we ,eel the Tigard sign ordinance is fair
and necessary. We also feel that cur request for a variance is reasonable
for the reasons stF.ted above.
The Pizza Caboose
11670 S. W. Pacific Highway
Tigard, Oregon 97223
Sign Variance Request - Page 2
We have advertised on KEX and our locution has been clearly spelled out
on the radio, yet we have people call us or KEX and ask where we are
because they have been unable tc find us.
We have tried very hard to run a friendly establishment where families
and youth can have fun. We feel that Tigard needs such a place.
Your consideration of our proposal is appreciated.
Bob Giger
Bob Power:
cc: File
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