11835 SW PACIFIC HIGHWAY 11835 SW PACIFIC HIGHWAY �9 x u .,4 w .,4 v ro C14 s 00 1 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TIGARD DATE.-_ is t—{ _,ig -- - 5012 THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY APPLIES FOR A PERMIT FORTH E WORK HEREIN INDIGATED BUILDER PHONE 2-306 OR AS SHOWN AND APPROVED IN THE ACCOMPANYING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. OWNER PHONE LOT NO. OWNER Lw:)iitCU_.� JOB ADDRESS -�JS Slrit��C H1dYi---------- .-- ARCHITECT ENGINEER BUILDER -tiSe4 V3 - ---- DESIGNER - � 1C-• — STRUCTURE_ l_-1 NEW _ iAREMODEL— ❑ ADDITION-_ ❑ REPAIR 11 RENEWAL ❑ FIRE DAMAr-i ❑ DEMOLITION Cl RESIDENCE ❑VOMM ❑ EDUCATIONAL [I GOV'T ❑ RELIGIOUS C PATIO ❑ CARPORT ❑ GARAGE 0 STORAGE ❑ SLAB Cl FENCE OCCUPANCY - H-3 LAND USE ZONE CG BLDG.TYPE n FIRE ZONE--.-PLAN CHECK BY_ Eli HEAT ;a Remorlle existing 81dg., all per isswwred Plans i Cade rtegailretsants. _ A11 since shalt ' acne aeap rate permits* �^ No Plumbing or MOO• _^ SEWER PERMIT M -- -- --- OCC.LOAD FLOOR LOAD HEIGHT 12+ NO.STORIES AREA NO.BEDROOMS VALUE I5p000• BUILDING DEPARTMENT SET BACKS FRONT 1.E REAFlLEFT SIDE RIGHT SIDE Permit I IO•SO THIS PERMI'' IS ISSUED SUBJECT TO THE REGULATIONS CONTAINED IN THE BUILDING CODE, ZONING REGULATIONS AND ALL APPLICABLE CODES AND ORDINANCES, AND IT IS HEREBY AGREED THAT THE Plan Check 11083 WORK WILL BE DONE IN ACCCRDANCE WITH THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES AND ORDINANCES. THE ISSUANCE OF TrIIS PERMIT DOES NOT WAIVE Subtotal 182•fir/ RESTRICTIVE CCVENANTS. CONTRACTOR AND SUB CONTRACTORS TO HAVE CURRENT CITY BUSINESS LICENSE.SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR/SEWER UMBING AND HEATING. Siete Tax 4*(f t SDC— ±+` Total - PDCB APPLICANT OR AGENT By -- ---- CZ Receipt No, <<. A ORESS �_`''y .1C��- PHON � Approved F'Lw LATE INSP.' TYPE INSPILCTION REMARKSPLUMBING DATE i;��untractnr n— -,permllNo. hough-in Fixture HEATING JjContractor Permit No Gas or Oil Flnugh-in — F nal SEWER DRIVEWAY Final Storm Drainage j'(Hair. !,rr. 1 Finfil Curb Street Final LAppt oach BLDG.DFP—T.FINAL TEMPORARY CERTITICATE OCCUPANCY CERTIFICATE OCCUPANCY Final Landscaplog Zoning Final BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TIGAPD DAT l -.19 THE UNDERIIGNED HEREBY APPLIES FORA PERMIT FOR THE WORK HEREIN INDICATED BUILDER PHONE OR AS SHOWN AND APPROVED IN THE ACCOw-PANYING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. OWNER PHONE LOT NO. O'NNEfiJOBADDRESS ��� �� L��/ ARCHITECT ENGINEER BUILDER �= ADDRESKi7/ �^ �� L Ca _DESIGNER STRUCTURE C) NEW '""REMODEL ❑ ADDITION ❑ REPAIR ❑ RENEWAL ❑ FIRE DAMAGE C1 DE�AOLITIO�I ❑ RESIDENCE COMM ❑ f n1CATICNAL C1GOVTC3RELIGIOUS C1 PATIO ❑ CAR?ORT C1 GARAGE G STORAGE ❑ SUB❑ FENCE CdBLDG.TYPE i FIRE ZONE_' --FLAN CHECK b� OC.GiiPANCY�,.rL�LANOUSEZONE --_------- / !� -- ` ,p ----- — SEWER PERMIT k OCC.LOAD FLOOR LOAD HEIGHT /1 4` NO.STORIES / AREA NO.3EDROOMS VA.L i5, " r J BUILDING DI ARTMENT SETBACKS FRONT Cie 0RIGHTSIDE F*�rtnit THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED SUBJECT TO THE REGULATIONS CONTAINED IN THE tiL'!!-DING CGDE,ZOti'.N' REGULATIONS AND ALL APPLICABLE CODES AND ORDINANCES, AND IT IS IIERE3Y AGREED Tr'AT 7N elan Check 'i WORK WILL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND IN COIAPL19NC i WITH AL;. APP((CABLE CODES AND ORDINANCES. THE ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT WAIV Sub-total RESTRICTkV:COVENANTS.CONTRACTOR AND SUB CONTRACTORS TO HAVE CURRENT CIPI BUSINES LICENSE-',tPARATE PERMITS PEEOUIRED FOR SEWER,PLUMBING AND HEATING. State Tax SOC— TOtalApPU(;ANT OR AGENT POCF B -- - — Recaipl t o. AU�RESS --- -- PHONIC App r SDC 5EWER CONNECTION S SEW-9 ,--r =CT ISN S C SEWER SURCHARGE S ' 1 �� ti f. . CITY OF TIGARD Washington County, Jregon NOTICE OF FINAL. DECISION - BY PLANNING CCHMISSION 1. Concerning Case Number(s) : 3CE 2-84 2. Name of Owner: Texaco Inc. 3. Name of. Applicant: Richard L. Webb Address 10320 SW Washington St. City Portland State Or Zip 97223 4. Location of Property: Address 11835 SW Pacific Highway _ Legal Description 2S1 IBB lot 301 5. Nature of Application: Sign Code Exception to allow the rep] cement of two freestanding signs wT-1-07 excee maximum height an( area sena ar s w ere on y one is permitte . 6. Action: Approval. as requested Approval with conditions Per Planning Commission Minutes Denial 7. Notice: Notice was published in the newspaper, pouted at City Hall and mailed to: }� The applicant 6 owners Owners of record within the required distance The affected Neighborhood Planning Organization } (K_ Affected governmental agencies 8. Final Decision: THE DECISION SHALL BE FINAL ON June 22, 1984 UNLESS AN APPEAL IS FILED. The adopted findings of tact, decision, and statement of condition can be obtained from the Planning Department, Tigard City Hall, 12755 SW Ash, P.O. Box 23397, Tigard, Oregon 97223. 9. Appeal . Any party to the decision may appeal this decision in accordance with 18.32.290(A) and Section 18.32. 370 which provides that a written appeal may be filed within 10 days after notice is given and sent. The deadline for filing of an appeal is June 22, 1984 _ 10. (questions: If you have any questions, please call the City of Tigard Planning Department , 639•-41.71. r President , Tigard Planning Commission DATE APPROVED TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - MAY 8, 1984 1. %%ft President Moen called the meeting to order at 7:35 PM. The meeting was held at Fowler Junior High School - LGI Room - 10865 SW Walnut, Tigard, Oregon. 2. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Vice President Moen, Commissioners Leverett, Fyre, Butler, Moen, Peterson, Owens- and VanderwQod. ABSENT: Commissioners Tepedino and Edin. STAFF: Director of Planning and Development William A. Monahan; Associate Pianner Elizabeth A. Newton; Secretary Diane M. Jelderks. 3. Minutes from April 17, 1984, were considered. Commissioner Butler requested that condition number oue for S 7-83 and V 7-84 be corrected to read that the "Pedestrian bikepath will be construction on the south side of O'Mara". Vice President Moen requested that Commissioners Owens' suggestion to the motion be modified to negotiate so street improvements could be made on property to the north", as this was the intent , not full street improvements. Cotrmissioner Owens and Vanderwood arrived. Commissioner Peterson moved for approval as amended. Commissioner Fyre seconded. Motion carried unanimously by members present. (This motion was made at the end of the meeting after Commissioner Owens had left. ) 4. PLANNING COMMISSION COMMUNICATION :UBLIC There was no communication. 5. HEARINGS 5. 1 NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING ORGANIZATI0N APPLICATIONS FOR NPO # 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 6. The following applicants were present and nave explanations as to why they would like to be appointed to their appropr. ate NPO. Emmett Whitaker, 13250 SY1 Burnham St. NPU # 1 Roger Maddox, 11555 SW 88th, Apt. 48 NPO # 2 Mark Padgett, 11270 SW 95th NPO U 2 Duane Ehr, 10425 SW Park St. NPO # 3 William Shenk, 15685 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd. , # 5.5 NPO # 5 Mary Clinton, 9865 SW View Ct. NPO # 6 Bruce Rodgers, 10305 SW Serena Way NPO # 6 Connie Smith, 8860 SW Scheckla Drive NPO # 6 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES May 8, 1984 Page 1 ate. NPO-CCI - No one appeared to speak. Applicant's Presentation - Richard Webb, Architect, 10320 SW Washington Street, explained how Texaco was cleaning up their signage nationwide. Agreed to drop first free standing sign to 22 feet. Also he had made a caiculation error and total face should have been 148.8 inst^ad of the 164. He expressed his concern for staff's request to drop second sign to 35 foot height because of visual clearance and requested the Commission to allow the increased height. Discussion followed. PUBLIC TESTIMONY - No one appeared to speak. CROSS EXAMINATION AND REBUTTAL. o President Moen queationed if staff had a problem with raising the height. Staff stated they had recommended what the code allowed for an outdoor advertising sign. o Commissioner Owen questioned staff how they had determined that the 35 feet would be adequate. Discussion followed. o PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED o Commissioner Fyre supported the applicant's request for 40 feet. o Commissioner Butler saw no reason to oppose as these are stand.-rd signs for that Company nationwide. a Commissioner Owens questioned if our sign code is inappropriate for what is being designed. Was concerned whether the extra height would be sufficient. o President Moen q-iestioned the height of the existing sign. Discussion followed with applicant . o Commissioner Peterson supported a sign height. of 40-48 feet. Was concerned with second sign but was willing to support. o Commissioner Vanderwood supported applicant's proposal. o President Moen agreed with Commissioner Butler regarding the use of standard signs. o Discussion followed regarding the signs on Pacific Highway. o Commissioner Peterson moved for apptoval of Sign Code Exception SCE 2-84 subject to the following conditions: 1. 'llie two existing freestanding signs be removed. 2. Ilie freestanding sign at the corner of Pacific Hwy. and Garden Place shall be allowed the exception of 22 feet high, 150 total square feet with an 8 foot visual height clearance. PLANNING COMMISSION June 5, 1984 Page 2 3. A second freestanding sign shall be permitted with an orientation to 217. The maximum height shall be 48 feet and the maximum art -hall be 170 square feet for each side for a total of 340 square fee 4. All other signs on the property shall be removed or brought into conformance with the Code prior to erection of the replacement signs. 5. Building permits shall be obtained from the Building Inspection Office. 6. This approval shall be valid for a period of one year. . Commissioner Vanderwood seconded. Motion carried unanimously by commissioners present. 5. 3 SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW SDR 9-84 VARIANCE V 9-84 WINTERLAKE For approval. of a 160 unit apartment development and a variance to the requirement for one covered parking space per unit (CDC 18.06.030). LOCATION: Ease side of SW 135th Avenue, 1/2 mile south of Schclls Ferry Road (Wash. Co. Tar: Map 1S1 33DC, Tax Lot 500). Associate Planner Liden made staff's recommendation for approval of SDR 9-84 with conditions. He explained there are two errors on Lhe staff report. One, the density transition did not apply because the adjoining property to the east is developing not established. Second was the requirements for a 100 foot wide density strip would be required along the southern boundary. Lengthy discussion followed. John Klein, developer of Morning Hill, commented that Morning Hill 11.1d been approved for R-4.5 zoning and never was approved for R-7 zoning. Staff continued that the variance request needed to be discussed with the Commissioners before staff could make a recommendation. Discussion between Commissioners and staff regarding information submitted and who would approve requested changes and how to proceed with motion. NPO COMMENT: o Richard Boberg was concerned that the NPU had not reviewed proposed plan. He felt the proposal should be remanded to the NPO. He then read and submitted letter stating concerns for this proposal. APPLICANT'S PRESENTATION: Ron Johason, representing the applicant, took no exception to staff's recommendation. They would like to amend their proposal to allow for the 100 foot buffer. He continued how they would like the variance approval for the covered parking. He stated reasons why they felt approval should be granted. They also would like to meet with the NPU but uece cu.�.:ecned because of the time frame. They would like conditional. approval at this time. RECESS: 9:10 P.M. RECONVENE: 9:25 P.M. PLANNING COMMISSION J,ine 5, 1984 Page 3