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I 1 PLAN Scale: I" = 20' V V) I, Rer70Ve Cone ReI770✓e G0�7e $ fI ll �n NHI Fujure R-O- W $ fi// ir7 /y-/ E.d9e of pvm't 0.S.N D. R/W Pin w/ - — Aluminum Cop \ R-O-W 0`5 Of Feb. /0, /q82 - - - - - - - - - � 13.0/. 07 Abar7&on 5.W. BONI TA ROAD Edge of p vrn f � ConC. /o/ug MH'r/ .5to0t67.20 2 5.01 ' R o g R-D-W os of Feb /0 �r— \� - - -2/"55 u to re R O W 50U7`hWOOd rnterceptor(U. S.A.) �,�", 5t47 0-'00 / Ycc.41f Noti f I f y � C o�i7ec t- �o e x i s t U.s.A. �n terceP dor- monhv/e I ......................... ( 32.00' R-jit% of g St-a /2+57.08) I �Yofe Not necessary to -ewlace exist \ 1 Curb and .4.0 wa/k . Area will be r-ec0r7s t.-aC t-e d by amu,*cis-e P-O_jeC t• ,FX,s t A C. wv/k \ �s w/A .C �'-d9e of a✓m't \ EKED PnofE F,M�'�NEFgs�iG 3 Re plC'r? zl N I ps, *, a, I h o �• v Z 160 AS BUILT AUG. 1982 vj I � lss_ ---- --- — _ - - - - – -- -- PROFILE Scale : Horiz. 1"=20' Vert. I"= 5' CI 2� X /4q.32 (Exist g"r.5.P ) Very fy E/eY �n the fie/47' A- --- -- I I - -- rE Out /49./O (Ne w' B" C.5.P.; � 5 CG (G" 1 Flag one' O.hondon ex;s t. /,/�e ro North west Fof-rr� ChO�r7e / a5 I I �� 5 kgo'. by the F.-7gi-. 8 4.1C CO/rI,C>le. tiOn Of r7Pw COn/7eGt�On . n the f/e /C' `may I (� T_F 136-53 (£x,s t 2/ /40.87 (AC- B,'c.5 P. 1 /.35 • �'*��c: C�.L4, C�.4c:' Off'' D.R_�" �----r --__-_----------- __.----- APPROVED DESIGNED G M DeNAAS $ ASSOCIATES, INC. Burton Gevurtz GHEE; DRAWN CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8 SURVEYORS Gevurtz Furniture Company SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS Su�iP 145-AGC Center (503► 682-2450 6600 S. W. Bonita Road PLAN a PROFILE -----.-. -- --:__._ _:_...-___-__--------.-------__.. / 0450 S W Commerce Circle O+oQ to 0+6720 I Res 636 8195 DATE NiO. REVISION 5 , BY CHECKED DATE �e6. 982 Wilsonville Oregon 9707E Tigard , Oregon 97223 r. EvLJr7z s .wc: SCALE AS SHOWN aATE FEBRUARY, 1982FILE 82 29! 178 1 OF I.0 h if 111�111,111 �� t11+1 I�11111111� �+h +l I (+l+�+lr�1l I+I+III +1+�+111+II�n �+ l+Ir�>IIl�rll)r11�11111111111I1111�I�l�Ii111s�1111�111111111111�11111I1+1111 �� _ '. � r _ 1 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED "`"` l 2 3 4 5 _-�6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN 4 THIS NOTIGFr'IT IS DUE TO �^ QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL ..M _. -..-........_->. - _�..----..-�...�-.._.._ _._�...- -..--- 10C �..__..-. _�- - AWING. -__ _ OE dZ 9t LZ 92 92 1►t E2 - tt le 02 •f __ 01 LI 91 911 *1 El al 11 01 A 9 L 9 S'�--��--10 • E a 1 S"A2" 124 1 . s-�~ �►II111111111111111111111U111111111'u11111�,1�u�t1111111f111ri11rllri�ItMlh�p1�,11ui�11N�{HM�Ir�M1�1111t�11�1�11111n11111N�I�NI��Itt�Illcl�tFi111rNi1tt11t111�1111�INdlnl�ii�IlfIIl111111utuullnlb111191�Wuu�Ilu�ut�uuUlull�InN JUNE 24 19 92 _ y i 3r - y1 r _ 1 LAN Scale: I" = 20' v 40 N I Future R-D- W I Eo'9e of pvm't. 0•S H D. R,/W Pl,n w/ Aluminum Cap R-D-W as of Feb. /D, /982 20� r -�- --- - - - -- _' _ -- - � 1 3-o 0/. 07 Abondonb S.W. BONI TA ROAD Fdye of PvM"t. v WH''�/ --- - "---_- e 5to 0,4-6 7.20 I G (2 5.01 ' Rt. of J9 5 t /3,,23.91) I-I R-U- Was /6"W 5oufhwood Park I Tn terceptat-(U. S.A.) 5ta 0f00 Connect to exis 7: U.S.A. �n terceP for rr70r7ho% I I ( 32. 00' Rt. of .rZ S`a /2+57. 08) Node Not necessory to �e�/oce exist 1 eu�b orad A.C. walk -4.-ea w/// be re c or, s t•-uc to Q' ty fu1-u�-e p�-off e c t. \ Loa lr�"e�o r �o �o��y 4(S� f A.C, wok /1� EXis r ✓ �,o b re4ki,. �a� \ Eo9e of PVr1'!'t. \ 4,�KED PhpfEs WIA,C• ��- ENGiMFF� `ripe\ �'}`P✓r7�t r 3 Re 1Crnfi � � O � �` \ ✓v � ]d ;961 N 1 De�P 41 4, O 160 IRO1t1°fl APPROVED AS NOTED Ex�S t. 9rOuhd UNIFIED EWERA AU ' 6 ' U� V � BY 155— _-- ' - -- PROFILE �' ---•-i.i�—Ie"Cop s t Dr " � Scale : Horiz. I = 20 II Vert. I" = 5' 150 II /6"W(Vee,,,xv e%✓. j IIA7 f1'e/d) II I � 12�g0 GI 145 2� i IE /49,32 (�"x�st 8"C.S.P. ) Veva fy E/e� in the f'�e/d I I Q I.4 , 1 _ rE out 1.99./0 (New 8" C.S.R) Form Chorine / as I I 5 G5P �G P/u9 ornd exist. /,'ae to Nov/hWe5t 8 upon comp/etI'an of new cor�r7ect�*orr . �e q'c% by the Ery:-. i - 140 �n 36-53 (Ex,s t Z-E i n /4D.6-0 (Ne w 9`C.5.P. ) 135 O r00 C�r2c_"' Or�O 01,50 O"'60 DESIGNED G. M. APPROVED [aQF�AAS A ASSOCIATES, INC. Burton Gevurtz SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS SH ET _.____ ___ -_- I -- Gevurtz Furniture Company _! CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS PYPLAN & PROFILEDRAWN Suite 445-AGC Center 6600 S. W. Bonita Road oN to o OFI(503) 682-2450� /98Z9450 S.W. Com9erce Circle Res. 636-6195Tigard , Oregon 972''L3R E V I S 1O N S CHECKED DATE— ___- Wilsonville Oregon 97070 [SCALEAS SHOWN DATE FEBRUARY, 1982 FIIE 82.291,178 2 OF- 1 i.i r A � ...,��.-�• -- iMetM1Y+.., ._.. .�..� .. .,j....... . ._ ---- '�".�+�.'... .. _ ._—,.,_,«»«, •...q.iw.nnwy�p�'..:..w...yWMr, ;j�„i�;;a I111�11,�111 ,jI11 �'I'tTllil�+i +n n ` �111t+1t�+ 111+�+) 11+I111I11t<)n Ii +Ir(+1+ +I+,+1+�111I1111111IJill 11�III I��1�11111�1I111�1�t Itll,ll ; 1 �r i NOTE: IF THIS M ICROF 1 LWD = -- ( 4 5 d 7 8 9 10 11 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN -b. THIS NOTI(xrr'-TT IS WE TO I �- �7.� QWITY OF THE ORIGINAL � DRAWING. ------ Oc e►z •z Lz 42 Srz *z Ez zz Is Oz 61 eI LI til >si wl EI al 11 01 -0 • c 9 E 8 I mo' �-� �Ml�llll Illl�llllllllllt11111NII�IIIIl111I1t�IHi111f1�111�1gIttM�ll � f} iti�N1��S��1' T11111111@111mIM .—M� 1111�1III�IIIIIIIII�Il1 *A124 1 ' JUNE A" 4 1 IT—aK— o - tK' .�iA r i -+ ��-o = a —can C �`�n cep � ' .. a. .,. _.,..�.. ...... y.w•._,....Iw+MR'111M1.. � IiFrYlll Fi.h CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. 82-/ 2 RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS, KNOWN AS THE GEVURTZ SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION, CONSTRUCTED WITHIN SW BONITA ROAD. WHEREAS , the City executed a Sanitary Sewer Compliance Agreement, dated October 16, 1975, with Gevurtz Furniture Company to install a temporary sanitary sewer line, and appurtenances thereto, within SW Bonita Road, to specified standards; and WHEREAS, an acceptable maintenance bond has been in effect as required by said contract, ensuring continued maintenance of the work throughout the stipulated period; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department has now certified that all terms and conditions specifiEd by said agreement and maintenance bond have been Satisfactorily completed; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Tigard, Oregon, hereby accepts the public improvements, constructed within SW Bonita Road, known as the Gevurtz Sanitary Sewer Extension. AND FURTHER, the City Council herein authorizes release of the maintenance bond therefor. PASSED: This day of �a�, �, ` .,- 19by the Council of the City of Tigar'c�. - ayor ity of Tigard ATTEST: Z-' c�►T«J s£K Lt r lF(,r_or er iga ` C RESOLUTION NO. 82-J.Ly DE HAAS & ASSM]ATES, IN('. CONSULTING ENGINEERS& SURVEYORS SPITE 445-AGC CENTER NII S0N%'IIA+, ORECON 97070 9450 S.W. COMMERCE CIN( LE I5031 682-2450 September 24, 1982 Frank A. Currie. P.E. City of Tigard 12755 S.W. Ash Avenue Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Frank: Attached for the City's files is a mylar as-built plan for the Gevurtz Sanitary Sewer Improvements. Also attached is a fully executed copy of our CERTIFICATION OF WORK COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE. Sincerely, MARLIN J. DE HAAS, P.E. MJD/slc Attachments cc: 82.291 . 178 DE HAAS & ASSOCIATES, INC. Suite 445-AGC Center 9450 S.W. Commerce Circle Wilsonville, Oregon 97070 C E R T I F I C A T E O F W O R K COMPLETI ON AND 'ACCEPTANCE FOR NAME OF PROJECT Gevurtz Sanitary Sewer Improvements -- PROJECT NO. 82.291. 118 I. All work for the above referenced project has been completed by us in accordance with the Contract Documents of De Haas & Associates , Inc. and we hereby approve the final estimate quantities as computed by De Haas & Associates , Inc. This firm releases the Owner from any liens arising out of this contract; or is providing the Owner herewith, a bond covering any liens outstanding on this con- tract. DATE: S gnatu j of Adthor?A0 ci a Name of Contracting Firm r—es s 2. Work has been completed on the above referenced project in accordance with terms of the contract applying thereto. I recommend acceptance of the completed project and also recommend that final payment be made to the Contractor. r� DATE: %� BY: DE HAAS & ,A�SOCIATES, INC. r :739- :nrrtun Dm U.ntl 0�7en 97?W 1.'M1-."09 IN N CO REGON i i August 20, 1981 1 i City of: Tigard P.7. Box 23:497 Tic dLi , O[UIun 972.`3 r I Attention: Frank A. Currie Dear Mx. Currie: l Than: you for your letter of August 14th regarding the removal and reconnection of our sanitary sewer line. V- .�appreciate the i i^:orporating of this work into the cam .ng 72nd AVEnue L.I.D. ttiti;rk, and r_!;is is our assurance that we will pay .for-_the costs of the re: -.va—1 and reconnection of this'sewef line. Again, thank you for your help. IYours truly, Burton Gevurtz Prcwident re��r+rt.z Furniture Company I DG:dy 1 I i I — 12420 S.W. MAIN P.Q-BOX 23397 TIGARU- ,CSN 97 29,C�N 97 ?3.PH:8,19-d17l_ The lorg::st selection of contemporary Furniture In the en"ra no.-thwast ` r� �1 ( 7 j. i 1 i Au-ust 14, 1981 k 'V'J T,', 7.•7t.IT"+'T GOMPA"Y 2111 Portland, oil 97204 +:tn: r I'.trton rewrtz .:r.,Ir ",r Gevurtz: Tctter is sent to ac':nowledg! that we do not object to i-►corporatinr ,-r, rt-cnnnectior of novartz Furniture's sanitary •eiTer 1;.nr as w t' ('.I'.:•,�rAwnt 0t:i,t., �.'2n:1 Aftme Let*D, worlkp provirlt,r tm. receive ,bitten '.. , .. rlrr)rxr frcl,- vot] 0-nt till noftta thereinrecnril s!,All ''ie 1,orn 1ti!+ '7e-�trtc'. i'ttrniture Gory ary and shall not 1•e expected to be distri'sutatile to bb?►er l;pon reevirt of such tiocu:acntation,, we will direct our envineer to rct to accommodate your request. i Yok,irs truly, x I Ii r J r i cc% Ua!-er Asanciates, Inc. x 'irsociAtea, Inc• CIVIL ENINEERG ' MAKER PLANNING-SURVEYING Associates inc. August 11, 1981 Mr. Frank Currie P.E. Director of Public Works City of Tigard 12420 S.W. Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 RE: 72nd L. I.D. Gevurtz Furniture Dear Frank, Early in the year, before we got entangled in the 72nd L. I .D. "discussi-ons" , the City requested that Mr. Gevurtz lwho is in the district) pursue the abandonement of his sewer line and connection to the Southwood Park 'Trunk on his own. During that period, I corresponded with John Hagman, on Mr. Gevurtz behalf, and suggested that this change should be incorporated into the 72nd L. I .D. plans. I , also contacted Marion DeHass and asked him if this presented any problem to him and he indicated that he could .incorporate his work in the L. I .D. if the City so ..lirected. The reason T have previously requester] this; work be incorporated is to save Mr. . Gevurtz money. The economy of scale in incorporating this construction work, as a minor portion of a large project is worth the small effort, I believe, in adding this to the plans. If Mr. Gevurtz were to do this by )iimself he would have to hire an engineer to draw plans, acquire two seperate permits, hire a contractor at small scale costs, and pay bonding and permit fees. None of these additional costs will add Lo the work product desired. I am therefore requesting that y,,iu direct your consultant to incorporate the sewer change over and removal of the existing piping as a component of the 72nd L. I.D. with levy of the costs asyou may deem appropriate. 11080 5 W ALLEN BLVD / SUITE 100 / BEAVERTON OREGON 97005 / (507) 647.9410 Mr. Frank Currie P.E. Director of Public Works City of Tigard Page 2 August 11, 1981 Attached are copies of the previous correspondance. Very Truly ours, WAKER ASSOCIATES , INC. Richard C. Waker P.E. CC: Burton Gevurtz RCW/jh CITYOF TIFAM WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON March 13, 1981 WAKER & ASSOCIATES, INC. 11080 SW Allen Blvd. , Suite 100 Beaverton, OR 97005 Attn: Mr. Richard C. Waker RE: Gevurtz Sanitary Sewer Dear Mr. Waker: The enclosure illustrates that the Gevurtz facility connection can be made within public right-of-way and, subsequently, does not require an easement. Authorization to excavate within said right-of-way need be obtained from the State Highway Division and authorization to tap the Southwood Park Trunk need be - btained from Unified Sewerage Agency, by Mr. Gevurtz's contractor. Since installation of the line was originally approved by the City and U.S.A. , to provide temporary service to facilitate development of Gevurtz's site, he, obviously, already has City authorization to proceed. The existing sewer (from 72nd to the site) does not "belong" to the Ci.ty; tentative acceptance, to provide for reduction of the performance installation bond, has occurred; but final acceptance, to transfer operation and maintenance responsibility to the City, has not occurred. One of the principal reasons being that the line was never construed to be anything other than a temporary installation; Gevurtz Furniture Company and anyone else who may have desired to connect thereto (after reimbursing Gevurtz a predetermined amount), were to disconnect from the temporary line and re-connect to a permanent line upon availability of such. Why didn't he do so? Your guess is as good as ours; probably, no one thought of it when U.S.A. installed the Southwood Park 'trunk. Irregardless, responsibility rests solely with Gevurtz Furniture Co. to fulfill the obligation of termination of use. The City does not desire to attempt to incorporate a seperate private obligation within the L.I.U. ; further, to attempt to do so at this date date, with the delays that have already plagued the L.I.D. , would result in an undue cost to all parties. Yours truly, John S. Hagman Supt. Engr. Division JSH:pjr 12420 S.W. MAIN P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PH: 639-4171 -- CIVIL ENINEERING WWAKER PLANNING-SURVEYING-A Associates inc, March 5, 1981 29603 Mr. John S. Hagman OF ���D� Superintendent Engineer Division City of Tigard 12420 S.W. Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Gevurtz Furniture - Facility Bonita Road Dear John: Bud Gevurtz has asked me to respond to your letter of February 4, 1981 after reviewing this matter. As you indicated, a connection to the new Southwood Park Trunk should have been done during that construction but was not. In considering your request for Gevurtz Furniture to make this connection at this time, several considerations occur to me: 1 . Is there an easement to the east of the stub placed at M.H. 18 .E 59 so that a public sewer may cross this area? 2. The existing sewer belongs to the City of Tigard and potentially serves more than Gevurtz Furniture (smets) . Why then should Mr. Gevurtz bear the sole expense for this change and considering the ease with which this connection could have been previously made, why shouldn' t the City now make this change similar to conforming existing driveways to new road constructioii? or; 3. Regardless if who pays, this work would be more economically accomplished a5 a small portion of the proposed L. I .D. improvement rather than pursuing this as a separate action. Why not then, incorporate this item into the L. I .D. Improvements? Very truly yours, WAKER ASSOCIATES, INC. Lill Richard C. Waker, P.E. ,►- cc: bud Gevurtz 11080 S.W ALLEN BLVD / SUITE 100 / BEAVERTON OREGON 97003 / (503) 640-4410 F F @ '1 . 1"01 CITYCSF TIVARD WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON February 4, 1981 GEWRTZ FURNITURE COMPANY • 210 SW Morrison Portland, OR 97204 Dear Mr. Gevurtz: As Tou may be aware, the City is in the process of initiating a major roadway improvement along SW •72nd Avenue, including improvement of SW Bonita Road easterly and westerly of its intersection with 72nd Avenue. The new design provides for raising the present elevation of the intersection to improve traffic sight distance, and, also, provides for installation of a large storm water culvert easterly of the intersection to eliminate its annual flooding problem. Further, a few years ago, Unified Sewerage Agency completed installation of the Southwood Park Sanitary Sewer Trunk along the south side of Bonita Road. Disconnection of your building from the temporary sanitary sewer line which was previsouly installed along the north side of Bonita and, connection thereof to the Southwood Park Trunk should have been done when the Trunk went into operation; but, as there was no immediate need to pursue such, no one did. That situation no longer exists. The current physical elevation of the temporary sanitary sewerage line is in 'direct conflict with the elevation of the 'to be installed' storm sewer ;•,culvert and subsequently, since permanent sanitary sewerage facilities are available, we find it necessary to request that you proceed to disconnect from the temporary line and connect to the Southwood Park Trunk prior to June 1, 1981; at which time we anticipate work to begin on 72nd Avenue and on Bonita Road. Your personal action, hereinregard, will. assure uninterrupted sanitary sewerage service to ,your building and will help to assure swift completion of the roadway improvements to better serve your business. Yours truly, John S. }gagman Supt. Engr. 'Division JSH:p,jr cc: Building Department 12420 S.W. MAIN F.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PH: 639-4171 December 22, 1978 !,r. W.A. Roberts, Project Engineer Walter Associates, Inc. lo55 S.W. Allen Blvd. Suite 223 Beaverton, Oregon 97005 RF: Gevertz Sanitary Sewer 'dear "r. Roberts: ttpon conducting a final inspection of the above referenced project, 7 find that the base of manhole "5 f',an sewer i.nflox-r which inust be repaired. Subsequently after such re^air(s) cro )hadn, T teen cian transmit a notice to the City Council reco►ranending release of your maintenance bond (OY3751-1945) and, re minendinp_. City acceptance of the public facilities within the project. Please contact this office at 639-4171 prior to starting the repairs, ao our inspector will be Able to schedule observation of the work. Yours truly, i?obert L. Ttioinpgon nnv,ineerinK Tech. 77 n,r/pjr ccs 13ob Gevurtz E '«r`7771�RS COPY CITY OF TIGARD, ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , P W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY JOB NO. - - -- -- PROJECT TITLE.'-- DAT E ITLE:__DATE: Z -- PROGRESS TO DATE : - - 4W- SPECIAL -SPECIAL PROBLEMS: EST °/6-0ROJEC�/ ITEM COMPLETION: INSPECTOR_ . : • 'l' 1 I City of Tigard INSPECTION REQUEST for INSPECTION TIME : PERMIT NO.: ._ DATE: DATE ISSUED:_./L_ OWNERS NAME .* ADDRESS : < V U CONTRACTOR : � TEST. Air ❑, Water p , Visual All Laboratory p RESULT: Approved , Disapproved p , Pending r; SKETCH: I I I I INSPECTOR DATE COTE Attach supplemental test data heist] I _ -.�..�.N�+w.:.r..W..u.,,�,.�a...+�...L:...a..nH..:y.W.w�.w..,.w.i�-..,�..w...a-..v.— ..._.... ._,._,.,,..._�.......:�,...d..��.,.�.�:,,..».y;a,....� City of Tigard INSPECTION REQUEST for INSPECTION TAME: /'r� PERMIT NO. :_ DATE: J-12 //4 DATE ISSUED : // OWNERS NAME : �p�• ��� ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR : 'EST : Air C , Wcte-C , Viauo! ,9, Ljboratory C RESULT: Approved 1 , �iaapproved C , Pendinj C SKETCH: h /T INSPECTOR DATE NOTE ; A!tach supplemental lest dale h •r i J Y of 'Tigard"i and _ for MPECTIUN 'DIME: .. /��,'?�'` '� PERMIT NO. :.__ , DATE ISSUED :—I--L_ j OWNERS NAME : _.��!✓1•�.�'�-•_ �__ l - s ADDRESS: C0N'rRACTO R TEST : Air 0, Water r7 , Vis»al O , Laboratory ❑ RESULT: Approved 11 Disapproved O , Pending [] SKETCH: � Ii I �i I l 1 I INSPI:CT( R r)ATE _ I [NOTE At10Ch suppinmentol test uoiu t, J I July 30, 1976 Benj. Franklin lederal. :iavings h i,aon Assoc. 517 S,,W. Stark Portland, Gregor. 37204 Attns Mr. Foug Fah Res "(;evurtz" Gash bond Escrow Agreement Bear Mr. Fah: knclosed plese find one copy of City Council Resolution No. 7b-(;I authorizing the release of the aformentioned cash (performance) bond deposit. Therefor, in accord with the terms and conditions of said bond, this letter is to serve as certificate of release of said deposit. Very truly, Doris Hartig City Recorder, city of Tigard LH/fs ccs file Burton Gevurtz Encs CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION No. 16- 6 RESOLUT1CA OF THE TjGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS, KNOWN AS THE GEVURTZ SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION, CONSTRUCTED WITHIN S.W. BONITA ROAD SUBJECT TO ONE YEAR MAINIENANCE PERIOD. WHEREAS, the City executed a Sanitary Sewer Compliance Agreement, dated October 16, 1975, with GEvurtz Furniture Company to install a temporary sanitary sewer line, and appurtenances thereto, within S.W. Bonita Road, to specified standards; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department has now issued certification that all terms and conditions specified by said agreement have been satsifactorly completed, and WHEREAS, an acceptable maintenance bond has been received by the City, to permit release of the previously submitted performance bond as required by said contract, ensuring continued maintenance of the work throughout the stipulated period; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESO LI'E'D that the City Council of the City of Tigard, Oregon, hereby accepts the public improvements, constructed within S.W. Bonita Road, known as the Gevurtz Sanitary Sewer Extension. SUBJECT TO, the normal one year maintenance period. AND FURTHER, the City Council herein authorizes release of the previously submitted performance bond therefor. PASSED: This _Z_ 60 day of - t �tI _ _, 19 76, by the Council of the City of Tigard. e ' S Mmy o r All LST: R(-corder Resolution No. 76 I r� t AHE A ��1 s 30 C I A T I�!I'!!!! A C . IIS ( !!!!!!!! Sf J ►' � �J Planning Engeneerin ! JSurveying _� J July 13 , 1976 0929605 Mr. John Hagman City of Tigard 12420 S .W. Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear John : The purpose of this letter is to confirm our knowledge of the problem with the manholes at the Gevurtz Furniture site. We will insure that the Contractor .remedies this problem just as soon as possible . Very truly yours , WAKER ASSOCIATES , INC. Wilton A� kud Roberts , P ,E. Engineering Director WAR/sas CC : Cloice Hall 10550 S.W. ALLEN BLVD., SUITE 223 ! BEAVERTON, OREGON 97005 / 503 - 643-9410 )iINDUSTRIAL INDEMNITY COMPANY Fi•. "V 255 California Street • San Francisco,California 94120 Bond No. YS751-1945 MAINTENANCE BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS; That we, GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, a corporation as Principal, and INDUSTRIAL INDEMNITY COMPANY, a California corporation, as Surety, are held and iamiy bound Unto CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON :IS(1))hyee, in the sum of EIGHT TIIOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED SIXTY AND NO/100THS------------- DOLLARS M8,860.001' lawful money of the United States of America,for which sum,well and truly to be paid,we bind ourselves,our heirs, executors,administrators,successors and assigns,Jointly and severally,firmly by these presents. 114F CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION ARE SUCH,That,Whereas,the said Principal entered into a certain onuact with the Obligee,for ollE (1) YEAR MAIN'T'ENANCE OF SANITARY SEWER AS PE.t CONDITION OF SANITARY SEWER C011PLTANCE AGREEMENT, for 6600 S.W. BONITA ROAD, TIGARD, OREGON, EFFECTIVE FROM 7/19/76 to 7/19/77. nd, Whi.REAS, the Principal contracted to give the Obligee a bond In a penalty of EIGHT THOUSAND EIGHT 1RIM)Rh'D SIXTY AND NO/100the DOLLARS ($8,860.00) f,Oore final acceptance and approval of the work done under said contract,conditioned that the Principal would make good and protect the said Obligee from and against the results of any faulty materials or workmanship having hccn incorporated in any part of the work so contracted for,which shall have appeared and been discovered,and concerning which the said Ptlncipal has been given notice within the period of one year from and after the c,,,.,pl,-tion and acceptance of the work done under said contract, NOW, THEREFORE,if the Principal shall well and truly comply with any written order made by the proper official of the said Obligee and legally served on the said Principal within the period of one yearfrom and after the date of the completion and acceptance of said contract,to make good and protect the said Obligee against the results of any faulty materiels or workmanship appearing to have been incorporated in any part of the work performed under .aid contract,which shall have appeared or been discovered within saidoneyyear period after completion of the work,then this obligation shall be null and void;otherwise,to remain in full Torce and effect. Signed,sealed and dated this 12th day of July fqP6 GEVURTZ FUITU COMPANY a corp. BY' �. INDUSTTAL INDEMNITY COMPAffY Attorneyin•fact Kathleen Brophy V 720 F.W. Washington, Portland, Otagon 97205 June 30, 197(. Mr. W.A. Roberts Waker Associates, Inc. 1055 S.V. Allen Blvd. Suite 223 Beaverton, )regon 97005 Ke: Gevurtz public improvements near hr. Ttober is t In response to your formal request for final inspection of public improvements, pertinant to said project, please be advised that such has been conducted (June 24, 1976) with the following findingst 1. a 12" C.H.P. "storm" eulvert needs to be installed, as per our previous field discussion, under the G.I. sewer line, near station 1 1 501 , to facilitate storm run-off from the north shoulder of Bonita Ra. : concrete to be placed arounci both ends to prevent rock erosion. 2. (... i. frames on MH 01-A and MH #2 need to be mortared to the MH cones, as per U.S.h. rules and Hegulatiorm. 3. MH #3 reeds to be raise(4 to the :finished grade of the drlvewAv, and the frame needs to be mortared to the MH .one. 4. M11 #4 05 and 0) needs to be located, raised to finished grade and mortared. 5. A one year rraintenanc:e bond needs to be submitted to the City, in the sum of $8,855.50, as per the compliance agreement. ♦ �Je 12" c..P. storm culvert_ remains to be extended from C.A. #1 to 24" (,.M.P. crorring at the drlveWav entrance, as per the approvers plan. 10.4 Upon completion and re-inspectle,n of the aformenttoned items, we will prepare formal documentation for (:itv r:ouncil acceptance of the work as per the terms of the project compliance Agreement. Upon Gounci.l acceptance of the work (and the maintenance bond) we will subsequently issue formal release of the eylsting project performance bond. bery 'Truly, John S. H man Supt. Eng eering Division CCt Burton Gevurtz A a AMER S 1 ATO C f� �Pion ning f� ngwneerin, g JSurveging q4k L ; 092960June 3, 1976 Ci��,ox, �y�s 0 Mr. John S. Hagman., Superintendent Engineering Division City of Tigard Post Office Box 23557 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear John: With the adjustment of th- fire hvdrants , all public construction appears to be completed at the G2vurtz Furniture Store on Bonita Road. The five anchor straps have been placed as detailed and the lines tested. We therefore respectfully request final in- spection and a:ceptance of the public improvements . If you have any questions , please call . Very truly yours , WAKER ASSOCIATES , INC . Wilton A. "Bud," Roberts , P .E . Engineering Director WAR/sas CC : Bud Gevurtz Cloice Hall 76 ®'k 10550 S.W. ALLEN BLVD., SUITE 223 / BEAVERTON. OREGON 97005 ! 503 - 643-9410 m m O O vl -,c a. +� °. p O +D O O O M N f� Y/ M c n. 0 G J 0 C h Y g a o - o o O o o w � n c O E 1>r�77Tr7r , V O O O Ci c t:. G o O M m -. O O A pj >•: ✓J J V. ,q N - O O O p O 0 C O z O a 4 = o O Y 0 F O z � z C tj O O vi O .[l O N N 1111�1l1iI1lIl�tldild�Id�hIlli�il,I�LI�L1:1�1�1�111�11II��I11, 1 1 1 � I 1 1 + 11 i 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 X1, 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 i t l 1 i 1 i 1 � a O W y a s it co m 1 (� r10I �4 M ni 'r 0 N m M , W � v O N 1 . W z a l 9 w W \ /'� O '--I e� N W Lni w ✓� 0 OS+ N z �, vai a �' Y N 00 W W f% cr 0 W O �1 Wcr W Q w Q H a Z Z UI ! p F N .r �- N c O W N Fn n v r PROCEDURE FOR CONDUCTING ACCEPT,-%.;CE TF,ST 1. Clean pipe to be tested by propelling snug fitting inflated rubber ball through the pipe with water. 2. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable test plugs, Brace i-ach plug securely. 3. If the pipe to be tested Is submerged in ground watei., insert a pipe pro', by Loring or jetting, into the backfill material aijacent tc the center of the pipe, and determine th., pressure in the probe when ai, passes slowl, through it. This is the back pressure due to ground wate.t: submergence ov,!t the end of the probe. All gauge pressures in the test should be increased by this amount. 4. Add air slowly to the portion of the pipe installation under test until the internal air pre:,sure is raised to 4.0 prig. 5. ,heck exposed pipe and plugs fcr abnormal leakage b- coating wit..h a s<,.ap solution. If any failures arcs :,bserved, bleed off air and make necessary repairs. 6. After an internal pressure of 4.0 psig is obtained, allow at least two minute ; fcr air temperature to staLilizz, adding only the :jmount of air required to mair_tain pressure. 7. After the two minute period, disconnect air supoiy, 8.. When pressure decreases to .5 psig, start stopwatal,. Uetermine the time in seconds that is required for the internal air pressure to reach 1.5 psig. Tnis time interval should then be compared with the time required in seconds as computed on reverse side of sheet. 9. List sizi and l.engr.h of all portions of pi.pc L -, " r `:(,:it in twat: to one sh,3wn on teverse side of. sheet, 10. By use of nomograph, compute K and C. Use scr_!ss 6 aal Lp ret:d Y. r.nd enter these values in the table on reverse side of s:icet. 11. Add all values of K and all values of C fc;: p pe under Leat. 1.2. If the total of all C values is less than calor enter the tonal c.L . 1 K vain,,.,.. into the space for "Hire Required ir. Scc.ond,o. " 13. If the total of all C values is greater tb,in ane, divine th i to_• ; values, by the total of all C values, to gat tq. Tc make. this " . the nomograph, use scaler C and K, and read tu, A K E A ��JSOC iATE: "I'll"� Aanning Engineering ISuIrveging J 10550 S.W. ALLEN BLVD., SUITE 223 / BEAVERTON, OREGON 97005 / 503 - 643-9410 FROM Jack A. Ritchie Planner/Designer TO: Mr. John Hagman City of Tigard 12420 S .W. Main. `ILL 29605 Tigard, OR 97223 DATE. June 2 , 1976 SUBJECT: Gevurtz furniture GENTLEMEN: ENCLOSED HEREWITH ARE: PRELIMINARY MAP TENTATIVE MAP FINAL MAP OR PLAT CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE CONSTRUCTION PLANS SPECIFICATIONS CUT SHEETS FOR: _-_-_ GRADING PLAN — ------ - 1 mylar copy of Acord Drawing reflecting revised Concrete Pier Detail . e-.=- l T L c I . Coi rere, - �� '=et-CL CITY OF 11r- ^gin YOURS VERY TRULY WAKER ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED By— YELLOW TO CLIENT PINK TO JOB FIL GOLDEN TO TRANSMITTAL FILE AM R ��' s s0 C 1 ATE s 1 LLLLLLI� Planning EngineeringSury _ 9 eying 10550 S.W. ALLEN BLVD., SUITE 223 / BEAVERTON, OREGON 97005 / 503 - 643-9410 FROM: Jack A. Ritchie Planner/Designer TO Mr. . John Hagman City of Tigard FILE: 29605 DATE: June 1 , 1976 SUBJECT: Gevurtz Furniture GENTLEMEN ENCLOSED HEREWITH ARE. PRELIMINARY MAP _ TENTATIVE MAP FINAL MAP OR PLAT - CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE CONSTRUCTION PLANS SPECIFICATIONS CUT SHEETS FOR - _ GRADING PLAN As-built drawings for Gevurtz sanitary sewer. V C YOURS VERY TRUI.Y WAKE SSO/CIAT�ES, INCORPORATED BY T/ ✓/ 1j , �i YEL LOW TO CLIENT PINK TO JO FILE GOLDEN TO TRANSMITTAL FILE '. by 24, 1976 : :r. Bob 'Pershing 're;,on ,IM Corp, :ki3t t1210C c:,rtLf�rzd, C retxor� 37242 P-eference t File °Fa. SDR 17-76 (Gevurtz Fumittso) :ear • r. Rershinr: i lease be advised that theTi;-;ard Review Board, at trieir re ",ular r;eeting of 5/11/7( p eunsidesreci your request for sign apprcaval for Gevurt.. 1:'Lalnitti>re f'o. ard. Your submission was approves(l, subject to the fol,lo,,ring conditionst 1. An a. equate landscape mond be provided under option "B". 'ie location of the freeomy ssi;;i be -xcved to its ori, incl location as shokm cn the site plea:. '. The l.arnds unpin;r be submitted for final staff approval. ;Plvase be r4v to have --aur client react and sten the bottom of this letter ar t. return it to the City of ',ga.rd. 'Aricerel f. Trick: Dolen P1wm1nt; nirector ID:pt cc: Bldg. ,?fficial. rngr. Supt. Motet The followinj-; acl-.no pleda:nt joust be received by the City of Tigard within fourteen (11+) daysq of your receipt of alias letter. Failures to return this netcnowledi,;ment flay result in action b; the City of Ti,-,,wlo I heretry acknowledge this .letter dockame3ntinr the Faction of U-,e I L`ar<l :'etsi,;n Review Board, I have receive(.! and read Vias letter Add 1 at,,Tee tc the decision here docuimented and to abide by wiy tetras ctnd./,)r c,,-,r.- ditions nttnoho�d. d a fe- � /L) 6 THIS ACREFFfE:7T, Made this �p t,�day of �j,�,� between Gcv,irtz Furniture Co. hereinafter termed "Owner", the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of the State of Oregon, hereinafter termed "City", and the UNIFIED SFW ERAGE AGEKY CF WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON, hereinafter termed "Agency", V. W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, the Owner desires to construct a sewer trunk line at Owner's expense, extending from an existing City-owned sewer trunk line at a point 10.0 fert, rs nr less, North of existing Mt 12:-18.2 of Tignrd Industrial Park Sewer; and running thence N89° 38'00" F._parallel and 14.0 fort Northerly of She L:ut 1 in of Bonita Ro.-id, a distance of 500.0 font to a mnnhol_ e: thcnce 541°28'57"E _qf 1u5.3 feet to a ranhnle; thence S87°18'28"E a distance of 134.1 feet to a manhole, which hears 500°12'00"F: 38.0 feet and N88°40'00" 4.00 feet from the Nurthwest corner of the Gcvurtz i tract; said tract bcine xlp those certain lands of the Owner as described on the attached sheet headed "DESCRIPTION", denoted Exhibit "A", and by this reference made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the Owner has applied to the City to approve construction of said line and to permit conner_tion rheceof to the City's linre at —the shove dp.rrih^d—_ coameCtion and the Owner hes further applied to tt.e Agency for se:=ags disposal services, and the City and the Agency subject to the agreements and prcvislons hereof are willing to grant to the Owner the p-ivileges a,,d uses as her0nafter set forth, NOW, THFREFDRE, In conaideratiun of the foregoing pcemises, the agreLm.nts herein contained, the paycf-ata to be made by Owner to the City and the Agency pursuant to the terms hereof, and 0112 wLituil benefits to be derived by the part!^s, .the Omer, the City and the Agency agree as f,.11owst (1) The Owner may, upon approval by the City and the Agency of plans and specifications prepared by the Owner, proceed with the construction of said sewer trunk line from the abuve dr,r-rtbed connection point and running; thence alun Rthe— Above described route t W � I � t i NEW •the Owner's preutt"k as described on thb attached Exhibit "A'-, all at Owner's expense and cost -xcept as herein otherwise provided. (2) The Owner shall pay or cause to be paid to the City as agent for the Agency, all connection charges as prescribed by rate orders of the Agency. In addition, the Owner shall bear the cost of connecting Owner's premises to the sewer trunk line as extended, and no connection shall be made until application therefor has been filed and approved, the connection charges paid, and all work and materials involved in the V sewer service connection shall have been inspected and approved by the City and/or the Agency. (3) The rights of the Owner hereunder are subject to the sewer charges, terms and provisions of pre-existing contracts as described on the attached sheet headed "SCHEDULE", denoted Exhibit "B" by reference made a part hereof, and, in addition to all other charges herein, the Owner shall pay the surcharges set forth on said Exhibit (4) Title to, and ownership of, said trunk line, upon completion of construction thereof pursuant to the terms hereof, shall vest in the City, and the City shell thereafter have full jurisdiction thereover in all respects to the same extent as the City exer. ises jurisdiction over any other sewer line within its system. (5) he City and the Agency agree t9 require payment by any owner(or user of premisel whrse lands are to be d rectly served by the sewer trunk line herein described, within the boundaries of the area delineated on the attached plat marked F.shibit "C" and by reference made a part hereof, who shall apply to the City for connection of said promises to said line, in addition to all other eunneetion charges, a sum equal to $600.00__ per acre Gf said owners (or user of prrmises)' lands, and said amount shall be paid by such applicant pr:,)r to being issued a pertrit for oa•n such connection, and the sum thus collected as and when received by the City shall be paid over to the Owner, or pursuant to Owner's direction, in partial reimbursement of Owner's costs in construction of sold sewer line. Owner shall furnish to the City upon completion of construction, a sworn Itemized statement of the cnats incurred in connection with construction of said sewer line and the City shall be entitled to examine the records of the Owner with respect to said costs and to verify the amount thereof. Owner shall not be entitled to reimbursement for any extension of said sewer line or any connection of property to such extansion, and the Owner's reimbursement 1 A s.iatl be limited Lo direct coniecticns with the sewer line constructed by Owner hereunder. Reimbursement hereunder s'.all be limited to a period of ten (10) years and Shall not exceed eighty three per cent ( 83%) of the total cost incurred by the Owner in constructing said line. At the expiration of 10 years or at such time as $10,608_00 reimbursement has been accomplished in accordance herewith, the Owner's rights to reimburscinent hereunder shall be of no further force and effect. r (6) It is an express condition c, this agreement that at the City's option, Cvner's lands or any other lands served by said trunk line for which sewer service is made available hereunder, may be annexed to the City as and when said lands are or becume contigu-us to the City's boundaries as now established or hereafter extended by annexatiun, and execution of this agreement by the Owner shall co sLatut-e consent to / the annexation of the above described lands, and such consent shall run with the land and bind the (honer, its successors and assigns. • (7) To the extent authorized by law, any sewer connection or service charge hereinabove required,to he paid with respect to premises served under the terms of this agreement, which charge is not paid when due, shall thereupon become a lien upon such premises until paid. Said lien right shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, any other runedy provided by law. An executed copy of this agreement, containing a description of the lands to be srrv-_d Ler-bj, :!'=11 he rerorded in the Mortpage Records of t;rshinyton County, Oregon, with the intent. and purpose that notice of the City's lien rights for Sewer connection and srrvice charges will be given to all purcha!ers and users of portions of said lands. If and whsn the premises are annexed to the City, lliis pLuvisl,Jn , for lien shall terminate. (8) The City shall riot be r—possible or ltah!e for disruption or temhurary discontinuance of sewage disposal services hereunder due to florid, earthquake, or Mw r act of God, or other causes beyoed the governmental cuntrol of the City. (y) F.ach of the parties heretc shall be bound only as to those provisions heir-of as to which such party may lawfully assent. • IN WIINES5 WIIERF.OF, Lhis .nstrument has been executed in triplicate pursuant to resolutions heretofore duly adopted by each of the parties signatory hereto. r .3- , 4 r CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON UNIFIED SEWERAGE. AGENCY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON Mayor By: Chairman, Board of County X By: Commissioners of Washington �. Recon et County, as governing body of Unified Sewerage Agency y• Gevurtz Furnituye , _ (OWNER)•, - e)r Pros. By BB1 , — By; Cdnirmon rd d Cemrnhr+ione Y APPROVED W tNGTON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS VJA- MINUTE ORDER#...•....'_�_.....4 DATE ..Y jjY / Cunt OF?HSI 110AaD STATFjOf OREGON ) ss. County of On this day of _ h1�pCA , 191(a , before ?e a/ppea-ed _-_— utC'44w1.._»L✓Atl _ -- — and _ both to r.e persocall M. wn, who being duly sworn, did say that he, the said y�aZ 1p� �._Jyt�,` Is the 1l1.iy President, and he, the said --� is the ScCresary --— ------- Ofthe within r.amr•d Ccrpr)ration, ynd that !!,A, seal affixed to said inst::Tent Is the cor- porate seal of said Cc:p.radon, and that the said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf/ of said C—porati-n by authority f :s Beard of Di:e:tcre, and acd v 1� I� SDu acknoM'.edged I said Instrument to be the free act and de.d of said Co-pr, ation. 1N 9'FS11MO14Y WF+FREOF, : F.ive heretrto set ry hand and Affixed rry off)cial seal the day and year lest. ahcve Wd !'• Nota:y Pub for Oregon ' r My rorrmisslcn Fxpi:es ��l_`�7 , I +a Iltlyl •i 1 14 A 4 I I , . -_--' jai 14 .; /; 101 ---•--__.... _.tis!�_ _:. _—� I • y+R 100 ;3.r. _ Sao,!9`4 1Q.f.'• aagfo rs y y" 'Ir �s��•i.`w' _.�:•ii' t I�� 201 700 �lb - II 300 14 • �? � d/rtr .•. I of •.i I 4 • N / to 1N N . 4411♦' .^ v t t•.i so"[o y / a- tag 3300 [ 400 f. I �1 +� .tb�� i I� .._. �- �_b_._.r.-y.._-.___---..-. 111 • �Y 1 Y.�Id � 1r- c:1 �G .G�♦ /, ti"af''AE `:IA•. _ _ ��/ r_ IIC 'QOM if 6.'.L __ - J'. �Qe •a., ; 1'• IF 2901 CAir 2000 I zS0o o�•:se �L Atte. �•�� �- I I 4 3000 3100 1 I 2,?OO 3'00 1 _ I I/a. 1 1 J 17 sr r^ar 1 I 4 I1 r - — 3 - su SOC• - ' ' ♦' 1 i NI 7.02 I 3800 �G74 ;! \) 3900-b11 .[i I �reat its I. �r • /] ! ' 1 a iE 2100 I�Y ! 1 A11C 5':c 112//) '� ._ 11 1'1( I .•:1 1 • NS �; /.a' • .1 •.!t :�' _' .-._ .� .- Sjlb � ;! - 19/0 � � ' :e Ila m I SUBJEM Proposed Gevurtz Reimbursement*(Computations). 1.) Boundary area 21.50 Ac. � 1 2.) Public sewer ronin construction cost : $12,845.00 3.) 'Fair Share' rate M total cost s total acreage dollars per acre y ($12,845.00) T (11.50 Ac.) _ $600.00 ($597:44196 per acre) 4.) Therefore, 'fair share' recoverable by Gevurtz is: boundary acreage - Gevurtz property remaining acreage (21.50 Ac.) - (3.82 Ac.) _ (17.68 Ac.) and, thence : remaining acreage x dollars per acre potential recoverage r (17.68 Ar_.) x $600.00 $10,608.00 (597,44186) ($10,562.17) which is not greater than, $10,608.00 - ($12,845.00) 0.8258466 83% ($19r562r77) OTS22425 or 82% I of the original cost incurred by Gevurtz, i< based on area (i.e. sq. ft. or acreage) Formula. I x based on (dash. Co. Tax Account 'lap data. } based on data submitted by "Gevurtz". i r I a WASHINGTON COUNTY Inter—I)epartment ( orrespondence ,� April 13 , 1976 '�,: I Board of Directors Unified Sewerage Agency I rom Joel Wesselman General ManagerP iL� lr. i �v `uhi<<i : City of Tigard--Agreement to Provide Sanitary Sewer Service to Property Outside the City Limits The Agency has received a proposed agreement from the City of Tigard which would provide sewer service through the Tigard system for the following commercial development : Gevurtz Furniture Company Tigard Industrial Park The agreement between the City and Gevurtz Furniture Company is nec- essary because the property is not in the city limits of Tigard. The basic requirements of the agreement are as follows : 1. The ongoing connection charge will be applicable . 2 . The connection will be subject to the rules and regulations of the Agency. 3. "he property owner consents to annexation to Tigard . 4. A 35-cent surcharge per unit , per month, will be paid in addition to the ongoing monthly service charge . This is applied in lieu of City property taxes that the property is not subjected to by being out of the city limits . This agreement is in accord with the Agency' s contract with Tigard and with previous agreements for service outside of Tigard . RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board approve the agreement with Gevurtz Furniture Company in the Tigard Industrial Park to provide sanitary sewer service outside the city limits of Tigard. h AYPROVIRU WASHINGTON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MINLITE MADER # DATE CLERK Or ,. "^' 4' March 31, 1976 Unified Sewera&e Agency Washington County Courtbouse Hillsboro, OreEon 97132 ! Res Gevurtz Furniture St—er Agreeric.nt Gent 1 emen i Enclosed is the above mentioned agreement for your signstures. This agree.m-^_nt will serve one coml:»rclal development and is subject to future development. If you have any questions regardinn this matter, please feel free to contact me. Sin erely, i Doris Hartig City Recorder I DHilw J Enclosure I I WNW i 1 .. Am,ilOVE AGRI,XMN,NT - Gevurtz 2anitary Sewer (n) City Adinini.stc•atQ1' reconariended approval. by Cooncil. and pointed out it was a standard agreement. (b) Motion to approve agreement: Councilman Cook, seconded by ' Councilman Mickelson. Motion passed by unanimous vote of Council. 13. R�;VIEW J\w;hiclearly FV100I7 PHASE ill PREI�MINARY IDi__ AP OVAL: (a) Ciinistrator reiterated action taken by Planning Coon that officially removed the burden on the developer tove 115th St. to Dakota St. as part of Phase III of EnDevelopn�erit. He trier read a portion of the Municipal Coclearly states that Council can review and amend ann g Commission action upon the Council's own motion, (b) Cost ff and Legal Counsel discussed the question of who waonsi le for- improvement of 115th St. and what length sarovem nt should be. (c) Motion to set p blit hearing, to recctve relative testimony from the Develop r »nd a repre.sentntive from the Planning Commission on Apr 1 i2, 1976, 8:00 P.M. at Fowler Junior High: Councilman oak, seconded by Councilman Moore. Motjon passed by itna inions vote of Council. / 14 . PUIILIC HEARINGS - Ol'F,NIi�U 8: , P.M. (a) Z014E CHANGE - A request try Gordon Carpenter for concept appl.ovAl of p, proposed resi.denti_a planned development in the vicinity of 115 b S.W. 98th (Washi.nb , n County Tay- Map 1S 1 35C, Tax Lot 900ir ( 1 ) Public hearing opened (2) Statement of farts by P rini.ng Director (3) ,Pu hlic Testimony: Prcponents - Mr. (Gordon . r-penter, applicant ! Opponents - None Crosti Examination - Council. questioned apiilic:ant 0-)out � building site size and the a Isting house or, property. i (4) Planning director recommended Co noil approvai of zona i chenge and concept approval with ,he following conditionst That a 10 foot r/w dedicated to he i:i.ty on S.W. 08th for future widening. Applicant wAive his right, for the next 10 years,to re- i monsterate against the formation of a local Improvement PAGE 3 - MINUTES - MARCH 290 1976 t '.SSING AI•t'RE'CfAT'I,pN AND r ' EN'DfUu RALPH C. D.�RI{11UIt.;'I' FOR H 1S 5ERVICR T CITY OF 'CIGARU AS A Pi.l�NNINt; CO,�rhitSSiONF,R AAIn A. CITY COUNCILMAN. y. Itl?SOt,ll'f1UN No. 76. A NGSO1,U'fIUN 6XI.!CItE�c",].NG 1tLC1A'fll�tJ t!1' THE C7.'fY OF UGARD TO DANIEL SMF'OR 1115 11URL1C ,,h'RV10E AS A MEMBI?R OF THE. f" RD PLANNING CciALM1SSI.ON. 9. APPROVE REFUND - MODERN PLUMBING $3 .00 (g) Recotnm d on of Bui),ri ng Official. 0, APPROVE AGREEMENT - Gevurtx Sanitary Sewer (a) Reconanendation of City Adrninistrator 11. PUBLIC HEARINGE1 Commencing at BiOO P.M. (a) ZONE CHANGE - A request; by Gordu►1 CArpente for cgncept approval of a proposed residential planned develop ent in Lha vicinity of 11535 S.W. 98th (Washington County Tax M 1S1 35C, T4x Lot 900). (1) Public Hearing Opened (2) Statement of Facts By Pl.annittg n petor (3) Public Testimony Proponents Opponents Cross Examination (4) Recommendation of Planning ireetor (5) Consideration by Council (b) ZONING ORDINANCE A.MENUM&N'I' - roposed ameridmegts to the Tigard Municipal Code, Chapter 18. (Parkin;) to reflect revised standards and criteria for cuff-street parking, (1) Public- Hearing Open d (Z) Statement of Facts Ry Plannini; Ut.r.u!ctor (3) Public 'Cetatimony Pcoponents Opponents Cross rxdtri• Lien (4) Reiommetidatio of Planning Director (5) Disru�Fion b (,ouncil ✓fi. KEVIEW OF ENGLEWOOD PH SF 11.1 PRELIMINARY PLAT AE111ROVAI, ( a) Recommendati of City Administrator ✓L 9, AWARD CONTRACT - S I'I'ARY SEWER INP ILTRA'fI ON/I.NFLOW CONTROL (a) Recurrmenda on of City Admi.ntstrator 14. REQUEST FOR WAIV OF SECURITY REQUIREMENTS FOR 5'tREFT 0FEN1NGS Tigard Water District. (a) Rrco)mnienda ion of City Administrator PAGE 2 - COUNCIL AGENDA - MARCH 29,1976 t O. CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGENCY OF WASHINGTON COUN'rY, OREGON Byt Mayor By: Chairman, Board of County Commissioners of Washington Recorder County, as governing body of Unified Sewerage Agency i Cevur.tst Furniture (OWNER) t i r,S• Pres. By: B t SATE OF ORFGON ) County of On this _ day of , 19��p , hefcre me apReA-ed - ii` s�_._> ✓fit./3.._.____ ..__ _ - and hath to meersc-all k..wn, who being duly @worn, did say that he, the saidIa�2.�A� is the President, and t e, :t?:iJ.�_. _. is the Ss eatery the _aid ._..._-._-. �_..._l.__ of the within named Ct,poration, .%nd that !!,e seal affixed to said Inst-;aeFnt is the cor- porate seal of said Cc•pctation, and that the said In-%lrument was algned and -trialed In br.halff cJjai Ct:l;utati:n by aut_Fcri:y f is Bcstd of Di:r-:tons, and �l �Z `�a�`�'__ qd ].!Z' ��_.. ' Jso�J eekrow!edged I said i:a!tument to be thr• free aL.t and decd of said Corpr.-gticn. IN "I S1lMONY WHEREOF, I have hertur to set .y 1�nd and afflxed try off h, iel sral the day and year lost/OIL w tta • ..orf ,/ , _' .vtJ •Nptaty ublis for Oregon _- _-�-��— My Coamisslon rxpi.cs__�,IK�.TIi._f�>>..._ ._ A t •RBS 7Je djA r C `ti 'j,Ja o,,, �'14sSvG� 710 47C-e--9=/a i e. 5 c c,c.+Gr � 7C ) 4WH 7 / / �r�✓/�S/or�S �c.�cr C" ty»�i�.. S�r/-Yy LU.S7'CY 7 zc1-/1, =Pc_rass be/.41 /.-1 c_,4 k. tiZ2S ! /1711 h � if �. i � C.-�.. � !"!1 1 I'►1 C R� GL9/� ��.� rc' ✓Cd �� r.c;C January 23, 1976 Mr. Bud Gevurtz 210 S. W. Morrison Street Portland, Oregon 97204 lies Gevurtz Keimbursement Agreement (sewer) Dear Mr. Gevurtz: Enclosed please find one original of the above referenced document, for your execution and acknowledgment. ALSO, herewith, please find a copy of the computation data which should help to .:larify how the agreement figures were derived. Upon return of :he executed agreement, the kAty will proceed to process same. Vcry truly, J. _3. Hagman 6upt. A.ng. Div. -Vihsms Lnclosures 2 SUhJECi's i'roposed Gevurtz Reimbursement (Computations). 1. ) Boundary area 21.50 Ac. 2. ) Public sewer main construction cost s $12,845.00 3.) 'rair. :hare' rate s total cost total acreage dollars per acre ($12,845.00) - (21.50 Ac. ) d $600.00 ($89a*444A6 per acre) 1+. iiierefore, 'fair share' recoverable uy 6evurtz is: boundary acreage - Gevurtz pruperty *= remaining a�:veage (21.5« \c. ) - (3.82 Ac.) and, thence : remaining; Facrea�;e x dollars per acrd potential recover&&! (17.68 Ac.) x $600.00 $10,608.00 (043*44486) ($10,562.77) which is not ,;neater than, $10,608.00 ($120845.00) 0.8258466 83% ($4f+ti6620;) W*8a8320 or 8iix of the original cost incurred by Gevurtt. based on area (i.e. sq. ft. or screage) Formula. based on Wash. Co. 'lax Account flap data. * Lased an data submitted by "Gevurtt". ORIGINAL TITIS AGREEMENT, Made this day of , 19 , between hereinafter termed "Owner", the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of the State of Oregon, hereinafter termed "City", and the UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGENCY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON, hereinafter termed "Agency", W I T N E S S E T H t WHEREAS, the Owner desires to construct a sewer trunk line at Owner's expense, extending from an existing City-owned sewer trunk line at a point 10.0 fgant, mn n nr less, North of existing Mt 12'x18.2 of Tigard Industrial Park Sewer, and running thence N89° 38'00" E. parallel and 14.0 feet NorLhgrty of then tine of Bonita Road, a distance of 500-0 feet to a manholes thence S4V?8'57"E a dlqtAnrp of. 196.3 feet to a manhole= thence S87°18'28"E a distance of 134.1 feet to a manhole, which bears S00012'00"E 38.0 feet and N88°40'00" 4.00 feet from the Northwest corner of the Gevurtz tract, td tract beine -- --- ,7p those certain lands of the Owner as described on the attached sheet headed "DESCRIPTION", denoted Exhibit "A", and by this reference made a part hereof$ and WHEREAS, the Owner has applied to the City to approve construction of said line and to permit connection thereof to the City's line at the uh„„, d,,,xrthntl -, g„zcrI e tion point. and the Owner has!f.urt.her applied to the Agency f,lr spwage disposal services, and the City and the Agency subject to the agreements and p*.cvtsions hereof are will'ng, to grant to the Owner the privileges and uses as hereinafter set forth, NOW, THEREFbRE, in consideration of the foregoing premises, the agreements herein contained, the payments to be made by Owner to the Cit,; and the Agency pursuant to the terms hereof, and the mutual benefits to be derived by the parties, the Owner, the pity and the Agency agree as followst (1) The Owner may, upon approval by the City and the Agency of plans and specifications prepared by the Owner, proceed with the construction of said sewer trunk line from the above described connection point and running thence alonthe above described route 1 , PPPW , r c�;l/C ?:c,�`, G�/L✓EsR T Q/Tc,N^ kyr._�,C. , rr ; . r v/T'c�I IV ���.�A/ ;AIM Deja N, ter. - vaar aires/-` •T,� _ __-- _ _ _ _ _ SCALE- ' • 1". tr Y'J• �1 !Jiy �'1y��. t ^ � 1 l .1� t Y 1` ' i�? '1 ._�— •r. ,... �yh; � 'M. _ .•y,7,�y„_„ •'•h .' ^r r'���y� ^ 'i' a.l^ •,,�.� •11 �• ,. • _ . � --- - ----�-�--�.�---•-- -----__�_. _— _. �_.--_.._ _���_� ---T _-t 7- r _.A. 7 Din y - -..------ -- .•�- __ °CI •o M eh r,i w 4G' « ^ c7 � 7 ��ARD I O o• WAI Ek LilSi �. �► ti d v BT�T^I N --- - —_-- — — - — U cw I-LA BARS 1 erg A7- -.4CH , 1E� a V OZM >- ° Z 0 o • --___i1„n „ GAL✓ �oG T, �oC:K rv,A ; i�,¢ �n/o _�—�-_ TLC” \ < Lu .a r 1 H iii-R, 9 Ys re,tq 9 3 0 L caA-197kvC7- G '' z -441,511 4f Ll 40- -• ./G UA /T"L.1CU 1A1A L scc T;OA/ 9� V� i O ,l / h a tij C �74-1-1`4 - •3JL,'5' S���1L L 8E SFT /n/TO O¢/LLEU �`/ f�NODS �4n/o G�ev�'r�a � :'�., Q ---- -— - 1 IL % w � D K F/LL Z JW Q /LAS 2 Q cn e S CAG E /" = 5U ' G0 11 Z 7 D ! 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 /O !! /2 _PR/ yA 7 $Y9TE.A4 160 ti/0TC1 d� � � u � � �� 0.414 � � ti Z COMATR 41a T 9 TD 170 d Z INNS, CON7,rA�'l-r0k 7U t1dW,=Y fZ OWLlNE N ► ,� _'''�" �,� PRIOR 70 CON97 Ll ,� -,� � +► ROAM car Lexia r ogee C.4.S j /R o t�if'E - .S Nfln✓ G c�✓��, azo � �.�.--- 3 /�o cn Fri TG AS e 4 cTAfYAC TELT cn 0 .. .. �L `_�_�-• J54 Q, ... .& f� Z tj h ��jL'4I 1V� A/�•w V II��! • � arc 49 rea D �._ _ � -�"• _ e / /O ...... .... . ..... .. ... p \ .... . .. .........:; If ti .. cn 9tCX/.QT. 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E-�Y__-____-_ _ _ __ LATE _ix 1 _ ,� , .3 NQ CITY AD!�11N:_�TRATpf2 OY--. _-__-- _- - DATE---------- � -` TIGA iD '.NATER UI,T. BY_-_.-__....____ _____-_ DATE_-__,_ __ 0 w -t `. 11J G� GENERAL TELEPHONE BY._____-__By.------------__ DATE _ . Q z +==� O U 5 Iff A L7&moi' BY-------�-='--_____ DATE- - ee�Y 901 CJ O"Ar '� - n ►_ ROUTED To d"ax V-S �J U * N.W. NATUR;.L GAS BY - DATE_ q) ---- �vl��L'I/i�4� vt/ e� 13 � )L, Q z P. G. E BY PATE V Tw \j ) mill . R. F_ D. dY - DATE ,,+ �v 4A . ! \ z . "I-% 2 (n . . �' 7 1- *-� im x \ w w- , QQ f< > Olf� SITE � iL1 - _ Q If - 0 -0 __ - - �� Z :D U) %V- K, () , N ac 0 Z 0 J + - .... _....... 1. 1. "t �3 ....... .. . ......... .-. .............. ............... ...... . /19 ....... ....... ... :'t:.. ... .... .. ...... ... .. .. ... 2 is : • ...... f�. . ..,.... / t �[ I \ ; � .- , . , - ....1. ...... ............ .. .. .. . . -. ",.......... .. 'i' ... ... v l . ' . . - I�. ' . ■ .. .. .. .. ..... . ........ ... .,: I 1 „� * r r� i m�t rr.. . .�w. 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( I I r 1 I I I I I II I I ( 1 1 1 I I I 11 ( I I I l I I I I I I I I 1111 r I I I l(11111 l l l l l l I l l 1 11111 r I 1 , , I �� . NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED z 4 I e 7 e e Io II 12 _ DRAWING I5 LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICE-r`IT 15 DUE TO ,DiE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL -- - - -- �_ __------__-- '' oe az ez �z s�z sz rt ca ai la 6I ®I L1 111 61 w1 cI of II II" _ ' DRAWING. x--_., _ dtlLlltllllll!Illlllllllllllllitlmll!114u161111111ih1ulQlthulluul"illaitl,� #imt111ahlnllltrlut►Imtllnllu11111►Iltt Illln ,wllu lnuI1111I111111ialiA �IWIU11�ll i!uilllll111111�iooltlH - _ l , 2 4 1 9u..-.11.11-1. Wrr - -_ - -I--- ___-� ____ _ .- -anumnow- . . qpmwa�w wwpjwp._-0wjw_�---%vp..�_ v, . 1-1. .,'"_,� -1 a - - �. " . I� � � � 92 to th,c owner'a premises S described on the attached Exhibit "A", all at Owner's expense ,111d (A.St (xcLpt as herein otherwise provided. (2) The Owner shall pay or cause to be paid to the City as agent for the Agency, all twinection charges as prescribed by rate orders of the Agency. In addition, the (}»rter ,gall bear the cost of connecting Owner's premises to the sewer trunk line as 4xt,ndrd, and no connection shall be made until application therefor has been filed ,rd -approved, the connection charges paid, and all work and materials involved in the r.iwec service connection shall have been inspected and approved by the City and/or the Agency. (3) The rights of the Owner hereunder are subject to the sewer charges, terms and provisions of pre-existing contracts as described on the attached sheet headed "t,tilF,uULE", denoted Exhibit "8" by reference made a part hereof, and, in addition to all _,ther charges herein, the Owner shall pay the surcharges set forth on said Fxiiibit "D". (4) Title to, and ownership of, said trunk line, upon completion of construction thereof pursuant to the terms hereof, shall vest in the City, and the City shall thereafter have full jurisdiction thereover in all respects to the same extent as the City exercises jurisdiction over any other sewer line within its system. (5) The City and the Agency agree to require payment by any owner(or user of pi n.is.� whose lands are to be directly served by the sewer trunk line herein list shed, within the boundaries of the area delineated on the attached plat marked l.11bit "C" and by reference grade a part hereof, who shall apply to the City for „i„"Lttun of said premises to said line, in addition to all other connection charges, a r>um equal to Y600.00 per acre of said owners (or user of premises) lands, ,nd sald amount shall be paid by such applicant prior to being issued a permit for each ,m h r,.nnertlon, and the sum thus collected as and when received by the City shall I.. Laid ovrc to the Owner, or pursuant to Owner's direction, in partial reimbursement ,,i Owner's costs in construction of said sewer line. Owner shall furnish to the City upon completion of construction, a sworn It,mizcd statement of the costs incurred in connection with construction of said q,w(.r line and the City shall be entitled to examine the records of the Owner with pect to said costs and to verify the amount thereof. Owner shall not be entitled to reimbursement for any extension of said sewer line or any connection cf property to such extension, and the Owner's reimbursement -2- shall he limited to direct connections with the sewer line constructed by Owner hereunder. i Reimbursement hereunder shall be limited to a period of ten (10) years and shall n"t. xc,cd eighty three per cent (837* of the total cost incurred by the Owner in t r„nstructtng said line. At the expiration of 10 years or at such time as $10,608.00 i, imbursefrient has been accomplished in accordance herewith, the Owner's rights to i rei:nhursement hereunder shall be of no further force and effect. (6) It is an express condition of this agreement that at the City's option, Owner's lands or any other lands served by said trunk line for which sewer service is trade nvailahle hereunder, may be annexed to the City as and when said lands are or become „)nt.lguous to the City's boundaries as now established or hereafter extended by annexation, and execution of this agreement by the Owner shall constitute consent to the annf.xation of the above described lands, and such consent shall run with the Lord and bind the Owner, its successors and assigns. (1) To the extent authorized by law, any sewer connection or service charge horeinahove required to be paid with resp-rt to premises served under the terms of this ngreement, which charge is not paid when due, shall thereupon become a lien upon such premises until paid. Said lien right shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, any ether remedy provided by law. An executed copy of this agreement, containing a description ,.f the lands to be served hereby, shall be recorded in the Mortgage Records of Washington f,nmty, Oregon, with the intent, and purpose that notice of the City's lien rights for -,wer connection and service charges will be given to all purchasers and users of porti„ns of said lands. If and when the premises are annexed to the City, this provision f„r lien shall terminate. (8) The City shall not be responsible or liable for disruption or temporary di<<„ntinuance of sewage disposal services hereunder due to flood, earthquake, or other Act of God, or other causes beyond the governmental control of the City. (9) f;ach of the parties hereto shall be bound only as to those provisions hereof as to which such party may lawfully assent. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been executed in triplicate pursuant to —d utions heretofore duly adopted by each of the parties signatory hereto. -3- I t Ir' IfY uF IJGARD, OREGON UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGENCY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON ny: Mayor By: Chairman, Board of County By:. Commissioners of Washington Recorder County, as governing body of Unified Sewerage Agency (OWNER) By: 6y:� By: By: A:i.nch Corporate and/or Personal acknowledgements .q. - DESCRIPTION Exhibit "A" Situate in the northeast quarter of Section 12, Township 2 South, Range 1 West, Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon and being a 'portion of Lots 3 and 4, Bonita Gardens, a plat of record in said county and being described as follows- Beginning at a point on the south line of said Lot 4, said point being S89°38'00"W a distance of 120.00 feet from the southeast corner of said Lot 4 and running thence NO°12'00"W a distance of 397.00 feet; thence N85012'56"E a distance of 110.35 feet; thence N89°38'00"E a distance of 311.00 feet to the west right-of-way line of Interstate 5 Highway; thence ;0'12'00"E on said right-of-way line a distance of 405.50 feet to a point on the south line of said Lot 3; thence S89' 38'00"W on the south line of said Lots 3 and 4 a distance of 421.00 feet to the point of beginning containing 3.91 acres more or least Save and accept the following described parcel in said Lot 4. Beginning at a point on the south line of said Lot 41 said point being S89'38100"W a distance of 100.00 feet from the southeast corner of said Lot 5 and running thence NO'12'00"W parallel with and 100.00 feet west of the east line of Lot 4 a distance of 349.00 feet; thence 589038'00"W a distance of 20.00 feet; thence S0012'00"E a distance of 349.00 feet to the south line of said Lot 4; thence N89038'00"F, a distance of 20.00 feet to the point of beginning containing 6,980 square feet or 0.16 acres more or less. SCHEDULE Exhibit "B" Connection Fee $_ Surcharge (when applicable) $ Lot Fee (Minimum $100.00 (when applicable)) $ — * Inspection Fee $ Permit Fee (when applicable) $ Y Plan Check Fee (when applicable) $ * paid;per executed Compliance TOTAL $A&"& 75. Note: All extensions of sewer collector lines must be approved by U.S.A., the City of Tigard and D.F.Q. prior to construction. It shall be further understood that no construction shall ccucnence prior to, and approval of, the City of Tigard. Note: Total ccit incurred by the Owner in constructing said line is twelve thousand eight hundred forty five dollars ($12,845.00). r w.. Exhibit "C" That portion of land in the Northeast quarter pf Section 12. Township 2 South, Range 1 West, Willamette Meridian, Washington Coun�y, Oregon, being r jre particularly described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of County Road No. 126 (S.W. 72nd Avenue) with County Road No. 636 (S.W. Bonita Road); running thence North 00°09' East 322.5 feet, more or leas, to a point; thence South 89° 49' East 518.4 feet to a point; thence North 00°09' East 324.0 feet to a point; thence North 89°49' East 645.0 feet, more or less, to a point on the West right-of-way boundary line of Pacific HiPhway (State Primary Highway No. 1, 1-5); thence Southerly, along the said right-of-way boundary line of said State Highway, to a point of intersection with the South boundary line of Lot 3 of Bonita Gardens, a subdivision of record in said County; thence West 720.2 feet along said boundary line of Lot 3 and along a Westerly extension thereof, to a point; thence North 223.0 feet to a point; thence South 890 57' West 506.6 feet to a point on the centerline of said County Road No. 1'"4 thence North 270.0 feet to the point of beginning of this description. Containing 21.50 Acres (less dedicated roadways). , - N 101 !oo Af. y'R 100 s!tr. . .. ._.. SB9°49'W 490.4' r 1 201 200 _ Q !l2or . /63A[ !?P4t a N ` • > • M� :1 N I ..._..___-. ,_._._°I °oto 4•, 4' - ,$'�f�. [7o 1 p 1 301 1 3.OVA t. / 3900 IPSAt I t30 - ° p�ER W 1 400.4r 0� r°C° I ,I� c,�ti 'mIN -- -- LLl N 1 79R / y p Cr . 1 /Jtil•' !9°asE S2e.4' r•!J ''�i0°!S'!0•M 260 eE' 1•• ..rl C N.358_ i • -•ERM. c.P r)r CO•JCIA �_ na v-s^ E' . . > - - .RC1�1D 7 --- I ?000 16 2900 r/ 2901 eea — °` L .2^300 51W 3100 I 3200 3300 loo ll11 -.14 .s74c. 1.6;.4 11 ' II 3 n A Iti f J . (.) bN , t - I 1.4 • 'II.I 9� W"1 14• li. -' •i.t3°51! ..q- 2HOl �1 1I 1 'I 3800-MI ce'urL 7 JCSLIH I'LIGHT 1 1 S I °• 4'5/%0 -{7.Ge _ � '--- 264' - L._ .E45t !;4' .� 2s0 � East_ 39e' 8 21pp � 3 - (CSNa,n211) F . ;. •„� ti �� d. �. 33 Air. N a 113. 3 244' al1 ',ESi.264'.••... •: 't. _ l9i0 _ . ._ `� _ --)960 is 11210 r?• 1 THIS AGREEMENT, Made this day of between hereinafter termed "Owner.", the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of the State of Oregon, hereinafter termed "City", and the UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGENCY CF WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON, hereinafter termed "Agency", W I T N E S S E T H s WHEREAS, the Owner desires to construct a sewer trunk line at Owner's expense, extending from an existing City-owned sewer trunk line at yf�lF�fiLj! (C'Ol'ee��r„•'r " <<+s� ' IE.Z at 7141 rc� 7..nd..w.+rtn� t'ar �L II�ieaie-r _ and running thence r � F_ rD�.-�II�I �„�I�d.' � ,_S A: .�1 ..1 .�(► alp,,l,,,e eT 134L�a}oHre. _ _ !✓,crLe 5ES'l°Idt2Ei t c�tL�,Zr�ce D� .1 G.4 +._. .r00WE&r_ 6eilrs `, ?O I2 cq'l 3g.G U6604CCCtc,'d.004', .A .4' 4V 4- ya.J an those certain lands of the Owner as described on the attached sheet headed "DESCRIPTION", denoted Exhibit "A", and by this reference made a part. hereof; and WHEREAS, the Owner has applied to the City to approve construction of said line and to permit connection thereof to the City's llr•- at i and the Owner has further applied to the Agency for ser+ago- disposal services, and the City and the Agency subject to the a�reemen.ts and provi..-d ons hereof are wlllinK to grant to the Owner the privileg« and uses as herFinsi_er set forth, NOW, THEREME, in consideration of the foregoing premises, the agreements herein contained, the payments to be made by Owner to the City and the Agency pursuant to the terms hereof, and the mutual benefits to be derived by the pactie, ; the Owner, the City and the Agency agree as fcllowst (1) The Owner may, upon dpprr.val by the City and the Agency of plans and specifications prepared by the Owner, proceed with the construction of said sewer trunk line from _ L� _ . C C1i I\t..s � GLIN.. IICu i`�4'�'II •�( 4..ii„s a�.u G d!1LI V i L � to the Owner's premises as described on tha -t..s-h:d Exhibir "A aLi at Owner's expense and cost except as herein otherwise provided. (2) The Owner shall pay or cause to be paid to the City as agent for the Agency, all connection charges as prescribed by rate orders of the Agency. In addition, tale Owner shall bear the cost of connecting Owner's premises to the sewer trunk line as extended, and no connection shall be made until application therefor has been filed and approved, the connection charges paid, and all work and materials involved in the sewer service connection shall have been inspected and approved by the City and/or the Agency. (3) The rights of the Owner hereunder are subject to the sewer charges, terms and provisions of pre-existing contracts as described on the attached sheet headed "SCHEDULE", denoted Exhibit "B" by reference made a part hereof, end, in addition to all other charges herein, the Owner shall pay the surcharges set forth on said Exhibit "B". (4) Title to, and ownership of, said trunk line, upon completion of construction thereof pursuant to the terms hereof, shall vest in the City, and the City shell thereafter have full jurisdiction thereover in all respects to the same extent as the City exercises jurisdiction over any other sewer line within its system. (5) The Citv and the fAgency agree to require payment by any owner(or user of premise whose lands served b) *h,., sewer trunk line hereir, described, within the boundacle.a cl thr area delineated on the attached plat marked Exhibit "C" and by reference made a part hereof, who shall apply to the City for connection of said premises to Baird line, in addition to all other connection charges, * GpO, `� Pt. D/rt. ri aai� ,,,,�n are�Ccr . -.ir o� art»�i"r•-:� la✓.dS a sum equal to and said amount shall be pall by such applicant prior to being issued a permit for such connection, and the sum thus collected as and when rer.eived by the City shall be paid over to the Owner, or pursuant t.o Owner's direction, in partial reimbursement of Owner's costs in construction of said sewer line. Owner shall furnish tc the City upon completion of construction, a sworr,. itemized statement of the costs incurred In connection with construction of said sewer line and the City shall be entitled to examine the records of the Owner with respect to said costs and to verify the amount thereof. Owner shall not be entitled to reimbursement for any extension of said sewer line or any connection of property to such extension, and the Owner's reimbursement -2- shall be limited to direct connections with the sewer line constructed by Owner hereunder. Reimbursement hereunder stall be limited to a period of ten (10) years and 361' sh&44- .nasftop1Mqpper cent of the total cost incurred by the Owner in *10sG02>,rTD ,,unstructing said line. At the expiration of LO years or at such time as )w =X reimbursement hay been accomplished in accordance herewith, the Owner's rights to reimbursement hereunder shall be of no further force and effect. (6) It is an express condition of this agreement that at the City's option, Owner's lands or any other lands served by said trunk line for which sewer service is made available hereunder, may be annexed to the City as and when said lands are or become cuntiguous to the City's boundaries as now established or hereafter extended by annexation, and execution of this agreement by the Owner shall constitute consent to the annexation of the above described lands, and such consent shall run with the land and bind the Owner, its successors and assigns. (7) To the extent authorized by Law, any sewer connection or service charge hereinabove required to be paid wit.h respect to premises served under the terms of this agreement, which charge is not paid when due, shall thereupon become a lien upon such premises until paid. Said lien right shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, any other remedy provided by law. An executed copy of this agreement, containing a description of the lands to be served hereby, shall be recorded in the Mortgage Recoras of Washington County, Oregon, with the intent and purpose that notice of the City's lien rights for sewer connection and service charges will be given to all purchasers and users of portions of said lands. it and when the premise, ;are annexed to the City, this provision for lien shall terminate. (8) The City shall not be responsible or H able for disruption or temporary discontinuance of sewage disposal services hereunder due to flood, earthquake, or other act of Gud, or other. Causes beyond the governmental control of the City. (9) Each of the parties hereto shall be bound only as to those provlsinns hereof as to which such party may lawfully assent. LN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been :xecuted in triplicate pursuant tr, resolutions heretofore duly adopted by each of tyre parties signatory hereto. 3,. w CITY OT TIGARD, OREGON UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGENCY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON By: Mayor By: Chairman, Board of County By: Commissioners of Washington Recorder County, as governing body of Unified Sewerage Agency (OWNER) By: By: By: By: Attach Corporate and/or Personal acknowledgements -4- AHERr SSOCIATES �������� ( -m- I Ll�f�j Plcnnin En ineerin � Surve in � .J �T REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR Legal Description p I 0929604 For OREGON JULY 17, 1070 Gevurtz Furniture L BRIAN WOEIGART October. 1, 1975 31•1 ' Situate in the northeast quarter of Section 12, Township 2 South,, Range 1 West, Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon and being a portion of Lots 3 and 4 , Bonita Gardens, a plat of record in said county and being described as fol- lows : Beginning at a point on the south line of said Lot 4 , said point being S89038100"W a distance of 120. 00 feet from the southeast corner of said Lot 4 and running thence N0012100"W a d..stance of 397. 00 feet; thence N85012 ' 56"E a distance of 11J. 35 feet; thence N8903810001E a distance of 311. 00 feet to tha west right-of-way ling of Interstate 5 High:aay; thence SO°12 ' 00"E on said right-of-way line a distance of 405. 50 feet to a point on the south line of said Lot 3 ; thence S890 38100"W on the south line of said Lots 3 and 4 a distance of 421. 00 feet to the point of beginning containing 3. 91 acres more or less : Save and accept the following described parcel in said Lot 4 . Beginning at a point on the south line of said Lot 4 , said point being S 89°3 8' 00"W a distance of 100. 00 feet from the southeast corner of said Lot 4 and running thence N0012 ' 00"W parallel with and 100. 00 feet :vest of the east line of Lot 4 a distance of 349. 00 feet; thence S89038 ' 00"W a distance of 20. 00 feet; thence S0012 ' 00"E a distance of 349. 00 feet to the south line of said Lot 4; thence N8903810011E a distance of 20. 00 feet to the point of beginning containing 6, 980 square feet or 0. 16 acres more or less. 10550 S.W. ALLEN BLVD., SUITE 223 / BEAVERTON, OREGON 97005 / 503 - 643-9410 DESCRIPTION Exhibit "A" el SCHEDULE Exhibit "B" Connection Fee $ Surcharge (when applicable) $ Lot Fee (Minimum $100.00 (when applicable)) $ ' Inspection Fee $ Permit Fee (when applicable) $ Plan Check Fee (when applicable) $ TOTAL P:1 r � K'. a F f V r r f ss L['✓M A 1>N(C Note: All extensions of sewer collector lines must be approved by U.S.A., the City of Tigard and D.E.Q. prior to construction. It shall be further understood that no construction shall commence prior to, and approval of, the City of Tigard. I OT C. i 7`L✓C/i'C' c� B�^/// `T `.I r'1 C 12 , 145, MA Zs! IzA 5 rt` 5.2 R r,'Zti 1 .2 . Zak 3._.. � n 1.? 1 .1 1 T 1 z0 o� 1,,, b..,x.4,.,/1 •, , ,�, n iF �r-'rhSIC C-�IAOLA I �6." c- " It 1' \�. -t �I V! � .r� � f l/1 q"�el U.I. V t.,4 4-, ��.. I..j r��cj&'t fes'.J ..7 S ;c I I p bei b • 7l: fN�, !�•�� .71 ��� �OI✓f, OT �K11.4'SG'r:�I PT �Gl• 1 �q:J�:� II II h r I f`Jo, 12 S,I.J, 7Zh� �wGr,N�� w1 + 6, C04IN1I Fc� �o, G3(o �,c-ta , ��h►� � �c�c� , � .�� r�NM1�., � �c��- r Ndr�l� LC°G9� �ab 222 . 5 �eG.t Vol or en 'f-lb � ��� F ' (99' 1f 4 1I .7 I i"!r G t. TS7 ✓ r o I vJ , 1�6✓1 G C 1 C f f-�0r 1- eD ©9, 3 ;? ,G �e_e � +o a Pole �tfnet 1 IVor 1 r 69°49 E:�c� 6-4.1".c �ee.k o� -4-� e LA)e�.+ r1�� �_ v�- I.valr, �u� �,aar �,c o� PaC �Ic(�"v�;t ( !: aY ��iwlar �I 6.w� Np, Il 41r° 3�fcl F , nk.F -v1-.W7 S J i c7l S 1 9-?r M t r{i..V a ' `�p 8� pO l�l O"� I✓1�/C f S C t_`�I p(� ba�u�teiVv C..- HS LJI%.)I51c.>&n O t-CecrC( Ivt S-_71 c� �oKr, TV�G��Gr K.GST ��17, Z 1-Q4 cAn SLv6, �►y IftiC o L o 3 l a>,tc� we s+ ate- r ( `x F C-t.,41 c&-, f I I I rF1� ct.t.1- II 1 l I TC � �OIr1T ; �,!-NGl. s0in`1-M � 1 °s7' �,�eil scto. 4r �eCT V� be�1�•,��,ti o I R_ O n O 1J 654.31 0+ w� ,Q1j 101 - ,r iJ0 JZ , i 464.9I� 4c. 100 J ae. e89°49'W 1 15�y 5 63°49'W 499.4 1 201 200 � 300 ,bsac s2B4c .i.r2ae m� N N� i 3 zi x � I. yl M � H7 _ Io n o, iN y8'3"46�SU E SUO 1 F7P.47 3 ?OAe. 5900 I I W n l wt 4UO ` Ld LF. _ cr- �O S9'r Vtl9° E ; 4' . S �i0ei :"rY 190 g9 I - 9yI °21'4 230': ir. '8 � I N r n r5g EaM c — !' ROAD f��)��D CO A'T> °` 3(r �Q F ~ 529, r. . •'-`' `1' 00 �A �Rn7 2101 I ac 4 e 2000 1 2,-7EAe, '101) l6J , i,qc I I lc ac I M 4 m 1 3�4��/IIf99999N999M9/�Y�f9M�099iN�M9 � ♦ I l r a cl a � ' I n •� elfAl iq "9 e;FST 2802 \ll -:,.� •.�� 3900 3800 -Ml h1 / —s.w CON. JOSEP14 FOUGHT 4 75/;09 ?'Se [ �o 264' FAST 254' 1 h 2700 ' 2np e 1 944c. I t EAST 396' > ��'• I z J 3 - - I1 4 A 2.100 �I(C,tic 1127 wF:ST 294', 3960 _ �O 3960 __..._.. .►- 574.0 ._> j:;J , p�oAc�. �ck C+�CV4fr 12 �elwtl��.trsn^�.t•�,T ((�©wt�ui� ic�� �� . Z.i f v1b1�c Swi�1�r M��v1 f✓OY1:�� rur. Vv^ c.vs� e -�o� 1 al �'OS •+Uirl ^.crt�+g� = c�cl,l:7rs �'Je.r .7c.r! ( - IZ���s,`�> -�+ ., per �crc� y.. y 4,) iave4rt �alf- OLart r!e-vvty our- CYCVH1-1Z. IS. r„ �.�x p � ac►epcPd6&',t7ryverev :r (2-I, 5 Ae) — (3,12. Ac,> Ad.) rtr►^�I �I✓� 2c►'e✓,jC X �r�� rs pCv acrE PcteH4ialrectuerpgt 6-7. 4-s n e,�) x IAI�SC.� it 2 44 � o7/t9 I- CT 63-%P_c C'1^ �rlw'� C1.t 511, t t. •r �cl��> rPY ..`:'� b�SC Ur U�5 LC. �:7Y Ae_r.ONr�� O1 ! ►� rZ,` M1 Cw WASHINGTON COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING—150 N. FIRST AVENUE HILLSBORO, OREGON 47123 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS DEPT.OF PUBLIC WORKS BURTON C WILSON JR.,Cha.man January 8, 1976 VIRGINIA DAGG' KENNETH A.MENG,Uirec a RICHARD C HEISLER NOUM 201 (603)648.8686 RAV MILLEH HOD HO FH Waker Associates 10550 S.W. Allen Suite 2.23 Beaverton, Oregon 97225 Attention: Bud Roberts Subject: Drainage, Gevurtz Furniture Dear Sirs: Upon review of the plan submitted, approval of the storm drain system along Bonita Road is granted. This refers to the Oregon State Highway Division Permit Number 17634. I might add that some additional ditching alcng the south side of. Bonita Road is adviseable, just as a matter of cleanup. Very truly yours, JEROrIE MORSE, P.E. CHIEF, ENGINEERING SERVICES By Sam Powell Inspector SP:ja ,. no D �, ,CCJ ^a L I O IF 7'1 O �U OF 1 ' Ai'C �WY DiVi' IfrV PERMIT UNIT 2960 E. STATE STREET • SALEM, OREGON • 97310 • Phone 378-2636 TOM McCALL December 23, 1975 GOVERNOR F.11,KLA1101 Admfni.frator of Highways G.jvurtz FFt`nitura c/o Ual- r P.'5co,iates, Inc. 105 b1J Allen Blvd. Fie vcrton, OR 970o5 Subjects A~.irvirent, Per:+it NJ:tr.,er 17634 S,:.nitary Sewer G Storrs Drain Bonita Road 7nterehtnge, highway ?,u;nber 1 Washington County + c Gentle:.ens �. This letter Ghali constitute nn amcnd;n ent to the subject perr+it iss�a-:9 on Dec;ernber 5, 1975, by sl0istituting the storm drain shown on 0,-s rap attached hers:to and by this reference r.,aae a j:: rt 1:2rr_.of for the storm drain shotirn ani -irrcriL-ed on the j, reit as originally issued. T,11 oi!1cr coi�,?iricn9 and ;: aAgions of the ori.rinal permit shall rc. •.•lin in full fores and effect and ai)nly to this anendinent. Very truly yours, John F. Raga mann 1:tility Permit tnginnar 51111 dp T r►� �t t�� }}�� ccs nintrict 2A,'�/ D.IS.lJ3TCT 2-A ccii Region 1 DFC 2 919751.3 r DD ADO DON S k'p Hrr1.1.A I JUN ANL) PEKMI I I ILJ HIGHWAY COMMISSION OIa�GON STATE OCCUPY OR PERFORM OPERATIONS UPON A Permit Numb or: �_ r� r1T;24.UP _ t STATE HIGHWAY Na, rid Address of Applicant: Applicant hereby applies to the Oregon State Ifighway Commission for permissit F --1 to perform the following operations upon the right of way of the .F-ac.ifiC-- ---- (;% vurtz Fuiniture (B,nita Road) c/o "'ak(-r ilsL rciatcS Tnc. Highway, No. ----;--, _�_...r<�ba� 3t�J:C&i -----_- county, 102'60 S.'.:. A11cn Blvd lo- c vt xt'np l:TiyC•n 91005 J flta[,Id ---- - and - - ,-- ---- -----•-----�___.._._, as shown on ti �- map tie plan attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, ` �..] C,urstruct, operate and maintain a ___. _._ _ ____ .._______ _ pole line. Highway Ref. Map No. ] Construct, operate and maintain a ----. - _ _ ._____ ____ buried cable. ❑ F.rec•t and maintain a non-commercial sign, r. Miscellaneous operations and/or ] Construct, operate and maintain aL'Lni_Lary .ti.�'e ' tn-I'n Ux-,jAfk line. C7 facilities as described. POLE LINE, BURIED CABLE. OR PIPE LINE TO BE CONSTRUCT/:D ALONG OR ACROSS SAiD HIGHWAY AT: `Tile Mile ENGINEERS Side of ttw or DIS'FANCE PROM BURIED CABLE Oil PIPE Span - — - i'nst to Post Station to Station_ Angle of X NO, _ Cir+,•rline R/w L.Ine--- _ Dep1h _ I Slre and 1C!�d� Lugth h, rth ( (:r.ita r,r.: L:,cntims - 5+00 CiBd 118+21 ",ost ( kation in 'z•tl ti•:n ti 1-5 M.F. j .t4.) I I I DISTRT'(.#T 2-A DEC - DEC 919731A I � �1t;N TO BE F RECTLD ON SAID I':'' +iN' "r- Fn : .f.r. - - -- r! AiJ)4 DOM Q Distance from ni-tance from Side of S�.u.in Ilich%%ti) Cera rlu+e %hwilder highway Rt in Its DESCRIPTION AND LOCATiON OI' ITISC6LLAiEOUS OPERATiON'S AND/CTR FACILiT1r.9 . .-,,! r++d for approval: C.ninaS Sienecly C. ' Datrlct En Inrer This rwrmit Is issued by the C'omini-sion subject to ,he terms and provisions contained herein and/or attached hereto; thie perm, c,plod and approved by applicant ubje•ct to said turns rind provlsiuns. �, i t :,nt: Gcvt•rtt F 'initi. �► '^'I STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION ..f Application: —i is :�+ r :'t 1975 11/mice Date: ��"��/f Utility �'rCit .l r : I GENERAL PiIOVISIONS The appropriate General Provisions contained in "Oregon State Highway Commission, GENERAL PROVISIONS, for Pole Line, Buried Cable, Pipe Line, Non-Commercial Signs, and Miscellaneous Operations and/or Facility Permits, July, 1969," as supplemented and modified by the following Special Provisions, shall apply to this permit, and by this reference are made a part hereof. It :hall be the obligation of the applicant to obtain said General Provisions from the Commission and to determine which of the various provisions are applicable before commencement of work under said permit. SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. The section of highway involved ,Iwj'has not* been designated as a Frce\vay. 2. The section of highway involved ,<I,o A/does not* require a permit from the United States Forest Service. 3. General Provision V, A regarding Insurance shall/,�J�,Q11„gs{y,” apply during the initial in- stallation of. facilities. 4. General Provision V, R regarding bond sha11/;jh;k1A;pg1; apply during the initial installa- tion of facilities. Bond in the amount of ''_____1 .Li. _ is required. 5. General Provision VI, H shall JsirGll:)il V a-.-)ply to the following crossings of the highway: a. ( ) All crossings covered by this permit b. ( ) Crossings as shown on the attached i'xhibit A1:ip, If applicable, trenching nearer than ____ _ .. ._. .. _ feet from the toe of the fill slope or outer a ge of surf.icing will not be permitted. 6. General Provision VI, H apply in the following crossings"a intersecting roads or streets, road approaches or driveways' a. ( ) All such crossings covered by tris permit. b. ( ) Crossings as shown on ths, attached Exhibit Map. If applicable, trenching nearer than ___ _.. _. . _., feet from the t(.e of the fill slope or outer edges of the surfacing will not be permitted. 7. Open cutting of the paved or surfaced portion of the highway Lender General Provision VI, I i s his'no't1" permits d. Ft- C ntract._.r :hell c c-cruinat( ;.11 c • nstruc ti n �•ctivi firs %-Jtl: f.. Mo 1rake Cc.j,*Jv ctir.n Ctrq .:ny. 9. Juricdictl n to this erra c-hall r,v,.rt back to . athingt_n C-unty 1,r-11 c-.-mor.ti -n of Vio 1-5 t "nstruction rrojr•cto 1 : . C•:ntr�,ctcr shall c -nt;ct 1.'r. I!aury laynel Itcsidrnt Inginerr zt ( 39-7281 rri::r t. bcgi; ping v -k. •dWk. aul word or word. ire .PP11a.ble o 7xil 41, • �1 A / �, ,rl ,urs_• =, I i I -e74 �v i l fli ai le C. OG s) r• v) O M O O O Fn r u. ��r r. O O O rrrnl 1D O f� r) M O O O f) a v r Y pp OO 1 �. O •� 4 7 M N O M .) O O + h u o c) r_ c ? u u a u. m ti fo n r w o 0o d 0 o c F It 0 aL � �i (= n C9 of = Y 0 i Z F O O r O O O O O c = rOy O 4 7 9 O U O 9) O O O V, m r tD u) O M N N O 0 W o Cc JJjfpjj(iJlfllllll IIIIIIIlillllllllllllllltldd�Ihhhl�Illu lilillhl�I�I�IiIiI,I11iI�I�I�i I.I I� I I I I I 1 1 ) V I I I I Q C7 _ ; 3 4 x 1�• �o v W 2 rn 2 . c 0 4 0 0 �. W w z _� O cc Q 0 O U W () W O VJ WCL a O 2 W a. o w w W � � V w Wv ni R � © J it 0 O 7 1- Z Z y ! c U i N � I �' I PROCEDURE FOR CONDUCTING F,t C1 PT'.`: ,r '?"::'1' 1, Clean pipe to be tested by propelling snug fitting inflated rubber ball through the pipe with water. 2. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable '.est plugs , Brace each plt,g securely. 3. If the pipe to be tested is submerged in grourid wa rF,l, insert o pipe probe by Loring or jetting, intc the backfill material aijare:nt to the center of the pipe, and determine th:-! pressure in the probe when a1;. passes slowl, t.;,rough it. This is the bu► k pressure due to around Ovate►: submergence 'vai the end of the probe. All gauge pressures in the test should be increased by this; aniunt. 4. Add air slowly t(� the portion of the pipe installation under test until the nt:ernal air pre:isure is rai ed to 4.0 p=ig. 5, ;,neck exposed pipe anJ plugs f(,r abnormal. leakage by coating with a soap solution. If any failures ara )bserved, bleed off air and make necessary repairs, 6. After an internal pre::sur.e of 4.0 psig is obtained, allow at least two minutes fir air temperature to st:aLilize; adding Orly the amount of air required to maintain pressure. 7. After the two minute period, disconnect air supply. 8. When pressure decreases to `).5 psig, start stopwatch. Determine the time in seconds that is required for the internal air pressure to reach 2.4 psig. This time interval should then be compared with the time required in seconda as c.ompul:ed on reverse side of sheet. 9. List size and l.engt.h of all portions of pipe unc'Sr terse in t- ' i <.o one shown on Leverse side of :;beet, 10. By use of nomograph, compute K and C. Use ^c:r'.ss r a,- ; ,, • _- ,d enter these values in the table on reverse side of s: e-_t. 11. Add all values of K and all values of : ic; i;pe vu6or z:s t. 1-1.. If the total of all C values is less than ci,e, enter the -Ota_1 c,. - 1 K •�::i. ,. into the space for "Tim_ Required ir, Srroi4i, " 13, If the total of all. C values is groatet than one, divide th, to-.• values, by the total of all C values, to g,!t tq. Tc mak(. this the nomograph, use scales C and K, snd read tq, f ITT r 11T11 ?r, o, w1 � !x J, YO O o !- n Mv! Um N mrt N O U a q J N •e C 4.vt.jll 11171 11111 Il 1IM11111111111jiQ Y o 0 0 N O W f N 0 U ' J J o C_, C O Ci O 01 m ►- O h f M! M c 1y �r' r rb a a 0 o d d d ci o a a LL Rt Ix Q O Y O i Z u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q W � n M i� f e� N N O `+ �JJ�{{�IJWllll�lllllllllJill Iill 1111ill IIIII�iI�il��hl�lihli�iLlil�li�il�l�l�l I�h 1 1, 1,1 1 I ��I i I Q J Q y. fY O W � H � Ix 1\ i`'C O N u O O V W Z W z _� I Q O U h V W b z N W C Z N N Y — t W w a o a W w j U Ir w W Q in LL ►� `J N w U p C 1. Z 2 O H a N Q 2 2 z LLl O H y GJ J w r N ZLf«�J a PROCEDURE FOR CONDUCTING ACCEPT'.'ICE TESIT 1, Clean pipe to be tested by propelling snug fitting inflated rubber ball through the pipe with water. 2. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable test plu6s Brace each plug securely. 3. If the pipe to be test-ed is submerged in ground watet, insert a pipe prohe by Loring or jetting, into the backfill material Aijacent to the center of the pipe, and determine th pressure in the probe ,,heu sei, passes slowl• through it. This is the balk pressure due to ground water submergence w.at the end of the probe. All gauge pressures in the test should be increasc3 by this amount. 4. Adel air slowly to the portion of the pipe installation under test until the :internal air preisure is rai,,ed to 4.0 psig. 5. .heck exposed pipe and plugs fc.r abnormal. leakage by coating with a So.:p solution. If any failures ars 3bserved, bleed off air and make necessary repairs. 6. After an internal pressure of 4.0 psig is obtained, allow at least two minute : f.r air temperature to staLilize, adding only the amount of air required t� maintain pressure. 7. After the two minute period, disconnect air supply. 8. When pressure decreases to ").5 psig, start stopwatch. Itetermine the time in seconds that is required for the internal air pressure to reach 1.5 prig. Tris time interval should then be compared with the time required in seconds as r-ompul:ecl on reverse side of sheet. 9. List siz i and length of all portions of pipe urj(',.r te:;• in � � . 0 one shoim on reverse side of sheet, 10. By use of nomograph, compute K and C. Use enter these values in the table_ on reverse stdL.1 or s::eet. 11. Add all values of K and all values of C fc ):he vuder .est. 12. if the total of all C values is less thin �.�.a, enter the total ci . . 1 K v•1. into the space for "Tuns Required i.r, Stun ; .1 : " 13. If the total of all. C values is greater. f1wn one, divide th � t values, by the total of all C values, to g,!t t•1. To make this the nomograph, use scales C and K, and read to,. e I �I 0 I• I 1 T1'Tl I U po QQ1� �, O Al 0 U O T m O� W e:i O O p�j N N n n M Q $ i O L K J a c r v 0 0 0 0 0 IL O O O O O 0 ♦ M O 411 _ 2 O 0 a 0 ri �! n 0 Y O • 0 z ,. z M' c 0 0 0 0 o a o 0 rr co r to a M N N � F— � �jjf�jjlj(jf�jll����lllll ,u�111111111�111�ild�hlllildl�ll�llllllhl�l�l�l��pj II l°��I�I. I�I,�I I I I p I � I � � I I . I i I I I I_ J t.� QQ o v OD M N Z 0 Q U o �1 ro .01 o � w W V0 c7 z o i z w z F 0 F. ♦- G �.. GL 0 w (r y� w n z CL WW 0 g v W Q to 1 Q z z O ul O U) 0 X .J a J L1 i .....1.... AP La.. PROCEDURE FOR CONDIXTING ACCEPT";CE TE'T 1. Clean pipe to be tested by propelling snug fitting i.nflat(,d rubber ball through the pipe with water. 2. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable test plugs, T%racr each plug securely. 3. If the pipe to be test.Ed is submErged in ground water, insert a pipe probe by Loring or jetting, intc the backfill material aijacent to the center ref the pipe, and determine th:: pressure in the probe whcu sia. passes slowl,- t:hrough it. This is the back pressure due to ground water submergence ewer the end of the probe. All gauge pressures in the test should be increased by this amount. 4. Add air slowly to the portion of the pipe installation under test until ib=_ :internal air preisure is rai_,ed to 4.0 psig. 5. '.heck exposed pipe an,l plugs fcr rabnormal. Icakage by coating with a soup solution. If any fHil.ures are abstrvrd, bleed off air and make necessary repairs, 6. After an internal pressure of <<.il psig is obtained, allow at least two minute:, fcr air temperature to staLilize, adding only the amount of air required t:� maintain pressure. 7. After the two minute period, disconnect air supply„ 8, When pressure decreases to ",.5 psig, stat stopwatch. Determine the time in seconds that is required for the internal air pressure to reach 1..5 psig. T.-:is time interval should then be compared with the time required in seconds as computed on reverse aide of sheet. 9. List siz i and l.engt.h tit all portions of pipe unc'Qr tea': ir. `-..' q one shaam on reverse side of sheet, 10. By use of nomograph, compute K and C. Use ne,r..'. s a,' enter these values in the table on reverse side or s;EWt. 11. Add all values of K and all values of fc;• i-'pe tu.ti,-!r Lea L. 1.2. If the total of all C val.ues is less t.haa, ,.i.e, enter the .otal. c, . : 1 K into the space for "Tii-r_ Required ir. Srcc i J " 13. If the total of all C values is greater than one, divide 01 , to,_ values, by the total of all C values, to gat tq. To make. this the nomograph, use scalev C and K, and read to, 11.1 11,1111fill 11 fill[1,1'r if 1, 1 111 if Q kr, Ou L 0 0) 0 O 0 roit 0 0 0 O c 0 a 0 0 a 1, 61; W 0 z 0 TIM0 V L. 1. o 0 Go t, a In w po *a C ej 0 OL LL 0 0 0' z z 0 IMPO 0 0 0 a a C 0 Q 0 J a 0 0 w 1, n n a n N N in 0 cc I, If II III t-AAI1I 111 I I I I I I < CD 0 UJ ILU -j IV, k F z co t rn N 0 0 c 49 N u 0 Q I 0) 4) 0 m 0 L 1 0 2 w Z I z 0: 0 w (n LLJ I z CL w CL U V] W I PROCEDURE FOR CONDUCTING 1. Clean pipe to be tested by propelling snug fitting inflated rubber ball through the pipe with water. 2. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable test plugs , Brace each plug securely. 3. If the pipe to be tested is submerged in ground water, i.usetrt a pipe pro}>,! by Loring or jetting, into the backfill material aijacent to the center )f the pipe, and determine thr; pressure in the probe when ai',. passes slowl, through it. This is the b.i4k pressure due to ground water submergence elver the end of the probe. All gauge pressures in the test should be increased by this amount. 4. Ad4i air slowly to the portion of the pipe installation under test until the internal air preLisure is rai .ed to 4.0 prig. 5. ".heck exposed pipe and plugs fc.r abnormal. leakage by coating with a sof1p solution. If any fHil.ures ars --bserved, bleed off air and snake necessary repairs. 6. After an internal pressure of 4.0 prig is obtained, Allow at least two minutes fir air temperature to staLilizc, adding only the amount of air required to maintain pressure. 7. After the two minute period, disconnect_ rir supply. 8, When pressure decreases to -�.5 psig, start stopwatch. Determine the time in seconds that is required for the internal air pressure to reach 2.5 psig. Tnis time interval should then be compared with the time required in seconds as campui:ed on reverse .side of sheet. 9. Li3t siz, and length ni all portions of pipe ur.c'�r tient in ts'.,": >.o one shatm on reverse side of sheet, 10. Fy use of nomograph, compute K and C. Use a,7.`t ',, > . - l i. ;d enter these values in the table on reverse sidt, of • ::ae. 11. Add all values of K ar.9 all values of ^� fc; -):pe ilii-der _-esL. 1.2. If the total of all C values is less t:h9u c.►,c, enter the .ors l :i . 1 IC v.- into the space for "Tice(. Required ir, Sec.t+da. '� 13. If the total of all C values is grt!atet than ane, divide th , tri., values, by the total of all C values, to got tq. Tc maks:. this the nomograph, use scaleE C and K., and read tq. 71T, WWI Q 0 0 In 0 O 0 CT 111111 7"' 1 1,11filliTill 1111 IT I I I I I I 1 11911111,1111 11"Fillpillill I I If I 00 0 0 it. C 0 0 0 -0 In 11 0 N. Z 0 F 0 of OD N 40 h a A 44 0 C (j o 0 C C; Gt2 0 'o 0 Z 1-- 0 1 0 0 cl 0 0 0 0 in 0 V) C, w to In 0 W VC C\l co t.-%4 te) j M ul L) LLJ Z 0 4 L) w 0 w W CL z U) 0 cr w Wz W CL W W Cl W w LY Ul Q VI2 w Q 0 0- z z C) O PROCEDURE FOR CONDUCTING AC.CEPT.'.?;CE Tl;0'11' 1. Clean pipe to be tested by propelling snug fitting inflated rubber ball through the pipe with, water. 2. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable test plugs, Brace each plug securely. 3. If the pipe to be tested is submerged in ground water, inf-ert a pipe probe by Loring or jetting, intc the backfill material aijacen.t tc the center nl: the pipe, and determine th•: pressure in the probe when a1,. passes slowl�- through it. This is the bj( k pressure due to ground water submergEnce MIA the end of the probe. All gauge pressures in the test should be increased by this amount. 4. rldd air slowly to the portion of the pipe installation under test until the .,nternal air pre.3sure is rai,,ed to 4.0 p ig. 5. ',heel, exposed pipe an,l slugs f(.r abnormal leakage by coating with a soap olution. If any fkilures ar�� -)bserved, bleed off air and make necessary repairs. 6. After an internal pressure of G.tl psig is obtained, allow at least two minuLus f;.r air temperature to at.al,ilizc, adding only the amount of air required to maintain pressure. 7. After the two minute period, disconnect air supply. 8, When pressure decreases t.) ',.5 psig, start stopwatch. Determine the time in seconds that is required for the internal air pressure to reach 2.5 p.-iig. Tris time interval should then be compared with the time required in seconds as compul:ed on reverse side of sheet. 9. List sizi and length of all portions of pipe unc'nr test in t_ .. :o one shown on reverse side of sheet, 10. By use of nomograph, compute K and C. Use ,snr..'.?s � a�' �, r i ,d enter these values in the table on reverse side of �. �. 11. Add all values of K and all values of C ic; is p? voider :.eat. 12. If the total of all C values is less thgu c-uG, enter the .oral 1. K V .:' r into the space for "firm(_ Required ir, Seconds, " 13. If the total of all. C values is greaten than one, divide th values, by the total of 611 C values, to gat tq. Tc make. this the nomograph, use scales C and K, and read tq. ==mrmmrm& PIK I I I! 117r" I I I 0 V) in q'. 0 W. 0 0 0 0 40 0 On 0 O O G0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w) -t m v Ow 9) oz 0 0. O CL M 0 Z 0 Ol O O O0 O 0 Q 0 0 0 n 0 w a, N cr 0 UJ tW (f) OD ev OD 0 c Ww Z 0 w CL 0 U) (n cr W (n LL x ul cr W o Y z z 0 LL) W PROCEDURE FOR CONDUCTING ACCEPT:. ^E T^�37 1. Clean pipe to be tested by propelling snug fitting inflated rubber bail through the pipe with water. 2. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable test plugs , Brace each pl►,g securely. 3. If the pipe to be test:Fd is submerged in ground watei, inaert c pipe probe by Loring or jetting, into the backfill material aijacent to the center if the pipe, and determine th-: pressure in the probe when ai, passes slowl, through it. This is the ba( k pressure due to ground wate►: submergence Owe1 '-he end of the probe. All gauge pressures in the test should be increased by this amount. 4. Add air slowly to the portion of the pipe installation under test until the. :,.nt:ernal air preasure is raised to 4.0 p<i,. 5. .heck exposed pipe and plugs fcr abntrmal. 1(,Mage by coating wi;:h a soap solution. If any failures are jbserved, bleed off air and make necessary repairs. 6. After an interval pressure of 4.0 psig is obtained, allow at least two minute.-, fcr air temperature to ,t.al,illze, adding only the amount of air required to maintain pressure. 7. After the two minute period, disconnect air supply. 8, When pressure decreases to ').5 psig,, start stopwatch. Determine the time, it, seconds that is required for the internal air pressure to reach 1.5 prig. Tris time interval sh:7,uld then be compared with the time required in second.3 as compu!:ed on reverse: side of sheet. 9. List siz, and length of all portions of pipe une,2r tc � ir, t. o one shaim on teverse side of sheet, 10. By use of nomograph, compute K and C. Use ^cr.-.;.ss t, a-.: enter these values in the table on reverse side of 11. Ar'd all values of K and all values of fr- ,i pe under i.cst. 12. If tL,e total of all C vilues is less than ot,e, enter the total c,. into the space for "Tim. Required ir, arx( Aa, " 13. If the total of all C values is greater. than one, divide th., to! values, by the total of. sll C values, to g,!t t•1. Tc make. this 1, the nomograph, use scales C and K, and read t►t, f i AMER (, SSOCIATIS �������� R - �►��►►►� Planningf En ineerin Sume in �� 9 9 y 9 10550 S.W. ALLEN BLVD., SUITE 223 BEAVERTON, OREGO14 97005 ' 503 - 643-9410 FROM: L. Brian Neigart , P.L. S. Survey Supervisor TO: John Hayman CITY TlGari) City of Tigard FILE: 0929604 Tigard, Oregon DATE:Dec. 31, 1975 SUBJECT GENTLEMEN ENCLOSED HEREWITH ARE: PRELIMINARY MAP TENTATIVE MAP FINAL MAP OR PLAT CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE CONSTRUCTION PLANS SPECIFICATIONS -- ---___._ CUT SHEETS FOR C RAIDING PLAN Lnclosed, please f iad-j;K_ 2) copies of legaldescrintion for sanita_-_ry_sewer along_ Bonita Road to Geyurtz E_UZ_niz.ure. Also, copiea_ of legal des-Ort-?tion of the Ceoylirtz _ ;-rant_ _—�1 _ _ ----,--- jgu hav; any cues ti fins, ��1aAq_P_. -nl]tac t us. ----- YOURS VERY TRUIY WAKER ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED YELLOW TO CLIENT PINK TO JOB FILE GOLDEN TO TRANSMITTAL FILE 90,,J1 TA k'D (CN 69�31?'0o"f Q Q (o3t°) 99V oo(P�.►7) (agi 00 s _1 II F-d•, E 0 18 e`' • � 2 9 iso �5��____.�-ti •�'-r.t-'9 2'i Zo o� Fd S 2 9S E 0 92 I,il A J Qa M a . 0 r- 1 in Q QQ ul fJ` 0 J O 1 �' O Z 20• 1 W 1.1 , 1 a o " I 11 g I rJ ll. iP1 ,�C) F'..,.� a (42.00 PEAT) 97.02 i��, ..,� � �, ino Fd,sts e S. 040 e.a je LEGEND • FD, AS NOTED f-- cs F D , O S D H ALUMINUM CAPS SET 5/B"00"I R's N/ M-M PLASTIC C4PS PORTIONS 0 BASIS OF REARINGS C S ¢"F004 NE I WAq 'o .__.t___ f'J P''-AT LINE BONITA ,cNRCENS N 0 W o0 95 0 / J � `��a33Db r'r�I 131 099 �3 0 � o 0 Z w _z J t lJ r Ij 30� oO 9s o s^ r..NAIN �.�n,�_ FENCE •• Fd 5 4 ry C C) FIELD SORVEY JUNE 2r,,i971. MI.JRRAY- McCORMICK , INC. =��+ 1l"E`O 3W ALLEN BLVD ,SUITE 4K LOT; I and 4, BONITA Gs:Rf ENS 8EAVERT0N,ORE y0t1 9700 E '4 ,EC 12, T 2 ,R I W,W.M. (503; 0343- 9410 +, IIN"TO?! .OUNTY, ORE-ON U t_1, a/'i ONER J� s:O C I A T E s "ill"' fl C :Plonning f Engineering Furveying L,-�gal Description Dec. 30, 1975 For City of Tigard 0929604 Sanitary Sewer Line To Gevurtz Furniture: Situate in the northeast quarter of Section 12, Township 2 South, Range 1 West, Willamette Meridian, City of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon and traversing the following described centerline: Beginning at a poi.lt on an existing city owned sewer trunk line north of the centerline-centerline intersection of Bonita Road r and S.W. 72nd Avenue, said point also being 10. Ot feet north of existing manhole 124.1. 8. 2 of the Tigard Industrial Park sewer and ub1 � rioining thence N89° 38100"F, parallel and 14 . 0 feet northerly of P su^'er the centerline of Bonita Road a distance of 500 . 0 feet to a man- ^ hole; thence -S41."28 ' 57"E a distance of 196 . 3 feet to a manhole; thence S97°18128"E a distance of. 134. 1 feet to a manhole; thence S88140 ' 00"r a distance of 4. 00 feet to the west line of the Gevurtz tract, said point being SO°12 '00"E a distance of 38. 00 feet from the northwest corner of said Gevurtz tract. 10550 S.W. ALLEN BLVD., SUITE 223 / BEAVERTON, OREGON 97005 / 503 - 643-9410 CITY OF TIGARU, OREGON To: Da to / Y"y Time WHILE YOU WERE OUT of Phone Phoned Please Call. Wants to See. You will Call Buck M e s s a g e s _ �. �`4 ` e T .�.�...�.�.. C .___....�.� r-7V w' by 1 OREGON STATE Iko HIGHWAY DIVISIOAN.,, 0 '9" PERMIT UNIT 2960 E. STATE STREET s SALEM, OREGON 0 97310 • Phone 378-2636 ROBERT W. STRAUB December 23, 1975 GOVERNOR F. B. KLABOE Administrator of Highways II Gevurtz Furniture c/o Waker Associaces, Inc. 10550 SW Allen Blvd. Beaverton, OR 97005 Subject: Amendment, Permit Number 17634 Sanitary Sewer & Storm Drain Bonita Road Interchange, Highway Number 1 Washington County Gentlemen: This letter shall constitute an amendment to the subject permit i7,sued on December 5, 1975, by substituting tha storm drain shown on the map attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof for the storm drain shown and described an the permit as originally issued. All other conditions and provisions of the original. permit shall remain In full force and effect and apply to this amendment. Very truly yours, H a /146 I Utility Permit engineer JFH:dp cc: District 2A CC: Region 1 1 1, ' , 1 --------:: - - - - 1 ti ---I-...._.._...._ ___ C4 cn 7.1 p o M 0 An u p 10-35 1 h. _ j� � 1'I �v aJy}L� r+4•� '�`� ���'.�t +i?t�ptl4 � ,� �� � h CL -� �,M + � I i� ,�`. w „";.- � �� r r"��IC,Yti �Y•. 1tii�M`^f.'I."fir�` ISl 1 ✓L .• fxl t. � �,Y��., '."': � ' !' � „/ No 3 (9 w w T&R l*N. z 7C Z_," /JC =' ' /'J Aw G FLS �Y ?�/ ' Iti i ra „ N. 70 ' ' o ul � -4 f 1 � � >12 4-F kq 2 J f 0 70, CA T ,y RzAS/N � 64 � iGs' -7 c �, j R_ i \ t, Dii�� .�;��= �A 7"CH ���.SIt.,J / E� `� � 1 ,�• .M;tl�r;� � :, s 1..,�� _` � ve CL I / Lfl uj U) Lulj f REVISIONS B1/ DATE N 1 Q O JOB No. 09 2 V6, 00�5 SME ET DATE: J 7 DRAWN, ✓ ;� liE''d ATZ SFWEP DESIGNED M 5f7F 1 r 1 CHECKED: _ APPROVED: O: Z SHT'i. u s� . p 1 .w • I . r \ � • _ ..,. _I'. j , rwaft, • � �- _ •..��. n-.w.�..--....—.�+w++�wrw-.,.ww.....-.........IN 11 .,. .........,,..-.,,,►._•..._...MIIRrIFrwlll•+..r..M¢.1*wddMr..wlr.rL,.,,f".,.�+AM/W!'he.4 ,. .r.,+n.. a ..... .. ,. .. ,rti�..... . .:Yn ,, ..•�I.•+.u�,x.�y..„.'MSN'��-.M(q....Ih�lhrl'"'?'C ,{L!1'r'1 .��lIW•-«r• _ w �1 (IIII II111{111,111 II /�I+���il� I' tll ('I� �1{1 (II �I�1111TI11 11�II1� I�IIIIIII�IIr{IIIIIII�II111II�I�IIIIIIIIIItllllllllllllllllllll iI1I�ItI111I111Iillltllt1111111 �� - I - t 8 8 1 �0 t I 1 2 r NOTE: IF THIS MIGROFILMED � + 3 4 5 T A 12 —_.. Lat DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN tT1H�EIS NOT ICFT-IT I S DUE TO 4 LITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. 1, of az oz a gz Sz Irz Ez zz la oz dl 91 cl 91 %1 til EI al II of 6 9 c 9 s ti E z I „ 'ter' NII�111111111IIIIIIIIIIIII�NIt�11111t1l�lllllllll�tlll{IIII�IIN�If11�11p�11t111H11111�INi{INI�f1 N11�f11111t!I�NIIIUIt�IH1{IIII6*vl%t 111}IITT►If1 1111111diH1 111111111)(1111111�IN1�)� j�UU1��111Wiptt111 r AiE,...yll . JUNE24 1992 sem, j •yMMrrt•.-r,....._.Yr.w.,M+m•..._.rt'a..— ..w.wr.w•+Y...•.a.r...r•M... •w_w•YRM^^^'.r-A ..___.wrw_.r.-••wA+--w-_.w_rr•a•�..YY+. .r........r__... -r-+..•'y#r+.1 ..•"^ryw -.w• .. •.h•+. Y-•._- wr•...._4w._.•.r r • .. Yr..._..w•,a+..ry..,r,-...._-. _:,..___ -_.w n ...rw.w.••N wry..... ._,.., •n•ny,p . ,� ... M -s M Y__rw►.. .,„.wMw..a.._.v, w_ ,w .•rw •wMl,,.^+_--Yr4 BONITA ROAD — ' -ww_s +Mwa_ar•nY• r_-.yM.a....•-.-'- -,•-w_•_-_-•••r^•�MwrY•__M_ .......... aiw.�.,s......n.•_.r._.r-rp......r...-r•a.l•..-.M•n.r_.., i• •.•,Y,v,r.....t _,r • .•r.._.awr +a.w__._+,..^--r.a-..r.w....w...+1 _ wllu....._-.••. -.Mw.w. w• .rw..r.•..r...v.y.Yrw,Y_ ..r•M._...w.a•... .w�uMA.r,yM.M•_..w.r._s_..-"•rMl�wn...aa../T........f._r.,.r..",y►"w. •YF .w...n.. .nr•. •.• Y•r,.- _.a� _..uw s. a. Yew.-w.. 1. - - ., .-.+r�•„w.w....rK.w•.•.r � .. .-.. �••wwM......4, -w+.-.a►rM�..•"..r.�..4n +VM••r +Mw..M• .. .ur w T -„rYY•.1•V.M wMa_-r.'an^,�..•".�'•w+•...rwyw•.+•n.�.....y.r...•iVwy1Y... EXIST/NG PUM P S 714 T/QN . 3 - -,00 NP PPM PS TO 7- 1GARD • EXJSToN6 /6�� ,j�, J ! LKEG�N PA►OJFCT: //✓,5 *rA L L 16" Jfe" 7-APP/A/d TEC,V Bl, fitG f i G IN /•L 6 S P004 AWT A'"UNE PRLSs uRe Rt"1r u c�R __.._--__.._..__ _ __...._.. __.__..., _. ._ __ .. .�..�• .- __�.. . __. _..,.�.,..__._ w~......w<..w.._. _•...�..._.__.�......� .- .. _ �. _.. . _ ..�. — _._.. ...,. WXALLTt 'jpt vs WfST) /rA ME 7 c�,t'' M J G.✓.' Y� e" M J K J P T -r•j E , i:IS TA L L F H. -- 05 WEGO _. �, _...., r.a•---.__._.-.------- -~ � '�-►-- .A»..�. INS 7q C l e D. 1. �` i ...,�............,.._......._,r.•_Yr. ..�..-,...,.__-.....,w.. ,.,.... .....,....w.,.._._-..A... _.. C E ,5 ,5 ROA Eg ., PI7O ISO S ED y i MIN �� .....--.,r.. SAM Sr Wilt t A4 • � 1- 112 " METER fi014 1 �� � �' 1 14OV 5rAL[ a" mi f , 1� T V1/ Q E R srOR I R1 1 I Y l'! / ! . 1 a GfYVRT.Y fl/R11�/ TURE f � 1 ;M A F 2 t _ f .PROPOSED PIPE LjFoY(; T'/y. � � i r � 44 � r w + - f L Pf?OP0 S LrD ! # r q►�•WlY.iY+.•w,.tlti^ ♦.. ++•,rw -.N a i 1 1 ! � �• t1r' "�'i� �ia�,aur District �t�'� � - �►j !e Q 2* -A�,1 wcsgtrk ll in aa�etirrda�,ne��e Mrf �..'�.���.�. w�:�►ndardar. } �,^ - � . ^ � � Y '�• -13 k e1►�ra 11 *60 i n Ie poe tod and approved �r '1'f�C►, _ ______.Ya____._.. _. f � ��:; t ; 44 ltfic�e hydr�t• a e e�elrlllil b h�►,! *on* � nI to #i� a�* W � fa" F'l g 6" Pig x i;, gat* ,ra�,�, �6� ��c �►� , �a���r>t+� ��,�t�. �i`doil JO Jlll0 a fixe n MM•P 6'' S/,IY. S EWE1( ( ► i hyd"Mt 5+" 3-wport 0- MST hoses ronnel►r:tl.ens$ ` ��� " e a► " F1 K e�nneeti.e�l"Sg. 1+" Pent Op Nu f,t 'per Wt � � • va ,+ red, traf f i e� r�4#1 s OoAl�rot* thmotbloeks at least 4 eglwre>t feeat of rim j•/RE � �RN�rrER � c i VAa/LT (my OTNamS� ; 11 � � J a i } *u rfaelk* aos a I tee4 eraaa�. and btl�lct 1 eeati N. E 0 �] A u 6. 36" a f 3r�, mime Cmv* I cover for &I l 1 1i>Irlr_ � 1 ' . All eewwr l nes x� tb'in 10, laI►teral l.F or '#t vertfeatJY t%f water 8" A%e�, x M✓ my (i:sr) ' /.N, C Ni/ I� 1n.. ! , w.•.w--.....w....r.rr......�.r._...r.....w...,.....w.wrr.w........Y.......w. ._,.w._,.,,..,.w.w�.r.w,r_......•Iw.�+....+.- _.M+wr.... rflt+si.nldl shall be onca�letd lfel' #� crosslag with couepete d" thick. • TIGARD WATER DISTRICT 8. Maine erhal l be ,I,eaa*ed attt '150 psi for l hour. � 9* n•S.B.H. bact+'riolOgia'taal tisto re qui11`P0 .. 8841 S.W. COMMERCIAL STREET • TIGARD OREGON 9723 ?i.�'8rd. Water 11t�t�.e't *ball i�alxt�s�.i all oerY1 PPa! prior #.f, blank. � --- M�"tit1"M w � 1!! ] nAta�L l by t�f! esttx'� �� ,�� TELEPHONE'. 1503) 639-1554 to'ppi_" Of AVre�ts . I ;; per f1IKltvrid�tasl re'quept for same. �r,l rr S I1 . Opfm Cwple�tlo" Nt �•nstal l.ati• on. ra ntracte�r abalf adv Tigard i �JrAs�Mr� r I'n. N � '� 7149 �'P' "=`�- WATER PROJECT �v"TvRE WA rAR M A I A/ VURT �7 FUR. Y ( TMtr�ta�r Di+et.riet eff total c�►,nstx�ea�esti{aa e�asts ' tet v'lrteh wi11 be>t IJ )1 .. rel d ed 10% for d i »><tric t Jaa,pelrr t�t're�s� gator I errll tii , ate rbeead , Y.t O I't EGO N aftindstratie1� "t*t tt g, I ` �- �.., ON/ TA 1 ,D, ..�- ..� • r.�f ng, ��tt+t�� r aaei � lei Rnp�ia�rRci R j � � L' ^r i.nelt�tdrfpte p�!relts., "s,6-bui. I �t.^ dr�Vi"Ve , int,errs►oetiora Mora , ate . _...,_ Robert E. Saralee, P.E. Administrator + C71•_.V L.1F. •T Z 'y E. •.'' '� �� Scale: /1 �� �� .5 t P 197,5 , �. 4ft ML 1 dh i. .,y y 11 � t - �, V[ � f ► NOTE : IF THIS MICROFILMED � I. w...�.�„�,:...�.�,�..�..:.. � 4 �J 6 7 8 � i 0 11 12 - �' - DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN - THIS NOT I�'TT IS DISE TO - JHF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL D w OE 6� 8Z PCZ 9Z SZ bZ EZ ZZ 12 0z 61 91 11 91 51 f 1 E 1 21 I I 01 6 a L 9 9 b E z I araaa"' eiIIII IIIII IIII IIIII III1I1 IIIIII{IIIIfII11111411!1ilIIIIIIIdIIIII111111aIlllllllaltltl�wlI IIIIlIIII III11tia1iIIIII111.1111111 IIIIIl Ilitltt11�1ttt tNiliillllllllliN�llNlllll�llltltli NIII111111111111111111 . _ t�l�� l II111.1i11�tl�nll�iltl�ltlll!!l�llullluit�Illl�1111111 i. N LA i �7 �^ 1 n- hf ILI mti' Li 7'�'..' .i is'ii p ✓fiA NO r+ o All 00 L bG�i►tJl��-- n i (�4 -!14tv { cj)Ct<co, AS:OCIAlr', ! . I r � i I � t FOR. 81.734.3030 OREGON STATE N`CGHWAY DIVISION FILE: PMT 17 INTER-OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE ....Sy.Lvan,...Ox egWn....9.7.221............... ........... ............. FROM: Mel Mott SUBJECT: Pipe Line Permit District Officeman Gewrtz Furniture (11 TO: John Nagemann �(, ti . Permit's C/Ty of 719, Please amend the pipe line permit for Gewrtz Furniture c/o Waker Associates as per the attached plan. MM:cl cc: Dick Bolen - City of Turd Public Works ohn Croc ett--WasRiington County+Tubrrr"Works 0)� q1V'v �GI � � T A , . . . � . IL *41 ,a rr,.' �,a.: a(a n � N v �� / fib• ,�pV J L 'M R^ r / ♦ u i I OK r f 1 +r GEVURTZ FURNITURE ESTI4ATE OFF-SITE SEWER 6" Concrete pipe 15 ' 9 $5. 00/foot 75. 00 8" Concrete pi?)e 440 ' @ $5. 50/foot 2, 420. 00 8" Cast iron pipe 400' @ $800. 00 3,200. 00 1 each Manhole over existing line 700. 00 4 each Standard manholes @ $7C0. 00 2 , 800. 00 Est. 700 yds. Select beduing and backfill @ $4. 75 3, 325 . 00 Pavement Restoration 325. 00 Sub Total $12 , 845 .00 Fought Co. 20446. 00 TOTAL $15 ,291. 00 Total based on contract with exception of final quantity on backfill and bedding which will be based on rock tags. 5 , vA 7) , Y-11 �r- r O� r A 1 %j y L/ re 11/25/75 at GEVURTZ BID SCHEDULE A ON & OFFSITE SANITARY SLrJER I::er7 No. T Description and Unit Price 'Total mount I I.B 85 lineal feet, 6" concrete pipe, complete, in place , at the unit price of r- Dollars and u o Cen is .lineal foot $ `�� o 0 2.I3 lineal. feet, 8" concrete pipe, complete, in place, at the unit price of -Dollars and— Cents 5-a $ 5• __ �pe.r lineal foot 3. B 5 each, standard manholes , complete, in place, at the unit price of ��Jen1 \AoMb`C, p Dollars and No Cents � o� ' $ Too per each on 4.B 1. each, standard manhole , constructed over existing �8" concrete pipe, in place, at the unit price of Dollars and-00 Cents O O $� CC per each OA $ II I GEVURTZ PID SCHEDULE 3 (CONT. ) ON & OFFSITE SANITARY SEWER Item No. Description and Unit Price Total Amount 5. B l Lee, complete , in place, at the unit price of .� Dollars and No Cents $ Lr � V. per each � ao $ l 0'r-v G. I3 -;Ais'0 truck cubic yards , 3/4"-0 granular bedding and 2"-0 granular backfill material, complete, in place, at the unit price of llars ar,-1 ��J e r.f1�-� $ t,�15 _ yjer truck cubic yard 7 .:3 Pavement restoration, including removal, disposal , and replacement to public agency standards, complete, in place, at the lump sum price of Dollars and Ko Cents $ 3 Z S per job 400 Lineal feet, 8" cast iron pipe, complete, in place, at -he unit price of Dollars and Cents $ per lineal. foot $ 3cJO. on TOTAL IIID SCHEDULE tZ: 71 B2 9/25/75 -0, 00 20 co 0- R 0 -- 00 j?2ot0*W 426, .. . ......... goo' :F P. ---- °09 W-3,241— 10 72. 5 0 0 lie co CD 0 ON 01,10 0 4 N 0 0 x N p LA tA OITH ITIS LA ce -4 i55agH NOGO 't 324' AW �S AS W 3k 5(),JTM 4473OD CD L 0ro 0 0 1-4 �A -A L4, Xj NORTH 4413 (A k) d 82 lunrH SOUTH"" 473 148.1 s 0--2)-'45"1 —3-0-0—* ---- 08 ZD 100 300 NORTH 325,9 w/ x"M FREEWAY IM c D (A t � V) cz� 1 . AVM 3 O ��. �.yi As 9?9 5 :7C HiyIN -.__. r _..-.__._..� b��._e------- � Y I - .--- --•- ----- --•-_�,� ski I � � "� � `� � . M / N O '.Z I In p I `'/ 7 i OOf 3..gtp,c 2 00 S _ J ,4Lb LI/5:5 O�ily7Y7� - t� 1 9tt �, �•d CI i 41N4N _ft►- Nll10Nrn ----- - \ I �� at�.v et ;. ry .o +� to �9 • �I ^i �,\_// 7 h) n = -- ; w O W' I I lel ,4tco b� H1n05 ; ti M I r rl ,£9429 a ,►24 8, 000N - - r, . `a i 10 N N N � ' N — V f Q + < a. In • �- OIC .,�9 " \ �I' 'o t H1PV, . 40 0 V t '1 0 �l • ; �►O� tri u Ni01 . +C7 . 1� o BOr.N 9.,b M,04005 002 H1 NON 099jv 1 , 0 onN ' O a ; gN g I tj o fr[ ry O ool N _I ci 7 a #,6o,05 CD I vi lo;' ,922 602 b r��- �, �r i ���. i=i ', I 4yi �; � 11 �, ( + � - --- i a i ' �: :� i t i ___ � I i � I e.d � I �� t i � I � � I L� � I � I � � � <� � I - - .� ,y � I� 2530. WE zp Ch 1:;.;d 'G/ '7�iM fr/ ,rc CG-S , �C or� .givr� a• / �vr.� f s �% /�� / 1� -t- �+Z + f 84] ,�'F C-Sz%, 4 4 /ZZ,LZ +.280, VII-3 3 4e- x 4 = t Z D,u, I sow o r S rV V�� .7 V�!1' ./� �'�'�GC7Y7✓7 l C T �le� r 4 r^ /`G m S► G'r•+ 7 L/C / to the Owner'a premises as described on the attached Exhibic "A", all at Owner's expense and cost except as herein otherwise provided. (2) The Owner shall pay or cause to be paid to the City as agent for the Agency, all connection charges as prescribed by rate orders of the Agency. In addition, the Owner shall bear the cost of connecting Owner's premises to the sewer trunk line as extended, and no connection shall be made until application therefor has been filed and approved, the connection charges paid, and all work and materials involved in the sewer service connection shall have been inspected and approved by the City and/or the Agency. (3) The rights of the owner hereunder are subject to the sewer charges, terms and provisions of pre-existing contracts as described on the attached sheet headed "SCHEDULE", denoted Exhibit "B" by reference made a part hereof, and, in addition to all other charges herein, the Owner shall pay the surcharges set forth on said Exhibit "B". (4) Title to, and ownership of, said trunk line, upon completion of construction thereof pursuant to the terms hereof, shall vest in the City, and the City shall thereafter have full jurisdiction thereover in all respects to the same extent as the City exercises jurisdiction over any other sewer line within its system. (5) The City and the Agency agree to require payment by any owner or user of premises whose lands abut upon or ace tr be served by the sewer trunk dine herein dc•-scribed, within the boundaries of the arca delineated on the attached plat marked Exhibit "C" and by relazence rade a part heteof, who shall apply to the City for connection of said premises to said line, in addition to all other connection charges. 1 a sum equal to per cent of such other connection char•g. and said amount shall be paid by such applicant prior to being issued a permit for na^r such connection, and tfi>s sum thus collected as and when received by the City shall be paid over to the Owner, or pursuant to Owner's direction, in partial reimbursement of Owner's costs in construction of said sewer line. Owner shall furnish to the City upon compiet.ion of construction, a sworn Itemized statement of the costs lnrur.red in connection with construction of said sewer line and the City shall be entitled to examine the records of the Owner with respect to said costs and to verify the amount thereof. Owner shall not be entitled to reimbursement for any extension of said sewer line or any connection of property to such extension, and the Owner's reimbursement -2- shall be limited to direct ronnectir-!� it.h the sewer line constructed by Owned hereunder. Reimbursement hereunder shall be limited to a period of ten (10) years and shall not exceed ninety per cent (90%) of the total cost incurred by the Owner in constructing said line. At the expiration of 10 years or at such time as the reimbursement has been accomplished in accordance herewith, the Owner's rights to reimbursement hereunder shall be of no further force and effect. (6) It is an express condition of this agreement that at the City's option, Owner's lanos or any other lands served by said trunk line for which sewer service is made available hereunder, may be annexed to the City as and when said lands are or become Contiguous to the City's boundaries as now established or hereafter extended by annexation, and execution of this agreement by the Owner shall constitute consent to the annexation of the above described lands, and such consent shall run with the land and bind the Owner, its successors and assigns. (7) To the extent authorized by law, any sewer connection or service charge hereinabove required to be paid with respect to premises served under the terms of this agreement, which charge is not paid when due, shall thereupon become a lien upon such premises until paid. Said lien right shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, any other remedy provided by law. An executed copy of this agreement, containing a description of the lands to be served hereby, shall be recorded in the Mortgage Records of Washington County, Oregon, with the intent. and purpose that notice of the City's lien rights for sewer connection and service charges will be given to all purchasers and users of portions of said lands. If and when the premises are annexed to the City, this provision for lien shall terminate. (B) The City shall not be tesponsible or liabl.E for disruption or temporary discontinuance of sewage disposal services hereunder due to flood, earthquake, or other att of God, or other causes beyond the governmental control of the City. (9) Each of the parties hereto shall be bound only as to those provisions hereof as to which such party may lawfully assent. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been executed in triplicate pursuant to tesolutions heretofore duly adopted by each of the parties signatory hereto. -3- CITY OF TIGARD, ORE ENGINEERING DIVISION, P W DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB NO.-- PROJECT T1 DATE: PROGRESS: NOTE 5:-- WEATHER; QALe4r - R#41A) lNiP ',IR- CITY OF TIGARDE ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION, PW. DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB NO. PROJEC DATE PROGRE 3S , N 0 T F S WEATHER INSPE'l- 'OR MOANS" • i I � I " Movcrabcr 21, 1975 Bud , 'evurtz Gevurtz Furniture Co. 210 S. W. Morrison ,.treet Portland, Oregon 97204 Dear Mr. Gevurtzt We are in receipt of your letter requesting the esLitblishment of a contract to provide for reimbursement of costs in regard to the construction of Lhe sewer line which you are in Lhe process of completidg_for your new building in Tigard. i Please be advised that the rules and rel;ulations of the Unified Sewerage Agency, which the City abides by, indicate that an installer of off-3ice sewers connueting to Agency, in this case City, lines may request a reimbursenunt agreement with the A6ency and that such a ree- ments will be on an individual basis. I recognize that you have made two requests for the establishment of such a contract and I feel that it would be to our mutual benefit if we could discuss this matter at a meeting to be called at your convenience. `therefore, 1 would appreciate your giving me a call at 639-401 and establishing a time we can meet to discuss your request further. Very truly yours# 3ruce P. Clark City Administrator BPCtm1 CITY OF TIGARD, ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , P W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY JOB NO. —�-- PROJECT TITLE: 1. S;qxj. DATE :._ Pe-A"lDD fiur71 Ods— P R O G R E S S TO DATE : will, G'.esyrirr F,s/C,�O / 5 T. f' LST GAyD -t"44Qc iN. `��rt=3 9L1 "' SPECIAL PROBLEMS: i4 140-D 70, EST. % PRO JE / ITEM COMPLETION: . _ �,hJ�/L INSPECTOR • LALMEAM CITY OF TIGARD, ORE ENGINEERING DIVISION, P W DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB PROJECT DATE' PROGRESS' -S7We-AZOM 2- i!5el Aw S:r NOTE S:— A, -t!t Aenr WEATHER.' CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION, PW, DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB NC PROJECT T r DATE: ::A7 PROGRESS el, "S!A NOTES '. WEATHER lNSPV--'OR CITY OF TIGARD, ORE ENGINEERING DIVISION.. PW DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB -. T_ PROJECT TV t F—rte -tc�lFR-- �TE�y��'CQ�— DATE: _1�- / k - 71- - -- - - PROGRESS' _--GZrMLA -,f VE 12 16", �', _ i2f 71 S, /in A I I e-f o' -w.M 9 2E NOTES: WEATHER; -- ----- CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION, PW, DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB NC. _ _ _ _ PROJECT r r DATE, 1 PROD .ST-�K��_1�' NOTES : WEATHER . 1Y7 - CITY OF TIGARD, ORE ENGINEERING DIVISION, P W DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB NO PROJECT Tl' lR L),Q FEE ZA), Eta DATE: 1 114� 4 PROGRESS: -n 140T E S: o4A-5"'1'YVS AIP&- go-�IAJ /. .0 'l A. ? A- WEATHER: CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION, PW. DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB NO. PROJECf--Tr- ALi F, rZ -,lAev-L :00 DATE: PROGRESS "e"X . -rz y Yo ------------- NOTES :_ WEATHER INSPF OR -.NMI November 13, 1975 Mr. H. 4awrts 210 S. W. Morrison Portland, Oregon 97204 Lear Mr. uevurtzt !:eturnr-.d herewith, please find two unacceptable easements anti ons: blank casement form. The easement granting right•of-way to Tigard t,ai.er Oistrict should be submitted to said District, not tr) the City. The proposed "on site" sanitary sewer i,ras and is to be a privately maintained line; the "off site" sanitary sewer is t,-) become h publicly maintained tine. 'such wa: previously noted on the approved construction plan jmvT returned to your engineer. Therefor, the sewer easement to be submitted to the pity should descril,e that. portion of "off site line" which crosses private property (i.,�. t.hat portion lying west of Your tract). rhe herewith returned document does just the reverse it describes that: portion of thf sewer which is to be privately maintained "on site". Further, upon sub;nitial of the correct sewer easement, please utilize the enclosed City ,standard form. The sanitary grant should be made :.o the City of Tigard, not to Unified ,ewerage Agency, since the ( ' ty itself has jurisdiction of all sewer lines and will perform the actual tviintenance tasku thereon. Very truly, John L:. hagnuan Lng. Division JSN8tas Enclosures CITY OF TIGARD, ORE FENGINEERING DIVISION, PW DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB PRO JEC�Tl b.//-Z 7-Z- DATE. PROGRESS: 9? gre . <-�p jr-y*':�;cc cj�Ea 61-1 "'clulcle z.'N6--A7--TNC Ae )Pre NOTE S:- WEATHER: CITY OF TIGARDE ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION, PW. DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB PROJECT T D - Al E', _/-/- 3- PROGRESS . gal:!LMAI.&Izlove CA,) Z NOTES : f--VR 734%, A116#7- 1 411-f-P/#-rt FE It-f-LAOXI /It) -/,4,' A-C-Vf 7-/ E TO JqP- To2- WEATHER 3 t -_t. p,�bIic hearings: Counciitnsn Moore; seconded by Councilman Barkhurst, Arprc:ed by 1-.ar.irro,.j5 vote cf Council. I 7. A.F[ROVAL BY C00NCIL AND AUTHORIZATION OF MAYOR AND RECORDER T'0 EV66 E: (a) City Administrator .synopsized the following documents fid recorrar.ended Council approval: (a) Sanitary Sewer Contract Coera A. & Jake W. Cutshall, 12670 S. H[f'68th Ave. Roger P. Grahn, 14195 S. W. 1.1.2th A,�: b) Terrace Trails Storm Draina Sewer Easement Fred E. Trueax and W. A egan (2) �c) Terrace Trails Sat).i ry Scwer Easements Leota J. Fritz,) Edwin B. Gwuae Fred B. iYgn ueax_, L A. Gegen---- - — (d) Gevurtz Furniture Co. , Sanitary Sewer Compliance Agreement 1 Gev rtz Furniture Co., Cash Bond Escrow Agreement (e) Tippitt Place Subdivision Sanitary Sewer Complia a Agreement Cash Bond Escr;Con Agr ment Sanitary Sewer act Sanitary Sewersement (f) Englewood 2 Subdivision Utility Easem t Comrronwealth Properties (g) Fougnt-Expressway Intn_rceptor S er Agreement (b) Motion to approves Councilman Mire; seconded by Coun -11urtan Barkhurst. Approved by unanimous vote of 'Council present. R, ACCEPTANCE BY CITY COUNCIL - S W. Hunziker Street L.I.D. Street Dedication and Slope cement, Richard W. & Anna S. Homer lr (a) Motion Ito accepts ��C nc., Iman Gook; seconded by Councilman Moore. Approved by unanirrt6us vote of Council. 00 9. RESOLUTION No. 75-54/- RESOLUTION OF THE 'TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC RESTROOM IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTED WITHIN JACK PARK, IN THE CITY OF TIGARD, A.ND AUTHORIZING FINAL PAYMENT THEREFOR. (a) City AdminIstr3,tor reported work has been completed in accordance with plans and specifica Iona. Resolution accepts the improvement and authorizes final paycf.tit. (b) Motion o adopt: Councilman Moore; seconded by Councilman Barkhurst. Appro ,ed by unanimous vote of Council. PAGE 2 - COUNCIL MINUTES - NOVEMBER 10, 1975 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON ENGINEERING DIVISICN PUBLIC WORKS DENT. FR_M IMINARY Cl'N_'-TTS C'TICN FLAIL* ROUTING * Ci i culat.ion Copies'--.___ _.-..._� .._..----•----:.:.. -. .._. . -._...____---� RO TIN'S '-INSTRUCTION PL,AN_TrTLE AGENCY TE By� 1 FroT .r,- By T4.: �UN_FIEi?�S1;W.� AGENCY C'<v�[ Z FOfTLA D GEN. ELF.G'!'. ; '=j�4T� zxI,,K,!__...._ ^WATER D;—,T /_u� j9��iCit'r /O.%rah_'' c7 X14.> `dnPTHIAEST NAT. CAS CO. -._.........Y.__ F iRE DENT. UN11FI,Fr.D ..'SEW. ~`AGENCY avN "1 T_ FCRT•LJiND GEN. E't&CT. PHONE CO C'oP� 9v ► d_CWATER DIST. r Qe U�se�l' NORTHWEST_NAT. GAS CO, FIRE DEFT4V //",/-4;"" .41 ,44 P R'2L.4*:D c�EN. E[ 7C i�HCNE CO. ttiATER DIST. �.. P[•1' A/"Ij '+THWr.ST -IAT GAS ____.____...r......r_....�...�...._.��_. ±GN.i F I ED—SEW.� AGENCY~_ k ORTLAND GEN. ELECTJ� _ _.. .. ..__.__ IHONE CO.. WATER LIST, Nui2'I[3k'5ST NAT. GAS CC. FIRE nEPT. (other) POPTLAND GL.N. ELECT. PHONE CO J WATER. LJST. 7-7 NCR'rHWE'ST YNAT, GAS CO. _71..,.. 1_f... co. Gr • d fe- cdcVjffRr oiM07 k---,a�a D1r'cL,4 7v ,/-- --C4'i ✓1S2T as All I OA yL/C,NT I 1 , l� i i CI N VI < CL,' CIRCULATION COPY ALL SPACES MUST BE ENDORSED PRIOR TO APPRO//VAALF�. THESE. PLANS PU*LIC WORKS DEPT. nv✓V', DATE PLA14NING DEPT. or...._.- DATE-------- --- pU1LDIN0 DEPT. DATE_.. © p CDUNTv ++4 oto. er — --- _ DATE__1;'nM- �- .kDtAINIGTMATOR ■r_ DATE_._ r vl9l)� 0 TIGARD WATRM 0107, s CATS 3 I" QRNRRAL YSLKPHONR nr__ DATsja44 elln"ArEPI li �i r•,1 O U p A �brc pr 114 *ATE_ — �£r, 1r Afc v 'Al d-++- it-10 �5 JC' 4P"5'-r� U Y N W. NATURAL GAG pr-Y� 11---L oarE NSE c,A/, MV. P 0, �. ' DATE....�� '19•�S._.- u (� T. R, IF, a *r '" DATE 71/�i 3..-7 CCC-1vtc� it r��1 c 7 Q, ' Ma-,.Kos �tc>w� I.I,S,A, re zr��H� li•�i��►�ff.� e wn 1pN r i wt tv� a�r a C. t4t�S tp Cl10,11 USX Q� 'j4 r��M,N�1�•�1 5 V' c it I A C S,KI to i ;�.M� rH 1!S �oPrb ML w� fi1.t cu I � �n 10� .�mN� � �t °1G.x`� �rshla� sa see l 1 �► I�Lwr+�i� IS►1T rC�11�OVi �` ti� yR1VNr���� re 1.11 iT ` VIIIA ' _ ���1tvC, C sh .,1a� p►w�.as ���, �� u s, A r s►�vi aL• .�ilevNr'41. o oprep F��'ge.1 K. Reimbursement for off-site sewers. An installer of off-site sewers connecting to Agency lines may request a reimbursement \ agreement with the Agency, Such agreements will be made on an J `�"-- -- --._ indi-itdual basis. Dated this 2nd day of June, 1970, to become effective July 1, 1970 Unified Sewerage Agency of v Washington County, by the !.NICKER AYE NAY ABSENT Board of County Cormnissionere GAPCNER --- - x- for Washington County, Oregon, ►IiiUT _� acting as its Governing Body MASTERS WILSON r Recording S`9cret.ary /- C� C- B`� •.� 60 i i fit _. A �' i • C. All sewer work shall be so construCtOe. as to conform to, the ' requirements off'✓the Washington County Plumbing Code, the Oregdn State Plumbing laws and Administrativ"s Rules- and all\ rules,and regglations and -specifications for sewerage construction of . Washington County'and the Unified Sewerage Agency. D. Prior to issuance of a permit for public sewer construction, +the applicant shall furnish to the Agency a corporate surety or per- j formance bond, or cash deposit in the amount of the total estimated I cost of the work as determined by the Agency. Such corporate surety, performance bond, or cash deposit, shall be conditioned. upon the performance of the terms and conditions of the }hermit and, unless more stringent requirements are otherwise specified by the Agehcy, shall guarantee the correction of faulty workmanship and replacement (i of defective materials for a period of one year from ald after the date of acceptance of the work by the Agency. i 1 E. Except as provided, the extension of the public sewerage facilities to serve any parcel or tract of land shall be done by and at the I expense of the owner Ialthough the Agency reserves the right to perform the work and bill the owner for the cost thereof, to perform the work itself, or to perform the work pursuant to special assessment pro- ceedings. The size of all sewer wains and other sewerage facilitia re.ra shall be as required by the Agency. CASA', F. Where special conditions exist in the opinion of the Agency relating "1. 1 et/v_Re! to any reimbursc,nent agrc,,,loft hur:',.pnt to the provisions of this { article, the agency may, either in uJltion to or in lieu of any of Y ' the provisions of this ;!rticle,• authorize a special reimbursement contract between the Agency and the person or persons constructing public sewerage facilities. Said special reimbursement agreement shall be made and cantered into prior to the issuance of a permit t11 for the work by the Agency. y`�„ The Agency may, in its disciOtA etion, prey that portion of the costs of w,r ) extending its trunk sewer sy-stem or constructing sewage pumping or 6r r �,I' treatment facilities equal to the difference in cost between the 1, \ G 02 size of facility required by installer's development and the size 1, t � r+��'f of facility that the Agency requires under its long range master plan, r`6SECT1ON 7. ' eINDUSTRIAL WASTES. d 1) 0 A. The admission into the public sewers of any waters or wastes having (a) a 5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand greater than 250 milligrams per liter or (b) containing more than 300 milligrams per liter of suspended k° solids, shall be subject to the review and approval of the Agency. Where it is deened necessary by Vie Agency, the owner shall provide, at his expense, such preliminary treatment as may be necessary to, (a) reduce the Liochemical Oxygen Demand to 250 milligrams per liter and the suspended solids to 300 milligrams per liter or (bj reduce objectionable characteristics or constituents to within the maximum limits provided for or (c) control the quality, quantities, and rates of discharge of such waters or wastes. B. Plans, sp9cifications, and any other pertinent information relating to proposed preliminary treatment facilities shall be submitted for the ap- proval of the A;;ency. No construction of such facilities shall be commenced until said approvals are obtained in writing. -••�-- •- ..•-�.. ...iwvi� auu .7 ai a.1,' iV�.ttLcu, .l ilu Jlldil UC LUIIJI.IUILCU 111 accordance with plans approved by the Agency. The manhole shall be installeO by the owner at his expense an,' shall be maintained by him so ati, .o be safe and accessible at a. times. E. All measurements, tests and analyses of the characteristics of waters and wastes to which reference is made shall be determined in accordance With standard methods and shall be determined at the control manhole provided or upon suitable samples taken at said control manhole. In the event that no special manhole has been required, the control man- hole shall be considered to be the nearest downstream manhole in the l ! public sewer to the point at which the side sewer• is connected. F. No statement contained in this article shall be construed as preventing any special agreement or arrangement between the Agency and any industrial concern whereby industri- I wastes of unusual strength or character may be accepted by the Agen-..,• for treatment, subject to payment therefor by the industrial concern and subject to such terms and con- ditions as might be required by the Agency. SECTION 8. APPEALS PROCEDU-' c. A. Any person aggrieved by a ruling wider or interpretation of the provisions of this ordinance may submit a written appeal to the General Manager of the Unified Sewerage Agency. The appeal shall set forth the events and circumstances leading to the appeal, the nature of the ruling or interpretation from which relief is sought, the nature of the impact of the ruling on appellant's property or business together with any other reasons for the appeal. B. The General Manager shall submit such appeal together with his recom- mendations to the Unified Sewerage Agency Commission which shall forthwith appoint a panel of three members of the Commission to study the matter, hear testimony if deemed necessary, and submit recommenda- tions and the findings and reasons for such recommendations to the Commission within thirty (3) days. r. The Commission shall consider the matter and prepare a written decision surnmalizing the findings and the ruling of the Commission which shall be sent to the appellant and to the Board of Directors of the Unified Sewerage Agency. D. In the event that the appellant considers that his grievance has not been handled to his satisfaction by the Couun;.ssion, he may apply to the Board of Directors of the Unified Sewerage Agency for an independent . review of his case by the Board of Directors within thirty (30) drys from the date of the written decision of the Commission. A copy of such application shall be sent to the Unified Sewerage Agency Commission which shall forward to the Board of Directors its entire file on the case for review and decision. The Board of Directors shall make an independent review of the case and shall, in not more than thirty (30) days from receipt of the application prepare a written decision on the matter which shall be sent to the applicant and to the Commission. E. Decisions of the Hoard shall be reviewable by the Circuit Court , the State of Oregon for Washington County solely and exclusively under the arovisions of ORS 34.010 to 34.100. -10- �.r,.�^ PAGE 86 C)_.. "`. G v. . . . contemporary furniture �4 0 Southwest Morrison 0 Por nd, Oregon 97204 UB-2109 21 vr&eeA 1975 �� U Pia. �o/La S. l{ yman Sud t, J iv a rl Ci4 o/ T iJand 0. /fox 23557 liJ ,nd, 0",goa 97223 U,eaa (k. dfugman, We AU""ectiaVy "-quea.t .the "a aU-iehme d o/ a wn_twct to rycourr:le &e "ejnenC Ey eJrs it Lng �vto/�n1r J� ouvwz,6 mho r&,V connmi .to .the zeuwA LuuAf&w- we ud-U conn buw-t. The coat o/ hie iAu,2ht&m t1li,t IJP- mua.t COWJ UJCt io eJWIWWW ADA a comf2aruj of OUA J.ize and AA .thcz We 14io_ t-d-an foe i)- ocvr a dva6. Un .top o/ IA-i:4 c,,e mins!' pvq an ac,'rLl, - n,d .awn of cCoav_./in P,500. .to .the � iALZ d .www hu.ue ksoug/d .the -6,ew-1t ex,xitadon in the fjo int. wn'RAP OUR. .t/uJ/z&Lne " a4 Tlwze costa uw- woAkinq a ©"- i ki ddk.j on ouiz .6ma-U co4ponaZion. 7,t i6 ordy ja is and n cadona"e .t1ui.t aruj o.th,P.,ir na d4 ea (.er44�j JADM IOUA ef-cvt.t6 W PA IMAJL o f the cOa.ta. e wou(fl Zi/ze .to meet t,)J tA r fou a.t a mu tua.F'.4 Lime on. di6cuoS w.t lh you uu.^4 .lhe .tu h0ne .the of eueh an uyvtePm¢nt, Thunk you /oA ,tou& a1_&L&on and tyoua &i.4,2 in Ve-v yon:.. �cuc..tz TiJiuzitivi.e Co�nr� 4 IA C'Vll C1301 A.-I,1-31'1J"0 ENGINEERING rl.-ANNING LAND SURVEYS S,:!ptember 10, 1.975 0929603 Mr. John Hagman, P.E. Engineering Division City of Tigard Tigard, Oregon Dear Mr. Hagman, Attached, herewith, for your review and approval are the pru,)u'-3„,1 sanitary sewer and storm drainage plans (9 prints) for Gevurtz Furniture Company on Bonita Road at 1-5. Of particular interest is the need to fill over the sewer line for 3501+ to provide adequate cover. This will require relocation of r the road:3ide and street drainage and will be field engineered At the time of construction. In the long run , the proposed sewer may be connected to the future Southwood Park Trunk or the ultimate imorovernent of BonitaRoadwill require a raise in the grade through the crnek area to provide cover. I , also request that an agreement [or reimbursement be considered for the nff-site saver. It is quite likely that Mr. Smets and the other adjoining properties will be connecting to this sewer in the relatively near future and it is inequitable for Mr. Gevurtz to assume this total burden considering the minimal sewer flows which lie will be contributing with respect to the area of his development. Very truly yours , MURRAY-McCOIUICK, INC. chard C. P-1,10 C:) Vice President R01: aW Enclosure o low O 106008.W.ALLEN M4 LVD., E3UlTBfa23/Ur=AVt!RTON, ORIZGON137UD3/bC3-843-U4lC CALIF-LVINIA NUVACA DRELIGN WASHINGTON Tr-XP 9 SCORCIA r-LURI'.IA NCVV MEXICO AL^81A Avoid Verbal Messageb A-1 CITY OF TIGARD To: b��� From: Sv� ►� Subject: _ IcA ,, I,?r:- Date:___ lD_2 $!7S 1 n CSetvr•tti.) �,r.i+�• `- � ;r I,,�'1�G'P 1� • �1 l C G7�.✓�G I I -LAI sequt,�� �I•�ht .t �•K 1 J SANITARY SEWER COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT_ THIS AGREEMENT dated this _..�.d_�____paday of �) �J1/ 19 j between the CITY OF TIGARD, a municility of the State of Oregon, hereinafter termed the ,city", and Gevurtz Furniture hereinafter termed "Petitioner", W I T N E S S E T H s WHEREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for approval of con- struction of a sanitary sewer, to be known as Gevurtz 5anita�_.___ 9ewnr Extension 'being within thebcunc�ar�ee of an area as deacribe� on the attached Easement., and by reference made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the City of Tigard requires applicants for construction of sewers, ar.d appurtenances thereto, to submit to constrLction in- spection, and testing therewithal, to grant public easements, therefor, and requires the payment of feeal and WHEREAS, the City has approved and adopted the standard specifications for Public Works construction by APWA, Oregon Chapter, and tb i Unified Sewerage Agency specifications for sanitary sewers prepared by professional engineers for Public Works construc.tiont and WHEREAS, the public improvements required to be constructed are incomplete, but petitioner has nonetheless requested that the City permit granting of the property to the public, and the parties herein named desire to protect the public interest generally to assure the public improvements will be installed as required and ccrnpleted within the time hereinafter set forth, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premise and the covenants and agreements to be kept and performed by the Petitioner and its contractor and contractors surety, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWSt 1. Petitioner shall proceed to complete all public improvements as shown on herewith improvement plan, as approved by the City of Tigard and prepared by __ UE.EU-McCurmick Env lronme_ ntal_Groupy__.._____ revision dated _ 9-25��_5 S�iid Improve- mnts to to completed no later tan one(�j-y`ear fiom the date of e this agreement, and Petitioner hereby agrees to comply with all standard specifications adopted by this City, or as may otherwise be approved by the Department of Public Works and to use only such material and to follow such designs as may be required to conform thereto. 2. To assure compliance with the City's requirements and the provisions thereof, Petitioner agrees to h XV4X1tXXXMKtXxtK?aX tender to the city, a surety bond(s) in form approved by the City, with liability in the amount equal to the contract price of $ 1717.1.1. 00 prior to issuance of a permit for constructien of said improvementst_ Petitioner's contractor shall be licensed, and insured as required by Unified Sewerage Agency P.ebolution and Crder(s) Nr. 72-12 and No. 11-9. 3. In the event that the contractor shall fail, neglect c.r refuse to proceed with the work in an orderly and prcgre83ive manner to assure completion within the time specified, upon ten (10) days' notice by the City to the contractor and the contractor's _- . ..-Ly, and such default and failure to proceed continuing thereafter, the City may at its option proceed to have the work completed and charge the costs thereof against the contractor and the contractor's surety and in the event the carne be not paid, to bring an action on the said bond to recover the amount thereof. In the event that such action be )nought, the contractor and the contractor's surety shall be required to promise and agree to pay, in addition' to the amounts assuring and allowable, such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable a3 attorney's fees and cost Incurred by the City, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any, or the City may at its option bring proceedings to enforce against the contractor and/or contractor's surety, specific performance of the contract and compliance with the standards adopted by the City of Tigard, and in any event, in a like manner, the City shall k.e entitled to recover such sums as the Court may adjudge reasor,abl.e for the City's attorney's fees and cost, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any. 4. Petitioner, concurrent with the execution hereof, agrees to pay the following fees as required by Unified Sewerage Agency Resolution and Order No. 10-121 a,) A plan shack fee to cover the cost of review and approval of construction plans and inspection of bower construction (except house connections) in the amount of ___...$��q..�p ____ _._...,_._._._• b, ) A permit fee to cover the cost of processing the permit application and performing the inspection of property connect ion(s) in the amount of __,_.150..0a_..�..__• c. ) A connection charge to connect directly to an existing sanitary Fewer, which was installed with/w,Atbl0a (strike inapplicable word) cost to the petitioner, in the amount of .._..$4�400�OQY�______• d. ) A morthly sewer service charge for the use of the public sanitary serer system. 5. Petitioner, concurrent with the execution hereof, also agrees to pay a surcharge in the amount of _$2.-[ip„O__� as re- quired by that certain contract entered into by the City with for the reimbursement of sewer construction costs per_t est tKe_ieto. 6. The City agrees to make and provide periodic inspection@ as, in the City's judgement, is necessary to assure ccmpliance. 7. The retitioner agrees to insure that the City receives 48 hour advance notice of commencement of construction and, also, 12 hour advance notice for all requested field inspections. 8. The Petitioner agrees to irsure that the Petitioner's engineer obtains accurate as-built (field) construction records of said sewer installation and, also, agrees to insure that the City is furnished with one accurate as-built mylar thereof. 9. At such time as all public .improvements have been com- pleted in accordance with the City's requirements. Petitioner shall be required to ratify the City of the readiness for final inspections upon affirmation by 0.e Department of Public Works that all requirements of the City have been met, the Petitioner will Aul:mit to the City a good and sufficient mainterance bond in the form approved by the City in a r.ua equal to fifty per cent (50%) of the contract price to provide for correcticn of any defective work or maintenance becoming apparent or arising within ane year after final acceptance of the public Improvements by the City. * Notes said contract outstanding balance is 12,446.03 Sewer Dedication - Page 2 of 3 10. Upon receipt of certification by the Department of Public Works that all requirements have been met, and a one- year Maintenance bond, the City Council agrees to accept the public improvements, subject to the requirement of correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year. 11. That the petitioner, in consideration of the City's approval of the application to construct a sanitary sewer within the boundaries of easements held by the City, does hereby covenant and agree to save, hold harmless and indemnify the City, its officers, agents and employees, for and from all claims, demands, damages, and each and every other obligation that can or could arise from the neglect of petitioner, his officers, agents, con- tractors and employees, or from trespass upon property outside of the easement area, including attorney's fees and costs, if any, necessarily incurred by the City in defending against such claims, with the intent and purpoee that the City shall be made whole with respect to any amounts it may be required to pay or be held liable for in connection with the exercise of the privileges afforded Petitioner to utilize the area within the city's easement for sewer construction purposes. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the, parties have executed this a regimen* pursuant to authority vested in each of them. C, L&Ir (Attach Acknowledgement hereto) CITY OF TIGARD -'Mayor By: Recot�et �. f I Sewer Dedication - Page 3 of 3 CASH BOND FSCF.07 AGREEMENT 'THIS AGRFF.`4F:NT, made this . _2Qth_ r?ay of October , 1971,, between the CITY CF T!CAN.D,_ hereinafter te,,ned the ^ C1'tY", and Gevurtz_ hareinnfter ter i_r3 the "PRINCIPAL", 'ind hereinafto�t tarried the "DANK14 �A4sOt {a�lion), W 7 '1' N F S 5 E T H t tVHERFAS, the Principal has heretofore executed a sanitary 31--Wur Co•npliance Agreerner.t,with respect to the development, construction and improvement of a commercial building within the City, known as Ge_v� tx E4zrliC.Slrk..C.Rs;._..____.__.__.� a copy of raid agreement together with a particular ►ega2 dc•scr.pt±on of said lands being attached hereto and by referonce :made a tart hereof; and WTIEFEAS, tba Principal has properr•d to the City that there by entrusts-d to the ?.ank the s•ucn of as a cash performance bond to ansa:e the Ctty tt•at all rvq�.iremeits of ea?d 1(YjXgmX•XXXXA Compliance Ajree.ment shall be properly and timely performed and to assure that the costs thereof s*.s21 Le !in,ely paid and all. requireVents thereof :nett and WHF.PFAS, the Fork has n9reed to take title to and hold in a trust capacity the aerr of 5171711:00__ and t.r-raby ackr.owleages custody thereof to be held F-.rttzuant to the t?-.us and trovisiors of said XXXIGXX-XXX*XXCumj3l1ar.ce Agree•nent as hereto attac?,E-d, and it is desired hereby to het icrtn ar.d define the conditions applicable to E aid cash bonrt, NOW, THULF(RE, if the Principal shall. faithfully observe and timely comply with al.l. requirements of said XX:XXXXXtXXXXX Compliance Agreement and all ordinances and regulations applicable to said Work, XKX')6XX,XXXKXIX and if the Principal shall well and truly perform all matters and things undertaken thereby ar.d hereby to be perform---d and shall Far.iptly make pay.nent to all r-?rsons supplying labor or material for any prosecution of the Murk, and if the Principal shall not permit any lien or claim to be filed or prosecuted against the City on account of any labor or :materiel fiirrished, and if the Frincipal snail promptly Fray all r.nntribttions or amounts due the Stute Industrial Fccrcent Fun's and the State Unemployment Corcpense.tion Fur.d, and shall rrc.rYtly r:s due .nake payment to the person, cc-1-3rtmetship, asscc:ation cr cr.�rprration entitled thereto of the monies meitionad in [haptets 279.320 and 279.510 O.R.S. and shall prcmptly %o,nply with all withholding and payment requirements 1:1 Chapters 316, 162 to 316. 212 O.R.S. with respect to the collection of taxes at source, then upon full - rompletion of all work and the furnishino of evidence satisfactory to the City that all requirements hereof hava teen fulfilled, and If the Principal shalt execute and deli%-rr to the City the Maintenance 13inr1 described in said XX.XXuuXXXXXXXXCo,rp!i..nre 1,9ree,ment, then the Bank anall thereupon release tc the Princ:f.al tEa said rash bona dept,siti pROvIDED, however, that the cblt.itier.a hereof shill not apply to any money loaned or advanced to the Principal or to any subcontractor or ether pereean to the perform-ince of any Quch work whether specifically provided for by ccntrao't rr otherwise. IF, however, the Principal shall fail t+3 literally comply with all requirements, of said J(nXX-XXXXXO( Co:t,F.li_1rr.e Agrae.nent and all the requ°regents hereof, or stall in any r..srticular perform the Mork in a defective manner, upon 10 days n-.`tice "!y the City to the Principal and such default or failure continuing thereafter, the city is here%y authorized to have 3aid work performed or the requirements of the 9(X1X1XX(XXXXd(d( Compl!ance Aore.:nent broight into crnformity with the terms thereof and w!t.h the i:ity's ordinances and regulations, and the City shall be, soil it . s h.-reby, authorized to charge the same against the entrLsted cash deposit and the Bank agrees to Pay therefrcn all amounts certified by the City to be chargeable thereto. nothing herein contained shall be cc-nstrued to constitute acceptance by the City of any responsibility for maintenance of the impin vements nor sh;ll the city by reason thereof become obligated to any person or property owner for any loss or damage arising by reason of the manner in which said improvements were constructed. Further, the City be, and it is herel:y, authorized in addition to the foregoing, in thy+ event of uch default on the part of the j Principal to charge against said funds all cc-:ts incurred by the City including attorney's fees in exacting ccnpliance therewith or herewith, and the Bark agrees to dishu rF-e said funds for said purposes upon certificaticn thereof by One C.,ty. Upon fulfill nsrkt of the f.::egoinc in accordance with the terms and provisions heriiof, the City aurees to furnish a certificate of release of said deposit or such F,,�rtians thereof as shall remain after fulfillment of the rr-quirex.ants hereof. IN WITNESS %''HEREOF, the City under authority of resolution of its City Council has caused this ogze-ement to be executed by its Mayan and City Recorder, and the rrincipal and the Lank have affixed their corpr.,rate signatures on the day and year first hereinabove written. CiT)Lz _ C7T1' OF 7JCAT-D. OREGON mayor By i Recorder PIi1NCIPA1:t CEVURTZ_ F, ITUItE CO_L��_�_ . e4=r- (Attached CorFcrat.e Acknowledgement here.) BYS _.______.-_--.--•---_.-._._.------..___ Bye E-Y VA Bye Page 2 - Cash Bend Escrow Agrea ent STATE OF OREGON ) County of On this 2j �C dayofW , 119-]r-, b efo re me appeared f. SYM,A — -- and _ACAT,L-SL'4�-!.Y��.I]._ both to me personally known, wi,o being duly sworn, did say that he, the said �MDPc(Z � tF SV1�'C}1 is the P,res_tdd<nt, and he, Lhhe�said is the 9ec1-e+�ty VllL.� �!4f W °f .. •Gy! :i�pS1 V�L6NL. rLt�i11A1 _gLM, _ cQ(J����-_ the within named Corporation, "and �that the esseal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said Corporation, and that the said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf ",oa'f.. said Corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, r.nd .�sl-YItMF{ and acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said Corporation. IN TESTIMONY WIiEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand an affixed my official seal the day and year i_ t "bo v�e�written. Notary TO Ic for Oregon My Commission expires_ .(/ Zts�1o17q STATE OF OREGON ) ss, County of Multnomah ) On this _20th day of October , 19 75 , br.fore me appeared BURTON GE and QpRSQq_Z.,OLDSM�T1t both to me personally known, who being duly sworn, did say that he, the said BURTON GEVURTZ ^ is the President, and he, the said 1 RCnN F .CILDtUj TH I the Secretary �_. of GEV_URTZ FURNITURE COMPANY the within nar,ed Corporation,and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said Corporation, and that the said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and ._ Burton Gevurtz and Gerson F. _ Goldsmith acknowledged said Instrument to be the free act and died of said Corporation. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed by official seal the day and year I&it above write n. Notary Public for Oregon Corporate Acknowledgement My Commission Expires_ 6/16/78 AHER s0 C 1 A T G: iiiiiiii f . f � 1 nn n f r Plo i 9 f� Engineering Su veyin9 J 10550 S.W. ALLEN BLVD., SUITE 223 / BEAVERTON, OREGON 97005 / 503 - 643-9410 FROM: R.a S TO c e-At-J H ku YY\ A� FILE: 1 DATE: SUBJECT L1VtJL>>nk Z JWA) GENTLEMEN: ENCLOSED HEREWITH ARE: PRELIMINARY MAP TENTATIVE MAP ��,, FINAL MAP OR PLAT CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE r:2 CONSTRUCTION PLANS SPECIFICATIONS CUT SHEETS FOR: GRADING PLAN r YOURS VERY TRULY WAKE ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED Br /_. YFLLOW TO CLIENT PINK TO JOS FILE GOLDEN TO TRANSMITTAL. FILF i iti I I 'I I i October 23t 19 f., i flichael Mann & Lalteman, AIA pc It 30 S, tip. '7orrison Street i II Portland, Oregon 9`1204 Attentions Ron Leo References Gevurtx I'-.irniture Dear non t In order to assist you and. yotir client in fretting this project under .,,ay, the planning department has approved your plans for building; permit, I fcelo however, that this letter in clarifi- cation of the conditions imposed by our code requirements and by the nesig► Review Board is necessary. You are evrruct in assuming that the city's landscaping require- ment rust be satisfied before occupancy may bt permitted; however, m3ans that the landscaping 311311 be ilistalled and complete before occupancy. . . or within six months67ii o:', providing an adcquate cash bund is pruvided. Regarding the extension of the 5' sidewalks to the public street, t.iie code provides that "required sidewalks. . .extend. . .to the side- walk or curb of the public street or streets approved and accepted by the City for public use". if the nccess provided by O.S.H.D. is curb a sif` on t e21other hthe and ,ydivision not,3} all then itovide nppearsdewalks that youd r curbs, t client sha7.1 so provide. Mere was, by -tile •gay, another provision of the Dean n review 3oard's a pruval that requires a response. The Desifm Review Board requeotod that siF;n graphics be submitted for their review prior to the isrsu3nce of signl eXP3at.toihavelmO somehat lea.dhis timessotIlcanolae getM,i t on"i the a futuread, but will p rosign Review P.oard agenda. Thank you. Sincerely, Jerald M. pot•rell, Assoc. AIP Associate T annex XTtpt r CCS LOOP� . . . contemporaiwy furniture el lrlO,!outhwest Morrison O Porllar%d, Oregon 97204 /�. ✓,�28•2109 � �� Ur•.to/��.c 1 X75 �c9 .> ('Lt. �ofU2 .S. l(«yman v 54,24 f 7 w�d ton ►'.0. /_3oz 13.557 T it urd, Ozer on 9722.3 ,eaA /U. llu. wzan, lJe rteslzer�rctG npyun�st .the tre�.L►iRslvnvrzt of a confirm:t .to �vzouirle rtp_i7n?•�ur seane�tf ►r i t'�, /vro/2e IOIIVW-12 s arAO MaV Wnz e .to Vw .s el.�eit t2unfr�ine we ►,a t j con s tV,1,C4 The vxm6 t o l A.i a, .t unld-inA Aa.t we m,"t cows tiu s t i a enonmocee �DIL a coppony o1 Dint '61and vn t,Ae ►.vse 4W- Ptin fort i t Durr sety A. On top o/ . A16 i�v_ mus.t rata an ar;int tfnn«2 .sun o/ c l'o4e to X12,500. .to tJW faro!ti .a wlto frvvp Bnnu$ltt Ap .s etvnA exi,- r.6.i o n to .the point t,, eAp oua .t1t►uvV&w tics in. T/iede cob td cute i.nAk inry a wnrat lu4rte42 on ocut •smatt col�po4.a.tton. J.t -16 on.QV /rli4 and nrl1,601W 'Ze Via t arvi o.tAIIA lx,lAtlA4 &n� AWM Durr e1_1:orr.Ls ctd /D2 1x221 o/ ZIW C"id. h1le I.-JOU£d .Gibe VOu at a lna&aP4 t.imv_ '04 (Li scll4d 1,.t.l th You ove r. .lhe .teP.ep7 fW_ .fhp l204-6.Wv_ .reruns of .such an ag,'.ermen.t. Thnnh YDu JOA YOUA aJ-tJltjOn r,nrl yo►ut Alp ut this mn t too. Vnrt� tn�� �o►urs� _ nud ee o-evcut}z Tu�rri�u.e Corn�aru� �o ( CITY OFTIGARD ( Amount Ls 1!-,t, dollars 'r Name Cash M:6.- 114 .A. Address,?/U 114t/-' B2 L _ Check Bldg. ❑ St.Opng. ❑ Bus Lie. ❑ ❑Plbg. Pubctns. - ❑ Bike Lic. - Flctl. - ❑ Copies ❑ Sew.Scrv. - Sewer ❑ Filing ❑ Fine&F. ❑ Assmt. - ❑ 011ier ❑ Zoning - ❑ for: ,,,l16 c,y r�'� r.r� /Ix�cc���_,��(%tcr• Permit # CITY OF TIGARD BY: — wNirewt�reMrNo�turioNtw 13043 _ 4 ,45 PVIM C C. e,% - r , ' NIC, P Gr"� k eve P lie ' r Ln LL CAr LLJ Ali 77I _ --- --_. _. . --_ 1 Ira 6. 01 6- 7 a[ C4 en u IN s / 7L. � a 1 z O 0 M L 1 O In In z L eY O • //0.35 G �� ^�'� 3 � 1 � J a � '?EP r t CK LU ----- PLUG z 1 w z WA TES f z w WA Tee 011 7R/4; r 2 U1 Vi 4 ,s' C 1. 1 41 .12 E41 k 0,A1P WA a I � � � Ir ,''fir' , � `I�( JI ` � / h,�k, � ,x�,� 1 � i � �> ■ 970, ' 1 � G .7—C vG', 'ti�' .I` i � � t M � T}1 { a� `';• `- M 9n I far �� �}� i � k _ � (yJ 6 V5 S/Z� CA •TCN, BA-SIAI 1 I , ��{ .','a, �: ) 1 ,T EL `i. i I Ln >: if , — _— U) \• ^� !1J Lil All FILE Copy ALL SPACES MUST BE ENDORSED r J J \ PRIOR TO APPROVAL OF THESE PLANS P,J[71_IC WORKS DEPT. BY GATE1 . R E V I S I O N S R Y DATE PLANNING DEPT. DY DATE: __ � BUILDING DL=r'T. BY DATE GUUNTY 1.1iffFf �EaBY. CITY ADMINI',TIt,vTOR BY A ���. DATE_ TIGARD WATER (315T BYDATE_'• Z2 ^7� GENERAL TELEPHONE By _ PATE. i U 5 A ��(+1, BY ____ rATE_IQ-:��� D-O -P r 1 f t '404 1 r N. W. NATURAL GAS By_ DATE_._ 16-7•r ._ � / �.L �rr/�Cjt � �. DATE-.�=L7�7�.--- , )Os NO.r Oy '.Sir, n0 SHERT i P. G. E. BY DATE ,Iit a 71 o— DRAWN T. R. F. D. BY__ _ DATE_._L � ._ oEstcNED GEVUR.T7.. SEWER � / CHECKED: 'W ACT- P cus 041 7 OF' f AM�OVID r Of tI1m. i �• , _ �..• _,r _ * ' M IrII ItIlI1r1IIIII1J1�111I I1'��Il ill I M 1I11tI1 �Il11�_ 1 .r11 ' r1 ifiltirf4fly IIIIIIIII11IfIYIIJill IIIIIlI111�111I111III1I111I111Il111111�111 111'1111IIIII111IIIII111'IIII111 r e _ J w: . .i 2 3 4 5 a 7 8 A 1�0 11 12 �44.b. NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED ' z " DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THANy THIS NOTICIi;-IT IS DUE TO t r— THF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL • .–,T—HF DRAW I NG. ——— –------------- OE 62 Be a 92 S2 *2 E2 22 la 02 61 91 Li 91 sl 41 E I 21 11 01 6 9 L 9 S I� EI 2 II�'�•�" �►1I�lllllllll�lllllllll�lllll►III�IIIIIt11�,UII�l11t�tIt111111�1111111N�11►tltttt>�tt1�1111�N11�fUlllt{I�IItt�1111�tt�t,111111111�111t�it{�IIII�I�IIH�1111�IIN�M{t�I111Illll�tllt]IIII�IIII�II{�III� �IIII�IIII�IIIIIIIII�IIII�IllI�l111U�I1U11lIl�lIU�11lI�1Ul11W�IIH UNE 24 1992 e.. I ► .r 5 C root ' /Lj } t 1,A1 i Cc/L✓Bar T Rel-'a pp''B RGwots/o �O/TGIM 1� a�wiN iN� �-- wNN ,♦...___.__ • �',. .qy.. eaa .. l:i.. ',': _ -- ,,, rtr..�- � •w..»r,.Jy.-••,y.4..^+`.'w1r.+f--'*y^.w+. ,. �ow� -.—.—..a_-."-_--.__ _ 1 _ i �;i• •".�. ... 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L G :X11'' XXl...,�1.. /.�1,...,ll.F..... ,.. .f'�r.. t. ,�,+ .B �j� JG t c�a. :� j: A . . ., :dei� �i' { .-....:.......-..'. .. }� { i• }, .,... .....�. .. .... ..• ....... ....... ....... �. •i _. ��y�( �/ ►1t M���,•��y �y y �• i ... .. .... ..... .... _ ... ... ...... .. ...... ..... .. • ... Q L P Q A. I ... "01V 1 iso �) �. _ r .� in T ....... J�/!� 'D' rr' SHE E ......... r .. ... .,.. •t' .......... ... .... .....• n .i. . .. �. CJ { } �' /� ?" �. 50 ...... .... . .. . ... ....�. . . J .. ED i' DE �. J .. ...,.. •.•• W . ....... ,. ........., ....... ... ....... ...... ...... .. .. ........ .............. '��.. .. . 1.{ ........ ....... ' e 0 I... .... ........: ..... CiIECKED j• ....... :}:....... :i........ { .....,. C.7FrVl1 1 Z SWF' �' . .'.. i. Y A Ea Of SHTS. 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W. stark Portland, Oregon 97204 Attt Mr, Doug Fah Ret Gavurts Bond Request .,ear Mr. Fahs The t.'ty requires posting of a performance, bond, in favor of the City, for public -qewer improvements proposed to be constructed by Gevurtt Furniture Companyl said bond should be in the sum of (approximately) $17,500.00 and may take they form of a standard performance bond or cash bond escrow agreement or cash or certified check. lt. Is our understanding that you desired a statement outlining Mr. Gevurts's need, and therefore 1 sincerely hope this letter helps to clarify such. `.hnul.d you desire further infortsation please call me at 639.4171. Very truly, John S. Hagman Supt. rnK. Dtv. JSH sms ect Mr. Oevurtc el,, r' 14 f f �� � 1+ � • � � t � �� ♦ �n r n n n n n ;, $ 1'1 07 uj 0 i ul o a� a U n + z -Wr sj W 1- UJ LL Ell C) �. 69 C/3 a 11. �� CL m m m`&' m mCL �) < �? ! < o t+' ¢ c!.' Ll W F 111 Q f. O 293 a QS z j = a a z r a a n u I OF n QC' DEPARTMENT OF Z . ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 1234 S.W. &•ORRISON STREET • PORTLAND, ORE. 97205, elephone (503) 229- 5696 ROBERT W. STRAUB October 10, 1975 GOVERNOR Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington County 150 North First Avenue Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 RE: S - USA (Tigard) ATTENTION: NP. CHARLES F. LIEBERT Gentlemen: We have reviewed plans for the proposed construction of a sani- tary sewer to serve the Gevurtz Furniture property in the Tigard system. The project is herewith approved subject .-o the attached stan- dard provisions. Three sets of plans submitted are being returned bearing our stamp of provisional approval . Sincerely, LOREN KRAMER &' ecrr )Q� Harold L. Sawyer Assistant Director Water Quality Division CPH:rgn enclosures cc: Hurray-McCormack Washington County health Division City of Tigard Portland Regional Office, DL4 oto. October 9, 1975 Murray-McCormick, Inc. Suite 223 10550 S.U. Allen Blvd. Beaverton, Oregon 97005 Attn: Mr. Jack Ritchie Re: Gevurtz Project Dear Jack: It is my understanding that Mr. Clark, our City Administrator, has been in contact with you regarding the result of our meeting yesterday afternoon, with U.S. A. , as such applies to the referenced project; therefor I woli' L reiterate thereon. Uhat 1 uuuld like to du, in light o1' U.S.A. 'a assurance that the re--�, ubmittud ' revised plan' is now being proLus sed, and aPpee'3 to be approvable, is to proceed to complete the remainder of the project paperwork. Subsequently, upon U. S- jI- Ia return of acid plan to us, there will be no unnec- eosary delays in issuance thereof. First, enclosed herewith, please find one 83aflif.dLy ,jwwer Compliance Agreument' ( form) Which must be executed end ack- riowledged by the project petitioner (Mr. Gavurtz) and returned to the City; along with a Performance bond. The afuLsaid bond must be in the sure of 100% of the estimated ill-place cost of the public improvements proposed, and must iamu the City as obliges. 5Frcond, enclosed herewith, please I iij twu ' Eeerrrlerets' (forms) which must be executed, dcKnuwledyed, and returned to the City. Said easements must be a minimum uf' 1' fleet wide and must descrihe that portion of the proposed public sower line which not lie within existing public right-of-way. �5 Murray-McCormick, Inc. Gevurt- Project October 9, 1975 Paya rinally, the requirod $100.00 main line ins action end plan check f'ee must be paid, as per U. S. A. Ftus. v70-1 , Sec.Jf9r Par.. rr©rr Please be aware th: t at such time as th Or�vurtz building 'surcharge Permit is issued, the building connection 'Permit foe ' and Wall have to be paid also. Also, I would appreciate receiving a copy Of your construction cost estimate breakdown, to enable confirmatLon of the proper bond amount required. Should you have any questions regarding any of, the above, Please call me at 639-4171. Very truly, John S. Hayman Supt. Engineering Div. JSH/f's CC$ file ENCS 75 asA 417 �rpc�� cS5 07' rGSH /w/�� 't� �3Y� � �1�'iAGC, HL�G�r7 rGTs�rr� i ••. ....a.r:..:n.n�rM,rw...`.wWYwKWi54J' ....•� ••.'. AM I f�::Q C I A T ������,� 11 C . Planning g En ineeringPSurveying ` REGISTERED PROCESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR Legal Description p n 092.9604 d. 1 �v..9a't For r--- OREOON JUi v is. 1070 Gevurtz Furniture 6 BRIAN oEIOANT October 1, 1975 12-31- I S , Situate in the northeast quarter of Section 12, Township 2 South , Flange 1 Wast, Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon and being a portion of Lots 3 and 4 , Bonita Gardens, a plat of record in said county and being described as fol- lows : Beginning at a point on the south line of said Lot 4 , said point beinq S89 °38 ' 00"W a distance of 120. 00 feet from the southeast corner of said Lot 4 and running thence NO° 12' 00"W a d.:istana7, of 397 . 00 feet; thence N8511.2156"E a distance of 110. 35 feet; thence 'N39038'00"E a di.3tance of 311. 00 feet to the west right-of-dray line of Interstate 5 Highway; thence SO' 1.2 ' 00"F on s=cid right-of-way line a distance of 405. 50 feet to a polat on the south line of said Lot 3 ; thence S89° 38' 00"W on the south line of saici Lots 3 and 4 a distance of 421. 00 feet to the point of beginning containing 3 . 91 acres more or laS,3 : Save and accept the following described parcel in said Lot 4 . Beginning at a paint on the south line of said Lot 4 , said point being S E,9"3 8 ' 00 "W a distance of 100. 00 .feet from the southeast corner of said 1,ot 4 and running thence N0'12100"W par,llel with and 100. 00 feet west of the east line of Lot 4 :-t di.at..nce of 349. 00 feet; thence S89 °38 ' 00"W a distance of 20. 00 feet; thence S0112100"E a distance of 349. 00 feet to the nouth line of said Lot 4; thence N 89°3 8' 00"1? a distance of 20. 00 feet to the point of aeg.inning containing 6, ) 80 square feet or 0. 16 acres more or less. 10550 S.W. ALLEN BLVD., SUITE 223 / BEAVERTON, OREGON 97005 / 503 — 643-9410 THE MURRA'' 's MCCORMICK r. ENVIRON vE ° MENTAL GROUP `r t,�c,C-�► . . ECOSYSTEMS ANALYSIS • PLANNING• LAND SURVEYS• ENGINEERING 0 N(3 FROM: 10550 S.W. �11.1en RIVU. , Suite 223 O��Y Or (IGPRi� Beaverton, Oregon 97005 r TO: John Hagman City of Tigard Tigard, Oregon FILE: 092 DATE:Sept. 1975 SUBJECT GENTLEMEN: ENCLOSED HEREWITH ARE: 'r _ PRELIMINARY MAP TENTATIVE MAP FINAL MAP OR PLAT CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE x CONSTRUCTION PLANS SPECIFICATIONS - CUT SHEETS FOR: -- GRADING PLAN :1in eS!Apiga of offsite cons rTiction }flans for raa„rt z Furniture (under _g9parate cover) YOURS VFRY TPI)IY THE MURRAY-MCCORMICKENVIRONMENTAL GROUP BY WHITE TO CLIENT PINK TO FILE GOLDENROD TO TRANSMITTAL FILE q_zs_�s'A-M tS � ✓+.r� r 1� 1 Sti�c i 5 li 8m �' ` �sP�rsJ�,�„✓ ��0 a At ` ......: .......... ...... ...... OF ......... .........1 Z o " .E.Q. COPY ._ .. �_... ALL VALES MUST BE ENDORSED 'PRIOR tO APPROVAL OF THESE PLANS 0unu.c .worms tltp.T. BY ......... PAT I ..... .. PLANNING OEP7 BY_; ... BATE_ BuiLDING DEPT IwY_... . „ r........ . ATE_ In i..... COUNTY HEALTH DEPT. CITY ADMINISTRATOR BY• }-•_•�,�._.:.... GATE Q ...... 'I'1dAP0 WATER 'DIST. ........_ -PATE � GENERA4 h'lF_.LtPH0NE BY._ aATE.__ C ..i... .u. A ....... ....... By SATE._..— N.W.•NAUJIMAL. GAB..., BY..._._ - •, �; DATE ____ � (n BY._. , DATI!___ L ..: K,.. SY y ;_... � . DAT&._.. W 80O © l •� Du W �I .� •.rq .. Sip J CITY OF TI RD -. R E v Is1ONs By DATE y .. .... :.........; I As ... ....... .. ::..: ............... _ s I. IOBNo.:(�j►• � J HEET DATE a r j . •. .. .� DRAWN ....';.. DESIGNED :.... .. .... ::. : CH[CKED: ............ .. I........ ArtR01►E0 OF SHTS. ! u � � W Q U v - _ Z z J o •� 11 a 0 Q w I0 w o � R E V ISIONS er DATE IL N V S " /GU �GcrY oIR 7)-�6 ✓�'J JATV 11 IL C< tad,3 R o$ r 10A No.:OgQ9t,J SHEET r d, SO DATE d „ %5 DRAWN JcJp 3 DESIGNED c.J�, � CHECKED: i AP►ROVED= . OF Z SHTS• i u M`JRRAY=MCCORMICK, INC. PI& CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS `r ENGINEERING PLANNING LAND SURVEYS September 10, 1975 0929603 Mr. John Hagman, P.E. Engineering Division City of Tigard Tigard, Oreqon Dear Mr. Hagman , Attached, herewith, for your review and approval are the proposed sanitary sewer and storm drainage plans (9 prints) for Gevurtz Furniture Company on Bonita P.oad at I-5. Of particular interest is the need to fill over the sewer line for 3501± to provide adequate cover. This will require relocation of the roadside and street drainage and will be field engineered at the time of construction. In the .long run , the proposed sewer may be connected to the future Southwood Park Trunk or the ultimate improvement of Bonita Road will require a raise in the grade through the creek area to provide cover. T. , also request that an agreement for reimbursement be considered for the off--site sewer. It is quite likely that Mr. Smets and the other adjoining properties will be connecting to this sewer in the relatively near future and it is inequitably for Mr. Gevurtz to assume this total burden considering the minimal sewer flaws which he will be contributing with respect to the area of his development. Very truly yours , N117RRAY-McC01U41CK, ILC. i � LC• y� chard C. 4 a 6-r P.L. 0 Vice President R(11: aw �' 0, Enclosure �.d'� O 10060 S.W. ALLEN ELVO., SUITE 223, •EAVERTON, OREGON 07000/1903-043-8410 L.ALO UNN1A W&VAUA 014PGUN WAFF-11NUION IEKAH UEURUTA 7-LURJUA NEW MEXI(lU AL.A!4" A% CASH RONC ESCR(-W AGREF114ENT 'PHIS ACI�FFMENT, made this day of 9.__, between the CITY OF T.IGAPJ�--�ereinaf ter to,i�ed the CN .'7 and hereinafter termed the *1 ::N(.';;1A1.' , and T�s-a-F-cZa-t—io—n) here i naT�-J-r 'termedthe "BANK" W `ITNESSF—rli : go WHEREAS. the Pr r--al has heretofore executed a rp Camp!iance Agreement,wi f.).a;fi�, "I, ccr,struction and improvemez.t of a .n the city known as r-,t sad agreement tociether with a parti.cular tagai delacr.ptlon of. said lands being attached hereto and by referencft. made A part hereof- and WMEFEAS, t.1*,e rrincipal. has proposed to the city that there by entrusted to the SanK the s;m of $ as a cash [.&I formance tOrld to assare the City tcatof said PVbd4ftV**M Compliance A-ilreement shal . be properly and timely performed and to assure that the teats .hereof' sP,a*il be timely paid and all requirements thereof met, and WHEREAS, the Bank has agreed to tyke title to and hold in a trust capacity the suir if � tie terms -— ar,.d hereby acknowledges custody thereof tc be he ji5j��c terms and provisions of said 0Vbd6**"R0* C'OMPI la?L'70� ttaroe-rent as hereto attached, and it is desired heiebV to set 1!-rtn arl-n define U.P conditions applicable to said cash brr,l, NOW, TllFVEFrRF, it the Princil.al shall faithfully observe and timely comply with aj requiremerts of said @rlvli Complian4e Aareement and all ordinances and regulations arplicible to said w4%v-Kj and if the Principal shall we;. ', ancl tr„ly perform all Matters and things undertaken thereby ar-d hereby to he performed and shall promptly make payment to all, per-norls suno;yinq labor or material for any prosecution of the work, and if the rrincipal shall not permit any :ien or cialm to be fiiefj it piceecuted aqainat the City on account of any labct, or vater1a; furrished. and if the Principal shall promptly pay al ; contr)bttjona or amounts due the State Industrial, Accident Fun,' and the State Unemployment Corpensr.tion Fund. and shall r—mptiy cis due snake payment to the person, cn-partnershir., assor;,ation 7r rorperatlori untitled thereto of the monlen mettijoned in Chapteis 279.320 and 219-510 O.P.S. and shall prf)Mjrtjy r(:.Mply With all withholding and payment requrrements of Chapters 316. 162 to 316.212 O.R,.-,, with respect to the cnilecLion of taxet� it source, then upon full completion of all work and the tornishir,o of evidence sattstactcry to the City that ali requirements herpeit have been fulf.iiied, and if the Principal r-ha, i execute and deliver to the City the maintenance Brind desctihed in said ONVA9006001MOCorpliance Agreement, then the Bank shall thpreupor. !elrage to the Principal the said cash bona deposit. PPOMVD, however, that the obliqat.lonm hereof shall not ar,r,ly to any money loaned or advanced to the Principal or to any subcontracto,: or ether perrA,)n in the pertarmarce of any such work whether spe triftcally provided i t. rc.ntract- (.r otherwise. IF, however, the Principal .1 to literally comply with all requirement ,.; of said -q-Mance Aqr-?e-nent and all the requ;rever,t -, herpr.4,f, or e. !:articular- perform the work in a defective riannet, upon 0 days t-ti(4rii by the City to the � V&4,47. rot ; r;r.c•iT.a. gra suet• default or fa. Lure continuing thereafter, the !s here-y authorized to hate saSd work performed or the fq- roments of the 9wi sae compliance A(7reement brought into rf v with the terms thereof and w` t.h the City's ordinances •.:,t : .r.s. ar.d the City shall be, and it is hereby, authorized I :,r , + •.t same acainst the entrusted cash deposit and the Bank : :r, • tt.e:ef:cm all amounts certified by the City to be i ar ;t! IL . • +.re•ral.r Nnthinq herein contained shall be construed , , I ,r., a••ceF.terce by the City of any ree.F.-nsibility for •f trL. ;.,,r.r vements nor sP,a;l the ('ivy by reason thereof ne .rate•d to a•.y persr:n cr property owner for any loss iamj,�-• ar : =ir., ty teasor, nf the manner in which said improvements . . , .tr .. 'ed. t•.Hr. tt;E• cif; be, nr,d it is hereby, aut.harired in addition rF> f :e•zc.r.a, in th•• evert of such default on the partof the tr .rn .Fa. rr,arge Azainst Paid funds all ct,ets incurred by the rr c , O.r,n •-tnrne, 9 fees In exacttng crinp:dance therewith h ant! the Bank agree= to disburse rsa d funds for said cert .f:rati— thereof by t}*.e City, r.F-_:r iu. t :. :^re,rt >f the f)regosra :naccordance with the t. tm -ind heteot. the City agrees to furnish a certificate r rc .case c,f i deptait r-r such portions thereof as shall remain .-r•rr.tf the requirements hereof ;N MT%Fl� WHEPF.crF, the City under autheirity of resolution f its :ty hab caused this agreement to be executed by r a-.: r.ty Peccrder. and the Principai and the Bank have arf :}•ed tneii ccrpc.rate signatures on the flay and year first r, re;r.at- , e written C: I Y�t CITY OF T I GAP G, nR EG ON ta7' � `� t MayorV BY Pecrder _ PP I,NC.I PAI__ By t.. Attached C rp,rate A^knew:ed?"Mertthere 1 By• ._.� NY BP.NK iA9$ocimlgNZ:_, By Py I't r,• ts•I I? .r,,t rpr r rw Agreement 7 PACIFIC STEEL vi.iREHOUSE CO. P. O. ©OX 10223 • 3865 N.W.ST. HELENS ROAD • XORTLAND, OREGON 97210 ram F.. i SHFAR AUTOMATIC SAWING FLAME CUTTING qan Feel �'e�iuice . . . mall 5031.2.2.2-381f J 4 Al )0/ s LINDEN B. BOWMAN, REALTOR Commercial - Industrial WILCOX BUILDING, 506 B.W. SIXTH AVENUE \ PORTLAND, OREGON 97204 TEI.EPHONI: 228.3303 August 11, 1972 A(JG CITY ()r City of Tigard Engineer's Office 12420 S . W. Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attention: Mr. Hebert Dear Mr„ Hebert: Enclosed are two copies of the proposed west approach to the Bonita-- I-5 overpass and maps locating the S .P. Rnilioad site. I secured the print from the Highway Commission Final Design Unit in Salem. After you have studied the situation with regard to the proposed 20 ft. access road to the S.P. site, I would appreciate your thoughts on it. You will note that the road appears to stop at the S.P. west line without regard to access to the house. Yours truly, Ronald J. Honeyma,� Vice President RJH:lm Encs . SCa le. _ � — ��0 ~ ....-.� '.•.w• -'•• �• � •� I I � r it I /...�i.1j4Y���M ,.,j L�/t"�J„L1 ILr P/20 n r� 1' K M • �� �r 1 , rl iA- 1 �, �, o �� • ; a, � ��. �5'outhe�n PQcific Com, ��w 'S• �iM6�i va to d By SPRe B-ss no wAle Id f'Doris E. Nc/soiv ''• �,� CD. '73 �9 MAI., PMoVF IXi.frfiH ark i "sf COQ� Fen. L..". .�' �• .� C/FAr/�•��rv��4i J . i 4 . T Edha Pi"e 4342 .. d.���� � �' __ `� '-���. �• �i �, ,� ��. �[-� B. 57.E ./"8/ ..,.*—r.-� r•.: Y— lin �> r �? LIN♦ �D/'/ //� ✓`6'T, FAMM 1 •60 0 — .. All 011 P°. .�.� _� � I^' � '+),�•'' goo � ; I ` In r "C B99 9 n)�fit ISSr '71ti . 1 ?Ws — N ku•n[ 101.6' 4 ' S t n CY an 1cR1T4 1p ..t M � c 4 JA p .. ! • y to • r •1' , •i —-- I --+ 1'001 ;1,. 149 sour"job' 416' U - r I� ( kulIH 4,9' Iu 6t 6' ( NORM_J6f.6' � 41d.- rr�, 0 iLm c, I- •� � lr) r I» I v 1•• .. , , 0.3; . i CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON • 1" DEVELOPMENT PROJECT GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET I. PROTECT No.s / J p Il. PROJECT NAME t �L V V �'` T t `; toe P L i III. DRAWING (TITLE) s dated:_ 1 / IV. I,LAT (TITLE) t dated: V. SITE LOCATION: VI. PRINCIPALSt (1) DEVELOPERt � I µ (If ev�r-�z • Address 210 SJ Phone No. (2) DEVELOPERS SURETY AGENCY: - h+ j,,C- !�� L • Address__— Phone No.__ Bonet Exp. (3) ENGINEER: _►:+�•*'��",� '�-•-c� _ -- 1 ; Address Phone No.,_,._.� rr T (4) INSPECTOR:_..__ Address _ Phone No. (5) PRIME CONTRACTOR: Lgo rra�-ll.�ic]LG•sZ.a.._ .�---- Address— , Phone No._ (6) CONTRACTORS SURETY AGENCY:____._,.... Address _..... Phone Bond No. , Exp. Date (7) SUB-CONTRACTORS: _ • CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON SEWER. EXTENSION PROJECT " (P.W. ) Procedure Check List. FILE INITIATED . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1) Supplementary sheets attached . . . . . . . . . . II SUBMISSION OF PROPOSED SEWER EXTENSION- . . . $ �. . I11, SUBMISSION OF PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION PLANS% (1) Plan check commendedA. (a) Revisions required � morel es► . 75 (b) Stamped, approved for construction . . . . . J% ,/ (2) Utility Ocmpany plans received . . . . . . .B- (3) Served parcel, legal description received(B,x."A") :V. EXECUTION OF PROJECT DOCUMENTS- (1) Contract Documents Dr Wn` I.� �, p g.nad •'k •(a) Sewer- Extension Agreement (b) Contractor, Bonded 6 Licensed with U.S.A. (2) Easements 8 s & recorded . (3) Fees and paid R 304 . 10 LI )S (4) Permits & Licenses acquired � : . p (a) Approved construction plan issued . . . . . V. COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . Note Inspection sheets and construction ynspection check list (attached) for progress. ❑ VI. FINAL INSPECTION OF CONSTRUCTION . . . . . . . . . '`®' (1) Pending correction of deficiencies . . . . . . . V_ (2) Not acceptable, construction deficient . . . . . ❑ (3) All construction items acceptable . . . . . . . . 73-76 VII EXECUTION OF FINAL PROJECT DOCUMENTS: (1) Maintenance Bond Signed . . . . . . . . (2) As-Built drawing received . . . . (3) Final reper' to Council issued . . . . . . . . . ❑ MA',NTENANCE BOND EXPIRES, + For exbetts#e*- x CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON CONSTRUCTION/INSPECTION (P,W_) PROCEDURE CHECK LIST NOTE: UTILIZE ONLY clearly marked APPROVED PLANS, plan revisions, change order4, specifications, etc.: I. SANITARY SEWER: (A) Commenced instar>rion. . ., ,......, . ..,.. i (B) Completed installation... ... ( 1) As-built field notes filed........... O a) Cor , Qent to engineer.,....„.. 0 1) An built field notes received... ... .. O / a) Filed in project folder....., ,. O (C) Inspected and Tested 1) Test nomonographs filed. ...... (D) Tentatively accepted by City., ,........ O II. STORM SEWERS (A) Commenced installation... .19 .... . . ........... O (B) Completed installation... . .. .. .. O 1) As-built field notes filed.......,. ,, O (C) Inspected...... . . . . . . . . .. 0 (D) Tentatively accented by City.............. . O III. CURB s (A) Commenced instal.lmtion........ .......... ... . . O / 1) Bench Mnrks eAt. ,. ...e................. .. O ?) Bench Mark locations filed.. O (B) Completed inetallation......I................ O % (C) Inspected....... .. . .. . . . .. .. ... ........... O (D) Tentatively accerted by City................. O IV. STREET: (A) Commenced Grading..... . .. o 1) Sub-grade ins) ected..... . ............ a) Test data filed.. ............ O b) Tentatively accepted by City. 0 / (B) Commenced rocking. . . . . .... ..... .. ..... ... .. . O % / 1) Sub-base inspected.. .. ......... . . .... O / a) Test data filed... ... .. .. .. O b) Tentatively accepted by City. O (C) Commenced Paving ... ...... . I.......... .... O 1) Paving inspected. ......... ........., O a) Test data filed...,.......,,, , O b) Tentatively accepted by City. O (D) Street tentatively accepted by City..,..,, ,., O V, PARKING LOTt (A) Commenced grading.. . . . .... ................ O 1) Sub-gradp in.pected. .... ..... ... ..... O a) Test data filed.. '.. . O b) Tentatively accepted by City. O / (B) Commenced Rocking 0 1) Sub-base inrpected... A) Text data filed. .. . b) Tentatively accepted by�C4�•. 0 % 1 �1 sig _ 2a'r., q� 70, 7 � Pi , / 00 cer DE, N ;r SANITARY SEWER, COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT dated this _ day of 19 between the CITY OF TIGARD. a municipality of the State of Oregon, hereinafter termed the "City"'. and hereinafter termed "'Petitioner". W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for approval of con- struction of a sanitary sewer, to be known as _ being within the boundaries of an area as described on the attached Easement, and by reference made a part hereof and WHEREAS, the City of Tigard requires applicants for construction of sewers, and appurtenances thereto, to submit to construction in- spection, and testing therewithal., to grant public easements, therefor, and requires the payment. of feesx and WHEREAS, the City has approved and adapted the st.ar"dard specifications for Public Works construction by APWA, Oregon Chapter, and the Unified Sewerage Agency specifications for sanitary sewers prepared by professional ergineers for Public. Works construction., and WHEREAS, the public improvements required to be constructed are incomplete, but petitioner has nonetheless requested that the City permit granting of the property to the public, and the parties herein named desire to protect the public interest generally to assure the public improvements will be installed as required and completed within the time hereinafter not forth, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premise and the covenants and agreements to be kept and performed by the Petitioner and its contractor and contractors surety, IT IS HERESY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. Petitioner shall proceed to complete all public improvements as shown on herewith improvement plan, as approved by the City of Tigard and prepared by dated _ '- S�n�d improve- ments to becompletedno Tete. than one 1 year from the date of this agreement, and Petitioner hereby agrees to comply with all standard specifications adopted by this City, or as may otherwise be approved by the Department of Public Works and to use only such material and to follow such designs as may be required to conform thereto. 2. To assure compliance with the City's requirements and the provisions thereof., Petitioner agrees to tAV*-*AA 'C6n'tractor tender to the City, a surety bond(&) in form approved by the City, with liability in the amount equal to the contract price of $ _ prior to issuance of a permit for construction of said improveme;its, Petitioner's contractor shall be licensed, and insured as required by Unified Sewerage Agency Resolution and order(s) Nn. 72-12 and No. 71.9. 3. in the event that the contractor shall fail. neglect or refuse to proceed with the work in an orderly and progressive manner to assure completion within the time specified, upon ten (10) days' notice by the City to the contractor and the contrarter's ty, and such default and failure to proceed continuing thereafter, the City may at its option proceed to have the work completed and charge the costs thereof against the contractor and the contractor's surety and in the event the flame be not paid, to bring an action on the said bond to recover the amount thereof. In the event that such action be brought, the contractor and the contractor's surety shall be required to promise and agree to pay. in addition to the amounts accuring and allowable„ such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as attorney"s fees and cost incurred by the City, both in the Trial. Court and Appellate Court., if any, or the City may at its option bring proceedings to enforce against the contractor and/or contractor's surety, specific performance of the contract and compliance with the standards adopted by the City of Tigard, and in any event., .in a like manner, the City shall. be entitled to recover such sums as the Court may adjudge reasonable for the City's attorney's fees and cost, both in the Trial Court and Appellate court, if any. 4. Petitioner. concurrent with the execution hereof. agrees to pay the following fees as required by Unified Sewerage Agency Resolution and order No, 70-11: a.) A plan check fee to -over the costof review and approval of construction plans and inspection of sewer construction (except house connections) in the amount. of f OCA: b, ) A permit fee to cover the cost of processing the permit application and performing the .inspection of property connection(s) in the amount of .._..r_ SD, ` c, ) A connection charge to connect directly to an exist.inc7 san tary sewer., which was installed with%wi[htiv (strike inapplicable word) cost- to ostto the petitioner, in the amount of d. ) A morth.ly sewer service charge for the use of the pubiic sanitary sewer system. 5. Petitioner, concurrent with the execution herApf. also agrees to pay a surcharge in the amount of exertion ,(e-4�. as re- quired by that certain contract entered into by the City with for the rem ureament of sewer construction coats -Ter-Ment- thereto. 6. The City agrees to make and provide periodic inspections as, in the city's judgement., is necessary to assure compliance, 7, The Petitioner agrees to insure that the City receives 48 hour advance notice of commencement of construction and, also, 12 hour advance notice for all requested field Inspections. B. The Petitioner agrees to insure that the Petitioner's engineer obtains accurate as-built (field) construction records of said sewer installation and, also, aqrees to insure that the City is furnished with one accurate an-built mylar thereof. 9. At. such time as all public improvements have been com- pleted in accordance with the City's requirements. Petitioner shall be required tc notify the City of the readiness for final inspections upon affirmation by the Department of Public Works that all requirements of the City have been met, the Petitioner will submit to the City a good and sufficient maintenance bond in the form approved by the City in a sum equal to fifty per cent (50%) of the contract price to provide for correction of any defective work or maintenance becoming apparent or arising within one year after final acceptance of the public imptovemeruts by the City. Sewer Dedication - Page 2 of 3 10. Upon receipt of certification by the Department of Public Works that ay; requirements have been met, and a one- year Maintenance bond, the City Council agrees to accept the public improvements, subject to the requirement of correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year. 11. That the petitioner, in consideration of the City's approval of the application to construct a sanitary sewer within the boundaries of easements held by the city„ does hereby covenant and agree to save, hold harmless and indemnify the City, its officers, agents and employees, for and from all claims, demands, damages, and each and every other obligation that can or could arise from the neglect of petitioner, his officers„ agsnts, con- tractors and employees, or from trespass upon property outside of the easement area, including attorney's fees and costs, if any, necessarily incurred by the City in defending against such claims, with the intent and purpose that the City shall be made whole with respect to any amounts it may be required to pay or be held .liable for in connection with the exercise of the privileges afforded Petitioner to utilize the area within the city's easement for sewer construction purposes. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement pursuant to authority vested n each of them. (Attach Acknowledgement hereto) CITY OF TIGARD By Mayor By Reccrder sewer Dedication - Page 3 of 3 STATE. OF OREGON ) ) 35„ County of �� ) On this _ day of , L9�, before me appeared and _ beth to me personally known, who being duly sworn, did say that b, , the said _ Is the President, and he, the said _ _ is the Secretary the within named Corporation, and that the seal affixed to said insti ,ment is the cor- porate seal of said Corporation, and that the said instrument was signed and sealed In behalf of said Corporation by authority :f is Board of Directors, and and acknowledged said Instrument to be the free art end deed of said Corporation. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written. Notary Public for Oregon My Commission expires STATE OF OREGON ) ) 49n County of �) On this day of 19_, before me appeared _and both to me personally known, who being duly sworn, did say that he, the said lP the President, and he, the said is the Srcretary of _ Y the within name Crrporation, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the coporate seal of sei,d Corporation and that the said instrument was signed and sealed in beheLf of said Corporation by authority of its Bcard of Directors, and and acknnw!.edged said Instrument to be the free act and deed of said Corporation, IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand find affixed my official seal the day and year Last above written Notary Public for Oregnn My Commission expires Corporate Acknowledgement Nil Ill lti+.hcrtti 1 ) 55„ clay cf 19 , before me appeared and _ + p =, nally known who, being duly sworn, dial say that he, the said is the Mayor, and she, the said t, thr Recorder of the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipal corporation, and _ t w; I,_,d •h- :-1 Id instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipal % WIIFRF.OF, i have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official opal, I.it .+nil vraT in this my certlflcate first written, Notary Public for Oregon My Ccttsnission Expires. nII ill IIHEWI; ) 1 es. rn Tic day of 19 before me appeared and , I• ili n, pfrs, naliv known, who, being duly sworn, did say that he, the said is the Mayor, and she, the said is thr Recorder of the CITY OF TtGARn, a municiapl Corporation and w' ,I4, Ihr caul Instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipal k'' I`.h.' WIIFREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, 1, Iat and v(i, In this my certificate first written. Notary Public Cot Oregon _ My Commission Expires. � A. I, 4I, Ig-•trnl Easement: Deed Reference: . �•� _-.. ' i'.y�_.. KNOW ALL MEN 13Y THESE PRLSENTS: That we li) hereinafter ^ermed granLOI (sl , in consideration of the sum of $ to be pale] by CITY OF TIGARD, a municipal corporation of Oregon,-Ke-rein- after termed the City, hereby grant, bargain, sell and convev unto the CITY OF TIGARD a perpetual right-of-Way and easement as hereinafter described t.._,gother with a temporary right-of-way and easement to use an additional area hereinafter described and designated temE.-%rary ease- ment, for the f.)llowinq uses and Purposes: 1. Perpetuai easement : hn :r.r:r.••,:mbered perpetual right-of-way arid easement for the pucpos+: _+f ,_r>nstructLng, reconstructing, operating, maintaining, :nst,vct ;n.a and repairing of an underground sewer line and appurtr•ro .:s, ,igether with the right to remove. as necessary, veoetatiDn, faliagr,, trees and other obstructions within the r' ,Rl3mEn, az-«7.e, but reserving to the grantors the title to the ,n.Is , :•.:! +: -* to the easement, and the right to make such use to construct buildings, as +.Y. . i r,;t interfere with the uses anu surposes of the easementf r, —c-, r area being 7. S feet on e•+• a side, when mea- I +t ! ;ont. angles, of tt a oTlowing der,cr ibed center line + sir • -1 !.jwinq designated premises: 2. 'temporary P.•a3+iP,ent : Tociether with the temporary right of ingress, egress, and rvrfrer,s, and use for sewer construction purposes, of additional .9nrlr lying paraliel to, along the I side and within fret , whr-n measured at, right ang es, of the above describe3-_ nrtf � _�:�1 easement area, excepting and reserving to grantors tuo ,7 •.< -rmbered enjoyment, use and preservation of all struc- !.ur, .- f r erent ipon the premises. This temporary easement shall �in�ta upon completion of the sewer construction work, at t ,m•. , upon request of the owner , the City wi I1 j.ssue a ;• .r :r +, rolease thereof. Should it be necessary to cut and remove any brush, trees, or other matter or materials from the easement area, said brush, trees, or other matter and materials shall be :-emoved and disposed of by the City and the City shall leave the casement area in a neat and workmanlike condition. The City agrees that in connection with its use of the perpetual easement area and in inspecting, repairing, maintaining, or replacing said sewer line, the City will leave the premises in a neat and workmanlike condition and as nearly in the pre-existing state as practicable. The grantors do hereby warrant that they are the owners in fee simple and have the right to grant the above described easements. Witness our )lands and seals this _ day of _ , 19_ (SISAL) (SEAL) - --- -- -- -- (SEAL) _ (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) For a consideration, the 1 i.r_n on the above described properties is hereby made subordin,ilu to the casements above granted. Dated this ..___ day of . . --- 19--— Mortgagee - �— T t e STATE OF OREGON ) )ss. County of on this _ clay of — 19__, personally appeared the above named and acknowledged the foregoir., � -f-rument to t.0 I.hei.r voluntary act and deed. Before me: Notary Ful c or Oregon My Commission expires: Page 2 Easement S'L'ATE OF OREGON ) )as. County of ) On this day of 019 before me appeared and both to me personally �wri,who being duly sworn—, -drd'-saythat -he,--thesaid is the President, and he, the said is the Secretary of the within named Corporation, and that tie seal affixedaffIxed to said nstrument is the corporate seal of said Corporation, and that the said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said Corporati .: by authority of its Board of Directors, and and acknowledged said Instrument fo-be the free—act and dee3of said Corporat on. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written. NoEary->ubTic or Oregon. My Commission expires_ _ ACCI-;rTANCI: The City above named hereby aecvol.s Lhe foregoing grants and agrees to comply with each and every term and cundiLion thereof. CITY OF TIGARD By: _ Mayor Dy: CtEy Recorder STATE OF OREGON ) )ss. County of __ ) on this day of , 196 , before me appeared i� and both to me personally known w o, a n�guc� ly sworn, did say that he, the said _ _ is the Mayor, and he, the said f tie Recorder of the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipal corTia-FiTron, and the the said and acknowle g�t�he said instrument Eo be the free act an deed of said m�unicipal corporation. :!N TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my officiiil seal, this the day and year in this my certificate first written. Notary Puslic for Oregon My Co-m—mlssion exp res i Y Vane 3 Pavement dor �ho-� o5 5 � e � ho�a f oo I� L� evur � z Sewer fr , ell elf ws' A�o, VIA v y j cd/L✓EtRr O/1'c.M^ RE���c-�T� v/TU! TU u�r /Al IAIMX • -- .� _.___._-. 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