12785 SW PACIFIC HIGHWAY FILE NO. PACIFIC HWY. - 12785 STR. OPN. PERMIT lu^ust 15, 1979 Westwood Construction Co. 8001 S.E. Johnson Creek Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97201 Attn: Betty Wollam Re: Wendy's Street Opening Permit/Bond ')car Betty: In reference to the letter dated July 30. 1979 regarding authorization of the release of the permit bond, please find enclosed. [Bank you for your attention to t1ii.s matter. Sincerely, 1?. L. Thompson 1.nn,ineerinp Tech. II RLT/pJr Encl. 'J July 30, 1979 Westwood Construction Co. 8001 S.B. Johnson Creek Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97206 Attn: Betty ivollain Re: Wendy's Street Opening, Permit/Bond Dear Betty: Per your request for a roinspecti.on of the public improvements installed via the aforsaid permit, the driveway previously in question has n,,,4 satisfactorily passed inspection. Ile are subsequently ahl.e to authorize release of the permit bond and such action has been initiated. You will receive the original bond by mail, soon. Yours truly, R. L. Thompson Engineering Tech. TT RLT/pap City of Tigard INSPECTION REQUEST for PAMP/ _vR -INAPECTION TIME: ASP! PERMIT NO. . ._ r DATE: ! 4/Z DATE ISSUED _/ 0AW E RS NAME : ADDRESS: - __ -- CONTRACTO R : _- -- '*'EST : Air L7 , Waterp , Visual , Laboratory r'rp9LT' Approved �, , Disapproved ❑ SKETCH: ,4b-L rok DATE NOTE: Attach supplemental test Juiu —retal Febniary 21, 1979 eat sod Constritetion 0,001 ' .7. )n firer-,k llvl. llol-�Iorr'l, 1)"106 Attn: fietty 11ollam "I ? Wondy a — Street Openinp Permit/Bond L.,c,ar BeLtv: r -,-,ur request for city inn,pnotion of the pulilte iYqproveinents installed -i f:',f7! afor, orml.f.; 0c, drivewny mpron abitti,ic. Sou. p.cj7f-"- ie Street '-cllkiw? up an,l $ir,. rni,,niretl nr rentited prior to our mjl-.Ixrizlnp Of nvnliv have your r.ontractor notifv u,q for reinpp.2ction of the jorrective work, so we may p-cpedite tr,,!nq o� the deqirf-,l lottee to vnim 4aretv., Yours truly, -John 1:11. "Annan BVpjr Supt. E.ngra Division Avoid Verbal Messages 1, 1 CITY OF TIGARD T(-,: �� _ _ a Prom: SuL>ject I „�,,� Date: � r t.��'`e � ' ►� C. Cat!G,..,`1 r-( t.�'- .,�.,. 't.L,� �., `v C� MISTMOug DIRSTPHITIM. DIMP111 February 1 , 1979 CITY OF TIGARD P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon RE: Fir:al Inspection for Bond Release Wendy's, 12785 Pacific Highway ATTN: John Hagman Mr. Hagman: We would like to request a final inspection of our Wendy's site at 12785 Pacific Highway in order to cancel our bond for the street work. We would appreciate this being done as soon as possible and notification by letter from the City of Tigard to our insurance company, Corroon & Black of Oregon, 1600 S.W. Fourth Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97201. Please send to the attention of Marge Webb. We must cancel prior to March 31 , 1979, in order to save renewal . If there are any further questions or necessary items from our company, please call . WESTWOOD CONSTRUCTION CO. Betty Wollam Asst. Operations Myr. -- 8001 S.E. Johnson Creek Blvd Portland, Oregon 97206 503/777-1471 City of Tigard for r INSPECTION TIME* Pr�' PERMIT NO. : DATE : ;L1Z DATE !SSUE D ..__1_L_ QMl N E RS NAME _ 5. -- ADDRESS' 4t�- tY— E y t : Air Cj, Water ❑ , Visuali/m ' l ab^' Y i1:1F ;a.111 '. Approve d>( ')isapproved C , Pending p, KETCH. �1�hllL +'... �C�eN � t.j W t 1.L 6 Ile INSPECTOR DATE NOTE: Attach suppiementni test doto beret a] 1 1 f Ale- f " ff v x � I i � City of Tigard , N#rrlr--'C,,TION REQUEST f o r 'IN19PECTION TIME: PERMIT N,). :--. DATE : DATE YN N V.Q S. NAME ADDRESS.' lie:, f- S t *. Air CI, Water rj , Visuol t 0-- ' Aporavedpe disapproved 7 Pending rl, L L, T, O<ETCH. -------------- 7L INSPECTOR DATE LNOTE: Attach suprl#mer,tnl test data beretal APPLICATION STREET IMPRC '=MENT/EXCAVATION COPY TO: ORDIN, .:E NO 74-14 [I ( - FILE (BBLULUE)EJ � IN9P. 0 (YELLOWI -OTHER AGENCY (INSTRUCTIONS UN SEPARATE SHEET) Q (PINK) - APPLICANT APPROVED APPLICATION NO.. _ CC6 NOTAPPROVEDCITY OF TIGARU OREGON �— I� FEE AMT.: :_ PENDING FEE. PMT. ❑ CITY HALL RECEI T NO.: T /2 PENDING SECURITY ❑ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT BY-� DATE 7 PENDING AGENCY "OK" ❑ Application and Progress Record r MAINTENANCE BOND IS PENDING INFORMATION O FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT/EXCAVATION AS REUUit"" ANNUAL PENDING VARIANCE El EXPIRATION DATE:'/�__ L PERMIT NO.: �3 - 7 __ DATE ISSUED: ._1_ LJ� BY: - _ sem+► __ (1 APPL CATION IS HEREBY MADE TO EXCAVATE FOR AND INSTALL �-�K j "".46.4 -14—e�l t ;IAS DESCRIBED HEREIN, IN FULL ACCORDANCE W TH CITY REQUIREMEi4TS. APPLICANT WES-MMIP CO[I.��T 200/Er- 5L h tCW CK, NIT- �Z�I� wmD AME � Tr� - -.___. ADDRESS CITY CONTRACTOR J( h A, It I /r NAME DDRESS CIT - -- PHONE ----- PLANS BY Ag ed I�T rT� _ �I���C 7�I14��C M e AV:F ,- n�= I-I `LryC -- — NAME ADDRQ „/ � `.CITY ESTIMATED IMPROVEMENT TOTAL VALUATION ( COST): S DOLLARS (2) EXCAVATION DATA: FOR OFFICE do rc (,MIN. 0.02 X f STREET DESCRIPTION PROGRESS & INSPECTION STATUS NAME SURFACE CUT CUT CUT MATERIAL INSTALLED ITEM DATE REMARKS/TYPE BY TYPE LENGTH WIDTH DEPTH ITEM d QUANTITY LINSTREET P N EP INSP G- ff TION U ESTIMATED STREET OPENING DATE:- / / g ESTIMATED STREET CLOSING DATE: / / T -- E /I D (3) SECURITY NO. G�•� 4LF_L _ SECURITY AMT: S—4500, CLOSET SURETY CO.: _ [t_.-_0 A101 S Fly_ _ FINAL 1 _CERTIFIEDCHE_C_K U _ CASH o MOND o INSPEC. (4) PLOT PLAN: INDICATE SITE PERTINENT PHYSICAL SPECIAL PROVISIONS/CONDITIONS: FEATURES: EXCAVATION LOCATION AND EXTENT. An uRR �� X7.7/�d�/•cls . r– — -culls .'.\ I �� � � � .- _ �. - - � � _ � .. Tr w7_t�1t�?t.?fhD� �) �t' r1e'✓, Qo2c - c" ��. 1 -- // 1 I 1 .2/C_ L (5) NOTE THE CITY OF TIGARD DOES NOT, HEREBY, GRANT PERMISSION TO APPLICANTS TO CONDUCT WORK WHERE RIGHT-OF-WAY JURISVICTION IS THAT OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OR THE STATE OF OREGON. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO DEPOSIT THE REQUIRED SECURITIES, TO COMPLY WITH ALL PERTINENT LAIAS AND CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS PERTINENT TO CONDUCT OF THE WORK, AND TO SAVE HARMLESS THE CITY AND EMPLOYEES AGAINST ANY INJURY OR DAMAGE WHICH MAY RESULT FROM APPLICANTS ACTIONS. DATE // IE�IL l APPLICANTS SIGNATURE ! t CITY OF TIGARD-1.2420 S;V MAIN-TIGARD-OItLGON 97223 RF;CEIPr FORM DATE: AMOUNT:$ 11 DOLLARS NAME:_ - / CASH: ADDRESS: CHECK: - M.O. : # OF FOR: ACCT.# PERMITS SURCHARGE AMOUNT SEWER BILLINGS 10-131 _ S BUSINESS LICENSE 05-331 PLUMBING PERMIT 05-332 MECHANICAL PERMIT 05-332 BUILDING PERMIT 05-333 f % �:•� r _ SEWER CONNECTION 10-363 SEWER INSPECTION 10-365 SYSTEM DEV. CHARGE 40-366 PARK DEV. CHARGE #1 45-367 PARK DEV. CHARGE X62 45-368 ZONING ADJUSTMENTS 05-36-2- TOTALS 5-362TOTALS ECEIVED BY: PERi1I'r NUMBERSI ASSIGNED: : umber Amount Number Amount Number Amount _ $ RECEIPT dENE: AL FORM Bond No. -6336181jgw _. FIREMAN'S ArwA Y IUTANC[tONeANY rl ..,uir AN INAUeANC[COMVANY 11UN D NATIOIIAL.."try CoeFee ATION r . AtAOCIAT[U INU[MNITY COe►oeATlf r (a AMERICAN AM941CAN AUtOMOSIIT INIUeANCr cOM Nr Y '• D I N 1 1 It A N l-F ('1111 r A%11,5 NOMI OTTICF BAN TeANCIetO M ooeNIA , l: jC?Q KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That we, _____-�_ WESTWOOD CONSTRUCTION CO. (herein otter called Principal),as Principal,and FIREMAN'S Ft i MMI CE QUAR a corporation organised and doing business under and by virtue of the laws of the State of 94L1lfOr4aond duty licensed for the purpose of making, guaranteeing or be- coming sole surety upon bonds or un-i^rlakinav required or outhorited by the laws of the Stat.)of . -Oregon ----- ----- -- __(hereinalter called Surety) as Surety,are hold and firmly bound unto ___--C M OF TXGARD, OREGON hereinafter called Obligee) in the just and lull sum of _ SIX-THOUSAND FIVE IfUNDRED AND NO/100TH9 ------------ , Dollars ($_6,500.00 ) lawful money al the United Slot--: A-, r (,: lite payment al whlah well Ind truly to to made we hereby bind ourselves and our and each of our successors and assigns cantly and severally firmly by these presents. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATl011 ARE SUCH THAT, WHEREAS The above bounden westwood Construction Co. has requested or obtained a permit from CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON, in connection with Ordinance 74-14 and Ordinance 76-11 for the purpose of installing driveway approach, sidewAl.ks and curbs, and sewer extension at 12785 Pacific Highway, within City of Tigard, Oregon. NOW, THEREFORE, if the said wmwooD CONSTRUCTION CO. shall, during the period that this permit is in full force and effect faithfully observe and honestly comply with the provisions of all Ordinances of the City of Tigard regulating said permit, then this obligation shall bacome void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Principal and said Suroty have raused these Presents to be duly signed and seated this. _318t day of 14ESTWONS CTtO -'CO. By, D J`�L C __— -- — FIREMANr3-FUND INSURANCE COMPANY : 1 m. 11. Webb Atlomoy-i I 800481-8.99 I I RLCOL1U1a 9LOUL9ITD eT , A"WRLM RLCUROLD NAM TO Nome I.-- dJeer dreu r. L710 GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY [NOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTSt That FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY, a Corporation duly organited and*x,11,112 under the laws of the State of Coldnrnta,and having Its principal office in the City and County of Son Francisco,In said Slate has made, constituted and appointed,and does by these presents make,constitute and appoint -M. H. WEBB----- PORTLAND, OREGON Its true and lawful Attar ney(s)-in•Fact, with full power and outhorlly hereby contorted In its name. place and stead, to execute, seal, aekncwtedge and deliver any and all bonds, undertakings, reeognizances or other written obliga- tions in the nature thereof and to bind the Corporation thereby as fully and to the same extent as II such bonds were signed by the Prosidenl, sealed with the corporate seal at the Corporation and duly allested by Its S*crelary, hereby ratifying and confirming all that the said Altornsy(s)•in- Fact may do in the premises. This power of atlorney 1s Fronled pursuant to Article VIII, Section 30 and 31 at Bylaws of FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY adopted on the 191h day o November 1965,and now In lull force and effect, Arlie VIII Apfa1.1..re1 e.d .i.thurltN o/ he.ldree .le.ulaa Srrrrtarire, end .(flet*.e•In•Perl aed .IrrreN re erupt Leeef ProeNe slid Make AppeereoeN. Sedan 30 1,rnielnnet. The Chairman of the Board of Directors, the Pr sident any Vice President or any ether Pereon aulhotitAby the Board 91 Dnecion.the�houman of the Board at Directors the Pr—dent or any Vrce�.srlent may.hqm hole to time.appoint Resident Arsutanl ecntanes and nerneyom raet la reoresom end new lar and on behalf el the Corporation and Aaenu to accept legal p'oe.n aed mase apt»oranese for and on behalf of the Ceroerenon Semon 31 .lothuni, The Auth.to, of such Resident Asastant Secretonas, Attorneys in roci and Arithts shall be as Prescribed In the tnslrumenl eyidencma their dPoomtment.and any yueh GooOintment and all oul"rity 4tanied thervbr may be revoked at any it.. by the Board of Duectors or by city person empowered to mase eucn aooeinlmelll This power o1 atlornel is signed and sealed under and %the oulhorily of the following Resolution 1.opted by the Rotad of D,reclurs of FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE C014PANY ars a mo*Iing duly*aped and hold on the I51h day of July, 1966,and that said Resolution has not been amended or repealed RESOLVED (hot the signature of any Vice-President, Assistant Secrelory and Resident Assistant Secretary of this Corporation, and the seal at this Corporation may be allixed or printed on any power of attorney. on any revocation of any PoNer of allorney, or on any certificate relating(hereto, by facsimile. and any power of attorney any revocation of any power of atlorney,or certificate bearing such locetmde signature,or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Corporation" IN WITNESS WHEREOF, FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its Vice-President, and its corporate seal to be hereunto allixed this-20th day of Match Ig_ji I .`"~\e FI h 'S FUND INSPRANCE COMPANY By {, -/ �e re'^'ci co'y IAMFS H.WEDS Vicrprsddeet STATE OF CALIFORNIA, go. CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO . On this.20thday of _ .March_ 19.15 , before me personally come James N. Wells, to me known, who. m being by P duty sworn,did depose and say that he Is 'Ace-President of FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY, the Corporation described in and which esoculed the above Instrument, Iha1 he kn..rs the seal of said Corporation: that the seal affixed to the said instrument ie,,such corporate goal, that d was to affixed by order of the Board of Dueclors of sold Corporation and that he signed his name thereto by like order. IN WITNF.S S WHEREOF, 1 have he-unto set my hand and o'lixed my official seal,the day arrl yea*heroin first above wdtlen. ... .NNuuussunnuursnesrsuuu..nu..nn>n N H. GRADY NFWBERRY E g NOTARY PUBLIC-(IMFORNIA r� E / CITY 6 COUNTY[*SAN FRAW"EO _- .-._..__._. ____.._.._� / H ADY kWBEN .Notary Pubhc My Cemedtdatr tepiwr Sept.18,1976 �IIIIIIIIIOIItr111111NINNMSINNnN11e1110sIN11Qr CERT19CATE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, s*, CRY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO I the urid,t rgnrd, Assistant Secretary of FIREMAN'S rUND INSURANCE COMPANY, a CALIFORNIA Corr DO HLr CERTIFY thin the Ioregoing and attached POWER OF ATTORNEY rceiains to lull lorce and hon not been rev td L.•r.• that Article, Vlll Sections 30 o•td 31 of the By-lows o1 the Corporation, and the Resolution of the Board of Din rl Power of Altornry.are now to force Signed or,d sealed at the City emd County of Stat Francisco. Dated the 3181 day ol__ March 1978 Y r \� ----- Fltilfr . March 17, 1978 ARCHITECTS AS80CIATIVES 7636 NR Hazeldell Avenue Vancouver , Washington 98665 Attn: Mr. Mace Re : Wendy's Restaurant Dear Mr. Mace, As per your request, I am enclosing copies of the City of Tigard standards for "typical half-street improvemeuts" , applicable to your client 's proposed improvement on SYW VcKenzie Street In Tigard. Please, be advised that the adjacent property owner was grant- ed n variance for sidewalk width (41 ) on McKenzie Street due to the location of large trees on his lot. ( in the right-of- way) . 1 recommend you show a taper section . •om the required 5' sidewalk on your parcel to the adjace, u 4' sidewalk section to make the improvements contiguous. It we can he of further assistance please do not hesitate to cK11 this office at 1-503-639-9171 . Sincerely , Leonard V. Cook , Jr . Public Works Inspector LVC/pJr Enclosures