13815 SW 115TH AVENUE FILE NO. � --T1.5TH AVE. - 13815 STR. OPN. PERM �F October 21, 1975 Decal Construction Company 0317 SW Flower Portland, Oregon 97201 Ge nt:1eme n s mor your records, enclosed plea,.: find permit 0 15-75 vary truly, J. ;. Hagman Superint�indent Rngineer Division JH s In Mncl.osure City of Tigard INSPECTION REQUEST p or J INSPECTION TIME: _`' I PERMIT NO. :--- DATE: O. : _DATE: L / 2S DATE ISSUED '.— / OWNERS NAME eaLA.JIn ADDRESS '­------,. SLA_. I I ' CONTRACTOR TEST : Air p, Water Q , 'usual A?, Laboratory p RESULT: Approved ),�, Cieapproved O , Pending SKETCH: AGGAjVTfD Wdof_& �,,'�At. t i�I OT SPS 1t) 7 �Vt l (C�1 ✓� q ��_� , oe INSPECTOR r. DATE rNOTE Attach fupple,nentel "Jot data bereta] APPLICATION — STREET IMPRr 7MENT/EXCAVATION copy ro. ORDINP- ,gCE NO. 74-14 IwF11 TE) - FILF (BLUE) -INSP. IINSTRUCTIONS ON SEPARATE S+HEET) �] IVELLOWI OTHER AGENCY //// M-INK) - A//P//PL-�IAC ANT APPROVED x APPLICATION NO.: NOT APPROVED p CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON FEE AMT.: q �� PENDING FEE. PMT. p CITY HALL RECEIPT Mf:).: -- I �O I41 X71 �� `'{n' `---- PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT BY PENDING AGENCY ''OK" p Application and Prugress Record — — — — — — — — PENDING INFORMATION EJ FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT/EXCAVATION til AllkUREQU EDO *—`g 45L' PE14DING VARIANCE ❑ ANNue L d- I' _-_ EXPIRATION DATE- $���v_�--22— PERMIT NO.: _ -- /5--75 DATE ISSUFO: BY: --, _ - �.zs�� (1) APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE TO EXCAVATE FOR AND INSTALL c- f-) S ��—L� AS DESCRIBED HEREIN, IN FULL ACCORDANCE WITH CITY REQUIREMENTS. APPLICANT _/A J. 1`k 3 ^C:4 1. PMON¢ CONTRACTOR D`C� Co�_S�T4w _ �, 1,1 S ou f� a�.r.<1� �). .-- �YG l$?aN NAME ADDRESS CITY •HONE NAME ADDRE58 CITY PHONE ESTIMATED IMPROVEMENT TOTAL VALUATION ( COST): S _ —_-- - -- - - OOLLARI (2) EXCAVATION DATA: 'OR OFFICE SE: �o--- UMIN;LL— STREET _ _ DESCRIPTION _FROGRESS & INSPECTION STATUS NAME SURFACE CUT CUT CUT MATERIAL It9STALLrn _TYPEI LENGTH WIDTH DEPTH ITEM & G'UANTI,r.^ ITEM DATE REMARKS/TYPE BY"`—I 4c? -- _- STIiCET h/ ctu L �r�? INRIPEC• -- R TION Q ESTIMATED STREET OPENING DATE:-_ / I4 / 7S_ ES ESTIMATED STREET CLOSING DATE: T - --- -- F_ STR - (3) SECURITY NO. C IjYA ^E --- tl OEET r� OSEST SURETY CO.: Kh NAL_ _ CERTIFIEDCNECK ❑ CASH ❑ EpN SPEC.(4) PLOT PLAN: INDICATE SITE PERTINENT PHYSICAL CIALPROVIS NS/CONDITIONS FEATURES; EXCAVATION LOCATION AND !XTlNT. � IC- = �I//I�` d— HLYL-'�i�—__-- I 1 ho I - GI 1 1 I 10 URe _ • 1 I --- -- A, ' -_----------- (5) NOTE THE CITY OF TIGARD DOES NOT HEREBY, GRANT PERMISSION TO APPLICA14TS TO CONDUCT WORK WHERE RIGHT-OF-WAY JURISDICTION IS THAT OIr WASHINGTON COUNTY OR TNR: STATE OF OREGON. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO DEPOSIT THE REQUIRED SECURITIES, TO COMPLY WITH ALL PERTINENT LAWS AND CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS PERTINENT TO CONnUCT OF THE WORK, AND TO SAVE HARMLESS THE CITY AND EMPLOYEES AGAINST ANY INJURY OR DAMAGE WHICH MAY RESULT FROM APPLICANTS ACTIONS. I ) v �s APPLICANTS SIGNA TORE �• /r / � • ----._.. DAT[ S�sl QEG�`y� IDN' 5 Sw 1N5 ,,���. •, 3 9 � ,�o�'tocv, Gd�n� �. NG�� ESQ R c° y , c q te114 f / 00 SIR f1I r'% �• ol v � City of Tigard INSPECTION REQUEST for INSPECTION TIME: /.*00Pn7 PERMIT NO. : DATE: DATE !SSUED :.. OWNERS NAME : ADDRESS: 11-3S'/S CONTRACTOR : -�� Cr / TEST : Air '"„ Wcte-JV, Visna: �1. Laboratory C RESULT: Approved Disa;)provej � ', ending L SKETC'�: LA r / y 3), bo-)e, ;•'INSPECTOR DATE COTE: A4tach fupplemintal�t4st data hereto l' !P-✓lam fl a I AS -- BUILT r' � I 1 � II �4S __ 131'ILT CITY OF TIGARD Dab /p7AmountL 6/ dollars Cash Name e ' M.O. Ad.4ress _..�..... J --- Bldg. - ❑ St.Opng. ❑ Bus.Lie. ❑ P 16g. ❑ Pubctns. ❑ Bike Lie. ❑ Flctl. E] Copies - ❑ Sew.Serv. ❑ Sewer ❑ Filing - ❑ Fine&F. ❑ I Assml. El 06.9r - Zoning ❑ `1 For. Permit P — OTY 16F TIGARD By: G _ yPMIfCNlN�A1Ni1NOOfifllONfN� 10016 ., ')ATE NOtifnal I3')nJin4 nstd AcciJelnt Innsttrance Company c/o In.,.co Insurant:a Servkes,Inc. ?09 Chet Avenue West,Suite 315,Seattle,W:mhington 91119 R11) VR To he attached to and form a ,cart at' Bowl hla. �?n���n .issued b i NATIONAL I ONNI1lI; G AND M."C"IDENT M^'AUI.ANCC COMPANY, dated the 16thday on • ;: W; e of Ore,,o:i and to favor of In considertion of the premium c bir cd, it is unil,,Mood and agreed that: Calvin ", 1at,,r ba r,�rCnl ron trilr:t;irin`erne, 11bi l i.nj Compnny, Provided, howcvcr, that 0m, IiaG,,ility of 1` iMONAL ROP1,4D. MC. AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE (;{.?s1tPMJY. terrier fl,W ctt:nl7d by tleis rimer shall oot be cumulative. Nothing herein contained ,shall l+t* held 16 V-11 1-YAv:9, 7ltexr or oxtenal tiny of the tertn% Conditions, agrcrr?:e*nt�s car trarrvttt�iCS tat' 1110 :7�nn•,Tnlenti weed bmI0, other than as stated abov^. Signed thia—..=t,0Ul7y Acropt^d: M1)11�,t, A145 AC, +( 11)FNT tnl Co•a wtt � hitt ren~i ai 1r,1' f I Yt ADIl1 C0 ;'`a2"JY By 9 ' r'1tti►rrll:.y-p,, 'Gt'3 �,;�J'� 1►,1Pt�wz,n r b-7 Nn 47111 WA 24L-:5S r• .,,.� *' BOk 1UMGER X89'+so_ (Show fol r name and assuwcs business nary a, if any) BOND FOR SMIAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE BtIINESS MOW ALL JIM BY THESE PRESENTS: That we,^ TMeCni Congtruceio•r E Piambinq as Principal(s), and NAtonnl Pnnit�y1lc�i,'�nt Cemmr�pg a corporation organized Aird existing under the lams of the State of New York And drrl,y arrtho:17ed to transact a surety business in State of Oregon, as Surety. aro held and firmly hoand unto the State of a Oregon in the sum of TWO WONFA'0, FIVE 111JIMMEO DOLLARS ($2,500.00) lawful money of the United States, for the payment of 01-h arell and truly to be made, we hind Ourselves, nIlr 1'eirs, enocr:rtorS, administrators, successors and assigns, Jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE COMITIONS OF T11M OMTM TTOfl ARE SUCH TH,gT: Whereas the abbve named principal(s), pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes (hereinafter referred to as "QRS") Chapter 454 grid pursucnt to rales of the Environmental Quality Commission of the State of Oregon pertaining to standards for subsurface sewage And nonwater-rarried waste disposal, Oregon Administrative Ru1'!s Chanter M, dilrisinn 7, is (114e) Applying to the Department of Environmental Quality for a 14conso to engage in the business of Sewage Disposal Service As defined in ORS Chapter 454. N014 THEREFORE, if th•: said principal(s) above named shall faithfully comply with all Applicable statutes and miles of the State of Oregon, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to remain in full farce and affect. As provided by ORS 454.70s, Any prrsnn in.irrred by eailurri of the principai(s) to comply with the above conditions in performing work shall have a right of Action on this bund in his m.n name in tho maxirmim aggregate limit of $2,500.00, provider] that written claim of such right of action shall he made to the principal or the surety company wi0in two years after services have been performed. This bond is effective beginn'ng 23 , lh 75, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above ,lamed parties have rxecutgd this instrument the ,2rrh day of 19 Corporate 19.3,x. M1 Corporate Seal beeal Pnn!jtrunt+nn r w, «�g, ,,nv _ of Principal (if corporation) National Bondima 6 A � Surety a �"' Corporate Seal Dy ' �. 1•ry; a of Suretyt u+rn'y- ri r-Hatt Uocty Arun Markham Countersigned: ��Pid•err�gent for• Ureyuir�' Address Data: ., M �. 5 C 3,4 CIP Jam. . keV 1'S ?e rs,.. 1��i t� .o e o ec i