IRVINGTON SEWER SANITARY SEWER IRVINGTON MACHINE WORKS t.J 4 � 3 w z_ W T i V o z It J 4 CL1— Z Q. I w > Q' j P/L for 60' H/W f l o w x Y W z 4" C. 1 . FORCE MAIN } _ 31: o < o W W o W � z EXISTING SEWER I.- 0 0 --- - - -- --- - - - - -w1,- - - - - - ---- 4_ - 7J J F� i `� M Zao � ATO HAL!_ ��.Vo. — o S. W. HUNZIKERST J W I O N I� c — — — --- P/L for --6-Q' -R/W_ _— — — — — —_ — --- . J ' PLAN SCALL /" a 20' E=4 ...... I 18G 74 -- - - --_- - __- w' -- - -- --- - -- - - - -- - - - -_ — 0 0 -- - ---- ------ ----- ❑ c L) ❑ 11181-00 j ❑ cz f m - -- __- _ - _- -- - -- -- -- ---- �- - - - m a r, m m - -- _ -- - - _-- --- -- -- -- ---- -- - - - --- -- _ _. 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( I �..,ilil�lr �1�1. it ►�i �fjl il�l�i iIi t riT ► 't i1i iir II t1i i1 tIi tI� iIt r�I iIi Iii i1i ili il� �I� III IIS III ISI ill ill tli �I� Ilil��� ► �t� SII `n ____ F A I i i i i l ► I I' I I I ( 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 II 12 ' NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED � � —.i•�-----•�•�-�� --- -- „_ _ _ _ _. DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTIC6z IT IS DUE TO INE QUALIT'f OF THE ORIGINAL DRAW I NG. OE dt ez a 9� ' Si tit ez iz !Z 02 Of 81 LI 91 SI VI EI zl 11 01 S 9 � 9 S r E Z -It ,,,.w'""�M ,�uluiilnu��ullil�iin,Il����I��i�li�i�,tltib�i�lrn�hi��li��d��►�I��wl���r•I�il�uilnaliiu�tul�u�Inulu�ili�uliuilu�iliut�iittlI�tt���i�slirrtlttttltttt�l It�1tl11t �ln�ibniln�iluultlttflt llywlitultul�11a111tt JUNE 19 92 W` - .t►. .......r-- _ .._......._,,,_._ - - -__.rte,.,... ... .. _ .,..,_.—-- r___. - ,. .._-- -� _. ._ � --...._y_. ,. -r� . • \ I l"` ,/1�v 1r-'7 / �.,1 Y /�///��N l / � �.. / + O!'1y/"`• J \J �w !./ ' r 1 4 V � � � 1�♦ ' *,r � . � 1 o T .Se WIE'� S � /`fN. �..�- /. .c'o�c o /`^1'o••i� .Sawe� . i N •--` "'.�--... ._•-�.._.. . s�Qia. �/./.' ., Grr)��"►' /lI1�. 41 6/ ;� ,_� •/v'cw b` � se /art � I bZ� �..... . .. ........, ....___. .r. y N> v C { TY OF 't1 GAS k SANITARY SEWER E:N'T NSIbN r. Elci(2n W, Carf%I, co-1,f;,ac 5'� � 194" . • x. �.4 Stnndgrd r'vncr'Cft �onfio�� -42"U/c7. ►�Y`•���✓. Sfr�..S. Revr. IO�ZS�iou Lo-- �� Prov/4e 6 "i-Iscr rf,c/iodPr t4r' Ime ns ch/ -c fe �. -411- -it - L _ - -F 11 ! fill 11 if - - - - - 1 - I fill - - - Y - .._ - - - -- W W ` - - T - _ --------- - ..I r - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _. _ __ ___ __ _414- + _ . _ -.- - _ _._ . _ -_- - - - - - - _ - - - _ _ 7 rev i rvr t r�l� SEWER' - - - - - _ �t I _4 I J± f 7 agAaNAT2�.a$.2 r9 r0 VIJIT032 2ZOA0•P 3TAJ9 S t / c0 r4 r NAur •. 511223 iU N r, _. y _•• (� ' , �,ww.:.2 _w .r. ./�••• --.T-� ..r .r. •- ,.... :,Myw �,,,�,.,_.. �+ 4`.' .�. '2a'�e -�..^�"_�. _ _.. ' 1 I 1 1 I 1 y I I 1 1 1 � '_• r .. 1 f • ' .1 11� { { I I I � 1 �1 � 1 { I101� {1 �1��II�LY��III���lfirl�� (I 't(Ill�llf�ll�llll{II III{III�II►�Il1�III�IIr��It�r11If11{iillllll�lllr'lllilylyllllly tII��II�yII�II�IIII,ItIl�11�y1� . , , � • ,f • �: .. •:r.,_,.� , NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED -- ( 2 `��..� 4 5 8 7 H 8 10 I I I Z 4 _ DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN ---------- THIS '-- y' THIS NOTICE,; -17 IS DUE TO ' QUALITY OF THF ORIGINAL - '"bRAwING. OE se 92 12 92 SZ fZ cZ 22 IZ Ot 61 dl 11 91 SI bl of �I II 01 _8 p L 9 5 --� ��lIIu111nnluullnllLLLLIII�IhLIsIILI�nI�Ju1�111�buIIILI�bmlL�al��i�>�Nulu�llful�lwl�tl((�tutllul{u�IbuIIIIII�IUIIAutun�ll}�1Nillulilu�'rH��nlllitu��tltnl�IHWIH�II >'111111111111111111111�1uII1Wlutll�llullllltil.u�lllllltt1111�11t11 JUNE 30 ,61 09 �r . . rnl t {{ y l 1 �r + M/ 0 Cr X �MCLO C Jam,' n 3 �n April 25, 1369 ?MEMO TO: City Administrator FROM: Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Repairs to 4" pressure Buie from Irvington Machine Works On the evening of April 11, 1969 the 4" pressure line from Irvington Machine Works plugged up. As a result, they hired Roto-Rooter Service from Portlan6 to rod their line. Findirg that the problem was not on their property, they also cleaned the: praE sure line from the manhole on Hunziker, southerly along lIunziker 285 feet back to their property. It wan discovered in this section that the line was plugged with 3/4" gravel. The line was cleared at abouk 11:00 Saturday morning. During the time of repairs .it was not known if thka lire was City oar privately owned. Since that time, I have reviewed what records the City does have and it appears that this line should he the City's responsibility. Hence I have enclosed a requisition fc�r the cost incurred by Irvington 114achine Works in unplugging this Line. We have been unable to determine how the gravel clot into the pressure � main. One possibility is that the line was broken when General Telephone put their line in and then later repaired it, however, this does not seem too feasible. It is not possible to TV this line be-- gause of its diameter ana I can foresee no way of determining the bendition of the line at this time. Because of Irvington's new roponal for expansion, they will probably be abandoning the pressure ine in the near iu;-are and it is hoped that t'iis line will not give -un any problems during this interval. Respectfully, Keith C. Thompson KCT/dl I i