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i I i � I i IE = 186. 63 A? ah _�+ 6 3 I til I o TOP= I 71 \ - JT„n CLE/9t,) - OUT t�U FI i L. aso, 1E 187. 3? 0 ,u.,,,,,a,n,n,ri,n,r�n,,,u,,,r, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I N L E T- I O P = 195 1 9 a 0 r,,,,,,, U / 2 1 \ I E- I:?8, O? �IU n,u,,,,,n„n,rr,tel, ,iu,rn�n„r,n,,,,,,,,,,n,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7�✓ TOP ���. _ u1Lrr�,r,nr — �1 \ ,"teej , D � �sb It PP-E-C,>S•T- SUMP ,0 y' !E= 154). 05' OUT 3 14 i IE = { 83. 91 IU � T2EIJCH 21P QAP ��i r�'1 F3K . FILL OUT P ALL, __ \O � EGE �`� D IE = If6 00 �9\N ; �'////�� SANITAIZY SEWE1� i GRD = 1`-10. 00 ,� `") TE ALL IZOOF I72A1►.JS SHAL.L ,nu,u,,,nu STORM 5EwERL DiZAIN ! NTC] THE =1T2`f=T, N 50 tilt �l I, _,11, _ \ \ \ FILE COPY o o O E X 1 s ,r I-•I,-I! � I. z ,FS. AS BUILT (^-� _ rr t� , _ SCALE �� DESIGN U O Imo- D FE � �.). �- A rZ PE � �� � REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES: � L'� ._ /-� �- ' �TRACED 1Cr� 00- 3 - \vn/' 0LF— S0ti k GD - JOB NO. CHECKED Harris - McMonagle Associates "EE _ �, ``�j,', Un ] K- H . ENGINEERS SURVEYORS .7/4 IV I T/4 I Z-r �)-� C� �Z �� -SF—\, J E2 REV. DESCRIPTION SUB. APPR. DATE 9�E�S 1 NP . DATE 8905 S.W. COMMERCIAL STREET RL AN REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVISION � ti- 30- 7C- TIGARD, OREGON 97223 OF ' I HAFTING FILM N213?r a-a-. ..' i......,' �R•Il .. _. ....,:,... ...4YM. v-'gf•lYnj►!".i:r".. ':/m'. .._�.. tac:•Or.nufca.�._ '•-• ...«...., rw.+ •v.+n...,.. y. ....i...,,,,., ,w..«w+— y.;r,., - -- - - .. 7� »:. -- - -- .w....— t w ji'iit 'Itlt�t�iiill�tt��il��Fitllttl�j�lti 1 7171, II�III�I� t �tlt '�Itlt�lir ilt�lla IJiltllilit�rlYlIIllIJill111111)111111titttIII III II1111 Ill l`ilt�/ttitlt�tllllll�tlil�ti�itl �� , 21 3 4 5 6 7 9 9 10 11 12 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED '-- ----�. DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICfrf-IT 15 DUE TO ' L}* QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL ."DRAWING. OE 6z 92 LZ 9z Sz irz EZ zz Iz Oz 61 91 LI 91 51 bl EI al II CI 6 9 L 9 S r E z lmots" F�t1�tmlun�Itulnuiiuiltui�ulilni�l111utllttttittl��lnulut�lnulm�tttlur;Iillltilllt�ltt+tHliIIt1111�1itittllllllnNittlt�lttlill�ttgiltlliitnitit1i1111111tIlIIILIIII1l11Nllipllll�Nlttttllut�ttulutllllttltLU�Nt�W�111lIUtt�ll!l�lllllttllltlwWllltl :,` .. - - 1241( JUNE 24 19 92 milli .. ..j wt . H rf.. dF �� J� . '+Ytp x.A r✓''r' �51 " its r�77,, yy y � f * .tiO " r.. mk Y •. � �< A71y'�+J as �� _. �1 y�� h0.' .y�, �•� \ 1 >• r�� � � A{ ,�. 1 l� %,^4 •�� .Je f"C a t w � . , aPl G}0. Z �•_ a• ��,,,�y,,,r . 1 3� • , 'h kyr, , ,. WW C� f City of Tigard INSPECTION REQUEST' for 1 � fie,„p.. IN,,ipECTION TIME: ”" _ PERMIT NO. : r DATE: 67 '1176 DATE ISSUED : I Z i OWNER; NAME : a j e " , i ADDRESS: sw' 98' t-, CONTRACTOR : .4 S^'- _ I TEST : Air ❑, Water[] , Visual Of, Laboratory ❑ RESULT: Approved Disapproved ❑ Pending ❑ SKETCH: I I I I I I INSPECTOR DATE FrTE Attach luprle ientrif i@S# data bereto, I I VT1 ri 0 i. K 0 0 0 ro c 0 tt 0 77 CID r o n r M *j o 0 0 ILL x 0 0 Z 0 10 C Go W z 0 0 L) uj cj W (n w I'D l'- CL 0 U) a. W W CL 4t U) W w u 0 4 z z 0 -4 cn O z Ll 0 ~ cn ► X ❑ ML A PROCEDURE FOR CONDUCTING ACCEPT .:;CE TP„T 1. Clean pipe to be tested by propelling snug fitting inflated rubber ball through the pipe with water. 2. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable test plugs, Brace each plug securely. 3. If the pipe to be tested is submerged in ground water, icacert a pipe probn- by Loring or jetting, intc the backfill material aijacent to the center ')f the pipe, and determine th^ pressure in the probe when at,. passes slowl, through it. This is the back pressure due to ground writer submergence o"V.!i the end of the probe. All gauge pressures in the test should be increasr.d by this amount. 4. Adel air slowly to the portion of the pipe installation under test until the internal air pre,sure is raised to 4.0 psig. 5. .heck exposed pipe and Plugs fc;r abnormal leakage by coating with a soap solution. If any failures are observed, bleed off air and make necessary repairs, 6. After an internal prez;sur.e of 4.0 psig is obtained, allow at least two minute:: fcr air temperature to stabilize, adding only the arount of air required to maintain pressure. 7. After the two minute period, disconnect air supply. S. When pressure decreases to '1.5 psig, start stopwatch. Determine the time in seconds that is required for the internal air pressure to reach 2.5 psig. Tni.s time interval. should then be compared with the time required in second.; as compui:ed on reverse side of sheet. 9. List size and length of all portions of pipe unr'er test in t '.:c,: one shoAm on reverse side of sheet, 10. By use of nomograph, compute K and C. Use scri”ys r ani L, rc-' ' 1 enter these values in the table on reverse side or seer. 11. Add all values of. K and all values of C fc; i)-'pe ut+dar Lest. 1.2. If the total of all C values is less thait c,ue, enter the totF*k,rt*.. K into the space for "Timr- Required in Sr-.cur,d:t: " 13. If the total of all C values is greater than one, divide th.� to! values, by the total of all C values, to gat tq. To makc this a�.• i, :!-. the nomograph, use scales C and K, and read tq. t, 7* 7* "'I"'I' t to J n O 0 r, a ow m o i°4 o o o o n in M_ f T t- 1 V 1I) �� •� �J M N N L M 1 - O O O K V J a e Q �-^•'tetJIT11111i . .I,.�T p � �"'I' x h k 7'• ao Y n 5 O c °J o o a o On y °, N p fnO T fill 111 IIPIIC O 'Z, J O M (D m n It 'n N n N _..: d U - O fi O Ci O tJ 66 u. Ll tp. R � o !n m i = Y O z • Z O o v r• n o O O O O O N N Ir OC (f�f�jj(jf(fJ )ll�.Ill�Ihhld+lthlthl��lltl�i+6l�l�lJl �iltl�ltlJltl�I, IJI ��tI I I J I I I I III I I I t i 'Q^ J V O W OD ` o v M N t / m V tN- ij Q W kill '� U O U) Z G ~ Z irWZ 0 Q L)WoWtu j W O Yf W I Z 0 _ z a. �. W �I O W M� o aW U O ctwV W to V) d_ U Q 41 O O t7 � � � Q Z Z z W q F to O J c F to I-- O y l� H PROCEDURE FOR CONDUCTING ACCEPTANCE TEST 1. Clean pipe to be tested by propelling snug fitti.n; inflated rubber ball through the pipe with water, 1. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable gest plUgS , Brace each plug securely. 3. If the pipe to be tested is subr-aged in ground water, insert a pipe probe by Loring or jetting, into the backfill mat,•rial aijacen.t to the center of the pipe, and determine th.: presser: in the probe when ei, passes slowj' through it. This is the back pressure due to ground water submeigence ov,ii the end of the probe. All gauge pressures in the test should be increasel by this amount. 4. AV air slowly to the portion of the pipe installation under test until the internal air preisure is rair,ed to 4.0 psig. 5. :,heck exposed pipe and Plugs fcr .abnormal leakage by coating with a soap solution. If any failures ars abserved, bleed off air and make necessary re,-airs, 6. Af er an internal pressure of Ii.0 psig is obtained, allow at least two mirurtc fcr air temperature to stabilize, adding only the amount of air requirod to maintain pressure. 7. After the two minute period, disconnect air supply. 8, When pressure decrease., to 3.5 psig, start stoppar,i::h. Determine t.h( time in seconds that is required for the internal air prc.�sure to reach 1,_i Tnir, time interval should then be compared with the time required in seconda as compui:ed on reverse side of sheet. 9. List sizi and length of all portions of pipe under test ir, t_;' ; : to one sh•3wn on reverse side of sheet, 10. By use of nomograph, compute K and C. Us,e nrr„_ss an.-1 j,, teed enter these values in the table on rc_ l^rse. side of Si%ecL. 11. Add all values of K and all values of ' ic;• pljie uudet Leet. 1.2. If the total of all C values is less than (AL13p enter the -cotal into the space for "Tim(_ Required i.r. 6ecovds. 11 13. If the total of all. C values is greater: than one, divide th.i t4 values, by the total of Ell C values, to got tq. To maks: this a f. the nomograph, use scales C and K, and read tq. • a .r ..i � e h 7--TrTT-t • moOn x Fn o n ,a• o x o N o r in M C O V u e1 b Q Jill, �{r�PjiT�T' + i1T(�I��111�fn • TVITx s g o o f a o e n 0 _ s O b n r rn N n u , p t7 CU Ci � 0' a a`tc c Y Q ; • z � om N pp n � in O 1 O�.•. _ t 1'. tp 1f r i n O p W 1 E 1 I III�1W11d1hI11iI111�11111111�11�I11�11�111111 i l l i l l l III l l l Ll I I 1 l 1 1 i 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 'QhJ V cc a w > 3 w V W t, ~ D N' o 4 L) a v . r` � h d Vo N W O N N O 2 W W `I- _ N nC M 1 h Y Q ` o = l� w CL W /J 0 W W U 0 M U 0 1 W w a y p W i7 Y- a a Z 2 z L rl r ~ N t�l V � I • � i i '1. PROCEDURE FOR CONDUCTING, AC'�EPT.'.';CE T1:'OT 1. Clean pipe to be tested by propelling snug fitting inflated rubber ball through the pipe with water. 2„ Plug all pipe outlets with suitable test plugs, Brace each plug securely. 3. If the pipe to be tested is submerged in ground cwatei, insert a pipe pro?,- by Loring or jetting, into the backfill material aijact-:nt tc the center )f the pipe, and determine th!� pressure in the probe wheu n1,. passes slowl, through it. This is the back pressure due to ground water submetgence ravel the end of the probe. All gauge pressures in the test should be increased by this amount. 4. dd,l air slowly to the portion of the pipe installation under test until the internal air preisure is raised to 4.0 psig. 5. ",heck exposed pipe and plugs fcr abnormal leakage by coating with a so;p solution. If any failures ar observed, bleed off air and make necessary repairs. 6. After an internal pressure of 4.0 psig is obtained, allow at least two minute ; fc.r air temperature to staLil.ize, adding only the arr-ount of air required to maintain pressure. 7. After the two minute period, disconnect air supply. a. When pressure decrea5er, to :).5 psig, start stopwatch. Determine the time in seconds that is required for the internal air pressure to reach 1„5 psig. This time interval should then be compared with the time required in seconds as compul:ed on reverse side of sheet. 9. List siz and length oi all portions of pipeunc'.er. te:.' in t?`. A ?o one shown on reverse side of sheet., 10. By use of nomograph, compute K and C. Use ^r.r;' ?s r, an 9 L, r:>.s.-1 enter these values in the table on reverse ride; of sliec.t. 11. Add all values of K and all values of : ic;- ;)-'pe ui!der test. 12. If the total of all C values is less thsliL cage, entar the total . 1 lC into the spec,- for "'Timr Required In 13. If the total of all C values is greater than one, divl.le th , t-j-_ values, by the total of all C values, to get tj. Tc make. this ! j• , the nomograph, use scaler C and K, and read tci, KIM i e fi►j I m U r, O fD ,00 c. v •:,c I, 4 i. O �r} ,O O O O M in 6 .7 M M C ry N �- M O - , - O O O 111191111111 tt f> u v c ryl,It if ,� XL oo I I fill,111IMP111111110Y O O O O O N * M N N C lit �i r, e C Y> ? M N O �+����}�} C O q Oi m h fp n f �fl « N CJ O O p O O O W O u. !1, a W < <' p s •I `� O f► h' o O :] O O O O V O 7 per" ? w vt V rqn O M O 0 W N N a illfliIJ(1111111Ililu]111111111111111111111111I�Il�ldddihldi�il lilili�il,llllll�ilil i I,I I�,I I i III , i I i I , 1A I I i I i I I I I i C) cc F-� a o W y. 3 1 ., � a V) _, t OOD O U O } '4 O h l N W Q � FO I CJ _T z W z O N-' o a o U U o c� w N W rn a (Ir w W -� [`;� U) n_ h ►' x O w wa 1 M Q w W U a H � J O: U � �.. Z 16-.4 N Q z z O u1 O f N J N r (L� F O O I ] J U i J w " t• PROCEDURE FOR CONDUCTING ACCEPT,.i10E TEST 1. Clean pipe to be tested by propelling snug fitting inflated rubber ball through the pipe with water. 2. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable test plugs Brace :ach plug securely. 3. If the pipe to be tested is submerged in ground insert c pipe probe by t.oring or jetting, intc the backfill material aijacent tc the center of the pipe, and determine th(! pressure in the probe wheu ai, passes slowl, through it. This is the back pressure due to ground water submergence ovet the end of the probe. All gauge pressures in. the test should be increased by this amount. 4. Add air slowly to the portion of the pipe installation under test until t.hE internal air pressure is rat,,ed to 4.0 psig. 5. ,heck exposed pipe ant plugs fc.r abnormal leakage by coating with a soap solution. If any failures ar,.- ►bserved, bleed off air and make necessary repairs, 6. After an internal pressure of 4.0 psig is obtained, allow at least two minutes fcr air temperature to stal,ilizc; adding only the amount of sir required to maintain pressure. 7. After the two minute period, disconnect air supply. 8. When pressure decreases to `).5 psig, start stopwatch. Determine the time in seconds that is required f„r the internal air pressure to reach 2.5 psig. Tris time interval should then be compared with the time required in seconds as compul:ed on reverse side of sheet. 9. List sizi and l.engt.h of all portions of pipe under test in to one shown on teverse side of sheet, 10. By use of nomograph, compute K and C. Use rcr...as r_ a.-, " :.,, tee.l I'. ad enter these values in the table on re verse side or 11. Arid all values of K aril all values of � is ,i,.pe uAer test. 12. If the total of all C values Is less than ot•1e, enter the total c.. 1 K ve,IV,-':s into the space for "Tim(: Required ir. brcot.di," 13. If the total of all C values is greatet than one, divide th., to'_.. values, by the total of f11 C values, to g,tt tq. Tc make: thtr the nomograph, use scalps C and K, and read tq, ' ^ E O' I- In O O n Op a r, 711. O A Q Ooer �t o 0 0Fn1.YY: 4) rtl m N N n r V '4 - O O O k IN v win 7S b V o tI Y C` U O O O o O O O W) ♦ M N 10 7 M N p �.��. F I, J U C. p ct cti rn to ti n n V M N r F 1. A Yi R' N ._ Ci Q U O O O Q O Y LL r 01 c t IL. = Y 0 O . z o o C 0 0 Q f= U U U n O Q Q O © w O^ w ti M In � M N N Irl O �W111ll�1111�IIII�Wlllll{�IIIIlIlll�lllllllll�ihhld�hhhlJ,,Illlllllhlli,III IlI I111IIIIIAIIItI,1II , "I , , I t I i 1 1 1 , CQ J V � a 0 W t > 3 1,�{ � w + m Y x N ^ tlOD OD Z ro t! p hl N IL Al b ry rn ` d U cl W \ J t'� O d r, Wz N, v i V o � o o wLLJ o U � H F t O to W CIE III W r' ray` n z ti N 1 t3 2 p w ` W a: a a w w 0 ~ QF.U) W W4 V1 \ IL towa Q 2p O ►- V) v v ❑ N t1 F- ff MINIM PROCEDURE FOR CONDUCTING ACCEPTANCE TEST 1, Clean pipe to be tested by propelling snug fitting i.nflatcd rubber ball through the pipe with water. 2. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable test plugs , Brace each plug securely. 3. If the pipe to be tested is submerged in ground watvi , insert a pipe probe by Loring or jetting, into the backfill material aijacent tc the center ')f- the )fthe pipe, and determine th�� pressure in the probe when ai, passes slowl, through it. This is the be,i.k pressure due to ground water submergence ,,via the end of the probe. All gauge pressures in the test should be increased by this amount. 4. %dd air slowly to the portion of the pipe installation under test until the :,.eternal air pressure is raised to 4.0 psig. 5. hecl, exposed pipe and plugs f(,r abnormal leakage by coating with a soap solution. If any failures ar,2 )bserved, bleed off 'air and make necessary repairs. 6. After an internal pressure of 4.0 psig is obtained, allow at least two minutes f-r air temperature to 3tal,il ize, adding nr,1,j the amount of .sir required to maintain pressure. 7. After the two minute period, disconnect air supply. 8. When pressure decreases to ',.5 psig, start stopwatch. Determine the time in seconds that is required for the internal air pressure to reach 2.5 psig. Tnis time interval should then be compared with the time required in second3 as compui:ed on reverse side of sheet. 9. list siz , and length ni ,,11 portions of pipe unci^r t_E;t in t .` ;. to one sh.-)am on i.everse side of sheet, LU. By use of nomograph, cGmpute K and C. Use :,c. :.as r, a,�.i '., ,�,-.' t'. - -,d enter these values in the table on reverse side: oz s'r,eet. 11. Add all values of K and all values of : is , -'pe uader LGeL. 1.2. If the total of all C values is less thb , , ►:e, enter the total into the space for "Timr Required in Spcc,r,da." 13. If the total of all C values is greatei than one, divide tho tot..- values, by the total of t ll C values, to gat tq. To ma;.(. this the nomograph, use scalee C and K, and read to, 197ri leson Wo 9M3 ri"arem Fila No, StA 5-76 ArInar) be eIvI.mo-I Ilisit the '.AiArd "itC L�eIOPNJO.rlt TIMI Arohi- flaar meatir�rj of April Pmrl my )a d, st Uicir r* 27, L97U# Cansidered your reqt*xt for site development ema amtij- tectural plan review of as 32 mit apartr-ent o,-rarle-1. on V-- goth "'t. Your subnissims 4mre appmv*4, &-lb-Act to the oondition inat you revise yoar situ dwm1aprx.mt jplm"i per tlisa staff report wW xvwbmit the plan V) staff f�x approval. r'.4cawrd Polar. "Otey 71w follawinj, acknowledk,,rmnt must be reoeived by f;ie I-Aty Ct '3.It,-Ptrdwithin fcn4vteen (14) daY3 of yowr rvceip+, of this lott,or. 7r-l". rk �. to return tI-La noAIaL.-)wl*dgm&rA may result in actl fvn by the City of Ti, aim], heraby no'-LnQ,-rJ-edj;* this lotter R)cta,sentInC. thr. aoti;,:*, ti,Z tLe 'L,3"E,&rj --eaLp IA�vifr,.4 Board T A. 4' lvm re4eived anJ rvn,l i:-.in lottcvr. kjm! I fti;rea to the dealsion here 4)ct-unoi;ted and to *bids by any- toms sAd/or DDIPt cas BuUdin4,; Official i s-teeu southern Pacific Transportation Company Room 251-N Union Station . 800 Northwest Sixth Avenue • Portland, Oregon 97209 IN REPLY PLEASE REFER TO C.T.bABERS SUPERINTENDENT April 28, 1976 314 F. W.F.CURRIER,JR. A ae ISTANT SUPENINTENOSNT J.W.FF.RGU SON OI ISION ENGINEER Mr. John Hagman Supervisor of Engineering Services City of Tigard P. 0. Box 23397 Tigard, Oreg. 97223 Dear Mr. . Hagman: Mr. Cordon D. Carpenter submitted a plan incorporating a dry well on his property to receive and decelerate storm drainage runoff in connection with a small development between S.W. 98th Avenue and our property in Tigard. We are satisfied that the dry well will be successful in preventing erosion or drainage problems on our right of way. Fours truly, 1 � cc: Mr. . Gordon D. Carpenter 6900 Oleson Road Portland, Oregon 9722.3 .w 1 1 � AMU La ��N011lN� C:) u: cn -~r' w w ~ z CL = �. J w F-• U t/) •rl N 4) N bA n N (1I �r�l�•:�� �NM 60 bIHV (1) ;C •r N wH iCO O44fO O O • ) ON • Q 1Jb(1 cn c� o.H V V a 0 7 MM 6 April 14, 1976 yr. CorZcn Carptnter 6704 S.W. Oleson Rond Portlwid, Oreton 971.23 Dear tfr. Carpenters Please be advised that the Tii;ard City Cou.icil, at their regulAr tndetin,g of April 12, 19760 ratified Ordinance No. %-151 a copy of which is enclosed. The City Council has approved your ron�- ctian,;e request wl+th the follow!3% cordltion:, as stnted in 5ectloa 2 of the enolo..^d ordit.auces 1. That a 10 foot right-of-way be dedicated to the City of Tigard for future stre+ct widetiitag. 1. That the applicant waive: his right, for the next 10 yco,rs, to rcr;:onstrate against the for,;.ation of a local fnprovvtla-nt district to provide public improvcrnrnts In the right-of-%:,,y of 98th Street. 3. The applicant shit i sut-wit a detailed pbottinj; of the stand of trees for use by the Design Revicw Aoerd when reviewin& the site develolmw,ut plen. 4. That a safety fence be constructed on the property live &djoining Via railroad right-of-way. Pleose do not hesitate to call this office at 639.4171 if yo+a need additional information or avaistanc.e. Sincerely, Doris H"ertig, City ltdcorder Notes The °ollowing acknowledeweut taust be received by the City of Tigrrd ulthi.a fourteen M) days of your recotpt of thin; letter. TMI%tre to do so my result in action tr; the City of I hereby acknc-iledge this letter documenting the action of the Tigard City Council. I havq rcc�i.vcd awl read this letter and I agree to tt.e der_ir-ion here doctr-,ented-and to abide by any tonna and/or conditions attnct .-d. St gr,e tura i 1�,ty � t APP12GVE AGR XMFNT -- Gevurtz Sanitary Sewer (2) City Administrator reconaaended approval. by Cot-. 11. arid pointed out it was a standard agreement. (b) Motton to approve agreement: Councilman ok, seconded by Councilrcan Mickelson. Motion passed by unanimous ;rote of Co cil. 3. REVIEW OF FNGI:,F,W0OD PHASE !IT PRFL'ff4JNAR PLAT APPPOVA.L: (a) City Administrator reiterated ction taken by Plarining Gompission that officially reu ved the burden on the developer to ipprove 115th St. to Dako- St. as part of Ph4ise III of Englewood J>velopr,ent. He en read a portion of the Municipal Code which clearly states • iat Council can review and amend any Planning Commission . tion upon the Council's own motion, (b) Council, staff and Le- Counsel discussed the question of who was responsible for provement of 115th St, and what length said improvement sh ild be. (c) Motion to set pill _ic hearing, to receive relative testimony from the DeveZo er and a representative from the Planning Commission on pril 12, 1976, 8:00 P.M. at Fowler Junior High; Counci man Cook, seconded by Councilman Moore. Motion as ed by unanimous vote of Council. h4. PUBLIC TVARINGS - OPENED 0:00 P.M. (a) ZUNH CHANGE. - A request by Gordon Carpenter for concept appi'ovAl of � proposed residential planned (levelol-mient in the vicinity of 415' 5 S.W. Stith (Washington County Tax Map 1S 1 35r,, Tax Lot 9n0 v ( 1 ) Public hearing opened (2) Statement of facts by Plarnling Director (3) Public Testiwony: Proponents - Mr. Gordon CArpenter, applicant Opponents - None Cross Exornination - Council questioned appl.icailt about; building site size and the existing house on property. (4) Planning director recommended Council approval of zan¢ change and concept approval with the follow.ing conditionsi That a 10 foot r/w dedicated to the City on S.W. 90th for future widening. Applicant waive his right, for the r)ext 10 year•s,to re- monsterate against the formption of a locni improvement PAGE 3 - MINUTES -- MARCH 290 1976 t i district to ,p.•ovide public imFTOvements In the r/w of S.W. St. /Applicant submit a detail plotting e)f the stand of trees for use by tl,e Dosipn ReviewAolyd when: reviewingt;he site det��el oj-�mar�•t p?an. (5) Council discuGsion followed and Council concluded there should be another condition - a safety .fence should be constructed on property line abutting •che railroad right-of- way. (6) Motion to instruct staff to prepare ordinance, with the afore mentioned conditions, for Council's approval: Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Mickelson. Motio:. } !isged by unanimous vote of Council. Z(b) LON G ORDINANCE A*_',NDMENT - Proposed amendments to the Tigard Muni 1pal rode, Chapter 18.60 (Parking) to reflect revised stand rds and criteria for off-street parking. ( 1 ) blit hearing opened (2) St tement of facts by Planning Director (3) Pub is Testiicariy: Pr onents - None Opp ents - None Cros ex,,4miria tion None (4) Recommen ed by Planning Director for Coun„i.l approval. (5) Discussio followed and Council. concluded the width of a parking st 11 ,should be a ininlinum of 916" with the exception o I,arallel pArking which will remain a minimum of 9' . (6) Motion inF.ti ;i _t,i Sru!f tc, prcI�are or(linance AwendIng Municipal Par]:, rL Code Be0o,'din!, to proposal with the excep'lon all "N b811.^ r ctiA-vied to 916" StAl, except , for par•al.lel .it. .1r: ('o111-101-IMAr) Cork, ,jeoonded by Councilman ?Moore. Passed by 1Lnani.mout vote of Ccuncl,l . 15. AWARD CONTRACT - `;PN tmA_R ST'::,IF R : `? ' �r � ► , . 1�,'I .tfll'IU,i/1.rIF't,utti c,t.�N1,'ftUl;. (a) City Administrator stated t e ; ).Oowing t:wo bid^ lead bcen ' received and recoYmpended awa d to Gelco Cr•outing Service bared upon the bid and the ^oinppnyl experience in the field: Falkenberg Inc. 3612 S.W. Troy, Portland., Oregon Cleaning Operation Full crew service and all nrcesse • equipm?n., >„it not including water cost. . .dollars per lin. ft. 40 PAGE 4 - MINUTES - MARCH 290 1976 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON ORDINANCE No. 76- AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING FINDINGS WITH RESPECT TO AN APPLICATION BY GORDON CARPENTER IN BEHALF OF MARGARET HANNA, FOR AN AMENDMENT OF THE 1970 ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF TIGARD, CHANGING THE ZONE DIS'T'RICT OF A TRACT OF LAND FROM SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (R-7) TO MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL. (A-2); THAT TRACT BEING TAX LOT 900 ON WASHINGTON COUNTY TAX MAP 1S1 35C; GRANTING THE APPLICATION AND FIXING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. THE CITY OF TIGARD ORDAINS: Section 1: Finding . that the lands hereinafter described have been heretofore and are now classified as Single Family Residential (R-7), pursuant to the provisions of the City of Tigard's Zoning Ordinance and Tigard Ordinance No. 70-32, and further finding that pursuant to prescribed procedures, the above-stated application for a zoning map amendment was heard in a public hearing held by the Tigard Planning Commission on March 2, 1976, and all interested persons were there and then afforded an opportunity to be heard, and thereafter the Planning Commission filed its report and recommended approval with the City Recoruer, a copy thereof hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof, and, further, finding that, after due and legal notice, a public hearing was held before the City Council on March 29, 1976, and that at said hearing the applicant and all other parties desiring to be heard were afforded an opportunity to be heard and present and rebut evidence with respect to said application, and further, finding that, based on evidence, both oral and documentary, and on the record of said hearing before the City Council, the Council has made the following substantive findings: a. That the application conforms with the text and map of the Neighborhood Plan #2 for the Greenburg-Brookside area (February; 1975) as adopted; and b. That the applicant has shown a community need for his proposed development on the site herein described; and c. That he has shown there to be no adverse impact from his proposed development on adjacent sites, occupants, or activities, or on the immediate neighborhood that cannot be mitigated successfully by attachment of appropriate conditions; and d. That the proposed location is most suitable for the applicant's proposed development; and That public sewer and water are available adjacent the proposed site, and that the other necessary public services ordinarily available to multi-family residential zoned and used sites are there available. Section 2: THEREFORE, pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 18.88 of _he Tigard Municipal Code, the applicant's request for an amendment of the _Tigard Zoning Map of 1970 to zone those lands described as: Being a part of the John L. Hicklin Donation Land Claim No. 54, Township 1 South, Range 1 West, Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon, and more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at an iron pipe on the East line of that certain tract devised by Mary M. Greenburg to Henriette W. Rue, et al, by deed recorded at Page 4, in Book 131 of the Records of Deeds, for Washington County, Oregon; said beginning point being South 00 03' East 739.4 feet from the Northeast corner of said Greenburg Tract; being also the Southeast corner of the Hadley- Tract as dep,;ribed in Book 341, Page 309, said Deed Records; runnint thence along the East line of the said Greenburg Tract, South 00 03' fast 215.,,, feet to an iron pipe; thence North 890 58' West 536.7 fret to an iron pipe on the Easterly boundary of the Southern Pacific Railway right-of-way; thence along the said right-of-way boundary North 19° 00' West 228.0 feet to an iron pipe at the Southwest corner of said Hadley Tract; thence South 89° 58' East 610.9 feet to the place of beginning. for MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (A-2) use is hereby approved, subject to the provisions of Chapter 18.29 (Multi-Family Residential zone) of the Tigard Municipal Code and further subject to the following conditions: 1. That a 10 foot right-of-way be dedicated to the City of Tigard for future street widening. 2. That the applicant waive his right, for the next 10 years, to remonstrate against the formation of a local improvement district to provide public improvements in the right-of-way of S.W. 98th Street. 3. The applicant shall submit a .ietail.ed plotting of the stand of trees for use by the Design Review Board when reviewing the site development plan. 4. That a safety fence be constructed on the property line adjoining the railroad right-of-way. Section 3: This ordinance shall be effective on and after the 31st day after its passage by the Council and approval by the Mayor. PASSE;Os By vote of all Council members present this day of , 1976, after being read three times by number and title only. Recorder - City of Tigard APPROVED: By the Mayor this day of , 1976. Mayor - City of Tigard Page 2 - ORDINANCE No. 7C