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J Z PFAFFI.9 THE LINE 0SNS --r_.�.._---- --- SE" 1976 GA►.E• CITY OF TIGARD y �f�AP05Ep f'�GF. D��` 1GE 5Lb4- 511 1•, 1_ _ __ __ S F M H. A`T �-- -�, TL 150/ 5e G, 5& F T 15,� �• I VJ. 1/v . M o Y � .� - - - � � � _.. �► _�X.l`_�� 1j�1�G 1'Z LINE ALL SPACES MUST BE ENDORSED Wow 3 PRIOR TO APPROVAL OF THESE PLANSi —" + — — r N 1_0" 3�� ' W. {-w��^�j ' > z / EDAG ,-"F ASNALT o W W > 0L, 0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. DY el� �^'�QPLANNI`IG DEPT. L'`: DATF:-- o� /cru1" 1 ` Z v BUILDING D_PT. l3Y �y orls"m IQ m � fW- COUN•fY HEALTH L)-7T. E3Y__ - ---•-_--- -. _ [^t1Tc'.__ ___._ ---__ ' { ��7 rt OZ z C, Y ADIIAIII ;STTIATOR E•Y_ - -__ ._ Gi.,l»-- --- -- - : . ' U�v�� OWNE{�St11F) ��' w � �\vATERDIST. E3Y- _,dam DF.TE��Q�-•.`�"�� GEN::RAL E TELEPHONE eY• ___..._ __ D:\T?___s- �� 15 T IV4 S" LI N� 1 _ USA �t ANTU N 501L)L L pL/OV V, �/� ` 1 N. W. NATURAL GAS EY._-. DATA___ `Z `__ift- L I(�1�]) AIAL P. G. E. BY _ -- _. D.wTE.__-_1`10 ` E S1 l a-176 aY �. I0-345 4a.VV. 1 LLV I tVV T. R. F. D. SY- - DATE_— __ i} 1 eF,5 TO 5E: I IwTAL UED C AT 5Ti4T{4N5 ?i+t Q� � TIG/�f3 �D � y - St60 ^),:0 3+95 , /EKT - L N � 9 :5341 . Grnther / SEA . Inc. rIrd� - 1 • �o , 800 cedar Hills Blvd. LW E K�P 11-� SCA P) SHALL �/�~r� : � 3 I • �� i to 276 C,0NF0kr1 TO A S T M . SPEC i r AT-10k > C- 4. CL � ? �J 19PI N 376-9�- alverton, OFA. I • m _ OEM Lu N -r-- —._._ --- "-- — - -- -- - --- -- -- Y Mm W – –— O Q – jigs _ _ – _ _ _ — -- �..__ .___...._'_ ___... - ... .-__._._ —. .rte_. _.. ` 1 _ --.._.__ _.-_.__._ —_-.._- _.--..__. -_ _ _ __""__ __-_._.-._ _ •__�-...-._ -..� �...-_... _-_ .__.. __.�_ __`_ _ -_.-. ._ _.._.. _. — _ PLATL I PLAN•PROFILE B P R Sl ANDARD FIIG(NF DIFTZGCN CO. CHICAGO NEW YORK -• a. '""��-'i��'rk�' �. +`-11�'+L+"'aw _ .-• _..;.-5ay'�1� ... �'.. ^ _._ -wr-_. .. ,. _ .. .^'.rte".. _ ,._ ._.. _ - _ .._ -�. mak'/M 0.•AIr �M,MII�"t'YR _ w':Iwa•wwww�w+..r...w...... ..-;+..�.�....,....... ,•.��,,,, �r • i ti 6. 11'Iltr illllf 'II�III I{II jI '►1i��1 i,,IdII�I I+I,1[ I T!1' jt� ' j' 111 IIIII� �II1111 ►II{IIIIIIII�1� III�III,11111111111IIIIIIIIIIII'111IIIII11111II III��III1111111IIIIIIIIIIIII111 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED — DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICES' IT IS DUE TO JHE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. OE 6Z 8Z LZ 9Z S2 IsZ EZ ZZ IZ 02 81 91 LI 911 SI 101 EI 21 11 01 6 9 L 9 IS--,�-tp EI-- Z 1I• --'� /•f �'" r IfIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111II11{�IIIIIIIII�IIIIIIlIlI111111111I11uI1111�t111II11IIlIIiIIIII�l111I11II�lIII�II�IIIIIIIIIIIIttI1llNIi1I11I11{ 111I1111�It11�11f�1111I{1{1�{11LIii11�111{I11N�I �I�IIIIIIIII�IlIII111I�11{1�)llll�1111111�111h1111Wt1�1111{I{llllltf�{III _� JULY 6 1992 EP 1976 CITY 'Ht LILAC •�'►' �tI�IP `�---•--'� F 7'iGA�D poli � s� of No"I'r�p ucr� . �• 2U� Q I C— Z off, S3 ;,� N( 0 �l I� I N I T Y Mb,• " S� PRUPo5FD � V)F. ofrlCe 5L D6 . G / /� s �M H AT + T L I5C� SEG , � . � S -�G� �- 3� I T l V 14 �. _ - .� l_Z_N.4 W z 3 1 0 ALL SPACES MUST BE ENDORSEDINSPECTORS COPY - 0 ° RTO APPROVAL OF THESE PLANS -� CK 0 PRIG / � moo � � --- �- r<�- S! < it rk� �7 I _f-.8 �`S'� `r �C 1`�I 1 t� �r M•H ka' 7C.11) 1' V PHOLIC WORKS DEPT. SY — DATE_L� `• g c-folcrsHCK'rRS� J + -__ • QA ap,'��"1�/►^ - 7 BY__ /DATE_- op PLANNING D SPT. Lu __.__- DATC_.-_-_-__ - -._-._...--- O O BUILDING DEPT. DY- ---_. . i r Z COUNTY HEALTH DCPT. my-.- ._.-_ C ATE. -----_ -- S400'- % CITY ADMINISTRATOR CY-- ---- DATE f~ ��TY l.'NDEf� )/SME OWf�IE�Snif�) � �� i�KdATER DIST. BY GENERAL TCLEPHONC DY D.47' 1 pt, ` �/ t L) r BY� DATEI0� � i 0`*1�-7 no V L I NG us �� � N. W. NATURAL GAS SY�- _ DATE 1=Z5-•-- 'l ExI�TI I`•I�+ ) IN G I BY DATE_ 1`10 r� � \ / E - ID3q-� �.�. I 1 1 LLV I �Yv P. G. E. DATE----- `/i T E5 TC 5 E I K157AL L.C© <- A LE T'I4A R V �- Q?Z Z T. R. F. D. dYT 1 S - t6) ^ISI D N 3 t S+,I ._ VERT - 1"% � , X39 - Ginther � SL.��► , Inc. � I tto� - �- �0 3800 Cedar Hills Blvd. �,,� C_O 1U L k F T , LUv E-c` j 1- tC�(�� 'AIALL t i�T E ; 3 I LG�NFoy� -1 iD �� 5 r 1`1 c;P�ciFIC��rio>u� C-i4 �L 17 � kaverton, lte 276 „ ,N 37�2G1�t 01�. 9� X005 40 __. W O r -210 Vf Z _ _ 7 F- Ll - V\] — Z - - - low — _ PLATL 1 PLAN-PROF ILL B P R STANDARD EUGI NE OIETIGEN 10 CHICAGO•NEW IORK . • _ -,w i► f _ ILII'. I t illlltl�+t+l llj1 i ii'�Illai�ijtfx(+t'fIIi111111111- +t►�+i+�+IIIrII�+lel+l+ ►I+ll�+)+i+l+t+�+i+l+l+�ll+l+l+�+t�l+++ rtlir�+�+t'I+++�+t+1+++1+++1'++ 1 , + a� 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1�0 11 12 NOTE: I F TH IS M ICROF I LMEO "i'■"”' t' DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICSr•"iT IS DUE TO If QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL RAWING. OE SJ 92 LZ 9Z SZ fZ EZ ZZ Iz 02 61 91 LI 9{1 91 IPI EI ZI II 01 6 9 L 9 S`-•J�► b E 2 1""«' ��1111InIIIIIIII�IIIIIIIIIIIIn1IhI1111111�IIIIu111I1111111+111+I+luI+�I+IGln+�1NI111n111u111u1111u1►lulnuln�llnl11un11111�f1+�lunll) IIIIun�IIIIMullnntuululllnnhltllnu�N +luuluulnululllUtlbwll191111�uu�11lI�W1111t1�►1Ltllut�Wlnl1 . JULY 6 1992 l .rr ....�.. ._ ._ ._ �.�_..-...._►._ .+tr'�. •-.. .,�„"^'.' ....•.�� ,....•, "��� - >.., ... � �, ;�,q� ,�P'�:.,�, `F�� ..�:.. �!��4�� � �S 'u8"• Ir•(+<Ce,4';,f� �' 1`„d+•”-,j. r? - �p'�, tl'�L*f"hR�t'*1�C�„WE4,"•!r12 �,�� r 1'5� �14 � •�r� ye;• �b,,�. CP 7 c a y�� cD CITYOF nFaRD WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON October 9, 1981 Anton Schulz 15735 SW Oak Rill Lane Tigard, OR 97223 Re: Scaulz Sewer Extension Dear Sirs: In reviewing our files, we find that the maintenance period on the above referenced project should have ended on November 22, 1977, but we find that all the work has not been completed :is yet. Please complete these items as su.n as possible so we can close out this project and not have to file on your maintenance uond. If you have any questions please contact this office. Yours truly, R. L. Thompson Engineering Tech. II RL,T:pjr --- 12420 S.W. MAIN P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PH: 639.4171 A,,ril 25, 1950 Anton 9chuls 15735 SW Oak Dill Lane Tigard, OR 97223 'let Schulz Sanitary Seager r.asement Dear ?fr. Schulzs in reviewing o+sr files, ore Lind that your project (South of Pacific nq,1hway) has not peen finalised. Tt was rlaced on its maintenance bona ";ovember 22, 1976, with the condition that you 1.+0a1d Complete certain i.terrs. To this date, t'aese i.terls have not been completed. ;'lease a ti -hese ite"q as "on as PaHsible so we can final :gut this r.,;fact. Yours truly, o 11. L. Thompson Publie Works 1nRpector "LTtpjp Fact$ a r 4 I.*cember 21, 1916 First National Bank of Oregon Tigard Branch P.O. Box 23218 Tigard, Oregon 97223 !tet Schulz Sanitary Sewer Extension Gentlemen: 1.n the matter of the three thouaand dollar ($3,000.00) Cash Bono Escrow AgreemeuL between M ' S in-v, Inc., an Gregor, CorporaLlon, anc± the pity of ligaro, firegon, and Pirsc National. Hank of ciregon (Tigard branch); this is to serve as notice authorizing saiu First National bank of Oregon to release to M F. S, Inv. It1a. , Lhe full sum entrusted to said bank us a performance security. MAYOR CITY RBCORDE BHC. cci lir. Anton Schulz 10345 S.Fv. Hillview Tigard, Oregon 97223 /J 1 J November 23, 1976 First National Bank of Oregon Tigard, Oran--ch Tigard, OR 97223 RE: Schulz Sanitary Sower Extentilon Gentlemen: In the matter of the three thousand dollar (13000.00) Cash gond Escrow Agreement between M h S Inv. Inc. , an Oregon Corporation, and the City of Tigard, Oregon, and First National Hank of Oregon (Tigard Oranch) ; this is to serve at notice authorizing said First National Oank of Oregon to relsi:Ase ? to M b S Inc. Inc. .he fui.l Oum en- trusted to said bsnK as a performance security. M A Y ITv-'f'C ► ) _ ENCLOSURE cc/ Mr. Anton Schulz 10345 SW Hillview Tigard, Oregon 97223 S CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION No. 76-1 RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS, KNOWN AS THE SCHULZ SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION, CONSTRUCTED SOUTH OF PACIFIC HIGHWAY (NEAR PFAFFLE STREET), SUBJECT TO SPECIFIED CONDITIONS. WHEREAS, the City executed a Sanitary Sewer Compliance Agreement, dated November 8, 1976, with M & S Inv. Inc. , an Oregon Corporation, to install a public sanitary sewer line, and appurtenances thereto to specified standards; and WHEREAS, the__Pu_blic Works Department has now issued certification that certain terms and conditions specified by said agreement have been satisfsctorly completed, the remainder being listed herein below; ,and WHEREAS, an acceptable maintenance bond has been received by the City, to permit release of the previuusly submitted performance bond, as required by said contract, ensuring continued maintenance of the work throughout the stipulated period; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Tigard, Oregon, hereby accepts th_= public improvements known as the Schulz Sanitary Sewer Extension subjec, to: IN'-4 41. Submittal of an acceptable sewer easement(s). !:!': --a2. Submittal of one as-built mylar drawing. ,pvwt--+3. The aforesaid one year maintenance period. AND FURTHER, the City Council herein authorizes release of the previously' submitted performance bund. PASSED: This A_Z day of 197,4 , by the City Council of the City of Tigard, Oregon. Mayor ATTEST: Recorder RESOLUTION No. 76-r9_L_ � I I City g of Tigard INSPECTION REQUEST for it 0 L;K) SC ULZ INSPECTION TIME: ` PERMIT NO. : DATE: 11 INIZE. DATE ISSUED :--L–L_ OWNERS NAME :=�� I ADDRESS: //�5-Z CONTRACTOR : --_— � � r qtr � �,W, _r I E ST : Air O, Water❑ , visual , Laboratory p RESULT: Approved 9j Disapproved C' I Pendiiq [j S KETCH:_ CL /1. -eo-:t,-n IIIV/N77./L1tJ-PCC �orclia t /VC MT', 1 INSPECTOR DATE COTE, Attoch supplemental telt dato horotol Y l Octcber 29, 1976 Mr. Anton Schulz 10345 S.W. Hillview Tigard, Orebon 97223 Re: Schulz S. ni tary Suer Extension Lear Mr. Schulz: Encloied plerse find the following: 1) Sample copy of an acceptable maintenpnce bond. 2) Your sureties original maintenance bond subtA ttal. Please note certain. "penciled correcttons" on your sureties submittal; such "corrections" must be made by your agent and the bond re-sutriitted to the City. The "sa:-ple" (alao enclosed) may help. The only item that will then be outstanding, regarding your project, is the easement (of which we have already discussed). Your prompt action in this matter will enable us to process everything at the next Council meeting (11-8-76) as plan<<ed. Very truly, John S. Hagman Supt. Engineering Uiv!iion cc: file Enc: 2 FILE o Oe 07-- c: G 1) /l�JO j/SEE /2F_-".�:f;'p✓�'f'C t i 7-49 /I C" USS ✓'/��/yi,Jri.% •J ..i.:'!•, � i:�. .•� y ,�<< ._ ,• _� � „ter-- i�/S //� 7 ),� i . ._ _./� � �-r:- ../�'. _ �..� � yamL• i.'7 %.7 �• .. � � A.ol - rlJ ev l �\ 1 i O rl st ZS R •. � � I t `u iI Y IIz � .. .. .. .. � : � � hod � 1u14 � 0 fi 1y. I T I I r r � o0 4 I City of Tigard I INSPECTION REQUEST for INSPECTION TIME: - _3d PERMIT NO. :_ DATE : iG/ Z'_7__C- DATE ISSUED OWNERS NAME : ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR : I TEST : Air ❑, Water❑ , Visual , Laboratory ❑ I RESULT. Approved , Disapproved C , Pending [] SKETCH: I I I I I I INSPECTOR DATE I 1I10TE Attach fupplementol telt data hereta� MALre 'n 0 0Dc' s. 0 0 0 0 0 R) Fell -1w I., 0 c 0 I Fit] 11111... 0 0 OFF Fn 7. "r7l 1 r JIM 111111111111111 fiflill"1114"I"ll 111!, '7rI 0 0 0 rp C: c c. 0 Cl! 0 1 40 d 0 o O :L 0 0. W ox I cr 0 bL 0 0 O0 W) 0 In WW) N cr cr O W ILI >- p serf 00 OD C: 0 u 0 FIX W zcr o 0 0 L) w DF t; 0 V) 0. (r ui C3 'I 0 J Ld W Q to cr tr U.1 0 Z cn cn PRCCEDURE FOR COMUCTINO'i ACCF,PTANCE TEST 1. Clean pipe to be tested by propelling snug fittint, inflated rubber ball through the pipe Britt. water. 2. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable test. plugs.. Brace each plug securely. 3. If the pipe to be tested is submerged in ground water, 1.u<<;rt a pipe prod- try t.oring or jetting, intc the backfill material aijacvnt tc the center of the pipe, and determine tht� pressure in the probe when ai, passes slowl' through it. This is the back pressure due to ground water. submergence ovei the end of the probe. All gauge pressures in the test should ba increased by this amount. 4. AV air slowly to tle portion of the pipe installation under test until the i.nte.rnal air prejsure is raised to 4.0 psig. 5. "necl: exposed pipe an.l plugs for abnormal leakage by coating with a snip solution. If any failures are .observed, bleed off air and make necessary repairs, 6. After an internal pressure of 4.0 psig is obtained, allow at least Wo minute•., fcr air temperature to ,taLilize, adding only the amount of air tcquirad to maintain pressure. 7. After the two minute period, disconnect air supply. 8. When pressure decreases to 3.5 psig, start stopwa;^h. :.Ct.ermine the time in soconds that is required for the internal air pressure to reach L.5 psip'. time interval should then be compared with the time required in seconds as c.ompu::ed on reverse side of. sheet. 9. List sizi and length of all portions of pipe L " cr test in ?.o one sh,min on reverse side of sheet. 10. By use of nomograph, compute K and C. Use ^r;F.'.�s r. an-i L, rizl !. and enter these values in the table on reverse .'ide Cf sine_t. 11. Add all values of K and all values of fc-, , . pe uAer Lcat. 1.2. If the total of all C values is less then (iii, enter the total ci, . .L K valueF into the space for "'Time Required ir. Sr:cor.d.i," 13. If the total of all C values is greater th.►n one, ".vide the values, by the total of all C values, to gat t7. mak(. this I.• the nomograph, use scaler C and K, and rcau ty, CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON SEWER. EXTENSION PROJECT " (P.W. ) Procedure Check List FILE INITIATED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1) Supplementary sheets attached . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . ❑ . . . . . . (3 I :1 SUBMISSION OF PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION PLANS' (1 ) Flan check commenced . . . de ` 76 . . . . (a) Revisions required w returned to developer ❑ (b) Stamped„ appro%--d for construct,t . . . 13 (2) Utility Company p;,ans t0ee6ewt eA�,kle IV. EXECUTION OF PROJECT DOCUMENTS $e, 1) Contra^t Documents Drawn (a) sewer Extension Contract Agreement Siqned . j /r (b) Contractor, Bonded & L.censed with U.S,A. . ' ,-12) Easements o t A d 6 recorded . . . . . . . . 13 (3) Fees and aw paid . . . . . P.#_ 7� (4) Permits & Licenses acquired . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ (a) Approved construction plan issued . . . . , ❑ V. COMMEWCEMENT OF CONSTRUCT.UN . . . . . . . . . W Note Inspection sheets and construction inspection check list (attached) for progress. ❑ VI. FINAL INSPECTION OF CONSTRUCTION . . . . . . . . (1) Pending correction of deficiencies . . . . . ❑ (2; Not acceptable, construction deficient . . ❑ (31 All construction items acceptable . . . . . . . . VII EXECUTION OF FINAL PROJECT DOCUMENTS. (1) Maintenance Bond Signed . . . . . . . . . . . y.(2) Am-Built drawing received . . . . . . . . . . p (3) Final report to Council issued . . . . . . . ❑ r' n MAINTENANCE BOND EXP]RE.S; For extension of sanitary gewer service to parcels outside City boundaries. C:I'i Y 0 'i IGARD il� soi.TARY sEW.ER __— DEVELOPMENT DLPOSIT FEE COMPUTATION SHEET -•,tOJECT NAME SCHULZ SEWER�XTENSIUN PROJECT N0. ---- (1) PROJECT FEE (City ord. 68-48, sec. 10, Par."A"). u)Total estimated Improvement Cost b) Less sin. sewer estconst. cost......... . Adjusted improveme• i cost.......... ... ... =�ltubtotal)♦ c) .015 X • . . . . . . . subtotal (2) SEWER FEE (U.S.A. res. 70-12,Sec.9, Por."B'T o)Sewer plan check fee 13 Inspoction f ee , 1) 110.00 x (no. 01 Iota) Cor] z) 100.00 min. [ZI . .. . , .. . b) Permit fee a connection charge paid. . . . .. .... . ••• • • • O c) Sewer district contfaet sure!,arge paid ••••• (district name -- (3) STREET LIGHTING FEE : 0) P.G.E. lighting schedille no. b) Mthly rate option ...... . no._ -- type of l ht mens �.� lu v 9 _ ll X __ .._.._— S(mthly rate) (no•of lights) �� type or pole aw mo s (mthly rote)(no of Ilghfi) lyr. s 12 mth's (subtotal) 2yr =24mth's _ -X ' (subtoful) (no.of mlht) (4) SIGN FEE (I Ism l•installetion) (Der sign) (no of sign) STOP - RESTRICT, OCCUPANCY --- —X - STREET SIGN ----- COMB.STOP/ST NAME. {gg —x '"--- NO PARKIN$ 7 --x X mital. types x s .� .—�-- � N.A. _ RECEIPT DATE PAID cheek GRAND TOTALt •, � �+ cash C money order O Insert: sewer,street,ur )ion .. y .i .. „Ir ..._ .......a.»w ._........��_.�...w+—.�r.w.�....:..w......r.wtue.►.eY.j'ai.,...a,,.�. __ _s........w 1 ! vy Date 05Y Amount n ^drll3rs f r " Name i s Cash tw M.0. Addr ss �. � fCheck S1.Opng. Bus.Lic. Plbg. Pub,.Ms. Bike Lic n Elul. El Ccpies Sew.Serv, E] Sewer [:] Filing E] Fine&F. C' Assort. El other - Zoning E] For. _.�5...14_x-t�Cc.Ee-+.•---L'�� LC�.t --- -- Permit CITY OF TIGARD —_— MNIfCM[II�111M fINO��t�f10M1�• 15226 SC 14vl October 11 , 1976 (aINTHEROSEA, INC. FNGINFERS/PLANNERS C T 1976 ��J 38005 W.CEDAR HILLS BOULEVARD CITY OF TIGARD BEAVERTON,ORFf'')N 97005 15031 043 5475 Mr. John Hageman City Engineer City of Tigard Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re : Schultz Property Sanitary Sewer Dear Sir: This letter is to confirm that the estimated construction cost of the subject sewer is approximately $3 , 000. 00. Very truly yours , GINTHER/SEA, INC . r Gordon MacPherson, P . E . Civil Engineer GMP/sp w +� � A• i All . .191MLLVWYNMi`iliv4'XWY6W.VMfdaMiYUWWiw'4WW+:WMw:xH:+Wli.wiwiwu1,'N'Y'L.•.. A(0UNT NO. A � 3662TS/ 3� T L /4100 CODE _ ADDRESS -_ —/ $O/ WASHINGTON COUNTY IS NOT TO 8E HELD LIABLE FOR INFORMATION LISTED HEREON ASSESSED_ VALUES _ 19---/19-- -1 LAND TIMBER IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL A.V. *BOOK JPAGE TAXES JINTEREST _ 15 / - OWNERI T L. /x/00 *THIS DEPARTMENT DOES NOT FURNISH LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS. THE BOOK AND PAGE IS GIVEN AND YOU MAY VIEW THE LEGAL DOCUMENT IN THE RECORDING DIVISION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF RECORDS AND ELECTIONS. REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION BY PHONE WILL BE RETURNED BY CARD. A nu.l 10 27 \e �G MC<a:ir r sib . !Fl fey v- l O LI VAC I C A I 1 Proj t: S�Iklz sav,. sew C+.�. Easenten c: SS-1 Deed Reference:lv,4op: 6791-P-774 �Isot: B7o4-P47S KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we ( ) M & S INVESTMENT INCORPORATED hereinafter termed grantor(s) , in consideration of the sum of $0.00 to be paid by CITY OF TIGARD, a municipal corporation of Oregon, ereina ter termed the City, hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the CITY OF TIGARD a perpetual right-of-way and easement as hereinafter described, to- gether with a temporary right-of-way and easement to use an additional area hereinafter described and designated temporary easement, for the following uses and purposes: 1. Perpetual easement: An unencumbered perpetual right-of-way and easement for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, operating, maintaining, inspecting and repairing of an underground sewer line and appurtenances, together with the right to remove, as necessary, vegetation, foliage, trees and other obstructions within the easement area, but reserving to the grantors the title to the lands, subject to the easement, and the right to make such use thereof, except to construct buildings, as will not interfere with the uses and purposes of the easement; said easement area being 7.5 feet on each side, when measured at right angles, of the fol]owiliy c7escriLed center line within the follow_iag dasignatad premises: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Tax Lot 1400, Map Meridiall, Washington County Oregon, thence S. 20 00' E. Along the West QUI-360 -tection 36, T. lS, R. W. Willamette Line of..-Tax Lot 140 n, a ce of 165 feet to a point, thence N. 70 00 E. a distance of 20 feet^to he northerly end of the centerline, of said ;5' easement, said centeine extending southerly on a bearing of S. 13 00' E. a distance of 40 feet, more or less, to an existing manhole located in the vicinity of .the S.E. corner yfcTak Lot T5TK. �� ,I�ktre,.cfS 2. Temporary easemen*: IA-51 '� •�- Together with the temporary right of ingress, egress and regress, and use for sewer construction purposes, of additional lands lying parallel to, along the sides and within 5 feet, when measurud at right angles, of the above described perpetual easement area, excepting and reserving to grantors the unencumbered enjoyment, use and preservation of all structures present upon the premises. This temporary easement shall terminate upon completion of the sewer construction work, at which time, upon request of the owner, the City will issue a written release thereof. Page 1 Easement WW Should it be necessary to cut and remove any brush, trees, or other natter or materials from the easement area, said brush, trees, or other %atter and materials shall be removed and disposed of by the City and the ^ity shall leave the easement area in a neat and workmanlike condition. The City agrees that in connection with its use of the perpetual easement area and in inspecting, repairing, maintaining, or replacing said sewer line, the City will leave the premises in a neat and workmanlike condition and as nearly in the pre-existing state as practicable. The grantors do hereby warrant that they are the owners in fee simple and have the right to grant Lhe above described easements. Witness our hands and seals this �44 day of D 19Z�. Yv,)SEAL)_-_----_C •/ ----(SEAL) (SEAL) --- -- — _—(UEAL) ------- -- (SEAL) For a consideration, the mortgage lien on the above described properties is hereby made subordinate to the easements above granted. Dated this _ - day of — _-- --, 19 Mortgayee- ------ - By -- '_ Title----_—_- _ STA'rE OF OREGON ) County of ) Orn, thfiiss Edey of , 19 , befor -me a geared and both to ine personally kn , whu being duly swo , did say that he, the sa / a i is the President, and;he, the said is the Secretary of c V the within named Corporation, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said Corporation, and that the said instrument was signed and s aled in behalf fjAid Corporation by 1 authorMf its Boa d of Di c is, and ,i and — acknowledged said instrumen to be the free act nd deed of said Corporatio IN TES'rIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed m official seal the day and ye r 1 t abo� r ttan: and y --- ary Public for Oregon `My Cunanission expires ;F OREGON )ss. ty of. ----------- ) On this _ day of _ , 19 , personally appeared the above named and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. Before me: Notary Public for Oregon My Commission expires: _ ACCEPTANCE The City above named hereby accepts the foregoing grants and agrees to comply with each and every term and condition thereof. CITY OF TIGARD STATE OF OREGON ) )96. County of on thisday of _ , 196�, before me appeared - �- - ani both to me personally Known wtio, b`e�ng duly`s`worn-, -��c�`sayJtt at��e, t-Tie said is the Mayor, and he, the said is the-R`ecor er of the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipal—� c'.otporat on and the said and acknowledged t eisaici instrument to be the-free ac ii'd deed o sale murifcipal corporation. Ili TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my %and and affixed my official seal, this the day and year in this my certificate first written. No awry� uSlicr Oregon My commission exp'i-res ��r Pace 3 Easement r 131 36C C' ♦ � h � STREET s '; E-n,.�F 1401 ne �• / t t BE Con 1400- 2 _ rE.LAAS 20 Ac —/ o, a y�o bo Z 1500 h� e � 98 4c oq hh `A 1 ~ •A�1t�� a 700,800,900 \ s c 1600 p `►o ` 4,-,4c - Ip • 0. N p a•'s s ,• 1700 ",N 1601 �, N ,.914 N���:, 1501 e * r'• 994, tD 1901 1 80 314C I \y Mho p J v, 9E Cox !Aq p pUhlO•epd/!J p•!!ey*E I levee ea Te?so"w --'pel Its,$ con s�s.s 2100 Be :nu. t004c. opse,Ns 2001 2002 see•-tO,p t A74c tdb4t. 60 SEE MAP 01 di e IS136DC ♦ N N J N Ne)•�1'M ..y�e 2000 9 574c. �� UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGENCY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING -- 150 N. FIRST AVENUE HILLSBORO, OREGON 97123 1503) 648 $621 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Joel WRssallman BURTON C.WILSON JR ,Chairman Genaral Meneaer VIRGINIA DAGG Room 302 RICHARD C. HEISLER RAV MILLER ROD ROTH October 7, 1976 GiTither/SEA, Inc . 3800 S . W. Cedar Hills Blvd. Q Suite 276 r1 r' Beaverton, Oregon 97005 �, CITY QF GENTLEMEN: SUBJECT: SCHULZ SEWER EXTENSION - CITY OF TIGARD Enclosed for your file are 46 sets of the construction plans on the above-referenced project which has been apprc,wed by this Agency and the Department of Environmental Quality. Very truly yours, ?l--e Y"-et— Engineering Division Unified Sewerage Agency -SIR EMILi• Department of Environmental Quality RIAERr w STRAUR 1234 S.W. MORRISON STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON 97205 PHONE (503) 229- 5 5255 October 4, 1976 Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington County Rj•.C.�f 150 North First Avenue VL Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 Attention: Mr. Charles F. Liebert " y OF 11GARD Gentlemen: Re: - S - USA We have reviewed plans for proposed construction of so-'•.ary sewers in the following projects: PST ENGn;EER USA PLANT Tr. .Schulz Sws. Ext. Ginther - Sea Durham Terrybrook II - 213 C. Face and Assoc, Forest Grove r Brook Haven Cart" Bringle Durham Cherrywood Hills Waker Assoc. Inc. Durham Bicentennial Harris - McMonagle Assoc. Durham Greenway Ridge 'town Houses McGinnis RngineeriK, Inc. Durham Maletis San. Swr. Ext. 206 John W. Cunningham A Assoc. Durham Summerfiald - Phase IV Harris - McMonagle Assoc. Tigard Jests Hills No. 2 - 205E R. L. Driakwater Aldha These projects are herewith approved subject to the enclosed stan3ard provisions. All sets of plans submitted for each project are being returned bearing our stamp of provisional approval. Cordially, Director Clarence P. Hilbrick, Jr. Supervisor Sewerage Works Construction Section LJT-esu Enclosures ca, ;,City of Tigard City of Cornelius city of Beaverton Portland Region Office - DEV Washington Cnunt a DA 1 o � UNIFir,D SEWERAGE AGjc ;NCY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING— 150 N. FIRST AVENUE HILLSBORO, OREGON 97123 (503) 648-8621 L30ARD OF COMMISSIONERSJoel Wesselman VIRGINIA DAGG,Chairman September 14, 1976 General Manager Room 002 RICHARD C. HEISLER RAV MILLER J.ALLAN PATERSON MICHAEL SHEPHERD JV CITY OF TIGARD Oregon State Department of Environmental. Quality 1234 S. W. Morrison Portland, Oregon 97205 Gentlemen: RE: sc rill l sFWrP EXTENSION - CITY OF TIfv1RD Enclosed please find 2 cnpies of the plans for "ie sanitary sewers to be installed in the above-referenced project. Please review and return all copies to the Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington County, 150 North First Avenue, Hillsboro, Oregon. We would appreciate your approval on these plans as soon as possible. Very truly yours, Charles F. Liebert, Manager Engineering Division CFL:yr Enclosures cc : Engineer (City of Tiaard k% PLAN, Durham BASIN Fanno 72-16 August 27, 1976 Anton Schulz 10345 S .W. Hillview Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Air. Schulz, Please be advised that the Tigard Design Review Hoard at their rogular meeting of August 24, 1976, approved your re- for .review of a professional office building at 11652 S.W. Pacific Highway. This approval is subject to satisfying the following conditions : 1 . That a revised landscape plan including Design review Doard recommendation .bo submitted for staff approval. . 2. All areas not used for building, paving or walhtiiays be landsc::ped and maintained. 3. The abandoned sign structure be removed. 4. Adequate irrigation be supplied for the landscape beds along Pacific Highway. 5. The drainRUe for the Larking lot be approved by the pG, i , -fh artma-nt. foe .. s em t"01 If we can be of nny further assistance, pleade do not to contact this office, 639-4171 . R- Sincerely, Richard Daniels Associate Planner Note: Tl)e following acLnonled6mc-nt must be received by the City �-,f Tigard within fourteen ( 14) days of your receipt of this letter. Failure to return this acknowledgment may rEsult in e.ctiorj by the City of TiL.ard. I hereby acknowledge this letter documenting the action of the Tigard Design Review Uoard. I have received and read this letter and I agree to the decision here documented arid to abide by nny terns and/or conditions attached. signature date -� CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON . DEVELOPMENT PROJECT w GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET I. PROTECT No.: II. PROJECT NAMES III. DRAWING (TITLE) s ._�_. dated* IV. PLAT (TITLE) s dated*---/_� V. SITE LOCATIONS VI. PRINCIPALS: (1) DEVELOPER: _- +N toy SGI�uIZ A3dress 10 34 5 nLJ Phone No.�,3`►- 334 (2) DEVELOPERS SURETY AGENCY:_.___. ----• Address. _._..., ���__._.___� Phone No._,_ _ Pond No. ...__�. __ __. _.__.. Exp. Date_,_./.l____.• (3) ENGINEER: -"AOC Phone No./4. 3_SA-75 Address_______ � 97oc5 (q) ------- Address„__-.. rPhone r (5) PRIME CONTRACTOR: w_.___PSL .J"►1►� -_ = S Address .__ _ Phone (6) CONTRA TORS SURETY Address _. Phone Bond No. _ Exp. Date!_ (7) SUB-CONTRACTORS: -— -- -��-