TIEDEMAN SEWER SANITARY SEWER i _ I - 64 of GRAONATB .3.A A ii 9.0 3J17C3Rc4-•NAJ9-f 3'TAJ9 TIEDEMAN SEWERS A At U NI QJYMI14 014A 7QAM- MUJJJV 40tIM-420A 0001 i CF .t]p N3DIT31❑ '+JN]DU3 � y,, 4 i' ..-._ p' a.�-... .— _. ••�._....s► "qRr'--�6%.1.•'' .- .,. ....k... arm- .�M..dll.: ly. .,ywy ,,._.-.+,M►. - - w. r' t t t t � ' t '► t # t �'ri'� t l r l ► t r I t l i r f r l f l I ► I r I I r f I r I I t t �f� I t I r Ili �l� �l� sI� Ott } .�_ f � I � IIf�� Ilt , l ��i � t �I � il'M' � tlj ( i �n� �f �� I � I � I � tII IiI � I � 1 ( I � I � I � IJt � I � III � II � tII IIt � I � I � tI - 1 NOTE: IF- 12 THIS MICROFILMED " �'�--w+�' -'�_� DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICG=-"IT IS DUE TO .-� DRAWING , .QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL " v -- of ez ez a 9? sz rz EZ _..up Iz oZ 61 of L I 91 s l t'I E I z I I I of _6 9 L 9 sl-- fl--° 'E----1.---z t1•Oman* ——w— i 4---LE---- 41 - 1011611111fill III I III IIII Oslo llt111m#kllthl l�IffIIIY111111 "411tf�� �nul�ut�nulftfr�fllll)1111�W911�U1t1WlWr1�1111111t�uplurl JULY 7 - ++� IN. j 1 t . t I p '�r qt �•�" y�". ,,,�,i 'h � �"NFr�S��R �yY it,.�� � �'r�.'.�`�g'�Il^"r � .a �� YM ,L,?•� M �r,�l � -.' f}rr�t��h`'��',y�, en.::�,y t �y� � 1'i. . u V�1 op, ' n' t'i�+'• t � ;���� b' y� �'� b n > N O aLL ..fppp�... C V N V '7 3 " (I1 Phor,p (Area 503) 228-7228 MA1KEE �� ACHNERY CO, CO 4000 S. W. MACADAM — PORTLAND, OREGON 97201 .41' November 21, 1968 C� d City of Tigard 12420 S .W. Main Street Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attention : Mr. Keith C. Thompson Dear Mr. Thompson: To date, I have been unable to maks any definite agree- ment with McCall Oil Company who originally had indicated their desire to go along with us on the sewer project. As you know, it is necessary that at least one responsi- ble firm would be the principle contractor. After continued talks with Bob Gray, our immediate neiahbo.r, we have decided that since nothing can be done this season, to let the matter rest in obeyance until more definite interest is shown by all concerned. We thank you and the mayor for the kind help you have ex- tended us on this matter, and we will contact you as soon as more concrete Plans are agreed upon. Sincerely yours, MILWAUKEE MA HINERY CO. i i <Jf<� Gabriel Pascuz i GP/rp a CEPIED N 0� < r r, fY N TI JARD ----- SALES AND SERVICE REPRESENTATIVES + General Elechic Co. * Koppers Company, Inc. * Westinghouse Fie-+roc Motors. Geer-Motors, Controls, Transformers Fast's Self•Align;-q Flexible Coupling+ Air Cooled Compressors MANUFACTURERS OF OVERHEAD BRIDGE CRANES WE HAVE SHOP FACILITIES FOR REPAIRING ELECTRICAL AND ME:HANI��L EQUIPMENT 1 T` October 11, 1968 Mr. t3abrie? Vascixczi Milwaukie Machinory 4000 S.W. MacAdam Portland, Oregon 97202 Dear Mr. Pascucr,L: r Baying spent several hours with yo-- discussing the u Possibility of a sewer extension f your property on Tiedeman Ave. , i on concerned in to your firm' s intention regarding this matter. Assuming that you are still interested in a sewer extention' to your property at this time x can forsee two difficulties't 1) The lateness of the construction season and as a result J an increase in construction costs. 2) The existing ca;aacity of our sewer treatment plant.. Sincerely. U Reith C. Thompson Director of Public Works RCT/leo September 5, 1969 M)3MORANDUM Mr. Fred Anderson, City Attorney From- Keith C. Thompson Director of Public Works Subject: Tiedeman Ave. sewer extension Dear Fred: I have net with Mr. uabriel Pascucsi of Milwaukie Machinery, Mr. 4awkin, A.U. of "3rey Construct--n and Mr. Bob McCall of McCall Oil. If the contract apps .)ach was m-de t.o extending sewer service for the above liste'i aeople the stops i n4i.cated to them would be as follows: 1) That an agreement fore, of co.itract be made betwtpen the parties and acknowledged by the City of Tigard 2) That the prime contractor have the fingineoring nl ar,s and specifications t3rer3ared 3) 'That the owiiera agl:ee to proceed after bids have k)aen !eceive'l 4) That plans, and specifications be okayed by the (21 t-y of Tigard before construction moi) That the sewer contract ?►"s let 6) That final contract be made with the City of "i,igard and prive contractor for repayment of those property along Tiedeman. The agreement form of contract with the City acknc,aledgement. should include the follawing: 1 ; The group would agree as to clow t.iiey would finance a line. 2) That one person would be assigned as the prime contractor for getting the contracts, arranging interim financinq and so forth. 3) That all parties vm uld aqree to 111X, inspection fee of the gross project to the City for its cost of inspecting upon billing 4) Agreement to the reimbursement to the prime contractor upon acceptance of the sewer by the City. 5) That the interceptor become the property of the City upon acceptance by tha City Council 6) Agreement that no connections be made until payment of inspection .fees in addition of some 60% of the connection fee as supplemental charge to the Leron Heights interceptor 7) Agreement_ to annexation of the boundaries of all. property owners before connection ta) Agreemant to the fact that the City would be free and clear Of any liability or damage that might result from this rro_J ect t N.�•aP pointed out to the above gentlemen that the City s past :i 7.rAo�-Y—Yit.s tiave included the following ite�-q 1 ) 1t'he (7i t-•I agreed +-.o collect the fees that might be the property owners desiring to connect ?) Tliat the total cost may be repaid except for that portion owned by t_he primp contractor ane. contractors 3 ) That the 2ity would desire to be able to buy out the contract rat any time 1) That tbM contr•ict woeel(i k.a terminated in or about tan, or fifteen rears time, to he e'tal,lishmd by the qty Colin^il 5) The r?navrnent would not incli)+% in! erejh 6) Masements would be obtained by the )prime contractor and held in Ascraw for the City until +he 70repletion of the project EnclOdOd is a map showing the general location of the sewer line and a list of possible collection fees to t"ie ��rapPr+ fnq using the 4/25 as now established by City ordinance. Respectfully Keit!- 0. Thompson Director of Public works KCT/iso 0 N I 0• �� O� • 1 �I I T Y J J 43093 • es 1 301 ; 300 m i 484c `'" 95 Ac 0 JJ o y • <J ,�• 40 f y "ti 3 0 2 •J� . 500 0 55 Ac �O /34 Ac e Ne91/C.R - SEE MAP ,\ yes TERM OF 0 N IS I Sap \ --�• .a1E��'`9_ c R.9 _ `.f'10 + t 2 :5 603 s c" °` 8 SBAc ; 600 r°'e ' 56 / y ol$ 42ArV ,, i 44 ly01 r 11 ,0 ^ ` 354, $40 �, � •,�4r 9'So -� a (P 1 304c I• 12 UO via 0 ° 70o 3BAc 1 I pNe9"S7W 23.,-9 e 92Ac ^ 12(A �A° o 123 Ac 8 \l tt 99051•It 33?6 - 1 chin 233 ?0r- r-•'� ) r^ 1107 7e cT. 12e4c � 110$° iCl I S 03 Ul2 • 101! ^IOIU ..� 1 4044 Ulb qq 0'`' I --. .... 12 5 u a !U r J`Jr J 1101 1 &—A" 5 . _ 504c t Rr9� S m1104 7 S 71 7 S loo 103 1105 1106 110 ?4 \ 1� OUT ns PLAT UN04A/ �, � 80 70 10 70 9 orNCRSHtP I DOUBT -, tU01 1002 I�3 100 IOp'S ICA I 6 IOOB r5 � D 5Ac 35Ac 35 A, i_Ac INITIA POINT '1� 34 t_- '',i�•, r,6 P INT 60UTH LINE JOHN c'), —_ "r[�ie,�r; NEIpNiS goo. L. HICKLIN C) l_.0 `tii / � 3 i / NORTH LINE JOHN L. HICK LIN 11 L C 31 � L) � z .3. cr- �. let s7a j�oU yo /OG X I C0,0.0.4 3 Yo 2t a /elo i 745 icT// ell., � e rC 4 0 3 a or loo' Ir_i �/ 1' 7 ,4 M•/ B49,u'�_--_ 9 7 15./2— _ _570_.- "1.._ ..-._.339,s 5l la aloo Zoo _.__... . '� SU. 5n- .1614J.35 j_Ya.9d--- a�o�•3 dor •:. - I•� �"g. _.�_1./_a..8`/_-��'� _ __ ..._ae�.ao _ 1094 a`1...._. . ti,7Y /7Z os,3r s�, it 7ov .38 S/v. 6E c, 47 ji.;so, OL a,•�o e1•z�:k ; t