LOMITA TERRACE SEWER SANITARY SEWER --------- - 1epth at wye measured from notural gro,rnd House branch consists of B"x 6" wye, 6" l/S " ` bend, 6" C S. P 6" x 6 " Inspection tee 8 riser at property line. to z N m ` , W W a a a a a a o W E W a W W W W W W W OI W O O W O p G D ID G W ♦ Ci 01 'Di d �I, 01 Lt oI a M a In I m m Y kd 5 W I W OI > W O ; W N 8 V 8 7 z 6 N 5 w a 4 0 3 N 2 9D Q 3 + + + + + + + + O N rn O In N to N r ODm N (� 0) _ _ _ —F • i � � 8 CS P 8" CSP 8CSP -- � 8: i CS.P o s w oMiTA Q VE- L N I � rn OL C- 15 OD n a a a W + 9 W IO W II W I2 W 13 W 14 O 15 G 16 W 17 l u u W O W O O O q1O X11 O _I �I. ID 96 p " u ° 7 O Q W � � - W W W T W Inai W W r �. > > > Y Y 3 3 3 ; 3 Z o i ; 3 3 m m ro J • IA CO In N } 0 + + + + a ti W6 a � m to m 1 � 1 . F . In 1 I —_ + 230 _ _ — - I ; _ - + - - - - - - _ —CD 7 i + ' 1 CD I I I ' I _ I - 1 I a.a r � i � �' ' OSP I + 0 - Waw - I ' e _ � . � II 22061 I I I - - b W I ZlL9-9.-;' Naim ! �� W I k03 -- ' — - - OP I ! _CL OSE 9 BB DE _ �` --- IT?Y _ F TI AFD -2+ -- —� . . S— -- - - . . .. =1 .' _. _ I _. L.__. - - 1070 - ----- — --- - - -I -- - -- - _ i I ENGINE RING D�PAR7MEN' — - �` - 1 I 1 1 - - - - -- ago -- — I j L TA TSR ',�I CE -- -- GgP - _ - f - SANITARY SE ER 4 I --7-- r OF2 1 9 0 004(1 _� 1; -- -- At 61 20.3. 204. - I _ I RONI'Gn M_AAl III EE ER04 Ed—-e0 EY 3- NI Alt 1 PLAN PROFILE I Y\Y kNl DIt ROEN CU. - ----LOMITA T_RRRCE SEWER ----- -- - -- ---- .--- -- f OF ._...-..�..rl.�.r ........ .�.r,�.-. _ 1 tIi 11111 f111I111111111 FI11{II�1fIlI 1'N1111111 11 j1f� 1 7111 11 {111111Iq 11111ITTII 111 1, 111 1I 1111111111111111111 LIIIIIIII!1111111IIIIIIIII111I111I111I11111111111I LI11111 '` } I 2 3 14 !15 6 7 9 9 I0 _ - ' • WtE; IF THIS MICFAFIIAEF I DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR TU11 THIS MOT19n--TT IS WE TO I � ITY OF TIE ORIGINAL _ ' �'/ "bRAIING• OE 67 B2 l2 92 L2 ►2 E2 22 12 OS 61 BI ti 91 SI ►1 CI 7,I II 01 6 6 L 9 S ► C 2 1^'•` j,. - � '� �,/'� Indwdu�J11111NNINNbH11HRIuyIyuWI�16d6rMwIrM16rI9M411w�FM�lulGndm161HIu�JINdnNIIH14«�1miudnulunMndnubmHatl991RuhIx�61d91`YrIN1LDdwdunlunlunMW1111au�uuLm�u1W91uuluuWgbin 1 —' _ - �� JULY 11 1992 2 4 x � tom_-•--7 Ste_ 8 7 6 5 8 1 _ 00 Q 8 Conc. p, Q 8 Conc , (6 Conc. S. P- a 9 1 10 O, ll 10112 bi 13 14 I5 Ie- l pl 17 CITY of TIGARD L O M ITA TERRACE a, 5A N t TA RY 5E.WER 1Q. PIC) r. 1 40' Prof 0Q, - Horiz.. 1 40' ND V¢r t. 1" - 4' n,- g1nral D ¢ sign by H. A. M o h r F4 A,5!5ociot¢5 Civil E nc3in ¢¢ r's , Drciw' nq by Eldsn W. Cori-¢r I City E- nci 'm 2¢ r I Ivi� irc h , 1967- Dap �-h o f wy¢ mau s ura.d from no�c�r-o/ .round. Hous¢ broach cons '5 fs of 6 'x 6"' wyo, 'a %8"�b¢na�, con o. S G 6" x 6 insp¢ction t'ee & r, sar off` lines. i I ' i - - - - - I - _._ - I • - f - 77. - - 7 7 77, Of _ — t — - _ _ - _ - _ — _ _ W - - _ - _ _ i r _ - _ _ T _7— _ - _ t i _ _ - , _ _ - - - - - Na ow Sir _I _ - - _ - - - - _ _ 1. _ - _ I 1 i - _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ 1 - Jac _ i _ - _ .j W (151A00AT2 0 (lgAQNAT2 a U tY I.-0M 110 TERRACE. SEWER. y NTOJ7 NIIDAAI JAM 3tM1 M1 .A.t.0 r' �11NIMn HYOJ�MIIDAIIT �AVIi1Ml NO A.1Uhl Q!>»M9 All - n -.•...+,n....� _ .• .....,.... 'IIiAF+r1,+«��sMF..+*ry�rr..*Awr".++p •.+�.�r�� ........�..� .. � - _ _r:_. - --- - - r r.'� _ �� ova ,- ._.. d 1 � e i l� � -' ' �► .It.11��{i�Il;�+i;�,l+1,�,I+IF11l�lilyl�'{I��itill�ll�l��'ilijlj+'�j;►0����►111.+�Ilrl�j�ll►I►I II►I+I+{+Itlrl �Illlrlt�rltlrit�llllllt{Itrlrtt�rll11,1{+trlllrl'rlllrl+{+I+I+►+I►I+I+t►I+t+l,►► 1 � � + . 2 3 4 5 6 ? 8 ® 10 II 12 � - • NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTIC61-17 IS OUF TO w SNF. QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL - w ^^e"DRAWING, OE 8Z 9? ZZ 92 %Z tit E2 ?Z 12 02 61 81 If 91 G1 t'I E I ZIII I I 01 6''__••--��.'.' 0 L 9 'S----JJ�� /► EI-- �'~ ,.,..�''r'• ��IIIIIIIIIIII{III11++Ir{+++II►111{1+I11r+1�JI111111I11r11tU1{+u+tu++ln++Ini��e(+11+1r{IIIIIIIII�IItt�IIII{11111111{111111111{1111111N{Illlllt t�r1111111+{I111111Ii{Illlllltillll►IIII1�liltlllll�ttid911i�1ri{+++IIINI{INIIIIII�IINIIWU�Itt�!ittlttU1111llltlllflttl{itt�lu111tH - •' - JULY ]_ 1992 • A .11 v � CD .{�cD Cl WCnca- rp Number: Deed Reference: Ktirt�u ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we Hyrum Mertlich and Eva. Me>vt1ich,_1]11eb&nd_eBd .rdfe_ I reunaftur Irrmed grantor(s), in consideration of the sum of S_-__._._ _ to be paid b> r;'1 etF TIt;ATtD• a municipal corporation of Oregon, hereinafter termed the City, hereby grant, bargain, sell •I,i �nu•% into the CITY OF TIGARD a perpetual right-of-way and easement as hereinafter described, together h , irm1mran• right-of-way and easement to use an additional area hereinafter described and drslgnated ujp r.,n en,ement,for the following uses and purposes: I p,.rpetual easement: An onencumbered perpetual right-of-way and easet,•ent for the purpose of constructing, recon• !•uvrung, operating. maintaining, Inspecting and repairing of an underground sewer line and .ippurtenances, together with the right to remove,as necessary,vegetation,foliage,trees and other ,d oructions within the easement area, but remerving to the grantors the title to the lands. iblrrl In the easement, and the right to make such use, thereof,except to construct buildings, u "ill not Interfere with Hit. use:, and purposes of the eaxement:said easement oven being 10 fret 714kf1t>N�4'KX�PA)MCI!"kK71)11Q7E>tk1ff41�R5t7tt�clf!1t11'>�Jt7blt�ltlffNt?Nk /t> fait»rit+R�dfml/!/EltTlfltfx'R�t9! on the westerly side of Lot 17 Lomita Terrace a subdivision of record in Section 3S, T1S, R1We W.M. , Washington County, Oregon a :+wrP I- P-06660001114 T�Rel1M►wlM -�aA1�eMeY +i9ht�►f-Jaarau,-apNaa 00-1 PON and use lar axwar aatW&r_ uoa p—pusee.oL-additWRaLlandalitliaa 4w&W aad wi 4"o -4f4.l w4" nKw*ar 12 &1 eiNMt•-oaAkwr-at-the-abaw eAwasi ied-M►WWaleasettactawa.+uwapuap.+o.l twaev+aa to ilraateea alts upepettaultar,.d-aaJtwmea{,--1ua►--apd--frewawattnw-+M�11 -alr4tele4n•r fwP%opti UTWIt iilf• pr*mlaea—Vik-uwApormy Mae•!alal-aballJeia»,late-UPI to .,•ww ,�tattueuwtaft week, ai wiNeh tltrfHrt e+WMrel...44 the--.twnw-the-"Y w414 k i r-a 4trilfilq-rrlaalttt-11WLiaf Should it he necessary to cul an,. remove any brush, trees, or other matter or materials from the easement ,, aid brush, trees, or other natter and materials shall be removed and disposed of by the City and the " 'hall leave the easement aha In a neat and work manlike condition. The City agrees that In connection %-h its use of the perpetual raseMent area and In Inspecting,repairing, maintaining,or replacing said sewer Inn•. we rdy will leave the prordaes In a neat and workmanlike condition and as nearly in the pr"xuting slate u. prartirable The Grantors do hereby warrant that they are the owners In fee simple and have the right to grant the de.,rlbed easements. / W,'Ineii, our he a sod seals this--/Sr_ _day of. �fcs[�J 19-6t✓ 1flL- -(UAL) ._,(SEAL) rm Mert1 c (FIAT) - Eva Mertlich r (9EAT.I --_- (SEAU (SEALI For a consideration, the mortgage lien on the above deseribed properties is hereby made subordinate to the easements above granted, Oaled this day of MortgagN - - By 5TA'rr OF OREGON. _, ) ('aunty of liG-�,r iro n On this /J day of fYliCf _._ IB a personally appeared the above named ,y -Ile sed arknowledard the foregoing Instrulneht to be their voluntary act and deed. 1!Lefb�IMR'mi! Notary Public for Oregon My Commission expires: .f1.N / 2/ , \ XA S. W. _ -- - - _ �+� 70 t1I --- _ --- / / y! �� �-- - \ \\ � \�' Notch Lid f Lifting or Lift Nook AVENUE o 12 EXISTING SANITARY M.H _ EXISTING ASPHALT / r / 0 -'ll —� --_ - �! �_ INSTALL 12 STORM DRAIN ' i . J 1 _ manhON ,II INSTALL STANDARD CATCH BASINS - - - ` ' O O ; Cr cr 114 II O O PLAN OF M) "'� o ;., W i \ 1W NORTH O _ /� ;t 1 00 "_' o Cover and Frame to be mactrned to � it Mortar i / M I a true bearing all around. I I !!( i ' e vlur r Joints to be QMW insWe and ortsi& Li + I I Inside to be smooth. cc I ? _ ------ PLAN 75 o / j 500 - — 2' 3"D - ---- �-J u All pints of precost mm*dn 2+ 0 - j to be watertight . I D 15 D z � Skin turf beneath fill areas. I I� I i RADIUS = 30 _t_.. _ " .� 1 z z LENGTH= 4T•05 I -I - I0 D _- _ _. 4" _ } - r 71 _ 71 71 -171 N 71 70 - TAW �` ' - 0 y D - --�-� r 2 34-16 6 ti a I-• 2' - 7' D M. I �' ' + r I , Cast in place base with�- __� s :-.�� ___--_ Sz�_�___ -� �tft4l 4- formed chat. is. -- _ _..., ..�..a I N S E C T 10 N T Q I 76 7' 71 71 71 7r \� J oz I � j OT UJ PRECAST MANHOLE a - + � 78 _ M A NHOLE FRAME & COVER W o II 12 13 14 15 K, 16 f7 zo r LAN 4 n , 50 0\0 -223 bend 222 221 I 22A WYE or T , CONNECTION DETAILS 01 219 - , - 11 - - T 218 _._ 1/8 bend - _ .�� a I - - ( o� y r 217 - - - _ I �O�� tItTA1.. lu ��` ,OOa Bmkfill 95 o - _ \ 1 - _ __- I - -- - - -- Fbckf,l l 9 o° r 1� 16 / see Specifications for ++• I l -„-- , --- -- --- - - ___. , .__-- , _ Compaction j i 41 Tam al boddill to here, _ RTi �. I tr -V o 1 maKimum albwollle -- _=•� -_ Conc.orac tee Compaction 1 95 /o Compaction. -D trench width - 21 I PI 6 } i ELEV. 216. 1 / Class �. e,t 4 Concr t c, 215 , �Q f .� Crushed rock support a h d k i • --- cruse roc 1 I efe or , C loss 4 Concrete or ----- _ suppor t - �--- r 214 •t t \ , i 213 ---- WwW I �,; _ _ + DEEP TRENCH SHALLOW TRENCH , , ,' -- --- f trench u '' a a �• I i shape bottom o by 2 1 2 } m I - \GAy cr �\ x f I - - _ _ hard. Hand dig bell holes 6.4 J Y _� -- W N / tI 1 1900 00 �A- 0 211 - R� w i i ai 1 -J f' i I I ' r 1 '► r.110 I _ a o za - - W - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- - _ - i --- - --�- -- --2 1.10 /�,� , R !• - - -- --- i , - ��.- _� - --- - _ -- -- - ----�-- STANDARD BEDDING TRENCH r � I -_ _-2 1 o t o N 1 _ I ` W - l - - 210.9 1 ; + . . X O o i + ' 0.37 ° t- ELEV 201.14 209 , 208 L0 Mi TA TE B R A C E PLAN AND PROF1 LE OF SANITARY SEWER 207 ---- ------- , 206 - - r ��' 1 HrA. MOHR _ - - ------- /��� PR Ff ASSOCIATES 205 - + i•- -- 1 CIVIL ENGINEERS —__ ____. - - - PETERSON UIL IN HILLS R R N 204 - 20455 BUILDING G BO 0 ORE �� kE „r 0000 " g" RJ C S_ _ ------ ' � f of I DATE ►JIt6 � 1961 �,�' ,,r A �,O 1_0MITA TEPR'ACE'. E)E-WEB - - ---- • W OF y, ?.03,0 -`� 203.20 �PI-ATL I - Ill A'\ tr,Ofll F o. r a a k r ',rA,4nKtiU . .� . w+•+, .. .. tr¢?,M.atF . � +�»nr, .. ...._ ... -?i..�,�'a_wr�r�.�w•+-,-•-•-•..u+�.r.,.,.,.,r"I�.,._.....w7ww.... »__ ------ - ..n,•..... •. - _ . . .�•. .. - 1 e �,. '��III�t11���i��iltll��IlF��I►i111��ttyll� •II I��t'�Illtr�rrflttlll �I 1�111�I�rll1 ,1111) 1111111I111If1J I11 I111I1111ft1�1111111I1III111I111'IIIIF11I111�r111f11111111,iI1i11FIF�-FtI�F11 , � �- - ,a 1 _ ` NOTE: IF CHIS MICROFILMED 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT IC6-r-2T IS DUE TU /» QUAtITY OF THE ORIGINAL _,,. •- DRAWING, + OE 6Z QZ L8 9? SZ 0? EZ ZZ IZ 0 61 91 LI 91 SI bl EI Z II 01 0 -- -9 L 9 S 1 E 2 1 ,,,rte"' �nlllullnnluFFIuIIIIFFFIuIti�ntFhl1�;11111111ultluulr:ulua�ttattr+t�unluiFllullult�llt�lf1111tltblflllullu111Ff+tINru1111i1 tITiIIIIUI�l1ltllt IIhFtFlwllmllllll�uul)wWlllwl�uulwl�lu111111111�II�I11M JULY 1 � 1 92 �.