SCOTT SEWER SANITARY SEWER 1 4 k VICINITY MAP >'i c- No SCALE 0ot1 a s� t y� Ire Q .,---#07'7,"4P 6 X 4 H 4 C'V EXISTING 6" D/P -_ F/*//3N GrRADE A" 6.0. � C� C01VC GRADE RINGS, 5.W. SCOTT CT. As REO'D 1`-8"MAX � MAK TRACT „A „ r — /i2 i 1 20 P1?ECA5r MANHaLE RINGS ECCENTRIC CONES YAR/ABLE DEPTiy 6%11_7__S u Sa`G,Y4fi CSF�--ST- CLSAN T I corvsTRvc 960 �F e c /9 *69 - - 18" /D. I O �" i/B B� CON57RVCT MANHG: 77S _ -s WITH GAsKEr 4. V) /5 ' EASEMEIVT L/NE OVER END FX 15TING 5m WYE BRANCH C36 edw4�t_lo - 9 30 ' "MIN AisE". 3",'fDOr PLAN SCALE fO ' -- AZ MAX /7rr25, t9 4:.:i:.�. A/0 T5 ',�/w ,� �' j . S£R VICE CONNEc''TION SCALE /"= /=0'• • MARK ALL SERVICES WITH 2 X¢ EXTENDING • 36 " OF 314" MINUS GRA VEL COIXER FOR A'L MAINS. � MINIMU,'Vi 24 ABOVE FiNlSH GRADE. • MAINS SHAD BE 7ESTEG AT ISO PSI FDR HOU .SMOOTH jr SEMI-CIRCULAR R . MAKE 5URFACF, AC :' RUQ®Eh GASKET ,411407TR • ALL WORK TO CONFORM TO AP WA 9 AW VVA • ALL F/TTIA165 WILL. ®E CEMENT-L/NED. �'z `) .jI, 5 TANDAROS • T. W.D. WILL INSTALL ALL COPPFF? SE,�'V/CES 5_ TANDAf�'D MANHOLE Po�REo AGA/N,ST r0 % `' '1''"'� op`�`+^ 90 ""� f �' I PRIOR T'0 8,4ACKTOFP/NG OF 5TREETS, 5crlcE viz " _ � '- o" 00 C'OMPIACTED AlATE.RIAL FILE COPY � r • ALL SERVICES TO .RC MECHANICALLY PL(/GGED. • CONTRACTOR SMALL NOTIFY ALL AFFECTED ALL SPACES MUST BE ENDORSED UTIL/TIE 5 BEFORE CONSTRUCTION/ BEGINS. PRIOR TO APPROV�IL F ESE PLANS • PL/C 040'Y TO BE SR J 0.3 4 OR Off/2ER PUBLIC VJORKS gEPT. BY -- � JJ 14_ -41 ` _ DATE • BM BRASS CAP //V NE C(J,98 INTER6rU-10N PLANNING DEPT. BY DATE_------- 5W 98 /'LONDON CT: NO ELELM TION AVA11A/3LE, BUILDING DEPT. By_-.---- DATE CALLED Y - -- CALLED AS 173DATE.__...__.__--- COUNTY HEALTH DEPT. EiY-..__—.__-_----- CITY ADMINISTRATOR BYDATE _— -- ---- • NOr/f"I TIGARD WATER D1S7_RIC7_ (FWD) PRIOR r0 TICsARD '.NATER DIST. BY__—_^ -- DATE-------- CUMMFNCING CON55RUCT"10N. ALL WORK WALL BE __._ GENERALTELEPHONE BY_--_ __ DATA—. IN5PECTEO AND APFFOVFD BY T. W. D. u s A BY__ �- _.-- GATE_ 3-14. 84 • POURED CONCRETE THR115T,91-000 AT LEAST S 50. FT. N. W. NATURAL GAB BY—_ DATE__ ----- — OF ,13EARING SURFACE AT EACH TEE, BEND, AND BLOW-OFF LOCATION. ") P. G. F_ BYI. DATE-- _j ATE_ Z. T. R. IL D. iY DATE -- 194 � � � - PAY WIDTH -6 (O L, ��� °oo•'F '''� i. -�::, PRELINIINARY COPY * a 44 92 LAS e M/w ;�°sp�'„•°'���"i :;:��r" I �.. SUBJECT TO CHANGE FULL. DEPTH UNDER STREET E. x •o :.,ti PIPE ZONE FOd �p QDa :- �'j�•• 18 8 O i u • • ;M. w .1 ,i ti.,� z COMPACTED GRANULAR :•�,•` • ' ' BACKIW I. TC 3 FEE 1 PVC PIPE AND IN STREET AREA COMPACTED I NATIVE BA KFI[L i BEYOND SHOULDER `n"SIR T 60 L.F ISF"�� s-� ooa BEDDING RE0UIREW'NTS 0 0 IE : IFI zA 0' 0 0 L0 O E, ExtbRIM ?I7q � MIO -CHANNEL, 0 Lf) 10.1M IAB �. L0 0 L0N N 0 IE W (IN) 17'1.80 + + 0 N Q o CONSTRUCTION S TANDARD5 DINGS. M PROF%LE SCALE VERT / 4 ' HOPI I" 40 ' DATE /LE SANITARY SEWER PLAN CONSTRUCTION PLANSSTELE SCOTT 3 - 6 -83 SHEET DES/ I I ORA w GEORGE S COT T ,V _ AFOR TL 1200 ( MAP ISI 35CD) FH �' OF J-// MA/N STifEET OREGON C/TI OREGON X503)X56—XXX LOCATED IN THE SW. 1 /4 SEC 35 ND. DE SCR/OT/ON BY A4tE SCALE T1S , R1W , WB & M WASHINGTON COUNTY , T '` OF TIGARD , OREGON REV16/0AIS40 , ( ri(... �y..... .r ... ... + 't .. '°. V ow 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 A 10 11 12 " I NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICG7"TT IS DUE TO - QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL RAINING. 0c bt 9Z LZ 9Z se vz Ca 2Z 18 02 of of LI 91 sl ti'I EI ZI 11 01 6 0 L 9 s 1► ' C Z I"'•"' " ,IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIuull111gII11111�111�1111ttIgI11111tI111NHInI+IItI�11411fINtf�Nll�ll�lll11rn1111!IIIIIIIMtII'pli�l�lf) II1�1u�nilfl{II�IfM�NllAlll`I�MIdIII,11f1111111�11nllnrbl111N�11WW1�1U1lIIIllIu�r1U1111WpNul JULY 6 1992 sw VICINITY MAP &>'N NO 3CALE r t yJI .r --HOT rAP 6,K f `alrr co k 4116V ExIST/NG 6" D/P • 2" CONC GRAPE RINGS Oro , I S.W. SCOTT CT AS REO'D l'-e"MAX• ONO /t7' \ Nc ar I CC rD �" 90° W/lir THRUST- BCak 1 - PRECAST /NANHO(E R/NC--S f ECCENTRIC CONES W I I I s cP 1 I VARl,9BLE DEPTH , i l _ ALS FACKF/[i CAMPfICTE-19 41 6"L/FTS OLN4+ -'-- CONSTRUCT .360 ,LF 6 P✓C 19 69 _ 'S" /D _ 7 CON57 RUCT MANHVLE MECHANICAL PLUG N u, .s.. . 4. .- �� lS� EA-S EMF-NT- L/NE OVER EX/5T/NG SA w/TH GA c ao o h n/YE BRANCH i v- C 30 ' —- 9„M/N R/5E: 3"/f”"OOT PLAN SCALE / "= fo ' � ` ... 4 No FES S ER DICE CONNECTION • MARK AL:. SERVICES W/TH 214 EXTE/VU/NG • 36 OF 3,'4 " / SCALE /"_ /'0' M NUS GRH VE4 ( OVEP FOX ALL 111,4/NS, MINIMUM 24 " ABOVE F/N/SH 6RAL'7E . • MAINS SKfIi L BE T£STEU A7 /SO /,11,5/ FOR 1 H04/R. MA/fE SURFACE _, ---AC RU86['R GASKET ADAPTER S/000 r# r SEMI-C/RCU[.AR Aa • Ai,[ w"Or?K TO CONFORM TO AP WA �' A W WA • A�,[. F/TI"rNc�S W![i, BF C.EMENT-L/HED. S TA.NDARDS • T. W.D. w/,"L /NS TALL A[L COPPER SERV/CES S TANDAI?D MA41#0Z - PovREO AGA/h'sr u PRIOR 70 L31-ACKTOPP//VG OF STREETS, 5CALQ'. 6W COMPAc7-50 IPA FFf?/AL • ALL :;ERVICES TO BRE Nr.FCHA/li/CALLy PLUGGED. CIRCULATIGN C Qjjy • CONTRACTOR 59AL4 NOT/FY ALL AFffCTEO vT/L/TiE5 BEF019E CONSTRi/Cr/ON BEG/Ns. 1J,S,A'• - D.E.Q. COPY • PI/C' P//E 7-09E SF< 3OJ4 OR BE7TER • BM BRASS CAP /N NE CURB /1VTER5ECT/0N ALL SPACES MUST BE ENDORSED �1 S W 9 8 '" /',CONI>ON CT: 3/0 7-10111 At/A/(ABLE; PRIOR TO APPROVAL CSF THESE PLANS CALL.ED AS 17J � PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. BY • NOT/fy TOGA R�� WATER o/sTR l rP T t Twos R PLANNING DEPT. /oR r0 ---- COMMENCING, CONSTRUCTION. ALL XORK WILL BE BUILDING DEPT. 3Y -" DATC­_ -- QY IIV51>ECTEO AND AFFIL?OVFD f3Y T W. D. COUNTY HEALTH DEPT, DY. CITY ADMINISTnATOR BY _ DAT_ • POURED CONCRETE THT,Ql' RUSI.00KS A4E/�ST g 50. F7. --'----------..- DATE_ OF TIGAR7 WATER DIST. BY /3EAF?/NG SURFACE AT ACH 7,6-E, BEND, AIYD QL UI?/-OFF �OCAT/ON. DATE__. J GENERAL TELEPHONE By U S A -—_-_- DATE------___ DATE N14 V) .W. NATURAL GAS BY PAY WIDTH - � P. G. E DATE, BY, lV - -- T. R. R D. DATE----___, •• • my ;7*7 �4Ni'••• .%. �, 9 T DAT MSN ° cop�o p , °,�/ r!1� • IAM FULL- DEPTH UNDER STREET oz O.p %?ao. °Q u' ° �J'd P/PE ZONE 88 ✓ . i• Q i o r„ •," m COMPACTED GRANUI,A/� ! •- - BAC/t f/Lt TO 3 FEf i PVC PIPE AND /N 5 rREf--T AREA COMPACTED NAT/VE BA KF/(L BEYOND SHOULDER I 5rPff7 APPROVED cxONc'r auGT 3M� i.f tq E'V(. S• UNIFIEDSEWER GEAG c? 004_ C1 18 0 _..__... _.. _. ._ —_ 13Y BEDDING EDUIREMENTS RIM /9.2 Iro t K .'a l� 0 1 F- E A I�t. 7q co MID CHANNEL O � � O � O Ln a.« ,� � C7 � CV IE w clnr� I�9.so + O + + CONS TRUC T/ON 5TA � 9 - r �, � O - ND OS D W G�5 �; N P REF. q � � � ARY COPY FROFII-E SCALE SUBJECT TO CHANGE - Vf R7 I 4 ' 140Rz l ' = 40 CATS FiLLr SANITARY SEWER PLAN 3 ' b 83 � -� _ CONSTRUCTION PLANS STi-VE SCOTT oEs/OA SHEET /QA ZAVAC#6E eAPX001.4rZSGEORAE" 5C T k� A L� oT � a r 1 vr� wiV �=O R T L 12.00 ( MAP ISI 3��C D ) _ �� ;.:>>,� ,", 0�. A �// M.4/N STiQEET r,�i�PE-GON C/Tr OrTEGD/V X503)u56-6804 L C%r` F C 3 , ATED IN THF. SW 1l4 .7 C._ u sCOT-r 5EwER -T 1 S , R 1 W , W B � h/1 WA`;H I NC=B TO N COUNTY ,T Y C� I r Y F T �^ N0. - DE 5C�I D7"lON ar vArE SCALE `J��(t�-L�,t;;�` 1 16 O I GA F? [� , OF�EOO REVIS/vNs / „ . OF 2 f U low T . L • . ..1. _. .V....ti_. � '.'v6ii.+V7" T 71 +rr.'•V.1NM:w+.. ..,io..q„....ry.:, I i • ,, . .,•`ri.•...M . . . .n -i.+._"- mow• - i .-. '/�IM/y.+M.ww.w•—...w........ wwMw+WW.rA.r_ ._.,.w...".......-..•+.+w.«.w-WYun+...•„kw,.. . !� , a, F :4Afy,,y., r .y. . - r _ ... •' . .i � . . s .-. w�iew_`. .:. a.. „ ,, , ;�,...E841W+�?�kl��`�f�'O+n� lu . „5• .... : '�W. . , ,,,. ��lip�li�i�i ilili�i�l{Ir��`iii ►�r�i�l�l �► ilr�i'j-I�r �r�r I c{�1� �lr�r�rli��l rl���lsir{H i i�i�r rlr�rlr ilr�ili �1���1� �l���i� �1���11 rl��ll� �l���i� �I��ir� Ir���i� I -�� ”. � .. 1 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED !""'•' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 11 12 1 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN r THIS NOTIC6f'IT IS DUE TO jW QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. __-_—_ -_-r_______—. -------.--__-.__ ___ _.___-._.__ m_r_ ` •: of 6z oz a Be sz fia t z zz is- ba ar 81 to 91 cr tir cl ill 11 W 6 • c 9 s r E z r • ..-- �nrluulu��luuluululll��r�luul��u4aut�ulnalm�{��u►>wHh�l��„I»��Iai�l►ml�i�i�ru�r,►rllrulrr�rl►N�Ia� l�n irlr _ iilil�u�luulnulurrbw�iu�rwluu�u�{uul�rulru�irrr, _ _ sop, JULY 6 1992 , '"mil►- ,,,_....,.,,,,__ •,..,,._..._ .- — -:,.._.._.._. __ Y _. l 1 t {�I � ! ', l fpr j 'Al 11ro' .. - � •� �t li. r _r T � r. r, a• � a' a* as CIT XTIFARD EXPENDITURE REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST This form is a multi-use! form. Where appropriate receipts must be Attached. Documentation is important for all purposes. Staple documentation to form. VENDOR NO: DATE: S15197 PAYABLE TO: f, en► e Sc o Requested by: X40 I _ c .............m.......m..............m.........m............m..m.m..a........... MISCELLANEOUS (parking, books, subscriptions, dues, memberships, etc. ) : Gate IDescription 1 _ Account No. Amount 1 19 1 1 o -- 2 � c� 4w .....i........................ .. v......man...-.w................n............. GENERAL MEAL EXPENSE: Date Description Amount Account Number to be charged: _ Total ..s..................................m.mm..mm................................... MILEAGE : Datel Description: (Include end/start readings and total miles) Amount count Number: i Total miles x 1.20 --- .. ..m..•...m...mm.m.■m.w.........m.w............m.m.m.......m.m.r.....r...m.... Ai'PROPRIATION BALANCE: AS OF: Signature APPROVALS ( if $25.00 or under may be reimbursed through petty caah) : (up to "00. 00)5ecti0n Manager Purch. Agent ( "UU. 01 -$5,000.00)Dept . Head/Purch. Agent _��_ CITY OF TIGARD—12420 S.W.MAIN—TIGARD,OREGON 97223 RECEIPT DATE: P '--/SZ 71::� AMOUNT: $ —DOLLARS NAME, CASH: rl ADDRESS CHECK: M.O-- 0 OF FOR: ACCT. 0 PERMITS SURCHARGE AMOUNT SEWER BILLINGS 40-364 BUSINESS LICENSE 05-331 PLUMBING PERMIT 05-3,32 MECHANICAL PERMIT 05-332 BUILDING PERMIT 05-333 SEWER CON,"IEC TI0N 40-363 SEWER INSPECTION 40-36.5 SYSTEM DEV CHARGE 25-366 PAPK DEV CHARGE #1 30-367 PARK DEV.CHARGE 02 30-368 ,7X)NIN(§-ADJUSTMENTS— —05Z-362 TOTALS RECEIVED BY PERMIT NUMBERS ASSIGNED: Number Amount Number Amount Number Amount 4so CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. 87-65 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS' KNOWN AS SCOTT' COURT SANITARY ,;EWER EXTENSION. WHEREAS, the City executed a Sanitary Sewer Compliance Agreement dated August 13, 1984, with George E. Scott to facilitate installation of a public sanitary sewer line to specified standards and specifications; and i. WHEREAS, said Compliance Agreement stipulated that: "At such time as all public improvements have been completed in accordance with the City' s requirements, Petitioner shall notify the City of readiness for final inspection and upon certification by the Department of Community Development that all requirements of t,,e City have been met, the Council agrees to accept said improvements, for ,operation and maintenance responsibility, and release the Petitioner' s guarantee bond"; and WHEREAS, Department of Community Deveiopment staff verifies that all requirements of the City have been met; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: The Tigard City Council hereby accepts the public improvements known as Scott Court Sanitary Seijer Extension; AND, FURTHER, the City Council hereby authorizes release of the Petitioners guarantee bond. PASSED: This '/\ IT�1 day of 1987. a? —I �1;1 xt--1 _ Mayor — City of Tigard ATTEST: C y Recorder — City of Yigard I�%17 ) RESOLUTION NO. 87 Page 1 800 T -oil M �; _ •••fM Ya01. _ _ L } LCWW f . FJ�r r—IT _ a OR 1/ 1 1TI��TI Imo'"/ � • V o �` �' :`���. �' arc.•' � —1 '�.-_. w \� MAIN \ � ►.1111 IL 1� f Cf to 11446 . � 1y vn: ot _ '•0 I1 � •� '�/ L' _—.�� 1� .y/• 1 1 , I 1 1 1 1 1 1— 1 . � 1� t 1. CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY AGENDA OF : Amari 1 7.7, 1987 DATE SUBMITTFD: April 14, 1987 ISSUE/AGENDA TITLE: Resolution of PPLVIOUS ACTION: Resol . #84-70 (Oct. 8, Final_Acceptance of Scott Court 1984) conditional acceptance2piO!2- Sani.tar.y Sewer Extension PREPARED BY: John Hagman ' DEPT HEAD OK tVK—tITY ADMIN 0K REQUESTED BY: POLICY ISSUE INFORMATION SUMMARY 1 . This project was conditionally accepted by the Council on October 8, 1984 via Resolution #84-70, subject to the usual one year maintenance period and correction of any deficiencies which might arise. An easement- needed to be acquired and recorded alto. 2. All of the aforesaid has now been satisfactorily completed, and, subsequently, -%taff has prepared and recommends passage, of the attached resolution. .......... ........... ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED None; our Compliance Agreement stipulates City acceptance upon the developers satisfactory completion of all requirements . ................. FISCAL IMPACT Operation and maintenance responsibility for the sanitary sewer extension will pass from the developer to thc! City of Tigard. SUGGESTED ACTION PASS THE RESOLUTION TITLED: A Resolution accepting public improvements known as Scott Court Sanitary Sewer Extension, (JH:cn/1206W) CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. 87- A RESOLUTION ACCf:PTING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS KNOWN AS SCOTT COURT' SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION. WHEREAS, the City executed a Sanitary Sewer Compliance Agreement dated August 13, 1984, with George E. Scott to facilitate installation of a public sanitary sewer line to specified standards and specifications; and WHEREAS, said Compliance Agreement stipulated that: "At such time as all public improvements have been completed in accordance with the City' s requirements, Petitioner shall notify the City of readiness for final inspection and upon certificatic.; by tho Department of Community Development that all requirements of the City have been met, the Council agrees to accept said improvements, for operation and maintenance responsibility, and release the Petitioner' s guarantee bond"; and WHEREAS, Department of Community Development staff verifies that all requirements of the City have been met; NOW, THEREFORE, BE '[T RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: The Tigard City Council hereby accepts the public improvements known as Scott Court Sanitary Sewer Extension; AND, FURTHER, the City Council hereby authorizes release of the Petitioners guarantee bond, PASSED: This ____._y day of �- --1— —�' 1987. Mayor City of Tigard ATTEST: City Recorder City of Tigard (JH:cn/1206W) RESOLUTION NO. 87- Page 1 �� • � t`'�t � ALM .i./ -- -\�` h `1 • r 1 = 800 as -- ro•t« I wot• •.ntt � 41 oil 1 ♦ Wool • • r l/\\r' , ,I,1 �.. Tim 34 35 •'+ • '�� l.lEll of 1011 "�, .3 Q� •• IL OOL Y 1 M li •IBJ rho?, Oro t� Orr• _ l \ �' r..... ♦ . � a � •�,�, 4 °�. � iWtl� � �NN � MAN `� \ tt-- _—� r � •' �ase• .« �~ `. tl 1 _�; ~ • <� -. L� i ♦ /� •or, • r . �1 lift.' �l�--r y 1.�. • I• � � � � 1 I 11 1 �1 .114-T417t14 �- - �' ^�/ \ 1 ��. 1t"\ .!'r/ I 1 '! 1 1 1 I I 1 1 • 1 11 1. c_0 kAA VkA %A� J -sic- 4 ek �PO✓�! of C c.� � S(�'Dr /?1,( �d �.Il Q C%�C Q.✓�d �-Q �,� A4 Ito,, 0.� r/Y11`t,ci.►�-4� ��^"-s� r c!/a /.o11 /C„u,, 1� � 7 i ) �Gn.Q Or ov- /d 5 fi (o, k-OC r.�r d o� 'K C Q��--/S ` �o'f-. S C C ' e 24.22 036 _� � --- - - -- TgAr1 Hi, 1230 NO. 0035 6 3 UNITED STATES NATTIONAL SANK Of Oregon Tigard, Oregon • • • C11YOF TIFARD 10/12/84 PAY *3L, -72!0- 0 0 ----- TO THE ORDER OF CITY OF TIGARD GEORGE SCOTT NOT NEGOTIABLE 11640 SW 135TH Authorimd SJgnatore TIGARD GR 97223 urhouzed S,gnature C17Y OF TIGARD, TIGARD, OREGON GEORGE SCOTT 10/12/84 3563NO. I LI 3 5 6 3 INVOICE NO. BOND �F UNP; DUE 10/12/84 1, 720. 00 ---------------- T 0 T A L L 720 00 I i CITY OF MAW EXPENDITURE. REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST :4 This form is a multi-use form. Where appropriate receipts must be attached. Documentation is important for all purposes. Staple documentation to form. VENDOR NO: so01/(o'{0_ DATE: September 27,_ 1984 PAYABLE TO: George Scott Requested by: Robert Thompson 1 164 0 SW 135th Tigard , Orexon 97223 .........!...woman MISCELLANEOUS (parking, books, subscriptions, dues, memberships, etc. ) : Date Description I Account No. Amount Bond (for Scott Court Sewer Extension) 10- -220 1 -720.00 (Holding back 20% for Maitenance 3ond ........R.......C Z 4 R a.,......6............CCL......, .............S.!.. GENER2rL MEAL EXPENSE: Date Description Amount - h' Account Number to be charged: Total ............e..l....................axcr....sm...awn....rsza=ea.........R.l.!!! MILEAGE: Date Description: (Include end/start readings and total miles) Amount Account-Number: Totalmiles x 1. 20 APPROPRIATION RAI.ANCE: -- AS OF: Signature _ APPROVALS ( if $25.00 or under wa a reimbursed through petty cash) ' (up to $500.00)Section Manager %�� ,.w • I'urrh. Ap,ent -- r � CITY OF TIGARD—12420 S.W.MAIN—TIGARD,OREGON 97223 �y RECEIPT' DATE:_ _1� — AMOUNT: $__ l'✓ '���� �- NAME: �- - _----__— CASH: ADDRESS: — CHECK:Z_ _ M.O.: _ — ------ OF FOR: ACCT. • PERMITS SURCHARGE AMOUNT SEWER BILLINGS 40-364 __ $ BUSINESS LICENSE 05-331 PLUMBING PERMIT 05-332 MF.:,i;ANICAL PERMIT 05-332 -- BUILDING PDWIT 05-333 ., SEWER CONNECTION 40-363 SEWER INSPECTION 40-365 — SYSTEM REV.CHARGE 25-366 PARK DEV.CHARGE #1 30.367 _ — PARK DEV.CHARGE #2 30-368 j,ONING ADJUSTMENTS 05-362 Y '� ---- TOTALS RECEIVED BY PERMIT NUMBERS ASSIGNED: Humb*r Amount Number Amount Numbw Amount SS ----- --- $ RECEIPT• 19891 r J y LA .t 7�- I CITY OF TINA M WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON July 1;, 1985 George 0. Scott 11640 SW 135th Avenue Tigard, OR 91123 Dear Mr. Scott : Enclosed is a copy of the Permanent Sanitary Sewer Easement Agreement for your property along Southern Pacific right-of.-way which was recently approved by t'ie Tigard City Council. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Tigard Engineering Division. Sincerely, (tjC.JJ Loreen Wilson Deputy City Recorder Iw/3023A 1 -- 1:)7')' S WASH PO BOX 23397 TIGARD,OREGON 97223 PH 639.4171 PERMANENT SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT George 0. SCOTT he`reina ter calledt e Grantors, in consl3eration for the sum o -B- dollars ($ -D- ) from the Uty of Tigard, hereinafter ca ed Grantee, grant aniconvey unto the City of Tigard a perpetual easement for constructing, reconstructing, operating, maintaining, inspecting and repairing of an underground sower lire and appurtenances, together with the right to remove, as necessary, ve,teLation, foliage, trees and other obstructions on the following eescribed parcel of land, situated in the City of Tigard, Washington County, State Li Oregon: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" IT IS EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD that this easement does not convey any right, title or interest except those expressly stated in this easement, nor otherwise prevent Grantors from the full use and dominion thereover; provided, however, that such use shall not interfere with the uses and purposes of the intent of the easement. IN CONSIDERATION of the premises, Grantee agrees that if said Grantee, its successors or assigns should cause said easement to be vacated, the rights of the Grantee in the above-described easement will be forfeited and shall immediately revert to the Grantors, their successors and assigns in the cise of such event. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described and granted premises unto said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. TN WITNESS WHEREOF, the grantor(s) has (have) hereunto s this (her) (their) hand(s) and seal(s) th's _�— day of. VC� 198 5. George 0. Scott STATE OF OREGON ) ss. County of �,.� ,� ) BE I1' REMEMBERED, that on this , ( day of , 1985, before me, the undersigned Notary Public an or tie State of Oregon, personally appeared the within-named wTio Ts cTnown to me to e e ent ca n v ua escr e n and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same freely and voluntarily. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I h ve hereunto set my hand and seal this _� day of _ c17, , 1985. Notary Public for Oregon My commission Expires: t Approved as to form this (,^ day of. Su i, t::� 1985. By: AU14,Z'e 'ti C y Attorney - Citr of Tfig ar ,t--k Appr,_•,ed as to legal description this _ /U day of - — --' 1985 — By: L,-1 _ City 4ner of Tigan 'SL*14JLYcnf_. Approved thisday of Q , 1985. CITY CO CIL, CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON 1 r 1 �DepuZtyCity 1recorder - C ty of Tigard EXHIBIT "A" A perpetual easement for sanitary sewer, being 15 feet :in width and being a Westerly extension of that certain easement granted to the City of Tigard on March 18 , 1985, as Recorder' s Fee No. 811009407 , the South line of said easement described as follows : BEGINNING at the Southwest corner of that parcel conveyed to George O. Scott by deed recorded October 11, 1983, as Recorder ' s Fee No. 83037500, said corner also being on the Easterly boundary of the Southern Pacific Railway right-of-way; thence East along the South line of the aforementioned Scott property, 28. 20 feet, more or less , to the terminus of the aforementioned. easement granted to the City of Tigard. Ll, o O pn N N 4 V ,, tn ——, l0U C -� gNQ N v l` 8 W 1e N W �� O,` N.e. (L "I _I /4- W � I 1� ♦ N � i 'd W LIL 06OOC. O I 4 a O ^ a N m a, in 8 i LLl S e9 Z vn • W � h uuh 8 r W a tN N W � U V -�+ 0'1 n U) wM,COe00N 186 Ve3 CG2 -- " . ce 6 12e7 ) I/ L i►I I W.00 S 9 CI t _� I'Le 011 u 00 1 OYe be".B M,GOe00N d 3,0400 S p U n n - z _rf) 0 7 — N O O ; 06 o n Ot / ILP •�'3.6?l IN -Q Ott) L� P cn •fr'` � N c� ID Off' W 1L� N Al N h rA ao oL _ c 05,* " L cn ti m .n n nlf� � Nh b n PLO fry e ` ? m N n LLl V 9- a t� �d r O - �Q ct �s �� 2 N o m tl 1 -- o � ki ,o — p Q a 4i 3rd � N � OG • fD J• 1 e N a Po '' '' ' `n ti Q e06� - Q 7 �Oe' U-) N gti so i- Q� Ll eo�� �� ���� �o !•'� �� 1 1 <1 A , SQ O � il O O w 0 C94t- M J0200H r, i0}.00 n :!i[ IV'IDUAL-GENERAL PARTNERSHIP 8500940 PERMANENT SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT Randal G. Scott, Steven A. Scott, Verna Scott and Janet K. Scott hereinafter called the Grantors, in consideration for the sum of -0- dollars dollars ($ -----0--------- ) from the City of Tigard, hereinafter called Grantee, grant and convey unto the City of Tigard a perpetual easement for constructing, reconstructing, operating, maintaining, inspecting and repairing of an underground sewer line and appurtenances, together with the right to remove, as necessary, vegetation, foliage, trees and other obstructions on the following described parcel of land, situated in the City of Tigard, Washington County, State of Oregon: See attached Exhibit "A" IT IS EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD that this easement does not convey nny right, title or interest except those expressly stated in this easement, nor Itherwise prevent Grantors from the full use and dominion thereover; provided, hiowever, that such use shall not interfere with the uses and purpones of the Intent of the easement. IN CONSIDERATION of the premises, Grantee agrees that if salt Grantee, its Sur .cessore or assigns should cause said easement to be vacated, the rights of the Grantee in the above-described easement will be forfeited and shall immediately revert to the Grantors, their successors and assigns in the case of such event. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described and granted premises unto said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. t IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the granto (e) h4 (bi hereunto set hi (her) (thy h fids) and seal(,) this da of' l19� (SEAL) k / ��•—�(SEALj G. cQt Verna Scott A. (SEAL) (SEAL)f `Steven A. Scott Janet K. Scott STATE OF OREGON ) ) se. ;aunty of Washington ) r j BE IT REMEMSERED, t'tat on this _. J�� day of / L ; �( , 19 before me, the underc,igned Notary—pu Elic in nor at the Ste of Oregon, personally appearce the within-named Randal G. Scott, Steven A. Scott, Verna Scott and Janet K. Scott who is (are) known to me tc be the Identical Individual(s) described in and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he (she) (they) executed the @sire freely and voluntarily. v� #�TR_SJ'AMONY WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and seal. this - / day r , 41 ��tory Pu 6k is for' gen`��- (NOTAIjJ7�1D ZEAL) My Commission Expires: r +wid.as''to form this j day of M/3/2 tt , 19 By: t1l:LlG. �. ✓Jcs.lig4t 1ty Attorney - C ty of Tigard S71, Approved as to legal description this — da of L , 119 P� By. �f City Eng •ieer CIty of Tigar Approved this 1/F/L day of zldx r CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF TIGARD. OREGON BY f'. I)ra{l City Recorder - City of Tigard - '+moi .w EXHIBIT "A" A perpetual easement for sanitary sewer, being 15 feet in width, the South line of said easement more particularly described as follows: Situate in the Southeast one quarter of the Southwest one quarter of Section 35, T 1 S, R 1 W, of the Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon; Beginning at the Southeast corner of a tract of land conveyed to Edward F. Foerster, et us, by instrument recorded in Book 429, page 149, which point is on the West line of S.W. 98th Avenue, 30.00 feet West of Southwest corner of Lot 1 GREENBURG HEIGHTS; thence West along the South line of the Foerster tract and continuing West along the South line of that parcel conveyed to George 0. Scott by deed recorded October 11, 1984, as Fee No. 83037500, a total distance of 387.00 feet to the terminus of said easement. 1006P � I9 9a - N o+ CV 3 � •-G., sr , m - a : - `�� ' • N NV I L1I OnS! r 0 a in 1 01 e N Z oc � r a N cc LL1 s !d 8o w 'IVIVNI a ^ C� a a `` all �' a V N y j y NGG a W ^ z 0O p 00 QO DZ0 mp6 a+ o N O 7 A 'J/ GG M,CO�N 1 VJ RG'I •R. 186 1e UI1 L .I 4M S iG/i u.q G I'La Jii OPP 12 al► Y9{P x90.00" anI 316,00 G ! _ s$= a l L us p, N -sip a Of 1 g m in F n � r r uptin ;kr a " LL� ti'� ' m 0 v 0Q / �• • }� �•�� f`a O O nl d m � �Jf '� 6 �•r,b CP I � , pp ,yi • F\ Isi a n PG ti Q ry y^7 NY f� N •Qf �. SO r \ o S w ✓ - •\ � to cee2 __...�\o ago_"__ � ._ STATE OF OREGON County of Washington S!4 1,Donald W Mason,Director of Assessment and Taxation and Ex-OBlclo Recorder of Con veyances for said county,do hereby certify that the within instrument of writing was received and recorded in book of records of said county Donald W Mason, Director of Assessment and Taxation. Ex. Officlo County Clerk 1985 MA'-, I a PM 3: 2tt 10. CONSENT AGENDA: These items are considered to be routine and may be enacted in one motion without separate discussion. Anyone may request that an item be removed by motion for discussion *-id separate action. Motion to: 10. 1 Approve Board & Committee Appointments o Budget Committee - Judy Christensen RESOLUTION NO. 85- 12 o Economic Development Committee - Kathryn Budney & David A. Clement RESOLUTION NO. 85- 13 o Economic. Development Committee Bruce P. Clark, Jim Corliss, Gregory C. Newton RESOLUTION NO. 85- 14 o Transportation Advisory Committee & Economic Development Committee RESOLUTION NO. 85- 15 o Transportation Advisory Committee - G. Ilomer Hamlin, Wilbur A. Bishop RESOLUTION 85- 16 C Parks and Recreation Board -- Robert Odell RESOLUTION NO. 85- 17_ 10.2 Accept Permanent Sanitary Sewer Easement - Scott Court (MLP 9-83) 10.3 Approve and Authorize Signature - LID Foreclosure_ Adjustments 10.4 Approve OLCC Application-Steaks N' Such, 11.290 SW Bull Mtn. Road, Tigard, OC Application a. City Administrator requested Agenda Item 9.4 to be o ended to include Gaffer' s Prime Rib & Seafood Restaurant, 205 Tik; ..d Plaza, Tigard, Oregon, Class A License. b. Councilor Brian moved, Councilor Edwards seconded, to approve the consent agenda items and to include Gaffer' s Prime Rib & Seafood Restaurant on Agenda Item 9.4 . Approved by unanimous vote of Council present. 11 . NON-AGENDA ITEMS: From Council and Staff 11 . 1 CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S PERFORMANCE REVIEW CRITERIA a. City Administrator stated the performance review criteria is required to be adopted prior to the City Administrator' s review. Councilor Scott expressed concern regarding other projects that were not listed on the review form. Mayor Cook stated these items could be referred to under the Notes or Comments . b. Councilor Edin moved, seconded by Councilor Scott, to adopt the Performance Review Criteria. Approved by unanimous vote of Council present. 11.2 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN REVIEW FEE WAIVER — Chatterley a. Director of Community Services Monahan stated Mr. Chatterley was assured by a letter from Jeremy Cour•olle, Associate Planner, in 1981 that his property would be zoned R-7. In the process of the Comprehensive Plan Map the zone was changed to R-5. Staff is therefore requesting a fee waiver by honoring the letter sent to Mr. Chatterley. Page 5 - COUNCIL MINUTES - MARCH 11, 1995 Mau Jung CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON COUNCIL. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY AGENDA OF: �� �'� `{4 AGENDA ITEM #: DATE SUBMITTED: September 24, 1984_ PREVIOUS ACTION: Placed on Performance ISSUE/AGENDA TITLE: Placing Scott Bond 8--13--84 Ct. Sariita!:y Sewer onto Maintenance PREPARED BY: R.L. Thompson REQUESTED BY: Developer DEPARTMENT HEAD OK: CITY ADMINISTRATOR: INFORMATION SUMMARY This project is located on the west side of SW 98th Avenue. The developer is building two (2) duplex and one (1) tri-ElPx just south of SW Scott Court Subdivision, All work has now been completed on the Sanitary Sewer Extension. They are asking that we keep 20% of there deposit for a Maintenance Bond and refund the remaining amount to them. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED SUGGESTED ACTION We recommend that the City Council place this project on to Maintenance and refund the &.mount of $1 ,720.00, holding $430.00 for a Maintenance Bond . . � J (0632P) �1 �u CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. 84—__2(�' RESOLUTION (N- THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS KNOWN AS THE SCOTT COURT SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION, CONSTRUCTED WITHIN THE CITY, SUBJECT TO A ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE PERIOD. WHEREAS, the City executed a Sanitary Sewer Compliance Agreement dated August 13, 1984, with George E. Scott, an individual, to install a sanitary sewer line and appurtenances thereto, to specified standards; and WHEREAS, the Compliance Agreement stipulated that: "Upon receipt of certification by the Department of Public Works that all requirements have been met and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to accept the public: improvements, subject to the requirement for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year. . . ; and WHEREAS, the subdivider has indicated a desire to retain a portion of the oxisting performance bond, in full force and effect throughout the aforsaid maintenance period, in lieu of submitting a separate maintenance bond; said portion to be $430.00, which is specified therein said Agreement to assure continued maintenance and freedom from defects; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Tigard, Oregon, hereby accepts the public improvements known as tho Scott Court Sanitary Sewer Extension, SUBJECT TO, the normal one year guarantee period. AND FURTHER, the City Council herein authorizes release of that portion of the previously submitted performance bond which is not required to be retained; said releasable sum being $1, 720,00. PASSED: This day of l 19^�' l by the Council of the City—of Tigard. _ — Mayor ATTEST: Raco—rd er RESOLUTION N0. 84 (t?632P) —�— 1\—r 4x"66 ^i� • �!t ct,• // sl • 1�.t.1 J !N1 1qN o11r[M400 r. o& 1. uwr ft,;! „ •o«b" ... . ��i•MCM 11 ,I I AJC ST 'J 1 r IN I :"Mai rr••--••--�� N NI YII��I 1 ,. /" 11 `� r ,I L.�J LOWS• vl ,. `._ � l-^7C. 1 , � .I 1I1� ..•+. �:e�� � M: ;�`"1'�✓, _. _-J ^�IL Imo: - 7;'1 �---- i \ n.. I1•\•; \ l i0N0 .It ••I vll •(C/ • .N .NII. r n �h w M1 __ •• NOYIN Orro�_- .51 • • 1 Ate^ • Nor IF 1N011 95 r T'r I M • M•rl hyr � \ _JI_ 1• • IIII��J11` y \ ` " • \ r t� � " ', ♦1 • f� r • 110•YU S1`J 1.,1� , ♦ 1 rNl'.1 OY1,1 � W I r .��..�•�'..�_ 1.15 � N 5r l •,'w „.1 ..1 sq4l « LI4_N,1 1 �• , .r • ✓."•111NrM I 11 � 1 _ 54 ' ^^ • I .G... i1.iNt I S I "�� " �J \•��// I � � •.Mln ri \"..� ry l,/ ^f^ � J Zl�jr fir-- 1 � tr ., ll�•�r' 'T•. �:�.._ ��+ ' .I"Y i li �� M14 / 11 �, ,.1 1 ,r r.. ,♦" �.,111► - M1I r}` '•/r 1 Y .7 1 11 1r .MM sl r' 4�' 1r ♦ / \«a M✓✓' • �._ �" t� \ V 41 Sr •,MI Y 1. 11• r N 1• : V . •,OJ, rll• - �r S• IUNM M f � !I , �-_.'-" ON N� .+, .v% 0 ♦G ♦J •• \ /, r AdI 401 \Z& S :. 1. �(1�(`�' •I I 1 / ..�• n• r••/. C S INL Oti•«♦ •+� `I`� t� ( -��\ ,r VV.NrSYINi� SI • )rl �r W� ♦ r 1 \`\ 1 IF I Dot*offl- r 4 . • �! � S 1041111Y 111 _ P r {" ,It r.•r 111 [ypNul N, `��� �.�;;, � r , ( ` It �.: 1111 tom.•. � � ozr:PI _— I I "q 1• JI� Yr ,w.11 _-.-. __�... I I ; 1, 'IA �_�_ _.!�--1 r-+ � •�•.^•' ����',. I,�I 1 � 11 Ylnl 1'`411 f Yn► ' ItM YI • Ir 1 NI 1.17 1115 _ n, f, �1. - it III 1 I r•�I. ill'I 1• . ... •:.winwaM .u,:.vv4+:+.wM.aiYIN+Ieu:vi.....w:a..::cw.xuerW'..w:wu.'W`.+�yyr.r..u.:.yY..rb.•.•._••.•W+;::,,.tiiYYw+W:mcYii:Yn.n. w«- September 12, 1984 Robert Thompson City of Tigard-Building Dept. P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, OR 97223 Dear Mr. Thompson: This letter serves as a request for the Scott Court Sewer Extension to be placed on a maintenance bond. In addition I would like to request the release of the monies held in lieu of the seiwer bond required by the City of Tigard. Thank you for your attention regarding this matter. Sinc ely, 01 G. Scott 134/0 S.W. Carr St. Beaverton, OR 97005 644-1538 K) CaSC►M ' .� ��r1t� OC \00V4 , • r � CITY OF TIGARD �• Sewer T.'. . Inspection Report /vjp:Gl, -5-C-.0 /,tf Indicate North Date -� - Location �-1r Upstream M.H . No ._Tl Tape No ._J---? Operator. ,O� Begins at M.H . No . 5'/__ b goes to M .H . No .__6:,Z,_`- W/Flow___Z __A/Flow Flow at start- Sanitary_ Storm Diam._ _Length_- Type_ Weath . Cond ._��� Meter Setting , / Upstream M .H . Condition Main Stab A B_-!C D- Exit Stab FOOTAGE REMARKS TAPE MIN . � o,�— L.CLo _ — w is O O z w Fli N O J LLI Y' N � Q O I I w F---L IIct: 4 � `r, Q N CD CD its Z U O `I lil O Y C3 I Z J Ld d �I LL, t� '7 � Oir Ld t. CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Al;ENDA OF: AGENDA ITEM 4: DATE SUBMITTED: 8-15-84 PREVIOUS ACTON: None= ISSUE/AGENDA TITLE: Acceptance of unitary Sewer Compliance Agreement PFQUESTED BY: Engineer ink & Georgie Scott lur George Scott . DEPARTMENT HEAD OK: CITY ADMINISTRATOR: ccccaccaravasarvazcss=aza=x::acaarrcas=crssz r,oazcacczacsccsss ..._ sa,a varavaravavarar INFORMATION SUMMARY This is an extention of our Sanitary Sewer Line so that 7 apartments can be served with Sanitary Sewer. The developer has give an easement paid his fees and posted a Bond for the improvements. And has signed a Sanitary Sewer compliance Agreement with the City. avavavavavavzavavavccavarzav racararzcz ar.zr.acrarzzsczca szacm.cszan acavarrrzrarrczr A:.TERNAT_IVES CONSIDERED zrvarrawraRravavrrrrzvez...azrzzrra.ezzrva cczz ON ezcxaz-a-:aze- esrr.-ezzzzcavrczr r_zr SUGGESTED ACTION Accept this Agreement and Bond. r- CITY OF `ARD—12420 S.W.MAIN—TIGARD,ORF N 07223 kECHIPT AMOUNT DATE: - _ —DOLLARS - � �� CASH. NAME: - �— ADDRESS:_. _ —. CHECK M.O: — ♦ OF - FOR: — ACCT. PERMITS lURCNARi ! –AMOUNT SEWER BILLINGS 40-364 -- BUSINESS LICENSE 05-331 --- PLUMBING PERMIT 05-332 --- ME„HANICAL PERMIT 05-332 BlhLDING PERMIT C5-333 —____- _------ - --- SEWER CONNECTION 40-363 — SEWER INSPECTION 40-365 ----- SYSTEM DEV CHARGE 25-366 --_— — --- PARK DEV CHARGE #1 30-x67 PARK DEV. CHARGE #2 30-368 -_--._-- ZONING ADJUSTMENTS 05-362 Z_ - TOTALS RECEIVED By --- PERMIT NUMBER!ASSIGNED: NumbK AnmuM Number Anwunl :.imbur Amount - ' S — $ pp [�n RECEI►T 0 19890 J 0 r � CITY OF TIGARD—12420 S.W.MAIN—TIGARD,OREGON 97223 RECEIPT _ DATE: AMOUNT S- -_--DOLLARS NAME: � ��`,'�.=� ��—� CASH. _..�_. ADDRESS: _ �J — CHECK:-,-><—' _ . M.O.: -----_ OF FOR: ACCT. f PERMIT= SURCHARGE AMOUNT SEWER BILLINGS 40-364 BUSINESS LICENSE 05-331 PLUMBING PERMIT 05-332 MECHANICAL PERMIT 05-332 B;IILDING PERMIT 05-333 ,. SFWER CONNECTION 40-363,)EWER INSPECTION 40-365 SYSTEM DEV. CHARGE 25-366 PARK DEV.CHARGE #1 30-367 PARK DEV. CHARGE *2 30-369 — ZONING ADJUSTMENTS TOTALS RECEIVED BYL HIts qS 'ERMIT NUMBERS ASSIGNED: Ak)Y Number Amount Number Amount Number Amount $ S �' • S S_ v RECEIRT 0 19891 i LO C) C) tr -4 lu CJI C41 ru LJl f, (AIPLIANCE AGRVI-NENP 1HP; AGREF.MENT dated day c f Aj 4,14r qen 1A between Lhe c.I F"v OF 'r1(-',ARD, a m.- is it v I i te of (1° egon rcLraf ter Lu-ned the "City", (.�inaf ter term.c(I W I l N L S -i E 1-i i WHEREAS, Petitioner has al)l if ;i 1 1, City for approval of construction of a sanitary -- w4.,r, to be known as wi thin the bounder l . 3 to as des(-ribcd on the attached [ _,and 1).� Cll,_'.L 11VJ d v 'j pa,' I I- f I W''FREAS, the City ! v: I d I)P I Icor is f_)' L '.M ru C.it.I Cn (.f ,,!we r. i, and ap p,I I- .hereto, to subr, 11. lon inspection, and tes U.ng therewl.that, to grdn I. v a s e r-ry t S, L h c r-. f ires the payment (if fE..:,; and H I-A-S thE City has al,p- (i 'i-1 --Adopted the standard 9pcIfIr_at ,,,jns for Pohlic Woik�. Aor, by APWA, Or..,;. and the Uniftt'td Sewerage Agency speclfical_i,.,i, c- Lary ,ewers prepared by po! t .,sl()naj engineers for Public Wr,rks cotWitiction; ar, i :•r-4tKLAS, the public imptuvemc-�t.s rC-(JL[red to be constructed are I.ncr-mplete, but 11( lirlon(i has nonr-Hcless teq,,cstird r.t-jaL the City permit granting of the property to I)ijbli( , and the: pa7- ti( s 1:e-r, irl tarred desiio to protect the public int.eres'L geriLtally the publi. 0i:j1 :,-,.-( rr. n he L-stalled as required and coMpleLed within th. ir,!-e i na f ter sr I. I,- -I'll NOW. Tllf.khFORF, in considi.ratici of thc foregoing premise and the converiants and linctus to I)( kept and h'v the Pctitlt­�(.r and its contractor and contrslctk.•t ' ty, IF 11; lFREBY ACREED AS FOLLOWS1 PtAiLioner sl:aU proceed !,, rplc-Le all public improvettietiLs as show g on herewitli pr !,if n t pian. -i�. approved by ,!-! City of Tigard and prepared by 49, 1AW-re,�-te d.3't,d A_41"­IQ 4 Said impit,ver, ,t mr, t t (I in later 'kan urc- 7 v, a,- from the date of this agreement, and Pf,t,l t vr ' 0 IP, Ait('k '1 to COrl.pl.y with I i. ! specifications ac]Gpt(,d by this City, l)r a:, n 'Oh,.rwise, be appro% ed b!, ti ., ui-paLlLmE.tit of Public W(;-ks and Lo use only such. tial and to follow such designs, as may be required 7(- c..)nforry thereto 1 :) 'JSSLlre compliance with the rtcluirenit-rits and the provisions thereof , 1 1'" 1 ag" cs t(' Obtilir,- prr v -11 -11 tenck,r to Lllf- Ci ty,, a surety bond(s) i ii I`- ''% . 1 11% theI t 11 11 3 1)i ! I t V in t11: altiotin t. equal to th( contract priCt: Of o 04L) 15 — Pt lot to j,Stlarlcu' ,)I a P.,I I'll t for construction of said litien.ts; (,orltLa( Lor shall he licensed, and Insured as required h\ 11 itd Sewutagc, Agcticy Pusolutfrn v-1 01d( , (s ) No '72- 12 and No. 7L.9 In the event Lhat. the! Pct ; '.Acv, i 'AIjjl I fail , neglect or trfuse to pioceed with !I. %,,( i-k In an orderly and 'rj , tj'I('I f'' assure corliptetion within the time sp, : il 10) days' rioLicir by the City Ul Lhv PeLl tir-ner and the Peti tivner" ; s,i I k-t such default and failure to pt-neved i L,yi t a I nulng thereafter, the City way at I ts proceed to have. t lit- work ( o­iW e If.d and charge the costs thereof aga Itis t the and Lit Pe I I t ioncr iore ty and In they event, the :,anie be not paid, t4) ti, i ii I'( -Aid I"( 'Ill if, I ucrlvt r Hit :itnolutiL I,h(.i eof 111 the vve 11 t t Ila t --if, 11 ;it I. , Lr I ; I i '.no r ,I I, I 11! Ll I ; I !,)I I(�r I s survey sha 1 1 bf, re(Iii i vc..d If) 1)- i I 'Jd'I j , i t', I I if rjwt,ijnLs icc ru I rig and a I I uwa 1)[L,, ,.,tic I, stiv I 'd ill I t i� i t tortic-N, ' !- f evs aid cost incurred by the Ci t , -o Aj,j­ I I,,i if a I,v . or I h , C,i L y may at t I brit,), Y Ito I j I I nnfa�s surety , spec I I t and cc-. 'p in a I I ke manner, v 1 t1r tiitilL Ilia N' All r: asf'lahie for Lhs: CJIN, H'c. V ' ( u!-L and ApptP 'ilt (7-nirt , if any. 4. P# t I t i(.r-,cr s 1'1 pe.) 11, t(1 1 'ow i tig f Qe S i - ed by V-if 4vi Agen, Y Ro:so! !Aio­ and Orde, N,... '0-12 , A plan chuck t', tho ct,st �l re%,JcIw and approval of conSt.rLiCtiull plan!; and inspectigg A. i(,i (except house connc,. Aons) In the atilount A permit IF(:t thr� pu-!-A t apps i:.a on aro' I,: 4 the irisp,- 1n I I.,: amount of A (.0-7 C.' I j, t,., a! cxI Ing sant taty sew( w1,it 1, of i v 1. k a b L(- wcj cd a s Lo Oun. ref Lhc pij b 11 1 t t3,y Y 1-wr r Sy 5 1 f , al F­ a pay a SLI I,' f D i I by that c u T 'A 1 11 o"1. 1 a cd (.i 'y w1 th s r,.rv,­ of sewer cc,-str,ictj ­ ;_ost.s po_-tir.ert. Olr-fetO. C I %y agrc s c: p p t , t I r,vis a s, in I1.F- C i t s 9 ell kf is -alry to ass. , c'x'p is-.. k t tioner agrc­. j­. re tha'; Lhe City receives 48 1 mr advRtice, tiol- ice. (I cl, - advar.-c not,ic r IF n- all regiius 1.t-d fie [d L of, const a 050, 11 hour 11— 1 tioncr ag-k-as to:, t"'sure 0--at the Pet.] tioner s ;nglrscvr obtains ac. t.,,i it- I:, I "t (field) cr truc t lo- r� ,-ord s r,f said sewer ins ta 11 at I—i and, also, IgT F 1 0 •#R tl-a t, 0,c C I L Is f il'---I Olt d with nne aCkJlta t as-bul I t irty tar there.of, (I At su,+ L I rT,( I k! I pob, I, i,;.p-•)k erT,i n t have been c-nipte ted In a-i:-ordar (A i%, s requitement, , pu .1,11quitcd to notify tile- City or I hV -1d i I va I itispec-tion-, a f(i --it I,-,- F,v Di-parLment or Fjbltc Works that all t( yl it Ci ty ha vt I)( ,, Pf 1, i I i W I 11. subrili t to the Ci ty a gond and SLI f I I nincr, bond : i, f apple \ . tl hl' 0-i City In a -.= equal to twenty perccol. oi, contract jjtjc I. j.() pro vidt fur corr( Liten C any defuclAve wnrk ,)r hr t ng appai.ri,t I,I a v 1 -3 1 nt4 w i Ll-I u on, Y(-.,a E of tI final acccpt.ance of the pithl Ic i i,;-vetrents Ily tht- City . i p t ( I �rt.j 11 . -i t I r, by i h F, 1)�-p,-,, t ^t. of Publ.I c Works that a I N-cat Mai o -anve Bond, the ( I tN, CO1J:'L I 1 41', EIPt the publ. 1, ivip,- its , subject to t lit- requirement. of t:ortt:c, t I on of lune I v s a n d t a I n I c ti-3 ;r a period of one year. Tbal thc. Pct I t it nt r, In idetat.I( z, of the City's approval of the appl. t t i ",j t 'i c,­vl 1 FaIN "!, I t l I :!. ti.e., bo:--datits of i! , hfAd bN, the Cl IN (1, by )1lvrn,1111 I hold liarui!ess a', : I'N.' the Cl t,V , it � 'I f ( ;; 'inclt it,': v j all. t laths, l" - , rim , �,,, , 8714 kacb t ii 4'\ i oh I I v,-i t I r r that i I 1 1,4 o f -r)cv, t. .,I,( r4",C-( I. . f Ili t 1 t Icilc t , a t i I:- I or- 1 9 t t f't­7 t.1.cspas.,; upon pi,qv-i k- ­1)s I d( Ud i 11),% 011 V d rusts, If any, necessa r i IN, I n( tj r of i C i ,v shall U, mad wi I'll t"cpe' 1 1- q r v d L) p,i y 1.0 b, d 1 iabtc- f(.,C in .. is-'' w! th 11 p I v i .16- 4f fodA Pet: uu, i.� ot I LIZ(- Ole a,e,) Cl ty' r, . ( -4 t P'.r p 0 6�'s WITNESS WHFREOF, I I AV ced t.-i room - -1 1t i,j thori Ly h f PE H TIONFR 7v 11'Y 01' 1 1 c.ARD Mayor order S' W. i I,t i -wk. P 3 n 1 TE OF OREGON ) ss . County of Washington ) On this meq _ day of August , 19 84 , personally appeared the above named person, George O. Scott and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. Before me : lr5y/Public for Oregon 9y Commission expireykCommission rvn,.� , ���� ACCEP'1'11rxil.' The City above named hereby accepts the foregoing grants and agrees to comply with each and every term incl condition thereof. CITY 01' TIGARD C; : .riTATE' OF OREGON 1 1ss . ':ounty of On this day of _ ^_ — 196 _, before me appeared —__ — — and- both to me personally known who, being'^duly sworn, did say that he , the said is the Mayor, and he, the said _ is the Recorder of the CITY OF `1'IGARD, a municipal corporation, and the said _ _ and _ acknowledged the said instrument to be the free act and deed of saki III icipal corporation. IN TESTIMONY 1411EREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal , this the day and year in this my certificate first written. Notary PuTfic mar Oregon ,Ty commission expires Pe-r�ecti�r�nn-z.tic� �^d 42 %A p\�,,,,tee At Ac St.✓ (i7rO S.to. Co digs?160 a. �t q ✓t r 7ta..�� �t• 71.O� PROPOSAL and CONTRACT i Date L 19 _ TO A- G • f Dear Sir: �✓�- propose to furnish all materials and perform all labor necessary to complete the following: ,a All o: the above work to be completed in a substantial and workmanlike manner according to stand- ard practices for the sum of _ _—Dollars ($ .�_ /S'D ) Payments to be made ---- as the work progresses to the value of percent (_,01 sQ of all work completed. The entire amount of contract to be paid within _�� clays after completion. Any alteration or deviation from the above specifications involving extra cost of material or labor will only be executed upon written orders for same, and will become an extra charge over the sum men- tioned in this contract. All agreements must be made in writing. Respectfully bmitted, By ACCEPTANCE You are hereby authorized to furnish all materials and labor required to complete the work men- tioned in the above proposal, for which agree to pay the amount mentioned in said proposal, and according to the terms thereof. ACCEPTED Date AICD FORM NO 55-097 PAINTED IN USA June 5, 1984 CITYOF TIIFARD WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON George O. Scott. 11640 S.W. 135th Tigard, OR 97223 Refezence: Water Drainage on S.W. 98th Avenue Dear Mr. Scott: We have checked on the water problem, and have no record of any storm .line going in since the City took over. S.W. 98th Avenue in 1981. The County may have installed something before this date. You may want to cneck with their Public Works Department in Hillsboro. Sincerely, R. L. ,Thompson Engineering Services Crew Chief RLT:br I — 12755 S.W. ASH P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD,OREGON 97223 PH E39-4171 May 30, 1984 Attentions City of Tigard Engineering Dept. Subjects Water drainage on 9Pth. Min name is George Scott. I own the property at 99P5 do 9987 S.W. Scott Court. I have a problem of water under the house and getting into the heat vents. This 1.9 caused by the water which is piped aecross the street from the catch basin in the driveway across 9Ath and the ditch drainage from the lot next door. I don't believe Tigard approved the installation and I would like to know who to file for damages. Please reply to-- George 0. Scott 11640 SW 135th Fi6na�g4Oregon 97223 Sincerely i) April 26 , 1984 Mr . J . K. Young Regional Engineer � ` Southern Pacific Transportation Co . CII i/OFTI1FARD Room 251-N Union Station WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON 800 N .W. Sixth Avenue Portland, Oregon 97209 Dear Mr . Young; This is in reference to your letter concerning the George Scott drainage question and ultimately the runoff from Century 21 and oi.her developing properties in Tigard . I certainly recognize your concerns for the future runoff and the subsequent affect on down stream properties . As a community we have tried to lcok out for the concerns of all down stream property owners inclu; ing the railroad. As a community we have adopted a master stormwater management plan that attempts to set out the parameters and riteria necessary to manage the storm water runoff in the community in an orderly and systematic manner . Because of the nature and location of railroad facilities in Tigard , such facilities , in many cases , act as a barrier to increased runoff caused by the economic development of vacant property . This devel- opment is critical to our existance as a community, and your exist- ance as a carrier of goods and services . Runoff from O ,veloping areas can be handled in two basic ways . We can store extra water and release it at a rate not to exceed down- stream capa -iti.es or we can provide for the improvement or down- stream facilities to accomodate the increased runoff . Because of our location on the lower reaches of Fanno Creek we have chosen to make provisions to pass this increased runoff into the receiving streams as quickly as possible , to avoid storing water and releasing it during peak runoff in the stream. This type of action would naturally be counter productive in Tigard . Tigard has created a Systems Development Charge on all new proper- ties to help defray the cost of down stream facilities that are the � responsibility of the city . We need to discuss this policy with the railroads as it relates to improving those facilities that conduct water under the railroad property. Sincerely , i Frank A. Currie , Director I Public Works Operatiens — '2755 S W ASH P O 9OX 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 97123 PH.639-4171 — ger +■► a sIRK southernPacific Transportation Company/ room 251-N Union Station 800 Northwest Sixth Avenue Portland,Oregon 97209 L.L.PHIPP• Q SUPERINTENDENT April 1 , 1 )`' IN REFLY PLI: PE A.E RER To R.I.MELEO A.51 TANT SUPERINTENDENT T.P.RUEBELL 1 OIYI...N MECHA141CAL OFFICEN J.K.YUUNO RECIONAL ENGINEER Mr. Frank Currie Director of Public Works P. OF Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Mr. Currie : This refers to a request from Mr. George Scott , a Tigard Developer, to discharge drainage from a proposed small develop- ment abutting our right-of-way into our railroad side ditch approximately midway between the end of 98th Avenue and the Tiedeman Road railroad crossing. We understand the proposed three lot development is the final phase of. n 10 lot development started in 1976, The City of Tigard has a letter from the Southern Pacific Transportation Company dated April 9, 1976 permitting Mr. Scott to discharge drainage from a short street ending in a cul-de-sac and from 7 lots into our railroad side ditch. Mr. Scott filled the natural drainage course in 1976 and runoff from his 7 lot dev- elopment is transported through that area in a 12 inch pin;: to our ditch. Mr. . Scott plans to discharge roof runoff from 3 duplexes into the 12 inch pipe as he did in 1976 from 7 duplexes. Our track in that area runs through a cut and there Is some erosion from water running down the bank, but there appears to be no damage to our roadbed or side ditch as the erosion is not close to the track. As Mr. Scott had permission from us in 1976 to discharge his drainage into our side d;_tch, he naturally assumes that the small additional. runoff from the 3 final lots will not create a drainage problem for us. We do not Ree a problem in accepting this drainage and will not object to the small additional volume of water reaching our ditch through the 12 inch pipe as this is the final phase of his development. This letter is not to be construed as a precedent setting railroad policy which would permit developers abutting our right-of-way to dump accelerated drainage from developed property into our side ditch. We are aware that the natural drainage in Mr. Frank Currie - 2 - April 19, 1.984 much of the area between the Ti_edeman Road railroad crossing and the ?acific highway (99W) is toward the railroad. Our ditch can handle this natural runoff but is not designed to carry drainage such as that discharged into ou.r cam.._' from the Century 21 develop- ment at the end of 98th Avenue. As there is property along our right-of-way in the vicinity of. 98th Avenue to be developed, we want to be protected from future accelerated drainage. Yours truly, G' VEF/sj a o s STEWART TITLE 10720 S.W.Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy. P.O.Box 1789 97075 Beaverton,Oregon 97005 (503)843.0850 April 19 , 1984 City of Tigard 12755 S. IF. Ash Tigard, OR Cii-y Engineering Dept. Attn: Bob Re: Escrow #01-610802 Scott./Scott Gentlemen: Fnclosed please find a recorded perpetual easement from Randal, Verna, Steven and Janet Scott to theCity of Tigard. ease approve by signed on page three and return to our cifice. PleE.se feel free to contact our office if you have any questions regarding this. Sincerely, STEWART TITLE K thy 2ston/tn, Sr. Escrow Officer Enc. KI1/tmm r• - ...,,,,,.y,.- ,�,„,Mrs . WE CE,,;;.Y THIS TJ BE A TRUE & ACTUAL MY OF THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT. S'0;A-'1T 1111E BY - aril 84011774 j bead Nefeream I I ' KNUM A" H By THB88 P1ta tW'J, That we 11) hereinafter I grenttoa'te). i0 offnaderetias of tie am ee • to be pall 1 401Ptl TIGARD, a amaipal aorperatiw 1.K Drug", f�a ai Titie C ty, hw9'!6► greet, barl"S. call !ear CMV-3nowthe cm or perpetual orr1gbt- f�-vW awl oaaamt se haralwsleae deaorlbed to- 9*tbw with 0 teem rad awe riot -of-weer and asewwawt e.) raa spa 0&utloaal area herleast" buepurwry awrmt. for the fbllmt" uses sed purpoe16al I. perpetual eseeaaat, An uneeeaaaNaad perpetual right-of-upy Md eseaetaet fear tie UWMof 'oeeteuatdap. rr+aaftat=aW!#gl, M�ts", mal01"ARLg, U" aase supatelag od as ae�rweee I.las "d ap/aRloMaeeea, Nattier wi eh tie r !o rsseew,, as 0160100 A40-y' � • follaea, trees a m owwr oboUvetteae within the ares. but rooerriop to the. greaten* tke titl, tr the AM&, auhiaet to the awewat. a" "A r1obt to Make such use tti41ee169, aMaept to oomstruet buildlapa, 7 es will not isterfsre with the war asd purpoe" of the aaa.seent, •a"-16"Moo►.sa16a.aaAw*-.. seek 04", ,gyp Aelaawitl* s 4?16a16.Aa.d-.o sea-iaa.-a�w._00 A serpsaeal —moot fes sarltW7 ea seer, bei" M! feet to width. Mfr Ibex 1300 N acid aase- eest mase l+rt""-ly LeerlMa as bUwlni altaete L Mr aou*AWt ws tneetae ci the assaheeet saw garter si a"OLIM 30, t 1 a, a 1 a, N Iles 1113 NAtte MrMiss. ftebtartne ►� assatP, fter-$ aNelaslM as as aaVtlrast server N a eraet of Law/ etswerm to aw,a.ee P. 1— fae¢eaat, qt ft. by leatrureat rason%d is am* 4". pop lop. %hies P"M to an tM use ll,r st a.M. fetb ae,esess. 30.00 feat fust of the lMlwthwsee sarser N fat 1 aeMa we Mat-if'e. thaw-+ us" "OW tlr Neth "M Ot the POW ter least w wnitlwrtap Orel alaap tles awtb flew of that passel ow -1 bs an"I O. sett by MM rewa16leA eIs Ir U. l"d M M so. F,_ alOf7l00. a total aistaeoe of 307.00 root M Ma taeesses N "Ll Wa ems. V) h' T. Temporary *&**meat, X Together with the temporary right of Injews, agreae a" s and use for sower oenstnWtiow parposea, of addltiona] 14140 lying parallel to, along the olfea ami witLin set, utiea measured at right angles, of the abewe ar"t srioeptiAg a" reaarvi" to 4"ROW f "a and preservation of all sten "W" Maw* � ,i % Ry This to ee up ea*eant steal l teles�z�� r Oonstruemtion work, at which tion, � wtitwa +oMaer. t!!a City will issue a written rolaaM , Page I Saes"ant Should it be necessary to cut and remove any brush, trees, or other matter nr materials from the easnmert arca, said brush, trees, or other matter ani materials shall be ranov„d and diepouad of by the City and the City shall leave the easement area in a neat and workmanlike condition. The City agrees that in connoctlon with its use of fire Perpetual eaaes�ent art. In inspecting, repairing, sraintaininq, or replacing said ewer line, the City will leave the promise:: in a neat ar,d workmanlike condition and as nearly in the pre-c-xisting state as pr.rctical,l,�. The grantors do hereby warrant that they eco the owners in fee simple descril4pland have the right to grant the above thittiWY aeO file mn Mitnass ou hands and seals; this - / � _ day of%'t'G��. -'' A. scr:r _ 1A—.r K. scan — - —_—_(8 tAL) Por a consideration, the mortg.rge lien on tho above described P' •Nertica is harebv made eubord4nate, to the eaeoreentu above granted. Wted this day of --------- -- r gagee ey - -—--- --__------ — - i -- STti:E OF OREGO; .:'�ent_y of un this I ry r,fr A A*- personally appeared the ahovo na^,o,! �L�c ` i _ and acknowledged the f.,rir,-uln 4A4 4 lnatimnent to bo Choir voluntary act nd deed. 2'-?y ore i�ul;f c r regon -- My tomlalssiOn xpirest' Page 2 Eass..ant After recordinq "lease return for MOME o ecto'rT 11640 SM 135th Avenue Tiqard Ore,lon 47223 T,r I � rTrrt CW ofraoN � r w W--$%,, 1 ra ot M �rMiM�MId•,� nny IMS 1 v aountr { Mw*. a o�eM AM a�aM�e. A HIM MOR 29 AN g. . Pecriv WIN 19 1984 W f Orr OF TjGgRD wfo Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington County 150 N. First Avenue Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 503 648-8621 March 16, 1984 City of Tigard P.O.Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Gentlemen: SUBJECT: SCOTT SANITARY SEWER The construction plans on the above-referenced project have been approved by the Unified Sewerage Agency . If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call . Sincerely , Terry Chamberlin Design Engineer TC:ib Enc. t 72•-4BR t3 0 C*. CITY OF TIGARD, OPEC-ON " 1k —__ DEVEL01'b1ENT PROJECT GENERAL INF ORI•IATION SHEET I. PROJECT No. : _-.•__..-._-._. .__ 11. PROJECT NAPM: �,_ SGOTr _,S �M�E?�T_�. �L�N---- ---- .-•• 'II. DRAWING (TITLE) IV• PLAT (TITLE) _---- V, SITE LOCATIONS ___�.___ _---------- --•---- \'I• PRINCIPALSt (1) DEVELOPER: C_GEv .. ;.Orr -- ---------- 11640 Add ress� 0-r ,_y�ZZ� _, Phone No. (2) DEVELOPERS SURETY AGENCYs,___-�____-___f_�__ Address _........ __.- --_-_ Phone No.-- ---_..-- A:.nd 1t0.__ ._.... -- --•----A- • • ---' Exp. L1a te..___..__�.._. (3) ENGTN'r_ER: �,�, �„'►WR,f.1�C� (�S �i___ __ _...»— Adel reSS.�tWV1 CAN'(� _.___� Phone No. _4!� (4) INS PTCTORs_._-... _...__. ,—.r.___ _.,. »_._.»__.__._... _ .__..._._. ..__• Phone (5) PRIME CONTRACTOR: Addre4e _,_.... .._ .r._� pl.one No.--_—.__ ___.• (6) CCNIRACTORS SURETY AG*:NC'Y!•••...._._ .. __.._ .._ . ....._».__ Addicss __._. .._-.___. .__._.. ... ._....__• °hone !to.- __. ... .._. Bond No. Y__� EXP- (1) SUB-CON7RACN)RS! .._.._.._._... ..,_._____..........____ _._.___._ �• CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON CONSTRUCTION/INSPECTION (P.W,) PROCEDURE CHECK LIST NOTE: UTILIZE ONLY clearly mirked APPROVED PLANS, plan revisions, change ordeia, specifications, etc. ! I. SANITARY SEWER: (A) Commenced instal',tinn. . . .. ..... .. . ......... ❑ / / (B) Completed installatioi.. . . .... „ .. 1) As-built field notes filed...... .,..... ❑ a) Cn:y nnt to engineer.,.. ..,. .. ?1 As-built field notes received.. . ,.... ❑ a) Filed in project folder..,. ., ., ❑ (C) Inapected and Tested.. .. .,. ❑ _� 1) Test nomorpgraphs filed.., , . .. CJ (D) Tentatively accepted by City. . .. . . . ,„... ❑ / II. STORM SEWER: (A) Commenced installation... . . . . . . . ❑ (B) Completed installation, . . , (3 i/ 1) A9-built field notes filed.,......, .. ❑ (C) Inspected. . .. .. . . . . . . . ...,.... ... . / / (D) Tentatively accented by City. .. . . .. . . ... .. ... ❑ / III. CURB: (A) Commenced installation. . ❑ / 1) Bench Marks set.. ❑ 2) Bench Knrk locations fil.ed. .... . .... . p (B) Completed install?tion........ ............... El (C) Inspected.. . . ... .. . . . . .... .. .. . p / (D) Tentati.vply accented by City. ... .. ....... .... ❑ / / IV. STREET: (A) Commenced Grading. . .. ... p 1) Sub-g rae?e insrected,,, ,. ,.. .. . .. ..... ❑ a) Test data filed. . .. .... . ... ❑ - b) Tentatively accepted by Citv. ❑ (B) Commenced rocking. . . . .. . .. ❑ l) Sub-base inspected.. ... . . ...... . . .... ❑ / / a) Test data filed. . . ❑ b) Tentatively accepted by City. C] (C1 Commenced Paving,,. . . .. . . .,a... .... .,... ... . ❑ 1) Paving ingpeci9d. .,„ . . a) Test data filed. .,. ..... O b) Tentatively accepted by City. ❑ (D) Street tentatively Accepted by City., ...., ... ❑ _ / / V. PARKING LOT: (A) Commenced grading. , . . ..... .... , 1) Sub-grade in"pected. .. . . .. . . . ... .... . ❑ / / a) Test data filed. . ,.,.. —`— b) Tentstively accepted by City. (B) Commenced Rocking. . .. . . . .. . .... . .. 1) Sub-base inspected... 0 A) Teet d-)ti fi.ted. . . . . . . . . . . .. . U - b; Tnntativply Arcopted by City. ❑ (C) Commenced Paving. . .. .. ... . .. .... . . . .... . ...... p 1) Paving inspected. . . . .. . .. .. . .. ....... .. ❑ a) Test data filed. ... . . ... .. ...... ❑ b) Tentatively —rentnd by City. . . . ❑ (D) Parking let tentatively accepted by City.... .. ❑ !_/ VI. SIGN: (A) Street name signs installed... .... .. .. .... .. . . ❑ / (B) Traffic signs installed. . .. ❑ _1_ VII. SIDEWALK: (A) Commenced installation.. . . .. . . .. .. . •, Ll ! / (B) Completed installation. .. ., . . . . . ., ❑ (C) Inspected. .. . . . .. ❑ (D) Tentativel!- acr^rtnd by City.. . .. . . . . . . .. .. . .. p / VIII. STREETL?GNTING: (A) Commenced installation... . . .. . . .. .. ❑ / (B) Completed installation. . . . .. .. ..... ❑ (C) Inspected, .... .. . . . , .— . . . . . . . . .. ... . p / / (D) Tentatively accepted by City. . .. ... . . . .. .. . . . . ❑ / / _ 1) Author?+ation letter to Energise til.nd I3C. LANDSCAPE: (A) Commenced installation. . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . . . ... .. . ❑ / ! (B) '.ompleted installation. . o (C) Inspected. .. .. . . ... . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . d (D) Tentatively accepted by City., — . . ,. . . .. . . . . ❑ ! /_ X. GENERAL AREA DRAINAGE: (A) Building rain drains inspected. . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . p ! / (A) Culverts inspected. . . .. . . . . . . .. ..... .. . .. . . .. p / / (C) Drainage ditches inspected. . . . . ...... . . . .. . . . p (D) Tentatively accepted by City. .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . p NOTE: PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF EACH CONSTRUCTION PHASE, REVIEW FLTX TO INSURE COMPLETION OF CIIECK LIST AND FILING OF: 1) Approved Plan Revisions 2) Approved Specification Variances 3) Change Orders/Extra Work Orders 4) All Correspondence/Memos S) Daily Inspection Sheets