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1 rte.,.. . FJr1� 71I✓G �� ' C./. io .� C T T25 R 1 W W M . �<' __ - - '-"- .-- • MAP 2S ) 3 8 C WA HIM SSTom .QUNYr OREGON 1 ._ 300 loD 400 r ' w 1 41 r ' D i 700 �, I OCT 1 l 1975 300 _ CITY OF TIGARD -70/ f ! � ! �i! •w 1 • .+w._wr,,,.__ .--..- ._._ • ... .,w,,,,_-„.♦,...,.,,..«.rr...._.._.,.,r.. ff -..» -----_ - -- - _ -._._.r..- .+-r.-r. rlr•r. -_. ....-`---.r-.- ........,-_.._�.._.... +._--,_._...... .......t .+.... ...,.__......--++....-.... .... _,....__..` -._-............... ...- .«..... —... _ -....-< _..y,..._...,.....,..._ ..._..,.... .....+._... —_ _ .._.-...b._. ._"_...,. .._.-.w-..-..--e,c.,,.rw._++,w-...._.........._....w....r.-..__.«_w.....w....,,....,....,.r.. .. , '; , .. w r. w•.N I+• r IMI.h:IN ► '���•.tI7•lnwl.•wri•r� f \ - ( ,� - l- t V Ab � f �•, � r i i 3.0 � ____ --- -- 5 00, .: lir MIT&* 00 .P A K ;*0000 L / MJ C.Y. /1K t.ut mi f�. I C. � PR 0 P Q sr-D �If•�. �« /. s' p' 4 �/t *_ 41 ♦ '° � 4 r yT G /Kl TA L t 6 8L WD�, .. _ _ - _ .—,. ...... _ _w_,r.--_.,,« _ ... _ i-.._ ..._. _... -•... .....+.-"'_--....-.w.--... .f_._._..._._— - - .►._._..... .,,y.. ........,__....._ ....+.,...+..-,.. ..wr ..may.«,,,•,..,,,_ � 1 A5 PIQUIX&A 0 0 ✓2 / / p.J //VSTALL G' e�MO _ AS.S R i Q u l l!'E•a _. r > �` + � . . _ oCA ,5 F_ M EY T ' cxw r/Nrf /a' C. i . r ) Pq0 PAS co 'P.). I • 10. CARME W 'i strie t prior to �. 1�6 of 3^10 t>rdJl�pt 1 for al Mia*& � � INS 7A L L � rr fr v G" r 4" RED yce t tgST) t # i rss,�lt'rr atlorr• 7. All st"r Woo 1� lat h► �' •� � PL v G VYQ . • 1 rlsur l l �t ilOdf ViIh • .�e sally of VMAW NAAAW 'Abd . be asod. �.. L'ND PA'o,11 C T j //0 0 � 41, � . Y . P 'l�ltick* t . .__ .._� TIGARDWATER Q STRICT v*r t siall bo iaa willotod �' �' g. L%t" ttwl u t�atad•in I” P,yi, for 1 ' � 1400 • 9i disa�•$. bact!�'wasi"1. usto r /300 i 8841 S.W COMMERCIAL STREET • TIGARD, OREGON 97223 �► r* b'ydraut air l,y Ci111►oLats of 6!1 W �� rhlall install 61'1 .VV aopp*;- -w eo i �M /C' TELEPHONE: (503) &39-155+ *o 6" irte valvvo 6" 1 tW �.� to blaolrto PROPOSED Pi PE LEMS TH : � ��� fir, '�Ilrit !l t 1�Piai' trtroa r l l .. 1 � c 1 N !li.e � , + '" r :bo is/tall/d per � a� fo G�" D. �. — G 7G � /r f�, C� 4' �+ �''�' WATER PROJECT bow 1040 ! mot! SID �el1. 7149 ,1 = � watt . 1. rl l.a 0"vleti�ra of "I",t:�att : .� S. W TIPPI T T FI- ACE 'o►f"� 'QI • e'" `_' i 1 S T VENUE�'"" NLA A r•a 'fir 0l e�/' ks tt lost M *"to to a �,, 9ro# of at all Moir• *"Ott eaa oa �► -_ � __ �� � 16 sari 1r3 ti* ► r: sad 80• for olr 004r r luel ilx prrrai: "a • , T �. .►',,, .. ., ;� _ ; . . .._:. ._._ _ � alt" cage$ istorrsoetidr mpg. ota. --- Robert E. Santee P.E. Administrator •' Scale: 11 r ! C�C I''' /.D ?',S T I PPEI" PLACE S EWES? .r, OF 5 owl i � fill t � . � � � III 1 1 SII 1 1 ` 1 I �1 T I 11 I I l i r III C1 Ilt fll 111. 1 f tll 1 1 111 I I 1111 t 111 I Y 111 1 1 111 11 II111 ! 11111 . 4 ' NOTE : IF THIS M ICROf�I LME D 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 N .� .., _.. s • � DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTIC -r-IT IS DUE TO 46 ZHE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL �- ..- Aoo*"DRAWING ••,�,- --____ - ..._ ---. —._ _ - -------- 6Z 82 dZ �Z SZ bZ £Z r $Z 1Z _ OZ 61 el Lli�'91 51 bi EI 21 11 01 6 9 L 9 S b E Z 1 1 1 1 t+ ,____1 • "-- .,fi'''r � - ��!IIt11i�I111�IIII�l111�IIII�t11tII111�11t�,111�I111�tiN'+IIu�Nultlr�tlltq�Ilil�lli1�111111111�1�1it1�1111111!fINN�bllilllN�I#! 1111111�II�Ittlift1�1t1Mt�l�til�l�l� �111111111�111111111�1111� 1 11 k • ... .. .. ., ..ti:r.......... ...,., ', '.s....lJ -'•hwt..64' .N.I .,,r,: i 1'.:.. YI.-'Y J I I � O � Z GENERAL-- NOTES . 1 D r, O'�' I. ALL WORK SHALL BE OON E IN CONFORMANCE WITH THS r F�_A N : 9 `- PFCI- 4r -�,�`'����,Q FICATION5 WHICH ACCOMPAN`( THEM, AND WITH TNI- UNIFI ED SE\NA.iE ' � `'_....� ' EI `L� 17" AGENCY STANDARDS. IN LVr._Nr OF A CONFLICT BETWEEN THESE PLAIDS 2 y67p `�N I T �" AND SPEC FICAT ION S AND THE V• S, A STAN IDAR�6 T-HE J,:;, A . STAN OARIDS SHALL TAKE p2ECEo� Nr,E. 7_, NO I TEM OR PHASE OF WORK SHALL. 3E CON S I D ERS D CONI PL E T-E OUT'L ACCEPTED BY THE J' S. A, ANIS THE ENGINEER, AL UT -,e,, i 3. ALL- TRENCM SAC.Ki ILL. MATERIA!� Atio %AETHODS SHA '_ --' L (3E I N CUrJ- S k, a•,�l or'r'' •y FOR M A NC E WITH V, S, A , S T A N;�a r�J 5, s•� r. °' W 4 ALL PERMITS AND LICENSES NF_CFSSAWY FOR PRO5EC_JTIOK) AND COM - ` r�•t�c� r� `� CONTRACTPLIETION OR E NORK OR TUHAON1 QE SECURED AND PAID FUR BY '/Z/�GI'...1 �y II_r�lvt-a 'v1ENCl NG OF CONs�rRU�,TI UN � .�,•, n� i 5. THE LOCATI ON OF EX i , I NG JN DEF; --')ROOND UTI L I T I E'S SHOW N UN THE / \ PLANS 15 FOR INF-O ►�NTICk) ON _ r AND I � NOT SUARAN-rEE D TO BE ACCURATE. a�► C3EFORE COMNIEACING COf`ISTF� �;`;T ICN T _ tyQ,TI �,Y,.A , PF�.I_l . l.T,_C ? PAN ► .A - I �h/IT'H JNDlun i" a /li 1 1 I tT , g' '� - s� ��-r-u'�~r F A c I ► T 1� ; ; \u Geo NO Fac; I L � � N THE ,;o N MAY BE ACCURATE L e LCCA ED ; i E . POW:�;, _ . _ �r+o NE WRT_ r 4 O / STORM t SAS•)i TA R'v' SEW E 1 '� C,; I ' �' --- !v� U� 7. AL. SERA �C_ E I_AS-EItAL`, i',i�,E TO BE CONC• F-� c 4 xil•;, :Ti , -"7 -SW. 619AROtf 57' I �' �Pic,r }O e- •vv+nsv►cl � c-e, cw .�t �s���aw►v�c� dacwnv�Ae_�j --� �� �.. rE. = Z33.7fa pcT 4 b\ jN �-'3�.y JGti,t%1' l'. •H�IISNrC /i J I r ' �'- L .,,��.r� G I.E• = 233.96 -r/�'' I � � 1, �p. .... �.r- cC;.•.jr�r-a + rce••. � r t I T Y � � v.c!! � r�►ry� r 3e.cwe.Y wee arm �p Cs JS DCa- 5C/1 I" 'ZC��' 1 y 2 nr: 033,00 01r 01400 /✓N a-1 ! �. 6•=233.20 tN Z%E•= /9o.0 6 Dor o. / \, I N TaP= Z y0• �y '� / r,r,,.,,f I-- • a yka /,�G p. /' s I 1'.E. = zzseo a�.r i 93 8"C• = o.D/S __�' Z-4- ZX0•00 si✓ To�j c:38.35 l t El - _ — _ - - - 1 - - — � � J I - __ 3 - - —_» - _ _. _ - - - -- -- ---- -- - -- 3 - Y — , .&230 Z"t - - - - ----- ------ _ _ -._. - - - — - - _ __ _ At _ _ i XE _ I _ - - -- — _ -_ - - --- - !L' 1. — — A . _.-- �00ED - _E S -S-� _ _ tR FZ 711 _ ___ _ _ _ _ _- - OC i B`L - --- - '-D _- 7�NFI - - _ - - _ L cz- '0UNT'V__HErLTH 17111-1 - DA2F _ - u, 1.3 _ _ TER O.:> . f�AtRD --• _-_ _.. - _ _ _ - - - - g A Q - - - 79 i } MI N URAL. .�... .. _- • .1 L�4= _ DATS _ - - _ -_ _._ B _.. R IR.- - By - 1704#t OcIll If%L1 I -A A RQV C P WING _ - -- REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES: m DESIGN �5�72. l'=Svf c ' i�►a` e1RACED I PP I T�T PLACE SANITARYSEWER ,OB NO. s 'r•1 CHECKED Harris - McMonagle Associatees SHEET REV. DESCRIPTION SUB. APPR DATE - • �'� `� ;� �'�,' / '�J��l ENGINEERS SURVEYORS IMPROVEMENTS �' -`r � ,,i' DATE 8905 S. W. COMMERCIAL STREET REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVISION W J TIGARD, O 7 2 OF TIPPET PLACE SEWER A g r C • E G H '3 1975 Ri�NAM/TATtONtMP�RTO.Co .. ."` -. ----- -. - -_ —._. .. - _._ __ CITY OF TIGARD r FILE COPY It _jw iltpi III Ilse IIll I�111 It1II"1'1i 1' (11111 �1 111�11'P�1 VIII) 11/11111 1 111111111111)1111111�IIIIIIIl111IIII�111II11`1111 II�IIIIIIIl111111►11IIIItI ' _ - ' _.—_. _. _. I r i_ _ 2 _ 3 4 5 6 7 8 O 10 I I 12 NDTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED �"''"""'�"�� - DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTI•�t?T IS DISE TO OAKfy OF THE ORIGINAL R RAWING. OE dZ Qt LZ !Z SZ 1Z EZ ZZ la 0 dl AI LI 91 51 �1 91 >tl II 01 • - [-- Z ti' f 8 1 "' ✓ ` ' Ntt�I111111�111111N1�lllllllllilt�lllltl MIfI111fHH1INNINI�M ut naluulaltl cow- JULY 9 1 oil �a R E" 1 Pr y 1. Ilk �� fJ C{C) coa. �7< V CD 3 ' V1 1 s � ql �Tfgyy" ••y.••p.•'••Anl"IC-'IM11bQ'�'ANUWI M a CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. 82- RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTED TO SERVE TIPPITT PLACE SUBDIVISION. WHEREAS, the City of Tigard. being an agent for Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington County, requires applicants for construction of main line sewers to execute agreement documents, to submit to plan checking, construction inspection and testing, to grant public easements, and to pay certain fees, all in accord with specified rules and regulations pertaining to such development; and WHEREAS, the herein pertinent, executed, Sanitary Sewer Compliance Agreement, dated October 15, 1975, stipulated that: "At such time as all public improvements have been completed in accordance with the City's requirements, Petitioner shall be required to notify the City of t'.e readiness for final inspection; upon affirmation by the Departwent of Public Works that all requirenants of the City have been met. WHEREAS, said departmental affirmation has now been received; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Tigard, Oregon, hereby accepts the public sanitary sewer main line, constructed to serve Tippitt Place subdivision, and whereas authorizes release of their performance bond. r PASSED: Thjs IS day of A�cI'L - ?4- • Mayor ATTEST: City Recorder RESOLUTION NO. 82- ISO i January 15, 1976 ; J. A. Paterson Realty Co. 12700 S. W. Pacific Highway i Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Tippitt Place Subdivision (seer) III+1 Dcar Mr. Paterson: r I With regard to my letter to you datei December 11, 1975, this is to inform you we have received the therein referenced "as-built" mylar. i I Therefore, upon receipt of a one year maintenance bond, in the sum of $8,566.50 (as per item #9 of the project agreement), we will proceed to schedule formal acceptance of the proje^t by the Council. I Very truly, J. S. Hagman j Supt. Eng„ Div. JSHsms i I I i I s w� ew •� r CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT n o Y (P,w. ) Procedure Check List FT NT1RLD e • • • • e b e • e • • • o • • • • • e [`�/ / 7— ` ..t.�lr.:.o.... ....... (1) Supplementary sheets attached e e o • • • o o 10 11, SUBMISSION OF PROPOSED SE'W'ER EXTENSION- (1) .XTENSION-(1) Fending City Council action . • • e • . 0 b • • • p (2) Approved tentatively by City Corincil . • e 0 . e ❑ I17., SUBMSSti::ON OF PRE41MINARY CONSTRUCTION PLANS,, (71 ) Phan check commenced • 0 • e e . . e e . • . • (a) R.evisiona required - returned to developer . .0 %-(b) Stamped, approved for construction . . . . . .X _(7 7 �? Utility (,� '�,,Is (3) Served parrnel, lany e s galdescription e13nj receved (Ex. "A" ) IV. EXECUTION OF PROJECT DOCUMENTS t � v,(1) Contract Documents Drawns �o� („Mer AyG'Cw" (a) Sewer Extension Contract Agreement Signed t,,rw1"s�1s (b) Contractor, Bonded & Licensed with U.S,A. Gc�'.rr.1 ` E a.sem� b e & recorded . • • . o e s . e o _ ,_• ' ec++0" (3) Fe: e • P*_(3002 e y 0 /5�775 . 3 (4) Permits & Licensee acquired . e e . �. (a) Approved construction plan issued . • 0 • . V. COMMENt'F:MENT OF CONSTRUCT G11 • e . • • e . • e �[ IG2q Note inspection sheets and construction Inspection check list (attached) fer progress. ❑ VI. FINAL 'INSPECTION OF CONSTRUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . 0 � (1) Pending correction of deficiencies e 0 o 0 e . ❑ (2) Not acceptable, construction defi.-:.ent . . • . ❑ (3 ) A1.1 construction items acceptable . . . . . • ❑ VII E.XECUTIUN OF FINAL PROJECT DOCUMENTS% (1) Maintenance Bond Signed . • . . . . • • • • • ❑ (2) As--Bui.,t drawing received . . . • . • e • • • . . p (3) Final report to Council issued • • 0 0 • . . • ❑ MAINTENANCE BOND EXPIRES. * For extension -of sanitary sewer servuce to parcels outside clay bcundarieQ. December 11, 1975 Mr. J. Allan Paterson Paterson Realty 1.2700 S. W. Pacific Highway Tigard, Oregon 97223 Res Tippitt Place Sanitary Sewer (Main Line) Desr Mr. Paterson: Th:s is to inform you that the referenced sanitary sewer has undergone the necessary construction inspection, and testing therewithal, and has aaLi.sfactorily passed the required air test(s). Upon receipt of one as-built mylar thereof, as per item #8 of the Compliance Agreement, and upon receipt of a one year maintenance bond, as per item 09 of said Agreement, we will proceed to prepare an acceptance resolution (subject to the maintenance period) for Council r action. Very truly, John S. Hagman Supt. Eng. Division JSii:ms cc: Harri3-McMonagle Assoc. { �_ai Qtaamala �ouab� O re�ua To-- Date ��).L!0 � Time I ' s— _ 7 WHILE YOU WERE OUT Phone— TELEPHONED PLEASE CALL CALLED TO SEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU RUSH 7 /I� c P c�41 ok` Ictt Al `� s I. `;ors t�• _ t pubIi,: "ear.ir:gs. Cour:.ciltnan M•�nre; seconded by Cc:::Icilman B:arkh4rst. AFprc'.•-d by araramnis vo'e r f Council. I7. AF} ROVAL BY COUNCIL AND AUTHORJZATTON OF MAYOR AND RECORDER TO FXECUTES I (a) City Administrator synopsized the following / documents and r.e;:crrrOded Council approval.. (s) Sanitary Sewer Contract Copra A. & Jake W. Cut.shall , 12670 S. W. 68th Ave. / Roger P. Grahn, 14195 S. W. 112th Ave. (b) Terrace Trails Storm Drainage Sewer Easeme Fred F. Trueax and W. A. Began (2) (c) Terrace Trails Sanitary Sewer Elements Leota J. Fritz (2) Fdwin B. Gause Fred E. Trueax and W. A. Began (d) Gevurtz Furnitur¢ Co. , Sanitary Sewer Compliance Agreement Gevurtz Furniture Co. , Cash Bond Escrow Agreement (e) Tippitt Place C Subdivision Sanitary Sewer Compliance Agreement Cash Bond Escrow Agreement Sanitary Sewer Contract Sanitary Sewer Easement (f) Englewood 2 Subdivision Utility Easement Commonwealth Properties (g) Fought-Expressway Interceptor Sewer Agreem t (b) Motion to approve= Councilman Moore; second by Councilman Barkhurst. Approved by unanimous vote of Council pre ent. 8. ACCEPTANCE BY CITY COUNCIL - S. W. Hunziker treet L.I.D. Street Dedication and Slcpe Easement, Ric Irl W. & Anna S. Homer g h (a) Motion to accepts Councilman Coo seconded by Councilman Moore.. Approved by unanimous vote of uncil, 11. 00 9. RFSOLUTJON No. _75__54 - RESOLUTIO OF THE TIGARD CiTY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THF. PUBLIC RESTROOM IMPROVE NT CONSTRUCTED WITHIN JACK PARK, IN THE CITY OF TIrARD, AND AUTHOR TNG FINAL PAYMENT THEREFOR. (a) City Administrator re rted work has been completed in accordance with plans and specifications. Res lution accepts the improvement and authorizes final payr-ent. (b) Motion to adopts //Councilman Moore; seconded by Councilman Parkhurst.. Approved by un6nimous vote of Council. b) i 3. 1'Ar:F 2 - CoUNCAL MINUTES - NOV17MRFR 10, 1975 i CITY OF TIGARD, ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , P W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY JOB NO. PROJECT TITLE:-7-/ff/ TT -- DATE: 4'f P R 0 G R ESS TO DATE : ZELL SPECIAL. PROBLEMS: EST % �ROJECITEM COMPLETION.' kegle INSPECTOR dA _. p •1 P7 M • L n O W Tby o O o t0 O n M p 1(�. ¢ an ryJ N O M J N a O C b ON u O a e 0 N b u0i Rt o In Y ft O< b M C s o PHIPIT 11111 1111 fill 11 r O ;! O Cf 1: C O J O to m l- ttJ Yl < N W V - tT C• J c A Y. 'V ^J - d o V p O O Q p Q O X vi tt G ur < C1 O Y M Z 0 � 0 z « Z b p O O ° 0 r vbi a O 0 a 0 $ a �' K, , N n o p W 0 {t. Y w Q J c p a w cr O W IV 0 n O OD a 00 C Z 0 o I i . a W N VQ V � � • U1 V W O \ to W 0. W "� O ,/} O Z cc �� n. F' z � o W w n LX W V QJ W W Q N V . n D_ U (. L, x w0 O O 1-- Q 2 Z zo wtn1K w � � to _ 11- -1 co _� t : h" PROCEDURE FOR CONDUCTING, ACCEPTANCE TEST 1. Clean pipe to be tested by propelling snug fitting inflated rubber ball through Jie pipe with water. 2. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable test plugs . Brace each plug securely. 3. If the pipe to be testers is submerged in ground waf.(,i , i-oFert a pipe probe by boring or jetting, into the backfill material aijacu:nt to the center of the pipe, and determine th pressure in the probe when si, pusses slowly.° through it. This is the back pressure due to ground water. submergence over the end of the probe. All gauge pressures in the test should be increased by this amount. 4. Add air slowly to the portion of the pipe installation under test until the internal air preaaure is raised to 4.0 prig. 5. -,heck exposed pipe and plugs fc:r abnormal lE aicaKc b: coating with a so sp solution. If any failures ara ibserved, bleed off air and make necessary repairs. 6. After an internal pressure of 4.0 psig is obtainea, alluw at least two minutes fcr air temperature to 3taLilize, adding only the amount of air required to .maintain pressure. 1. After the two minute period, disconnect air supply. 8. When pressure decreases to ').S psig, start stopwatch. Determine the time in seconds that is required for the internal air pressure Lo reach "1.5 psig. This time interval should then be compared with the time required in seconds as computed on reverse side of sheet. 9. List size and length of all portions of pipe u, ^r te:;w in, tah7. c;o one shown on reverse side of sheet, 10. By use of nomograph, compute K and C. Use- nr,r:.',es a;,{ ; ?-etc1 t: ^,.d enter these values in the table on re,rerse side. of 11. Add all values of K and all values of icy ,"pe v...,xiar c.esL. 12. If the total of all C values is less the . circ, enter the 'natal c. l K into the space for "Time Required ir. 13. If the total of all C values is greater th.,n one, divide th�i totw values, by the total of all C values, to gat tq. To trake this wt.-• . i, , �; the nomograph, use scaler C and K, and read tq. O J n7 it ppp O C L1 fnc OIOB Or O rrit N O O N O O O n 40 nn in follO O M V J N 9 a 1 Y $ >> $ o o O 0 0 g ° 0 4. r: Q .r N ,. n 7 19 N O F " 7r7l, C 0 C G C O L6 y0, K g 0 Y G Z Z ` p p O O 9 q O O O O O w r V T n 0 m N O M N 0 In N n O Qi c n f� J V F„ 4 W v 3: w � . •,o F90 rl ca N o 101 C.) • W� �v O tlf z W Z r ~ J N hl Z F a C3 o v 1w W W V h L�. 0 ^J ui OW N N O 2 O O F- h Y I. U) r W Q W f>r p a.w W W U 0 o h v It , W W Q U) LL O C W U Z 2 h F- O O � ❑ W a N i h u PROCEDURE FOR CONDUCTING ACC EPT.,T,CE TP,OST 1. Clean pipe to be tested by propelling snug fitting inflated rubber ball through the pipe with water. 2. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable test plugs , Brace -ouch plug securely. 3. If the pipe to be tested is submErged in ground �;at:et, illFert v pipe prohc by Loring or jetting, into the backfill material eijacf;nt to the center of the pipe, and determine th ! pressure in the probe when all passes slowl• through it. This is the! bar k pressure due to ground wate.t submergence l,v(�l the end of the probe. All gauge pressures in the test should be increased by this amount. 4. Ad-1 air slowly to the portion of the pipe installation under test until tint internal air pressure is rai_.ed to 4.0 psig. 5. ;.heck exposed pipe ant plugs fc.r abnormal Ieaicage by coating with a so::p solution. If any fkil.urPs ars :,bserved, bleed off air and make necessary repairs, 6. After an internal pressure of 4.0 psig is obtained, allow at least two minutF_.-, fcr air temperature to 3tal.iiizcs adding only the arrnoulit of air rcqulrod to maintain pressure. 7. After the two minute period, disconnect air supply„ 8, When pressure decreases to '1.5 psig, start stopveotch. rtctertnine the time it1 seconds that is required for the internal air pre_sure to reach 1.5 pig;. Tnis time interval should t.hEn be compared with the time required in seconds as comput:ed on reverse side of sheet. 9. List siz i and length ,of all portions of pipe one shown on reverse side of :sheet, 10. By use of nomograph, compute K and C. Use. enter these values in the table on re-orse .ie. c 11. Add all values of K and all values of � rc s 12. If the total of all C values is less tilhi, ;.LIC-, enter the -otal c_ into the space for "1'itrr Required ir. Sr.ci ;41, " 13. If the total of fill. C values is greater than -)ne, di,.-:,(Ie th values, by the total of all C vnl.ucs, *.0 9-It t:l. To Talo- this the nomograph, use scale• C and K, end reaa to, a O m 94 Oin to loo MI Q O O O k V ca v C. � 8 I, ! Y Imo ' J V O Ci f. C: 'J• , `J 0 OI m h b ,O f M pp M h Y. .CY Y; t' N d �� O p O C` O Lw 0. lit 0 tL _ 0 C9 < u Y O 0' z Z s �.. 0 p a u o 0 0 0 o O ti tOD u a M h d i hi lllu��unllill�liuiiui��uitliu�G��I I���II�1�I�1� Q i J 4 jr o � F,,,,cvD, U) H ` 9-1 O 0 w z v C� h p 1' N I r� w LLJ ui O Ln N O �\ nI z N .. Y C 41 Z LU CLO a w `� ►w— u C) l w T M 4 U) Uj LL TUcV Uj a 2 Z OZ wJ w wN •k +Ne M PROCEDURE FOR CONDUC'T'ING ff CEPT::1,CE T;:;T 1, Clean pipe to be tested by propelling snug fitting inflated rubber ball through the pipe with water. 2. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable test plugs Bract! each plug securely. 3. If the pipe to be test.ecl is submerged in ground watet, inert a pipe probe by L.ring or jetting, into the backfill material a:ljacesnt to the center of the pipe, and determinE the pressure in the probe when a1, passes slowl', through it. This is the btj( k pressure due to ground wateL submergence ovi!i the end of the probe. All gauge pressures in the test should be Lncreased by this amount. 4. Adii air slowly to the portion of the pipe installation under test until the nt:ernal air pressure is rain-ed to 4.0 prig. 5. heel( exposed pipe ani ,plugs fc.r abnormal lc.aKage b.' crating with a sc, tp solution. Lf any failures ar A-served, bleed off air and make necessary repairs, 6. After an internal preasure of 4.t1 psig is obtained, allow at least two minutf: fir air temperature to 3tal.ilizr-, adding only the amount of air requir d tc, maintain pressure. 7. Afr.er lhf two minute period, disconnect air supply. H. When pres3ure decreases to '1.5 prig, start stopwatch. Determine tht: time ill Seconds that is required for the internal air pressure to reach 1.5 p,51.g. tris time interval should then be compared with the time required in seconds , s compuc:ed on reverse side of sheet. 9. List siti and length ni all portions of p'.4-1r !'_. r -C--` ;-a one shaven on reverse side of :,heet, 10. By use of nomograph, compute K. and C. Use lrr.' ?:, enter these values in the table on r.e•rnrse side or . :i;.F.-.c. 11. Add all values of K ar:d all values of '. it p`pe uo( ar c,asL. 12. If the total of all C values is less thef, c-t,c:•, enter the into the space for "Titer-. Required i.r. Srre iii " 13. if the total of all. C values is greater than one, divide 01, t,1 -!- values, ovalues, by the total of ell C values, to 2�t tq. To mor- this Vii- ••i the nomograph, use scaler t: and K, and tcsia tt 11111111:111 111 Irl 1 1 1 111 11 1 111 11 1 Ill,ITITT IIM PIT11111111111.1 III I ill if ill I I I I 1�v I I I f—rT T-r7j I O I,I I I pill?... 1111111p;IIIIIII'lil I I I I I 0 0 O o 0 0 Q O O O Ci Rt fa f ej 0 Cl rj 0 c; ci O fu 0 x CL -9 CD 'o 0 Z 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n .0 CID pn C1.1 lb N co OD 0rf) 173 0 E3 z W Z f; 0 CL IL v w CL W w w cy w w W U 0 PROCEDURE. FOR CONDUCTING ACCEPT%' CE T,17,ST 1. Clean pipe to be tested by propelling snug fitting inflated rubber ball through the pipe -with water. 2. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable test plugs , Brace each plug securely. 3. If the pipe to be: tested is submerged in ground water., t.(,�:ert e pipe probe by Loring or jetting, into the backfill material aijace:nt tc the center. )f the pipe, and determine th:,: pressure in the probe when sit, passes slowl, through it. This is the: bw k pressure due to ground water. zubmexgencE nvar the end of the probe. All gauge pressures in the test should be increased by this amount. 4. Adel air slowly to the portion of the pipe inst:311atiou under test until the 5.riternal air pre.+sure is rai:-,ed to 4.0 prig. 5. .neck exposed pipe anJ ,slugs f(.r abnormal leaKage by costing wit-.h a sc �p solution. If any failures ar,L- :observed, bleed off air and make necessary repairs. 6. After an internal pressure of 4.11 psig is obtained, allow kit ?east two rainutes f:r air temperature to 3tal,illzc, adding only the amount of air required to maintain pressure. 7. After the two minute period, disconnect air suppiy, 8. When pressure decreases to ').5 psig, start stopwatch. Determine the time in seconds that is required for the internal air pressure to reach 1,_5 psi.g. This time interval should then be compared with the time required in seconds as compul:ed on reverse side of sheet. 9. List sizi and length of all portions of pipe ua`c- ..e.,` in tw". -o one shown on reverse side of sheet, 10. By use of nomograph, compute K and C. Use or, ' a, a •, `E'� ' i enter these values in the table on re,rcrse Adc or 11. Add all values of K ar:,l all values of C is: ?=1�e +'-; -Vat• 12. If the total of all C v slues is less thhti clue, enter the K into the space for "Tian(. Required ir. Scce-r.d.i " 13. If the total of. el.l C v.^.lues is greatet than ane, divide the values, by the total of 611 C values, to gt:t tq. Tc make. this the nomograph, use scales C and K, and read tq. 111 I Mn1ri • TIT , 00 0 11, w a b M H N n 0 CA 0 0 M V J y O O C O y, M w �r M p Z O wp... Ill rjjjl"jI"f"}�'�.I�T IvprpqI14FI1IjII till 11 it rrrrmmJ d 0 Cr r. , ✓ O o r b q f M m N ,. O O O C Q O 4 C D �f. 0 CL �r •I 0 O o " Z• _ W _ O OD p O R M N N h O a c ~ 61111 fill III I I I I I fill 1111111 If.1.1 '�IfI � Iflfl � Iflfl � Ifl�I 0 W v . >• 3 �, U, a _ Y' �►U N t o O �1 IL` O ..1 n ui Q U O N Z O Wp U Q OZ ` F U _ W cr w W �� r/ I z loll Z w �ti a CL W w g _ j ui U W Wlu Q In LL lY U F F- U• Q w U G O 2 Q Z 2 ~ 7 Z p J O lA rt} r f PROCEDURE FOR CONDUCTING ACCEPT,1110E TEST 1. Clean pipe to be tested by propelling snug fitting inflated rubber ball through the pipe with water. 2. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable test plug, , Brace each plt,g securely. 3. If the pipe to be tested is submerged in ground watet, insert a pipe pro',— by Loring or jetting, into the backfill material aija.ce:n.t tc the center -if the pipe, and determine: th ! pressure in t:he probe when ai',. passes slowl, through it. This is the but.k pressure due to ground v7atej. submergence Ovia the end of the probe. All gauge pressures in the test should be increased by this amount. 4. Adel air slowly to the portion of the pipe installation under test until the internal air preisure is rai,;ed to 4.0 psig. 5. ,heck exposed pipe ant Muga fc.r abnormal leakage by coating with a sc.p solution. If any failures ara .observed, bleed off air and make necessary repairs. 6. After an internal pressure of 4.0 psig is obtained, allow at least two minute:. fcr air temperature to 3t.al,ilize, riding only the amount of air required to maintain pressi:re. 7. After the two minute period, O':t_,.nnect air supply. 8. When pressure decreases to ',.5 psig, start stopwat.h. Determine the time in s..conds that is required f„r the internal air pressure lo reach 1.._5I-Ag. This time interval should then be cotinpared with the time required in seconds as compul:ed on reverse side of sheet. 9. List siz, and length of all portions of pipe unc'nr to ': in. 4r'^:. ;.0 one shown on reverse side of -heet, 10. By use of nomograph, compute K. and C. Use rrr.1?5 r- enter enter these values in the table on re-vorse sides ci 11. Add all values of K ar.d all values of r is, viciar :.4s 1.. 12. If the total of all C values is less they► ►.(i, enter the total c. 1 K v;j'.,,,:,..!* into the space for 1'imr, Required ir. Srx( i.T., " 13. If the total of all C values is greater than one, divide the values, by the total of all C values, to g,!t tj. Tc make this i the nomograph, use scalee C and K, and read to I all— CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISIONS PW DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB N0 "TITLE- I 7 .'r— PROJECT c w ./_ DATE.� 5 l< _ . PROGRESS• q' -�TiE'er' i yr .1 NOTE S:_..._____ 4 WEATHER.* �..,2....,��� a� /q// INSPECTOR_Lffev , CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION, PW. DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT,.'' - J09 NO. 'PROJEC;f_' flTLF.: -7 1171777'_4_,�f DATE: L, ]:S PROGRESS : !1!lL ,'Tt..c� Z66&'% 7-AoC S!E'- ,L/ti b NOTES : WEATHER --'' +'�"`- S ` - % t _ - INSPECTOR c CITY OF TIGARD, ORE ENGINEERING DIVISION PW DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB NO '--T —rq PROJECT Tir'. r z 5 DATE P R 0 G R E S S' NOTE WEATHER: IN CITY OF TICARD, ORE, ENGINEERING DIVISION, PW, DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB NG P RO J E C r-FrTi:C- DATE.- P R n G R E S 5 J)t4A f 4 q-4 z NOTES : WEA INSPr. V.C-e CITY OF TIGARD, ORE , ENGINEERING DIVISiON , P W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY JOB N0. _ PROJECT TITLE: T/PP(7 T -- DATE:-�L/-�L.f PRO' ZSS TO DATE ; CF"S ��k/✓/ �_ c° l!,tC e _—�eo)_�—���, SPECIAL PROBLEMS: EST. %, PROJEC ITEM CO -'PLETION'--&!X INSPECTOR (/ - I-am AUN CITY OF TIGARDs ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION, P.W. DEPT JOB NO-- PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT PROJECT TITL�; 7-f- 17514et DATE:-�) 74 PROGRESS: I NOTES: a. WEATHER. INSPEC T�R- CITY OF T113ARD90RE ENGINEERING DIVISION, PW. DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT,. 7YO13 NO. 77 P R pi E c 7fo fC t T_L:L1�_1 IL4- R - o- PROGRE_ 5 . NOT F-S : _ WEAT14ER INSPECTOR Avoid Verbal Messages A-1 CITY OF TIGARD I To: �0t'1 S _ From:--- subject: ���GI,1GV11cu..rr°,L -S nate: E'J� .J 1 �OG N wt c.+1.i's e. r14 Iv lam. A JJ A� �GVJi �G✓�'�(�I17NGG �\ill'G6�1+� /� S v.N, 1 A •7 � b� } L�° cw<<� Alt b� ILA be r�ccr•d�d . ,� b �I L✓1 a c I�Gnq voce sura ra recc ppr 1 � 2 r i -nr� s.rs:nr.rr..r� CITY OF TIGARD9 ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION, P.Wr DEPT. PROJECT ONSPECTION REPORT J0B N0. – PROJECT TITLE _ //22 T r_ .0 •'t= ,t �Fcc.���° '_ DATE: /D 2 Z - 7j. PRO ESS: '' 1 :Is #I.' �. Fi `c S NOTES:.. L �.�'� ' , -- ' �!�-st ✓!�i 7iG'ti'�=► - ----_ ___ _ ------.grril• -- ni •.� - r r r rrwr.-. WEATHER: INSPECTOR ra.�.iwrNee CITY OF TI GARDE ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION, PW. DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT. '. J0B NO. _ . . P ROJEC�'TITLE: e.C,FI I- DATE', o -Z. .S ' %--- ---- -- __ _— -- - - - - r PROGRESS . NOTES :.- WEATHER OTES :WEATHER r6„s- 'tli�_ _ INSPECTOR - i CITY 0F TIGARD, ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , P W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY JOB NO. PROJECT TITLE: 7-1/W17- 7- D A T E -1/W/ T7'DATE ►� O G R E S S TO DAT eSf�i✓D � �I'�/ /!'! � p v c- 7-14 9 6,c_ ,c%SFcC/fwd �L`� i"f���i/r s�.�iU/���1.1.�_f_ to �• p „ � -- SPECIAL PROBLEMS; rpt/ Ili (smvS/Dm9,gze,_ ale EST °/ PRC JECT),' ITEM COMPLETION: l S&c1AFlle2-_ -- INSPECTOR �.� CITY OF TIGARD,, OREGON CONSTRUCTION/INSPECTION (P.W ) PROCEDURE CHECK LIST NOTE: UTILIZE ONLY clearly marked APPF D PLANS. plan revision@, change orders, specifications, etc. : �I. SANITARY SEWER: (A) Commenced instAlf �finn ,.,..,.... oIZ4/7S (B) Completed installation . . ..... ......I..... . 1) As-built field notes filed. .......... ❑ a) Cory sent to engineer, , , ....... ❑ 9) As-built field notes received... ,.... ❑ a) Filed in proaect folder.....,., ❑ (C) Inspected and Tested. . ❑ 1) Test nomonographs filed. —, .......... ❑ (D) Tentatively accepted by City. . . . , , ,. ........ ❑ II. STORM SEWER: (A) Commenced installation, .. . , ❑ (B) Completed installation.. . . . . , . . . . (3 1) As-built field notes filed,.. ......_ ❑ (C) Inspected. ...... . . . . , .. ❑ (D) Tentatively accepted by City ,.. . . . . . ,.. ... ❑ _! III. CURB: (A) Commenced installation.. . . .. . . .... .. . . ...... . ❑ 1) Bench Mark@ iqnt. . . ... .. .. .. ......... . . ❑ 7) Bench Mnrk locations filed. .... . . , . ❑ (B) Completed installation.. .... .. . ❑ (C) Inspected..... .. . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . p (D) Tentatively accerted by City . ,. . . . ........ . . ❑ / / IV. STREETs (A) Commenced Grading. . . . . , . , . . .. ❑ / ' 1) Sub-grade insrected,., . . . ............ ❑ / / a) Test data filed. . ...... .. ❑ b) Tentatively accepted by City. (j (B) Commenced rocking. . .. ❑ 1) Sub-base inspected. . . . . . . ... ......... ❑ A) Test data filed.. .. . .. .. .. . . ❑ b) Tentatively accepted by City. ❑ / / (C) Commenr_ed Paving . . . . . . . .. . . .. . , ❑ 1) Paving inspected. . .. .. . .. ❑ / / a) Test data filed. . .. . . , . , , . . , ❑ b) Tentatively accepted by City. ❑ / / (D) Street tentatively Accepted by City. . .. . . ., , ❑ V, PARKING LOT: (A) Commenced grading.... ❑ 1) Sub-grAde inspected. ❑ a) Test data filed.. .. ❑ b) Tentatively accepted by City. ❑ (B) Commenced Rocking.. . . . 13 1) Sub-base Inspected...... ... .. .... . .r ❑ a) Test data filed, .. . ..,.,, .� ❑ b) Tentatively accepted by City.\0 / i r CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION, P.W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB N0. PROJECT TITLE 7-7 DATE: ,&- 2�- 2s _ PROGRESS' 22d L k S A -e-f, NOTE S:— LYE ATHE R'�. Su `y_ (,P Q G c`�d1 S i i(.7,1t' INSPECTOR -- +{{I CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. _ ENGINEERING DIVISION, PW. DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT. JOH N0. PROJEC�f TLE: Z-/f f' i T PRO 9 REBS L�N� - fL,� /tel J , �% f �n (' Sr? n.v f7 �i✓f 50- 614e-A7f./A_/-*. A2 NOTES : WEATHER > oyU-cs7 i f / �. ---- -- ----- - - - -- -V--• INSPECTOR — -� i. P CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION, RW. DEPT. M PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB PROJECT TITLE . -//'Z 1 T% p/--4c E DATE:/ ---40 , 31 --- PROGRESS:. S^ 4- "'e ' d' » > _ Xcv�' T er ?VOTE S:.,..���'"'�' _�C�:�E.�-? �'1e��c- C«a �'LGI__.l10 1C, z�.L�Z_. WEATHER: x.+21_=_. 1 . .... ►.�s��c'_1�1�. P�`7 - _ - INSPECTOR- ��•�- tl�ayll,.r ? CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION, PW. DEPT. PROTECT INSPECTION REPORT. JOB PROJECT TITLE:_ '1//' / 7-I _L' f •,-s.Awf_ - . DATE PRO(jPFS'', �A!i� - --- - ` I NOTES ' __ -- ----- —_ -— - - i W E A T N E R _,.5-6) CSS- IA - -- -- --- ---- --. INSPECTOR � ��d�� � (YY�a.�,,ti�Q,t��, ./.u,.cuct� �.,x. ��, / dV I ~� (�,�6-C.R.Q. ^/ �, 1 �f �� --� ._ i _ �,� � � (� � � � l, �-�-� �� ��,:._ � � �.� � �� -�W �� ;� _�; ... 1 �J oo/ 1J- UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGENCY OF _��'✓ WASHING I'ON COUNTY �iT` { ; k,` oADMINISTRATION BUILDING— 150 N. FIRST AVENUE HILLSBORO, OREGON 97123 T//,41nPI 15031 648.8621 r�J 110AhD OF COMMISSIONERS Joel Wesselman W_,RTON C.WILSON JR.,Chairman General Manager VIRGINIA DAGG Room 302 RICHARD C.HEISLER HAY MILLER ROD ROTH October 16, 1.975 City of Tigard P. 0. Box 23557 Tigard, Oregon 97223 GENTLEMEN: SUBJECT: TIPPIT PLACE SUBDIVISION Enclosed for your file are three sets of the construction plans on the above-referenced project which has been approved by this Agency and the Department of Environmental Quality. Verytruly yours, Engineering Division / Unified Sewerage Agency 1 72-4B IC;NAL Ir W. SANITARY SEWER COMPLIANCE AGF.EEMENT_ THIS AGREEMENT dated thislf1, day of Cclr!' cr , 19-11 between the CITY OF TIGARD, a mtin �paiity o{t e State of Oregon, hereinafter termed the "City", and hereinafter termed "Petitioner", W I T N E S S E T H s WHEREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for approval of con- struction of a sanitary sewer, to be known as ,t�ynit� Ce, ..(Gubdiv�ion) ung within the fioundaries of an area aa-deacriSed on the attacc W EasementA F.xh. and by reference made a part hereof; and "A" WHEREAS, the City of Tigard requires applicants for construction of sewers, ar.d appurtenances thereto, to submit to ccnstructicq in- spection, arid testing therewithal, to grant public easements, therefor, and requires the payment of fees; and WHEREAS, the City has approved and adopted the standard specifications for Public Works construction by APWA, Oregon Chapter, and the Unified Sewerage Agency specifications for sanitary sewers prepared by professional engineers for Public Works constructions and WHEREAS, the public improvv,ments required to be ccr.atructed are incomplete, but petitioner has nonetheless requested that the (71t.y permit granting of the property to the public, and the parties herein named desire to protect the public interest generally to assure the public improvements will be installed as required and completed within the time hereinafter set forth, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premise and the covenants and agreements to be kept and performed by the petitioner and its contractor and contractors surety, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWSs 1. Petitioner shall proceed to ccmplete all public improvements as shown on herewith improvement plan, as approved by the City of Tigard and prepared by _ )1prri3-IrMona1P A=sor.i.ete3,, TiCerd� Oregon__ dated Ge�itgic�'ier._? .,..x.975 . _._.. ___• Sam imp*eve- ments`to"�o completed n6 4i than one (l� year from the date of this agreement, and Petitioner hereby agrees to comply with all Standard specifications adopted by this City, or as may otherwise be approved by the Department of Public Works and to use only such material and to follow such designs as may be required to conform thereto. 2. To assure compliance with the City's requirevents and the provisions thereof, Petitioner agrees to,,1 ,jypp;GttltP«9t; $z, tender to the City, a surety bond(s) in form approved by the City, with liability in the amount equal to the contract price of S!.7.,1.3!,().Q._ __ prior to issuance of a permit for construction of said imprevementst Petitioner's contractor shall be licensed, and insured as required by Unifir,d Sewerage Agency P.eso.tution Lod Crder (s) Nn. 72-12 and No. 11-9. 3. to the event that the contractor shall fail, neglect or refuse to proceed with the work in an orderly and progressive mar.r.er to assure completion within the time specified, upon ten (10) days' notice by the City to the contractor and the ( ontracter's y . t.ty, and such default and failure to proceed continuing thereafter, the City may at its option proceed to have the w ,)rk completed and rharge the costs thereof against the contractor and the contractor's surety and in the event the Pame be not paid, to bring an action on the R, 4! �. V said bond to recover the amount thereof. In the event that such action be brought, the contractor and the contractor's surety shall be required to promise and agree to pay, in addition' to the amounts accuring and alle:uoble, such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as attorney's fees and cost incurred by the city, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any, or the City may at its option bring proceedings to enforce against the contractor• and/or contractor's surety, Specific performance of the contract and compliance with the standards adopted by the City of Tigard, and in any event, in a like manner, the City shall be entitled (. to recover such scams as the Court niay adjudge reasonable for the I City's attorney's fees and cost, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any. i 4. Petitioner, concurrent with the execution hereof, agrees to pay the following fees as required by Unified Sewerage Agency Resolution and Order No. 70-12: a, ) A plan check fee to cover the cost of review 4„3 approval of construction plans and inspection of sewer construction (except house connections) in the amount of M"100.,.00 b.) A permit fee to cover the cast of processing the permit application and p%.farming the inspection of property connection(s) in the amount of L25.00 per• lot . c. ) A cc-.nect.ion charge to connect directly to an existing sanitary sewer, which was installed With fir�i'k2x�(xiMxet+�l+••(strike inapplicable word) cost to the petitloner, in the amount of W0.00 per lot d. ) A monthly sewer service charge for the use of the public sanitary sewer system. 5. Petitioner, concurrent with the execution hereof, also agrees to pay a surcharge in the amount of * as re- quired by that certain contract entered into bj'T1he City with Lha�tb�Z].eiA.ap�d�r�xt�n:12X7�d1.4)..954,_Ii 42.' ihts nterceptorj_Tile . for tfie reimbursement of newer construction costs pertinent thereto. 6. The City agrees to make and provide periodic inspections as, in the City's judgement, is necessary to assure compliance. 7. The retitioner agrees to insure that the City receives 48 hour advance notice of commencement of construction and, also, 12 hour advance notice for all request.e9 field inspections. R. 1rhe Petitioner agrees to insure that the Petitioner's engineer obtains accurate as-built (field) construction records of said sewer installs*'.on and, also, aqrees to insure that the City In furnished with one accurate as-built mylar thereof. 9. At such time as all public .improvements have been com- pleted in accordance with the City's requirements, Petitioner shall be required to notify the City of the readiness for final inspections upon affirmation by the Department of Public Works that all requirements of the city have been met, the Petitioner will submit to the City a good and suff+cient maintenance bond in the form approved by the City in a sum equal to fifty per cent (50%) of the contract price to provide for correction of any defective work or maintenance becoming apparent or arising within one year after final acre tante of the Public in covements by the city. " Chamberlain contract: 0.00 per o Leron Heights Interceptor, Inc. contract: $150.00 Sewer Dedication - P+ge 2 of 3 L 1 10. Upon receipt of certification by the Department of `1 Public Works that all requirements have been met, and a one- year Maintenance bond, the city Council agrees to accept the public improvements, subject to the requir-,zMent of correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year. 11. :'hat the petitioner, in consideration of the City's approval of the application to construct a sanitary sewer within the bakindaries of easements held by the City, does hereby covenant and agree to save, hold harmless and Irdemnify tho City, its officers, agents and employees, for and from all claims. demands, damages, and each and every other obligation that can or could arise from the neglect of petitioner, his officers, ao.nts, con- i tractors and employees, or frcm trespass upon property outside of the easement area, including attorney's fees and costs, if any, If necessarily incurred by the City in defending against such claims, with the intent and purpose that the City shall be made whole with rezpect to any aniount.s it may be required to pay or be held liable � for in connection with the exercise of the privileges afforded I Petitioner to utilize the area within the City's eascment for sewer construction puicr,�ges. IN WITNESS W11F.REOF, tl•e parties have executed this agreement porsu.int to authority vested in each of them. !Attach Acknowledgement hereto) CITY OF TIGARD By'- -Mayor Recer�c et+ sewer Dedication - page 3 of 3 STATE. OF OREGON ) C,,unty ut Wash_ington On this 150_ day Of Qctuber 19^5Personally appeared the above named J, Allan Paterson and acknowledged the foregoing instrumenL to be their vol.untacy act and deed. Before me- 7 e: NNtay A. Public for Oregon My CL-rmisstrn Fxpi:est , 9-8-77 STATE OF OREGON ) Ss. County of day ot --.-•---•__._.____ __� 19-..__._ pe tscnally apprered the above named --- ------- andNar_knowledge tie fr,trgctng instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. Before met Notary Public for Oregon V-21 My Con,oission Expires: Personal Acknoaledtement EK'fTRTT "A" Tippitt Place, a subdivision of record in !t'ashington County, Oregon, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the initial point of said subdivision, located North 174.61 feet and East 599.27 feet from the Yest quarter corner of Section 3, Townshi 2 South, Range l West, Willamette Meridian; thence North 000 39, 28" hest 214.11 feet; thence North 890 54' 20" East 817.83 feet; thence South 040 05' 00" Fast 211.62 feet; thence South 890 54' 20" Rest 830.90 feet to the initial point of beginning. Containing 3.88 acres exclusive of roadway. ^3� Acknowiedgement 1 CASH BOND_F.SCRCW AGREFMENT THIS AGkFFMENT, made this _ � day of 14Z�, Uetween the CITY CiF TT.GAI>.D, F:ereinafter tOL,ned the "CITY", and J._ Nllan Paterson hereinafter 'termed the `1'r!NCiPFtI,", and Washington Federal Savinqs hereinafCjr m tered the `'BANK" (Aasociation) . WITNESS _F. TN, s Sanitary Sewer WHEREAS, the Principal has heretofore exGCuted 3 t1N>se!#d#it#ei1 Compliance Agreerrent,with respect to the dnvelop•m.rt, ccristruction and imprevement of a ro,;idential sublivision near . the City known as Ti_ppitt_Place_ _,__ , , a col:y of ea:d agreement together with�a rarticu?ar legai'a,'irription of said !ands being attached hereto and by reference micte a part hereof anal WHEREAS, the 1'rir,cipal has prop,7sed to the City that there by entrusted to the _ank the s;M Of $...... 133.00 as a cash perfinry m act� 'end o ase„re the City thit all req,.trements of said- y Sewetompliance A;recntent shall be Frcpurly and timely performed arid to sssLre that Zhe r_csta ;hereof sv,all be •.irr,sly paid and all requirements thereof met; and WHEREAS, the Sank has :igrce-d to take title to and hold in a trust capacity the sum vi S. 1,7,133.0 ar.d hc-reby acknowledges custody thereof to be heal p_,inuirt to the tents and Frovistors of said Subdivie.tcr, Comlrllar,ce Agreement as hereto attached, and it is desired hereby to set forth a*d def.int: 0.e conditions applicable to Eaid cash bcnri, NOW, THERrF'CIRE, if the Frir.cil_al shall faithfully ol•serve and timely cv4ynply with all rr.quirt,nerts of said F�ih;livirion compliance Agreement and all ordinances and regulations applicable to said subdivision, and if the Principal shall well and tr;,ly perform all matters and things undertaken thereby and hereby to he performed and shall promptly make payment to all Fersor;e supplying labor or material for any prosecution of the work, and if the Principal shall not permit any lien or claim to be filed cr propecuted against the City on account of any labor or natsrial furnished, and if the @rincipal shall promptly Fray all contribLt.ions ar amounts due the State Industriai Accident Fund and the State Unemployment Cor.pense.t.inn Fund, and Qhell prrmptly es due make payment to the perrvn, co-p.4rtr-arshif,, a=sor:ation r.r corporation entitled thereto of the monies mintioned in Chal:tets 279.320 and 219.510 O.R.S. and shall r,ro;nr.tl,• co.,,ply with all withholding and payment requirements of Chapters 316„ 162 to 3.6.212 C.R. -S. with respect to the collectit,n of t-axes at soLrce, then upon full completion of all work and the furniehira of ev!oence satistactcry to the City that all rsquiremcntss hereof have teen fulfilled, and if the Principal shall execute and ��njtrjytgeW g City the Maintenance Bond described in slid rnpiiance Agreement, then the Bank anall therear-on release tc tnt. > rincital the said cash bona deposit) FAOVIDED, however, th-+r_ Lhe obl t,3st:or.s here,_f shall not apply to any money ioaced or advanced to !ha Principal or to any subcontractor or other person in the performance of any such work whether specifically provided for by ccnt.ract os othetwise. IF, however, the I.rircials•hsill fail to literally comply with all t.galrements of saidjanitary Sewert,nr,li +nce Agrse.nent and all the requirements h&terr!, nr shall in any rsrticular petfcrm the work in a defective manner, ui-iri 10 days nzttce ky the City to the v' Frincipal and such default or failure continuing thereafter, the City is herely authorized to have said work performed or the r, quirr;nents of the Sanitary Sew(MmPliance Agreement brc,ight into --formity with the terms thereof and w' th the City's ordinances and regulations, and the City shall be. and it is hr-reby, authorized to charge the same agA'nst the entrusted cash deposit and the Bank VITO,.s to hay therefrc..i all amounts certified by the City to be rhnrgenble thereto, Nothing herein contained shall be construed to constitute acceptance by the City of any responsibility for innintenance of the impr.-vements nor shall the city by reason thereof bar..r.me obligated to any person or pror-erc.y owner for any loss or damage arising by reason of the manner in which said improvements '.-Y,�,re construr. ted. Further, the City be, and it is hereby, authorized in addition to the foregoing, in the event of such default on the part of the Principal to charge against said funds ail costs .incurred by the city including attorney's fees in exacting ccmpliance therewith or herewith, and the Bank agrees to disburse said funds for said plrrpcses ur,cn .ertificaticn thereof by t*.e City UF;4n fulfillment of the foregoirain. accordance with the tormi Ind prcvisiont� hereof, the City agrees to furnish a certificate, of relcace of said -lepogit or such r-crt.ions thereof as shall remain after `uifillment of the require.rents hereof. IN WIT%ESS WHEnEOF, the City under authority of resolution of it_s rity council has caused this agreement to be executed by its r-q-r and City Pecorder, and the Princrral and the Park have affiYed their c--:rp:rat3 signatures or, the day and year first hcreir.ikcve written. C t_7Yr C T1,OF.7IGAPb,_OREGON— Py- -- Recorder _ Ft±INCIP s ___ Byt --- (At:tarhnd CerVzrate BYr __.._---------_.--------__�.� Ar),rvowledgement,here. l BY 9tNK_jASS/�O'CS_'f^IQNZ _Washin ton Federal Savings 4 Loan By By i._.. Pige 2 - Cash Pend Escrow Agreiment I STATE OF OREGON ) ss. rcunty of On this day of , 19._, before ine appeared and --_ _—------�._ both to ine personally known, who )eing duly sworn, did say that he, the said is t.e Prestdcnt, and he, the said r is the S_ rotary _ _ of the within named Corporation, and that the seal affixed to ;aid instrument is the corporate seal of said Corporation, and that `}e said instrument was signed and se led in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and _ and acknewL ged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said Corporation. IN TESTIMONY WHER F, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed official seal the day and year last above w tten. Notary Public for Oregon r My Commission expires STATE. OF OREGON ) ss. County of Washington ) on this 20th_ day of October —, 1975_, before me appeared Howard M. Ilughes _ and both to me personally known, who being duly sworn, did say that he, the said iloward M. Hughes is the Sr. Vice- president, and he, the said is the Secretary of Washington Federal Savings and Loan Association __ the within na^.ed Corporation, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said Corporation, and that the said instrument was signed and scaled in behalf of atd Corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and ___Howard M. iluShes_ ._ and acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said Corporation. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand a-id affixed by official seal the day and year '1ay4 above wr en. Notatf Publtc for Oregon Corporate Acknowledgement My Conniission Expires__5/24/76__ ________._•�.— s'rA,rE OF OREGON County of On this day personally appeared the above named ........... and i(knowlvdged the foregoing instrument be their voluntary act a nd deed. Before me. Notary Public for Ore My Commission Expirest_ STATE OF ORE11ON County of Washington On this --- 16tb— day of October 19'75 pEtscnally appeared the above named and acknowledged the foiegolng instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. SefoTe me: Nolirq�f 'P—ub—li for Oregon My Cotivnission Expires s__Y--8.–.7-7 Personal Acknowledgement �tQl�lAl SANITARY SEWER CONTRACT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made this is t� _._ _ day of C) 19_7? between the CITY OF TIGARD, hereinafter termed "City", and the UNTFIED SEWERAGE AGENCY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON, hereinafter termed "Agency", and hereinafter termed "Owner", W I T ,13F _S AA ! I! e VIVE:a EAS, the City cwns and/or controls certain cower trunk lines which have heretofore been constructed for the purpose of providing :+swage trartsminei6n service to the Agency's disposal plant from various areas in proximity to 9.!�'�„12�et Avenue/.S.1.1. tValnut, w t:-e t„ ,r:cludirq tte lands of owner as deucribed on the attached sheet,, headed ' UI S.Clil NPION", designated "EXIIIB:T "A", and by this referencu ►nada a part hereof; and !4HTPF.AS, Owner has requested sewage transmier:ion and disposal r•rrvices from khe City and the Agency who are willing to provide such services on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forthr NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and t.h•- payments to be made by Owner, and the promises and agreements herein contained, IT IS AGREED by the par`.ies as followss 1. That the lands described in Exhibit "A" as hereto attached may be connected to the City's sewage transmission trunks subject to payment by Owner of the usual sewer connection charges and related fees as heretofore -dtablished by the Agency and the City as itemized on attached Exhibit I'D". The Agency, through its designee, the City of Tigard, will receive for treatment much Rewagb on the sa..:e terms and conditions and subject to the some rules and regulations au applicable to any other similarly situated land in Washington County. 1 .. .,.... �. n r... _ v , r, e;. �,..,. : , a i F ':` 6 - ,� - 5, ,s .IF.u. { ,-1 i 11. 'it�I l , c r P'„a,� fi - t:'• , B k�,, k.,' £' I, `, y pmxril� �.,.' c C E F G H \ C�FN=k a:_ N4T�a P a � - / �( Z 1 ''t I. ALL WORD SHAM_ 9- t70N E IN CON FOR MANCE WITH THEE PLAN'.- 9 ;:PECI- 1 xd 0 M4�j �, i {07. yO \ SEI 0 �+k %g„Gt 2% M ' FICATI�JN � WHICH ACCOMF'AN`( TI �E�J► AND W►1H THC UNIFIED SEWAGE t7`� ► F•GENCY ZTANDAROS• IN LVF_NT OF A'CONr:ICT BETWEEN THF_SE PLAIDS �zn?a7o " ,1 1 \� � � ,; ;'' ANO SPECIFICATIONS AND THE U. S. A STANOARDS THE ,),S, A , ,, / STAN OAROS SHALL TAKE 1�RECi�tO'I NC,F. ���r� `1 ' , ?. NO ITEM OR PHASE OF WORK SHALL SE CDN :aI DERE- D CONI FLET-E ', )IvT'1_ ACC : EO BY THE J. S. A. AND TH E __NIDI N ,_ER. � . 3. ALS. TRENCH BACKFILI. MATERIAL; AN ;a ti1ETHOIJS SHAI_1,, (3E IN �:.)IJ - w �� IUT �i �J ��,r,,,,�I� �`0,;. F- V STA N D A p S, J _. s 1 (,CJs. C�, ORMA tJCE 'WITH 5. A, w r #' W 4 ALL PERMITS AND LICENSES NECESSARY FOR PROSFCOTIONI AND COM - r` ���,�ec�. �' PLETI ON OF THE WORK SH ALL SE SECORE D AND PAID FUR 6,ti, >� CONT r,-ACTOR PRIOR TO COMMENICING OF CONSTRUCTI ©N T'Anc ~` ly , kS. THE LJCATION OF Ext STI Nr ONDER�;I:OUND UTI LI TIES SHOWN ON r►IE Q -- w / I FLANS ► � FOR INFOrZMAT10k) ON -Y ANr) I ; NOT GUARANTEED I 4 ,' 11 L- N TO BE ACCURATE. I / A----,-/ j -r � �� �s•"�' \I o, BEFORE COMMENCING CONISTIRQ) _T (ORI, THE CONT-RACTOR 'HALL_ V) / b, 0 iq. j 3 NOTIFY ALL PERTINENT GOMPHNIF_`� OR AGEr-4.%'__ 17`S WITH UNDEQ- _ a /U ,. ,j GROUND FACILI " IES IN -THE . OF3 HRF_A So THAT FACI :. ITIES u _�, ____.-_-___-- ____ ____--.__ __.._�_ __ -_ ____7___.__.._____ - --__ I N MAY BE ACC,LJRATEL`e ,_OCATEI) � I E : a\No k, GA- , '*E_E PHONE, WATI=R, 3 F� 1 I� i� —_.� _ ._ - -- - I STORM 4 SANITA R4' SEW EI*1 , E .C. ) i,, - - _1(4 __._ / / I 7 ALL SERVICE LATERALS Ai�E TO BE Col GO►vG. PII'c kx1 ( �' �Tf ,:_;y SW. �AQ,�DE S 1 .� h �AN1� I � / 1� �� L 1 I 1 )t �1• - 1 ' A,I .--�► ! ,� , t6rNWlGNGIKg c.c,rIS *_%Ac– Lc)/1 ' Ac_ c-'tlOWiv,w) c;a C+CNv.•tr_Ats Sh2II `I I i + �rtuM J J y ,� /W 7t/3.36 !7-y 7 1 ( l ) I L I 1P . 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I -_ _ _ _ - -- . _- . _ _ ._ ____. _ ___-_ _-- -______ __.. _ - --------j - _ _ -_ �_. -_-_ ___ . OV APPROV �. PE DIN ) REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES: DESIGN --" IAC / �-,0� _ I R I-1 SANITARY 'yE7 1"=10' t; ' +al *� TRACED T I P P I TT P N TA R Y SEWER � �� r � )OB NO. '�" " 'I✓ \ r-'� CHECKED x SHEET 7" Farris - McMonagle Associates REV DESCRIPTION SUB, APPR. DATE REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST V f l p L,14 fr ENC INFERS ��,-�vn�, I M P R O V E M E N T S +��,�. EST RE ISION `�•. ,_405 S. W. COMMERCI�,I., STREET -- % '-_ e ' -_1 T i G,^R -1 2 ' OF 1 1 TIPPET PLACE �EWEi. q A I `-` ' � n F ._ C 0 � � ��I ra F H -- -- - __._.1i_ I _ - �,_-____-�•-'___._.._._-,_..._._.__.._ __-_---,-- _----- ___'-_--__ ____-__ __ •_ G Ll' 1 - 1975 KILNAM tTATtOMKRTKITK.W. - •' � y CITY ___ .. _. __ _ ___ _.. .._._.._.__. _______,_____-_-_____1_1 __._ — ._._. - __._____ la Ar%6147W . fa ;I 16 W,4e; 'i Gt. TIGARD , a .:; INSPECTORS COPY • i v AV - k b,. ,.-,,•.. . . _ __ 1 111 1 1 1 1 I+1 II L j '1 I' 1 1 11'10 I�1 X11 I X111 11f1l� VIII) 1111111 1111r� 111111 fillip)1111111 1111111 1111111 1111111 111/11 1111111 Itl'1!1 1111111 - I 1 t I ' 1_ 2 3 4 5 8 0 O 10 I I t 2 ' NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED +"_`-" - - --r--+� C Ilrrr.arr-- _ _... . .. - �, ' - DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR 'THAN I THIS NOT I.(�'TT IS DIA TO �,. ., Dt -GIS _ � • -- � IrtTY OF THE ORIGINAL �E dZ 9Z LZ 9Z SZ bZ EZ Z2 IZ OZ 61 91 LI AI SI it EI ZI II 01 4 9 L 9 S ► ^ C 8 1�'" . 1 tillI10 l i1 . -' ' rtlIUIIIinnIu1111u11u111►yI�ulill 1111111111NI11111pN{wNlnwilns1�11iuiJH11111uN1q111111u111n!IIIIHilllllaa �t111�iMmf111ff111miN11,Ilk, ..�, Ifni _. &-' _. JULY . 1 . 11,, �'_ . . I j I I , % 1992'. I I - __ w�'.1-1"-. I _-1 - 1 . - - wm !T! O"_"1",`-- 1. " -f, 11"7 ,lffo-7----"Nrw,..N=--. , ,....- ---- 1. - I ' '' I .1 " 1 170" ..11 .r I j,10111110"w" !'� __Iqwwwlw - ?-' +�� . - . H ! ,F "• I t oj i A fB C D E F G H _ 7- ,laic GENERAL. NOTES ; . ! DOS i?� Oi. ALL WORK SHALT. LSE DONE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE:,E PLAN ; 3 c,PECI- 97. 9 EI D gy q?:! FICATIOMS WHICH AOCOMNAN '( T►-fEM, AND W 'N THE UN1F�1 EU SEWAGE tTi AGENCY STANDARUS. IN LVENT OF A CONE=u:T BETWEEN THESE PLAIOS 2200670 ,,,'N I ��E \ AND ShECI FIC/IT IONS AND THE U. S. A STAN OAROS THE STANDARDS SHALL TArCE PRECEDENCE. 2 NO ITEM OR PHASE OF WORK SHALL. BE CON SI DERSID CONI PLE T-E OUTIL �i ACCEP7E0 BY THE J• S, A. AND THE ENGINEER, OT i� 3 A-. TRENC►+ SACKFIiL.L Mt�'rERIAL- ANI✓ METHODS SHALL_ SE IN C.O►J- S �'ORMAt�GE WITH J, S. A , STANDARp�. 4 A PERMITS AND LICENSES NECESSARY FOR PROSECUTION) AND COM - o�' ,j P:.ETION OF HE WORK SHALL. SE SECURED AND PAID FOR BY X� o 1,i,)s �'' e CONTRACTOR PR ►OR TIO COWMENCING OF CfONSTKUCTIONreI , � S, THE LIJCATION OF EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIE- SHOWN ON T-HE- wPLANS IS T"OTZ INFOT: NIATIOc.? ONL.Y ANIS ) 5 NOT GU/�RANTEED TO BE ACCURATE. BE!'-,ORE COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL In /a NOTIFY ALL PERTINENT COMPANIES OR AGENCIES WITH JNDE ►:- C � T GROUND FACILIT ! E5 )N ' HE JOF3 AREA SO THAT FACIL. ITIE � u IU h' jv MAY BE ACGURATEL,e _OCA-ET3 ( LE ; POWER, GAS, T6.EPHONE, WAr,=r, \�� STORM 4 SNIsiTP,RY ., 'ETC ) 7. A',-- SER� .GE I.ATERAL� Ar,E Tv` QE CONC. P! _ EXTRA SW. �/�ARD�'' S7' Q� 0 A.. �, �r1ur � CcRvwar_► c•I•• R caRy�1-ac.�RvR� �� �c�'cwlh� -1 � `I �. _ 1 J fr b � I r �KCck•tr� 1 ff II `/ I �,► ) I /'?� 7t/3.3o !�-� I a) E�SCCVY1C: ts ci r i ecc, rk. re• _ 233,76 oUr 6, SsNI Srw�r ' I v:cc reer•.r t -2 C �r /� V (�'`� 7�'�= 2y/•ZO } G.� S�v.,��+ 7 Sr_c..cr oK mac_ ��1-et wcc.+� 11 tt VICINITY Ni(AP 7�i3 - ---- - - I ��1 ��ci - - 1 a , S. c�• �OyO 1./0.3d -� �rc }-Ic�Iv::s �r- srs..at• wur� ire � �� � � •���./. L _._ � • '�-z�/•3-s ��-deer ,t,7v.71-9' . E B L N E- AN stl2�s 8-3 ao 01-36•c 2 ,V-/= �,•� io .m:: ,�.=233•coo OtGh /✓!/0-'/ C 6 �= E.=233.20 SN o� „G / �.n qq t� /) ircc , Y Y P' u 15.`N. 9 s ct d�c. r,c Z'S•: i Igo,o 6 coo ToF= Z yo•2y F t x ^ /7'a P:/9S oa Ip, aka o 6f•75 I r M-1 3,'-79•7S l3-2 i 3 LE. = zZ9•$o nuT � 9.3 B .'C. s o•DiSS �/ � (� 1 t 7 t OF ToP= 38.35/ ` • . _ _ _ _ _ ''_ -� , el _ — __ • I _ _ tjjF ►�B - 3_ - - - 40 00 _7 7 _ — i ) _ ) _ - „• - -- � - -' -, _ __� _ �_. ._ ,,. ' -- --- _,.__- --.-__ _ __ _. U/h a T', i _ - - - - -_ . _ ___- - --_ - I I _ - _ - _ -owl - - } ' — OF A 17 _ v • $ M — — . 0400 FtA Y 7A�E' -SECc '7e PAC C p r 4 - - PRIOR __ . l EPART T OF E RUNMEN AL QUAlilt , PUB C W04 I:� DE T. -- ____ 4 M N NVI PLA NO PT VIE - _ .I C U fYT D fr --•� ' CITY ADMIN TRAT Y --' -"— __._. .,.—,.._ _. _• - _. ___ .. _ _ _ ` TIG R DI ---- — - _ I PPR -- - _ - - —_ - - - - - - - -- - - - - GE L PH _ VED ; - - 7"' NI E Y T � - E .. _• -� . ... .- - - - _ . .. __ _ _. __. _._ __..__ ._Sl1I7iYr .1a pt.Wt- wu.a,u-! t..ir-at s rrw -- - -- , -- -- _ _..... _ _ - .-- --- -- -— G - - - - - _ T. R. N. 06 _ -- -- _�� ___ _ I I t O - ._ ___ -- _ lyn 6"A( PE __._ - - U jEC TO EVIS�ON REFERENCE INFORtAATION AND NO'T'ES: DESIGN jI SC q�E R I� ` KOC xz, /":Soy TIPPITT PSAN I TARY SEWERTRACED 10B NO. r we 5 -- I ' � /• `� CHECKED Harris - McMonagle d � Associates SHEET REN.-- DESCRIPTION SUB. AP R. DOTE 1 ZUV /r e . k FNGINFERS 51 RVI :, PS IMPROVEMENTS REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVISION zJs 8405 S W. COMMERCIAL STREET 1 / TIGA,RD, 2 OF i L; i iiC�•._i.. :Ji WER A e r � p SCP I u 4 OF E c _ r G H . �. ,EP 8 1975 R't-HA".TATtON•M'I4rT6 �. CITY OF TIGARD _.—. pgr `/•�� .r* I'II I111I1 1 -FloHAL II 1 1I110'11�1IIh� r1� tII�IITIfj IIIIII� 111I111II11Iri (IItI111IiIIIIII)IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111I111{Y11I 11I111IIIII111I111'IfIIIII f { 21 3 4 8 a 7 8 A 10 11 12 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED , — DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN f THIS NOT I�-TT IS DIME TO ,.. _QkWITY OF THE ORIGINAL '•' s RAWING, -0C dz Q2 a tie S2 tr2 E2 z2 'IN " ba 61 BI [I !il �r til 111 ZI II of L 9 ►� E z 1was" ,,/� �1f1�IlIINII1111I1Nl�unitl)tI1Ut11�IMi1t111�Hltlll �i11>1n1�iIluI1N1�NN1t111�11�1{Itt1111I11�1�rrinlr� IIlIII1111i11 IH111111I1111111111111 llllUlIIUII111�1�1111 w � JULY 9 199 2 lip" .7 1. MAty,MM"'T r m"10,044M,44,- i 2. In consideration of the authorization hereby granted to .ner to connect said tract to the City's sewage t.ransmiasion trunks, finer shall pay or cause to be paid ,.o the City, sewer service charges now established by Resolution and Order No. 70-12 of the Unified werage Agency, or as may be hereafter prescribed, per calendar ,nth or any part thereof, said suras to be paid as and when billed I tie City in the usual and customary manner. I 3. Am a condition of the use of the City's sewer trunk lines, ,ner does hereby consent to the annexation of Owner's lands to the city of Tigard, and an order may be entered at a-ly time without notice by the Metropolitan Boundary Review Commission as annexing }o lands described in said Exhibit 4. The lands described in Exhibit "A" shall be and remain I bjer.t in all respects to the rules, regulations, standards and ,nitations established by the ordinances and arders of the Agency d that the Agency will afford disposal services to ,3aid lands on o I same terms and conditions and at the same rates as applicable other lands in the Tigard area. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Owner has signed this Instrument and Te oas been executed n triplicate pu.suant to resolutions hereto- re duly adopted by each of the other parties signatory hereto, CY OF TIGARD, OREGON UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGENCY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, Oregon ---- — - ----- BY Mayor --_�-------- �.. — ___-_-- _ Byt _ ... a'rinan, Hoard of County Commissioners of Washington County, as governing body of Unified Sewerage Agency -2- 1 /tjmii!t:tiun EXHIBIT "8"Fee $ 550.00 per lot ;ur h,ir9r, (when applicable) * per lot I',�i ini t F ,e (when applicable) & Side Service 1 w.1jo, i.i un Fr:e 25.00 per lot hl.rn Fhork Fne (when applicable) & Main I iiia Impaction fee ,I . ( ... r\ 100.00 Plum: All oxtunsions of sewer collector linea must be approved by U.S.A. , the City of Tigard and D.E.Q. prior to construction. It shall be Further understood that no r.onstruction shall r:r,mmence prior to, approval by, the City of,Tigard. Air it L able surchar en: Fh,mherlain eont:act: $511.00 per lot heron Heights Interceptro, Inc. contract: $150.00 pet lot s a October 13, 1975 J. Allan Paterson Paterson Realty 12700 S.W. Pacific Highway Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Tippitt Place Sewer Extension Dear Mr. Paterson: We have not yet received U.S.A. or L ,E.Q. approval of the proposed sewer extension, but we expect to hear from them shortly. To prevent a delay inrocessing the remaining paperwork, while awaiting said approvals), we are forwarding the following documents for your review, execution, and subsequent return (Council. action thereon must remain subject to receipt of the above approvals) : 1. Sanitary Sewer Compliance Agreement. 2. Sanitary Sewer Contract Agreement. The following items will also require your attrition: 1. A performance bond will need to be provided (as specified by the agreement). 2. A 1100.00 inspection and plan check fee must be remitted. 3. A previously submitted easement must be re-executed (or re-acknowledged) due to the- notary signature thereon being the same as that of the easement grantor. Further, I might mention that there is only 8238.60 outstanding on the Chamberlain contract; therefor, at such time as you apply for individual lot connection permits the outstanding contract balance should expire prior to connection of all of your proposed lots. Should you have any questions regarding the aforesaid, please cell me at 639-4171. Very truly, John S. Hagman Supt. , Engineering Division JSH:lw Enc. Pro j t: TiPp,4 f-'Y.:,ce -sew.E 4, Easement: Deed Reference: 1042/132 600; KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we (I) J. ALAN PATERSON FOR TIPPITT PLACE SUBDIVISION hereinafter termed grantor(s) , in consideration of the sum of $ 1.00 to be paid by CITY OF TIGARD, a municipal corporation of Oregon,- Fe reinr after termed the City, hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the CITY OF TIGARD a perpetual right-of-way and casement as hereinafter described, to- gether with a temporary right-of-way and casement to use an additional area hereinafter described and designated temporary easement, for the following uses and purposes: 1. Perpetual easement: An unencumbered perpetual right-of-way and easement for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, operating, maintaining, inspecting and repairing of an underground sewer line and appurtenances, together with rhe right to remove, as necessary, vegetation, foliage, trees and other obstructions within the easement area, but resery;.ng to the grantors the title to the lands, subject to the easament, and the right to make such use thereof, except to construct buildings, as will not interfere with the uses and purposes of the easements said easement area being 10.00 feet on each side, when measured at right angles, c_' the following Described center line within the following designated premises: A twenty (20.00) foot wide strip of land in the S.W. k of the N.W. h of Section 39 T2S, R1W, W.M. being in that tract of land in deed to J. Allan Paterson recorded in Book 1042, Page 132, Sept. 39 1975, Deed Records, Washington County, OR. Said Lwenty (20.00) foot wide strip being ten (10.00) feet wide on each side of the following described center line: Beginning at a point on the South line of said Paterson tract 64.12 feet East of the South- west corner thereof: thence N 14°08130"E 59.62 feet, more or less, to the Southerly right-of-way line of S.W. Walnut Street (C.R.A-55) 2. Temporary easements Together with the temporary right of ingress, egress and regress, and use for sewer construction purposes, of additional lands lying parallel to, along the sides and within -- feet, when measured at right angles, of the above describe perpetual easement area, excepting and reserving to grantors the unencumbered enjoyment, use and preservation of all structures present upon the premises. This temporary easement shall terminate upon completion of: the sewer construction work, at which time, upon request of the owner, the City will issue a written release thereof. Page 1 Easement Should it be necessary to cut and remove any brush, trees, or other matter or materials from the easement area, said brush, trees, or other matter and materials shall be removed and disposed of by the City and the City shall leave the easement area in a neat and workmanlike condition. The I City agrees that in connection with its use of the perpetual easement area and in inspecting, repairing, maintaining, or replacing said sewer line, the City will leave the premises in a neat and workmanlike condition and as nearly in the pro-existing state as practicable. The grantors do hereby warrant that they are the owners in fee simple and have the right to grant the above described easements. witness our hands and seals this UCa—n day of. Se tember _ 7.9 75 -�—�- -- ------ - ---------- --(SEAL) �•_MC1`.c.--. (SEAL) a erson (SEAL) (SEAL) ___..__(SEAL) _(SEAL) For a consideration, the mortgage lien on the above described properties is hereby :,lade subordinate to the easements above granted. I Property described is free and clear of all encumbrances. ' Dated this - clay of 19 Not applicable) —� Mortgagee -- STATE OF OREGON ) )SS. County of Washington ) on this - 300 clay of September 19 75 , persunally I appeared the above named _J.-Allan- and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. Before me: N6tary Pu(ijiC' of r Ore pn' -- / / g My Commission expires: 9-8-77 age 2 %asement w 1/4 tv-. 1/4 SECTION 3 T !�S RIW W. M. WASHINGTON COUNTY OREGON SCALE 1"= 100' ' .340 G N. \\ a I_, J/1 K I� v lJJ C N � J r' r r� ir- � r r < T 3 i r SFE MAP , W „/rNN r� s s 400 e� M N✓ e h.. CV r/r di `fin t : I 40 r✓ �I rN/4 OB'JO'i•S9.42' IC.S. Nu 31521 a ee.s+�'M 62 /r,.lrn:,, �tti��" py'•\r```'1` / 7C 4t r ,Y=�•�7 � VV — - wes•se'w -- ee)of I 900 95 Ac, 800 D'b en t4 r' NO, Coe r: Z04 4r. .p" o )05/440 •, bq 4600 � s IC.S No I2,09. e'0"6M1• 4500 i ' .00 (C5. Na 12A1015 00 I 4 A. M 2 l 4 5 4 Itel' 0 __ _ _ )e 1.o{ N et• 51'w 3 4 Susi in --io_�wtsv ~ \ Nt CON {T M IIOA`M2v),`es on 1200 )'e/T,' I 1 1300 is wTs e2e s UNIFIED SENVERA_GE AGENCY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY PERM.. - TEMP--- � - WALL SAN. SEWER ESMT. DRWN BY: Af'F'RD BY: ifAI IM . .tic�fu�.�tl►,N; .�sl�oatnmi:t� SCALE: AS SlouJ•+ ►.„�..�:�,.��•..�,�„. DATE: , 0IM13 MM. /.INF,M"At,NTUPPr �' TtN.V�26 I�Mta il);Y OT'1.N i Page 1 I Easement 4 x .ti Or c� a w 3 w Q mU. LD can rr V V y t 4 W N O Y f} t • r A O W rL W (A ►, >- VI m Z t3. LU cc nNy.r !► ., , t i w w ; a Q Ou 2 OQw0tr W ►- p u Z > ct •r� x Z J <i Ifl W M 4 a O x (Dv Q . W (D0 • W W IJJ � ) F- Z (r(� ►. gC) ^ Lt w Z a (A O W d W m �Q T I Co WJ 3OD Jz W Z 11D (, + I (W IujJ1 Lr or z Z,_ 0 (v c � 1 ��JI s 'i rn d a • z n IL `jON l CD 0 UD J LU in F- N �. an C� in in O �nVt O N r M In N '�N f1 "• 1 2 W Q W UJ tri' I k 41 A O in n V 10 M N M N G� 1i1.('y � !- > C� R t I GSC ''n O�1 N M 1A t0 � kU R. M $ G N U Z Jf U b W a f� in m In til 0 In N •�t W 3W � Inti Z of W � � (n in NN IN to(AZ2ZN (ANIt (X A x W tf 4 (- zH V M N N M — di M O V1 M 41 Ip 2i2 � orl Q -- ~ N If1 M V cn wi vi O t� M fir, cuzww _ .�.. taJ F- O O 0► w yl M (�i M In O O t�p g O cri LL Q 0 4 F- J M N �p CTI O tt7 O V Irl �n txf T L) ti In cr N rl 1t1 f► t- T -• to in Ml co In } u O xcr W r- a w > .J x N J n Q Irl 0 Iri ri r1 o o .� r v'Y "r C7 V } iL 0 Q l - O J — hl N or1 v 0 onIr't (K _ N u Q in Z .W h in p N c+_Ld a Q V ,<v 2 \ N v O L O v �'N N Q A O QG .Z7 to W Y1 \'. 4 . t (n rl �! O r'n w� ado , C? o mqz ~ o 4 e co o~ M (nno Q }- w a a k. O `_ �. ui O j. m w N C Opp� . M r► •U _ Q z z O O - i Q W ' • V W `�.�� ( ') N� _ .. N N N1 In in W t- (D0► �? W � h V U. 2o- O► �a a a t11 0 U3Hga v► ►=- in x mIWl cc aqeO x o� cta ~ a Nd 3 W UJ .iLW WCr � 70 .4 O Ir p 0 tL W ,* C! efW) a - cr W u- ...i W o "' Z 00 to \ N Q > 2 1- a )` ,gQ � NQ F- O Z 1 Cl it :E Ll 302000 �� p• O Yc to �`. 'g N z Ln � Wv aw h \ awz _ WOW �� uWi f- ti Yf U W W A t OWN3IL W- 0 Z W W W C-) -j A en m (D z to 7 \\ �• -r �;' a w 04 3 <. \ am ►- '" a W x � oaRLi `. IS �o r a •Ar y ;t 1 a CITY Or TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION No. 76- RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTED TO SERVE TIPPITT PLACE SUBDIVISION. WHEREAS, the City of Tigard, being an agent for Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington County, requires applicants for construction of main line sewers to execute agreement documents, to submit to plan checking, construction inspection and testing, to grant public easements, and to pay certain fees, all in accord with specified rules and regulations pertaining to such development; and WHEREAS, the herein pertinent, executed, Sanitary Sewer Compliance Agreement, dated October 15, 1975, stipulated that: "At such time as all public improvements have been completed in accordance with the City's requirements, Petitioner shall be required to notify the City of the readiness for final inspection; upon affirmation by the Department of Public Works that all requirements of the City have been met, the Petitioner will submit to the City a good and sufficient maintenance bond in the form approved by the City in a sum equal to fl.fty per cent (50%) of the contract price to provide for correction of any defective work or maintenance becoming apparent or arising within one year after final ac-_t,tance of the public improvements by the City"; and WHEREAS, said petitioner has now requested final inspection; and WHEREAS, said departmental affirmation has now been received; and WHEREAS, said maintenance bond has now been received. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Tigard, Oregon, hereby accepts the public sanitary sewer main line, constructed to serve Tippitt Place .subdivision, subject to the aforesaid maintenance bond. PASSED: This day of , 1976. Mayor ATTEST: City Recorder RESOLUTION No. 76- i b� �.s�'t- � r Gw o►^- �..c� '1-0 � C i �7 a't` � y,ti� CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON • /' DEVELOPMENT PROJECT GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET I, PROJECT No.s —_-__ I I. PROTECT NAME s �•1,�'� P�R LE ��' E�T III, DRAWING (TITLE) : dated: / IV. PLAT (TITLE) : dated: / V. SITE LOCATION, -s ku -U i ( VI, PRINCIPAL3s /� A (1) DEVELOPERS _—._ —� ^Ils�� 1 �`�tr S�✓1 Ar1A rP99 17 7CC' SW P�u�icti. 'hone NO.�c'',,,,�9'-Z,�Z,-r„_• ' (2) DEVELOPERS SURETY AGENCY: LUs' Val 4wra' " c "--- ' Addre9s Phone No.— _ Bond No. (3) ENGINEER r Addrea9 , Phone No. (4) INSPECTOR t__„ Address__-_ Phone No. _ 4 (5) PRIME CONTRACTORS �1LeJ. - I Address Phone No. ry_ 1 (6) CONTRACTORS SURETY AGENCY:_-____,__ _ _..- Address _�----- ----- Phone No. Bond No. Exp. Date— (7) SUB--CONTRACTORS: i�. :'+`J 1-Y. 'S'.W' V . _ ..";w. ...YN%�.i4 y inyi• .t't,:';}P. , :nY Y, .- 1'.+Yr: ', , W .mpm :.t?;' 'MI'IN'_'1" .q T•'' 'Ti..'°'�jF-' 1 �;jy7q qrl"': [vtfM'7}{per .,'IY.iNIMfi 'S /r yy pr_ ((A[ r A C D Ep G M I I <;EN E R Ai., NOTES ,, -------•.,.... f D� 1 0�'..- I. ALL WORK SHALL BL OCIN E IN CON FOR MANCE WITH THE�F PLAN , 9 -,PFC; - .I O� ��`' �� FICATION S WHICH ACCOMPAN'-( THEM, AND *11A THE UN IFI ED SEwA =AF E '� E ►T+'/ AGENCY _STANDARI:,S. IN LYFNf OFA CONFLICT BETWEEN THESE pLAA)S AND SPECI FICAT IONS ANL U. ;�, A . jTAN [JAROb9 THE J, �. A . STAND 4 RDS SHALL TAKE PRECEAI¢PPCF. �Iy � 2. NO I TEM ."P PHASE OF WO K SHAL.I_ DE :J S I DERE L7 COWL FL ETE )k)T L ACC ffP CD BY THE J, S. A. AND THE ENGI WEER, /� 3. ALS 7R'cNCH BACKFILL MATERIALS ANp METHODS SHALL I� IN-E tU - N FORNrA r-Xi= WITH J. :., A . STANDARDS, 44 4, ALL PERMITS AND LICENSES NECESSARY r-oR PROSECU Tic)KI AND CUM-- PLE TI ON OF THE WORK SHALL BEr SECURED AND PAID FUR BY Q ONT2ACTOR PRIOR TU CON► M1=NCI NG OF C0NSTRUGri JN '�:fAc,r-.` A . T„E LOCATION OF EXISTING UNDERGROUND L)TILITIE'; SHOWN _)N T'HE / rLANS IS FOrZ 1NF0T2W1AT10Q ONLY ANF) ► 5 NOT GL)ARANTEEr-) TO BE ACCURATE. /,r► 3 BEFORE COMMENCING CONSTRUCT ION� THE COnIrRACTOR "' HAt_L '' NOT F`/ Al-L PEMW RTINENT COPAN IES OR AG ES IrH JNDE�:- is �r _ �20UNO FACILITIES IN THE JOB ARCA SO THAT FACILITIES ly /V MAY BE ACC.JRATE L\e LOCATED. ( I E ; POWER, GAS, TSLE PHONE, WATPR 3 \u — _O. —_� —� —. — _ - _ STORM ff SANITARY ;,EWERS , ETC I �w P� �. AL._ SCR c� E LATEf•:AL_S AkE TO BE C�I CONC. PIPi EXTRA QTR. c-iy 6A R STQ � b AS 3UILT L _r' _ E33-rl9 0,.17 � I rf , z33.yy .rti mom= ?y/-2 r.i UI VICINITY MAP ,�0 ' SCA.E Ij1=Z0o0' 0- 00 L_ I. NF ,�st7E?° 9-3 -2 'zo 2136.22 '09-1= —✓,� ,p' ,1 rE.:233,0 Of+ao !✓t,/d'-/ c = 2 _ p I ,.-Z 3 3.1Z i sN Rod.Aly oor 3 �^ �.E= i9o.St7s Tb P=/9 N.70 #70076- � I I 15 IVH 35 YO- 1•z-= 2 79.7-7 moi✓ �-t 0. 2 H -- - -- - -- 3_ --- - --- - -- - __ -- - -- - -- - two - - --'- -- — - - - - -- -- -- -- - -- --- -- A4EE- - - - -,� s--0- _4___ --t / - — ---- --- _ _.. — -- -- - wj6m Am -— - -- _ - TIL -- _ --- _ Sk MR - _ --- I Ilk K r r - ._ _• - —_._. — — Igo v JL No 4 _ 71 ISO lot_.._- 1 T C nn// REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES: DESIGN A /VAo/—Z - �V S,6v,Ir O.vjA XN(J• E!� S. vopc5� Slav TiaviivtL, �✓ST. Balt v✓ M� �9�V0 LAT' <.a t- TZ �•�/s'C o.�1 s7.e ,tT.1�T�iV N<+AfV i-7-7+e� A.X� � � �-' j � Sy e w, . ( 1 0' TIPPITT pSANITARY SEWER t>t� ♦ TRACED Ep JOB NO. � .J FC _ �S BUILT s �a l�i, SHEET A ,;rl CHECKED Harris -McMonagle Associates REV. -- - DESCRIPTION ~SUB. APPR. DATE r `✓�T�� l`a �c��� `'U��' ENGINEERS SUR`/FYORS IMPROVEMENTS REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVISION �S k, Nhk ' 8905 S.W. COMMERCIAL STREETS I 1 / TIGARD, OREGON 97223 OF I 1IPPF.T PLACE SEWEEA 9 C p E `a D M OF 6 F NtINAN tTAT11/N[Nr t K0.OO. low - ----•--- -•-._ . ..._._.__-...+-...__._..'. .__.. _- ___-__---- _ _-. -. "__ ---- _-. _... ._ -. ._.... .. .-.-... r•_ yr F_u......-...... _ Iw.v:' + - .6._._. - .....w.. /IM .i+G;`i1P. - T'rr”' _ _ _ - _ M r `) ►A 1 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED ( 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 IQ ' - DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICE,--IT 15 DUE TO '-THE QUALITY OF TW ORIGINAL A /,rte DRAWING. i OE 6? P2 1-_" 9Z SIrt 2 EZ 22 Iz OZ 61 91 LI 91 s i vi E I 21 11 01 • - 9 L 9 -S - r E r r I f IIA . . „� I�ll�ulllnn�unllln�InIIIIIr�rullnll�Jlukul�ulJluu�lluluu�luihnr�►ullun�nll�IIII�UtI�IIII�IIII�II�I�1111l►Ih�;;llluliHul�l) �I111�1111�1111�1111�111I�II11111111,ljlill�llll�i i1N�IIII�NII�llh�llll�lw LI11�111111 - - JULY 9 1992 r TIPPI L CE SURVEYOR ' S CERTIFICATE: I , WILLIAM L. McMONAGLE, FIRST BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSE AND SAY THAT I HAVE CORRECTLY SURVEYED AND MARKED WITH 5/8"x 30" IRON RODS, ALL LOT AND BLOCK CORNERS, CURVE RW. 1 /4 SECTION 3, T'- 2S. R- IW, W. M . POINTS, AND BOUNDARY LINE CHANGES IN DIRECTION , THE LANDREPRESENTED IN THE ANNEXED MAP OF "TIPPITT WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON PLACL AND AT SAID INITIAL POINT OF SAID SURVEY I SET A 2"x 3s LONG GALV. IRON PIPE , 6 BELOW THE NSURFACE OF THE GROUND, LOCATED NORTH 774.610 EAST 599.27' FROM WEST QUARTER CORNER SEC.3,T-2S, R-IW,W.M.; DATE: JUNE 1975 SCALE : Iw5O' THENCE: N -QD• 35'28'= W 214. 11' ; THENCE: N-69.54' 20t- E 8 17. 83' ; THENCE : S-04.05'oo= E 214 .62' ; THENCE: S-89.54'2OtW 830. 90' TO THE INITIAL POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 3 . 879 ACRES EXCLUSIVE OF ROADWAY. IN SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN BEFORE ME THIS 28 DAY OF /-?,u as-f 1974 l i .? .. .._ rte•= -_ - -- NO A RY PUBLIC IN AND FOR OREGON MY COMMISSION EXPIRES S - i 9 - 78 • CURVE DATA ICL R L L . C. ChB NOTE: IN ADDITION 'r0 ESMT. SHOWN ALL F ?ONT, SIDE, Sk BACK ( ./ 41 - 49 - 25 104.00 73.00 71 . 39 S - 65 . 00' 18'= W LINES OF EACH LOT ARE TO HAVE A 5.00 FOOT EASEMENT 45 - 48- 45 175.00 139.93 136.23 S - 66 . 59' 57=W FOR SANITARY SEWER, STORM AND SURFACE DRAINAGE , LOT CURVE DATA POTABLE WATER SUPPLY AND UTILITIES. TRACT "A" 1 90 -00-00 15.00 23.56 21. 21 S - 40: 55:00" W I S SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS FOR SANITARY SEWER, STORM 1 24 - 17 - 15 125.00 52.99 52.59 S - 72 _ W DRA I NAGE, AND UTILITIES AS MAY BE REQUIRED. 2 17- 32 - 10 125.00 38.26 38- 11 S - 52 . 51 '40" - W 2 18- 51 - 54 150.00 49.39 49. 17 S - 53 . 31 '32"- W 3 26-56-51 150.00 70.55 69.90 IS - 76. 2554��- W 5 67-04-42 41. 00 48. 00 43. 31 N - 56. 33 19 - W 5 10 - 41- 02 5400 10.07 10.05 N - 28• 2 I '29"- W 6 68 - 44-30 54.00 64.79 60.97 N - $8.04:15'p W �a- 7 37- 08-10 54.00 35.00 34-39 S - 58. 59 2 5t- W 8 37- 08-10 54.00 35.00 34.39 S - 21. 51 15 - W 9 93- 22- 50 54.00 88.01 78.59 S - 43. 24' 15t E 1'o. 10 45- 48 - 45 200.00 159.92 155. 69 N - 66. 59'57"- E �-C 10 41 - 49 - 25 75.00 54.75 53. 54 S- 65 . 00 1ON- W 10 90-00-00 15.00 23.56 21. 21 S -4 9 . 05 QO - E M 'R t •` o_ A vs o.. _ ro 4-1,2 81. 34' 1 41. 40' 80. 00' To.00' 70 00' I ; \ t0 STORM x'0.00 -f O.00 100-00, 3 .49' 1 50 \ .•. ; TRACT N t� 2L' 20 IN - �. Lu - LA o • poo \ �b - 0 v- Q R 3 �a o � � \ \ h. � N - � I 0 0 • ; i m -° 40.00 N o0 . .•. - / '� - p S 4 - 4 �- O -%p' o SZ qq 23 SG o J' .00 i.:: N •��-� '� ) s sA N ITA ESt�T. \ \ 0 64 ?9� N O �Gt7 S-8555 UO-W I O -��72 30, SEWER c�C) 3" - � - _ qo.00 Rz ID N.� o� 10.07" % mss, p=.�0 � �� 73.56 0 40-00 ��'• I fr O -(0. 55 o Zy° 93 rn RG-89 s4 Zo - w ^' /� °p #s 7-6 2 187-000 yq� E sr qo. oo' TRACT 8 � i ZG S. 9v ' - - 4700 , .3 04' I, I IN1rIAL S-89'65-4 '0o'= w 8.30. 9o' NOTE: TRACT "8", A ONE , FOOT STRIP j� ser z:34"6. I.P ALONG THAT PORTION OF RAW p,C/vf E ABUTTING THE SOUTH PROP. � f LINE, TO BE DEE15ED TO WASHINGTON COUNTY • 1r -�40 vv oE, 4v ? or {`` pVK !1 S V"� �-t- VL 9,4-f 1 5 fj 4,13 w L4,101 a LA TIPPET PLACE SEWER 6 OF v '� ..• ' � w-yam .. .._.-.. _ -- . .. , .. il is WIN , r _•,,,f i' 1 fit' 11 s i t t t t 1111-1111-91-- 1 � o '�r_1jiln�;Iiriljij 1 I M,11 1111 111111t11111-1 i �illl 111111 ! I � IrII11 lllll Ili III t11 111 III 1 # 1III III 1111' I !� I1 i l l l I NOTE : IF THIS M ICROF I LME D I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 - DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT I(;E;-'"IT 15 DUE TO ;. THF QUALITY OF THF ORIGINAL OE 6Z 92 1?. 92 52 bZ EZ ZZ iZ OZ 61 of LI 91 51 bl EI ZI II 01 6 8 1 9 S b E Z 1318,L I �!IlIIIIt111I1111�1111�111111111�11111i1i�11lI�lIII11111�1111�111111111111t1111t��N111111111lllllllllll�lll{IIIIIIIIII!Illi#f�{IIIIIIII�i111�,i11lMI)Illilllllliillli�{�Il�lllllili#1#tl�llll�illllilli���iill����IO�IIUIII11�1111111{I�Illll�j��� ljjj���l�,�J�111I11111i TTTT V >