13735 SW PACIFIC HIGHWAY � I I 13735 SW PACIFIC HIGHWAY 1 i I BUILDING NO. : PERMIT CITY OF TIGA RD PERMIT NQ. : BU89203c cma n�aRn 01l00M COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENTE ISSUED: 10/16/89 13125 S'J.Hall Blvd.P.O.Box 23397 Tigard,Oregon 417223.(503)639-4175 ���T hi.PMT.NO. 892030 JOB ADDRESS: 13735 SW PACIFIC HWY TAX MAf'i L.OT 2S13DD400 SUB: LT: BK: LAND USE: CG LUT SIZE: VALUATION: SETBACKS FRONT: REAR: WORK CLASS: DEMOLITION DWELL.UrI1T5: LEFT: RIGHT: UPE TYPE: SINGLE FAMILY NO.BEDROOMS: EXT.WALL_ CONST: CM'ST.TYPE: NO.BAT FIS: N: S: E: W: OCCUP.GRP. : R3 NROT.OPEMINGS: UCCUP.LOAD N: S: E: W: TOTAL AREA: NO.STORIES: 2 1ST: ROOF CONST: FIRE RET? HEIGHT: 2ND: AREA SEPAR7 RATEDt BASEMENT? 3RD: OCCUP.SEPAR? RATED- MEZZANINE? BASEM'T FLOOR LOAD: GARAGE: FIRE '3PRKLR7 ALARM? FLOW(GPM) DETECT? HEAT TYPE- HDCP.ACCESS? C^.kR? PLAN CHECK BY: r-MARKSt Pefaolish SFD REISSUE OF' NO. Fill septic tanks LAST REISSUE FEES- 4' MOORE. JOHN PERMIT 11�.00 N 15800 SW BOONES FERRY RD PLAN REVIEW �i Lake Oswego Or FIRE DEPT STATE TAX f.75 ----- - -- - OTHER C DEVELOPMENT CHARGES: O MOORE JOHN SDC(STORM) T WTM DEVELOPMENT SDC(STRE:ET) T R 15800SW BO(TNES FERRY RD PDC(M ) C Lake Oswego Or 97035 PREPAID f ) T PHOWE (503) 635-776b R REGISIRATION NO. WTM TOTAL: $15.75 RECEIPT NO. This permit is Issued subject to the regulations contained In Title 14 of the TMC. State of Oregon Specialty Codes, toning regulations REQUIRED INSPECTIONS and all other applicable codes and ordinances, and it is hereby agreed that the work will be done in accordance with the plans and OTHER* sp>clficaUons and in complin-roe with all applicable codes and ordinr,nces. The Issuance of this permit does not waive restrictive covenants Contractor and suhcontractors shall have current city business lax permits This permit will expire and become null and void if work Is not started within 180 dnys or If work Is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days any time after work has commenced It shall he the responsibility of the permittee to assure all required Inspectlolis ate r qu d and a roved �rrti3utt''eSig 1 ® *setic fill l Issued By ._ -- ------ - LL--"R I16PEGTION 639-41 $ -- ----i SEPARATE. PERMITS REQUIRED FOR WORK OTHER THAN DESCRIBED ABOVE MEMORANDUM City of Tigard, Oregon TO: Jerree Hrdina, Building Division Phyllis Harris, Finance/Accounting Bonnie Mul.hearn, Planning Division FROM: Laura Freeman, Mapping/Information Technician DATE: October 4, 1989 RE: WCTM 2SI 3DD, TL 400, 500 SDR 89-20 Address assignments for buildings A and B at the above listed .location have bc,en assigned by this office. These addresses are as follows: Building N Building B ' 13727 SW Pacific Hwy _ 13707 SW Pacific Hwy Tigard, OR 97223 Tigard, OR 97223 The former addresses of :3703. 13705 and 13735 for the site are now invalid. Owner/Developer: WTM Development. Cu. Attn: John Moore 15800 sw Boones Ferry Rd #C-301 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 -sir NONE March 199 ).975 Regal Towing Company 13735 S.W. Pacific Highway Tigard, Oregon 7,7223 Dear M,s. McClure: On or about March 10, 1.x'7`,.), I contacted yov regarding the two tow vehicles rarkor in front of t;�to abovw--muntioned address. My convere-,tion to you at that time was that E co ,ditional use rermit wa,3 required for a towing service in a C-3, General tiommercial zone. It was also, understood i rorr our conversation that pur- mission was given to you from the City straff, approving the tow vehicles to be parked at this slte. I cuntQctra.i Mr. Ja:ald Powell, -)ur aasociate planner, who talked to you at the time you obtained your ,ity business license. He -advised you, at that 'dints, azar a conditional uas parmit would be required if yuu shorrad any outward appsarance of a tawing cervica. Mr. PUwall aiva stated that no vehicles would be stored on the si a! that no tow vshicle;a would be +risable from the st•reat or from any adjacent reaidanttal ara�,s or other public ctraats ur rights-oP-Way. Further. star,amenta were made c onee.r-iing signs, huure of uperatiun, naiew and any other nuiaan,:e the.t may arise a3 a rasulL of your operation. You Ware informed aL L#aat Lime that i any outward sign of noncompliance wsr.3 noticed a conditional use permit would ' a necessar;r. You may consider this letter a nut;ico to fjiluw Lho Ordinance covering this matter and not tow aoy vehicle+s to this property and not give any outward appsaran,.;e of a towing business; such as parking a tow vehicle t.n t;hu promises in view of the public . Any violation of the above mentioned notice could result in legal action to obtain a conditional usl- permit. Regal Touing Company March 19, 197 _; ',jagt, 2 If you have any quest ions concerning this matter please feel free to contact Mr. Powell or myself. Sincerely, :lames jzlori Zoning Enforcement. Officer cc: Robert Adams, Chief of Police Fred Anderuon, City Attorney :JB/f'a 1 �r� CITY OF TICA RDPLAN CIIECK APPLICATION TY;AV9 ---- CrrY.o PLAN CHECK 11 C;OMMIINIT'( DE IELOPMF N'. OLIWITMLNI PERMIT N �zTns.w.��.nnad e.o.na,23397.1�.e.o.�o�+vm�.cw�l��ws -� DATE ISSUED _ -- TAX MAP/LOT L,2 `i JOB ADDRESS: �_ � --__�_ - � ,• ._ __ _ -- - LAND USE: C r� SUB: _- T_-- LOT: _ -- - VALUATION: ---- - - - SPECIAL NOTES OWNER REISSUE OF: NAME: ��!-T (`'�----- LAST REISSUE' ADDRESS: ,�.. �, � , � ,,.• � FLO00 PLAIN/ SENSITIVE LAND: PHONE: � '. � - 2_/ C"� -- APPROVALS REQUIRED PLANNING: CONTRAC OR ENGINEERING: _ NAME - "'''' `- FIRE DEPT ADDRESS: _ OTHER: ITEMS REQUIRED PHONE: _ - LIST/SUBCONTRACTORS: — BUS TAX: ARCH/ENGINEER — -- CALCJLATIONS: NAME: - TRUSS DETAILS: ADDRESS - --' PARKING PLAN: _— _ LANDSCAPE PLAN: OTHER: _ - PHONE: -- COP'MENTS: _ -- PERMIT N AUCT N DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT PD. BAL. DUE >?'1 10-432 00 Building Permit Fees 1 - _ 10-431 00 Plumbing Permit Fees —-- - 10-431 01 Mechanica' ^ermit Fees - - — '�— 10-230 01 State Building Tax (5X) -- - Building _ Plumbing - Mech 10-433 00 Plans Check Fee - Building Plumbing Mech - - 30--202 00 Sewer Connect,on 30-444 00 Sewer Inspection - — 51-440 00 Street System Dev Cnarge (SOC) - 52-449 00 Parks System Dev Charge (PDC) - -- 31-450 00 Storm Drainage Syst Dev Chrg (SSDC) LO-230 09 TRFO --- -- 10-230 06 Washington C'aunty Fire 01 (95X) _ - - 10-220 00 Amart/Wedgewood --- — -- 101-nl REC N - - --- " APPLICANT SIGNATURE Received By: Date Received: cn/3507P/100