CURL ACRES SEWER SANITARY SEWER A B c E F D H 7z) 'OVID'. 0,4.4r&vr.4 A A v "17 A 04) 'Air C -55 R o• 93 4 0 004 67" W1 (VI .IV 2 - -- 2 0)0400 / �r �/F'E CD/YFOR.�YJ//VG TJ ��T�:%' S/�E� s. 14 /V R. 141lez 3- - 3. A - 3 7 144 4 5 J',4 T Z30 f 10 a ' �j 7, cR 1,r 226. CS 04,,;- k. 2Z9. /s /V o—, A,e,-, e- 4- -- 4 5eC,,o 7, o;r/ i I /. � � I --- _._...----�- ----- _ 2a _ �/NL/� G"�'f//✓�i'L�/c� /II.�TE��/` ��E/Tis'��� APPROVEI �'�' S s//�q.CL G�"�f!S/ST G�f T,�.E F ''—�E D l,r- )a C 4-17- JAN 8 1971 qLT,.S',0 1,A1 Bi UNIFIEDIEWAR AGENCY - BY; 4� MERRILL A. MEIGS 1.L CHIEF To- OF 11","i C011'�-T`UCTI 5 5 REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES: IA SIGN SCALE /#-<- TRACED JOB NO. OkJ CHECKED SHEET REV. DESCRIPTION SUB. PPR. DATE JAMES R. HARRIS DATE REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVISION /.;Zz -7 CONSULTING ENGINEER OF SHANNON 8 ,C, I CURL ACRES SEWER A c D E F o H 'Aw 77 __ . - I I � I I I I � I � I I I I � I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 � ,I I l l j l l l s , NOTE: IF THIS MICROFIi-MED 5 6 7 8 9 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN — THIS NOIICfiv-17 15 DUE TO rl-IF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. ---- 0c 6,7 82 42 92 gz vz EZ ZZ12 0Z 61 81 LI 91 SI 41 EI 21 11 01 -6 9 L 9 s fp E 2 1316LOW IIIIII I I IIII III I Ito I I 9 JUNE AQ ) 4 199664 A I C D E P I 1 I 1 H ,T:C-OF p � u ' 3 "A 31¢ D SEL ECT L S WA04A NvT .Sl: tic — 1 7-1 a14�o 3�4 O - 9r y -A-elT.'o/Y ✓/e'rN, /NAS'°' -1,10S4�4L F NG rcov6` T 6 ¢ 3 ';q'j. 2 / to PASO AIV ______._----_-- --� �-'�' /9�',00 �.- /9S..,S'o iN 6}•8 4 /NS✓ EiYl.� o/"r'o J• ' Z Z It Z 7 IS. 8~G,S/'p S= ,'�• O.'1s' a L z .x.50' - h 8�� C.S'P S • 0 004 L '67 11 2- h,, s w. w,q�ri �r sr, e, ,Q, '4 _,.50 ..S eo .r� i V, �• � �'�/F�� CO/YFOR��/NG TO �9 ST/tJ ,S"��'"c ,14 /V 2. .9L[ yvDR/,' S//i9L� B� �D/V,�' /�{/ ,q«"o•Q.o�9/V�,E W/T.y 7r5. 3I. S FEC/F/C.9'T/GI A/-- 1 3, A S'E,ocF 1/ -3 a .semi v/eA- L 14lrX_A e s , S'h'�9G L ,��1R/•rEL� Gv/r/�' 2",►�¢ " rs E�-rEy�/.vim Val Q .5'• AS� ,f3�J,�LT S1i9T/D/1//Nc>: Of'" S6"�' /�'/CE � ' �. WDR/t'�..�;y,c� /yOT BE• CQ/vs/l.�E"✓�,E'.v B,Y j I Bong' rHf .,P .9.4 ''00 Z30 _ - ---- oo# fi 1 � q, z7 7• ryE �''�gt�Vcy s H�9L L ,BF .4����i�c �v SEL /Ar 22 7,�9' 7 our 220 � � r= �� 228• /$' � N �E T��T/O/►? �4r-00 �QC3L/ C `Y4�i�'S D .S"O TiS�E i --�--' -- R20 4- L /�' Z/O ___ �_ —� _ -- _�_ _ I _�.._�� -- - -- —_ -- _ -- — Oy 7",yE.F/!�T//�E ,cc-YTE�P/O,t� r✓/7�� �Y�I�oE'ir.S p /9? .4e219c-Ar �1.9L �2_aa -- s=c �!- US�,O TSE FiYTi,.Q� •'!.0� Bim` �4,q c�F/tt E� rwirs��/¢ „ _*"F4r�rp /4V — ��B•ta ..v ' de Ao eIry /x'.97 0 G/LG k/i.GT.�►� OF Ti5/E T.yE /��" G�40 kJ�l/�s'EE' Ty/? TiQFiVCiY _sE�dO,r,E' IE i9,t,.3p puT I _ v/or //oa .�f-G'c� �•�on ¢,�aa s�oo �tao �,�b�o �/ 5- - REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES: DESIGN %�4 `, fry SCALE RJOB NO, TRACED �L vv�� r4i'�� /1/ � )Ht(:ori CHECKED SHEET y 7 JAMES R. HARRIS �- REV. DESCRIPPON SUB. APPR. DATE REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVISION ,` �R t�P,,, DATE �z/7j/7 CONSULTING ENGINEER f R (J�/,L� of U000000-- _SHANNON S CO 1 I I CURL. ACRES SEW A A C b E _ I I F O M 1 r . '' , Y �.-+�,., v .-.I.y . .p. - _.. M.• :'..�._ '.yC._ s, ---. -. - vsu,uN ...•..r.. ,... ...e xip.r II�erwa ..v....�...—._.._.......... _ '��"'"• • h t ( IIF ( I I 1 I 1 I`�I � I �f I I ii � I I I I I I � CII f �Rilll�ll�lll �IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIiIrl1IIIIIII1I1I9I1I1�II1III1f 1111111I111111111111111II111ilIIIIIIIII Illllllltllllll i . 1 . ___. ., _... _ , ) ••..,_- �.�.-i .. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 NOTE : IF tH IS MICROFILMED �"' '�" DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICE-,.—IT IS - UE TO THF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. -- -------- „ OE dZ IN? LZ 9Z S2 tit Et en 12 0? 61 IRI LI 91 SI rl t1 7.1 II 0II1 '+ 6 Q L 9 'S-•� -r .1 E Z IISale•A" �,11IlIIIII1111UIII11111111111111111111111�IIIII1H4f11HI11111111t11111111gI111��III11Nlllllldllllllld1111111uIII�tIli1111t111111IIiInIIlII�1�i11111►N�11H�lrNf�lIIIIINih111llilllllnlllllllllUl) IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIf1111I1w111iH111,11uU11u1U11�u1,111Inn11�11n1) f JUNE 24 19 92 trr,, fo r 4> lot 9 --I co 3 ' -- Approved by un, acus vote of C.,o,:ncil. 10. FJ'•0il)1lON No, 74-59 RESOLUTION OF 'iHE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER WITyIN A PROJECT KNOWN AS CURL ACRES SUB- D:VIS10t, SLBJECI I'0 HEREIN SPECIFIED CRnDITIONS. (a) Motiun to ad,�ptt Cw neilman Moos, seconded by Councilman Cook. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 1 11. A1111POVE FANITARY SEWER .ACREEMENT - R 6 T INVESTMENT (Ace Bleetric Compuny, 14795 S.W. 72nd Avenue ). (a) lfirectur of Public Servicers and Facilities recommended Council authorize rkr,cution of agreement. (b) Matson to authorize Mayor and City %ecorder to execute agreements Council^,aa Paterson, seconded by Cc,uncilrean Moore. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 12. (,REF.NBURG - Bso6KS11)E LAND USE PLAN C,msider.ation of Na,ighborhood Plan 112 for the Greenburg-Brookside area. The area is ho.anded on the N;-F., by the Beaverton-Tigard Expressw01%, (Oregon State Highway 217); on the N.W. by S.W. Scholls Ferry Road (Oregon State Highway 210); on the w-!.t by Fenno Creak and S.W. Ti-_dei.an Street; on the S.W. by S.V. Walnut Street .and on Ole S.F. by S,W. PAcific Higtway (Oregon State Highway 99W). The proposed plan is intended to supeVaede the Tigard Community Plan, which was adopted in 1971. The plan is int.r:nded to pkovide the basis for reviewing zone change requests, subdivision plats, street ti r.dications ar.d other matters requiring land use decisions in this neighborhood. \\ (a) City Planrer gave syn-p,i.s of fnrmatton of the NPO, proposed changes regarding street patterns, land une, open space and development of neighborhood park site. Mayor Bergmiin introduced Chairman Ery Schacht and members of NPO 02. Carl Buttke consultia:g enklneer discussed his report regarding the traffic flows and patterns. Mr. B ttke recommended traffic alternate #2. Public He-.ring 8t00 P.M, 'Those who testified are as fol ow Kenneth Chapman, 11850 S.W. 95th , Carl Bucholt Ery Schacht, S.W. Greenburg Paul Doll, S.W. Greenburg Joyce Beeman, 11595 S.W. Greenburg Mrs. R. McCaven, Tigard Ave. Marvin Winters, S.W. 95th Bob Hiatt, 11900 S.W. 98th Mrs. Clark, S.W. Tiede;van h Wt.lnut Mike Stan, 11785 SW 95th, presented 2 petitions, one for and one against the suggested park site. Petition contained no signatures for recommended site and 30 signatures Against. Frr•d Parish Farber& Frecian, S.W. 90th Mabel DEsimine, 11835 S.W, 95th Public Hearing Closel (b) council, staff a.,d Carl Buttke discussed the proposed railroad crossing and other traffic problems. Council requested item be on study session agenda and recommended that after Council formulates ideasl and concerns the mattt: be referred to NPO 42, and Planning Conmission. \ I'Ai',F 2 - COUNCIL MINUTES - OCTOPCR 14, 1974 I(;AR[) CIIY COUNCIL kF(.IILAR MFFTING u(,jwiti .R 14, L974, 7,30 P.M. I HARI FS F. '1'ICARD rFADE SCHOOL ;frM{NI:,IRAilON OFFICES i'I'MA: 1 , (.Al.L to ORDER 2, poll, CALI, 1, 11 F"Iw.F. OF ALLEGIANCE r,, AI.11ROVAL OF MINUTES, September 23, 28, October 7, 1974. 5, tJKlll'EN CUMMPNICATIONS t,, APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES AND 1NVESTM(LNTSo 5113,194.59 7. mTROVE KF•FUND - B-ryd Brown & Sons Inc.. 5�7E__45 (a) R.,, .cor'<n9Rticn of Building Official. !4, API'ROVF SPFCIFICATIONS AND CALL FOR BIDS - Offset Duplicator (a) Rcrorrm(—daticm of Director of Public Services and Facilities. r+. 111,R(!VF !�FFCLFICATIQNS AND CALL FOR FIDS - Cr.-prnc,�nEive Liability Insurance - Fid nprnLng November 1, 1974. (a) Rrccrunr.udation of City Attornev. lo. k.l.,ol_Ur:ON No. 74- A RESOLUTION ACKNOWLEDGING AND COMMENDING THE RESIDENTS OF 79TH AVENUE FOR THEIR INITIATIVE AND SELF-RELIANCE IN REGARD TO THEIR J01NT EFFORT TO SUCCESSFULLY CONSTRUCT AND PLACE A BUS SHELTER FOR USE BY NEIGHBORHOOD CHILDREN. I1.. pi.,!, IITION No. 74--_ RESOLUTION RECORDING THE DESIRE OF THE CITY OF TIGARD TO ACCEPT A DEED OF DEDIt,ATION AND TO AUTHORIZE THE 14AYOR AND CITY RECORDER TO ACKNOWLEDGE SUCH IN BEHALF OF THE CITY - S.W. 112th. (a) Recorrrcnendation of Director of Public Services and FacilitiesL_ 12. RISolUTION No. 74- _ RESOtU TION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC J SANITARY SEWER WITHIN A PROJECT KNOWN AS CURL ACRES SUB- DIVISION SUBJECT TO HEREIN SPECIFIED CONDITIONS. (a) R¢.u:r(E•ndation of Director of public Services and Facilities. 11. APIKOVF. SANITARY SEWER AGREEMLNT - B & T INVESTMENT (Ace Electric Ccmpany, 14795 S.W. 72nd Avenue ). (q) Rrccrfcncndation of Director of Public Services and Facilities. 1h, GRt.I:NrMRG - PROOVSIDE LAND USE PLAN Co 5i f, ration of Neighborhood Plan 02 for the Greeaburg-Brookside ate&. The Rtea is bounded on the N.E. by the Beaverton-Tigard F%presswsy (Oregc•n State Highway 217); on the N.W. by S.W. Scholls Ferry Road (Oregon State Highway 210)1 on the wrst by Fanno Creek and S.W. Taideman Street` cn the S.W. by S.W. Walnut Street and (,n the S.E. by S.W. Pacific H4ghway (Oregon State Highway 99W). The proposed plan is intcnded to supereeds the Tigard Community Plan, which was adopted in 1971. The plan is intended to provide the basis for reviewing zone change requests, Subdivision plats, street dediestions and other matters requiring land use decision In this neighborhood. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION September 30, 1974, 7:30 P.M. Charles F. Tigard Grade School Admin'strative Offices 1. ROLL CALL: Presents Mayor Floyd H. Bergmrinn; Councilmen Alan Mickelson, Robert C., Moore, J. Allan Paterson; Fred A. Anderson, Legal Counsel; Russel F. Austin, Building Officials Richard Bolen, Plonner; Bruce P. Clock, City Administrator; Doris Hartig, City Recorder; Nick Hiebert, Director of Public Services b Facilities; Donald L. Rea, Police Lieutenant, I 2. N.P.O. lit City Planner Bolen stated the report had been accepted by the NPO and Planning Commission. Major issues and goals- of-Che plan were reviewed and Council will hold a public hearing October 14, 1974. •3. L.E.A.A. GRANT Administrator synopsized proposed agreement to be effective January 1, 1975 and recommended City indicate its intention to participate in the prog.am. Of the $325. matching money the City must provide, City will receive $2700 of equipment In December staff will evaluate status of budget and then make a decision regarding participation. tour-il concurred with City Administrator's recommendation. 'i 4. CHANGE IN COUNCIL STUDY SFSSION DATES t City Administrat.or recommended Council hold rrgular meetings as scheduled and have one study session on the first Mnnday of each month. Council concurred with request. ACCEPTANCE OF STREET DEDICATION - S.W. 112th Street. Director. of Rablic Services and Facilities stated this was a housekeeping measure and would_>6' on October 14th agenda. Staff requested to verify if ell i:operty has been dedicated to the public. V'6. ACCEPTANCE OF CURL ACRES SANITARY SEWER LINE. Director of Public Sarvices and Facilities stated this was standard .sewer agreement and recommended Council accept at regular. Council meeting. V 7. COMMERCIAL 6 HI1N7.LKER L.I.D. City Administrator summarized meeting held with the Hunziker Street property owners at Coe Manufacturing offices, Jim Harris of Harris 6 McMonagle discussed various alternatives for improving the street. It was the concensus of Cnuncil to realign S.W. Scoffins Street at some future date and leave S.W. Hunziker and S.W. Hall intersection at its ourrent location. Fred Fields of Coe Mam.'icturing and Norman Gerlach representing Hunziker properttrs discussed with Council and staff the various aspects of improvement, city participation and methods of assessment. City Administrator reported on other cities assessment methods and their level of participation in sharing costs. it was the concensus of Council to have the preliminary engineering work prepared on Ole basis of a 36' paved width and 60' right-of-way with 8' sidewalk on the south :gide. Assessment area was discussed and staff to contact takes]de'property owned by lucky Realty and make tecomumendaIion If they are to be included to L.I.D: Traffic counts on S.W. Comnetcial Street were discussed by staff and Council. 8. NOISE CONTROL - n'1HER CITIES In response to Council request, City Administrator _hecked into noise control ordinances and U.E.Q. standards. For an ordinance to be effective the City would need a decibel machine and trained technician. It was the City Adm?nisltator's recommendation that due to budget limitations it was not feasible in this budget year to adopt noise control ordinance. Council recommended the appointment of a 5 member committee to study noise abatement procedures and report back to Council. CITY OF TICARD RESOLUTION No. 74- RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER WITHIN A PROJECT KNOWN AS CURL ACRES SUBDIVISION SUBJECT TO HEREIN SPECIFIED CONDITIONS. _ WHEREAS, the City of Tigard owns and/or controls those sewer trunk lines which have herefore been constructed for the purpose of providing sewage transmission service from the area near the Curl Acres Subdivision and WHEREAS, the Developer of said subdivision desir--d to receive ssawage transmission and disposal services from the CITY, for eight (8) lots in said subdivision, i WHEREAS, in the development of the proj,ct, known as Curl Acres Subdivision (Sanitary Sewer Lines) certain i provisions and standards were required, and WHEREAS, the City further required, payment of fees, the furnishing of certain securities and t' - execa*ion of a Sanitary Sewer Contract Agreement; and WHEREAS, said Sewer service has now been constructed and inspected and fees have been paid; and WHEREAS, an acceptable Maintenance Bond was received on December 12, 1972 and did remain in full force and affect, subject to the required maintenance period of one year, I I WHF'REAS, the Department of Public Works has recommended that further continuation of said maintenance bond period is not now justified; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Tigard, Oregon, hereby accepts the public sanitary sewer constructed within and for said project, subject to: (1) Submission of an acceptable as-built sanitary sewer ce pia. PASSED: Thia day of 19 by thi Council of the City of Tigard. Mayor - City of Tigard ATTEST: Recorder - City of Tigard Resolution No. 74- Avoid Verbal rdessages A -1 CITY OF TIGARD :;uhject:.-- ��! V�clut� t._ Date : ------- -Z¢ -- - /�a�/E � t-� /! /'�G 7 ✓ . C c.� =�.r7/G l�G C R — /rS i-C � Zt, le 1�60'e-jl-r-44 C--/ / a9 �o 7-3 t oa` O ividerFi. e , s�o�.1 NAJZlp 6-vir-Ece,�t 7 � - 44 April 1, 1974 Gregory A. Karpstein Washington County Dept, of Public Health 150 N. E. Third Avenue Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 Dear Greg: Clarke Industries ask that I write to you concerning sewer availability within the Curl Acres Subdibision. At the present time we have a very limited quantity of available sewer con- nections. These sewer connections are allocated for single family detached units only. It is my understanding that Clarke Industries desires to construct a duplex within Curl Acres Subaivision. I further understand that Clarke Industries proposes to use a septic tank system in lieu of hooking to the public sewer syetom. Since public sewer lines are constructed within th,+ boundaries of this project, but actual sewer connections are unavailable and Clarke Industries has applied for a septic tank permit, the City requests that if a septic tank permit is issued, that pro-- visions should be made to connect into this public sewer within 90 days upon availabilityi this should be noted on the permit. It appears that public sewer should be available to this project somntimti in 1976, this depends on the completion of Unified Sewerage Agency's master plant. If you have any further quoetiona, please feel free to call. Very truly, (dick Hiebert Director of Public Services i Facilities NH:fj cc: Clarke Industries r�rt 51 1 II / ,lI�a./ISI°1IL✓I I! � '' �rls� c.�l1eH � +Ne�/e 1�' I! l Sv Wi�Y1�v1 �.S' 1CI.a.7G1' 6�T Nr_� tfh ! �YT CVI41.+te,f / bud �,I e r CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON 61IBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (P.W.) Procedure Check List 1 . "ILE INITIATED. ... ....................................... 2' 0_ 44 —• /70 (11 Supplementary sheets attached.... ,...,......... p� li. "UBMIS`;ION OF PRF_ tl) Penrlanq aCtiot(`y: ...o. ...� �) Zai ApproveA"tentatively by Commieeiota. ,,........ Ll SUBMl:•:;[ON or PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION PLANS.; tI Plan Cher_k commenced: ........... ... . ........... CBS iZ 71 (d1 Revisions requi.red. ..'. ................ .p. Ih) Stamped, approved for construction.... , �. 1.1I y Cm. plane receiviced. . . .... .. ........... p tJ. fin ovemint cost estimate received............. bill I V. EXECUTION or 11. ,rF:CT DOCUMF'NTS c (ii Cant r.a- • dacu qtr+ dram Id) /twt •". Xvegment signed............ p-' a«. Ib) is formance Bond signed................ ❑ �L1-.0 I!! Permits a j.,censea acquired.... . ............... ❑ )) EdRprwntM ob, tined & recorded.................. .E1-r.A. 141 Deponits made.. ................................ k"16 V. SUBMIEIR(ON OF FINAL PLAft " '-~^�--------»-- -- --•. .. — — 11) Review for conformance common ed I .............. ❑ �_ (a) Rovisticros re ui . .. .............. p 1 Apprt a I Comm. Chairman.... ❑ urlmission.............. Res.No. (2) A recorded by County Surveyor....... ❑ B P` ( 1) A dress's assigned. ........... . .. ..........ode p V1 . COMMENCEMENT of CONSTRUCTION..... ............ ............ Note Inspection sheets and construction/ Inspection check list (attached) for progrE.s. �a�stap .se.Itr, VII . FINAL 1NSPECTION OF t"ORf.'J!1�tt_SJO&..... ...... ............. LLQ (11 Pending correction of deficiencies............. .fT-- 12) Not acceptable, construction def.icient.......... ,e (.1) All constr,•etton items acceptable.............. Vill. EXECUTION OF FINAL :eaOJECT DOCUMENTS: (1) Maintenance gond signed........................ (2) As-built drawing received...................... (� 13) Final report to Council issued,.,...........0..6 ❑ ix. CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF PRGIECT IMPROVEMENTS.......... ❑ —LL MAINTENANCE BOND EXPIRES- _I( ID '73 CITY OF' TIGARD, OREGON CONSTRUCTION/INSPECTION (P-W I PROCEDURE CIiECK LIST NOTE: UTILIZE ONLY clearly mirkeiri APPROVED PLANS. plan regi-Rions, charicrn -irdprs, specifir.ationn, r,tr. : I. SANITARY SEWER% (A) Commenced instAl' *t inn, . ... ....... . ......... [a' r / (B) Completed ingtallnt.ion. .. .... [;K .1.) Aa-buil* field notes filed............ � a) C­—, -nnt to engineer. . ❑ / / 1) As-built field note" received....,.... a) Filed in pro)ect folder..... , . . ❑ (C) In-r-"ted and TpQted, . - „ .. ,. ..., 71Z9177- 1) 11pst nomonogrnphs filed. , .< . ... ... ,. M/ .�- (D) Tentatively accepted by City. . ,. ❑ I7(A) RM SEWER: Commrr .ced xnstnllntinn.. . , . . . ., . . ❑B) Completed installntio n. . . . . . . . 1) Aq-built field notes filed,. ,...... . . p p / (D Tentatively Accented by City, ....... . ❑ I I. CURS: (A) Commeneed instA?titin- ... . .. . ... .. ...... ❑ 1) .Aench Wv-kq s-t.. . ..... . ❑ &,nch M-irk 1nrAtiong filed. . . . . . . .. . ❑ (FI) Comn'r? ed in- t-+l l -t inn....... ❑ (C) Inspect d.. . .. , . . .. < .,... ❑ (D) TontAtiv'. y ,,rcr—fed by City. .. . ......... , ❑ ----� / IV. STREET: (A) Commpnred Gr i.na., , . . . . .. ❑ r ' 11 Sub-yr dp inA.,erted . . . . ......... . ❑ / / e) Tp!,!t pietaA . . .. .,. , ❑ b) .ntiti - epted by City. ❑(B) Comrtrn ck.irg. ............. . ❑11 bAsp in• cte ...... .....re Atn ❑ b) 'r^tat ee�ted by City. ❑ / f (C) common .d P»vin 1) Pavinq itispected. .... . . . .. . ... .. . . . ❑ r / Test data +led. . .. . .. ... .. . . ri Tnnfmt.i.vely • carted by City. ❑ r ' (D) Street to ativply� nrrppted by ity. . . .. . . . .. ❑ r r V. PARKING LOT: (A) Comm" ced aradina. . . . . . I . ....... . ❑ / / Sub-aurin ..nnppctpd. . . ..... . . ❑ ' r n) Tpsf datA filed. . .... ❑ b) T♦ntAtively accepted by ty. ❑ r / (B) ommenced Rocking.. .,. ... .. . ... '..... .... (3 r / 1) huh-base inApected.. . ❑ Trgt dntn filed. .. . .. ... . . .. , 1;) Tart'rti-ely Arr•prted by City, ❑ (C) Commenced Farina. . . . . . . .. . . . .... . . .. . .. . .. . . . . p / l.) Pmvinq in4pected. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. ... p _/ / a) Teat data filed. . . . . . .. . .. . . .. .. p b) Tentativelv by City. . . . Parking lot tentatively accepted by City.... .. [j VI. SIGNS (A) \Traseic t name sign• i.n9talled. . . . . . . . . . . .�.. . . . . p(B) signs installed. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. p [� VII. SIDEWALK: (A) Commence installation.. ....... . ,!. p / . . . . . . . (B) Completed stallation. ...... L7 (C) Inspected. .. .. .. .. . . .. . .. .. (D) Tentatively act�tetod by Ci 0 VIII. STREETLIGHTINGs (A) Comm-need tal.lat .. .. . .... . .. . . . . .. . .. C) / (A) Completpd talla o 0 (C) Inspr.etpd .i .. . .. .�.. .. . .. . ..... . . 0 (D) TPritAtiVP. V A pptPwl; C .... .... .... ...... � 1) Au` r!+Ation letteto Energine filed TX. LANDSCAPE: (A) Comms ced instillation. .. .. .. .... . 0 (B) C09KfAted installation... .... . .... . ........ 0 (C) trfepected. ...... ... ...... C (D) 'tentatively accept�+d•by City.. ..... .. 0 ... X. GEp19RAL AREA DRAINAGE: '(A) Building rain drainn inspected.. . . . . . .. . . . . ... (R) Culverts inspected. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. / (C) DrainAge ditcheY :in9pected. . . . . . .. . , .. . . . . . . . . 0 / \ (D) Tentatively Accepted by City. . ,..... . ...... (3 / NOTE: PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF EACH CONSTRUCTION PHASE. REVIEW FILE TO INSUnE COMPLETION OF CHECK LIST AND FILING OF: t) Approved Plan Revisions 2) Approved Specification Vnriancea 3) Change Orders/Extra Work Orders 1) All Corrpnpondence/Memos 5) Daily Inspection Sheets t MIR s CITY OF TIGARL P. Q. Box 23667 12420 S. W. Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 i Tune 1, 1973 Clarke Industries Inc. 1441 S. E. 122nd Suite "A" Portland, Oregon 97233 Attn: Clarke LaBarr Dear. Clarke : It: has been brought to my attention, upon review of City records, that the fee ($100. 00) for the inspection of Curl Acres Subdivision sanitary sewer extension has not been paid. Payment of said fee was stipulated as one of the conditions of construction of the sewer facilities in Curl Acres Subdivision via my letter to you dated June 15, 1972 (note item number three, therein) . Please remit said fee by cash, check or money order, payable to the City of Tigard, Oregon, at the earliest possible date. Sincerely, Nick Hiebert Director of Public Services & Facilities NH: lw 1 '� \¢ AA �G 4 September 29, 1972 Clark Industries, Inc. 1441 S.E. 122nd Suite "A" Portland, Orprion 07233 Attentions Clarke La Barr. Dear Sir: With refp rencp to my letter (dated 6-15-72) to you regarding con- ditions required prior to construction of Curl Acres Subdivision sanitary Rewer= I find no record of a Corporate n ance Bond or cash deposit in the amount of5500.00rasor perform- no. 2 of said per letter, havinci been filed with the City. Also, tpleas* be aware that the City cannot accept sanitary sewer tines until a one year maintenance bond is filed with the City. Should you have ,any vuestions3 regarding completion of the above item, plea's cell. My phone number is 634-4171. Sincerely, Nick Hie!bert Director of Public Works MR/do I.U�zT �bO�.I� Nl�����s�v�ce 6o►�+c� �pr Szklljai / r .S1IlW�"Y�� Ire cw-I Acr-ets A,.,c/ HO teGcrd CvGr IMe_cal ve d ar+G . .rV- �c.J�.� =/f- ��ated ,.\ Al� 1 June 15, 19721 {1I 7 i� Clarke Industries Inc. 1441 S.R. 122nd Suite A Portland, Oregon SII Attention: Clarke LaHarre xI Dear Sirs 'I t! The City of Tigard has reviewed your plans and specifications for the proposed sanitary newer servicing the Curl Acres Subdivision. When the following conditions are complied with, ycu may proceed with construction. 1. Agreement between City of Tigard, Uniifed Sewerage Agency and Clarke Industrier be properly signed and executed. 2. A Corporate Surety or performance bond, or cash deposit in the amount of $5, 500.00 be received prior to construction. 3. $100.00 inspection fee be received prior to con3truction. It should be noted that rerairs to the manhole located at atati.on 0+00 will have to be repaired before final acceptance, a separate agreement can be made to insure that you will be reimbursed for this repair. I would also like to point out that a surcharge of $50.00 be made to each dwelling unit as per ordinance 71-23 to repay Mr. Chamberlin for oversiying. Sincerely, Nick Hiebert Director of Public Work* MR/do I l MAINTENANCE BOND THE iETNA CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY Hertford. Connecticut aw&r' LIFIF CASUALIY of V Q/y O T191 2 W)Nh 42 SB 5775 BCA ;F PRF ,ENTS. 'Ixr,,e Industries, Inc. tor, and THE (ETNA CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, as Surety, I firmly bound unto City of Tigard, Oreg, n h•,r in the wriol sum of$ 1,UI ,for the payment whereof Contractor m,,, tti,r-Kl l.stars,administrators,;Lu.r.essurs,and assigns,jointly and severally,firmly I, ,...n,,•.Idled June 1. 1972 t.t,etallastion of sanitary sewer on Walnut Road I oy wfew,i� t;incorporated •,.I,rr� l 1 II•r• �t ''i, ''i,m,1h that,If Contractor sh,Ill renmdy any defncis due to faulty F w, I,,.nr, ,, Ott -tt work wsnll,ng Iht,tetroml,which shall avtipar within is oto.• dr I t 1`11111 clanUleoun of the work pn,virb,ll for in thr Conlract,then I.'If to'l m•md effer,i ntr•u.t,a anti ti p-•ly i,wi­ .I r•I , verl defect,;With reasonable t uth I November . I'172 . (SEAL) PrInk ipal title T14 4INA CASUALTY AND SUFI I "r 1 Jerry L.I PAINt1. , S A CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. Y ENGINEERING DIVISION , P W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. PROJECT TITLE DATE - - -->Z — — PROGRESS 72d7`U T) ail 1, NOTES INSPECTOR CITY OF TIGARD ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION . PW DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No - -- - - - - - - PROJECT TITLE DATE _.----PROGRESS : NOTES : - - INSPECTOR ir�'1'���"� fly r. "S °� � '.". � m �e • cc gom N b .y 0 7 I II 'OQ' V n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o n aq n r .I ry o 0 n O O O a 0 w x a x 9 I ,@ Al CL a QQ, fl g m m ,J V ►. ��� J.rg � k 4 � 6 �.�u E � m � � 3 :0 ° o 936 n I U CL he IL Irk 10 m O T !E � 1 _ U�i N !1� ■ MOOLMLORAL CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION , P. W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB No. PROJECT TITLE DATE — PROGRESS • .�ic;_�1N� _ .L�E.._1L ._— 'u1_.` t?h .__Lr.:r�._yY. _1-L NOTES ___ -- -- ---- --- --_ — _-- --- INSPECTOR CITY OF TIGARD , ORE . 9,0 ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW DEPT PROJECT I!V.)"PECTION REPORT JOB No _ ! PROJECT TITLE DATE . 7-/S PROGRESS : NOTES INSPECTOR - `- .., -xry � J �.•., � a.y�.. 1 A{k. ,4*t,,,�[ty 4"�� y,) f.#'i'.' •, .K'..x+:+, .y w.;�� .ti:i� sei `, ...p t July 13, 1 •• 1 2�r;3 i :fitly • ;. k),r n•s, t r Pyg-m 97233 j r?4s r%..' .r wvIA':�'J • .'i' ,cy:a i 'y j' _ .: t r•�C :�iC v4`�:'.t i�l•�' ••��J'�1.�' .� mie i'i-, •i —:4%, E:t.1 Wo t:hO '. .. ill t'•-� .. �' ... .i. .'! L C�ti t'.?lel.L! 1 L(�1.11 t'l l" 'L•'1: �� .. � •r'... W�t..n /, �+,��. f . .:F. Pi .it ,:..l' t:�J �. or) t-1i .5. � , 7:��: ✓ 1' t�i.iia'f3 ' ,1•�t, ' � '"i it �.",1 • • :�i t t .p•. �i ..MJF `t '1W •'. x�'il �'v'�7 ) ,�„'� 4 �`� > l •i i y��� �i4. ,#, I�b�. i'k " till r�fi` i rw." �""� ��`' July 13, 1972 Clark Industries, Inc.. 1441 S. E. 1.12nd Suite A Portland, Oregon 97233 Re: Agreement, City of Tigard, Unified Sewerage Agency and Clark Industrie3 Inc. Gentlemen: Enclosed is your copy of executed agreement as approved by the Tigarc: City Council at their regular meeting June 26, 1972. If I may be of further assistance to you on this matter, please contact me. Sincerely, Doria Hartig City Recorder DH:lm CC: Unified Sewerage Agency I LN TETE UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGENCY 2 OF WASHINGTON COUN'T'Y, OREGON 3 In the Matter of Approval of Agreement ) RESOLUTION A11D ORDER Between the City of Tigard •ind Clarke ) .-7 r 4 Industries, Inc. for Provision of Sewerage) NO. 'U Services to Curl Acres Subdivision. ) 5 6 The above entitled matter came on before the Board of 7 County Commissioners for Washington County, Oregon, acting as the 8 governing body of the Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington County, 9 Oregon, at its regular meeting of June 20, 19',2; and 10 It appearing to the Board that the City of Tigard, Oregon, 11 and Clarke Industries, Inc., have entered into an agreement to 12 provide sewerage services to eirlht lots within the Curl Acres Sub- 13 division, a duly recorded plat of' record located within the jurisdiction 14 of the Agency; and 15 It appearing to the Board ti!at Clarke Industries, Inc. , by 16 its agreement with the City of Tigard �ias agreed to pay the ongoing 1.1 connection charge, that any connection ®hall be subject to the rubs 18 and regulation-,i of tl.e Ager,cy, tnat the owners of sail property shall. 111 consent to annexation to the City of Tigard, end, until said ann<.-xation 1 effectuated, acwer users of said property :;hall pay an additional 21 thirty-five Certs ($,35) per month to the City of Tigard ai a surcharge ity 22 11111 of property taxes, and the Board i.e a.ny fully adviseu in the 23 promineal it is, t:rterciore 24 RE6OL,VED AND ORDERED that the Board of County Cominissioi-iers 25 for Wat-; ti.ngtnn County, acting as the governing bony of the Unified 26 Sewor..ige Agency of Washington County, do hereby approve the contract 27 iiotween the City of Tigard and Clarke lndustrit:a concerning provision 28 of sewerage :service to eight iota in tits Curl. Acren Suodivision. r 29 riATEL- this 20th day of Jtuw, 1.972. 30 ICY OF WAs11INGTO ; C(ri;::'.'r', ORSGON n 31 u 1.!y ISi.11 .'i of �` • ,..ill..` , ;,,.,n �rs 32 $ votes AVG 1F15r )"A. r,i tit Paas ` }tu.l rlitr. l� Rytiuruiug b ore~.,try � ,i June 30, 1971. 1; 1) Stan Adkins Auil(ier m , Inc. 11M ':.W. Fonner TigarL' , Orogon `3-' 2 I Dear "tnni The City of Tigard hes received the easements for the Chamberlin Sewer rxtension ani the line is setlefertcry for connection and I extensions. i' The proposed egreesont received by the "Icy of Tigard, Janunry 25, 1971 can be acted upon by the "it.y with one c' an,e, a surcharge of 0;0.00 be made to each dwelling unit .as per Ordinance 71-21 to repay Mr. Chamberlin for over string. I have endormad the old agreement and the revised one for your execution. 1 1 would like to point out that the $150.00 surcharge for the Ii Leron Heights :Sewer ''xtmmion does not apply tc this area. Also, J the fact that if Vie Area is Annexed before final approval is given by VA County on the subdivision plat, that the City subdivision code will have tc be enforced. USincerely, Ko i th C. Thumps on Director of Public Works RCT/rb January 219 1971 11720 SW Four,,: f Tigard, Cregrr, 972 C3 Fualoend in the eagreemnt for wwer aet tha Curl Acres Sube lvisl on. Fa on*,� n.ct� , howe r, that will not iae r�'ble to �i�;��. V i.:� bgree tvotr_t untik' the Chem rein `,ewer Fxtenaiem has been a:atitsfac�t6p1ly tple:�ted ane. turned -ver to the City. ::r. C:hemberlai.n ',.tc, informea me that he will rot Vurn the PRooments or Uni over to the City until lie tees recr tvre, the wotiy frovi you Pis a grcr C.. upon tor the extensl.or of Vie sewer V Urcaurb his property. Jim Harrill see, h :;�s r tet�tt�r lef;r ' en+3cription for i."blt A, whict� syr. should tie used. Leith C. Thom pson Director cf ;public t�tot�ka 't7 t Jim firrris 2540 SW 112th PINI Portl", rreiren KKMff s` qC - WASHINGTON:( COUNTY COURTHOUSE—SECOND & MAIN STREETS HILLSBORO, OREGON 97125 (503) 648-8681 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS '. WILLIAM MASTERS, ChairmanJOHN C. .h ,YELLER GARDNER (,���✓/��✓1 J, � � ELDON HOUT ` BURTON C. WILSON 1R. Tj�' 0 Ja>,iva ry 11, 1971 City of Tigard Department of Public Works 12420 S. W. Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 RE: Curl Acres Subdivision Dear Sir: Enclosed please find two sets of construction plana for the sanitary sewers in the Curl Acres Subdivision. Please review and return one set to this office ct your earliest convenience. Yours very truly, DANIEL G. POTTER, General Manager Merrill A. Meigs, Chief. of Ne onstruction MAM:vr Enclosures CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON * I c t-e r- DEVELOPMENT PROJECT GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET I. PROJECT No.: iI. PROJECT NAME: U,2 L- .9cQL S Ill. DRAWING (TITLE) : Curl Ar,<< sa., s. �lH..Wd dated: 17-i-,/-74) IV.. PLAT (TITLE) : �C�,)2L ACRES dated: � r V. SITE LOCATION: s'g Z'[' 4 lel � R 1 35� Q�es. VI. PRINCIPALS: I C-l�r�c .rr�/�/c-IrICJ� Jnc , (l) DEVELOPERS I Sr- :zi MA Suv- "A Pv. s.,a c, 17233 Address ""'- r��+r .- Phone No. . Zq5 -a I o� (2) UEVELOPSRS SURETY AGENCY: Address Phone No._ Bond No._ Exp. Date (3) ENGINEER: ;, porri - Address " �:f c, Phone No./ \ . (4) INSPECTORS r/viz a� e�� L c,�'.. /�T«�ai�. Address Phone No. (5) PRIM CONTRACTOR: Address - Phone No. (6) CONTRACTORS SURETY AGENCY: Address Phone No. Bond No. , Exp. Date,,�\ (7) SUB-CONTRArTORSs T4 T. C'.,sl�..� * Inert: Street, Sewer) or StrPat Light. earl Arc—, 1 3 fit►, -,6 Mr 21/ 1!170 i G E ' 1rt. ►,1�si11 �►. Iisi�s chief of saw Unified sewerage Aqua / 326 Y. s. Lincoln strsst sillgWmmo, Orsom 91123 Door Mr. 10"90s Sanitary sew smvioe will be available to the wabdivisiAm of Carl Peares aftre: oomp"tion of Cfeabsl lis saisi tawy ewer em*rwioa - (a OOPY of the ' p1mw fOr said sus as I Ise being fo�+ard" s VO14W A sspa mW ctmer) . v As per the Ci 's a fre"Ost with 0,s.1. • -st ift W a oout=aat will alae be nsaassasy bef we wtMMrLsat"m PmW be given to eateM staitavy sMPW merVies to the proposed curl Aares sabdivisioao sisce rely, • I• C usitb C. VON III! W mseetoc Of ftbuo *arm �r/�s UNIhrll"D SEWERAGE AUI; NCY OF WASHING'T'ON COUNTY 326 N.E. Lincoln St. HILLSBORO, OREGON 97123 BOARD OF DIRECTORS (503) 648-8621 DANIEI. O. POTTER WILLIAM MASTERS, Chalrmon General Monoger JOHN C. ANICKER I_YELL GARDNER ELDON ROUT BURTON C. WILSON JR. o October 22, 1970 it Washington County Health Department 150 N. E. 3rd Avenue Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 Gentlemen: Re: Proposed Subdivision - Curl Acres The above referenced subdivision can be served by sewers through the City of Tinard system after the completion of the Chamberlin sanitary sewer extension. It will be necessary that the developer have an agreement or annex to the City of Tigard before authorization may be given to extend sanitary sewer service to the above proposed subdivision. Yours very truly, DANIEL 0. POTTER, General Manager Merrill A. Meigs, Chief of ew Construction MAM:vr cc: Powill Inc. Dept. Public Works, City of Tigard Stan Adkins t UNII.ED SEWERAGE A"-ENCY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY 326 N.E. Lincoln St. HILLSBORO, OREGON 97123 BOARD OF DIRECTORS (503) 6488621 DANIEL O. POTTER WILLIAM MASTERS, Chairman General Manager JOHN C. ANICKER LYELL GARDNER ELDON HOUT BURTON C. WILSON JR. RECEIVED OCT 19 1970 October 15, 1970 CITY OF TIGARO City of Tigard 12420 S. W. Main Tigard, Oregon Attention: Keith Thompson Gentlemen: Re: Subdivision - Curl Ares Enclosed is a copy of a subdivision map submitted by Mr. Stan Adkine. Before certifying this to the subdivision committee it will be necessary that I receive a letter from you stating whether this subdivision can or cannot be served. If jou have any questions regarding the above please contact me at any time. Yours very truly, DANIEL 0. POTTER, General Manager 'rr11 A: Me gs, of N Construction MAM:vr Enclosure i� �'J m EXHIBIT "A" PA13CFI I A portion of the Southwest quarter of the INorthtiaest quarter of Section "i, Township z South, Range 1 West of the V.'.i.:. , Washington County, Oregon, described as follows: Beginning rt a point on the W-1t line of Section 3, the-c is North 0° 39' rPrt 355.44 feet from the West quarter corner; thence continuing alon*, said West line North 0° 28 East 209.67 feet to the tn.e point of beginning of the tract to be described; thence North 62" X01 20" F*P,6t 1.58.20 feet; thence North 0° 281 30" Wer* 152 feet more or less to the center line of S.W. Walnut Avenue; the,ice South 62° 3,21 '-rest along said, center line 3.50,20 feet more or less to the West line of Section 3; thence South 28° gest 152 feet more or less to thf, tale point of beginning. Fxcept therefrom the Northerly <0 feet more or less in :'..td. Walnut Avenue. PA RCYL TI prrt.ion of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 3, Township 2 .South, Range 1 West of the W.H. , Washington County, Oregon, described as :follows: Beginning et a point or the kest line of Section 3, which is North 0° 39' cast 355.44 ff-ct from thy, 'fast quarter corner; thence South 89" 541 Fast 601.4 feet to a Xtpe, parallel with the Fsst Pnd West quvrtrr line through_ paid Section; thence North 00 17' West 305.88 feet to thf: tru3 point of beginning of the tract to be dAscribed; thpncN South 89" 31.' 30" 'nest 41'1.22 feet; thence ,forth 00 28' 30" West 152 feet more or less to the center line of S.'r.'. Walnut Avenue; thence 14rrtl) 621 320 Last alor►g said center line 46y.03 feet mcr e cr less to c, point that is ;!orth 00 171 'fest from the true point of beginning. F'xcept therefrom the Noriherly 20 feet more or less in S. W. 'walnut Avenue. M1 �• •w i s tR rEr. j �sz N Na SZ �' f u `ve v i sr\ � v In ,�: Avoid Verbal Messages A-1 CITY OF TIGARD To: From: Sub3ect: Date: AR ic c-- � uc(us �-62 Pt/2ie � /uC� ,.� . 2- 2 des, J,4 A ,c rt ,41A,J L,► �7.4R2t S- <— c Jo � � � �Fp St ? 3 2- r�► r r PACIFIC STEEL WAREHOUSE CO. P. 0. BOX 10223 • 3865 N.W. ST. HELENS ROAD . ORTLAND,OREGON 97210 AUTOMATIC SAWINF FLAME GUTTING "SHIAR &7a4 S&d 9&ut, 'e . !,. (?a& 5031.22.2-33ff r. p � f7 Jy� P ,I RNA t� 6 OF TIGARD RESOLUTION No. 74-� RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER WITHIN A PROJECT KNOWN AS CURL ACRES SUBDIVISION SUBJECT TO HEREIN SPECIFIED CONDITIONS. WHEREAS, the City of Tigard owns and/or controls those sewer trunk lines which have herefore been constructed for the purpose of provic"ing sewage transmission service from the area near the Curl Acres Subdivision and WHEREAS, the Developer of said subdivision !esired to receive sewage transmission and disposal services from the CITY, for eight (8) lots in said subdivision, WHEREAS, in the development of the project, known as Curl Acres Subdivision (Sanitary Sewer Lines), ce•�tain provisions and stnndacds were required, and i WHEREAS, the City further required, payment of fees, the furnishing of certain securities and the execution of. a Sanitary Sewer Contract Agreement; and WHEREAS, said Sewer service has now been constructed and i.ngpectrd and fees have been paid; and i WHEREAS, an acceptable Maintenance Bond was received on December 12, 1472 and did remain in full force and affect, subject to the required maintenance period of one year, and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works has recommended that further continuation of said maintenance bond period is not now justified; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cite Council of the City of Tigard, Oregen, hereby accepts the public sanitary sewer constructed within and for said project, subject to: (1) Submission of an acceptable as-built sanitary sewer cepia. PASSED: This day of J 19___ by the Council of the City of Tigard. Mayor - City of Tigard ATTF 3T: Recorder - City of Tigard Resolution No. 74 h ouus + y UI �N + • ''''" N(;RTH DAKOTA ST. t NORTH n ti OT ST -+ n ti.. h� AL.I J ►: � C)_ TlrnPr F• .„+11; ,� O PROJECT 0 LOCATION C'10 ./ 2 Icy.�;, �• ; . . : o ' 4 VICINITY MAP .SW. 1 25th AVE ` :., . . No Scale Road Eosemenl %3 d" 151 ' 4 CURL ACRES 186 PRELIMINARY PLAT !6'✓F \ ' IN SECTION 3, T2S, RAW, VU. M. dry \ 5 2 WASHINGTON COUNTY OREGON t IP 223' '4 OWNERS: CALVIN 51 LINDA YOUNG A N D •' tis � 6 WAYNE Sc MoVI E A DKI N S �� ~\ 12750 S: W, PACIFIC HWY• TIGARD OREGON S tit 260' SUBDIVIDER: �.. STAN ADKINS, BUILDERS 12750 SW PACIFIC HWY2 TI GAR D OREGON r �R �'. ENGINEER: k 1 V TOWILL INC. \ JR. HARRIS 5319 S.W CANYON CT. " • ' ' � 330' ` PORTLAND OREGON 97221 •s .�� 41 r 'I •'• " ''~ •''' WATER DISTRICT : TIGARD WATER DISTRICT �\ SANITARY SERVICE • UNITED SEWERAGE AGENCY DATE 9-3- 70 SCALE 1" = 50 , •��+ �?�'�� ,�� �, . t• C.r lJ F:'i._. r�a�tai I .C::.,� 5 f=W�: F�'. - . m 111w loam Wks- 111111'111111 �II111I1I1 . 111 1111'11111 1 11111,[ 1 11 Illi II 'l � llt Ilflll Ilillll 1111111I11111 ) � 1111111 1111111 1111111 111 111 1111111 1111111 � IIII~II 1111111 111 ' til 111 111 ; NOTE : IF THIS MICROFILMED �• -- I - -- 2 3 4 - 5 6 7 8 9 111 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICEi Ii 15 DUE TO TNF QUALITY OF THE ORI()' INAI DRAWING• QE 62 f�Z L2 92 52 b2 E2 22I7, 02 61 191 L I 91 S I b I El el 11 01 6 9 L 9 S '---V ^� 2 I "r l'" bt— J T T ly 9A 1 QQ9 .,,.�- ���II1litlllit IIIII�III I���I1111 Iltlllll�' tllllull III111111 IIt11�1lI �II�It��� {Ill�litl IIIII1111 IIIIIIfII�IIIIIII�I 111111111 I�i111ffi�ll1111111�'�IIIIII► ilifltlillllilllfllllllllUll I�IIIIIII�1111�1111�1!ll.�llll itlllllll IIII�IIIIIt111I11lIl�ll1�111�I1U11111L1!!L11Il�lIIIIIIfI�11.tllllll