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ja S.W. PltA1~FI.E bT�.{. v \ \ iv �' ; I '. I• �� ti �2�15 E.O.L.• \� � � i L a_ O ,, T&A LD'1' I�oo `- -_..__- _ _ . .._ _.. _- __ ! � �, ap "� 9 •� � � , •� F�� •OpoJ � L� TAX LOT moo 1 1 AC; AY LOT 1801 5 1 1 Ac) s . A TAX LCAT 100 '� h' 1 ,y Tom,_, - ` \ --� t N`x T 4ti \\ 15 i 46 o� p O� / (o ( uGZ� V 1 C I N 1 T'Y M 4.'P x I t O /ter � \� � , 1 G• r�V r SCALE-', V'% GOO' APS �RA0' 1�EQS O R1� Asp ?p �' OZ r� �. 22+00 a, } i y i✓1/ srq 4 � 3 r^ �4 4`�' � t`1. 1 G. M-d 1©;"f 5_ TO___-M-1 T "' ,"-,--•..' . _._ I a x ,j IV. 1 C 1- uTur2£. Co1.s�T2UcTlor� 220 I,n i 220 f o u 210 I i I 200 1 I : i ._....__.-__._.. __._._-..._._______._._ t _ ____..__:... _-_ _. � ---______... __._-.__._.:-_._____---__• _._.__..___... __....�.. _:._.___. 1 _ _ - '� -- _ - -.---_.___.__. I .... __ ..... ._-- . ._._ .._..-•-___- 200 i z� ' - p I I� to-4p-15 TO M-1 IG e-o INCLUFPIViL, ZY OTi-}F-R 190 : dD I � � O � 180 _ .._._.-.___--•---____._.-- I _.._...___.�__._......_.- __..._._ _--__ __ ! _.___._------___-____._.r-.-----I.__. ._..._._._..__ � ..._._ � OIao _..._____..._..._...__._._ 1.E• 1-I C).'s 1 TO IZo 2 5 a h _ TOP Of: tA4 ....__ 01 _ �' �_= O'0. - I.E, 15 ks 150 O""r------ 1 I.E. 147.4-3 . i EX1 JT, 1� SEWIri� ; �• ' 140 __.,.....� ...... .. ' ......111...... l ' P �� la 0 2+00 4+0o G400 $�00 10�►00 12440 141d:� 14C� ► 2� 1 t c,, 18 X00 Z+O t►00 1 i 00 C /4 S SLA l..1 � DESIGNED Gr. R. M, APPROVED ' - _ _.__._ --__ - --. _.--- _— _^.- �_._ _.. _ -_____ ♦ (!9'('111!�• r `f 717 .Fu~rus�l .. ��-Ns'rRUGTibr,i 1..1�1z, 1 also , R>t,>tk,yl�r1► CITY OF T IGARD, OREGON EG O N SHEET - --- DRAWN .__- ----------- C�tM J. W, scAlE VER "* ►O' DATA MAY 14, t's'f F.'il�,►tnf�'r.,/l'IcinrtNr.� s�1, I�7 � lot'�g Ta ,� {•�.a_ aY aT_�,�_,�� -------___ ...____... LEWIS SCHOOL c-F7rGC7N SEATTLE, WASHIN©TON SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM PLAN a PROFILE DATE NO. �R F v 1 5 1 O N BY CHECKED G•IZ. 1✓�� FILE. Co�`i•1�' 2 c n c'.r) - Cs�� 7 O F'HIL LEW!,,: SEWER fNANNON�O �, M .,. .. I Fly, I I I I i I r I I I I I I i I i I I I I I I i I I _. ,.r � I � J I _ I L r I'1 f 1� 111 rl III t1i 11 11! I) 161 III 111 {� III IIf 111 111 111 III t11 111 III tli t11 111 i11 111 111 11111111tH IIII111 1 ' NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED 4 6 6 0 10 11 12 _ DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN I THIS NOT1C61-1T IS ONE TO g1Ai ITY OF THE ORIGINAL OE ea ez a 9t S2 Ve Ez ZZ Iz of al 91 t1 91 111 fol 91 o1 if 01 • t 9 IS--+�--'r--•.-,..•-EI•-. _ ,/'�� �tUI111111111I111111111I11111Mt1�1111111�11IIIrU11I�111tIt11tI1Ntfuit�lttlf1n�11It111IN11I1f!1�11NINIt�t1+lI1 IIUIIIIiI1111Illlllll{I�HIIl�U�11111111�11�1ill�l��lll) - - L 1992 f', 1 2 - /•" Dia. HOLES r& 9~ R. STANDARD 8 SUBURBAN . � PRECAST CONC. TOP SLAB COVERS ONt,Y � hH FRAME >a COVER L AS SPEGIr•'IED - _ 2 5 HOOPS h_� RADE •FI ! N _O aN zw • MORTAR a �6XPi • 6 � ►s 3 Min. 48'blo. P _CAS5Jj- Min 0.D. Mho ,i I _ - ONCRET RINGS _____ -._ _- • � K 23 Dia. . � 23 Dia • •- o / ► _ r �o Pipe ; ► 23"Dia. = CLEAN OUT 01 IL tD O -� PRECAST CONC. a PRECAST CONC. ► '*`4 a'78 ' : Z12 /; PRECAST CONC. °a io �+ ECCENTRIC CONE � '� ' • MORTAR a v ECCENTRIC CONE AIIORTAR ! _ CCENTRIC CONC. MORTAR SECTION B-B �", 3000 PSI CONC. BASE - SECTION C-CFRAME MOVER I -- __ --- --- - - MANHOLE FRAME a COVER . • a " WYE BRANCH � I 1 N . 48 Dia. PRECAST • 5 48"Dia. PRECAST ► „ „ W - � j z CONCRETE RINGS - — --- ° J ® 5 v 48 DiO._PR_EC41ST m , i CADMIUM PLATED STEEL ' BOLT N 5" •• B CONCRETE RINGS r a I 1 CONCRETE RINGSCD • I �_ _!� /16 GASKET Q W - ° � � �5 EW VAQ \ Q v M� STEPS - __ ° kN STEPS --"� ► ���-.--_ - - - -, Mi STEDS _r r. a ° « I z . � 12" 0/ C , +-- -- - IQ 0/C 12 C/C , ' UNDISTURBED r. e + -- - +� - - - SHELF SLOPE r. _ 1 c _ - C f � C WASHERS' . ' UNDISTURBED � � , EARTH — � � _ �_ __ ' � 3" Min. I`12 -M lox. - -- --- 0 \ I 9 o , LOCKING BAR I — . . _ EARTH -- N 0 • + u Pt :13 �\ Q 45° BE'1Q _- �a p - a / COTTER P 1 D S IL D. _ rt v `� `/ vaRl VARI — � �, I W IID - - - _ ---_t-- - 7 90° KENO --_— - - o , • 6" Min. a ac'' cn Ay ": - -> W I 6 - Min - - > I W _ -moo ip ® PLAN p WAT_t ERTIGHT MANHOLE • SECTION SECTION '�----" • TIO -- - TYPE D MANHOLE: 3000 PSI CONCRETE JASE TYPE A MANHOLE TYPE B MANHOLE TYPE. C MANHOLE SHALLOW FRAME & COVER 3000 PSI GONG. BASE .-I'll, ASE .� � �- POUR AGAINST UNDISTURBED rk STANDARD UUTSIDE OR INSIDE DROP OUTSICIE OR INSIDE DROP Y FRAME AND COVER SCHEDULE EARTH UNLESS COMPlACTED ' FILL IS REQUIRED BY THE — --- - — -- - - - -- ENGINEER. — _ ___DIMENSIONS IN INCHES LOS. WEIGHT MANHOLE NOTES TYPE AR OPENING OVERALL DIA. TOTAL ' SHELF 6" Min. .. I. LOWER 12" PRECAST CONC. R ,114G TO BE SET INTO BASE 8 C DEPTH RAMECOVER 12 M" ox.I . LEVELED BEFORE LONC. IS SET. MORTAR JOINT TO INSURE A 8 D TRENCH WIDTH UNDISTURBED - ` \ BOND. - ---- --- - F__2 ,- �- • EARTH _ > `� ���� STANDARD • M•1 23 31 3 10 40 140 2 -0 Plus Pip• 1.0. • , �� ��� \� __.___ — .4EX IST. GRAVEL SURFACING • - _ < /�� - - -- -- - 2. ALLOW A MIN. OF 24 HOURS TO ELAPSE BEFORE PLACING SUBU A M-1 ? ' ►. e ' ,e': : , o "• , - N .� 31 3 6 160 140 D a 7 - •° •r 0. • • + o • • 3/4 -OL V LIN COURSE _ PROVIDE 8 SECURELY �L• REMAINING RINGS 8 CONE. -- __ ._. --_ -- - ,- - _-�_ 1 » INSTALL CONK. PLUG W WATERTIGHT M•1 23 „1 3 10 240 160 a , b 1 " -0 SUBBASE - - • RUBBER RING GASKET. .; r - _ i -- 3. SET .ALL RINGS 8 CONE 8 W FRAME IN 1/2 " MORTAR 8 -i--- - ---- — — ---- ----__ __-- — — 0 e p p°; `� p . Q �D ea y tD 2 • IC% - MORTAR ALL JOINTS INSIDE d OUTSIDE. CLEAN OUT 8 14 _ 6 55 15 - • • BLOCK PLUG SECURELY � y 1 -• • _ 4. ALL Mi SECTIONS 3hALL CONFORM TO ASTM SPEC. 478 -61T. NOTES I. THE LETTER " S", NOT LESS THAN 2 IN SIZE, IS TO BE ;,�./ . ' �•� . . (��', ,fit'/.':- i, , :� • I ,� v \ CAST IN THE TOP OF ALL COVERS. \. .,. =� , ? n1 YUPI WATFRT1rNT AN r.nVFR IHn x.•701 p G , p1. AV <.,„„.... ..-- �«... h.w w ..,.r+rw awn rxh ro.� w r'..d% 4M"hw.00-t* n v:eu_.n :,....., • • ' BE USED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE ENGINEE� Il��KtA '", �• . , . SHELF COPACTED BACKFILL-�� / /M•1 BASEY WHERE THERE IS NO VEHICULAR. TRAFFIC. • LENGTH AS INDICATED ON PIANS ' p —� M AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGR. �12 Pti • L.._ P PAY WIDTH , • ���-¢^�� -�� . �__ _,.. ,:�: a.D. 1500 PSI CONC. Pope L �`� • � >• k MANHOLE PLAN -- I2" Pipe Iz~ . PAY i L D. WIDTH = HOOK STEPS BEHIND ►' Uj „+-- - ----- r BACKFILL L -- -- _ .,• '.• ,, .. • ! I D~ Q! CK MATERIA . Pipt I.D. + 60 - / Pi�DROLGHLY JETTEQ TYPICAL FOR TYP A ak 0 1 EE a ► ► : v► ` T REINFORCING STEEL "o � •. ' '.'. TYPE D C SIMILAR, EXCEPT Rl BACKFILL ;,:.'.► Pip• ; Q — D �PS I FINISH RADE ( �'0 0 .. '�� E- > Y — ► Y. KE o ,• ! 0 ; I500 PSI CONC. FOR PIPE CRADLE ,' r / `► • e' o Mm. LOW PIPE , a ) — . B CLEAN OUT FRAME d - , - 4 E r COVER AS SPECIFIED FINISH GRADE > I� ,� = a — R• 1 , b �� >� ► o ► ,. " ° :� . 1• I I . , . :r ' \ \ .a a --�-- �I. TYPICAL GRAVEL SE�TIoI SET IN MORTAR ;�� K 1= , 'r I a W ,a, ;� , D-D CLASS A CONCRETE BEDDING .` . : e / ;..� I o — SECTION 0 - - - - - - — :• �< .Se ° � � ; P , I o o a '_--.�_. --_."�.'"-'--"`"'" TRENCH WIDTH `•� < -; • I cc v 12" Pi 12 CONCRETE ENCASEMENT �"- 2 0 Plus Pip. La E T �Tuall�Ous SURF&C, ' - ; a ELEVATION 6" I I 6" /'/ i '% I > Z L0. — —__ s_:- A.C. PAVEMIENT l `t I W SELECT MATERIAL PLACED a PAY WIDTH - >.; �\ Min. Mini �\\ . •� I . .` ► I r ONLYO) STEP N� , . . . , .. . • . . .. • •..a'. , ' , /; a � . . •, . ► . ..I�.4�, .•� • .•.•..\• I ,4► -- • V4 0 LEVELING + OU#tSE � I \ � . •1 I � �" , , ; � , .COMPACTFID TO DEPTHS DETER- � « « : J _ MINED BY FIELD CONDITIONS 81 12 Pipe 12 p p' q o r' p ►� �'��� ' y � a to»O SUBBASE 4 ' . /'�� t ' ° ' ► _ S" 3" a �, ,, l APPROVED BY THE ENGR. 1.0. d 6' 1� a Q o 'o ► Q v v " �. SELECT COMPACTED SAND ;, l SELECT GRAVEL OR SAND BACK' OR GRAVEL BEDDING MATERIAL _ COMPACTED I �< ELEVATION a 4,• P, t f / I GENUINE '�'`�� --..P - •� �'` FILL MATERIAL FROM � OF � _ _ � BACKFILL PIPE TO 12" ABOVE PIPE. �� Pipe 1 WROUGHT IRON " PLACE 8 COMPACT AS DIRECTED '' = SAND' SACKFILL 18" TRENCH WID) H 18" BY THE ENGR. 4" BELOW PIpE IMin.UNEISTURBED REDOING - CLASS A8 OR C ARTH 450 BEND / •• '�..'� �<«�: a PAY WIDTH C % •' , ; SELECT BACKFILL CLASS B SELECT BEDDING - j ,, e U NDISTUR13E D ► ? EARTH b / COMPACTED BACKFILL USING WYE BRANCH • / o , �.�.•.-�: E" Min. IS00 PSI a e_ p- ..y. . w �' MATERIAL EXCAVATED FROM Pi t I ,T TRENCH. UNDISTURBED 1.0. > PAY WIDTH -, N L ----- KIS. CONC. AL SIDES •� � � UN01ST • � u N ' 4 sA6• MATEA.fAL , `\ : '•� a' o' ��` :i ,.;� • ; `'' iv • . �` >` \>1� Min. 12 COMPACTED PRE-COVER 12 Pipe 12" EARTH Ta4Nlit'il.Y +IETtED -- -- - ---- // -_ I�'�; a .� �,' • a / I ��� ��/' l ABOVE PIPE, USING NATIVE MATERIAL EXCAVATED FROM - �----- -- - �' TRENCH 8 FREE OF STONES III 2000 PSI __- - -z-= PROVIDE 8► SECURELY ` CONC. PLAN Piet �. HARD LUMPS 8 ORGANIC MATERIAL. - �. ..�. INSTALL COMC. PLUG _ }— Q PR YN/ RUBBER RING GASKET, A T }%. IN LASS A ® OR C. «►a=•,a.��y MANHOLE STEP BEDDING TYPICAL PAVEMENT SECT19! P SHAPE BOTTOM OF TRENCH _.. '/'` TO FIT PIPE 8 PROVIDE BELL HOLE ' 12 -Pi RESURFACING DETAILS ►���,>~ CLEAN OUT CUT OFF WALL. Q: N_•,, ORDINARY BACKFILL CLASS C STANDARD BEDDING aa+a' �rafa DESIGNED G.2. M APPROVED C.I T Y O F T I G A R D O R E GON ►j. ► >t� Ir,. PICAL DETAILS DRArrw L.E.E.EJ.W. NO SCALE DATE ��-�Y I n, ! ;n�rnt r. f'la►1�11' • _ __..,....,r.__- —_._______.—._ ..... .______._... _.. _......__._._--_ • SCALE _--_.._ _-___ _._....._.-.._...__.___. ,.--____ caY>A•rl /1JU CTR C t - SANITARY SEWERS ' DATE NO.- — _....REVISION --- _ �, _ r ._......—.. F dC� . E .,nag►_}i��t.,T. ,� �- A!i 8Y CHECK60 (,,R T/1, FILE G2 P- 2 Z0 2. PT 2 OF aMU y r. �,-�..., ,:-:.. . 1 111 I 11 rl 1 II11fI 111111 111111 1111r� I 1_1!I 111111 I II II111I1 IIIIIII 1111111 1111 It IIt1111 1111111 111111► ., — ' _ . _ _. �,. I � 1 I ( I I I I I I •,! I I I � , � • 1 NOTE: I F THIS M ICROF I LME L` ►� I + 2 3 4 5 8 ] 8 A DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN I THIS NOTI%ir-17 IS DUE TO QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. GE 6Z 9z zz 9z Sz tz Ez zz IZ OZ 61 61 4.1 91 SI bl EI ZI 11 61 6 t l 9 S 1� ' E z 1'""" ,,,. ,►1II1uIInnlunlnnlunlly1�11u1111 IIilNlluifi111,�uulrtlllllulll�r)NI1111,IIIUIIIIIIIIIIJ1111111111111111nuiu111u11i{ Ih►11I1 uulnnllulluullull III1IIIuuInl�Illlbu, ' JULY 2 1992 t. u fm , F 1 I � L�u�e s S���'e r'• January 20 , i 0. A f1 x 6 ,111 Tar l , ' 12 a eon 97223 ur rr -.: .tinc, this morninq I have revieswne, Ordinance No. Ari.t,,t :,upplewental connection charges in lieu of +,�me t. . l find that these charges ire not pinyehle until 3s n,.,tual r_.nnnN,.tion to t.hoi mvgt:em i,; naiee. a •,t rr+clnainne !4o. h6-41 atateHr or i :-, r+.Pt:.t;ossion or control of any tract hstrty throu,11t wr ch a City own,fd sewer line, inter- r nc1A:ieR , or of. any tract of real property which •rt r+ilhl is .+ay in which is locata-1 a City owned sewer r't' cti-it .r,%ct. 1iii s 11[1 L• tv-.r atotc)re !it'(en assessee. by $.ilit, t•. t ), :ty r;e w&tr 1.1nc> tc s rve- raid property, shall pay, in th(.)F3e9 connection chsryes set forth in Section 12 •ri, 7 ra• Pr stated , the f(.Alowi 11,7 supple;tne:rntal connection fees ,1 A supplemental connection charge computed nt the rate C H . ret lineal fc+..t. for till lineal foutaye of a City owned 161 r 13 uta occurring within Ukc houndaries of any tract which e: t; of sucl. is(!wwr lino. (i ) siupplemental c_onnectton charge computed at the $4 .25 per li tieal toot for all fro7nta,tes of any trrict of tial proporty abutting upon a public street, road or highway t n 1 111 which i H l�)cnted the City ge•wer l ine to whish -aid tract is to he connected for sewer serviren. " - inn 12 referred to above requires a connection fen of 50 . 00 1• r each sinqle family dwegllinq or encl-, living unit t; in a multiple family ntrurture. For nor, rf-sidrT1ti.al uses, t. Kcinimum connection feet is $250.00 for tLe first toilet plus + er �•um of 475.00 for a acl. addi t irinal indi iiFlnuxk 1 toilet con.necte,l t1. r iischarq incl tr;to thee newerrye+ systeri. vie d1,,c iiP;sad thiq morning the total, su1,j)t o-me;Aa1. char(jes A _c:Atlea to Loth parcolae of property it, : ; 641 .T1. iK �r�*., doer cn,_1t include: the cost of the pi(It! l.i t:a ext.e?ndt a( T" the 2(',`, ' width of the, stater highway Aictk r1 1.•r: :tet t ;inion z•oivi i niny parcekvI f 1.6jrt;' . I r' page 2 i r 'i`tw City of 'I'ir�ard would like to ;livide the total supplemental chary into two portions (one for eac`i _,,treol -)" .and) in pror�ortion to their relative trans . '::)u parcoi of land lying tinrth and east(-rly of the state highway right-of-way will thera- f,:re riavp- a total supplemental charge of $2,170.35. The pareel Ln; sout'..t.,r_ly and westerly of the highway right-of-way will char je of 32,470.65. .; )tiin c�f these charges and will require x t:;:i to at tht. ti^+e development on the respective z'."i connectio,. Lo the nownr tlystnin. !a -f:.-ir,;h(ss or, i t',r.c r,rcal olf land will in t; ,a.. a _nt -,1 sr �ar•.t ): "hi - a'..-),i19 nr)t -� r )ped as .o .yl -, f "i�':> >�- •�aY u: as 1* t�:S ti, •3 7` to L .t 4�1�1,1- '�-� +_c Iter i ' (J a a i li I 4, r r The sketch below is made solely for the purpose of assisting'in locating said premises and the Company assumes nn liability for variations,if any,in dimrtnsions and location ascertained by actual survey, s rumr-r.N.i,nnri1'I ilr In-�,ur�u,.r'�.mlmrn -. Ca�32, aR 3. 2 3 X f ���l:��it ice.+: �,�(.,.<' :;fir %� � �,•1'. r C Izoo o ` 6 ' eo y B 86 4c M 9� e n� n • � i Q e4Ct,- 491.6 4 ,i C- 4 ti \4P a CRYSTAL L AK I �1 oarie t J + r • X 00 A no • � o t • .t1} Tq t if P,),,l—Sol 34 03 f • 4prTrr L Itit - 0rn'RJV GE RI /` NORTH LINE s .."un w CHAo c61SVN "L Wil LI4M GR4 Hq M L.C.oNn. sI lee 07 e CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON CONSTRUCTIONA NSPECTION (P.W ) PROCEDURE CHECK LIST NOTES %TILIZE ONLY clearly mArked APPROVED PLANS, rinn reNisions, change orders, specifications, etc. ! I. SANITARY SEWER: (A) Commenced inatAl'a#-inn. . . ..... . .. . .I......... ❑ / (P) Completed installation.. . .... .............. .. ❑ / / 1) As-buil* field notes filed........... ❑ a) Cc-:, -nnt to engineer. . .. ...... ❑ / / 1) As-built field notes received.. . ..... ❑ a) Filed in project folder..... . .. (j (C) Inspected and Tested.. . .. .. ...... ........... ❑ 1) Test nomonogrAphs filed. ... . ....... .. p (D) Tentatively accepted by City.. ,.....,.., ❑ II. STORM SEWER: (A') Commrrnced installation... .. . . .. .. ❑ (B) Comr1eted installation. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ❑ !' 1) As-built field notes filed....... .. . . ❑ (C) Ingl.ected. . .. .. . . . . . . 1 -1 —.1—. . . . .. . . . ❑ / (D) Tentatively accented by City....... . ...... .. . . ❑ ' III. CURB: (A) Commenced ingtAl"tine... ... . ..... ... ........ ❑ 1) Bench K—kg se-t... ..... ............ . . ❑ 7) Bench Knrk locations filed. ... . ..... . ❑ (B) Comninted in-,tall tion............... ..... .. ❑ ' (C) Inspected... .... . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . ............ . . ❑ r (D) Tentatively accnnt.ed by City.......... ..... . 1 ❑ r / IV. STREETS (A) Commenced Grading. .. ...... . .. ❑ 1) Sub-grade inoRrected............ ....... ❑ a) TPgt rinta filed...... . . ...... ❑ b) Tentatively accepted by City. ❑ (B) Commenced rocking..... ............ ... . ..... . ❑ / 1) Sub-base inspected.. .... .... . . . . ... .. ❑ a) Test data filed.. .. . . . . . . . . . ❑ b) Tentatively accepted by City. ❑ / (C) Commenced Pavinh . .. . .. I.. . I........ . . .. . .. . p 1) Paving inspected. ......... .. . ........ a) Tegt data filed. ........... . . (J b) TentAtillely Accepted by City. ❑ / / (D) StriePt tentatively ncrPpted by City. . . . . ..... ❑ / / V. PARKING LCT: (A) Commenced grading.. . . . . . . . ... . ............ . . ❑ / / 1) Sub-grade inarected. . . .. .. .. . ... . . ... O / / A) Test data filed.. . .... . . . .. . . (3 b) Tentatively accepted by City. (3 (B) Commenced Rocking............ ............. ... 13 1) Sub-baPe inspected.................. . ❑ / / a) Test data filed.. .... ... .. . .. ❑ b) Tent.ativiAly Arreptad by City. ❑ Novcri!:er 22, 19157 Mr. Veu Fennell :�upc�rir►t:►► :u:1� of C:lools 131.37 j4 Pacific Highway Tigard, Oregon 97223 Jaar Lab: l Final cast for the Phil Lewis School sewer project has __/ lIG'•ti !'3 `I7 -.Aa i:.3rmineT. `-- Attache,! y,_ A will find a arra%rlown of '.oth Vie City ind thcs District coat in conatriv�ting thi i pro je,.ct. i you :nn .cc the City's portion of the rrojeot exceeded e3timatcn 7974.55 while tele School hi.stri.cts portion of tha -4a, approximntell $310.00 I-rss th.Zn ,xnticirnated. it shoult1 ::)c: hotr,cl, }.oviever, that portions of thO OnginGeringr survey, and inspection should be charged to the ,choo)). i art of the k•zojc:ct !gut it appears needless sinrA th^ ental figure iS t;►c say_. The total project root, however, wa3 only $691. 55 marc than anticipated. With your concurrence, I will recommend to the Mayor and Council that they authorize a changn in the Jtily 24, 1957 Agrec,�,,ont to reflect the actual construction cost for repayrv3nt purpoaoa. \ lditional cost $97455 will b � Your check for the „ , . ^ most appreciatel. If tliurc aro n tlitional �Iuortior.s on th.i» inntte+r plo1gn do not hazitate in calling on me. Sincere' , Robert K. igr�n City Administrator R:'%L/dl Enc. 1 COST I3RF,:l1KDOW14 OF PII7L LEWIS SCIII00L SEWER PROJECT Construction Cost, Paul Construction Co. $5,651.00 *Engineering, Stevena, Thompson & Runyan 642,80 *Survey, Compton 102.,0 Bid Advertinementa 45.09 /.--- ., Easement Acquisition (Hunaiker & Christen) 476.50 , Legal, Fred Anderson 133,20 *E'ngineering & :Inspection, City of Tiqard W 273. 45 Ota Cort of Project constructr:ia by City of T!Bard $7,324 .55 Som 001 Pro ect: ,Construction $3,000 .00 Architect -- En.gineeri.ng 1.89.00 t. ota.� Coat of Pro jcc:t constru:ted by School Dintrict A23 $3,189.00 Total Project Cost x10,513.55 Additional cont to School District #23 -- $974. 55 \(d�fferenco between estimated and actual cost of City 'Project) r *Portionn of there costs were expended on both City Project: and School Project.. 15 NL --mher, 19(, 7 To: City Council Via: City Administrator From: Director. of Public ,corks Subject: Cost of P1'ii.l Lewis School Sewer 1. The following is a break-down of the cost of this project, submitted for your approval. s. Construction cost, Paul Construction $5,651 . 00 Stevens , Thompson & Runyan 642.80 Survey: Compton 102 . 50 Advertisement: Tigard Times 15. 84 Daily ,journal of Commerce 29.25 Easements : 11unziker 337. 50 Christensen 134 .00 record clieck 5. 00 Legal: Fred Anderson 133.20 Engineering (a) Drafting Preliminary 15 hr. 0$3 . 00 lz 45. 00 (b) Inspection 35 firs. 0 $3.50 hr. 122 . 50 (c) E"ngineering 16 firs. 0 $4 . 50 hr. 72. 00 (d) Mileage 87 miles @ 8� per mile 6 .96 (e) Easement negotiations 6 hrs. 19$4.50 hr27. 00 Total City Portion $7, 324 .55 i;.,, School District No. 23 (a) Construction Cost 3,0uu.uu ' (b) Architect-Lngineering _ 189. 00 Total School District portion 3,189.00 Total Project Cost $10,513.55 2. The total construction did not exceed the estimated cost by 10%, thus the $1,500.00 mention in paragraph 6 of agreement with School District No. 23 will not cha •.,e. Respectfully s411-itnitted, . iy� �'. %fes-,.�r,l.•� Keith C. Thompson Director of Public Works KCT/dl G TIGARD, OREGON - - - - - - - - - - i Following please find ESTIMATE N0. - _ - of work done and material furnished by - -p.'ul_C0=t;XUetiou-Company under contract with the City of Tigard, for the construction of _ _phll _L8Wjt.. ciChoCL _ - - - - _ _ - - _ _ - _ - _ Clearing & Grubbing, Lump Sum TRENCH EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL: _ _ _ _ Lin.Ft., 0- 6 Ft. Deep at $ _ - - - � - - _ _ - _ - - r Lin.Ft, , 6- 8 Ft. Deep at $ _ - _ - - - $ - - _ _ - - _ � _ .„ Lin.Ft.., 8_ 10 Ft. Deep at. $ _ _ _ _ Lin.Ft., 10- 12 Ft. Deep at $ JB _ 550 _ Lin.Ft., �SC�� at _ _ - - - - - - - - - SEWER PIPE, IN PLACE: Lin.Ft. _ aa - Inch Sewer at - _ _ Lin.Ft. .. - Inch Sewer at _ _ _ Lin.Ft. Inch Sewer at L1n.Ft. 4 Inch House Sewer at - SEWER FITTINGS: - Ea., , Inch on _._.. Inch at $ - - - - Ea., �+ Inch on Inch ati - _ Ea. . „ -_ Inch on __.. Inch at - _ Ea., One-eighth Bends Inch at - _ _ _,. Ea., Manholes, Standard Preca.;t,',Y/R °C at x _ ��t� _ _ -17009.80- Ea., Manholes. Complete at $ _ _ _ _ - _ - - _ _ - _ - - Ea., - se_ _ Inch Manhole Stubs at $ - w "T" - _ -- _ Ea., Catchbasin Construction at - _ -_ _ - Ea., Cleanout Construction at - _ -_ _ _ Lin.Ft., 6 .Inch Street Drain at Cu.Yds.,, Gravel Backfill at - _ CU.Yds., Gravel Surf?cing at Cu.Yds., Rock Excavation at Sq.Yds., Pavement Removal & Replace. at 1071 ._fteting at $ _ _ ,0.►10 _ _ - -LO"t.sa. _ TOTAL $ q-fist_ne Jess 10�6 retained until _ -565% _ •Opt*wb*s 21, 1967 OAK _ Less Amount Paid Estimate No"s,. AMOUNT DUE ON PHIS ESTIMATE $ ���� - —-------—----- it II Sewtemher 11, 1967 To: City Council Via: City Admini9trator From: Citi ':,'nr-ineer Subje-ct: Cost of Phil Lewis School Sewer The following is a brpal-down of th-� cost (7,f this rrojr�cl--, submitted for yr.vur approval. Construction co-t, Pail] Cmictruct.Lon "11 Oil StAvene, Thompson & Run,, FAi 7.t'0 Survey: Compton 102.50 Advartisementt Tiqard Times Daily Journ,?I. of Comnrrn 5 Easements : HunTiker 337,50 Chriptensnn 1311 .00 Record ch- v'k- 5.00 T,,-gal Fred Anr'lo-r-,on 1.33.20 Engineering (a) Drafting Preliyri.nar-, 15 hr. $43.00 Thr /15.00 (b) lnsp-ct.i.on 35 11r. ',''.I0,/lir 122.50 (c) Ericyine-rincj U: hr. ' . iO/hr. 71.00 (a) Mil;.,ac- 7 n i.I n q (n) zasemprit nepottAtionq F, hr. 1%, 1.50 Thr. . -- --77.00 Total City Portion School Diq,".. 7-To. 23 To ci 1. Estimatr+ coat City Portion School District n f C. Thom. no-Ron Cit, ".r( 11-el, is ,1BC4E. 6041FA Ft.4 _ S4WA- S u3-.w At /c," CSN Slit'✓s T/Dn/r�i.r/E. 4U[�..� .,�'E.�b,+/.FDK. Aid 7'�t_I_ _ �lt Ti _¢ly SN+/5 T y�( y Sly'Tial c r 6410- S /tit N� / 7 S i7e �1T-M si* 2. rowers <"�oN► srs. /144� Ti ijr,,.' /6t4�o L/i✓E � 4 F/�C . 1 A✓LD �/ E �O Off' Glr` �0/41�'Tj�j� Wtg I T >4E'Rh S�,✓s�,- TH ac's Fv M,N's �',yr�KtEt� av7[F.t Mh' S,40, o ye o loo SE/r C:>Wf 6,fYs v e bli -pLvc, i144 coee vie. �X ECT T,�O� S�CiyoOC i 98 .564t/3 Tov, _..- T 5 T'N; �P��'v.- /3t =- 7.9LkF� � /rl.. Y�,Sl4�4�f1�► Gees✓ a<�,t fiPq�G' �f// !'e►�tTR t.r 'ACEcis C��F�,Cft� 6�'NDd' r s�9,C� STA• /�ovti�b j ;8E ©.k vNP 14.)C 7- SG 7—@ `�1 91 /V�+.2.�M�q}/I►JEEta �_ �D�„/G /F G%iN'}p�Tio�✓G!/O�S'E�✓5i � C�'�✓t�lq�C r+k 6✓5E b �4S�✓6T�t"D�✓�vA M f/S 6C< �.+1 E�.ta� /N,Pt-�.e% s1' s, .fir.' t �e'X�l o�✓ �E ws,r LI^/E � fi//i9/�9r �A�b✓.E 7i�, w4stmow T sPe�tti i��<y. Ta Rr w4,,, X,vvlr;✓,,r T !I el'e do � ,wc ry�vA T.y,.,,A. ��s►!L lvwN�. �iP D✓/G GYiJ�k S!/ws 'T✓ee,ev , . �n16 � �•MIfG of !:K°,lit ©^/.s�i�'e�.l, !'.M.w'r'�',.•.l%.. .1Nf/�_ �91�o i��i,�b STS'_�'`Y� � G� ,S`' %� �%/9t. 1_✓l�a__ If-2+60 f Oast '�To ./•✓ TE Ft ve,< /i✓k: 10, 4-150 ,�am> &. f sTy, %O:S To Be .✓o aw. 1'*'P*7W4,'T0ti' 4.0-7: WI L 4 1-51,'L LSA Wi iiy M4 7F, ,�On.y vf$. I.`_ pt/,, 4,c'1- 7-.%�►�"�Y WEA FC,cF�Go�I• �AC�rD �,VA ,14/ti' iC.E'EC A,pcvi ✓b7- C'a77,44a ;T�Ye Tui F,,� r`,r'e�S M 6 INV0 A/A6D, /Ye, o " LE,q✓,�c; T, 'M c, ,[G Sur,y i9 7,1,M ,qs ,eiT %o iC'go %�l �/a�l�y� �LvM �ti'a r✓,! S1,k�.�T ExI�A✓qr oA/ _. r,-Oe Aho 00'_ v-E . Fac. Pf J' W6R lhfC/�'Arc.,,-,o %l- xi'e 7 z—, ir_7�-P,# r�V Se'C7,r#W 300'F,0a•^ M.q 0.000 Jro�,�eE KISS -10/• 9M,1, ;re M&O./A) M, 9100 Y, 7000 /2 OVAIM, 440s9 / JM loll,qd IM. -4o0L� 7,10 0 -*e is f 75" 90�e/PF Lass /W .304n"I, • ' sr-A. L/ E <�D'r5/1DERED Ids s.�4eC.(54 14 r 4ot is eoaw- ,.lc' SETrZ-.-, ,/7o,,rd O; -4 4.1e-P 7r;e% l'a-k7c,l o 4744, C�M�1in1..✓d iV,& Aeom /St%E,r f ee T Eti'Ig 5 2u,�,vT 'WNlI'rl I f/Er1't"/✓t�' ��..rt,��.i..s. G'<64Ak1 of 4 e3E , w,r►,v,r ►'(�;fy u.,,�,/�/A tiNsAd" 57'.#x7'• ?o y ,�S / LA,✓N4' ./ic;ci�r/� .S'O /M�i;rPrY�'d�f► .�'1��� ddD�s:r, i i i I ,d PORTLAND CONCRETE PIPL CO,, PIPE LINE AIR TEST ... Date 409 CONTRACTOR PROJECT LOCATION oil _ —] FROM '. REQUIRED t PRESSURE S `'� S jl 0 ENGTH S I SECONDS I LOB lM S ad / If A 60- Mul W,....2. ENGINEER 1POR ND OPRETE PIPE CO. RY BY NERANALMLAIRM i ;f*o e .yd` 407-Se*R q[. /,�M�C Tic 7y,P 7- A�-ZS,04 ,4/ ;RAE i%" ! (7405 r jTo �i.✓E G39-,3i.�� ,0�Vb 0,S Twlwlep d 7w�'E O✓`r SV/It- COOL t-C'o L srq 71 We AVN v 7%� fru ,W; s ,;ot rile "✓a VPpo,b,. /A")*O Pim' �U�5 ��'�'ui y �iPE' .v /ti p �S Yeti,i�1�✓j AG t l.:; &(e RO f M. Y, sTV43 c.r", "re.9 LS�HSEI' ✓pLCE� I N,R'TEk' �fi�".s,` G��v .,F'E�TH ,' r r •../r: ✓�v ze OTQ E ✓4 3 �=�'c``�✓:�', ',v�E i,' -.l�. ��`- Sys7,�"MTNnhYM�N.� moi; 5 7Cm ,Vo,7 Pe,r✓J 401fle,vF �P t 4�W DiO Ok i;VItOU✓F �� ►NGC �' �w Allo. .�/dNSiO f� .-o ,y%5 w� 7 ►: ACA6y To Oak ht.,y. , . -E:. ,'��1�, 1! �'e kD UT"STH 9� S Tn 1 '%' � �'i�iL'"�tJ t►i�;;�if'�/�°'Le �A��1i OiJ� .�.+'�d �jl'J^-1 i Tye tv,,e .qr d,04-5 T r7 0po7-i.v PeA-r',* ves o 7 wvr/-F .3,,e7 YF_ P/7-c y, 7PiPe lAip OI000 7ept2/'LICd� ,oW.So A'ew to SAM!y� �I C� C�C/R,yam �NI .. . ...i•... ,, ... ...... ..,. L/�� .�L(�C�C/7t '� /Y! 'c ; ,o.><<,,@"�>!N,p•rIbn,Hrr.•„q.,..!Y /���.J��'C',E ('o^�,p�,,, �,,.� ”' .� , t•.;:,,,•, v dam' �o�/si�c'Ue7rr�- "„c%�.5'd�✓-sfi Y�/�j� ,;�G�Mdi�e' ?o %NrrcS ;cyrE�tl .: 10. Ali SZ4 �'S'`f.a c�. �C"NEC�tF'�',7�iF•t ��-'P•E ,�,yvti;� r ,�•'� �'✓177Ni^/ 4�+/f /f d/�bi'f ,fs 'a : , G,4 v-4 r A*Z-f'.s"^ , f�+ G1Nr� R �i�'�'.'N��d ,��El� V{���'`�. •~wJ�t''r �:+r''�„r =. vTE'N�t:y -r✓. i�*, V! 4ftt#� �;,r�io, ,s�T �i.+ 1���,• Otoo ,*Ie C/ M, , /D1- 'Srl i L ,r6 6;67-4v Svlb+'s�TY/I�tjfy!�`�t.r- ,�j;'�°Gt?S- U.tiilL yf''�`k►.�'i�✓.�.✓G .3FC1fro�✓iS �t�iO.t'EL+', �-/'� i To: fi.,yor and Council July 7, 1967 { Rr•: Si-. _nG and Progress Rcport i I 1 . ?i,„iJ Lewis School Sewer Contract I ' I thE, Council will recall several weeks ago a meeting was held with { 1 Yiaard Elementary School District Board to discuss sewer service i „ 1Iii l Lewis School. Aq_reemont reached at that meeting include: • ) the City would call for bids on the project hat would not be k able to pay any part of the construction costs, II Irl t';e City would defer the connection fees due from the school and In turn receive these from the first money paid back by properties ennnecting to the sower systom, f f th,i City would sign a contract for reimbursement for part of the r-onstruction cost. rliracnssion!j with the School District, it mppears that point (c) is misconstrued either by myself or by the school board. Thn board and school superintendent feel that the city's intention I )it the school would havn an opportunity to hn rei.mlursed all • .n110 —upended in construction. My interpretntion of the Council's Ar- tion on this matter was that the school would be reimbursed all I —nips except for their fair share of the construction costs. We E m to be hung up at thiq point. I n r der to provide sewer service to the school 1,075 feet of 8 inch >r line rnuat be constructed. This brings thri sewer to the corner of. I' s^i�n�l property. The bid on this proposed construction totaled I"^. plus of course engineering, legal, and possible land acquisition t;. It is the feeling of staff that the construction of this line :ivev;v to the school district a benefit of. 50,,, for 12 acres of sewer Other properties which would benefit are Mr. tiunziknr, 2P% 2.2 acres and Mr. Christian for 1.8 acres. +�1•1Ltion, at the city's suggestion, the school. district is constructin4 `H itional 500 feet of 0 inch sewer lini on their property which will i.r .. i. '� ftlturfs service to residents above 72nd Street. Approximately "'. e'Ttrn has been spent by the school district on this portion of iin,+ which shoul-d be recovered from residents above 72nd Street when —v •r improvement district is formed. It would be my recommendation sewer connection fern be rnducnd to reflect the extra cost I' r •,cl by tho school district. The estimated Mower connection fees ie 11i Lewis School is $3,500. f7tty staff has resnzrched this project in great detail. and feels " snwer line does not convey an advantage to resiclents or property i ' xl east of the Christian or llunziker properties, and hence no ^nwsment should be levied to these_ properties. i' c;chool district feels that a fcrmula should be devised which would 1,. , them to recover most of the construction costs incurred in this r .t. I honestly don't one how Much a formi:l.a can be devised and i G.»..ss�a..Nid�.�:.�aadl'Mw..+� •• ,lti�, ,r'��'r � .0 „� �. ;�� ” To: Mayor and Council Page 2 Ru: Status and Progress Report July 7, 1967 nrxuitable to the ilunzikcr and Christian properties as well as the -irrounding properties. The school board has requested a muting 11 -, Council to discuss this mattor. on Monday, July 10, 1967. ^,1. from Planning and Zoning Commission Action Conce.rninc7 Location a 1'uroery on tiunniker Road and Ilwv. 217. ,-r adjacent 'to this area have requested a public hearing be held r nr}^al from the Planning and Zoning Commission ruling. As the -6 Council are aware, this area which includes Knoll Drive, is IIv rf,sidential and residents feel it should remain for sincile u%tn. It is suggested that the Mayor. and Council set July 24, 1967, + '1i- )rpeal. _in_l.Prohibition nn S.W. Commercial Street. m^]:� ago a requnit eaas received from the Tualatin Rural fire r to prohilAt parkin) on S. W. Commercial Street from the fire to the into,!rsectio•.► of Commercial and Highway 217. In their ho Fire District pointed out that parking of care on S.W. i-i1. street creat'.Cs a traffic hax,ard for fire trucks, using the in cr,ergency eicuations. The City staff has investigated the anal rccommende the Council adopt an ordinance prohibiting parking r-mmorcial Street from the Fire Hall to the intersection of nd ti•iT 1. lll both sides of this streat. -_r ir:,�brook Sewer IntAronptor -vienda for July 10, 1967, is a request to authorize a bid call -,)nstruction of the Pins-brook Sewer Interceptor. As the i., aware, this interceptor is nemded to effectuate sewer rel.ia` i'innbrook Subdivision. In addition the Templeton School is in,7 !.n use this sewnr system to replace a septic tank syntem. The F i.nvolvrs ronstrur.tion of approximately 2,300 fejt of ten inch litn And a 3G inch sewer ling from a point 1,400 feet above ^n,d to the pump station on ranno CLnek. The 36 inch seonr Ji-in � 1-., P.zrt of the Pvontual master sewer pian for Tigard. Rstimated this project is $76,500. and applicrttin for thta project has , te Lo the State Sanitary Authority requesting federal and stat,a L. 15", r)f this project. 11id9 would be opened on August 2nd at ^1. and would be roferred to the Council :For action and award cn ,,1- 7, 1167. Citi-n, Mr. Stam Johnson who in developing and constructing hf-r-:ss rtm,hmok Subdivision has volunteerfad to seek easements or, behalf Ctty, with no compensation, for this project. As the Council iH t.h.ire are govern' property owners who could be reluctant to give •:. �Ir. Johnson is also an attorney and notary 1?10-+14s. .a„ 1nnL ront.ing of the Mayor and Council, the City Aftinietrntor was . 1 to set-up a meriting with the Plnnn.ing and Zoning Commission wry ,„.46? „ T An" council Page 3 n(i Progress Report July 7, 1967 " ^ rrnponcd Sign Code. In dincumni.ng this with John cf the Planning and Zoning Commission, he suggested a .0, 1057, where he would present the propnsed Sign �t it would not be necessary to havo the full Planning i ,irn ?:resent at such a meeting. If this is agreeable, ^cesnary arrangements for the meeting. i n nn t.hn S. N. Main Street is proceeding ahead of schedule. ini difficulty obtaining crews to aenist then in this construction of the Publishers Paper Mill in Newberg "1 —trtrnl service to farmers for irrigation pumps and wells. ^usned with Mr. Mel Dunston on July 6, 1967, and a 1a+.-n for removal of al.?. poles was set for July 31% 1967. ':t.. ,,,�ns, Thomason, Run-Tan and Ries, felt that the road pnt.il after the 30th to allow the gravel to settle. c^uncil are aware, the contractor is allowed progress y-njo-t. Since this is an assepmment district and ..Iii property owners on Main Street have d^cid.nd to pay nanh money ie in short supply. It will probably be e—i m„nny from the bank to pay the contractor. This - i rald back to the bank when the baneroft bonds are ' to have a more definitive answer on this matter at -'A r.,j c n July 10, 1967. el' t city Administrator 4 • .,t•�tt'a :�c•- � Vic:"^r^i�•�q�at� r,�� - _ ...._ � - - •. ..�. . .. ..,,..�,�w..."�'•+.'warrt+�rw►*+.+�wrnr.,r»• ....a�s•.twr�..Mw.•w of i",•.�E��'.�i4 ���1, l�� •.� OIA,�AnrrVrutMi� . r. r�MM ' " n .. n 70 Oil t 11 t 90so GtOrlo t1 •y .7 ` ^ le.163 191951) r+1 STEVENS, THOMPSON, RUNYAN& RIES, INC. 5505 S. E. Milwaukie Avenue P. O. Box 02201 Portland, Oregon 97202 BIDDERS' PREQUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE Submitted by: Principal Office: The signatory of this questionnaire guarantees the truth and accuracy of all statements and of all answers to the interrogatories herein made. 1. How many years has your organization been in business as a general contractor or your present business name ? 2. How many years' experience in '� construction work has your organize.tion had? _ (a) As a general contractor ? (b) As a subcontractor ? 3. Corporation or co-partnership information. If a corporation, answer this: Capital paid in cash iG lin When incorporated In what State1� i President's nar .ill_/� Vice President's name Secretary's name e? If a co-partnership, answer this: Date of organization Whether partnership is general, limited, or association Name, address and age of each partner Prequalification - page 1 4. List of Projects ,our organization has completer .n last three years: Contract Date Name and Amount Class of Work Completed Address of Owner (Use blank sheet if additional space is needed) 5. List the construction projects your organization has under way on this date: Contract Date Na, a and Amount Class of Work Completed Addre,s of Owner (Use blank sheet if additional space is needed) b. Have you ever failed to complete any work awarded you? If so, when and where ? List any pr -ijects which have resulted in litigation between you and the owner._ 7. Has any officer or partner of your organization ever been an officer or partner of same other organization that failed to complete a construction project? /j; If so, state name of individual, other organization and reason therefor. 8. Has any officer or partner of your organization ever 4i,led to complete it a construction contract handled in his own name ? If so, state name of individual, name of owner and reason therefor. Prequalification - page 2 9. In what other line of business are you financially interested? 10. What is the construction experience of the principal individuals of your organization? Individual's Present Location Years of Construc- In What Name of Office tion experience Capacity (Use blank sheet if additional space is needed) 11. For what corporation or individuals have you performed work, and to whom do you refer? 12. For what cities have you performed work, and to -whom do you refer? 13. For what State Commissions or Departments have you performed work, and to whom do you refer? Preyualifics�tion - page 3 14. Have you ever perfofine . any contract work for the U. S. Government? If so, to whom do you refer? 15. In what manner have you inspected the proposed work? Explain in detail. 16. The work, if awarded to you, will have tle personal supervision of whom? 17. Do you intend to sublet any portion of the v-orl-? If so, state what portion, the probable amount of the subcontract, and if known, the names and addresses of the subcontractors, the amount and type of their equipment, and their financial responsibility. 18. From which subcontractors do you expect to require a bond? 19 Have you made contracts or firm offers for any of the materials re- quired for the work on which your bid is submitted? If so, state what materials. Prequalification - page 4 20. What equipment do you own that is available fo•r the proposed work? Description Yrs. of Present Quantity Item size, etc. Condition Service Locution r zid� �nz� (Use blank sheet if additional space is required) 21. Give condensed current financial statement on three pages following. Pre qualification - page 5 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Bidder's or Contractor's Condition at close of business on day of 19 ASSETS 1. Cash (a) On hand $ In bank $ ��%�._� ( 17 Elsewhere $ 2. Notes Receivable (a) Due within 90 days (b) Due after 90 days (c) Past due 3. Accounts Receivable from completed contracts, exclusive of Claims not a' roved for payment. ' 4. Sums earned on uncompleted contracts shown by Engineer's or Architect's est. (a) Amount receivable after deducting retainage (b) Retainage to date, due on completed contracts 5. Accounts Receivable from sources other than Cor.structica Contracts. 6. Deposits for bids or other guarantees (a) Receivable within 90 days (b) Receivable after 90 days 7. Interest accrued on loans, securities, etc. 8. Real Estate (a) Used for business purposes (b) Not used for business purposes 9. Stocks and Bonds (a) Listed - Present Market Value (b) Unlisted 10. Materials in Stock (a) For uncompleted contracts (present value) (b) Other material (present value) 11. Equipment Book value �1���� o� 12. Furniture and Fixtures Book value 13. Other assets TOTAL ASSETS Prequalification - page 6 LIABILITIES 1. Notes Payable (a) To banks regular f (b) To banks for C .1fied Checks _ (c) To others for equipment obligations (d) To others exclusive of equipment obligations 2. A.-counts Payable (a) Not past due (b) Past due 3. Real Estate Encumbrances 4. Other Liabilities 5. Reserves 6. Capital Stock paid t,-)_ (a) Preferred (b) Common 7. Surplus (net worth) TOTAL LIABILITIES . ?J CONTINGENT LIABILITIES 1. Liability on notes receivable, discounted, or sold 2. Liability on accounts receivable, pledges, assigned or sold 3. Liability as Bondsman 4. Liability as guarantor on contracts or on other accounts 5. Other contingent liabilities TOTAL CONTINGENT LIABILITIES Pre qualification - page 7 ZZ. Give name of surety that will furnish your performance and f labor bond in case cc.ntract is awarded to you. Dated at _ 6Nde day of 197 e of Organization By Title STATE OF c ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) Z.�L11 �� . � being duly sworn, deposes and says that the answers to the foregoing questions and all statements therein con- tained are true and correct. Sr,. to before me this j day of �� �J1 r � 19_J, 7 My Commission Expires: ' / Notary Public Prequalificati.on - page 8 CORM w.L r f IIl1 MAILING ADDRESS P0 Box 231 MIMSERS OF THE AUTHORITY L■6■MY PORTLAND, OREGON 97207 V GOV TOM MCALI CHAIRMAN, SALEM Irrlrr: ' IMrMM TELEPHONE nR c A JENIhE PORTLAND r HFIS l WHEELER SALEM • 111111111• • ••.• • J 228A2GDL B03 14{RMAN P MFILRJURGFN. BEAVERTON .. B A Mr PHILLIPS MAINNVILLE FI J.APD C HARMS JR . SPRIN.FILLD STATE OF OREGON IOGI PH L SMITH RLAMATII FA1.1.£ rE4NF_TH H SPIFS SECRFTARY. PORTLAND OREGON STATE SANITARY AUTHORITY A DIVISION OF fHE OREGON STATE BOARD OF HEALTH STATE OFFICE BUILDING 1400 S W 6TH AVENUE PORTLAND, C,REGON 97201 May 25, 1967 Stevens, Thompson, Runyan & Ries, Inc. Consulting; tIngineers P. 0. Box 02201 Portland, Oregon 97202 Res S - Tigard Centlemens Plans for the proposed construction of a sanitary sewer lateral serving Phil I11?wis School in the city of 'Tigard have been reviewed. Approval for construction of this proposed project is herewith granted by the Oregon State Board of Health and State Sanitary Author:ty subject to the following; provisions: 1. Construction of the proposed sewers shall be in strict conformance to said approved plans and specifications. No changes or deviations shall be made without the prior written approval of the Sanitary Authority. 2. The installation of said sewers shall comply fully with the regu- lations of the Jt.zte Hoard of Health and State Sanitary Authority regarding the relative location or separation of water and sewer lines, which include the requirements for lb inches of vertical clearance at water and sewer cros^ings with the water line located above the sevrer and 10 feet of horizontal separation for parallel r.nm unless cast iron pipe with watertight ,joints is used in each instance. 3. The construction of said sewers shall be under the supervision of and shall be thor;;ughly inspected by the consulting; engineer or his authorized representative w}io at the completion of the project shall certify in writing to the Authority that such construction was in- spected by h:hn and found to comply with the above requiremo nts. ll. Construction of the house or building; seviers whI ch are to be cors nected to said sewers shall be of the same quality and meet the same reauirements with regard to materials, watertightness and location. Ret S - Tigard May 25, 1967 Pale 2 5. No roof, surface, foundation, footing, or other ground water drain Lines shall be connected to said Sevier system. We are returning; one set of plans Learing our stamp of provisional approval. Very truly ,yours, J, k 6! Harold E. Milliken ASsista,,L Chief Sanitary RCStch Engineer Enc. cct Washington County Health Dent. ect Portland District Office Is CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON DEVELOPMENT PROJECT GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET I. PROTECT No.s II. PROJECT NAME s T��/ 4. i Sc�G o III. DRAWING (TITLE) zeVy/5 40, dateds S o IV,, PLAT (TITLE) : dated: V. SITE LOCATION: VI. PRINCIPALSt (1) DEVELOPERS Address Phone No.� (2) DEVELOPERS SURETY AGENCY%__ Address Phone Nu._, Bond No. Exp. Date (3) ENGINEER, Address Phone No.__ (4) INSPECTORS Address Phone No.-- (5) PRIM CONTRACTORS Address , Phone No. (6) CONTRACTORS SURETY AGENCYa Address , Phone No,, Bond No.� Exp. Date!__! (7) SUB-CONTRACTORS: • Tnmort., Strppt, Sewer or Strout Llaht. w w w SPECIFICATIONS For Construction of SANITARY SEWERS PHIL LEWIS SCHOOL I For the City of TIGARD, OREGON 1 4 I City Council i Elvin G. Kyle, Mayor Floyd H. Bergmann Edward P. Saxe Harvey L. Knauss John Well Robert K. Logan, City Administrator Stevens. Thompson, Runyan 8t Ries, Inc. Engineers/Planners SPLGIFICATIONS For Construction Of SANITARY SEWERS For the City of TIGARD, OREGON - - - 000 --- CITY COUNCIL Elvin G. Kyle, Mayor Floyd H. Bergmann Edward P. Saxe Harvey L. Knauss John Well. --- OUo -- - Robert K. Logan, City Administrator 1967 STEVENS, THOMPSON, RUNYAN & RIES, INC, 5505 S. E. Milwaukir A� emie P. O. 13Ox 02201 Portland, Oregon 97202 p P R0�F 4 9 � OREGON % h FOREWORD The specifications in their entirety are prepared in parts. Those numbered I, II, I1I and IV are bound together; the detailed plans and Part V, although bound separately, are hereby made a part of the complete documents wi* , the same force and effect as though all parts and plans referred to therein were under one binding. Should addenda to the specifications become necessary and be issued prier to the date of receiving bids, they shall be deemed a. part of Part I. i i 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I - SPECIAL PROVISIONS Section DescriptionP.ige SP-01 General Statement and Extent of the Work SP-01 a. General SP-01 b. Subsurface Conditions SP-01 c. Connections SP-02 SP-02 Plans SP-02 SP-03 Time of Completion SP-02 SP-04 Prequalification of Bidder SP-03 SP-05 Non-collusion Affidavit SP-03 SP-06 Payments SP-03 SP-07 Progress Schedules and Working Hours SP-03 SP-08 Guarantee SP-04 I TABLE OF CONTENTS PART II - INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Se c t;on Description Page IB-01 Intent of Plans and Specifications IB-01 IB-02 Interpretation of Documents IB-01 IB-03 Examination of Site and Conditions IB-02 IB-04 Qualifications of Bidder 1B-Q2 IB-05 Preparation of Proposal IB-02 IB-06 Alteration of Documents Prohibited IB-02 IB-07 Submission of Proposal 1B-03 IB-08 Modification of Proposal IB-03 IB-09 Withdrawal of Proposal IB-03 IT3-10 Opening Bids IB-03 IB-11 Award of Contract IB-03 IB-12 Basis of Award 1B-03 IB-13 Rejection of Bids IB-04 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART III - GENERAL CONDITIONS Section Description Page GC-01 DEFINITIONS GC-01 3. 1. 1 Definition of Terms GC-01 GC-02 PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS GC-03 3. 2. 1 Inclusion of Proposal in Contract GC-03 GC-03 AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT GC-03 3. 3. 1 Time Reserved for Award of Contract and Preparation of Contract Documents GC-03 3. 3. 2 Contractor to Furnish Bonds GC-03 3. 3. 3 Estimates of Quantities Approximate Only GC-04 3. 3. 4 Examination of Plans, Specifications, and Site of Work GC-05 3. 3. 5 Amount of Contract GC-05 3. 3. 6 Execution of Contract GC-05 GC-04 SCOPE OF WORK GC-05 3. 4. 1 Intent of the Plans and Specifications GC-05 3. 4. 2 Increased or Decreased Quantities GC-05 3. 4. 3 Alterations in Details of Construction GC-06 3. 4. 4 Extra Work GC-06 3. 4. 5 Protection of Work During Suspension GC-06 3. 4. 6 Final Trimming of Work GC-07 3. 4. 7 Final Cleaning Up GC-07 3. 4. 8 Removal of Contractor', Equipment and Materials GC-07 GC-05 CONTROL OF THE WORK GC-08 3. 5. 1 Authority of the Engineer GC-08 3. 5. 2 Deviation from the Plans GC-08 3. 5. 3 Interpretation of Contract, Specifications and Plans GC-08 3. 5. 4 Plans and Working Drawings GC-09 3. 5. 5 Quality of Equipment and Materials GC- 10 3. 5. 6 Specifications by Standard Designations GC- 11 3. 5. 7 Equipment Approval Data GC- 11 3. 5. 8 Cooperation with Other Contractors GC- 12 3. 5. 9 Contractor to Have Representative on Work GC-13 3. 5. 10 Information Regarding Work GC-13 3. 5. 11 Notice to Contractors GC-13 3. 5. 12 Notice by Contractors GC-13 3. 5. 13 Surveys GC-14 3. 5. 14 Authority and Duties of Inspectors GC- 14 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART III - GENERAL CONDITIONS (Cont. ) Section Description Page 3. 5. 15 Inspection GC-14 3. 5. 16 Unauthorized and Defective Work GC-15 3. 5. 17 Disputed Claims GC-15 3. 5. 18 Final Inspection GC-16 GC-06 CONTROL OF MATERIALS GC-16 3. 6. 1 Materials to be Approved Before Use GC-16 3. 6. 2 Tests of Materials GC-16 3. 6. 3 Storage of Materials GC-17 3. 6. 4 Defective Materials GC-17 3. 6. 5 Ordering Materials GC-18 3. 6. 6 Materials Furnished by the Owner GC-18 3. 6. 7 Manufacturer's Directions GC-18 3. 6. 8 Guaranty Period GC-18 GC-07 LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITY TO PUBLIC GC-18 3. 7. 1 Laws to be Observed GC-18 3. 7. 2 Permits and Licenses GC-19 3. 7. 3 Patented Devices, Materials, and Processes GC-19 3. 7. 4 Sanitary Provisions GC-19 3. 7. 5 Public Safety and Convenience GC- 19 3. 7. 6 Barricades, Warning Signs, and Flagmen GC-20 3. 7. 7 Fences GC-20 3. 7. 8 Safeguarding of Excavations GC-21 3. 7. 9 Use of Explosives GC-21 3. 7. 10 Trespass GC-21 3. 7. 11 Protection of Property and Persons GC-22 3. 7. 12 Restoration of Damaged Property GC-22 3. 7. 13 Responsibility for Damages GC-23 3. 7. 14 Contractor's Responsibility for Work GC-44 3. 7. 15 Personal Liability of Engineer GC-24 3. 7. 16 No Waiver of Legal Rights GC-24 3. 7. 17 Insurance GC-24 a. General GC-24 b. Industrial Accident or. Workmen's Compensation Insurance GC-25 c. Public Liability Insurance GC-25 d. Property Insurance on Project in the Course of Construction GC-26 3. 7. 18 Payment of Bills by Contractors GC-26 b, I TABLE OF CONTENTS IPART III - GENERAL CONDITIONS (Cont. .) Section Description Page I 3. 7. 19 Air and Water Pollution Laws GC-27 I 3. 7. 20 Use of Completed or Uncompleted Portions GC-27 GC-08 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS GC-27 I 3. 8. 1 Prosecution of Work GC-27 3. 8. 2 Subletting or Assignment of Contract GC-28 3. 8. 3 Limitations of Operations GC-29 I 3. 8. 4 Water Supply GC-29 3. 8. 5 Use of Premises GC-30 3. 8. 6 Protection of Work and Propercy GC-30 I 3. R. 7 Character of Workmen and Equipment GC-31 3. 8. 8 Temporary Suspension of the Work GC-31 3. 8. 9 Time of Completion of Work and I Extension of Time Limit GC-32 3. 8. 10 Annulment and Cancellation of Contract by Owner GC-33 I 3. 8. 11 Right of Owner. to Do Work GC-34 3. 8. 12 Contractor's Right to Stop Work or Terminate Contract GC-34 I 3. 8. 13 Suits of Law Concerning the Work GC-35 GC-09 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT GC-35 3. 9. 1 Methods of Measurement and Computation GC-35 I 3. 9. 2 Scope of Payment GC-35 3. 9. 3 Alteration in Details of Construction GC-36 3. 9. 4 Quantities and Uni* Prices GC-36 a. Lump Sum GC-36 b. Unit Prices GC-36 3. 9. 5 Claims for Extra Compensation GC-37 I 3. 9. 6 Payment for Force Account Work GC-37 3. 9. 7 Force Account Bills GC-39 3. 9. 8 Payment for Omitted Items GC-40 3. 9, 9 Partial Payments GC-90 3. 9. 10 Advances on Materials GC-41 3. 9. 11 Allowance for Materials Left on Hand GC-42 I3. 9. 12 Final Estimate GC-42 3. 9. 13 Suspensic i of Payments GC-43 3. 9. 14 Correctiun of Work after Final Payment GC-43 3. 9. 15 Payments CC-43 I I i TABLE OF CONTENTS STANDARD TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONCRETE AND REINFORCED CONCRETE Section ?description Page RC••01 General RC-01 RC-02 Ready-Mix Concrete RC-01 RC-03 Concrete RC-01 a. Designation RC-01 b. Cernent RC-01 C. Aggregate RC-01 d. Water RC-02 e. Admixtures RC-02 f. Concrete Tests RC-02 g. Placing Concrete RC-03 h. Curing RC-04 i. Forms RC-05 j. Removal of: Forms RC-06 k. Surface Finish RC-06 1. Inserts and Embedded Items RC-06 m. Co%struction Joints RC-06 n. I":dterstops RC-07 o. Measurement RC-07 RC-04 Reinforcement Steel RC-07 a. Quality RC-08 b. Placement RC-08 C. Payment RC-08 TABLE OF CONTENTS STANDARD TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR SEWER WORK Section Description page SW-01 General SW-01 SW_02 Right-Of-Way SW-01 SW-03 Survey Monuments and Property Corners SW -01 SW-04 Interferences and Obstructions SW-01 SW-05 Traffic Maintenance and Protection SW -02 SW-06 Private Roads and Driveways SW-03 SW-07 County Roads and State Highways SW-03 SW_08 Railroad Undercrossings SW-03 SW-09 Clearing and Grubbing SW-04 SW- 10 Cutting Pavement, Sidewalks, Curbs and Gravel Surfaces SW-04 SW-11 Landscaped Areas SW-04 SW- 12 Trench Excavation SW-05 a. General SW-05 b. Classification of Excavation SW-05 c. Excavation Below Grade SW-05 d. Wet Excavation SW-05 SW- 13 Tunnels in Lieu of Open Trench SW-06 SW-14 Blasting SW-06 SW-15 Sheeting and Bracing SW-07 SW- 16 Sewer Grade and Alignment. SW-07 SW- 17 Sewer Pipe SW-08 a. General SW-08 b. Concrete and Clay Pipe SW-08 c. Asbestos-Cement Pipe SW-08 d. Cast Iron Pipe SW-08 SW-18 Joints for Sewer Pipe SW-09 SW- 19 Pipe Laying SW-09 SW-20 Branches SW-09 SW-21 House Connections SW- 10 SW-22 Connections to Existing Sewers SW- 10 SW-23 Manholes and Clean Outs SW-1 1 a.. General SW- 11 b. Drop Manholes SW-11 C Manhole Covers SW..11 d. Clean Outs SW- 12 Section Des ription Page SW-24 Backfilling SW-12 SW-25 Bank-Run Gravel and Sand SW-12 SW-26 Rep];acing Pavements, Sidewalks, Etc. SW-13 SW-27 Measurements for Payment SW-14 a. Sewer Pipe SW-14 b. House Service Pipe 'SW-14 c. Sidewalks SW-14 d. Curbs SW-14 e. Bedding SW-14 f. Excavation and Bedding Below Class A or Class B .Bedding SW-14 g. Select Backfill SW-14 h. Surfacing SW-15 i. Manholes SW-15 j. Testing SW-16 SW-28 Tests of Workmanship SW- 16 a. General SW-16 b. Infiltration Test SW-16 c. Exfiltration Test (using water) SW-16 d. Fxfiltration Test (using air) SW-17 SW-29 Clean Up SW-18 a. General SW• 18 b. Sewers SW-19 c. Final Inspection SW-19 l' •�wvw. 41Iw,Ap M..w'..M M,•..^ •.•`.•1.W.�•r••••M w •�•.M M•M'MlM.A•.. w,.[ ~ .w�+�lWc�•e..,�•�y..•q „�.f0..•.,• 1w11M�a.�Y 4, 1 y� r' �`\ •,f� _._ _ _.�. �...__ pIAN Q U t�. Lt GG r► `` \ ` TEACH, bossy r' •f �` I 1 1 a ��"f�% � G� 'i f.�/,j �r!r/r;�/ G. " ,"' � i,� f�• P .',/`�� /j/r",/� � l � � / !. i t C. dROiIP C.�. 9 c.R. ,/ c o v [ 2 [ D * L A Y v o c c M ,, i i � '4• el _ r01 A6A900.'1 PCk )!: 1 12ANO ftJ:. '�c cit •) , ' r I / ��� ) a �`�._ 1• -.I 1 J , d t 1Pb ell o r IN Iv, L 5 T Q 1 1: T' N ° 2 3 P R E L I M ! N A 2Y !CE T ,, ,.. pt� htpND B (�C7N� Karl?1ts:� !S 1 1 L E W C k 00 L VIA 5 4•a I N CyTG Al ,—' 0UN TY , 0 12E 50N JAN . 4 ? ? CAVNaN b 11 STUTItR a � Ncl � aca 10I.5 .ti t w rcl : y A'rcNUt noQtjAIlr Oaic �r,:•til ."� I �� ..Y•' v.._ �f�N1�i•IaFIMLAti' '{ ,yM��••n..w.r .. •�•. .. .• -r,,,�. T. .......,..•_..�r•�a,_ .�.r ow T!�Iltr<IIIIIIFII111111111111111�/III�I�Ilill111llllll �ll1 II�II111�IIIIIIIIIIIII) 111llllltllll�llllillllllll�lllllllllllllll'111I111I1111111IIIII111I�III111IIIII111IIIIIIIII111 1 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I10 11 12 NOTE; IF THIS MICROFILMED ��— --- ---�- -- DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTIC&;-`IT IS DUE TO jtf QUALITY OF TW ORIGINAL DRAWING. 1 -- OE 62 92 a 92 S2 b2 E2 ZZ 12 0!!2 61 81 L 1 91 S I Is l E 1 21 1 1 01 6 9 L 9 S b E Z t►!I�Illllllll�lllllllll�llillllllllll'�Il11�IIII�IIII�IIII�IIIIIIIIIlul1111lIIun�NII�1111�1111�11111!III�Ibll�ltll�llll�lllllllll�lltl11111111111111111111�1111'IIUMIIIIIIIII�IIIi�lllt)1111111{�IIIIli11�iJ♦{JI}�111�1111�1111�1111�1111�1111�I111I111111111IIlII�lI11IlUI�IIIIIIIII�IIII�II�I�IIN '°"' j JULY 2 1992 ` PART I SPECIAL PROVISIONS :-P-01 GENERAL STATEMENT AND EXTENT OF THE WORK a. General. The work to be done under these specifications and the plans which accompany them consists of the construction of sanitary sewers, manholes, and such appurtenant facilities and vork as indicated and required. The contractor will be required to furnish all labor, mate- rial, and equipment necessary for the construction of the systems as indicated on the plans and stated herein and to furnish all miscellaneous Mems required to complete the work. The work is to be constructed for the City of Tigard, Oregon, herein defined as the owner. The owner reserves the right to make reasonable changes in loca- tions of sewers and/or manholes from those shown on the plans and adjust grades during the construction of the sewer system, all for the purpose of better serving the City. Where indicated on the plans, or instructed to do so in the field by the engineer, the contractor shall provide appropriate stubouts or outside drops in manholes for future sewer connections and shall close the ends thereof by suitable means to effectively prevent infil- t ration. The plan sheet and the surface profile have been prepared from on-the-ground surveys. Measurement for grade and payment will be baser on construction staking performed by the engineer. The section from Manhole 10+75 to Manhole I6+20 will be con- structed by others and is not to be included in this contract. This sewer project is to be constructed to provide gravity flow to The sewage treatment plant from the Phil Lewis School and area iron-ie- diately northerly thereof. b. Subsurface Conditions. There may be water at some locations. The extent of this water, of quicksand, or of other adverse soil condi- tions is not known, but the design has been prepared with the intent of effecting a sewer that will be as shallow as is practicable and yet accom- plish the objectives of the project. In preparing his bid, the contractor should recognize that these design considerations can allow little if any sacrifice of depth to avoid difficult excavation. SP-01 c. Connections. In addition to constructing the sewers, man- holes and doing other related work shown on the plans and described in these specifications, the contractor shall also make the connection to the sewer near S. W. 79th Avenue. No flow will be allowed until the entire length of gravity sewers has met the leakage tests. SF-1,2 PLANS Detailed plans for this project are shown on drawings which are bound separately and which bear the general title, CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM and file numbers and subtitles as follows: Sheet No. Title File No. 1 Plan & Profile 63-P-2GG-29-6970 2 Typical Details 63-P-220-29-6971 SP-03 TIME OF COMPLETION The bidder shall name the time of completion in calendar days from the date of execution of the contract. Space for this is provided in the Proposal. I_.iquidated damages as detailed in Section GC 3. 8. 9 of the General Conditions shall be $50. 00 for each and every calendar day that the date of final completion of the contract is delayed. It is further understood that should the contractor not complete the work within the time specified, the owner may discontinue any further progress payments until the work is completed and accepted by the owner, except should a progress payment in excess of $5000 be due the contractor, based upon work completed after the "Time of Completion" of the contract, the owner will make a progress payment in accordance with regular provisions of these specifications. SP-02 SI'-04 PREQUA LIFICATION OF BIDDER Laws of Oregon require that all prospective bidders on public works construction must qualify therefor to the satisfaction of the owner of such works before the forms or other documents which are essential in the prepa- ration and filing of a proposal may be issued. It therefore will be presumed that each bidder will have applied to the owner for approval of his qualifica- tions and will have received such approval before requesting that said forms or documents be issued to him. Prospective bidders who heretofore may have qualified with the owner and whose evidence of such qualification is still acceptable may upon request receive the necessary approval without filing new proof thereof - all subject to the discretion of the owner. SP-05 NON-COLLUSION AF'F'IDAVIT The owner reserves the right to require that any bidder, before being awarded a contract, Shall execute a non-collusion affidavit in such form as will satisfy the owner that the bid offered is genuine, is not sham or collusive, and i•.i nc� respect or degree is made in the interest or on behalf of any person, firm or corporation not named in the proposal con- taining such bid. SP-06 PAYMEN fS Payments will be made to the contractor in accordance with Section GC-09, Measurement and Payment, of the General Conditions, Payments may be made by cash or warrant, and detailed information on payment is available from the Ci,y. SP-07 PROGRESS SCHEDULES AND WORKING HOLiR'F" The contractor shall proceed with the work upon receipt of notice to proceed. See Section GC-3. 8. 1. , Prosecution and Progress. This notice will be issued after execution of the contract and after performance bond and certificate of insurance have been received by the City. The engineer shall be notified by the contractor when these documents are delivered. The contractor shall within ten (1.0) days, or within such time as determined by the engineer, after the date of the commencement of the work, prepare and submit to the engineer for approval a practical schedule showing the order in which the contractor proposee, to carry on the work, the date on which he will start the several salient features (including the procurement of materials, plant and equipment) and the contemplated dates for completing the same. SP-03 mot As most of the work is to be done in residential areas, the con- tractor shall confine his operations to daylight hours. If the contractor desires or if due to slow progress is required to carry on his work at night or out-' normal working hours, he must submit an application to the r-, r. A permit to perform work during other than normal working, rs may be granted by the engineer provided the work is at a place and location not immediately adjacent to residences. If work at night is permitted, the contractor shall allow ample time to enable sati- factory arrangements to be made for inspection of the work in progress, and he shall light the different parts of the work in a manner satisfactory to the engineer and shall comply with all regulations of the owner and the State of Oregon. SP-08 GUARANTEE Whether or not there appears here or elsewhere herein specific reference to guarantees of all items of material, equi.-invent, and work- manship, they nevertheless shall be so guaranteed against mechanical, structural, or other defects for which the contractor is responsible that may develop or become evident within a period of one year from and after acceptance of the work by the owner. Such guarantees shall include care of backfilling of ditches or at structures should the fill settle to such extent as to require refilling or resurfacing roadway surfaces to restore the original or intended condition or grade. This guarantee shall be under- stood to imply prompt attention to any remedy of such defects as those mentioned above if and as they occur after the contractor Shall have written notice of their existence. If the defect is of such nature as to demand immediate repair, the owner shall have the right to make them and the cost thereof shall be borne by the contractor. To support the above guarantees the contractor's performance bond shall remain in full force and effect for one year following the acceptance of the project by the owner. The bond shall be executed by a surety com- pany authorized to do business within the State of Oregon and it shall be subject to the approval of the attorney for the owner. In addition to ti,e above requirements, the contractor shall make his own determination as to the amount of the maintenance bond which will be required by any corporation or agency granting a permit for work to be done under these plans and specifications. Such bonds shall. be in addition to that required by the owner as indicated above. SP-04 PAR T II INSTRUC'T'IONS TO BIDDERS IB-01 INTENT OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS It is the intention of these specifications to provide for careful, thorough and workmanlike construction procedure in the installation of materials and equipment and in the manufacture and delivery of such materials and equipment, The bidder to whom the contract is awarded shall furnish all the material and labor necessary to complete said con- tract in accordance with all of its terms and conditions. The plans and specifications shall be considered and used together; anything appearing as a requirement of either shall be accepted as appli- cable to both even though riot so stated therein or shown. The engineer may furnish supplemental plans and specifications to define more clearly any requirement of the original documents; these shall be accepted by the contractor as of the same force and effect as though they had been included among the listed drawings and in case of any conflict between the listed and the supplemental drawings, the latter shall govern. The contractor shall not be entitled to extra payment because of his compliance with the .require- ments of such supplemental drawings unless they contain new requirements involving costs which clearly could not have been anticipated by an experi- enced contractor in his examination of the original listed drawings or could not reasonably be inferred therefrom as requirements of the contract. All specifications and notes appearing on the plans shall have the same force and effect as though they were repeater! herein. IB-02 INTERPRETATION OF DOCUMENTS If a prospective bidder is in doubt as to the true meaning of any part of the plans, specifications, or other proposed contract document, he may submit to the engineer a written request for an interpretation thereof. The person submitting the request will be responsible for it,3 prompt deliv- ery to the engineer. An interpretation will be made only by addendum duly issued by the engineer and a copy thereof will be mailed or otherwise de- livered to each prospective bidder. The owner will not be re6ponsible for any other form of explanation or interpretation. IB-01 IB-03 EXAMINATION OF SITE AND CONDITIONS Before making a proposal, the bidder shall examine the site of the work and ascertain for himself all the physical conditions in relation there- to. Failure to take this precaution shall not release him from his obligation as implied by the proposal he submits nor excuse him from performing the work in strict accordance with the requirements of the contract documents. No statement made by any officer, agent, or employee of the owner pertaining to the site of the work or the conditions under which the work must be performed will be binding on the owner, IB-04 QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDER The owner desires that this project shall be built by a contractor who is competent and adequately financed. The owner may request the bidder to submit a written statement to show experience in construction work of this character as an indication of dualifirations and business standing. If required, the bidder may make his statementin such form as may seem appropriate but it should be notarized and failure to comply with this request may cause rejection of the bid which is affected. IB-05 PREPARA'T'ION OF PROPOSAL Bids must be submitted by filling in with ink (or typing) each and every blank provided for such purpose in the form headed "Proposal'', or if the bidder is required to provide a special form -npropriate to the nature of his bid then such form shall he complete in all rt'spects as required by the specifications if if is to merit consideration by the owner. Where indi- cated all blank spay cs shall be filled in with words and figures, Written amounts shall take precedence where there i.i a conflict between the written amount and the figure,. If the prc,pos.al is made by a partnership, it should contain the name of each partner and should be signed in the firm name, followed by the signa- ture of a partner or that of a person duly authorized to act for and on behalf of such partnership, If made by a corporation, the proposal should be signed with the name of the corporatior and the State in which incorporated, followed by the written signature of the qualified officer and the designation of the office he holds in the corporation. The address of the person, firm or corporation in whose behalf the proposal is submitted shall be given„ The bidder shall comply with all other specific requirements of the proposal form, IB-06 ALTERATION OF DOCUMENTS PROHIBITED Except as may be provided otherwise herein, proposals which are incomplete, are conditioned in anv way which the plans or specifications do not authorize, contain unverified erasures or alterations, include items which are not named in the propLsil form or which are unlawful, may be rejected as informal. 1B-02 rrI 1 IB-07 SUBMISSION OF PROPOSAL Each proposal shall be completely sealed in a package addressed as required by the official advertisement, marked with the name of the Bidder and the title of the project; it must be delivered to the addressee at or before the time named in said advertisement. IB-08 MODIFICATION OF PROPOSAL Change in a proposal already delivered will be permitted only if a re- quest for the privilege of making such modification is made in writing signed by the Bidder and the specific modification itself is stated prior to the scheduled closing time for the receipt of proposals. To be effective, every modification must be made in writing over the signature of the Bidder; no other form of pro- cedure will be acceptable. IB-09 WITHDRAWAL. OF PROPOSAL A proposal may be withdrawn at any time prior to the scheduled closing time for filing bids. This may be done by the Bidder in person or upon his tele- graphic or written request. A telephone request for withdrawal of a proposal will not be recognized for this purpose, If withdrawal is made personally, a written acknowledgment thereof will be required. After the scheduled closing time for filing bids, no Bidder will be per- mitted to withdraw his proposal unless no award of contract has been made prior to the expiration of thirty (30) days immediately following the time when bids are submitted. Bids received after the scheduled closing time will be returned to the Bidder unopened. IB-10 OPENING BIDS All proposals received prior to the scheduled closing time and which are not withdrawn as above provided will be publicly opened and read aloud even though there may be irregularities or informalities therein, except that any pro- posal which is not signed will not be read and, consequently, will be rejected without consideration, IB-11 AWARD OF CONTRACT Within thirty (30) calendar days after the opening of the proposals the owner will accept one of the proposals or reject all bids. IB-12 BASIS OF AWARD The award will be made upon the basis of proposal which in the owner's sole judgment, will serve the best interests of the owner. An early comple- tion date is desired and the owner may give such value as may be IB-03 deemed appropriate to the contractor's "construction time" after all other features of the Bidder's proposal have been considered. IB-13 REJECTION OF BIDS The owner reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or to waive any informalities therein if it is believ.-d that the best interest of the owner will be served thereby. Ilt.-04 PART III GENERAL CONDITIONS GC-01 DEFINITIONS 3. 1. 1 Definition of Terms In these specifications and the contract, the following words or ex- pressions shall be understood to have the meanings given below: AASHO - American Association of State Highway Officials ACI - American Concrete Institute API - American Petroleum Institute ASA - American Standards Association ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASTM - .'merican Society for Testing Materials AWS - American Welding Society AWWA - American Waterworks Association IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers NBFU - National Bureau of Fire Underwriters NEC - National Electrical Code NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturer's Association UBC - Uniform Building Code "Bidder" - Any individual, firm or corporation formally submitting a proposal for the work contemplated, or any portion thereof, acting directly or through an authorized representative. "Contract" - The agreement between the owner and the contractor describing the work to be done and defining the obligations of the owner and the contractor in accordance therewith. It includes the "Specifications, ' "Proposal, " "Performance Bond, " and "Plans, " and it includes also, all agreements of a supplemental nature that may be entered into during the progress of the work. "Contract Documents" - The plans, specifications, agreement, performance bond, inciuding all modifications thereof incorporated in the documents before their execution and all agreements of a supplemental nature that may be entered into during the progress of the work; the ''Con- tract" includes all of the "Contract Documents. " "Owner" - The owner of the work, when it is completed as indi- cated in the official advertisement and named in the contract. "Contractor" - The individual, firm or corporation undertaking the execution of the work under the terms of the contract and acting directly or through his or its agents or employees. "Engineer" - The firm of Stevens, Thompson, Runyan & Ries, Inc. or any duly authorized assistant acting for the firm; the engineer being the agent of the owner. "Inspector" - The authorized representative of the engineer or owner -issigned to observe the work or materials therefor. 2-7 GC-01 "Performance Bond" - The form of s9curity approved by the owner, furnished by the contractor and his surety guar anteeing the complete and faithful performance of all of the obligations and conditions placed upon the contractor by the contract. "Plans" - The maps, plans, and drawings as listed and referred to in the "Contract Documents" together with any additional maps, plans, or drawings furnished by the contractor if and when they are approved by the engineer; also any supplemental drawings furnished by the engineer to the contractor and also all approved shop drawings submitted by the contractor and approved by the engineer, all as provided elsewhere in these specifica- tions or other contract documents. "Proposal" - The written proposal of the bidder on the form furnished for the work contemplated and which is required to be signed by the bidder. "Proposal Guaranty" - The security to be furnished by the bidder as a guaranty of good faith to enter into a contract for the work contemplated if it be awarded to him. "Right of Way" - The area provided by the owner for use in con- structing the work covered by the contract, including the appurtenances thereto. The right of way so designated may be either temporary or per- rr,anent. "Specifications" - The directions, requirements, explanations, terms and provisions pertaining to the various features of the work to be done, the manner and method of performance, and the manner and method of measurement and payment. The specifications include such directions, requirements and explanations as appear on the plans. "Subcontractor" - Any individual, firm or corporation acting for or in behalf of the contractor in the execution of all or any part of the con- tract. This does not include those working for hire or suppliers of material or equipment except that production of materials or supplies at the project site shall be deemed as being produced by a subcontractor where such is not produced by the contractor's own forces and equipment. "Supplemental Agreement" - Any written agreement or understand- ing entered into between the contractor and the owner to supplement or clarify, or alter the plans, specifications or contract, or to otherwise provide for unforeseen work, contingencies, alterations in plans, and other matters not contemplated by or adequately provided for in the plans and specifications. "Surety" - The Company or Association which is bound with and for the contractor, for the acceptable performance of the contract, and for his payment of all obligations arising out of the contract. Where applying to the "Proposal Guaranty", it refers to the Company or Association which engages to be responsible for the bidder's execution of a satisfactory con- tract when and if his bid is accepted by the owner. "Work" - Work shall be understood to mean the furnishing of all labor, materials. equipment and other incidentals necessary or conveni- ent to the successful completion of the project or the portion of the project involved and the carrying out of all the duties and obligations imposed by the contract. 2-7 GC-02 'Written Notice" - A written communication delivered in person to the .individual or to a member of a firm or to an officer of the corpora- tion for whom it is intended, or if delivered or sent by mail to the last business address known to the one who gives the notice. It shall be the duty of each party to advise the other parties to the contract as to any change in business address until completion of the contract. "Act of God" - Means an earthquake, flood, cyclone or other cataclysmic phenomenon of nature. Rain, wind, flood or other natural phenomenon (including earthquakes. cyclones, etc. ) of recorded intensity for the locality of the work shall not be construed as an Act of God and no reparation shall be made to the contractor for damages to the work result- ing therefrom. GC-02 PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS 3. 2. 1 Inclusion of Proposal in Contract The requirements and conditions of the proposal a-re hereby made part of this contract. GC-03 AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT 3. 3. 1 Time Reserved for Award of Contract and Preparation of Contract Documents The time of completion of the work contemplated by this contract shall not be vitiated by the fact that there will, of necessity, be a, certain period of elapsed time between the date of receiving bids and the signing of the written instruments by all parties thereto. In specifying the dates for completion, it has been assumed that a Feriod of not more than forty- five (45) days will elapse between the receiving of the bids and the submis- sion to the contractor of the written contract for his execution. If the above period exceeds this amount, the bidder will be released from his proposal bond unless by written notice to the owner the contractor has granted the owner an extension of time for the official award of the contract. 3. 3. 2 Contractor to Furnish Bonds The contractor shall within ten ( 10) days from the date of notifica- tion by the owner that the contract is ready for signature and before com- mencing work thereunder, furnish to the owner and maintain in force during the continuance of this contract a bond satisfactory to the owner and with such surety or sureties as the owner may approve. The bond shall be in the full amount of the contract price and shall be for the faith- ful performance of this contract in all respects, including but not limited to payments for materials, labor, etc. , and no contract shall be binding 2-7 GC-03 until the said bond is furnished and approved by the owner. If said bond is not so furnished within the ten days herein specified, the contract may be immediately terminated by the owner without any notice to the contrac- tor. No work may be commenced until the bond has been approved by the owner. Whether or not there appears here or elsewhere herein specific reference to guarantees of all items of material, equipment, workman- ship, they nevertheless shall be so guaranteed against mechanical, structural, or other defects for which the contractor is responsible that may develop or become evident within a. period of one year from and after acceptance of the work by the owner. Such guarantees shall in.-Jude care of backfilling of ditches or at structures should the fill settle to such ex- tent as to require refilling or resurfacing roadway surfaces to restore the original or intended condition or grade. This guarantee shall be understood to imply prompt attention to any remedy of such defects as those mentioned above if and as they occur after the contractor sh?.11 have written notice of their existence. If the defect, in the opinion of the owner, is of such nature as to demand immediata repair, the owner shall have the right to make them and the cost }h; reof shall be borne by the contractor. To support the above guarantee the contractor's performance bond shall remain in full force and effect for one year following the acceptance of the project by the owner. The bond shall be executed by a surety company authorized to do business within the State and it shall subject to the approval of the attorney for the owner. In addition to the above requirements, the contractor shall make his own determinations as to the amount of the bond which will be required by any corporation or agency granting a permit for work to be done under these plans and specifications. Such bonds shall be in addition to that re- quired by the owner as indicated above. 3. 3. 3 estimates of Quantities Aprroximate Only It is expressly agreed that the quantities shown in the proposal form whether for a "Unit Price Contract" or in connection with a "Lump Sum Contr-�.ct", given under the heading "Schedule of Contract Prices" are approximate only and are not to be taken to be either representations or warranties. The owner does not expressly nor by implication agree that the actual amount of work will correspond therewith, and reserves the right to increase or decrease the amount of any class of portion of the work as may be deemed necessary or expedient by the engineer, without extra or special compensation to the contractor except as may be provided elsewhere in these specifications. Y 2-7 GC-04 3. 3. 4 Eocamination of Plans, Specifications, and Site of Work It is understood that the contractor, before signing the contract, has made a careful examination of the plans, specifications, and contrE.ct; that he has fully informed himself as to the quality and quantity of materials and the character of the work required; and that he has made a careful examination of the location and condition of the wort: and the sources of sup- ply for any and all materials. The owner will in no case be responsible for any loss or for unanticipated costs that may be suffered by the contractor as a result of conditions pertaining to the work. 3. 3. 5 Amount of Contract The amount of the contract shall be understood to be the total sum of the amounts computed from the approximate quantities and unit prices or the lump sum as given in the proposal form. Where prices are given on alternate items, only the amounts of the alternates accepted by the owner will be included in the total. 3. 3. 6 Execution of Contract Within ten (10) days after receiving from the owner properly pre- pared contract documents, the successful bidder shall sign the contract. GC-04 SCOPE OF WORK 3. 4. 1 Intent of the Plans and Specifications The true intent of the plans and specifications is to provide for the execution and completion in every detail of the project or work described in the special provisions and contract. Except as otherwise specifically provided, the contractor shall furnish all labor, tools, implements, machinery, supplies, materials, and incidentals, and shall do all things necessary to perform and to complete, according to the specifications and plans, the work to be done under the contract:. This shall be understood to include, in addition to the work specifically called for in the plans and specifications, the performance of such extra, additional, and incidental work as may appear in the sole judgment of the owner to be necessary for the completion of the work contemplated it a substantial, workmanlike, and otherwise satisfactory manner. 3. 4. 2 Increased or Decreased Quantities The right is reserved by the owner, without impairing the contract to make such increases and decreases in the quantities of the work as may be considered necessary to complete fully and satisfactorily the work in- cluded in the contract. The contractor shall have no claim for damages 2-7 GC-05 or for anticipated profits on account of any portion of the work that may be omitted, provided such omission shall not thereby reduce the amount of the contract by more than ten per cent ( 10%) provided, however, that the owner shall have the privilege of deleting any item or items of any sched- ule in its entirety and said ten per cent of permissible reduction then shall apply only to the aggregate contract price for the remaining items. Dele- tion of entire items generally shall be made when the contract is executed but in case the contractor shall have performed some work on account of any item which is subsequently deleted, he shall be paid therefor on the basis of extra work. 3. 4. 3 Alterations in Details of Construction The engineer, during the progress of the work, may ,alter any of the details of construction as may be found expedient or suitable; such alterations shall not invalidate the contract nor release the surety, and the contractor agrees to accept and execute the work as altere(' the same as if it had been a part of the original contract. The compensation to the contractor in such cases shall be determined as specified for Additional I Work should additional requirements be made of the contractor or by nego- tiation if the work is reduced. 3. 4. 4 Extra Work Upon the written order of the engineer, the contractor shall per- form such additional or extra work that may or may not be included under or covered by contract prices, as may be necessary for the satisfactory completion of the project. If the work is of a kind for which a specifica- tion is given herein, it shall be performed in accordance with. that speci- fication subject to such supplemental or additional specifications, plana and instructions as the engineer may issue. If the work itt of a kind not covered by a specification given herein it shall be performed in accord- ance with accepted practice for the clans of work intended and in accord- ance with such plans as may be issued by the engineer. The owner shall have the option of paying for additional or extra work at the stipulated unit prices or stipulated lump sum prices given in the proposal furor or on a force account or cost plus basis described in Article 3. 9. 6 of these specifications. Payment for extra work will be made only when the work involved has been authorized by 11e engineer, in writing prior to performance of the work. 3. 4. 5 Protection of Work During Suspension If it should become necessary, because of the lateness of the sea- son or any other reason to stop the work, then the contract.)r shall open proper drainage ditches; erect temporary structures where necessary; 2-7 GC-06 prepare the work so there will be minimum interference with traffic, if the work ie on a public right of way; and take every precaution to prevent any damage or unreasonable deterioration of the work during the time the work is closed. If upon reopening the work, it is found that any such dam- ages or deterioration has occurred, due to the lack of said precautions, then, and in that event, the contractor shall correct all such conditions at his own expense in a manner acceptable to the engineer. 3. 4. 6 :inal Trimming of Work The work to be done under the contract shall include such repair work as may be necessary to overcome such deterioration as may occur on some portions of the work while other portions of the work are being performed. The project shall be in a neatly trimmed and well-finished condition throughout at the time of completion and acceptance. 3. 4. 7 Final Cleaning Up Upon comFletion of the work and before acceptance and final pay- ment shall be matte, the contractor shall clean up the right of way and all properties on which he has operated in the construction of the project, in- cluding removing or burning all discarded materials, rubbish and debris. He shall tear down, remove or burn all construction plant structures erected by or for him, or by or for his subcontractors or employees on the right of way or on property controlled by the owner. lie shall do all things necessary to put the whole of the right of way and such other prop- erty controlled by the owner as he may occupy in a neat, clean and orderly condition. 3. 4. 8 Removal of Contractor's Equipment and Materials It is understood and agreed that the contractor is to promptly re- move ftom the project right of way and other property owned or controlled by the owner, all equipment and material that he places thereon that is not to become the property of the owner. It is further understood and agreed that any such equipment and material of all kinds that is not removed, as herein provided, within thirty (30) days after the date upon which all other work to be done under the contract is completed, or within such longer time as may be agreed upon in writing between the contractor and the engineer, shall become the property of the owner and may be used or otherwise dis- posed of by the owner without obligation to the contractor or to any party to whom h-! may transfer title. Nothing in the above clause shall be construed as relieving the con- tractor from his obligation to clean up the right of way and the sites of his operations and to remove and dispose of debris, waste materials, etc. , in accord with other provisions of the contract. t-7 GC-07 GC-05 CON'T'ROL OF THE WORK 3. 5. 1 Authority of the Engineer To prevent misunderstandings, disputes and litigation it is expressly understood and hereby agreed to by all of the parties to the contract, includ- ing the surety, that the engineer shall, in all cases, determine any and all questions which may arise concerning the quality, quantity and acceptability of materials furnished and work performed; the manner and rate of progress of the performance of all work; the interpretation of plans and specifications; and the amounts and classifications of the several kinds of work and materials; and his estimates and decisions in these matters shall be final, binding, and conclusive upon all parties to the contract. The engineer shall be the owner's representative during the construc- tion period and shall observe the work in process on behalf of the owner; that said work will not be considered completed until approved by the engineer and accepted by the owner; that the contractor shall at all times carry out and fulfill the instructions and directions of the engineer insofar as the work to be performed under the contract is concerned; and that in the event the contractor fails to carry out and fulfill such instructions and directions, the owner may refuse to make any partial or final payments to the contractor so long as such instructions and directions are not complied with. In case of the termination of the employment of the engineer, the owner shall appoint a capable and reputable professional engineer whose status under the contract shall be that of the former engineer. 3. 5. 2 Deviation from the Plans No deviation from the plans or the approved working and/or shop drawings is permissible except on v✓ritten order of the engineer. 3. 5. 3 Interpretation of Contract, ;pecifications and Plans In cases of conflict in the requirements and provisions as set out by the contract, the specifications, or the plans, such conflict shall be recon- ciled by the accel;tance of the following order of precedence for the various contract documents: ( 1) the contract document bearing the signature of the owner and the contractor; (2) the written proposal of the contractor; (3) Part I and Special Technical Provisions of Part IV; (4) the plans, including notes written thereon; and (5) Parts II, III, and Standard Technical Provi- sions of Part IV of the specifications. The apparent silence of the specifications and plans as to any detail or the apparent wnission from them of a detailed description concerning any point, shall be regarded as meaning that only the beat general practice is to prevail and that only approved material and workmanship of first qual- ity are to be used. 2-7 GC-08 The contractor shall take no advantage of any errors or omissions in the specifications and plans or of any discrepancies in or between same; but where such errors, omissions or discrepancies occur, he will be gov- erned by the apparent intent of the specifications and plans and by orders of the engineer. Work performed by the contractor as a result of an error or omission in the plans and specifications when such error or omission is not called to the attention of the engineer shall be at the contractor's risk. 3. 5. 4 Plans and Working Drawings The contractor will be supplied with six sets of specifications and the prints of the drawings prepared by the engineer showing the project in detail. The contractor may obtain any additional prints required from the engineer by compensating the engineer for the cost of printing involved. Figured dimensions on the drawings will be used in preference to sci:ling the drawings. Where the work of the contractor is affected by fin- isl� dimension, these shall be determined by the contractor at the site, and he shall assume responsibility therefor. General drawi,,gs showing such details as are necessary to give a comprehensive idea of the construction contemplated will be included in the plans; but the contractor shall submit to the engineer for review such additional shop details, settings, schedules and such other working draw- ings as may be required for the construction of any part of the work, and prior to the ii-view of such plans any work done or material ordered shall be at the contractor's risk. All shop or working drawings shall be made in such a manner that clear and legible reproductions can be made from them. Any drawings submitted for review which are, in the engineer's opinion, carelessly pre- pared, erroneous or unchecked, will be returned to the contractor for re- drawing and checking, and after such redrawing and checking shall be resubmitted to the engineer. All drawings submitted to the engineer for review shall be one of the following sizes- 8 1 /2, x 11 inches, 11 x 17 inches, or 22 x 36 inches. Shop drawings for structural steel Mems, structures or miscellane- ous iron items shall consist of shop details, erection and other working plans showing dimensions, sizos of material, lists of field rivets and bolts, details and other information necessary for the complete fabricati.,n and erection of all such metal work. 2-7 GC-09 Shop drawings for mechanical equipment and other structures or equipment shall consist of such detailed plans as may be reasonably re- quired for the successful prosecution of the work and which are not in- cluded in the plans furnished by the engineer. These may include plans for faisework, bracing, centering and form work, masonry layout diagrams, bending diagrams for metal reinforcement, shop details for precast con- crete items, and installation drawings or instructions. It is expressly understood that the review by the engineer of working drawings or shop drawings submitted by the contractor or his agents will not relieve the contractor from responsibility for errors in details, dimensions, or quantity or strength of such materials. Material improperly fabricated shall be replaced or modified at the contractor's expense. The contractor shall submit with such promptness as to cause no delay in his own work or in that of any other contractor, not less than two copies, checked and approved by him, of all shop or setting drawings and schedules required ,'or the work of the various trades. The engineer shall check, with reasonable promptness, such schedules and drawings only for conformancF with the design concept of the project and compliance with the informatio1L given in the contract documents making desired cor- rections, including, necessary corrections relating to effects on design. The contractor shall make any corrections required by the engineer, file with him not less than six corrected copies, one of which if requested shall be a reproducible transparency, and furnish such additional copies as needed should he wish more than one copy returned for his use. The engineer's review of such drawings or schedules shall not relieve the con- tractor from responsibility for deviations from drawings or specifications, unless he has in writing called the engineer's attention to such deviations at the time of submission and secured the engineer's written approval, nor shall it relieve him from responsibility for errors of any sort in shop drawings or schedules. The contract bid prices shall inchide the cost of furnishing all shop and installation drawirgR and the contractor will be allowed no extra compensation for such drawings. The contractor shall keep one copy of all drawings (including shop drawings) and specifications on the work, An good order, available to the engineer and to his representatives. 3. 5. 5 Quality of Equipment and Materials In order to establish standards of quality, the engineer may have, in the detailed specifications referred to certain products by name and 2-7 GC- 10 catalog number. This procedure is not to be construed as eliminating from competition other products of equal or better quality by other manu- facturers. The words "approved equal" shall be considered following all suchlistings regardless of whether or not they so appear. The contractor shall furnish to the engineer the complete list of proposed desired substitutions in sufficient time prior to their use to give the engineer adequate time for his review, together with such engineering and catalog data as the engineer may require. Failure on the part of the contractor to supply data to the engineer prior to ordering or using such alternate material or equipment will not relieve the contractor of furnishing acceptable material. or equipment as required by the engineer. The contractor shall abide by the engineer's judgment when pro- posed substitute materials or items of equipment are judged to be unaccept- able and shall furnish the specified material or item of equipment in such case. All proposals for substitutions shall be submitted in writing by the contractor and not by individual trades or material suppliers. The engi- neer will. approve or disapprove proposed substitutions in writing within a reasonable time. No substitute materials shall be used unless approved in writing. 3. 5. 6 Specifications by Standard Designations Whenever practicable, specifications will be made herein by desig- nating certain published "standards" of recognized organizations. Abbre- viations "ASTM" will be used to indicate the American Society for Testing Materials and this will be followed by the officially published designation number for the particular specification to which the reference applies. Other standards will be indicated by the full name of the sponsoring organ- ization or by clearly recognized abbreviations. In all cases it shall be understood that such references mean the designated specifications or the latest revision thereof. All material, equipment and devi -s not specifically covered by such "standards" as indicated above, the Specifications, by the plans or by addenda shall be subject to the approval of the engineer to determine the suitability for,the service intended. 3. 5. 7 Equipment approval Data The contractor shall furnish two copies of complete catalog data for the manufactured items of equipment and all components to be used in the work, including specific performance data, material description, rat- ing, capacity, working pressure, material gage car thickness, brand name, catalog number and general type as requested by the engineer. 2-7 GC_ 11 -MMORARPEILMLANAMRPI This submission shall be compiled by the contractor and approved by the engineer before any of the equipment is ordered. Each data sheet or catalog in the submission shall be indexed accord- ing to specification section and paragraph for easy reference. After written approval, this submission shall become a part of the contract, and may not be deviated from except upon written approval of the engineer. Catalog data for equipment approved by the engineer shall not in any case supersede the contract documents. The approval of the engineer shall not relieve the contractor from responsibility for deviations from drawings or specifications, unless he has in writing called the engineer's attention to such deviations at the time of submission and secured the engineer's written approval. nor shall it relieve him ftom responsibility for errors of any sort in the items submitted. The contractor shall check and approve the work described by the catalog data with the contract documents for deviations and errors prior to submission to the engineer for approval. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to insure that items to be furnished fit the space available. He shall make necessary field measure- ments, including those for connections, and shall order such sizes and shapes of equipment that the final installation shall suit the true int ont and meaning of the drawings and specifications. Where equipment requiring different arrangement of connections from those shown is approved, it shall be the responsibility of the contrac- tor to install the equipment to operate properly, and in harmony with the intent of the drawings and specifications, and to make all changes in the work required by the different arrangement of connections. Upon approval of the equipment by the engineer the contractor shall furnish six copies of catalog data of all process equipment or components thereof together with operating and maintenance instructions. 3. 5. 8 Cooperation with Other Contractors The contractor shall conduct his operations so as to interfere as little as possible with those of other contractors or subcontractors on or near the work. It is expressly understood that the owner has the right and may award other contracts in connection with the work so long as it does not interfere with the work under this contract. Where one contractor's operations are within the limits or adjoin the operations of another contractor, each shall be responsible to the other 2- 7 GC-12 for any damage, injury, loss, or expense which may be suffered on account of interference of operations, neglect or failure to finish work at the proper time, or of any other cause. 3. 5. 9 Contractor to Have Representative on Work The contractor shall at all times have a competent superintendent or foreman who shall be acceptable to the engineer and capable of reading and thoroughly understanding the plans and specifications as his agent on the work, who shall have authority to receive instructions from the engineer or his authorized representat,'c,* The superintendent or foreman shall have full authority to execute the orders or directiono of the engineer without de- lay and to supply promptly such materials, tools, plant, equipment, and labor as may be required, regardless of whether or not the work is to be performed by the contractor's own forces or those of a subcontractor. The fact that an approved subcontractor is performing any portion of the work shall not relieve the contractor of this requirement. 3. 5. 10 Information Regarding Work The contractor shall furnish the engineer every reasonable facility necessary for obtaining such information as he may desire respecting the nature and quality of the materials used or to be used and the progress and manner of the work. The engineer shall be allowed accesE at all times to the books and records of the contractor, and the contractor shall furnish him all data nec- essary for the determination of the actual cost of all. or any part of the work. 3. 5. 11 Notice to Contractors Any written notice to the contractor which may be required by lam- or by the provisions of the specifications may be served on said contractor or his representative, either personally or by mailing to the address given in the contract or by leaving the same at said address. 3. 5. 12 Notice by Contractors Wherever in the specifications the contractor is required to notify the engineer concerning the progress of the work, or concerning any com- plaint which he may have to make, or for any other reason, it shall be understood that such notification is to be made in writing, delivered to the engineer or his representative in person, or mailed to the office of the engineer at the address given in the official "NoticE! to Contr-Act,)rs". 2_7 GC-13 r 3. 5. 13 Surveys Lines and grades fur buildings and all structures and appurtenant facilities including sewers and pressure lines shall be established by the contractor from bench marks and base lines established by the engineer. The contractor shall develop and make all detail surveys necessary for construction, including the setting of batter boards or other construction guides from the marks given by the engineer. The contractor shall furnish suitable stakes and other markers to be placed as guides for all construction worx and the cost thereof shall Ne included in the contract price or prices for various units of the project. In general such stakes shall be furnished from a source where their accu- rate and uniform cutting is a regular business. Stakes shall be stored as the engineer may request. 3. 5. 14 Authirity and Duties of Inspectors Inspectors shall be authorized to inspect all work done and all materials furnished. Such inspection may extend to all or any part of the work and to the preparation, fabrication, or manufacture of the materials to be used. It is the duty of the inspector to report to the engineer as to the progress of the work and the manner in which it is being performed, also to report whenever it appears that the material furnished or the work performed by the contractor fails to fulfill the requirements of the plans and specifications, and to call to the attention of the contractor any such failure. In case of any dispute arising between the contractor and the in- spector as to materials furnished or manner of performing the work, the inspector shall have authority to reject materials or suspend the work until the question at issue can be referred to and decided by the engineer. The inspector is not authorized to revoke, alter, enlarge, relax or release any requirements of the plans and specifications, nor to approve or accept any portion of the work, nor to issue instructions contrary to the plans and specifications. The contractor's responsibility for work performed under this con- tract shall in no way be relieved because of the presence or absence of an inspector. No work shall be deemed acceptable by reason of the presence of an inspector. 3. 5. 15 Inspection The engineer or his representatives shall be allowed access to all parts of the work at all times and shall be furnished with every reasonable 2-7 GC-14 facility for ascertaining whether or not the work as performed is in accord- ance with the requirements and intent of the plans and specifications. The contractor shall cut and replace with new materials, at his own expense, such samples as are customarily required for testing purposes. If the engi- neer requests it, the contractor shall, at any time before acceptance of the work, remove or uncover such portions of the finished work as may be directed. After examination, the contractor shall restore said portions of the work to the standard required by the specifications. Should the work thus exposed or examined prove acceptable, the uncovering or removing, and the replacing of the covering or the making good of the parts removed, shall be paid for as ''extra work'', but should the work so exposed or exam- ined prove unacceptable, the uncovering or removing, and replacing of the covering and the making good of the parts removed, shall be at the contrac- tor's expense. 3. 5. 16 Unauthorized and Defective Work Any defective work, whether the result of poor workmanship, use of defective rnaterials, damage through carelessness, or of any other cause found to exist during construction or within one year after final acceptance shall be removed immediately and replaced by work and materials which shall conform to the specifications, or shall be remedied otherwise in an acceptable manner authorized by the engineer. These provisions shall have full effect regardless of the fact that the defective work may have been done or the defective materials used with the full knowledge of the inspector. The fact that the inspector in charge may have previously overlooked such defective work shall not constitute an acceptance of any part of it. Work done contrary to or regardless of the instructions of the engi- neer, work done beyond the lines shown on the plans or as given, except as herein provided, or any extra work done without authority, will be consid- ered as unauthorized and will not be paid for by the owner. Work so done may be ordered removed or replaced at the contractor's expense. 3. 5. 17 Disputed Claims In any case where the contractor deems extra compensation is due him for work or materials not clearly covered in the contract or not ordered by the engineer as an extra as defined herein, the contractor shall in w!iting notify the engineer of his intention to make claim for such com- pensation before he begins the work on which he bases the claim. If such notification is not given or the engineer is not afforded proper facilities by the contractor for keeping strict account of actual cost, then the contractor hereby agrees to waive the claim for extra compensation. Such notice by the contractor and the fact that the engineer has kept account of the cost as aforesaid, shall not in any way be construed as proving the validity of the claim. In case the claim is found to be just, it shall be allowed and paid 2-7 GC-15 for under a supplemental agreement to be entered into between the parties to the contract. 3. 5. 18 Final Inspection Unless otherwise provided, the engineer shall make final inspection of the work included in the contract within a reasonable time after written notification by the contractor or his superintendent that the work is com- pleted. If, after inspection, the work is not approved by the engineer, he shall advise the contractor as to the particular defects to be remedied be- fore final approval and recommendation to the owner for acceptance can be made. GC-06 CONTROL OF MATERIALS 3. 6. 1 Materials to be Approved Before Use Only materials conforming with the specified re iitirements and ap- proved by the engineer shall be used in the work. Before the delivery of any material to be used in the work is com- menced, the contractor shall have advised the engineer as to the source from which the material is to be obtained, shall have furnished such sam- ples as may be required for testing purposes, and shall have received the engineer's approval of the use of that particular material. The approval of any source of supply by the engineer will not imply that all material from that source will be approved, and should material from an approved source fail to maintain a quality meeting the requirements of the specifi- cations, use of material from that source shall be discontinued, and the contractor shall furnish approved material from other sources. Regard- less of the source, any material delivered upon the work which fails to meet the requirements will be rejected, and only material meeting all requirements will be allowed to be incorporated in the work. Any material or item incorporated in the work which. does not meet requirements of the contract documents, even though it be installed with the consent and/or in the presence of an inspector, shall be rem, .,ed and approved material shall he used in its place and all costs for remo%,,•_ and installation of approved naterial shall be at the contractor's expense. Material which after approval has, for any reason, become unsuit- able for use, shall be rejected and not used. 3. 6. 2 Tests of Materials All tests of materials shall be made in accordance with approved methods as described and designated in the specifications. When tests of materials are required, such tests shall be made by a testing laboratory 2-7 GC-16 s approved by the engineer and at the expense of the contractor. Thee con- tractor shall afford such facilities as may be required for collecting and I forwarding samples and shall hold the materials represented by the sam- ples until tests have been made and the materials found equal to the re- quirements of the specifications or to approved samples. The contractor Iin all cases shall furnish the required samples without charge. In the absence of any definite specification or reference to a speci- fication in the technical specifications or in the special provisions for the particular project involved, it shall be understood that such materials and tests shall meet the specifications and requirements of the American Society for Testing Materials. Unless otherwise specified, all tests of materials shall be made in accordance with the methods prescribed by the American. Society for Testing Materials. Wherever in the specifications a particular specification of the American Society for Testing Materials is referred to by number, it shall be understood that such reference shall include all amendments and addi- tions thereto adopted by such organizations prior to the award of the con- tract. The testing of materials shall be done in a laboratory, approved by the engineer, and the results of the tests made therein shall be used as a basis for acceptance or rejection, in accordance with the specifications for the particular material. 3. 6. 3 Storage of Materials Materials shall be stored in such manner as to insure the preserva.- tion of their quality and fitness for use. When considered necessary to pro- tect materials against dampness, or to keep them clean and free from dust, dirt or other detrimental matter, suitable sheds, platforms and covers shall be provided. Materials shall be stored in such a manner as to facili- tate inspection. 3. 6. 4 Defective Materials All materials not conforming to the requirements of the specifica- tions shall be considered as defective. No defective material, the defects of which have been subsequently corrected, shall be used until approval has been given. Upon failure on the part of the contractor to remove, re- pair or replace defective material when so ordered by the engineer, the owner shall have authority to remove, repair or replace such defective material and to deduct all costs so incurred from any monies due or to become clue the contractor. Defective material not permitted for use shall be immediately removed from the site or disposed of as directed by the engineer. 2-'i GC- 17 3. 6. 5 Ordering Materials The contractor id cautioned against placing orders for full quan- tities of materials until the work has advanced to a state permitting the determination of the exact quantities required. Estimates of quantities of materials furnished by the engineer are understood to be approximate only, and, unless otherwise specified, the owner will in no way be respon- sible for any materials in excess of actual requirements. Neither will the owner be responsible for any increased costs (or extra expense that the contractor may have to bear on account of materials or work not being ordered at some earlier date. 3. 6. 6 Materials Furnished by the Owner Materials specifically indicate i shall be furnished by the owner. The fact that the owner ' to furnish material is conclusive evidence of its acceptability for the purpose intend(;d, and the contractor may continue to use it until otherwise directed. If .he contractor =iscovers any defect in material furnished by the owner, lie shall notify the engineer. Unless otherwise noted or specifically Stated, materials furnished by the owner, which are not of local occurrence, are considered to be f. o. b. the nearest railroad station. The contractor shall be prepared to unload and pr-perly protect all such material from damage or loss. The contractor shall be responsible for material loss or damage after receipt of material at the point of delivery. 3. 6. 7 Manufacturer's Directions Manufactured articles, material and equipment shall be applied, installed, connected, erected, used, cleaned and conditioned as directed by the manufacturer unless herein specified to the contrary. 3. 6. 8 Guaranty Period The contractor shall warrant all materials and equipment furnished by him for a period of one year from date of final acceptance of the work by the owner. This warranty shall mean prompt attention to the correction and/or complete replacement of the faulty material or equipment. GC-07 LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITY TO PUBLIC 3. 7. 1 Laws to be Observed The contractor at all times shall observe and comply with all fed- eral, state, and local laws, ordinances, and regulations in any manner affecting the conduct of the work, and all such orders or decrees as exist 2-7 GC_18 at present and those which may be enacted later, of bodies or tribunals having any jurisdiction or authority over the work, and shall indemnify and save harmless the zwner and the officers, employees, and agents (including the engineer) of the owner against any claim or liability arising from or Lased on the violation of any such laws, ordinances, regulations, orders or decrees, whether such violations be by the contractor, his sub- contractors or his employees. 3. 7. 2 Permits and Licenses The contractor shall procure all permits and licenses, pay all charges and fees, and give all notices necessary and incident to the due and lawful prosecution of the work. Such fees shall be included in the basic contract price. 3, 7. 3 Patented Devices, Materials, and Processes The contractor assumes the responsibility of defending any and all suits or actions brought for the infringement of any patent claimed to be infringed by any material, device, plan, method or process to be incorpo- rated in the work and/or required to be used in connection with the work to be done under the contract, including all attorney's fees and court costs, and he shall indemnify and save harmless the owner, the officers, em- ployees, and agents (including the engineer) of the owner from all claims of and suits or actions for infringements of patents. 3. 7. 4 Sanitary Provisions The contractor shall observe all rules and regulations of the state and local health officials, and shall take such precautions as are necessary to a,,nid creating conditions which are not sanitary. The contractor shall provide and maintain in a neat and sanitary condition such accommodations for use of his employees as may be necessary to comply with the require- ments of public health officials. He shall permit no public nuisance at any place over which he has control. 3. 7. 5 Public Safety and Convenience The contractor shall at all times so conduct his work as to insure the least possible obstruction to traffic. The convenience of the general public and the protection of persons and property is of prime importance and shall be provided for by the contractor in an adequate and satisfactory manner. The contractor shall conduct the work with the view of causing a minimum of inconvenience to traffic on intersections and connecting streets and to persons conducting commercial enterprises or residing along the 2-7 GC-19 route of work. Entrances to residences, garages, service stations, busi- ness places, driveways of all kinds shall not be blocked for more than a few hours, if at all. Satisfactory- means of ingress and egress for persons residing or having occasion to transact business along the route of the work shall be maintained at all times. The contractor shall not work before 7:00 A. M. or after 6:00 P.M. without written permission of the engineer. 3. 7. 6 Barricades, Warning Signs, and Flagmen The contractor shall at his expense and without further or other order provide, erect and maintain at all times during the progress or tem- porary suspension of the work suitable barricades, fences, signs, or other adequate warnings or protection, and shall provide, keep and maintain such danger lights, signals, and flagmen as may be necessary or as may be ordered by the engineer to insure the safety of the public as well as those engaged in connection with the work. All barricades and obstructions shall be protected at night by signal lights which shall be suitably distributed across the roadway and which shall be kept burning from sunset to sunrise. Barricades shall be of substantial construction and shall be suitably painted to increase their visibility at night. Failure of the engineer to notify the contractor to maintain barriers, lights, signals, or flagmen shall not relieve the contractor from this respon- sibility. If, in the judgment of the engineer, flagmen are necessary for the purpose of protection and safety to traffic, such flagmen shall, on order of the engineer, be furnished at the contractor's expense. The signs to be furnished and used by the contractor in directing, controlling and safeguarding traffic shall conform with the standard sign designs in use by the state highway officials. Th: • )ntractor's responsibility for the safeguarding of traffic as specified above shall cease when the work included in the contract. is accepted as complete. 3. 7. 7 Fences By the construction of temporary fences, or by other adequate means, the contractor shall restrain stock frim leaving the lands wherein they are confined or from trespassing which would be made possible by, or which might result from, the removal or destruction of existing fences or the carrying out of any part of the work under the contract. The con- tractor shall be responsible for all loss, injury or damage that may result from his failure to restrain stock as above provided. The expense of 2-7 GC-20 erecting and maintaining temporary fences and for otherwise providing for the restraint of stock shall be borne by the contractor. The contractor shall use all reasonable care to avoid daniaging existing fences, and he shall repair or replace at his own expense, and to the satisfaction of the owner, all fences which are in any way damaged by his operations. 3. 7. 8 Safeguarding of Excavations The contractor shall provide such safeguards and protections around and in the vicinity of the exca*ations he makes as may be necessary to pre- vent and avoid the occurrence of damage, loss, injury and death to property and persons because of such excavations. Liability for any such, damage, loss, injury or death shall rest with the contractor, in the cases, of excava- tions made on the highway right of way or on lands owned or otherwise con- trolled by the owner. The contractor's responsibility for safeguarding and protecting and his liability for-damage, loss, injury or death shall cease when all work to be done under the contract is completed and accepted by the owner. 3. 7. 9 Use of Explosives In the use and storage of explosives, the contractor shall use every precaution to preven' injury to persons and damage to property. Secure storage places shall be provided and all such places shall be clearly marked with warning signs. Only persons ex-perienced in the handling of explosives shall be allowed to use them on the work, and no shot shall be put off until warning has been sounded and all persons within the radius of danger removed. In the handling and storage of explosives, the contractor must com- ply with all federal, state and local laws, and the owner will in no way be responsible for any noncompliance therewith or for damages to property or injury to peg-sons resulting from accidental or premature explosiore. 3. 7. 10 Lr_21p ass The contracl-or wilb be solely responsible for any trespass upon adjacent property or injury thereto, resulting from or in connection with his operations. He will be liable for any claims that may be made on account of trespass or the deposit of debris cf any kind upon private prop- erty. L-7 GC-21 3. 7. 11 Protection of Property and Persons In the performance of the wtrk to be done under the contract, the contractor shall use every reasonable and practicable means to avoid dam- age to property, injury to persons and loss, expense, inconvenience and delay to property owners, users of streets or highways and others. He shall provide protective devices and flagmen wherever and whenever needed in affording this protection and, in the performance of the work, he shall use no means or methods which will endanger, unnecessarily, either per- sons or property. At points where the contractor's operations are adjacent to prop- erties of railway, telegraph, telephone and power companies, or are :Ac- cent to other property, damage to which might result in material expense, loss, or inconvenience, work shall not be commenced until all arrangements necessary for the protection of the interests of tine owner, as well as any interest that a third party may have therein, have been made. When explosives are used, particularly in proximity to buildings or other structures, k are shall be taken to protect the surroundings from in- jury by the explosic.n, the resultant concussion or by flying rocks or debris. The quantities of explosives and the manner of their use shall be such that adjacent property will not be damaged. In case the vicinity of the work is accessible to the general public, the Lulttractor shall, before any shots are fired, post men about the work in various directions to warn all persons of the danger existing and to pr(vent them from approaching closer than safety will permit. 3. 7. 12 Restoration of Damaged Property All damage and injury to property that may be caused by or that may result from the carrying out of the work to be done under the contract, or from any act, omission or neglect of the contractor, his subcontractors, or his employees, shall promptly be made good by the contractor either by the repairing, rebuilding, or replacing of the property damaged, or in some other manner satisfactory to the owner of such property. In case of failure on the part of the contractor to promptly and satisfactorily make good such damage or injury, the owner may, without notice to the contractor, pro- ceed to repair, rebuild, or replace such property as may be deerned nec- essary, and the cost thereof will be deducted from any monies due or which may become Niue the contractor under the contract. In applying the provisions above stated, the repairing, rebuilding or replacing of damaged property shall be understood to include the providing of any temporary facilities that may be needed to maintain normal service until the required repairing, rebuilding or replacing is accomplished. 2-7 GC-22 3. 7. 13 Responsibility for Damages The contractor shall be responsible for all damages to property, injury to persons, and loss, expense, inconvenience, and delay that may be caused by or that may result from any act, omiscion_; or neglect of the contractor, his subcontractors, or his employees in the performance of the work to be done under this contract. The contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the owner, the owner's officers, employees, and agents (including the engineer) from all claims, demands, suits or actions of every name and description brought for or on account of any damage, injury, loss, expense, inconvenience, or delay received or sustained, or claimed to be received or sustained by any person or persons, which damage, injury, loss, expense, inconvenience, or delay may have been caused by or may have resulted from the perform- ance of the work to be done under the contrzct, or from any act, omission, or neglect of the contractor, his subcontractors, or his employees; pro- vided, however that the owner shall promptly call to the attention of the contractor any claim, demand, action or suit filed with the owner for any such injury or damage and should suit or action be commenced against the owner to recover any such claim or damage, the owner shall, before time for answer expires or before default has been entered, furnish the contractor and/or his surety with a copy of the complaint. It is expressly understood that:, in the event any of the hereinabove mentioned claims, demands, suits or actions are not settled or otherwise satisfactorily con- cluded by the contractor and a valid release thereof or other suitable evidence to that effect has not been furnished to the owner, the owner may retain so much of the money as is due to the contractor, or such money as may become due to the contrac!or, under and by virt+ie of this contract, as may be considered necessary by the owner. The owner may r:tain such monies until such claims, demands, suits or actions have been settled or otherwise concluded to the satisfaction of the owner or until the interests of the owner or the persons concerned have been satisfactorily protected. The owner, the owner's officers, agents (including the engineer), and employees will not in any manner be answerable or accountable for any loss or damage resulting to the said work, or any part thereof, or to any of the equipment, materials or other things used or employed in pros- ecuting or completing said work, during its progress from any cause what- soever, but all such loss or damage shall be borne by the contractor, and all work under the contrast shall be solely at his risk until it has been fin- ally accepted by the owner. 2-7 GC-23 t 3. 7. 14 Contractor's Responsibility for Work Until final acceptance of the contract, the contractor shall be held responsible for any injury or damage to the work or to any part thereof by the action of the elements, or from any cause whatsoever, and he shall make good at his own expense all injuries or damages to any portion of the work before its completion and final acceptance. 3. 7. 15 Personal Liability of Engineer In carrying out any of the provisions hereof, or in exercising any power or authority granted to him by the contract, there will be no liability upon the engineers or their authorized assistants, either personally or as agents of the owner, it being always understood that in such matters they act as the agents and representatives of the owner. 3. 7. 16 No Waiver of Legal Flights The owner shall not be precluded or eatr,pped by any measurement, estimate, or certificate made either before or after the completion and acceptance of the work and payment therefor from showing the true amount and character of the work performed and materials furnished by the con- tractor, or from showing that any such measurement, estimate, or certifi- cate is untrue or incorrectly made, or that the work or materials do not conform in fact to the contract. The owner shall not be precluded or estopped, notwithstanding any such measurement, estimate or certificate, and payment in accordance therewith, from recovering from the contractor and his sureties such damages as the owner may sustain by reason of the contractor's failure to comply with the terms of the contract. Neither the acceptance by the owner, or by any representative or agent of the owner, nor any payment for nor ac..cptance of the whole or any part of the work, nor any extension of time, nor any possession taken by the owner shall operate as a waiver of any portion of the contract or of any power herein reserved, or any right tr. Damages herein provided. A waiver of any breach of the contract shall not be held to be a waiver of any other subse- quent breach. 3. 7. 17 Insurance a. General. The contractor shall not commence work until he has obtained all insurance required under this section or until he has satisfied the owner in this respect; nor shall he allow any subcontractor to com- mence work until the subcontractor also has obtained similar insurance which is applicable to his work. The contractor shall maintain insurance throughout the life of this contract including the guarantee and maintenance period as will hold the owner and his agents harmless and shall indemnify 2-7 GC-24 the owner for any losses arising out of the contractor's operations includ- ing any contingent liability arising therefrom. b. Industrial Accident or Workmen's Compensation Insurance. The contractor shall purchase and maintain during the life of this contract, industrial accident or workmen's compensation insurance for all employees who will work on this project and, if any work is sublet, the contractor shall requir_- the subcontractor similarly to provide such insurance for all of the la.tter's employees -unless they are included under the protection afforded by the contractor. If employees engaged in hazardous work are not protected under the state statutes (or rules of) for industrial accident insurance the contractor and any subcontractor who is affected must pro- vide compensation insurance with a privs.te company which in amount shall he equivalent to that provided by the state industrial accident insurance for the protection of empl-lyees who are not so engaged. The contractor shall purchase and maintain appropriate insurance for maritime employees subject to Federal jurisdiction, including both the Federal Longshoremen and Harborworkers Compensation Act and Federal Maritime Employers Liability law (Jones Act). c. Public Liability Insurance. The contractor shall purchase and maintain in force during the life of this contract such public liability insur- ance as shall protect the owner and the contractor against losses which may result from claims for damages for personal injury, including acci- dental death, as well as from claims for property damages, which may arise from any operations under this contract, whether such operations be those of the contractor, a subcontractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them. Such Public Liability insurance shall include coverage for: 1. Premises and Operations 2. Independent Subcontractors 3. Completed Operations 4. Blanket Contractual 5. Contingent Employers or Stop Gap (where applicable) 6. "Broad Form" Property Damage including coverage for: "X" Explosion Damage "C" Collapse Damage "U" Underground Damage 7. Owned, Non-Owned and Hired Vehicles Public liability shall be in an amount not less than two hundred fifty thousand ($250, 000) for injuries, including accidental death to any one person, and in an amount of not less than five hundred thousand ($500. 000) for any number of persons in one occurrence. Property darn- age insurance shall be In an amount not less than two hundred fifty thousand ($�50, 000) for any one occurrence. 2-7 GC-25 The owners, its officers, agents (including the engineer) and employees, shall be named as an additional named insured under said policy or policies. A certificate of insurance on the form furnished by the owner shall be completed and filed with and approved by the owner prior to commencement of work. The certificate shall indicate that the policy or policies will not be cancelled without 30 days' prior notice to the owner. d. Property Insurance on Project in the Course of Construction. Contractor shall purchase and maintain "Builders All Risk" insurance, and such insurance shall include coverage for loss caused by earthquake, landslide and flood. In addition, the policy shall include coverage for damage resulting from faulty workmanship, construction or design. The insurance shall be equal to one hundred percent of the contract amount. Insurance will be evidenced by th- original policy or a certified copy thereof. The named insured shall include the contractor, the owner, and the engineer as agent of the owner, as their respective interests may appear. 3. 7. 18 Payment of Bills by Contractors The contractor shall promptly make full payment for labor, material, supplies and provisions, at such times as they become due and payable, to all persons supplying said contractor or his subcontractor with labor, serv- ices, materials, supplies or provisions for the prosecution of the work pro- vided for in the contract, and he shall not permit any lien or claim to be filed or prosecuted against the owner for or on account of any labor, serv- ices, material, supplies or provisions furnished. In the event that said contractor fails, neglects, or refuses to make prompt and full payment of any claim for labor, services, materials, sup- plies or provisions furnished by any person in connection with the contract as said claim becomes due, whether said labor, services, materials, sup- plies or provisions to be performed or furnished for said contractor or for his subcontractor, then, and in such event, the owner may withhold the amount of such claim by the person or persons furnishing such labor, serv- ices, materials, supplies, or provisions and deduct the amount thereof from funds due or to become due said contractor by reason of the contract. The deduction of any such amounts because of claims in the manner herein authorized will not, however, relieve the contractor or his surety from his or its obligations with respect to any unpaid claims. Sums withheld for the purpose named herein will be paid to the contractor upon certification that said claims have been paid. i 3 2-7 GC-26 t 3. 7. 19 Air and Water Pollution Laws The attention of the contractor is called to statutes of the state re- lating to the pollution of water and air. The contractor shall carry out his operations in conformity with the applicable sections of state statutes and all. regulations which are adopted pursuant thereto. 3. 7. 20 Use of Completed or Uncompleted Portions The owner shall have the right to take possession of and use any completed or partially completed portions of the work, notwithstanding that the time for completing the entire work or such portions may not have expired; but such taking possession and use shall not be deemed an accept- ance of any work not completed in accordance with the contract documents. If such prior use increases the cost of or delays the completion of uncom- pleted work or causes refinishing of completed work, the contractor shall be entitled to such extra compensation, or extension of time or both, as the engineer may determine. GC-08 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS 3. 8. 1 Prosecution of Work The work to be done under the contract shall not be commenced until the contract and performance bond have been executed uy the contrac- tor and his surety and delivered to the owner and until written notice to proceed has been received by the contractor. Performance of the work to be done under the contract shall be commenced within ten ( 10) days after receipt of written notice to proceed by the contractor, unless later commencement of the work is authorized by the Engineer. From the time of commencement of the work to the time of comple- tion, the work shall be pros, cuted as vigorously and as continuously as weather conditions will permit and always in accordance with a schedule which will insure completion within the specified time limit, due allowances being made for possible unfavorable conditions, interference, breakdowns, and other causes of delay. There shall be no voluntary shutdown or slow- ing of operations without prior approval of the engineer. If it appears to the engineer that the rate of progress being made is not such as will insure the completion of the work within the specified time limit, it shall be within the authority of the owner, upon notification by the engineer, to require the contractor to provide additional equipment and men and to take such other steps as may be necessary to insure com- pletion as specified. 2-7 GC-27 3. 8. 2 Subletting or Assignment of Contract The contractor agrees not to assign, transfer, convey, or other- wise dispose of the contract or his right, title, or interest therein either in whole or in part, or his power to execute such contract to any other person, firm, or corporation, or to subcontract any part of the work without the previous consent in writ.ng of the owner. In this connection, it is to be understood that the owner will not approve of the subcontracting of more than fifty (50) per cent of the work to be done under the contract. It is understood and agreed that, if any part of the work to be done under the contract is subcontracted, the subcontracting shall be done in accordance with and the contractor shall be bound by, the following pro- visions: If the contractor proposes to sublet any of the work, he shall list the name of the subcontractor or subcontractors in the space provided in the proposal form and submit the list with his bid. Should the proposal form not provide space for the listing of the names of proposed subcon- tractor(s), the contractor shall provide such a list to accompany his bid. Failure to include this information in his proposal could constitute cause for rejection of any and all future requests for subcontracting any portion of the work. All subcontracts shall be in writing and shall provide that all work to be performed thereunder shall be conducted and perforrr.ed in accord- ance with the terms of the main contract. Upon request, certified copies of any or all si!bcontracts shall be furnished to the engineer. In case the terms of any subcontract are, in the opinion of the engineer, unfair to the subcontractor or otherwise unsatisfactory from the standpoint of the owner, or in case the work being done or to be done under any subcontract is not conducted in a manner satisfactory to the engineer, the contractor shall, upon written notice to this effect, cause such subcontract to be terminated and the subcontractor and his employees to be removed frcin the work. Any loss or damage that may be suffered, on account of such action shall be borne by the contractor. The contractor agrees that he is as fully responsible to the owner for the acts and omissions of his subcontractors and of persons either directly or indirectly employed by them, as he is for the acts and omis- sions of his own employees. Nothing contained in the contract documents shall create any contractural relation between any subcontractor and the ' owner. 2-7 GC-28 Insofar as is practicable, the contactor shall make payment for subcontract work in the same units and on the same basis of measurement as apply under the main contrazt. The owner will not be responsible for loss resulting from the contractor's failure to do so. In making payments to subcontractors the contractor shall protect himself against possibility of overpayment, and he shall assume such losses as may result from overpayment. The subcontracting of any or all of the work to be done will in no way relieve the contractor of any part of his responsibility under the con- tract. The contractor shall have on the work at all times a qualified and capable superintendent whose duty shall be to direct and coordinate the operations of the subcontractors and to see that the orders of the engineer are carried out promptly and intelligently. Failure of the contractor to control the work of the subcontractors to the satisfaction of the engineer will result in the issuance of orders requiring the cancellation of the sub- s untracts and the removal of the subcontractors from the work. 3. 8. 3 Limitations of Operations Operations on the various units or portions of the work shall be begun at the times and locations approved by the engineer and shall be pros9cuted between such limits as he may establish. No part of the work shall ;,e undertaken without his approval, and no work shall be carried on contrary to his instructions. In case of a dispute arising between two or more contractors engaged on the same work as to the respective rights of each under the specifications, the engineer shall determine the matters at issue and shall define the respective rights of the various interests involved, in order to secure the completion of all parts of the work in general harmony and with satisfactory results, and his decision shall be final and binding on all parties concc.rned. 3. 8. 4 Water Supply The contractor shall provide pumps or other means to supply water under pressure to clean up the excavated surface and forms prior to concreting, for sprinkling concrete, and for other purposes for which water is required. He shall also provide an adequate and pure supply of drinking wester for the use of his employees and shall indicate the same by sign. Prevision shall be made for fire protection where fire hazards exist. 2-7 GC-29 NRLMLMRLMLMEIALM 3. 8. 5 Use of Premises The contractor shall confine his apparatus, the storage of materials and the operations of his workmen to limits indicated by law, ordinances, permits or directions of the engineer and shall not unreasonably encumber the premises with his materials. The contractor shall not load or permit any part of a structure which he is constructing under this contract to be loaded with a weight that will endanger its safety, nor shall he use any such structure for any pur- pose without the approval of the engineer. The contractor shall enforce th^ engineer's instructions regarding signs, advertisements, fires and smoking. 3. 8. 6 Protection of Work and Propel The contractor shall continuously maintain adequate protection of all his work from damage and shall protect the owner's property from in- jury or loss arising in connection with this contract. He shall make good any such damage, injury or loss, except such as may be directly due to errors in the contract documents or caused by agents or employees of the owner. He shall adequately protect adjacent property as provided by law and these contract documents. The contractor shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of employees an the work, and shall comply with all applicable provisions of federal, state and municipal safety laws and building codes to prevent accidents or injury to persons on, about or adjacent to the premises where the work is being performed. He shall erect and properly maintc,in at all times, as required by the conditions and progress of the work, a;l neces- sary safeguards for the protection of workmen and the public and shall post danger signs warning against the hazards created by such features of construction as protruding nails, hod hoists, well holes, elevator hatchways, scaffolding, window openings, stairways and falling materials; and he shall designate a responsible member of his organization on the work, whose duty shall be the prevention of accidents. The name and position of the person so designated shall be reported to the engineer by the contractor. In an emergency affecting the safety of life or of the work or of adjoining property the contractor, without special instruction or authori- zation from the engineer or owner, is hereby permitted to act, at his dist-retion, to prevent such threatened loss or injury, and he shall so act, without appeal, if so instructed or authorized. Any compensation, claimed by the contractor on account of emergency work, shall be deter- mined by agreement. 2-7 GC-30 3. 8. 7 Character of Workmen and Equipment The contractor shall employ only competent and efficient laborers, mechanics, or artisans; and whenever, in the opinion of the engineer, any employee is or becomes unsatisfactory for the work assigned to the em- ployee the contractor shall, upon request of the engineer, remove him from the work and not employ him again upon it. The methods, equipment and appliances used and the quantity and quality of the personnel employed on the work shall be such as will pro- duce satisfactory quality of work and shall be adequate to complete the contract within the time limit specified. Only efficient and competent laborers and foremen shall be em- ployed on force account work, and only tools and equipment in good con- dition and suitable for the work shall be used. The engineer shail have authority to dismiss from force account work any laborer or forerran whose efficiency is in his opinion below that of the average of the contrac- tor's forces, and to refuse to allow the use of tools and equipment which, in his opinion, are not suitable for the work. Laborers and foremen dis- missed and/or tools and equipment rejected shall be replaced by the con- tractor to the satisfaction of the engineer. 3. 8. 8 Temporary Suspension of the Work The engineer shall have authority to suspend the work wholly or in part for such period or periods as he may deem necessary, due to unsuitable weather or such other conditions as -re considered unfavor- able for the prosecution of tFie work, or for such time as is necessary due to the failure on the part -,f the contractor to carry out orders given or to perform any or all provisions of the contract. If it should become necessary to stop work for an indefinite period he contractor shall store all materials in such manner that they will not ,bstruct or impede the traveling public unnecessarily nor become dam- aged in any way, and he shall take every precaution to prevent damage or deterioration of the work performed, provide suitable drainage, et cetera, and erect temporary structures where necessary. The contractor shall not suspend the work without written approval from the engineer. In all cases of suspension of construction operations, the work shall not again be resumed until permitted by order of the engineer. The contractor will he responsible for all damage to the work that may occur during suspensions of work the sa. �e as though the darnage had occurred while the work was in progress. 2-7 GC-31 3. B. 9 Time of Completion of Work and Extension of Time Limit Time is of the essence of the contract. Therefore, the work to be done under the contract shall be completed in its entirety within the time specified in the special provisions; provided however, that the engineer may at his discretion recommend that the owner extend the time for com- pletion of the work without invalidating any of the provisions of the con- tract and without releasing the surety. Extensions of time, when recommended by the engineer, will be based upon the effect of delays to the project as a whole and will not be recommended for noncontrolling delays to minor included portions of the work unless it can be shown that :;uch delays did, in fact, delay the prog- ress of the project as a whole. Acts of God, governmental regulations, priorities, labor disputes, strikes, fires, inability to obtain materials, equipment, or labor because of Federal Government restrictions arising out of the National Defense or War Program and required ''Extra Work'', inay constitute such a delay. Should the owner cause a delay in the completion of the work by reason of requirements on extra work or otherwise not provided for by the plans or these specifications, the contractor will be granted an exten- sion of time by the owner for completion equal to the amount of such delay and no charge will be made against him for the extension of time so granted. Changes in plans and increases in the quantities of work to be performed will be considered cause for extension of time only when they are of such nature and when they occur at such %imes that they materially and neces- sarily affect the completion time of the work. Delay forced upon the contractor by failure on the part of the owner and its representatives to act promptly in the carrying out of its obligations and duties under the contract will be considered cause for extension of time only when and to such extent as such failure does actu- ally prevent completion of the work within the specified time. The engineer shall have the right to order the work to cease for a tune because of inclement weather, but in case such order is given, the engineer also will give notice as to when the work shall be resumed and the contractor's time for completion will be extended for a time equal to the amount of the delay so ordered. All extensions requested by the contractor shall be made to the engineer in writing on or before the fifth of the month following that in which the alleged delay is said to have occurred and any claim for exten- sion of time shall state explicitly the reasons therefor. Should the con- tractor fail to file such written claim for extension of time within the Z-7 GC -32 mnAVIRAIL period provided therefor, he thereby shall have abandoned any claim therefor. In naming the prices for completion of the work within the time specified, it shall be understood and agreed the work shall be completed within that time. If, however, said work is not completed within the time named in the contract, as extended to cover the total days of delay allowed in the paragraphs above, the owner may deduct and retain out of any sum then due or that may become due the contractor at time of such delinquency, or later, the sum specified in the special provisions for each and every calendar day that the date of final completion of each contract is delayed. In submitting a proposal and signing the contract, the contractor thereby shall have agreed to these provisions and, furthermore, that the sum deducted and retained is not a. penalty but a reimbursement to the owner for damages which the owner will have sustained by reason of such de- layed completion. Damages so liquidated are understood to include the additional cost to the owner for engineering supervision, interest charges, and overhead all of which damages would be difficult or impossible to ascertain accurately. Amounts due the owner from the contractor under the foregoing pro- visions shall be deducted from any monies then due or to become due said contractor under the contract, and such deductions shall not in any degree release the contractor from further obligations in respect to the fulfillment of the entire contract, nor any right which the owner may have to claim, sue for, and recover compensation and damages for no performance or breach of the contract. 3. 8. 1) Annulment and Cancellation of Contract by Owner If the contractor should be adjudged a bankrupt, or if he should make a general assignment for the benefit of his creditors, or if a re- ceiver should be appointed on account of his insolvency, or if he sl.auld persistently or repeatedly refuse or should fail to supply enough properly skilled workmen or proper materials for the efficient prosecution of the project, or if he should fail to make prompt payment co subcontractors or for material or labor, or persistently disregard laws, ordinances, or the instructions of the engineer, or otherwise be guilty of a substantial viola- tion of any provisions of the contract, then the owner, upon the certificate of the engineer that, in his opinion, sufficient cause exists to justify such action, may without prejudice to any other_ right or remedy and after giv- ing the contractor and his surety seven (7) days written notice, terminate the employment of the contractor and take possession of the premises and of all materials, tools, and appliances thereon and finish the work by whatever method it may deem expedieht. 2-7 GC-33 In the event action as above indicated is taken by the owner the contractor shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the work is completed. On completion of the work, determination shall be made by the engineer of the total amount the contractor would have been entitled to receive for the work under the terms of the contract, had he himself completed the work. If the difference between said total amount and the sum of all amounts previously paid to the contractor, which dif- ference will hereinafter be called the "unpaid balance", exceeds the expense incurred by the owner in completing the work, including ex- pense for additional managerial and administrative services, such excess will be paid to the contractor, with the consent of the surety. If, instead, the expense incurred by the owner exceeds the unpaid bal- ance, the amount of the excess shall be paid to the owner by the contrac- tor or his surety. The expense incurred by the owner as herein provided, and the damage incurred through the contractor's default, shall be as 3etermined and certified by the engineer. In addition to and apart from the above mentioned rights of ' e owner to terrninate the employment of the contractor, it is expressly understood that the contract may be cancelled at the election of the owner for any willful. failure or refusal on the part of the contractor to faithfully perform the contract according to all of its terms and conditions; provided, however, that in the event t::c owner should cancel the contract, neither the contractor nor his surety shall be relieved from damages or lasses suffered by the owner on account of the contractor's said breach of con- tract. It is understood and agreed that the owner may, at its discretion, avail itself of any or all of the above rights or remedies and that the invok- ing of any one of the above rights or remedies will not prejudice or preclude the owner from subsequently invoking any other right or remedy set forth above or elsewhere in the contract. 3. 8. 11 Might of Owner to Do Wurk If the contractor should neglect to prosecute the work properly or fail to perform any provision of the contract, the owner after three (3) days' written notice to the contractor, may, without prejudice to any other remedy it may have, make good such deficiencies and deduct the cost thereof from tLe payment then or thereafter due the contractor. V 3. 8. 12 Contractor's Right to Stop Work or Terminate Contract If the work should be stopped under an order of any coui t, or other public authority, for a period of three months, through no act or 2-7 GC-34 fault of the contractor or of anyone employed by him, or if the engineer shoald fail to issue any certificate for payment within ten (10) days after it is due, or if the owner should fail to pay to the contractor within thirty (30) days of its presentation, any sum certified by the engineer and approved by the owner, then the contractor may, upon seven days written notice to the owner and the engineer, stop work or terminate this con- tract and recover from the owner payment for all work executed and any loss sustained upon any plant or materials and reasonable profit and damages. 3. 8. 13 Suits of Law Concerning the Work Should a suit of law be entered into either by the contractor. (or his surety) against the owner or by the owner against the contractor (or his surety), the suit of law shall be tried in the county of the state in which the work was or is to be performed. If one of the questions at issue is the satisfactory performance of the work by the contractor and should the appropriate court of law judge the work of the contractor to be unsatisfactory, then the contractor or his surety shall reimburse the owner for all legal and all other expenses (as may be allowed and set by the court) incurred by the owner because of the suit of law and, further, it is agreed that the owner may deduct such expenses from any sum or sums then or that may become due the contractor. Should there be no such funds available or should such funds be not sufficient to cover the said expenses, then the contractor or his surety shall pay all or such additional costs involved. GC-09 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 3. 9. 1 Methods of Measurement and Computation All work completed under the contract shall be measured by the engineer according to United States standard measures. The methods of measurement and computation to be used in the determination of the quantities of materials furnished and the quantities of work performed under the contract shall be the methods outlined in these specifications or by those methods generally recognized as good engineering practice, which, in the opinion of the engineer, give the greatest accuracy consistent with practicable application. 3. 9. 2 Scope of Payment The contractor shall accept the compensation, as herein pro- vided, in full payment for furnishing all materials, labor, tools and equipment, and for performing all work under the contract, also for all 2-7 GC-35 loss, damage:, or liability arising from the nature of the work, or from the action of the elements, or from any unforeseen difficulties which may be encountered during the prosecution of the work until its final accept- ance by the owner. 3. 9. 3 Alteration in Details of Construction The owner reserves the right to make, at any time during the progress of the work, such increases or decreases in quantities and such alterations in the details of construction as may be found to be necessary or desirable. Such increases and alterations shall not inval- idate the contract nor release the surety, and the contractor agrees to accept the work as altered, the same as if it had been a part of the original contract. Unless such alterations and increases or decreases materially change the character of the work to be performed or the cost thereof, the altered work shall be paid for at the same unit prices as other parts of the work. If, however, the character of the work or the unit costs thereof are materially changed, an allowance shall be made on such basis as may have been agreed to in advance of the performance of thr- work, or in case no such basis has been previously agreed upon, then an allowance shall be made, either for or against the contractor, in e-.ich amount as the engineer may determine to be fair and equitable. No claim shall be made by the contractor for any loss of antici- pated profits because of any such alteration, or by reason of any variation between the approximate quantities and the quantities of work as done. 3. 9. 4 Quantities and Unit Prices a. Lump `gum. The contractor shall include in the contract sum all allowances named in the contract document for items (or for the entire work) which are to be paid for under a lump sum price(s) and shall cause the work so covered to be done for such sums. Should the engineer direct that additional work be required or work deleted under a lump sum price(s) item, the contract sum will be adjusted therewith by negotiation or may be based upon the basis of "extra work" for additional work at the option of the owner. The contractor declares that the lump sum price(s) includes such sums for all expenses and profit as he deems proper. No demand for expense or profit other than those included in the lump sum price(s) will be allowed. b. Unit Prices. The total amount to be paid under the contract for items for which unit pri,�es are to be named will be calculated on the basis of the unit prices named in the proposal for the quantities actually incorporated into the finished project, all as provided by the proposal. 2-7 GC-36 sss � R fThe quantities named in the proposal or separately listed are approxi- mate only but these are to be used as a basis for the comparison of bids and to determine the amount of the performance bond. However, if unit prices appear to the owner to be unbalanced to such an extent that changes in actual quantities required under the contract might result in contract price adjustments which would increase payments to the contractor ex- cessively, then the owner may take such a condition under consideration in making the award of the contract. The owner expressly reserves the right to increase or decrease the estimated quantities during construc- tion and to make any reasonable changes in design without thereby being obligated to the contractor in any way as a result of losses he may sus- tain because of inadequate unit prices or because anticipated profits are not realized. 3. 9. 5 Claims for Extra Compensation In the event any situation arises which, in the opinion of the con- tractor, entitles him or will entitle him to compensation in addition to that which he will receive at the prices and on the basis of payment specif- ically set forth in the contract and in previously issued extra work orders, price agreements and supplemental agreements, the contractor shall notify the engineer of the situation and of his intention to make claim for such additional or extra compensation. The notice to the engineer shall be made in writing and shall be delivered before any of the extra expense to be claimed is incurred. The notice shall set forth the grounds on which the additional or extra compensation is to be claimed. If notice to the engineer is not thus given, or if the engineer is no-: afforded proper facil- ities by the contractor for keeping strict account of actual cost, then the contractor hereby agrees to waive the claim for such extra compensation. Such notice by the contractor, and the fact that the engineer has kept account of the cost as aforesaid, shall not in any way be construed as proving the validity of the claim. In case the claim is found to be valid and just, it may be allowed and paid for as an extra as provided herein for extra work, or it may oe allowed and paid under a supplemental agreement to be entered into between the parties to the contract. 3. 9. b Payment for Force Account Work When extra work is ordered by the engineer to be done on a force account basis (either by the contractor or an approved subcontractor) such work will be paid for on the b:si.s of the actual cost to the contractor or subcontractor plus an allowance of fifteen (15) per cent thereof. Where said work is performed by an approved subcontractor, five (5) per cent will be allowed the contractor for supervision of the subcontractors work. 2-7 GC 37 i The items of cost to which 'he above percentage will be added. and to which payment will be restricted are as follows: a. The payment to be made for labor used in the work will be made at the rates actually paid (plus a sum not to exceed twenty-five (25) per :..,nt thereof for items of direct overhead on labor such as but not limited to welfare or fringe benefit payments, social security, account- ing, insurance, etc. ) to the laborers and foremen by the contractor or subcontractor unless these rates are in excess of the current local pre- vailing wage rates, in which event, payment will be made at the local prevailing wage rate. The time allowed will be the number of hours worked directly on force a- -ount operations. b. payment for purchased materials, equipment, and supplies used on force account work will be made at the prices billed to the con- tractor or subcontractor by the supplier, less all discounts. It will be assumed that the contractor or his subcontractor has taken advantage of all possible discounts on bills for materials and supplies, and such dis- counts will be subtracted from the total. amounts of bills regardless of any failure of the contractor to take advantage of same. Freight and express on material and supplies will be considered to be a part of the cost and will be paid for as materials and supplies. c. Materials and supplies produced by the contractor or subcon- tractor will be paid for at prices to be agreed upon between the contractor and the engineer, which prices will be no greater than the prices at which the materials and supplies can be obtained elsewhere. d. Where the use of rental equipment is authorized by the engi- neer, rental on such equipment used will be paid at the rates actually paid by the contractor or subcontractor unless these rates are in excess of the current local rates, or unless the equipment is owned by the contractor or subcontractor, in either of which events payments will be made at the rates to be agreed upon between the contractor and the engineer prior to begin- ning work, which rates will in no case be greater than the current local rates. For equipment renter: on a daily or hourly basis, rental will be allowed for only those days or hours during which the equipment is in actual use. For equipment rented on a monthly basis, straight time rental will be allowed from the day the equipment is first used on the particular piece of force account work until and including the last day on which it is used on that particular work, provided the equipment is not used on other work during the period, and provided further that the equipment is not idle for a continuous period of more than six days. No rental will be allowed for any parts of idle periods of lengths greater than six days or for any time during which the equipment is used on other work. 2-7 GC-38 The rental allowed for equipment will ic, all cases be understood to cover all fuel, supplies, repairs, and renewals, and no further allow-• ances will be made for those items unless specific agreement to that effect is made in writing before the work is commenced. Individual pieces of equipment having a value of one hundred (100) dollars or less will be considered to be tools or small equipment, and no rental will be allowed on such. The fifteen (15) per cent allowance to be made to the contractor (or subcontractor) will be made on all items of cost listed above except for rental on equipment authorized by the engineer to be used on the work in which case the allowance will be five (5) per cent. The percentage allowances made to the contractor in acct -dance with the terms outlined above will be understood to be reimbursc.'aent and compensation for all superintendence, use of tools and small equip- ment, overhead expenses, bond cost, insurance premiums, profits, indirect costs and losses of all kinds, and all other items of cost not specifically designated herein as items involved are furnished or incurred by the contractor or by the subcontractor. No other rein bursement, com- pensation or payment will be made for any such services, costs or other items. Should any percentage allowance or other corresponding allowance be made by the contractor to a subcontractor (other than specified herein), in connection with force account work, such allowance shall be at the sole expense of the contractor and the contractor will not be reimbursed or otherwise compensated for the same by the owner. 3. 9. 7 Force Account Bills Bills for force account work must show in payroll form the dates, names, hours worked each day, rates of pay, and amounts paid to each individual employed on such work, and must give in detail the nature of the work done by each. Bills for materials must be fully itemized, show- ing dates of delivery, quantities, unit prices, amounts, and discounts, and mu3t be accompanied by receipted invoices covering every item. All bills, payrolls, and other forms of claims for payment on force account work must be submitted in triplicate, must state the number of force account work or change order applicable and the name or number of the contract under which the work was performed, and must be approved by the engineer. Failure to present claims in proper form within thirty (30) days after the clove of the month in which the work covered was per- formed shall constitute a waiver on the part of the contractor of his right to present such claim thereafter or to receive payment therefor. 2-7 GC-39 3. 9. S Payment for Omitted Items The owner shall have the right to cancel the portions of the con- tract relating to the construction of any item therein by payment to the contractor of a fair and equitable amount covering all items of cost in- curred prior to the date of cancellation or suspension of the work by order of the engineer. Where practicable the work completed before cancellation shall be paid for at unit prices, otherwise the contractor shall be allowed a profit percentage on the materials used and construc- tion work actually performed at rates as provided under "Payment for Force Account Work", Article 3. 9. 6, but no allowance• -.,ill be rnade for anticipated profits. Acceptable materials ordered by the contractor or delivered on the work prior to the date of cancellation or suspension of the work by order of the owner shall be purchased from the contractor by the owner at actual cost and thereupon be,:omes the property of the owner. 3. 9. 9 Partial Payments At a regular period each month the engineer shall make an esti- mate of the amount of work completed and of the value of such completed work. He shall also make an estimate of the amount and value of accept- able material to be incorporated in the completed work which has been delivered and properly stored at or near the site or at an acceptable loca- tion to the engineer. With these estimates as a base, a partial payment shall be made to the contractor, which partial payment shall be equal to the value of completed work as computed from the engineer's estimate, plus the value of accepted materials which are in a condition or state of fabrication ready to be incorporated in the completed structure and which are held in storage on or near the work, the value of such materials com- puted in accordance with Article 3. 9. 10 of these specifications, less such amounts as may have been previously paid, less such other amounts as may be deductible or as may be owing and due to the owner for any cause, and less an amount to be retained in protection of the owner's interests. Until such time as the work is accepted by the owner the retained percentage shall be ten (10) per cent of the value of the completed work unless applicable state laws or municipal ordinances provide for a greater sum; then the amount required by such laws or ordinances shall be re- tained. The engineer may withhold or, on account of subsequently discov- ered evidence, nullify the whole or a part of any payment certificate to such extent as may be deemed necessary to protect the owner from loss on account of; 2-7 CSC-40 a. Defective work not -remedied. b. Claims filed or reasonable evidence indicating probable filing of claims. c. Failure of the contractor to make payments properly to sub- contractors or for material or labor. s d. A reasonable doubt in the opinion of the engineer, that the contract can be completed for the balance then unpaid. e. Damage to another contractor. Should the amount due the contractor under the estimate for any t given month be less than five hundred (500) dollars at the option of the F engineer, no payment shall be made for that month. Partial payments shall not he construed as an acceptance or approval of any part of the work covered thereby, and they shall in no manner relieve the contract-ir of responsibility for defective workman- ship or material. The estimates upon which partial payments are based are not rep- resented to be accurate estimates, and all quantities shown therein are subject to correction in the final estimate. If the contractor uses such estimates as a basis for making payments to subcontractors, he does so at his own risk, and he shall bear all loss that may result. The making of partial payments under the contract, either before ur after the date set for completion of the work, shall not operate to inval- idate any of the provisions of the contract or to release the surety. At the time payment is made for any materials which have been stored at or near the site, the ownership of such materials shall be vested in the owner, and they shall remain in storage until used on the work. Such materials shall not be used on other work. 3. 9. 10 Advances on Materials For materials delivered and held in storage upon the work (or near the site of the work if approved by the engineer), allowances will be made in the partial payments to the contractor. These allowances shall be in amounts not exceeding ninety (90) per cent of the net cost to the contractor of the material f, o. b. the work, and from such allowances there shall be retained the percentages regularly provided for in connec- tion with partial payments. In cases where there is a bid price on a given L-7 GC-41 material in place the allowance shall be further limited not to exceed ninety (90) per cent of the difference between the bid price and the cost of placing as estimated by the engineer. At the option of the engineer, no allowance for materials shall be made on any partial estimate unless the total allowable value for all mate- rials on hand is at least one thousand dollars ($1, 000. 00) and no allowance shall be made upon any single class of material the value of which is not at least five hundred dollars ($500. 00). The inventory of materials for which advances are requested shall be kept to a reasonable size as approved by the engineer. No allowance shall be made upon fuels, supplies, form lumber, falsework, or other materials, or on temporary structures of any kind, which will not become an integral part of the finished construction. As a basis for determining the amount of advances on material, the contractor shall make available to the engineer such invoices, freight bills, and other information concerning the materials in question, as the engineer may request. Should there be reasonable evidence, in the opinion of the engineer, that the cotitractor is not making prompt payments for material on hand, allowances for material on hand will be omitted from partial payment. 3. 9. 11 Allowance for Materials Left on Hand Materials not required by the unit or lump sura prices named in the proposal but delivered to the work at the order of the engineer but left unused due to changes in plans, will, if the materials are not practicably returnable for credit, be purchased from the contractor by the owner at actual cost (without percentage allowance or profit), and shall thereupon become the property of the owner. 3. 9. 12 Final Estimate As soon as the completed work shall have passed satisfactory in- spection, the engineer will so notify the owner and contractor in writing and the contractor will then be paid an amount such as will make the total payments equal to the total contract price less the retained percentage. Payment of the final estimate will be made at the same time in the month and in the same manner as above provided for monthly estimates. The retained percentage of the final contract price shall be retained for a period of thirty (30) days following the final acceptance of the completed project, and every person performing labor or furnishing supplies toward the completion of said improvement or work shall have a lien or claim " upon said fund so reserved, provided such notice of the lien or claire of such claimant shall be given in the manner and within the time provided by law. 2-7 GC-42 f After the expiration of thirty (30) days following the final accept- ance of thework, said reserve, or all amounts thereof in rKcess of a sufficient sum to meet and discharge the claims of mater,al men and laborers who have filed their claims, together with a sum sufficient to defray the cost of such action to pay attorneys' fees, shall be paid the contractor. 3. 9. 13 Suspension of Payments No partial or final payment shall be made as long as any order made by the engineer to the contractor in accordance with the specifica- tions remains uncomplied with. Neither shall any partial or final pay- m(,mt be made as long as any claim or lien filed or prosecuted against the owner, the owner's officers or employees contrary to the provisions of i the contract remains unsatis£ier', I 3. 9. 14 Correction of Work after Final Payment Neither the final certificate nor payment nor any provision in the contract documents shall relieve the contractor of responsibility for faulty materials or workmanship and unless otherwise specified, he shall rem- edy any defects due thereto and pay for any damage to other work resulting therefrom, which shall appear within a period of one year from the date of final acceptance. The owner shall give notice of observed defects with reasonable promptness. The contractor shall initiate corrective action within five (5) days after written notification from the owner. All ques- tions arising under th;.s article shall be decided by the engineer. 3. 9. ) 5 Payments Payments under the contract shall be paid in cash by the owner unless otherwise provided by the special provisions of these specifica- tions. 2-7 GC-43 i STANDARD TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONCRETE AND REINFORCED CONCRETE RC-01 GENERAL Concrete masonry shall consist of cement, aggregates, and water which shall conform to the requirements of these specifications and to the latest issue of the "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete. " (ACI 318). Reinforcement shall be used where required by the drawings or specification and such reinforcement shall conform to these specifications. RC-02 READY-MIX CONCRETE All concrete pours over one-half cubic yard shall be ready-mix concrete, unless approved by the engineer, and purchased from an approved plant regularly engaged in the production of concrete of the highest quality. ASTM C94 in conjunction with the requirements of these specifications will govern the control, manufacture and delivery of a ready-mix concrete. No load of concrete shall exceed the rated capacity of the truck. RC-03 CONCRETE a. Designation. Concrete will be designated by its compressive strength ( 'c)I in pounds per square inch (psi) determined by tests of standard 6 x 1Z inch cylinders made and tested in accordance with ASTM specifica- tions at 28 days. The ratio of sand to coarse aggregate in any mix and also the amount of water used shall be subject to approval of the engineer at all times and his orders concerni;zg such proportioning shall be followed as exactly as practicable. The cement content in reinforced concret-- shall not be less than five (5) bags (94 lb. ) per cubic yard of concrete in place for concrete in normally dry conditions and five and one-half (5 1/2) bags for unprotected concrete exposed to weather or wetting action of water. Where fill concrete is specified or required by the engineer it shall have not less than three and one-half (3 1/Z) bags of cement per cubic yard of concrete in place. b. Cement. Only Portland cement shall be used and it shall con- form to ASTM C150, Type II. Type I may be used upon the approval of the engineer or if specified elsewhere in the specifications. c. Aggregate. Aggregate:, shall conform to ASTM C33 and shall consist of washed sand and gravel. No aggregate shall be used which after washing contains soft, friable, thin, flaky, elongated or laminated particles RC-ni totaling more than 31o; shale shall not exceed 1 1/276. These percentages shall be by weight and the aggregate amount of such deleterious materials shall not exceed 576 by weight. No aggregate shall contain organic matter in excess of that permitted by ASTM C40. The engineer may require test- ing of the aggregates proposed for use by the contractor to insure their conformity to the above mentioned ASTM specifications. Unless specifically required by the plans or elsewhere in the specifications coarse aggregate shall range in size from 1/4-inch to 1 1/2 inches and fine aggregate shall consist of sand passing a 4-mesh sieve. Fine aggregate shall be well graded from coarse to fine-coarse particles predominating with not more than 6% passing a 100-mesh sieve and not more than 2576 passing a 50-mesh sieve. d. Water. Mixing and curing water shall be reasonably clear and free from objectionable quantities of organic matter, alkali, acids, oil, silt and other deleterious substances. e. Admixtures. The usp of admixtures will be allowed only by written permission of the engineer or if specified elsewhere in the specifi- cations. Admixtures used will be considered only as a means of improving workability of the concrete and facilitating placement, and in no case shall the cement content be reduced below the amount specified. Air entrained concrete shall have an air content of three (3) to five (5) percent. The air entraining admixtures shall conform to ASTM C260. f. Concrete Tests. Concrete will be tested for slump in accord- ance with ASTM C143 and this as a maximum must not exceed three and one-half (3 1 /2) inches. For the type of 'work identified the slump shall be within the range indicated below: Slump in Inches Maximum Minimum Plain footings and substructures 3 1 Reinforced slabs 3 2 Reinfarced columns, beams and walls 3 112 2 1 /2 Mass concrete, 3 ft, or more thick 2 1 Removal of over wet concrete or concrete that exceeds the above maximum slumps either before or efter deposit in the forms may be required. Re- tempering of concrete which has partially hardened will not be permitted. The contractor shall provide a slump measuring mold. Concrete mixtures shall. have the strength characteristics as specified on the plans or if not specified shall be of not less than 3000 psi compressive strength at 28 days. Where there is a total of more than RC-02 20 cubic yards of concrete in the work or where the local building code re- quires the contractor shall, under the direction of the engineer, take four test cylinders for each fifty (50) cubic yards of concrete placed (or major pour if lees than fifty); twc to be cured under job conditions and two in an approved commercial laboratory. Two cylinders shall be tested for com- pressive strength at 7 and two at 28 days. Making and curing the test cylinders shall conform to ASTM C31, testing to ASTM C39. Three copies of all test reports shall be furnished to the engineer. g. Placing Concrete. Concrete for structural members resting on ground shall be placed upon undisturbed clean surfaces, free from frost, ice, debris or water. Water in excavation or forms must be removed be- fore concrete is deposited in them and no additional water shall be allowed to enter while -3i.urete is being planed and thereafter for so long as may be necessary to prevent damage. If concrete is to be placed in or under water the specification covering such placement will appear on the plans or else- where in the specifications. Dry soil should be dampened before placing concrete upon it. Pervious soil shall be covered with six (6) Mil Polyethylene sheets to receive concrete. These sheets shall have a minimum lap of six (6) inche s. Before mixing or transporting concrete, all equipment to be used for these operations shall be clean and before concrete is mixed ready for placing all debris must be removed from the places where it is to be de- posited. Concrete placement in cold weather will be permitted only under conditions which shall meet the approval of the engineer and the concrete in place shall receive special protection. Salts, chemicals, or other foreign materials shall not be mixed with the concrete to prevent freezing, unless such use is authorized by the engineer in writing. Prior to placing concrete a schedule of pouring indicating all pour joints shall be given the engineer and shall receive hik: approval before con- crete operations begin. When corc:eting operations have begun they shall be continuous until all material of an appropriate unit of the structure has been placed. Suspension of operations for more than one and one-half hours will not be permitted during a continuous pour and this limit may be shortened on order by the engineer. All concrete shall be placed within 45 minutes after it is mixed, or if ready-mixed concrete is used, such concrete shall be placed within 45 minutes from the time the truck leaves the batching plant or from the time the concrete ie actually mixed in transit-mix trucks. Concrete shall be placed generally in horizontal layers not more than 12 inches thick except as otherwise specified. When a monolithic layer cannot be completed in one operation, it shall be terminated with a vertical RC-03 bulkhead. Feathe.ing out to less than six (6) inches will not be permitted. Where placing operations would involve the dropping of concrete through completed forms from heights of six (6) or more feet for plain concrete and of four (4) or more feet through installed reinforcement, concrete so placed shall be discharged into hoppers feeding into flexible drop chutes. Encrustation of installed reinforcement by concrete spilled on it will be tolerated only for a length of time shorter than the encrustating concrete needs for drying out. Where conditions warrant this procedure may be altered by the engineer upon request of tht; contractor. Concrete shall be thoroughly compacted by the proper use of immersion type vibrators with a minimum of 7000 rpm when immersed, inserted vertically approximately 18 inches apart. The vibrator shall protrude into the previously placed layer as deep as it goes by its own weight.. The period of vibration at each point of insertion shall not be less tha- 5 seconds and by order of the engineer may be prolonged to up to 10 se- .nds. Puddling and spading with other suitable tools will be acceptable only for small quantities of secondary importance. In any case concrete shall be worked thoroughly around all imbedded items and into tae corners of the forms. Clogging the forms with excessive depth of concrete which may prevent proper compacting must be avoided. Each 1,,.yer of concrete is to be regarded as a unit of masonry to be laid and worked before the succeeding gayer can be superimposed in the process of monolithic construction. Special attention must be given to the need for securing exposed surfaces which will not require patching after the forms are removed. The contractor shall at all times have an ample number of experienced placers, vibrator operators and one spare vibrator to insure a perfect and uniform contact between concrete and form boards. If necessary and permitted by the engineer, holes may be made through the forms to permit proper aou effective placing, distribution and compaction of the concrete. Suitable and safe runways must be provided for use while placing concrete. If the engineer believes that any temporary structure is unsat- isfactory or unsafe, he shall have the right to order its removal or recon- struction but his failure to do so shall not relieve the contractor in any way from his obligations in these respects. h. Curing. Exposed surfaces of concrete, horizontal and verti- cal, shall be kept wet constantly for at least ten (10) days after being deposited unless otherwise specified on the drawings or as ordered by the engineer. Surfaces shall be covered with burlap or other blanketing material to retain the moisture during this period. In general the curing of concrete by the constant application of water is preferable iutit this shall not preclude the use of other surface treatments where conuitions RC-04 make it necessary or particularly desirable and in cases where the engi- neer's approval has been secured. i. Forms. Forms may be of wood or metal and shall be built accurately to provide the shape. lines and dimensions required for the furnished concrete. They shall be strongly braced and tied so as to main- tain their position, shape and tightness without bulging or becoming dis- placed during the process of placing concrete, and be designed to withstand the effects of vibration. If deformation shall occur at any point when con•• Crete is placed in a surface which will be exposed permanently in the finished structure, the concrete so disfigured shall be removed and/or refinished to the satisfaction of the engineer. Form lumber shall be of good quality, smoothly finished and free from defects that might injure the appearance of concrete formed against it. Except as noted below, all exterior surfaces of walls which will be exposed permanently when g, ading is completed and the structure fin- ished as required by the plane shall be formed against plywood not less than 5/8-inch thick, or against thin plywood which may be used as a lining for more subbtantial forms. This requirement with respect to forms shall be applicable to surfaces which normally may be covered by water except that some such surfaces may be excluded specifically by the plans or elsewhere in the specifications. Whenever practicable, wall panels shall be formed by using one piece of plywood, Plywood used for forms shall be thoroughly oiled or soaped to prevent raising of the grain when the surfaces becomes wet. For interior faces of circular walls tongue and groove lumber ur lum- ber lined with plywood shall be used. Curved exteriors of walls may also be formed against well-matched narrow-width tongue and groove lumber if the contractor shall so desire and if the engineer shall approve as not detri- mental to the appearance of the finished structure. Where surfaces are to be given a special finish which is not affected by the forms, one-inch boards of uniform widths S1S1E may be used for forms. All joints between adja- cent pieces of form lumber shall be closely fitted so that lines in the con- crete shall not be disagreeably evident where the boards have met. Care shall be taken to keep the grain of plywood in the same direction in adjacent pieces if to do otherwise might produce an unpleasing surface. Special treatment of formb shall be given attention if it is required by the plans or elsewhere in the specifications. Forms shall be thoroughly wetted just before placing concrete in them. No forms shall be removed until the con- crete has the strength to resist all possibility of damage to it. Provide 1/2-inch 450 bevel at all inside and outside corners except where protected by steel edging. The use and removal of form ties, such as bolts, or other devices for holding the forms in place, shall be subject to approval by the engineer. Any such approval will have special reference to the effect of such use on RC-05 the appearance of the finished structure and there must be definite assur- ance that form-tying will not have a detrimental effect. .At all locations requiring smooth forming, form ties which can be broken 1/2-inch back from the finished face shall be used. The engineer at any time shall have the right to reject the method in use if in his opinion more satisfactory results can be obtained with some other device or procedure. In general, form ties of twisted wires will not be permitted and must not be attempted without first having secured the approval of the engineer. Forms shall be removed with care and where directed by the engi- neer, corners, etc. , protected. j. Removal of Forms. In the determination of the time for removal of forms, falsework and housing, consideration will be given to the weather and other conditions influencing the setting of concrete, curing and materials in the mix. In general the following periods, exclusive of days when the temperature is below 401F. , for removal of forms may be used as a guide subject to the approval of the engineer. Centering under beam9 10- 14 days Floor slabs 10- 14 days Walls 12-24 hours Columns 1- 7 days Side of beams and other parts 12-24 hours k. Surface Finish. The appearance of all exposed concrete is of major importance. Forms shall have a minimumof joints and concrete shall be carefully placed and vibrated to obtain a smooth surface, free from gravel pockets, voids or segregat'on. While the concrete is still green, voids and form tie pockets shall be packed with grout, joint projections ground level, and surfaces then rubbed and Backed to a smooth even finish. This work shall begin within forty eight hours after removal of forms. 1. Inserts and Embedded Items. In cooperation with all trade.i and other contractors all inserts and fastening devices such as anchors, hangers, ties, bolts, conduits. water stops, nailing strips, etc. , and pipes shall be properly located and secured in position before concrete is placed. Special attention is called to the necessity for accurate placing of pipes„ Where pipes pass through the structure they shall be cast in place unless permission is given by the engineer to do otherwise. Whenever these requirements inter- fere with the placement of reinforcing steel as indicated by the plans, the bars shall be spread and rearranged as directed b;• the engineer. m. Construction Joints. The location of construction joints not shown on the drawings shall be approved by the engineer. Prior to placing new con- crete against any previously poured concrete, the latter shall be cleaned of all loose concrete, debris and laitance, thoroughly soaked and covered with a layer of grout, i RC-06 n. Waterstops. Waterstops shall be of the kind specified and shall be installed where shown on the plans or where lealcagv, may occur. The following general requirements shall be met. 1. Steel Waterstops shall be of eighteen (18) gage hot-dip gal- vanized sheet metal seven (7) inches in width and shall be spliced as shown on the plans. 2. Rubber Waterstops shall be molded or extruded from a tread- type rubber compound. Special premolded intersection and/or transition pieces shall be furnished. Splices shall be vulcanized, rubber cemented into unions with pressure applied for not less than 15 minutes, or bolted between stainless steel plates rising stainless steel bolts, all as approved by the engineer. 3. Polyvinylchloride (PVC) Waterstops shall have a minimum ultimate elongation of 375%. PVC Waterstops shall be spliced in accord- ance with manufacturer's recommendations using thermostatically con- trolled heating elements. Special care must be taken in placing and compacting concrete around and particularly below waterstops. The engineer's approval of the waterstop to be used is required before purchase. o. Measurement. Unless otherwise provided in the contract the contractor shall furnish and place ready-mix concrete; furnish and place forms and care for all concrete and concrete work. The cost of all such work, including sprinkling and curing, cleaning, bonding, embedding permanent fixtures, roughening surfaces, removing laitance, finishing and any and all labor or materials, except reinforce ment necessary to secure concrete in conformity with these specifications and the instruc- tions of the engineer shall be included in the price for concrete or in the price for units (or unit) of construction wherein concrete forms a part. Measurement, if a unit price is applicable, shall be the net vol�ime of fin.shed structure as built in accordance with the plans or the engineer's instructions. Concrete items for which payment is to be a lump sum for the complete unit shall include reinforcement steel and Shall conform to the requirements of this section but measurements of the volume will not be made. IRC-04 REINFORCEMENT STEEL IUnless otherwise provided elsewhere in the specifications, all steel used for the reinforcement of concrete shall be furnished and placed in accordance with the following specifications. RC-07 a. Quality. Steel bars shall conform to the basic requirements of ASTM A15 and deformations shall conform to ASTM A305. All bars shall be round, deformed, except No. 2 (1 /4"). Welded wire fabric or mesh shall conform to the requirements of. ASTM A185. b. Placement. Reinforcement steel shall be cut to length, bent and placed as required by the plans and the latest method of practice approved by the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute. Where splicing of reinforcing bars is permitted not less than 24-bar diameters shall be over- lapped unless provided otherwise by the plans or elsewhere in the specifi- cations. Not more than every third bar may be spliced in any vertical plane. Splices shall be offset against one another a minimum of 36 bar diameters unless shown otherwise on the plans. Reinforcing bars in slabs on ground and in footings shall be supported on precast concrete blocks, spaced at intervals required by the size of reinforcement used and by the nature of the soil. c. Payment. The contractor shall furnish the engineer with a detailed schedule of the location, sizes and weights of all reinforcement steel. This schedule shall be submitted to the engineer for approval before fabrication and shall be subject to verification by the engineer before pay- ment will be made. Payments for reinforcement steel in place shall be according to the following schedule of weights where payments are to be made on a unit weight basis: Number Size and Type Section in sq. in. Weight in lb/ft. 2 1 /4'' plain . 05 0. 167 3 3/8" deformed 11 0. 376 4 112'' deformed 20 0. 668 5 5/8" deformed 31 1, 043 6 3/4'' deformed 44 1. 502 7 7/8" deformed 60 2, 044 8 1 " deformed 79 2. 670 9 1 " deformed 1. 00 3. 400 10 1 1 /8'' deformed 1. 27 4. 303 11 1 1 /4" deformed 1. 56 5. 313 Bars 9, 10 and 11 have sectional areas equal to square bars of these dimensions. RC-08 STANDARD TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR SEWER WORK SW-01 GENERAL The specifications contained herein and in conjunction with the applicable requirements of other parts of the specifications, the plans and adderda, if issued, shall govern the character and quality of material, equipment and 'construction procedures for sewer work. SW-02 RIGHT-OF-WAY The owner will provide the necessary right-of-way or easements for the work. Information regarding the width, status, and special condi- tions attached to right-of-way or easements can be obtained from the owner in advance of the date when bids are received; the contractor shall confine his operations to the designated areas and observe all restrictions. Spe- cial occupancy and use of the streets are subject to and limited by permit from the proper officials, which must be obtained before the streets are obstructed in any way. Reasonable occupancy and use will be supported by the engineer's certification if necessary. SW-03 SURVEY MONUMENTS AND PROPERTY CORNERS At various points throughout the work, excavation may be expected to disturb existing survey monuments and pt operty corners. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to locate and reference these markers ahead of his operations and restore them properly and correctly all at no expense to the owner. The engineer will supply information relative to the approximate locations of monuments and corners but final. responsibility for location, referencing and restoration shall rest with the contractor. SW-04 INTERFERENCES AND OBSTRUCTIONS The drawings show the location of existing sewers, water mains, and other utilities adjacent to the lines of sewer construction. These data have been compiled from the best available sources, but are to be used for informational purposes only and accuracy is not guaranteed. The contrac- tor shall make excavations and borings ahead of his work where necessary to determine the exact location of underground pipes or other features which might interfere with construction. He shall support and protect pipes or SW- 01 other services where they cross the trench, and shall be responsible for all damages incidental to interruptions of service that may be due to his operations. At certain places power, light, and telephone poles may interfere with excavation and the operation of the contractor's equipment, Necessary arrangements shall be made with utility companies for moving or maintainin.g such pules. The utility company affected by any such inter- ferences shall be notified thereof so that the necessary moving or proper care of poles and appurtenances may have appropriate attention. If it is necessary for the contractor to incur expense because of such overhead utility lines (other than those incidental to bracing of poles or the incon- venience of handling tools or equipment in the vicinity of such facilities, for which no extra payment will be allowed), he shall receive extra compensa- tion therefor after such work has been ordered by the engineer in accordance with the standard provisions for ''extra work''. Should the area in which construction takes place be served by rural mail carrier service, the contractor shall cooperate with the mail service and temporarily install, in a convenient location, rural mail boxes which must be removed or blocked by construction operations. As soon as the work is completed all mail boxes removed shall be replaced undamaged in their original location. No extra payment will. be made for work incidental to removing, temporarily relocating and replacing mailboxes. All costs resulting from any other interferences and obstructions, or the replacement of such, whether or not herein specifically mentioned shall be included and absorbed in the unit prices of his bid. SW-05 TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION The work shall. be done under a program which shall have the approval of the engineer and create a minimum of interruption or inconvenience to pedestrian and vehicular traffic. All. arrangements to care for such traffic shall be the contractor's responsibility and shall be made at his expense. Except with the special permission of the owner not more than one street intersection shall be closed to traffic at any one time. The contractor shall notify the police and fire department having jurisdiction of the closing and opening of streets. On streets where traffic is heavy, the engineer may require the construction of two-way bridges of adequate design; they shall be provided with guard rails and shall be well lighted at all times. Detours as required by the engineer shall be surfaced with gravel or crushed rock and maintained in good condition. Detours for pedestrians shall not exceed one block in length, and foot bridges over the trenches shall be provided with adequate handrails. All work shall be carried on with due regard for safety to he public. Open trenches shall be provided with barricades of a type that can be seen SW-02 at a reasonable distance, and at night they shall be distinctly indicated by adequately placed lights. Safety instructions received from the engineer or owner shall be observed, but the following of such in:,tructions shall in no way relieve the contractor of his responsibility or liability should any acci- dent or loss occur as the result of his construction operations. All expense involved in the maintenance of traffic, detours, bridges, etc. , shall be borne by the contractor and the amount thereof shall be absorbed in the unit prices of his bid. SW-06 PRIVATE ROADS AND DRIVEWAYS Bridges at entrances to business properties where vehicular traffic is necessary shall be provided and maintained, they shall be adequate in width and strength for the service required. No private road or driveway may be closed without the approval of the engineer unless written authority l.as been given by the owns r whose: property has been affected. All expense involved in providing for consruction, maintenance, arid use of private reads or driveways, etc. , sr,a be borne by the contrac- t(.;r and the amount thereof absorbed in the unit prices of his bid. Y I-0? COUNTY ROADS AND STATE HIGHWAYS Where a sewer is to be constructed wholly or partly upon the right- of-way ight•of-way of a County, Public Road, or State Highway, the owner will ti-ocure from the proper County or State official any right-of-way permit nel.essary for such work, but the contractor shall obtain all construction permits and pay all fees or _harges and furnish a bond if necessary to insure that all requirements o,' the County or State will be observed and the roadway and ditches restorel to their original condition or one equally satisfactory. A copy of all perr-iits shall be kept on the work for use of the engineer and all requirements of County and/or State authorities shall be as strictly observed as though they were fully stated herein. SW-08 RAILROAD UNDERCROSSINGS Whenever a sewer passes under a railroad or is on a railroad com- pany right-of-way, the work to be done shall be sul,ject to the approval of proper officials of the railroad involved. Pian. and specifications will be filed with the railroad concerned, prior to the time of bidding but it is the responsibility of the contractor to determine for himself at the time of bid- ding the requirements of the railroad with respect to maintaining traffic, amounts of insurance, and allowable construction procedures. All costs due to the existence of the track and the requirements of the railroads shall be covered by the price bid in the contractor's proposal. SW-03 SW-09 CLEARING AND GRUBBING The contractor shall do all clearing and grubbing necessary in the construction of the sewers and the cost thereof shall be absorbed in the unit prices of his bid. SW- 10 CUTTING PAVEMENT, SIDEWALKS, CURBS AND GRAVEL SURFACES Pavement or other street surfaces shall be cu+, only to the minimum width which will permit the proper excavation and bracing of the trench. Sidewalks generally shall be removed to regular lines and squares but, -where practicable, removal may be avoided by tunneling. Where possible the cut- ting of curbs shall also be avoided by the use of tunnels. Where the bid prices provide payment for cutting and replacing pavement, sidewalks or curbs, if in order to minimize surface disturbance and traffic interference, the contractor elects to use the cut and tunnel method, he shall be allowed the same full measurement as though all material bad been removed. Wherever old pavement is encountered, at any depth, below an exist- ing wearing surface no extra payment will be made for work incidental to cutting or removal of such pavement. It is the responsibility of the contrac- tor to ascertain for himself the conditions which exist with regard to old pavements or wearing surfaces and all costs due to their existence shall he absorbed in the unit price of his bid. SW- 11 LANDSCAPED AREAS In any portion of the line crossing private property or landscaped areas, the contractor shall excavate the top soil separately, and pile it on the opposite side of the trench from the subsoil, and shall conduct his work in a manner that will replace original. conditions a- n.rirly as practicable. The contractor shall remove and replace any trees, shrubs, pl-:,•,t, or sod that cannot be preserved by construction of short tunnels. All 0 r.il)s or plants shall be balled by experienced men, carefully han6led and kept, watered, and replaced .in their original positions without damage. Sod shall be handled in a similar manner. Wherever It cannot be saved and reNtorfd, the ground must be reseeded and cared for until a stand of grass is re- established, all at the expense of the contractor. Prints or shrubs kil.l.ed or destroyed must be paid for by the contractor. It is the intent of this paragraph that the contractor shall not meet ,unreasonable demands of the property owners, but shall leave the surface and planting in substantially the same condition as before the work is undertaken. SW-04 SW- 12 TRENCH EXCAVATION a. General. The sewers shall be laid in continuous open trench except that, in special locations, short tunnels or the cut and tunnel method of excavation may be used either under specific instructions of the engineer or at the insistence of the contractor with approval by the engineer. The engineer may require the use of tunnels to pass obstructions or to minimize traffic interference. The contractor shall not tear up a street or excavate any trench until he has on hand all lumber, pipe and other material, and all equipment necessary for the rapid completion of the sewer therein. Except with spe- cial permission from the engineer to do so, not more than five hundred (500) feet of trench shall be opened in advance of the completed sewer. Trenches shall be excavated to lines and grades as staked, with a maximum width at the top or crown of the pipe not to exceed the nominal inside diameter of the pipe plus 2 feet. In the event the contractor should over-excavate in width or depth he shall provide select bedding (Class A or B) for the full. length of the over-excavation all at no expens; to the owner. The minimum trench width shall be adequate to permit proper laying of pipe and making joints and to allow for suitable inspection. Excavated material shall be piled at the side of the trench where it will give the best protection for the work and minimize interference with traffic. Space shall be allowed for a man to walk and work between the edge of the trench and the toe of the slopes of the spoil piles. b. Classification of Excavation. Unless specified in the Special Provisions and/or indicated otherwise by the proposal, there will be no classification of excavated materials and the term "excavation" shall in- clude all materials excavated or removed regardless of the type, charac- ter, composition or condition of the material so excavated, and shall further include all debris, junk, broker concrete and all other materials within the excavation limits. c. Excavation Below Grade. If the bottom of the trench at grade is in unstable material, the engineer may order Class A or B bedding and if extra depth of bedding is ordered, payment will be made as specified in Section SW-27. Excavation below grade which is made inadvertently or without authority shall be restored to grade by backfilling with Class A or B bedding at the expense of the contractor. d. Wet Excavation. The trench at all times shall be kept free from water and so facilitate fine grading, the proper laying and joining of pipe, and prevention of damage to completed joints. Adequate pumping equipment SW-05 I shall be provided to handle and dispose of the water without damage to adjacent property. Water in the trench shall riot be allowed to flow through the pipe while construction work is in progress unless special permission to do so has been given by the engineer. An adequate screen shall be pro- vided to prevent the entrance of objectionable material into the sewer. The contractor shall ascertain to his own satisfaction the extent to which water may occur, the nature of the material in which it will appear, and the extent to which such occurrence of water shall affect his bid. All costs to the contractor for pumping or otherwise dewatering the trench shall be absorbed in the unit prices of his bid. No extra of any nature will be allowed by reason of water fround in the trench excavation or that may enter such excavation as runoff from storms. SW- 13 TUNNELS IN LIEU OF OPEN TRENCH The c-it and tunnel method may be. used only where ground conditions are favorable and approved by the engineer. The open cut between tunnels shall be not l.e3s than 10 feet long. Tunnels shall not be narrower than the width of the trench, and shall allow at least two (2) feet of clearance over the top of the bells of the pipe at. the midpoint between cuts from the roof slopes upwards therefrom to tunnel ends at a rate of approximately three (3) inches per foot to facilitate the proper placement of the backfill and in- spection of the work.. In no case shall a tunnel cover a wye branch unless specifically approved by the engineer. The trench bottom in tunnels must be accurately shaped and graded and methods shall be adopted to plaice and join pipes with re-ults equivalent to those obtained in open trenches. Special tools must be provided and used to place and tamp backfill, and the opening around and over the pipe mora: be completely filled with well-compacted material. If the nature of the exca•,aied material is such that it cannot be readily compacted, the contractor shall., at his own expense, furnish and place bank-run sand or gravel in the tunnel b3rkfill. SW- 14 BLASTING Excavation which requires the use of explosives shall be carried out in strict conformance to all local and state l.aw9 pertinentto this type of work. All shots shall be covered by suitable mats, backfilling and/or such other precautions as may be necessary for protection of life and property. The contractor shall be held responsible for allaccidents and/or damages caused by blasting operations. No blasting shall be carried on without an experienced supervisor and a representative of the engineer at each site where blasting is in progress. SW-00 SW- 15 SHEETING AND BRACING The contractor shall furnish, place, and maintain such sheeting and bracing as may be required to support the sides of the trench and prevent any movement therein which might damage or delay the work or cause injury to street surface or adjacent property, and as necessary to provide full safety for workmen and the public. If, in the opinion of the engineer, any timbering is inadequate, he may order additional supports which must be furnished and placed, but compliance with such orders or failure of the engineer to give them shall not release the contractor from his responsibility in respect to the adequate maintenance of trenches. If necessary to preserve a suitable grade for the pipe, the trench shall be solid-sheeted with interlock- ing sheeting which shall be driven far enough below grade to prevent the in- flow of material from outside the trench lines. Transverse bulkheads may also he required to prevent movement along the line of the trench. Unless expressly ordered by the engineer, the contractor shall remove all timber from the trench before or during the backfilling operations. If, in the opinion of the engineer, the safety of the street, sewer, public utilities, or private property requires that any portion of the timber be left in the trench, the engineer shall so order in writing, and shall designate particularly what timber shall. be left in place. Sheeting left in the trench shall be cut off about two feet below the surface of the ground. Lumber left in the trench on written order of the engineer, and only such, shall. be paid for under the appropriate item of the contract price schedule. Any timbering left in tunnel shall be at the option of the contractor and no payment will be made therefor. SW- 16 SEWER GRADE AND ALIGNMENT At intervals of not greater than fifty (50) feet the engineer will set grade hubs or other suitable markers on an offset line and shall furnish the contractor with their elevations and the corresponding sewer invert eleva- tion at such points. Should the contractor or his employees cause or allow removal of stakes or marks, their replacement shall be at the contractor's expense. Wherever work is in progress, the contractor shall have instru- ments if required and other facilities for setting of batter boards or other construction guides from the line and grade stakes given by the engineer. He also shall have in his employ a man who is qualified to use such instru- ments and who shall have the duty and responsibility of placing and main- taining such construction guides. Such employee shall be available as an assistant tz) the engineer when he is called upon to give lines and grades where work is under way. Additional help for the engineer may be required and shall be furnished upon request. When such assistance is requiredand is requested by the engineer, it will be paid for under the terms of ''extra work". SW-07 The method of transferring grades from the offset hubs to the sewer pipe shall be subject to approval of the engineer. If batterboards are used, they shall be at least 1"x4" supported on 2"x4" stakes or approved metal rods and shall be placed every 25 feet. At least 3 boards must be in place at any given time to facilitate checking of line and grade. Both line and grade shall be checked for each piece of pipe laid, except at tunnels where methods which are acceptable to the engineer shall be used to carry forward line and grade. C'�r-11 SEN, FR PIPE a. General. Pipe used for sewers shall be of the type and strength designated on the plats, or in the proposal and to the extent therein specified or shown shall conforra to the appropriate specifications in this section. Measurement for p;.yrnent shall be as defined in Section SW-27, b. Concrete and Clay Pipe. Where concrete or clay pipe is specified it shall conform to the following applicable specifications: A. S. T. M. Spec. CL00 for "Extra Strength Clay Pipe"; A. S. T. M. Spec. C14 for "Extra Strength Concrete Sewer Pipe"; A. S. T. M. Spec. C76 for "Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain and Sewer Pipe" of the class specified elsewhere herein. c. Asbestos-Cement Pipe, (1) Non-pressure pipe. Where asbestos-cement non-pressure pipe is called for on the plans it shall, conform to ASTM Specifi- cation C4U-59T. Class 1500 shal.). be uoed only where trench depth is less than twelve feet and Class 2400 shall be used where trench depth exceeds twelve feet unless higher class pipe is re- quired by the plans cr spec.fications. (2) Pressure pipe. Where asbestos-cement pressure pipe is called for on the plans it shall conform to ASTM Specification C296-59T. All fittings shall be cast iron. d. Cast Iron Pipe. All cast iron pipe shall conform to Federal Specification WW-P-421b and ASA Specification A21. 6 and, unless other- ,,dinr• designated, shall be Type II or Type III, Class 150, cement-lined and seal coated. All fittings, unless otherwise specified, shall be short- body, mechanical-joi-it caet iron conforming to ASA Specifications AZ1. 10 and A21. 11. SW-08 SW- 18 JOINTS FOR SEWER PIPE All sewer pipe, regardless of size and/or service, shall have a rubber gasket closure of a design specifically for the pipe being used. Rubber gaskets for jointing concrete sewer pipe shall be "O" ring or "D" ring conforming to ASTM Specification C-443-60T. Rubber gaskets for asbestos-cement sewer pipe shall meet the requirement of ASTM Specifi- cation D- 1869-61T. SW- 19 PIPE LAYING All pipe shall be laid with Class C-Standard Bedding unless other- wise indicated on the plans or ordered by the engineer. Class A-Concrete Bedding and Class B-Special Bedding, if required, and Class C-Standard Bedding shall be installed as indicated on the plans. Measurement for pay- ment shall be as defined in Section SW-27. With Class C-Standard Bedding, the pipe shall be supported for at least the bottom 900 and throughout its length (except for the minimum dis- tance necessary at bell holes) by undisturbed trench material or by its equivalent which may be provided by tamped or water-settled material of suitable character in which the excavation is then made to secure the re- quired support. The fine grading of the trench bottom to provide standard bedding shall be done by hand tools, using lines, straight edges, and tem- plates to provide as uniform support for the pipe as reasonably can be obtained. The fine grading generally shall be done about ten feet ahead of the pipe laying. For bell and spigot pipe, the bell holes shall be ade- quate to permit making the joint, but no larger than necessary so that maximum support on undisturbed ground will be provided for the pipe. Each section of pipe shall be handled carefully and placed accurately; the spigot end shall be inserted to the full depth of the bell and properly sup- ported to insure true -.!ignment and an invert which is smooth and free from roughness or irregulr rity* as nearly as this is practicable to attain. The ends of each pipe shall be checked for line and grad.-!. When perfectly aligned, the pipe shall be supported by placing suffi.ci.ent backfill material alongside and carefully tamping it into place. At the close of a day's work the end of the pipe shall be closed by a tight-fitting stopper. SW-20 BRANCHES Branches are defined as either Y's or T's. Branches shall be placed where indicated on the plans or ordered by the engineer. Before be- ing lowered into the trench these fittings shill be inspected to see that they are sound and that the branch is properly formed. Wherever practi- cal, branches shall be placed with an angle of approximately 450 upward from the horizontal. Where the corresponding house connection is not to SW-09 be laid immediately, the branch shall be closed with a stepper of the same material as that of the pipe. The stopper shall be wired in place and the joint shall be of the same material as for the sewer. If any branch is placed when an inspector is not present, the foreman ill charge shall place a stake and see that: it is maintained to mask the location of such branch until the proper record has ween made by the engineer or his inspector. Branche 3 on asbestos-cement pipe shall be manufactured specially for the pipe used. Where caf.;t iron bolt-or branch connections are used, the pipe shall be cut and the branch connection bolted or. with bronce bolts in accordance with .instructors of the manufacturer. SW-2l ROUSE CONNECTxONS House connections, wl+ere required b,y the plans or ordered by the engineer, shall be of the size desigra.t.ed, and laid to the grade designated by the engineer. The ho-;9e will '.e laid approximately to the property line. The termi:nu- of the house correction shall be sealer, with a stopper in a maru,er similar to that, required for the branch, bends may be required to obtain the req•iired elevation of the house service at its terminus. These bends will be paid for udder the appropriate items of the proposal. The terminus of the, ho-.se connection shall be PQrma.nently marked by means of a 1" x 2" stake marked "Y" or "T" and drive into undisturbed ground immediately adjaxent to they eajd cf thr trench and firmly attached to the house connection stopper by means of a galvanized wire. Inasmuch as the tat.al lineal feet, of sewer pipe regi.ired for house connections will not gcrieral.ly be kriown until the pro a,:t is completed, the amount given in the prcpc:;a.l shall be. considered as abasia for com- parison of bids only and any deleticjr. ar addition desired by the owner shall be permitted under the, terme.; of diese speCifiC31"k -Inca and alt payment trade therefor shall be in accordance with the ippropr ate ,..nit price named in the proposal for the work. SW-22 CONVECTIONS TO EXIST'NG SEWERS Conrections to existing sewers ar_d strc.ctvres shall be made in a workmanlike mariner, thc-y shall be tight and shall have smooth flow sur- faces and curves. Pavmer_t will be made for such co-nnec.tions according to the bid price ir. the appropra Ate item of the proposal and if there is no specific item in the proposal to L,:-ver cornectio:-.5 to existing sewers the cost thereof shall be absorbFd in the; various u.it, prides rf t1-e bid. SW_ 10 i SW-23 MANHOLES AND CLEAN OUTS a. General. Standard manholes shall be of the form and dimen- sions shown I-v the detail except that such minor modifications may be made as will r,i-t the approval of the engineer. Should the contractor be equipped with spf ial forms for making concrete manholes which may differ only slightly n pattern from those detailed, permission will be given to use such forms. However, in all cases cones with one flat side will be required. Monolithic concrete manholes may be used or manholes may be made with precast rings of a type approved by the engineer. The .result- ing manhole shall be watertight and equal in quality for the service ii.fended as monolithic concrete construction. "'he bottom of each manhole shall be carefully formed, the curves of tributary sewers made as easy as possible. All concrete shall be 3000 psi. When precast concrete rings are used, each ring shall be set in mortar. The joints shall be completely packed with mortar consisting of one part cement and two parts mason sand and of a consistency which will not run The inside shall be troweled or rubbed smooth. The base shall be concrete poured to an ele-lation at least one inch higher than the top of the largest pipe. The manhole shall include genuine wrought iron steps as detailed on the plans. Payment for manholes will be as defined in Section SW-27. b. Drop Manholes. Where indicated on the plans, drop manholes shall be constructed. Extreme care shall be used in the backfilling of the trench and the drop to prevent breakage or settlement of the riser and inlet pipe. C. Manhole Covers. Frames and coversfor manholes and similar appurtenances if they are to be used under street-traffic conditions shall be of cast-iron and suitable for heavy traffic. They shall conform in weight and dimensions to the general requirements of the plans and other- wise be equivalent to those commonly used in city streets where traffic may be heavy. Light weight, sidewalk type manhole covers and frames may be used where street traffic will not be encountered or where per- mitted by the plans. Contact surfaces between frames and covers shall be machined to provide a uniform contact surface. Water-tight manhole frames and covers shall be used where called for on the plans or ordered by the engineer. The covers for traffic and suburban manholes shall not have more than two vent holes. SW- 11 d. Clean Outs. Where indicated on the plans or ordered by the engineer, clean out, shall be constructed as detailed on the plans. The riser pipe shall be encased �n concrete and shall be capped with a cover supported on the concrete encasement. SW-24 BACKFILLING Backfilling around the pipe and for one foot above it shall be of earth, sand, or fine material; free from stones or hard lumps. It shall be carefully and thoroughly tamped in layers not exceeding pix (6) inches deep so that the fill is fully ccmpacted for the entire width of the trench. The remainder of the backfi.l.l shall then be water-settled by depositing the material in a trench partly filled with water, or jetting with water after backfilling. If the: material is of a nature not capable of proper compaction with water, it shall be machine-tamped in la.yera riot to exceed one foot in thickness. If none of the above methods are applicable, due to moisture or other conditions, the engineer m� permit the use of random backfilling after completion of precover. In this event the contractor will be required to promptly place such bark run sand c)r gravel ar..d/or crushed rock as necessary tr maintain the street surfaces until resurfacing has been accom- plished. Resurfacing will. net be permitted where random backfill has been placed ci.rtil sufficient t?m- ha s h e.�-k allowed for trench settlement. 'rhe: maximum size cf st.nne shalt not exceed twelve (12) inches in any dimer_si.or.. Broken bifuminovs pavement will riot be permitted in the backfill. In unimproved areas surplus material free of stories or foreign. .- material derived frcrn excavation shall be neatly piled in a ridge above the trench. Ir, streets whi.ch are open to travel or in ether improved areas the surplus material shall he ha�,led away as it i.s excavated and disposed of as the contractor.. at his own expen.�se., sha1.I arrange. Any costs of hauling, moving, storing or rehandling mater al ,after excavation and prior to back- filling shall he borne by the cnntrartor, a Improper backfill rhe rations or failure to frl.lcw the instructions of the engineer as to backfill. procedures shall. be ,;-,,.stif;ration for stoppi.rg the work. SW-25 BANK-RUN GRAVEL AND SAND Bunk-run gravel for use in ha.ckfi.lt.ing, when requirr;d by the en- ginoer, shall come from approved sources. It 9h.all contain less than ten til per cent material that would be retained on a screen with two (2)-inch round openings. (one-.half (1/4-inch where asbestescenient pipe is used) and screening may be required by the engineer to remove oversir.e rocks. Itshall be well graded with at, .least au.fficiert lines to fill the ti rids and to SW- 12 i facilitate compaction by the use of water. The use of well-graded sand in lieu of gravel for backfilling may be permitted in some instances. I SW-26 REPLACING PAVEMENTS, SIDEWALKS, ETC. j Where hard surface pavement has been cut, the contractor shall either provide and maintain a temporary surface of gravel or maintain a plank surface across these cuts from the time the backfilling is done until f the pavement is replaced. Plank shall not be less than three (3) inch I material, shall be cut to fit, and be laid flush with the pavement surface Ion a thoroughly compacted bed of backfilled material. All pavement cuts shall be replaced with a minimum of two inches of asphaltic concret- unless otherwise specified. New materials shall be used and the finished repair shall be satisfactory to the engi -leer. In the case of gravel surfacing, the original material may be used if suitable for the purpose. It is the intention of these specifications that all roadways Ishall be restored to a satisfactory wearing surface. Any pavement or roadway surfacing 'lot immediately over or adjacent to the trench, which is disturbed or damaged as the result of operations of the Jntractor Shall Ibe repaired or replaced by the contractor at his own expense and to the satisfaction of the engineer. Sidewalks, curbing, pipe from street inleL3, drains, and other existing itr'proven'ents which are disturbed or damaged shall be replaced properly and in such manner as to serve as satisfactorily as in their original condition. If damage to existing facilities is not promptly re- paired by the contractor, the owner may repair the damage and charge all costs to the contractor. The cutting and replacement of street surfacing shall be paid for in an amount which shall be based on the length actually cut along the centerline of the sewer. Payment for gravel or sand required as a base for the pavement shall be included in the unit price bid for the pavement. Sidewalk cutting and repair shall be paid for in the same manner, with additional allowances for squaring out the blocks if this is required. Pa. - ment for cutting and replacing curbs shall be the total length cut. If the trench crosses the curbing diagonally the measurement will also be the diagonal distance. Measurement for payment shall be as specified in Section SW-27. The contractor shall be responsible for the replaced pavement for a period of one (1) year and should it fail due to poor workmanship or materials or settlement of the backfill under the replaced pavement, he shall make repairs at his expense as required by the owner. SW- 13 I >E!I! SW-27 MEASUREMENT FOR PAYMENT a. Sewer Pipe. For all sizes of pipe, payment shall be made on the basis of the horizontal distance for the various depths and classifica- tions of pipe as shown in the proposal. The horizontal measurement shall apply for gradients up to S = 0.2500 and shall be from center to center of manholes. For gradients greater than S = 0. 2500, the basis for payment shall be along the actual slope distance. The unit price shall include all excavation, pipe, installation, and backfill for Class C - Standard Bedding. b. House Service Pipe. House service pipe shall be measured from the center of the main sewer to its terminus and shall include the laying length of all bends or fittings. All special fittings shall be paid for as separate items as indicated in the proposal. c. Sidewalks. All sidewalks that are cut and replaced shall be paid for on a square footage basis that shall include the trench width and the area replaced to square the sidewali: to the existing modules or as required by the engineer. The payment shall include the subbase and concrete in a finished cena;tion. d. Curbs. Th,2 payment for cutting and replacing curbs shall be limited to the t.rencl, r3th as defined in subsection (f). IE the trench crosses the curbing u agonally, the measurement will also be the diagonal distance. e. Bedding. Class A and Class B bedding shall be paid on a hori- zontal lineal foot basis and shall include the additional excavation and select backfill material that exceeds Class C-Standard Bedding. f. Excavation and Bedding Below Class A or Cla,:s R Bedding. If the trench bottom is unstable below the depth required for Class A or Class B Eedding, the engineer may require additional excavation and select bedding material. The additional material shall Le paid for on a cubic yard basis computed by multiplying together three quantities, namely: (1) the horizontal length of trench to which the select bedding is added, (2) the pay width of the trench for the particular size of pipe being la-1, the pay width being the nominal inside diameter of the pipe plus two feet, and (3) a constant depth below the limits of Class A or Class B Bedding as specified by the engineer for the particular section of trench. The unit price shall include the additional excavation. g. Select Backfill. If the engineer orders select backfill material to be placed in the trench section. the basis of payment shall be on a cubic yard basis computed by multiplying together three quantities, namely: SW- 14 MqmLmqz (1) the horizontal length of trench to which the select back- fill is added, (2) the pay width of the trench, as defined above, and (3) a constant depth as specified by the engineer. The unit price shall include the removal of excess backfill material. h. Surfaci� . � 4 (1) 'As- ,.,altic concrete surfacing shall meet the requirements of the Oregon State Highway Department Specifications for Class B or Class C Asphaltic Concrete. The unit price shall include the base course and leveling course of the depths indi- cated elsewhere in these specifications. Th- measurement for payment shall be per lineal foot along the tranch when the pavement is placed for pipe sizes from 4-inch to 12-inch. Appropriate bid items for pipe larger than 12-inch will appear in the proposal or be defined elsewhere in these specifications. (2) Gravel surfacing replacement where called for on the plans or in the proposal, shall be measured and payment made per lineal foot along the trench and shall include the base course and leveling course of the depth indicated elsewhere in these specifications. i. Manholes. (1) Type A standard manholes shall be measured and payment made based on the depth indicated in the proposal as standard depth plus extra payment on an excess depth basis. If. a stand- ard depth is not indicated in the proposal, the manhole shall be paid for as a completed unit. The unit price shall contain the concrete base, channel(s), barrel sections, steps, and frame and cover as a completed unit. (2) Drop manholes shall be paid for as Type B manholes and shall include all drops, fittings, steel reinforcement, extra excavation and concrete required to complete the manhole as detailed and shown on the plans. (3) Cleanouts shall be paid for as a completed unit for the various sizes of pipes as indicated in the proposal and shall include the fittings, concrete encasement, frame and cover. Sw- 15 � s j. Testing. If an infiltration test is selected, there will be no payment .nade to the contractor. Where in the opinion of the engineer an exfiltration test is necessary the pipe shall be tested either by the water or air method and the con -actor will be paid on a lineal foot basis under the appropriate bid item in the Proposal. Payment for testing shall include water, air testing equipment, retesting if necessary, and all other incidental cost. Payment for either method of exfil.tration testing will. be based on the length of main sewer pipe tested and measurement for payment shall not include the length of any side sewers included in the test section. SW-28 TESTS OF WORKMANSHIP a. General. All pipes selected by the engineer shall be subject to an infiltration and/or exfiltration test. The type of test (either infiltration or exfiltration) shall be determined by the engineer, but the method of `est- ing (either water or air) will be optional for the contractor. Payment for testing will be as defined in Section SW-27. b. Infiltration Test. In those areas which, in the opinion of the engi- neer, the water table is high enough to subject the pipe to a satisfactory infiltration test, it is not anticipated that an exfiltration test will be required. For the infiltration test the maximum allowable limit of leakage shall be the same as the maximum allowable leakage for water exfiltration as stated below. There will be no allowance for external hydrostatic head. c. Exfiltration Test (using water). On completion of a section of sewer between manholes or otherwise the engineer will require that the ends be bulkheaded and the pipe subjected to a hydrostatic pressure produced by a head of water at a depth not to exceed 20 feet above the lower invert of the sewer under test at its higher end. Generally all testing is to be conducted after backfilling and prior to resurfacing and insofar as possible after house connections are made. The lengths of house connections known to be included in the section under test shall be included in the computations to determine the allowable leakage for the test section. A minimum head of 4 feet of water above the invert at the upper end of the test section shall be maintained for a period of four (4) hours during which time it will be presumed that full absorption of the pipe body has taken place and thereafter for further period of one (1) hour for the actual SW-16 test of leakage. During this one hour period the measured loss shall not exceed the rate given in the following formula: E = 0. 004DL E = Allowable leakage in gallons per hour D = Nominal inside diameter of pipe in inches L = Length of pipe being tested in feet The above listed leakage rates will also be applied to infiltration from ground water and infiltration or exfiltration in greater amounts than shown in the table will be cause for rejection of the sewer and all repairs necessary to meet these requirements and/or retesting will be at the ex- pense of the contraLtIor. In submitting a proposal for this work the contractor agrees that the leakage allowances indicated above are fair and practicable and that he guarantees to secure these results. The maximum length of sewer for the above allowable leakage test: shall be the distance between consecutive manholes. Any section of sewer between any two manholes that does not meet the above requirements shall be rejected and the contractor at his own expense shall make necessary repairs to the sewer to meet the requirements. d. Exfiltration Test (using air). The contractor shall furnish all facilities and personnel for conduct- ing the test under the observation of the engineers. The equipment and per- sonnel shall be subject to the approval of the engineers. The contractor may desire to make an air test prior to backfilling for his own purposes. However, the acceptance air test shall be made after backfilling has been completed and compacted. All wyes, tees, or end of side sewer stubs shall be plugged with flexible-joint caps, or acceptable alternate, securely fastened to withstand the internal test pressures. Such plugs or caps shall be readily removable, and their removal shall provide a socket suitable for making a flexible- jointed lateral connection or extension. The first section of pipe not less than 300 feet in length installed by each crew shall be tested in order to qualify the crew and/or material. Successful installation of this section shall be prerequisite to further pipe installation of said crew. SW- 17 Immediately following the pipe cl.ea.-Ang, the pipe installation shall be tested with low-pressure air. Air shall be slowly supplied to the plugged pipe installation until. the internal air pressure reaches 4. 0 pounds per square inch greater than the average back pressure cf any ground water that may submerge the pipe. At least two minutes shall be allowed for temperature stabilization before proceeding further. The pipeline shall be considered acceptable, when tested at an average pressure of 3. 0 pounds per square inch greater than the average back pressure of any ground water that may submerge the pipe, if: (1) the total rate of air loss from any sectio, tested in its entirety between manhole and cleanout structures does nct exceed 2. 0 cubic feet per minute, or, (2) the section under test does not lose air at a rate greater than 0. 0030 cubic feet per minute per sgLa.re foot of internal pipe surface. The requirements of this specification shall be considered satis- fied if the time required in seconds for the pre=sure to decrease from 3. 5 to 2. 5 pounds per square inch greater than the average back pressure of any ground water that may submerge the pipe is not less than. that com- puted by the above requirements. If the pipe installation falls to meet these requirements, the con- tractor shall determine at his own expense the source or sources of leak- age, and he shall repair (if the extent and tape of repairs proposed by the contractor appear yeas-,cable to the engreer) or replace all defective materials or workmanship. The completed pipe installaf.ion shall meet the requirements of this test, or the alternative water exfiltration test. before being considered acceptable. SAFETY Braces shall be required to he I a,11 plug3 it place and to prevent the sudden release of the compressed a:r. Due to PIC large forces that could be exerted by an escaping pl,ig dur'-,g the testing of the pipe, no workmen shall be allowed it-, the manhole in which plu s have been placed. Also the contractor's testing egiiipmert shall be arranged in such a manner that a pressure relief device will prc, :Jbit the prey-ure in the pipe line from reaching 10 p. s, i. SW-29 CLEAN UP a. General. During the time that the work is progress the con- tractor shall make every effort to ma 'rtain the site in a neat and orderly condition. All refuse, broker. pipe, excess f"ll material, cribbing, etc. , shall be removed as soon. as pra-•t.ic able, Should the work not be main- tained in a satisfactory condition the et,gi i.eer may cause the work to stop until the "clear,-up" portion of the work h.js bFN•: done +o the satisfaction of the owner and/or engineer. SW-18 b. Sewers. The contractor shall flush and clean all sewers. All sand, debris, mortar, and foreign material shall be removed from the sewers and manholes, prior to any testing or final inspection. c. Final Inspection. The work will not be considered completed or the final payment certificate issued until all rubbish, unused material or equipment shall have been removed and the premises left in a condition satisfactory to the owner and the engineer. SW- 19 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS AND PART V WHICH CONTAINS THE PROPOSAL AND FORMS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWERS PHIL LEW SIS CHO L For the City—ooff TIGARD, OREGON - -- 000 --- CITY COUNCIL Elvin G. Kyle, Mayor Floyd H. Bergmann Edward P. Saxe Harvey L. Knauss ohn Well --- 000 --- Robert K. Logan, City Administrator STEVENS, THOMPSON, RUNYAN & RIES, INC, 5505 S. E. Milwaukie Avenue P. O. Box 02201 D PRO FPortland, Oregon 97202 ,\S BOO I N Ef 'p/O 42 9 'foa�aoNa , w FOREWORD The documents and forms which appear herein or for which pro- vision is made, must be used in submitting proposals to construct Sanitary Sewers for the City of Tigard, Oregon, which is covered by the plans and specifications therefor. This Part V contains: (a) Notice to Contractors; (b) Proposal Forms; (c) Typical forms for Agreement and Performance Bond, both of which are subject to change by the Attorney for the City. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS For The Construction Of SANITARY SEWERS PHIL LEWIS SCHOOL For The CITY OF TIGARD WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON --- 000 -- - Sealed proposals for furnishing all material., equipment, labor, and services of all kind for the construction of a Sanitary Sewer System for the City of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon will be received at Tigard City Hall, 12420 S. W. Main Street, Tigard until 7:30 P. M. on the day of , 1967, and immediately thereafter said proposals will be publicly opened and read. A contract will be awarded or bids will be rejected within thirty (30) days after their opening. The project consists of approximately 1670 feet of gravity sewers, 5 manholes, and other associated work. Plans and specifications may be examined at the office of Stevens, Thompson, Runyan & Ries, Inc. , Consulting Engineers, 5505 S. E. Milwaukie Avenue, P. O. Box 02201 , Portland, Oregon 97202, or at Tigard City Hall. Prospective bidders must qualify as required by the Oregon Statutes. Prequalification blanks may be obtained from the engineers or 'he bidders may use the regular AGC `,rm for such purpose. Copies of said plans and specifications may be obtained upon appli- cation to the engineer accompanied by a deposit of $10 . 00 for each set of plans and specifications, only $ 5. 00 of which will be refunded to those who return the plans and specifications in good condition within fifteen (15) days after the date when bids are received. R � All proposals must be submitted on the regular forms furnished with the specifications and each must be accompanied by cash, certified check, or bid bond in an amount not less than five per cent (5766 of the total bids. A corporate surety bond in the full amount of the contract will be required to guarantee its faithful performance. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL Monnie Andrews, City Recorder PROPOSAL TO FURNISH ALL LABOR, TOOLS, EQUIPMENT, AND SERVICES REQUIRED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER FACILITIES FOR THE CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON, AS THE COMPLETE SCHEDULE OF PRICES WILL INDICATE, ALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS THEREFOR WHICH ARE ON FILE AT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY RECORDER, TIGARD, OREGON. Name of Bidder Address To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Tigard, Oregon Gentlemen: This proposal is submitted as an offer by the undersigned to enter into contract with the City of Tigard, Oregon, hereinafter sometimes re- ferred to as the owner, for the furnishing of all materials, labor, tools, equipment, and services required for the construction of sanitary sewers for the City of Tigard as shown by those certain plans and specifications which are on file at the office of the City Recorder, Tigard, Oregon, and which are a condition hereof •,pith the same force and effect as though they were attached hereto. This offer is conditioned on the following declara- tions as to the acts, intentions, and understandings of the undersigned and the agreement of the City of Tigard to the terms and prices herein submitted: 1. All of the specifications and the drawings which are listed therein have been examined by the undersigned and their terms and con- ditions are hereby accepted. 2. Said drawings may be supplemented by additional drawings and specifications in explanation and elaboration thereof and if they are not in conflict with those referred to in Paragraph 1 above they shall have the same force and effect as though they were now attached hereto and, when issued, they shall be accepted as contract documents. 3. The quantities stated in connection with the price schodule for the contract Submitted herewith are approximate only and payment shall 63-P-220-29 Proposal - Page 1 7 be made on the unit prices named for the actual quantities incorporated in the completed work. Only those items for which estimated quantities are given may be increased or decreased at the unit prices named. If there shall be an increase in the total payment for an item covered by a lump surn price, it shall be computed on a basis of Extra Work for which an increase in payment will have beer, earned, and if there be a decrease in a lump sum payment for any such item it shall be made only as the result of negotiation between the undersigned and the owner. 4. The undersigned shall furnish the bonds required by the speci- fications and comply with all laws of the State of Oregon which are perti- nent to construction contracts of this character even though such laws may not have been quoted or referred to in the specifications. 5. The cash, certified check or bid bond accompanying this p• o- posal shall be forfeited to the City of Tigard, Oregon to the extent of 556 of the amount of the bid in case this proposal is accepted by the owner, represented by the Mayor and the: City Council, and the undersigned shall fail or refuse to execute the contract and furnish the performance bond re- quired by the specifications, all within the time limit named therein and in accordance with the provisions of this proposal and the plans and speci- fications which are a part hereof. 6. The undersigned submits the unit prices set forth herein as those a?: which he (or they) will perform the work involved. The exten- sions in the column headed "Total for Item" are made for the sole pur- pose of facilitating comparison of bids and if there are any discrepancies between the unit prices and the total amounts shown, the unit prices shall govern. 7. All schedule items for which forms are provided here;n shall be completed in full by the showing of a unit or lump sum price for each item thereof. 8. Unit prices, with which are included lump sums for combina- tion items as herein named, shall be used as the basis for computation of the total compensation to be received by the undersigned, all in accord- ance with the completed schedule of prices as follows: 63-P-220-'-9 Proposal - Page 2 a CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON SCHEDULE OF PRIES FOR SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM Item Total Unit Total No. Item Unit Units Price Price 1 . Furnishing and placing 8-inch concrete sewer pipe in Class C bedding including excavation and backfill, invert depths as listed below: (a) 0' -8' Depth lin, ft. 1 , 670 $_ $ 2. Furnishing and plating man- holes for invert depth of 8' or less, complete and ready for service: (a) Type A with standard frame and cover each 5 $�_ $ 3. Select bedding Class B for the following sizes of pipe: (a) 8-inch lin. ft. 100 $ $ 4. Select backfi.11 cu. yd. 1x10 $ $ 5. Exfi.ltration Testing for the following sizes of pipe: (a) 8-inch lin. ft. 1 , (70 $ $ 0. Lumber left in trench MBM 2 $ $ TOTAL BID PRICE $ 63-P- 220-29 Proposal - page 3 9. In naming the above prices, it is understood that they include all items of material and work required to complete the contract in accord- ance with the plans and specifications. If any material, item, or service required by the plans and specifications has not been mentioned specifically among the various items of the above "Schedule of Prices" the same shall be furnished and placed with the understanding that the full cost to the owner has been merged with the several prices named in the "Schedule of Prices". 10. The undersigned agrees that the "Time of Completion" shall be as defined in the specifications; and further, the undersigned agrees to complete the work required within the following time after execution of the contract: calendar days. Firm Name of Bidder. Signature of Bidder: Official Title State of Incorporation, if Incorporated. Dated at This day of 1967 Acknowledgment of Addenda Addenda have been received. Signature of Bidder: 63-P-220-29 Proposal - Page 4 AGREEMENT,:, THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of 19 , by and between (the official name, form of organization, and address of Contractor - if partnership, name of partners) hereinafter called the "Contractor" and _ (the official name, form of organi- _ hereinafter called the "Owner". zaCon, and Address of Owner) WITNESSETH THAT: WHEREAS, Pursuant to the invitation of the Owner, extended through an officially published "Notice to Contractors", the Contractor did in accord- ance therewith, on the day of _, 19 , file with the Owner a proposal containing an offer which was invited by said notice; and WHEFEAS, the Owner has heretofore determined that said offer was the lowest and best submitted: NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED: First: That the Contractor shall comply in every way with the re- quirements of those certain specifications entitled: (Official title of the specifications and a statement of the limits to which they apply) Second: That in consideration of faithful compliance with the terms and conditions of this agreement the Owner shall pay to the Contractor at the times and in the manner provided in said specifications the total sum of which sum is subject how- (the basic contract price both in words and figures) ever, to increase or decrease in such proportion as the quantities named in said proposal are so changed, all as in said specifications and proposal pro- vided. -------------------------------- -------------------------- ---- --------- *Note: This form is subject to change by the attorney or other person a,ithor- ized tu represent the Owner. Agreement - Page 1 Third: That the time of completion is (the number of days, the limiting date, or other provision which is consistent with the proposal) Fourth: That the contract documents which are hereby made a part of this agreement by actual attachment or by this reference thereto are as follows: I. The "Notice to Contractors", being the invitation to submit a proposal; 2. The Specifications named above by title; 3. The Detailed Plans listed and described in said specifica- tions, together with those which may be issued as supplements thereof, and 4. The Proposal of the Contractor which was submitted on _, 19 , the original or a conformed copy of which is hereto attached and marked "Exhibit A". IN WITNESS V HEREOF, said Contractor and said Owner have caused this Agreement to be executed on the day and year first above written. Contractor 8y _- A nC Owner By (Title) (Seal) And _ V_ (Title) Agreement - Page 2 PERFORMANCE BOND* KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, (the official name, form of organization, and address of the Contractor and, if partner as Principal, and ship, name of partners) (the name and address of a corporation, duly authorized tc do a general the surety) surety business in the State of as Surety, are jointly and severally held and bound unto in (the name and address of the Owner) the sum of (the basic contract price, both in words and figures) for the payment of which we jointly and severally bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, admi,:istrators, successors, and assigns, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS BOND IS SUCH THAT WHEREAS _ , the Principal herein (name of the Contractor) on the day of 19 entered into a contract with , the Obligee herein, which contract (the official name of owner) consists of (list of the Contract Documents as named in the contract, including the Lintract itself) ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------- *Note: This form is subject to the approval or change by the attorney or other person authorized to represent the Owner. Performance Bond - Page 1 all as hereto attached and made a part hereof, whereby said Principal under- takes to do all labor, furnish all plant and equipment, and furnish all material in accordance with all the terms and conditions set forth in said Contract Docu- ments; and promptly to make payment for all labor, services, and material and pay sums due the State of _ for induEtrial accident insurance; and to save harmless the Obligee from any claims for damages or injury to property or persons arising by reason of said work, as set: out more fully in said Contract Documents; and to do and perform all things in said Contract Documents required, in the time and manner and under the terms and conditions therein set forth; and in conformity with all laws, state and national, applicable thereto. NOW, THEREFORE, if said Principal herein shall promptly pay all persons furnishing labor, services, material or insurance to said Principal, or to his subcontractors, or to heir assigns, on or about said work; and shall save harmless the Obligee, its o.ficers and agents, from all claims therefor, or from any claim for damages or injury to property or Persons arising by reason of said work; and shall in the time and manner, and under the terms and conditions prescribed, well and faithfully do, perform, and furnish all matters and things as by them in said contract undertaken, and as by law, state and national prescribed, then this obligation shall be voij. 'Jut otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that this bond is subject to the following further conditions: (a) All material men, and all persons who shall supply such laborers, mechanics or subcontractors with material, supplies or provisions fox carrying on such work, shall have a direct right of action against the Principal and Surety on this bond, second only to the right of the Obligee under this bond, which right of action shall be asserted in proceedings instituted in the appro- priate court of the State of , and insofar as permitted by the laws of , such right of action shall be asserted in a proceed- ing instituted in the name of the Obligee to the use and benefit of the person, 1;rm or corporation instituting such action and of all persons, firms, or corporations having claims hereunder, and any other person, firm, or corp- oration having a claim hereunder shall have the right to be made a party to such proceeding (but not later than six months after the complete performance of said contract and final settlement and judgment rendered thereon). (b) In no event shall the Surety be liable for a greater sum than the penalty of this bond, or subject to any suit, action, or proceeding thereon that is instituted later than twelve (12) months after the complete performance of said contract and final settlement thereof. Performance Bond - Page 2 (c) Said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extr:nsion of time, alteration, or addition to the terms of the contract or to the work to be performed thereunder or the specifica- tions accompanying the same shall in any wise affect its obligations on this bond, and it, does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration, or addition to the terms of the contract or to the work or to the specifications. IN FITNESS WHEREO u, parties hereto have caused this Bond to be exe%;uted in this day of 19 (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEA L) (SEAL) (Principal) Witnesses: (SE A L) _ (SEAL) (SEA L) (Surety) Countersigned: By Resident Agent Performance Bond - Page 3 I F•r f:r +� H �) IT, •rI O t:l r� l� J'� • � •a; L) U V U I� N O u1 r td • • ♦7 F t) ~ VN t7 III r 4 UI t' , t, of • • �i `� t O t: u tl Nr J c) V t7 to a [� .'qi J tJ t J w 1 7 C� U) • 1 r1 1 W- C) t) l V .) ,II I ♦) :1fit V- ) L. u N v7 U U '• r� (•� r �h � O L• 1I� td ♦J ft t7r C• r • • rl 7 [(1 U tV ' ' '►+ W �t t) F t tV r v • N-r • d •'� H . 7 l 1 O (1 r-1 1•) L vo r1 1:1 c) u •rl l: .rr 4• 1. •r (11 ' ,r• U ~ r+ O w1 N + nI O CA }1 r ) .J Fr r r/ rd r. t t!1 W ; Fey Const. Co. Sunset Valley Yarshall Ass. Const. Inc. 2845 SE 48th Fluab. & heat. 13102 Sz ting Rd. Portland, Cre. 1"?C ti.ti Cornell <<d F ortiGnd, Cregon Fortlan , Cregon -nit_pr. total Cnit Fr. total 'nit Fr.. total 7.00 7,525.00 6.fe 7,125.00 ",600.00 300.00 90o.Co 304.00 913.0c 275.00 825.0E .50 lCO.GO x.30 662.00 6.5C lOC.GO 4.50 450.00 5.69 56y.00 4.75 475.00 i .10 107.50 .65 E25.00 .05 f7.75 .1G _I - .20 - - 75.00 I 150.00 lt9.092.70 9.894.00 'o� 10,20,.75 1; days 6.0 days 45 days I tl - I i r 4 I 0 ,[4 r 6 I I I __.__ I _. _ _. -- _ � _� � I ____ --- ��(�� i I _ l� _-� ----�-- -4-- •. __..� �' _ .-__._._I---1-� - ----t-_.�___ _. ..1s-�- ------�----- �-�_.�%_ __._.__ _ --^ --�_._.r.V�.�..._� �. _�-.----.._____. -._.__.f__�.� __.._.___.�__._.______i____..__o_____.�_ I` � ____......_-_-----t� �----+-------�-a--- �.__�i + ___._._�._ ' i i ___..__... ---�____- 1'---._�__ �. _ �.___...__�� _.. _..__. -t._-.--_.__��.___.____. I � �i _. I 1 i _�_ S�� _.tdta.�— L�' ��� �'` —�__ -- _ _fry_ `� -� S .�,7 �,y � 7s' — � `' `� ---- - ---f-�� -----r - ---- _.._____.r ___- __-__ __�. .___ _ ��..� _ � { .Y.�. .....,:.t:1i:1Y�+.:�'.-1.....i' .,�_._.� �,7...J.���..J:..'.ilLi�e�J�L.i4.a.,;1"". 1 1.. � Ii7l�:.L.u,. I u �• 1a«4�wu i...."�7!'w�'� .�w:i.�IVI uY11n;:s. L.y..«.u..., j 1 • M� col M NI s%l,001 C41 L I ib cho �!� of • ��'; � r: �o e° v= `° � 7 �� 4� �� � �' �` � �� • i o . ' y o • goo -tifti� v� � ►� �0 �1 ,���,- m � � Q) �li C ' I � cCh IZ 1 ..�,r._....., ._....�.� N '.�n: .:...ac,rG�"�,Kw;.rit':i�►,4tA:a1�2ftli'!l�;:inti,Z;i�:!?::.:y,;J.:.ll..:i:.:��,:w.':,;::....�«u.., .M�va�.:u;ii,i,.^rG��'d,'.;I;,e;i.; 't' ::,' _w..,:�7.+����;.;;l�i;n:r..,;�.....�et�;,�:. col U;iN i N 00 b � w � a� cr• � r� j� N � � �rj � II' 41 �1 �p r M 6icm U 0an m cru 44 No y 1 i d ' wi pp wf �"I 7 , A t a S' a 1. r G1�or SN!�LrT & gums stoves . C. /0 -y- 7:.71 M. H. sa3 zo 11 + 00 _. 5:s-z y 23 _ tTo _. 6 + 7s J3 + 00 -34 + zs' + So _ 5- + 65- + 75' jM 14 + oo -- .5 57 + 50 + 7-5 b -3 3 + 25- ITT •� n OD ' M U h a s 71 1 �r*1*m+TI►mJm1 pn"11111111111 In R o z I ti O P p .d .n f n N O P n b ' ♦ wl x O 0 O O CJ a 1 � a �Sv �9 I �IIII�IIIIIIIII�IIIllllll�llll�llll�llll�llllllllll,hld�l��,L1.II��,IIiIJJ�l,l,l,l,�l�,l,l,l,�,I,I,1,1,�,1, I , I , I � � , I i I i I ,�y� m E -- �� r� 5 !! " v � 3 ! AS y.. 8 88 9s8& - q C \, N If C�{. ♦ V7 ��O �! m uu C�QI� ��J •,�rl � i SW APPENDIX -01 Easement No. 1 - Phil Lewis School Sewer Donald B. McCormick and William J. Macy, Trustees Book 601, Page 96 A triangular parcel. of land bounded on the east by the most easterly line of that property described in Deed Book 427, page 232 of the records of Washington County; on the north by 35 feet, more or less, of the southerly boundary of that portion of a public road whose cert.erline bearing is S47052 1 /2'W', said public road being that road deeded to the public and the City of Tigard and described in Deed Book 557, Page 9 of the records of Washington County; and on the west by the Beaverton-Tigard Highway. (1Qngth of sewer centerline 42 feet,rmre or less) �l'�ss C'u r rr// /Ci•��l'd�r•t� (-evreo+•rs, s iy i Easement No. 2 - Phil Lewis School Sewer Lewis and Martha Christen Book 309, Page 281 A twenty (20. 0) foot wide strip of land in that property described in Book 309, Page 281 of the Deed Records of Washington COUnty, said strip lying to that part of the said property more particularly described as a part of Lot 8 of Palmer Acres, said strip being parallel and abutting that side of the said property which is also the easterly right-of-way line of the Beaverton-Tigard Highway and, further, said strip to extend from the westerly to the southerly ! boundary of said property, a distance of 268 feet, more or less. i a F. ,413 Easement No. 3 - Phil Lewis School Sewer Edward C. & Babette Hunziker Book 165, Page 355less Book 421, Page 746 and Book 548, Page 414 A twenty (20. 0) foot wide strip of land in that property described in Deed Book 165, Page 35 of the Deed Records of Washington County, said strip lying in the remnant portion of the said property which lies easterly of the Beaverton-Tigard Highway, said strip being parallel and abutting that side of the said remnant. portion which is also the easterly right-of-way line of said Beaverton-Tigard Highway and., further, said strip to extents fre i the northerly to the easterly boundary of said remnant portion, a distance of 775 feet,more or less, A t , Z", r 1 Y Easement No. 4 - Phil Lewis School Sewer. Washington County School District No. 23 Book 364, Page 64 and Boot-, 60(-, Page 67 A twenty (20. 0) foot wide stri.n of land, being teal (10. 0) feet wide on each side of the following described centerline in that property described in Deed Book 364, Page 64 and Deed Book 606, Page 67 of the Deed Reccrds of Washington County., the point of beginning of said centerline being on the most westerly line of said. property 100. 0 feet southerly of the northwest corner of said property XIhence said centerline to bear S35a44 1 /2'E a distance of 290. 8 feet to a point, thence S43058 1/2' E a distance of 363. 9 feet to a point, thence S78010'E a distance of 131. 3 feet, f„ n o {� thence S85029 1 /2'W a distance of 354. 0 feet, more or less, to the end of said centerline, said and point being also the westerly right-of--way line of S. W. 72nd Avenue and the easterly boundary of said property. / / f e. SC�rr Al 1. (C) Commenced Paying.. . . . . . ..... .... . .... ......... ❑ l.) Paving inspected... . . .... .. . ... ........ ❑ a) Test date filed... .. ... .... ... .. ❑ b) Tentatively Arrpntpd by City. . . . ❑ / (D) Parking lot tentatively accepted by City...... ❑ VI. SIGN: (A) Street name sign, i.ngtnlled. .. .. . . .. .. ... . . .. . ❑ / (B) Traffic signs ingtmllPd.. .. . . . . .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. ❑ VII. SIDEWALK: (A) Commenced installation.. .. .. . . ..... . . . .. . . .. . C3 / (B) Completed installation. .... . . . . .. . . .. . . . p / (C) Inspected. .. .. . . . . . .. . .... .. .... .. .. . . . .. . .... ❑ / (D) Tentatively Acf—ted by City. . ... . ... ... . ..... E) / VIII. STREETLIGHTING: (A) Comm-nced installation.. . .. . .. . ... . ❑ (A) Completed installation.. .. ... . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . .. ❑ (C) Ingpocted. . ... . .... . I ..... . . . . ..... . . ....... .. C1 (D) Tentatively accepted by City.. .. . .. . . . .. .. . . . . O 1) AuLhv0,,!Ation letter to Energise filed I.X. LANDSCAPE: (A) Commenced inqtmilntion. .. .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . [3 ' (B) Completed i.nstallAtion.. . .... . .. .. . .. . ...... .. ❑ /^ (C) Inspected. . ... . . ... . . . ... . . . . .. . .. ... . ........ ❑ _ (D) Tentatively Acreptnd by City. . . . .... ... . ... .. . C3 ' X. GENERAL AREA DRAINAGE: (A) Buildina rain drains inspected.. . . . I. ...... .. . p / (A) Culvert- inaNected. .. .... .. . . . .. ....... .... . . . C3 / (C) Drainnue ditcheQ inspected. . . . . . . .. .... .. . .. . . p / (D) Tentatively Accerted by City. . . . ..... .... p NOTE: PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF EACH CONSTRUCTION PHASE. REVIEW FILE TO INSURE COMPLETION OF CHF.CN LIST AND FILING OF: :) Approved flan Revisions 2) Approved Specification Variances 3) Change Orders/Extra Work Orders 4) All CorrespondenceiMemog 5) Daily Inspection Sheets