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z -j �•� i FILE .COPY 8_ ALL SPACES MUST BE ENDORSED S. W. WA TKiNS 4 Vt. G �n ,C R I U PRIDR TO APPROVAL THESE PLANS PUE;LIC WORKS DEPT. BY. D.'.TEW5-r.1 t' ,I I Q�,A �•rb `6V LO MAR 2 7 1975 PL!.NI!ING DGP,r. BY_—_.__ N r / CITY OF, TIGARDt DATE— /_� _ BUILDING D?PT. 9Y_.— COUNTY HEALTH DEPT. DATE CITY AD'41NISTRATOR fUt'—____ G1011101CONTRACTURE Slid—�tINIP�Ai�- TIGARD WATER DIST. BY-- �T—:— DATE. GE End Curb I-I. TORS aGENERAL T_-LEPHOPM BY Sta. �1USI HAVE CITY OUSINESS �,1CLNSE t. , + , . U S A � v m BY.—#- � .--- 0ATE34P_7" Z-- !I p►1D All, NLCUSARY CITY PERMITS PRIUR _lJ _ A I' /� I 1/ �_ / /I 2 30' 20 N. W. rv,>TUi�,',L '�,'. > BY DATE — L�ft��'J�� II I' C\j �J i\� T A J f�l _ ( I J f �r ( I TO PERFORMING SERVIC1.u. P. G. E. BY_ _ DATk _.mss—�F-- " ( ----T.- R. F. D. SY DATE-4 i I� 1 I 0 /(� + rn Ino fi �m 0 ' $ I RAIN DRAINS SHAl1 MEET WEEP FIUIES Ih CURBS AS PROvIhED 4 a t I V1� ��I � �.CLAI + W C THE CITY SHAH BE N'OTIFIEO , J J PRIOR TO, AND UPON COMPLt J JUN 6 CONSTRUCTION. (1 •, � �_ 8.. 152.16'- BI�CSP � , CSP up, 5 • �� I SP ii ! i NOTICE 70 EXCAVATORS BUILDING UNDER CONSTRUCTION / \\,\ ' zg"Mone ;��}g9 I I I It is your responsibility, as part of this permit, to notify all utJl E \\ �, Etc' ! I I operators of the extent of this work PRIOR TO STARTING THE / ! JOB. (24 hours if possible.) 4 I I UTILITIES TELE N0. WATER —Tigard Mter Dist. 63�' :554 \ ! I IT-51 a \\ � � / • � `\ / I GAS --f+orthwest f Jatur,l Gas Co. 226.4211 X•212 \ ; j TELEPHONE—General Telephr,,,e Co. 639.ICO2 ELECTRIC — Portland General Elec. Co. 6435454 Issued by: 5 City igard ,v a CD I _ - NORTH------ 1500 ! 1300 Scale- I"= 50' S ~ s, OD O 6004001, Li cn PIETRO'S PIZZA 6 (ProPo•odl FF 238.13 ale NH 9ip y Sta.5+65 \ ` \ �/ -';to ; I 700 a 800 o` 05P \ , AY 900 -- — — y T - i G J 1000 \ FF 239.57 W Z /�vB4. C:. /$ �'Sn�IT, ,�E'Q, �' i •CSp 1100 e �� " eco 7,00a,97d 40AIrRoL .SNAIt.L BE E CIOA1771"111 D Y FF 238.88 TO h,0 tWAjC..A.)&AJCq ,iVOXX; F.40#✓l� Tb ASC A4AViUT 0 . — .r.. \ �¢ "yq,J>,.11Tig,C'>' .S'E��' CoA9Ac./�irv+'E �E'EE�liV3' U `� I 3 00 f AI D /aLti��'��2MA,ieJe BG�/'D jNv.Sr �� FiL�'!.� \ I S'hS�� w�7"h/ TNS eirY o �L,*Ar 7= idGl�',t'/AA4 syrr,�r 12 aD \. i r,q .o .s\ 9 M \ , 6 3��-- �4L-L- �OR�C JsAV 4•C.L- t3E' . ./i= IA.) Ac°c�oR� v FF 239.55 \ 'ct�S Begin Curb LL _ \ ��o� S t Co. !+16.93 TN VSA A,t/L% l_�iT�' G� T�d�►�9iPp s,t'L�'.S, �t� , i �� -- 6ti'LtOr�t-�C/ CD,vvE,�T101ti/ J�E�C'ti1iT.f �9�Je'E' � �►�EiYw/ THE Ys 30' 30 -..'�� $-� DE✓ELDI�aC A4asr r'rowpe S,.Q(/ e'o zrvas 13 10 J Arc/P ~PE's IArE ,seRvire' ~ C3A!T.S 7V 36•�'E \ 301 �,2.�l3EL3 rPI�7"�OS gs!~.IPN/�E .5779. SrTL�'S FF 242.37 _ ` dNT D ,e16 #6� MAR 2 71979 5 S. W. WATKINS AVE. REVISIONS DRAWING TITLE f w PR 'JJEC1 `-_ DRAWN BY. DRAWING --- — — — - — --- _ -- -_—_ _ ,SANITARY SEWER TIGAPD COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT CHECKED BY: -- i MARTIN ENGINEERING COMPANY CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS Ile — -- ---_._.. _,____---.---__-- ----------_._, / ,_l B. BISHOP' DATE: December 21, 197e --- - - ,- -- --- --- - ( `� Y SUITE 11 OREGON DAIRY CENTER _ 4621 S. W. KELLY AVENUE PORTLAND, OREGON ---- -- - ____-----_---.--___-_- `` PZ.AN 10505 S.W. BARBUR BLVD. JOB: 222 1839 97201 PORTLAND, OREGON 97219 BK 78 HI5HC1F' SEWER' -17 NO 4 j ,� • w1 ^ .._ _` ` ."^.I...+i... !'�.'^4.s -°' WIMu.., .+:A:.YMTM' - T'Y :,iAR.'rr.r..EM.w.•R . .'NMNAy.,.•- 1 11111 f II,1 I,Iltll ,��111 fill' I l III III III 1�l i� llt (I III 111 fll il) III i III III Ilr rll III I�) III III tll III III III 111111E IIF I 1 11( III III Ill IIF 111!11III •, 1 I' I �► �� I l i I I I I I I l I I I I 1 I I I I I III I I � I 1 1 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED L I 2 _ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ih0 I I 12 _ DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS u^TI��"iT IS 'SUE TO I kHE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL T DRAWING. -- OE 62 92 LZ 9Z SZ 1]11 CZ ZZ 12 Ot 61 91 LI 91 SI 41 EI Z II 01 • 9 L 9, S 0 E 2 I•"'"" /•'" r�111uIIIlu111111lu1111IIIINIIIII1LIIn�IluhlnlnNlitaltitl�I�NIIUEl1m{tE1IIIIIIIInIlunlhlmttlltlnluFl!:fllllllllletlllullttl)ilu�u111111FII1r1T1ntIn11111uItu11111tItgt111111N11,I�{ tllllulnlllln111nlllulltllllr fllllll�1111111lllllulltullu1111�1�1t1) . Bili • JUNE � 4 -1992r ,� Icy 0 in 255 I + ti - 255 I I o ____ ---_ -- ----- ---- — -- - -- --- — 250 v I o W 245 - — ------- t0! + N 350' - 8" 4sp _ --_ - - - --- -- 1245 � 5=0.022 F►ATIVE BACKFILL EX. GRO. 240 -- - - - - - - --- 240 _ - - _ -- --- . __r _--I-- __ =�� —_— --- -- 152-16' - 8" CSP S-0.008 ' +•. ., I I ATIVE BACKFILL BACKFILL 235 51 5b 2�"l 251.95' 88" CSP � - - -- 1 � � I'� - w S z O.O 6 o -__ 4- 230 - -- - _ - --- --- --- -_ _ 230 49 48 297.7 '- 9" CSP Rpok. I VM BAG'<FI L L p +I I REPLACE EXISTING PAVING N N - --— -1 — -- -- ' wlw 225 -- - - - --- - m —-- --- 225 47 46 N OD I+ 219.38' - 8" CSr� N Ex. GRD. - n .'.20 - -O. - - --- -- - S1= C424 220 4 44 -- I - -- - - I N SANITARY SEWER W 215 4 --- - - ----- -� _ - 215 .T II S-0.008 210 ------ - - -- ------- - _- - - I 210 m 4 40 , - Ex e" CSP ir m N N N II� Vin W w Nio 1_ 0 co zC IM v 7 25- PI - el. 231, 7 ltJ N ,CNI I �_.. l _ N O 2351( goo-uts - 235 W W 205 m 3 3b 37 36 + +I +0.160% __ _ #' - -Ex. Paving 230 _f--- -----_ - - --------- - . _._ - -- ---- -- v 3 * 25 - PIVC - el. 22,93 + 156% I TOP OF CURB W _ 15d Y L. _ 225 225 UJI N ; 22 J __._ 220 will I 4 I I I •IO 0 215 - -- - -- - 215 � � o � _-- — _ - - - --- - � N w! NATIVE BACKFILL rA GRANULAR BAGKFI!L 245 �� - - -a_-.. -- - -- ---- __.. - - --_ _-- ------ ----- -- - - --- - --- - 210 4- EX. GRD. U') — _--------- Er I?" !N u7 Culvert 1~ �, - 240 - -- — -Ex o --- --- -- - --- - ----- --- - - ---- - - S. PAR _ - - _ - --- --_._ -- — - 205 G 1040 Water _ --- -__. --- LI� ,VoT A pr92r ©r" I 9�b``� vy ) 235 - [65'-__ --CSF__ S_ 4 444 _ - - -- _ - - - -- - .� 200 I RAIN DRAINS SMAII MEET WEEP HOIESIN CURBS AS PROVIDED 230 _ s P R o N T D O � N cq S. W. GOOK LANE `il MAR 2 71979 PROFILE SCALE I 5'V. �I W W SANITARY SEWER '" = 50' H. N N w i w y — R E VISIOMS DRAWING TITLE — PROJECT DRAWN eY: DRAWING - TIGARD COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT , ' M A R T ri N ENGINEERING COMPANY I/ —Y — SAARY SEWER PROFILES ES ICIIJECKED eY: CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS J. B BISHOP DATE: March 7, 197.9 - - - SUITE 303 OREGON DAIRY CENTER — '�; `' J� 4621 S. W. KELLY AVENUE PORTLAND, OREGON 10505 S.1N. BAR13UR BLVD. Joe: 222 - 1839 97201 ► sl r�l r l,li I -- PORTLANID, OREGON 972!9 /� BOOK 78 •'1' .. - ¢'.M""�'"':lAwyM..,•,... ..._ ,.,,,.,' '�p'y' ''.w.rw�•Z.-iF W.t.- ` •A41R - 1 'I.1 F Now « L � �"•�'• I I�.. 'I'� ) � -I »I_ - � f I I I I 1 t I 1 .._ :_„�,�,,,,,. ,...., .._.— _._._.,... •a ;;�,• ....__-_. ~ 1 I 1 1 Ilf I 1 1 1 1 / {1 11 II 1 1111 I ( ( I I Itl f ! 1 1 1 111 I I I I f VIII Ilf III II1�111 III 111 1777777 1t► III 111 111 SII III IIII111 111 ►t► 111 r —. _ _ - :. - ..,R I � � 1 _ � I I' 11 11 I I I i � i I I l _ 9 10 11 12 NUTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED +=��^■�--i••���+�� 3 4 5 — � 7 S , - DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN ��+, ----�" THIS NOT ICiT'TT IS DUE TCI f QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL ,.r RAW ING. _ --------- - - __ -_---------------_— __ OE dz 9Z Lz fIZ sz trt Ez zz 12 03 61 BI Ll 91 sl Irl El al I1 01 -6 9 L 9 s r E z I"'"" 12 4 )C ,tullf 1111111111111111lI111111111111111111�111II1111111N11iilIIt1111111111NInIfIa1111N11►IIIINI�I�MIIIIIItI11�II111111111111N1i?ItINItIt�Ii111NIt111NltPltllliili111�tflIIIII�IIIIIIIIII'1ll�+�l�Yn111uhmlllnllnllnuhw�uN��t�uuluu�ullu.u�llulull�lmt JUNE 24 19 92 ' ellwl�,r ,E Ar r tit ' •x 1 M� �1 F C I � .\ vi. w TUB 02 '91 15:23 STALICK CO. 375 P01 r 4-0 Q w 1 I �J n I I" u� I Pod•It"brood fn,.Irpnemlttal mAmo 7671 +o10e0N► / p( no -1 / CITY OF TICARD RESOLUTION NO. 91-10. A RESOLUTION OF THE TICARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER IMPROVE- MENtS KNOWN AS THE BISHOP SA` tTARY SEWER EXTENSION, Guu);RALLY LOCATED NEAP. SW PARK: STREET AND SW PACIFIC HIGHWAY. WHEREASg the City !xecuLed a Sanitary Sewer Compliance Agreement, dated May 7, 1979, with J.B. Bishop, to install a public sanitary sewer line i;nd appurtenances theveto, to serve a residential subdivision, to specified standards; and 4HEREAS, the City Council tentatively accepted the aforsaid improvements, via Resolution #7y-62, subjec.: to the normal one year guarantee period; and WHEREAS, a maintenance bond has b,•^- on file as required by said agreement, ensuring continued maintenance of the work throug1,.:-+t_ the one year guarantee period; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department has issued certification that the specified terms and conditions of said agreement and bond have now been satisfactorily completed; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE SOLVrD that the City Council of the City of Tigard, Oregon, hereby accepts the public main line sanitary sews r improvements known as the Bishop Sanitary Sewer Extension; AND FURTHER, the City Council herein authorizes release tF :.he aForsaid maintenance bond. PASSED: This q day of1901. Mayor - City of Tigard OF ATTEST: Recon er - �:ily of 'ri RESOLUTION NO. N1- AIJYi"t'1..e6.�. ._._._...._._ _. C0NTRaV OTOR TFez T ' Air !`1 1aUn• �rP ) 1+i�v,,.+ r i SKETCH. I?4L ^�Ui'E. /ltlurh e�pp,r.mAntUt t.331 dr: r, ha:rrio..� t RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL.-30,. (plus poste .— POSI MARK 751, TO OR DATE STREET AN �. `•1._r °1'1p505 SW Barbur Blvd. 11303 on tr) P.O., STATEpeo ti dy Aceta T-1 _ fy8 OPTIONAL fERVIC[S FOR ADOITIDNAL FEET O M. IIETURN 1. Short to wt am and dna dr llvared ]Sp At - . With de Ivelr to addressee only A, C (1ECEIPT 2, fhowa to whom,dab and whoa dell nod 35 ) - uVICES With de iverr to addressee only 50e DELIVER-TO ADDPFSSEF ONLY G SPECIAL OELIVERy (extra IN talui!ed) RAGE PROVIDED— (See other side) Z PS Form h0 INSURANCE COVE IUT1 3600 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL aarooto,4 9ir.tiUt'!t: (�rmpkte items 1,2,and J. AJd lour addraea In doe"RFn!*P open am :ts a r AL 1. Sha Tull.nsh:g c.n'ae i.s tequr•,sted(chock oho.) — ❑ Show to wltone and date delivered ..........._—.t 3 ArShaw tis wham,ntte Pnd nd+,'W of.Wlys+Y...35d E) RESTRIC7'E:D DEL.IYERY Show to whom mud date de".ieescd......... _t 0 MTRICTFD 011LIVERN', Shrew tr,srlsorn,date,and addrrn of dellverY.3____- (CONSULTP0i,1,ASTER UOR FEEM 2. AR'nCLE AMT011l1l'Ohishop ~11303 Lt 10505 SW Barbur Blvd. iPortland, Oregon 97219 n 3.�ARTIraE U[St:Rt/rtOM; s Q Fit die TIRED yT NG. CrM11D O. MKMDIO2A NO. 3115 (AN+1Y�ohtsrrt oiVIRMI'e Of ardrar�Nw egr."tT -t 1 11j,,r rsalved the article described above. S StGtJATURE OAlhessa OAathodead Iles m U L Z 6.�ADGREbS IComPMMeeIY Nwgwwd) �, l 1 T CIERr.N N, 9. UNA6lE TO JOE LTV Flit e&CAtIlE' WAMALS D I D _ _---. lfMO:to»ncn nn'r J 'lay 22, 1930 J. i,. }bishop 10505 W Barbur. Illvd. #303 Portland, )rft;n 7721.9 Ti,Sar,1 :Imux-rr.ial. )evelopmenL De►ar wt. bishop: In revie wine, our f i.&&s we find that your project is about :lue for its tinal i►.spec ion. 'dhen you have your contractor repair and/or 001.4jle.ts att,. 4Z�nua_ test nos to a f.�tnsit,ed, we can our final inspectionof the pu' � iTnl►r ments, and make ourmo vecannHa~ ..nn to the City Council for th, .-cceptance f vour project and the rele►aa:2 :)f ,your bond. Yf you havn any questLons please contact his office. Yours truly, i R* L. rhompson Public 'lorks Inspector l P.LTspjr V 1 4 � e W V` �`r te � CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON " * :'�?�L+•?• DEVELOPMENT PR(a7 ECT GENERAL INFORI,ATION SHEET T . PRO:J ECT No. C T I. PROJ F,CT PIA h r: -__._ .._ � 1�1cOp -- 1J ,__�jVy-'--_�-1� 1`► _ _._ .. _ _ _ __ ITT. DRAWING (TITLE) 'T� �,p �,,,� t�� Ida ted: j2 /'Z1/1� -___.._ _.__• 1�L'Y]i�Lmi V. SITE LOCATION: _._ ._T._�rC �__"�y �.!.•�_S__. � - \7I. PRINCIPALS : (1) DEVELOPF,R: ___J ,� \��•�2 "�.-_-_ _ _ _-- Address_-._________-_-_ ZAr( -_5,+j9 (2) DEVELOPERS SURETY AGENCY Mdress_ ..._...._..__. Phone No _- _ Bennd t3o..__......` - -- - -- --r Exp. Da te_._/_../ - ( 3) ENGINEERS Address per. , - -r� t, 7g7Z01 , Phone No. (4) INSPECTOR:- .- Add NSPECTOR:_-. _ __._.___.._. Addre9 Phone No, (5) PRIn CONTRACTOR: "hone No. (6) CCNTRACTORS SURE'T'Y AC-E";C'Y i_.-..-_.__ .. __-._ -.-- ._.._w.. _ ._. ._. . ._- --._ .._• Address _�__- ----_.____._.., _ _ _..._.__ nhona_ :� _ __ . .. .. _• Bond No. � Fxp. Date ( 1) SUB-CONTRACTORS s `.jiWER T.V. INSPECTION REPOR'i GAZA7117 SECTION $ —'s C.�) Z '`<< r'1.'3 BUILT PMNHOLE )I to MA,,111HOLF Ocr Or Nc:AR � (Street) PIPE Sin TOTAL, LJWGJ q >� rT,1 W CONSTRUcTIGN !/ EXISTING DINE --^--• SPECIAL. INSPECTION � RE-INSPECTION � COW)IT:ION KVMOLE # -7 DEPTH (upstream, ._,.,,� -L_ CONDITION MANHOL,F $ i Wowristzeam) AER. . _../ Rkb1AFtICS _ PIC'i'ORF $_ -Sit 75 (Continued on Imck) LEGEND OF A8BR3?VIATIONS: PROJECTw "4t � r •1 J . Joint, S 3 Service, PT Protruding T&n HIS Misel�gned► IMP _ Impassable, G - G�•ade, R Right, L Left B.P. B�kPn Pipe WWI ff-K SEWER T.V. INSPECTION REPORT DATE / �'�7 / SECTION # �S BUILT ^ '' o MANHOLE N _ to mmlHOLE # ON or NEAR ,:3 L,& ( Y/ .?_� /��.a (StieQt) PIPE SIZE TOTAL LENr;Tg N---W CONSTRUCTIONy, EXISTING LINE , SPECIAL INSPECTION �^, RE--INSPECTION CONLITIOfl MANHOLE # _ DEMY 2-:2L CONDITION MANHOLE # _� DEPTH (Upst.ean) (Downstream) -� al ac c icc�_ FCK?TAGE ABR. sM REMARKS ^� _ PICll1jPR # Cv e�- , i (Continued on back) LE: *ENn tjF ABBRDIIATIONS PROJECT INSPECTOR:• � J - Joint, S - Service, PT = Protruding Tap MIS - Misaligned, IMP ' Impassable, G = Grade, R Right, L ' Left, B.P. Broken Pipe SEWER f.V. INSPECTION REPORT DAM `/l ��� / SECTION # S CA,) —. :.� 3UI?,T MMMOLE # � .._. to MANHOLE # ""���' ��� '7� :41 or NrAR C, � G (Street) PIPE SUM TOTAL Nk"""IX 'G'1'f["�c- NZW CONSTRUCTION _! , ISTING; LINE, , SPECIAL INSPECTIG;I , RE-INSPECTION 17D1T!ON MA. MIX # DFPfH _-_C CONnITTON MANHOLE 0 Dom:H (� stxeam) (Downgtt-eam) rrcrr. G.. Pa R,, �. F-PMAFtxs PICTURE # (Continued on back) I.EGF.NDOx ABBREVIATIONS: PPOJECT INSPE('TOR: J = Joint, S = Service, PT a Protruding Tap MIS = Misaligned, IMP = Impassable, G = Grade, R - Right, L a Left, B.P. Broken Pipe a .aEWER T.V. INSPECTION REPORT` DATE - 2 sEcT.Io�T � <_ ._.. AS BUILT 7 ���;,rL�.�Q�,'y�yt.� 4.cr. MANHOLE to MA,NTIiOi.E i) ON of N _- `(Street) PIPE SIZE _ TOTmu LwGm. Nn4 CONSTRUCTIONy , EXISTING LINE , SPECIALS ID SPECTION _T, RF-INSPECTION CONDITION MANHOLE # DEP7R `L�rP CC1D1I?'.[TIO71' MANfiOLE 11n-K-0TH „Ztr (Upstream) (ilr^;../lStleam) tz— F_tyOTACE ABR. RF,MAgY,S PICT'PF. CL - (Continued on back) LEGEND OF ABBREVIATIONS: PROJECT INSPECTOR: l Joint, S = Service, PT Protruding Tap MZS - Misaligned, IMP a Impassable, G - Grade, R Right, L a Left, B.P. Broken Pipe w SEWER T.V. INSPECTION REPORT DATE " - SECTION A:; BUILT c �_._ 1-� MANHOLE # to MAZWOLE 01s or NEAR �� � y� Z . (Street) PIPE SIZE f T,OTAi. LF:',NTGTR d 0 c F,R4 CONSTRUCTION �"; EXISTTNG LINT: -�, SPECIAL INSPECTION , RE^INSPECTxuN Ci)NOITIC_` MANHOLE # 2, DEV..(H � �- I COMI ION MANHOLE B 2,L)F.-t1TH �^ (upstream) (Downst.re ant) 1tXYT1aGr: ABR. -_- _ REMARKS PIC"I TRE #) y (Continued on back) LEGEND OF ABBRFVIATIONS- PROJECT INSPECTOP.: ? - Joint, S - Service, PT = Protruding Tap J MI.13 . Misaligned, IMP - Impassable, G - Grade, R Right, L Left, A.P. Broken Pipe S6WER T.V. INSPECTION RLe lRli SECTION ,? - � Al BUILT TC MO t to MAiNnIQt,E DI ON or NEAR Lv� (Street) PIPE SIZE �� TOTAL LENGTH ��•� NE'R CONSTRUCTION _ EXTSTINC, LINE , SPECIAL INSPECTION , RE-INSPECTION CONDITION MANHOLE ## DEPTH CONDITION MANHOLE # �_ DEPTH ( / r (Dc�t+rxiytream .01 FlCCTAGE ABR. REMARKS PIC'iruRp (Continued on back) I•T'nEND OF ABBREVIATIONS: PROJECT INSPECTOR: Q J J')int, S - Service, PT Piotru.ing Tap M?S = NLisaligned, IMP = Impassable, G = Grade, R Right, L = Left, B.P. - Broken Pipe � s 1 21FIRS T NATIONAL, SAN I#.: 03p O R E G O N. TIGARD BR4NCM. 11760 S.W. HALL BOULEVARD, P O BOX 23218 T!QARD. OREGON 97223, TELEPH ONC: 620 5351 June 19, 1979 RECEIVED JUN 21 19jy CITY OF TIGARD i i City of Tigard 12420 S.W. Main Street Tigard, Oregon 97223 Gentlemen: This letter is notice that cur bank cancels compliance wit terms of the :+anitar)r agreement dated May 14, 1979 in w the hich $31,468. was to he placed in a savings account at our bank in lieu. of a cash bond, C Please mark your records accordingly, Very Truly Yours, 1 H. Dale Johnson Assistant Cashier HDJ:mc MUL ,. 121ST AVENUE L.I.D. (a) 11r. Stu Cato Harris & McMonagle, appeared to present the plans for the 121st Avenue area. (b) Mr. Feber, i2lst Avei,tve; Dennis Murphy, Bellwood Subdivision; and Bill Richey, tax lot 900; appeared to ques'tionr Council regarding annexation in the area, and seek explanation of the LID process. (c) City Administr.a�or recommended Council set public hearing. (d) Motion by Councilman Brian, seconded by Council.woman Stimler to instruct staff to draft a resolution setting the i.ihl.ic hearing fOr July 9, 1979. A.pproveu by unanimous vcte of Council. VAF-Nr STREET L. I.II., (a) Mr. Gene Ginther, Ginther. & Associates, gave brief syll(:),s of liistoly of project, noting that Tax Lot 1000 cannot have access to 72nd or Varns Street per Pl.annir_g Commission action. (b) After brief discussion, Councilman Brian moved to direct staff to prepare an ordinance netting a public hearing for July 9, 1979, amending assessments (delete TL 1.000), and to include street. light costs in the assessments. Motion seconded by Cour_;.ilwoman Stimler. 1 .. APpr�_oved by unanimous vote of Council. h. BISHOP SEWER AGREEMENT (a) City Administrator noted that the following were -.he -mresolved issues from the last Council meeting. i 1. W.11 the developer be able to recover a portion of his costs for engineering and for City fees? 2. Precisely which land parcels shall. be included in the computation for determining how much owners or users of the seder trunk line will have to pay before they can connect to the sewer? 3. Should the developer• be required to provide a .sewer easeraent to allow Pietro's, Rebct Car Steres and Awful Brothers Se*7vice Station to connect to the sewer line? The recomrrandation of Cit; Administrator is as follows; RECOMMENDATIONS 1. That the tax lots included in the cost computations fc- the first draft of the sewer ag-vtment. be included in the final draFt of the agreement (tax lots #100, 200, 300(3DD), 700, 1700, 1900, 4800, 6100, 6200, 3O0(2CB), & Pietro's Tract). FucLier, that the actual cost of the sewer installation by divided by th- total number of square feet in the above referenced tax lots to+determine the proper square foot rate. ►'��� 2 - COUNCIL MJ"TTES - JUNE 18, 1979 R W 2. That the developer be eligible to receive reimbursement for up to 90% of his certified engineering cents. The total engineering costs to be included in the sewer installation costs when c , puting the square_ foot rate. 3. That the developer be responsible for providing a sewer easement for the lots where Pietro's, Rebel. Car Stereo a-id Awful Brothers Service Station are located unless he can document trat these structures are going to he i.emoved and that any nrt.t use of thor,e lots will no!, require sewer service, i.e., will be used for parking, etc. (b) J.H. Bishop discussed the private easement for Pietro's and requested Council grant the payback ftom the duplex property to hire so that the business books would be kept straight. (c) City AdminisLiatur recommended easement be }provided to Rebel Car Stereo proper.ty. (d) Councilwoman Stimler moved to table, Councilman Brian seconded. Councilman Brian removed his second. Motion failed for lack of second. (el J. B. Bishop noted that he did not wish rei-7bursement from Awful Brothers and Rebels Car Stereo. (f) Motion by Councilman Brian to direct staff to draft official document based on the first draft specifications; staff recocmnended easement be granted to Rebels parcel with no engineering or City fees included and duplex lots riot be included in reimbursement. Motion secor:;-d by Councilman Scheckla. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. (g) Consensus of Council to consider at future Study Session whether City should con3ider engineering and City costs on any reimbursement request and set up guidelines for the reimbursement request process. 7. WASTE WATER FOR COOK PARK FROM UNIFIED SEWER AGL—ICY & COOK PARK GRANT. (a) CiLy Administrator stated the City had requested $49,010 BOR Funds for project. The Washington County Park Review Advisory Board is recommending to the Washington County Boatd of. Commissioners that only $27,800 be approved. This would be enough to do the restrooms and part of the sewer line, no irrigation line would be included. Since monies wouldn' t be available for irrigation lines, City Administrator noted that it might be possible to take ef.fluient from the Unified Sewerage Agency Treatment Plant on Durham Road. D.E.Q. , at the present time, is investigating whether the City would be allowed to irrigate the park with effluient since children use the park. The price comparison for water costs is: Tigard Water District - 1 million gallons of water at $866. Unified Sewerage Agency effluient - 1 million gallons of eater at $80. 1'AGF 3 - COUNr U MINUTES - JUNE 18, 1979 MEMORANDUM June 15, 1979 To: City Council From: City Administrator, R. R. Barker Subject : Proposed Sewer Agreement - J. B. Bishop CONTENTS OF FIRST DRAFT The proposed sewer agreement (first draft) between the City and Mr. J. B. Bishop, considered at the May 7 , 1979 City Council meeting, included the following provisions : 1 . The City will require payment by any owner or user of premises whose lands abut upon or are to be served by the sewer triink line installed by the developer at the rate of $ .05492 per square foot of the connecting premises area (this figure was based upon estimated costs and may change to reflect actual costs) . 2 . Reimbursement shall be limited to a period of ten years and shall not exceed 90% of the total cost incurred by the owner in constructing the sewer line. 3. The owner (developer) shall furnish to the City upon completion of construction , a sworn itemized statement of the costs incurred in connection with construction of the sewer line . CALCULATIONS The $.05492 per square foot rate suggested in the first draft of the agreement was arrived at in the following mariner : I . Thc: following lots were included : 100, 200, 300 ODD) , 700, 1700, 1900, 4800, 6100, 6200, 300 (2CB) , & Pi.etro ' s Tract . 2 . The total land area in the above lots amounted to 515 ,681 square feet . 3. The estimated installation cost for the sewer tru,:k line was $31 ,468 . 4. The agreement provides for a 90% cost recovery; 90% of $31. ,465 is $28, 321 . 20. 5 . $28 , 321 . 20 : 515,681 sq . ft . = $ . 05492 per square foot . Example : If the owner of tax lot 1. 700 wants to connect to the sewer, l he wolil ] pa 713. 96 to the Cit (13,000 sq. ft . x $.05492) ; amount would go to tile developer. ) � thi-, UNRESOLVED ISSUES Accordin- to my notes from the May 7th Council Meeting, the following items appear to be the only issues that remain unresolved concerning the proposed sewer agreement : 1 . Will the developer be able to recover a portion of his costs for engineering and for City fees? 2 . Precisely which land parcels shall. be included in the computation for determining now much owners or users of the sewer trunk line will have to pay before they can connect to the sewer? 3. Should the developer be required to prokide a sewer easement to allow Pietro ' s , Rebel Car Stereo and Awful Brothers Service Station to connect to the sewer line? RECOMMENDATIONS 1 . That the tax lots included in the cost computations for the first draft of the sewer agreement be included in the final draft of the agreement (tax lots #100, 200 , 300(3DD) , 700, 1700, 1900, 4800, 6100, 6200, 300(2.CB) , & Pietro ' s Tract) . Further, that the actual cost of the sewer installation be divie,?d by the total number of squa w eet in the above referenced tax lots to determine the proper square foot rate. :� . That the developer be eligible to receive reimbursement for up to 90% of his certified engineering costs . The total engineering zoLts to be included in the sewer installation costs when computing the square foot rate . I. That the developer be responsible for providing z, sewer easement for the lots where Pietro ' s , Rebel Car Stereo and Awtul Brothers Service Station are located unless he can document that these structures are going to be removed and that any new use of these lots will not require sewer service , i .e . will be for parking, etc . i City of T igard � INSPECTION REQUEST ' for JSr'ECTiON TIME ' PERMIT NO. : _� i DATE ISSUED :__._1.1._. W I E RS N A M E --rii9�0�In •..r'' 0 �r� z�/ -- ADDRESS: •S� "ct�{�__.._t �-�/. _.----...__---____ O N T R A C T O R : _._ Gc`�//a�.�. Vii►^ F IT : Air [] , Water[ , Visual M , Laboratory p tESUL T: Approved 11 , Disapproved ❑ , Pending p KETCH" �n a.< <:, s<Aria/A d 1 I � I I I 1 I r I INSPECTOR DATE OTEAttach supplemental test data her eI] J r�r CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION No. 79-too RES0LTIT1ON OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCiT. ACCEPTING; T(*: PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER IMPROVE- MENTS KNOWN AS THE BISHOP SANITARY SEWER EXTENSTON, CONSTRtJGTED WITHIN THE CITY, SUBJECT' TO A ONE YEAR MATNTENANC" PERIOD. WHEREAS, the City executed a. Sanitary Sewer Compliance agreement clateci l May 7th, 1979, with J.B. Bishop, an individual, to utstal'L a sanitary sewer line and appurtenances thereto, t'; teNecified standards; and WHEREAS, the c.;omp' i.ancc Agreement st ipul at ed that:: "Upon receipt of cerci}ic:ation by the Department of 11"uhl i.c Works that all requirements have been met and a One Year. Maintenance Bond,tho City Council agrees to accept the public, 11tipr.ovement:3,Suhjac.t to the requitement for correction of deficiencies and maittLenance for a period of one year , . . ; and WHEREAS, they Public Works nnpartment has now i_ssuecl such certification and; WHEREAS, Che subdivides ha, indicated a desire to retain a portion of the axist- ing performance bond, in full force and effect. throughout the forsai.d maintenance period, in lieu of submitting a separat:c, maintenance bond; said portior. to be $6,293.60 which is specified therein said Agteetneul tQ asSe.►re coutJnued maintenanr:e- and freedom from defects; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Cnuncij of the City of. 'ri,gal.d, Oregon, hereby accepts the public improvements known as the Bishop Sanitary Sewer. Extension, SUBJECT TO, the norma; one year guarantee period. AND FURTHER, the City Council herein authorizes release of that portion of: the previously submitted performance bond which is not requi.recl to he re-Laiued; said releasahl.c sum being $25,174.40. PASSED: This --day City of Tigard. yof —• .f, , 19—J, by the Council of the i Mayor ' Asa ATTEST: t e Recorder RESOLUTION No. 79- (02 c P ` a 'sor ��on c0010 :: f VIC �a C 4C e -Leo CITY OR TICARD P.O. Box 23397 12420 S.W. Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 ..Tune 4, 1979 Re: Tax Lot 1800, Tax Map 2SI 2CS S Tax Lot. 100, 'Par. Map 2S3 2CG Gentlemen: This is to verity per your request, that a municipal. sanitary sewerage rystem, meeting '•.he requirements of the Environmental. Quality Commi �;ion, sub,ect to regal at.i(, by the City of Tigard and Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington Country and the Piblic Utility Commissioner of Oregon is available, Lor connection thereto Tier tits day. I hope this letterresolves the problem by clarifying the matter for. thc! State Real Estate Divi-;.on. Very truly, J�. ,lohn S. Hagman Supt . Eng. Di V. TSH :lw CL� LI��iL'�f, i�' ILG'���', Off+ wn ♦����4�y�/«`�fc' ` 'C- �/'y�' �1'�/�G6•�ti ru�iL�'1�/-�< G.�yt /�';^�' /moi- ./��'t� O� 411- /9 � � v /I '���( 1 CB�.�M • t� .C.1.L /fvl(i /�I.r+�.6 Gc,1.,5�wit-< "''�Y✓� -l t `71 Z✓'7 t f"'1�Z��F� - L�'y'1 Grr' FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON r i�'All'_ h_ic.. NC:C 11.h'D 5 W HALL BOULEVARD P O BCY 23218 TIGAPD. OPEG(DN 97223. TELEPHONE. 620-5351 RECEIVED May 25, 1979 MAY 3 01379 CITY OF TIGARD City of Tigard 124.1_0 S.W. Main Street Tigard, Oregon 97223 Gentlemen: Today J.B. Bishop was in the bank and did activate savings account #439-2015923 in which $31,468. was placed. Therefore, First National Bank of Oregon is now in the position to honor the sanitary sewer compliance agreement dated May 14, 1979. Very Truly Yours:,,.-----7 H. Dale Johnson Assistant Cashier HDJ:mc FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON 1"1GARO BRANCH. 11760 5 W. HALL BOULEVARD. P. O. BOX 232f9. TIGARD. OREGON 97223. TELEPHONE. 620-5351 I May 23, 1979 City of Tigard Gentlemen: { v� This letter is notice '_t1jat the' sanitary compliance a ree ot dated May 14, 1979 betwceQJ.B.'Sishop;`I►i'tsi" aN ti�nal'Bankf of Oregon and the City of Tigard is`d0t-'1E effect at this time. Mr. Bishop intended to open a savings account -nd place therein the $31,468. required _Z c °-_at_zz. for the agreement. However, he took the signature card and documents out to be signed by himself and i his wife. These complPt.ed doemnents as well. as the cash for the dep- osit have not been rec,;ved or returned to the bank. It appears that Mr. Bishop intends to deposit this money to make the agreement viable, however, since It hnr not done to date this non-compliance notice is hereby given. When eud if Mi. E. _-hop uuto uf«l.t Linc before mentioned deposit, we will ! inform the City in writing to that effect and proceed with the terms of the agreement at that time. Very Truly Yours, J r/ H. Dale Johnson Assistant Cashier HDJ:mc v� � \ 1 r � w � �t T J i v Y � 0 to J _1 w � I a i I Lli a ' aI I I ° I o Id 0 1 ' I F. cr- co b �•1) - ` \•Co �cflam" `-4 \J �� `-� `\• `.S_ - Ilk --111------ w ?_ LIJ Ld `- �) W �` > 1— 7 (L 4 y cn — au- uj w I r� o I z � - � I _d -j _I _ i J_ _►-__ _ _- _ _ ! co N I bi IN � Q M v c, v i -I r �_. U x � I� I IA nwr I! W CA - -- - i \' Vti C c ryl LLI CCl w z I I w En ! i W u ) WILLIAM & SONS CONSTRUCTION 6533 S.W. 32nd Ave. Phone: (503)246-7196 Portland, OR 97201 D MAY 3 1979 G Z ;45P CITY OF. TIGARD � o r� 3c) �,�,, r �211�.� LA>�. vo-wa r •.1 i A� � 1 A 'n r' CASH BOND ESCROW AGREEMENT TMS AGREEMENT, made this 1q. day of , 191_9 , b?tween the CITY OF TIGARD, Hereinafter termed the-r'City", and J. B. Bi shoe an individual , hereinafter termed the 'Principal". and First National Bank of Oregon, Tigard Br. hereinafter termed the "Bank" (association) . WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the Principal :gas heretofore executed a Sanitary Sewor Compliance Agreement, with respect to the development, construction and improvement of a _Sanitary i sewer facility in the City known as Bishop Sailitary Sewer 1 Eaten loon , a copy of said agreement together with a particular legal } description of said lands being attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the Principal has proposed to the City that there be entrused to the Rank the sum of $ 31,468,;,00 as o ___u ___a Y..rfor=ncc bond to assure the City that all. re- quirements of said Sanitary Sewer Compliance A.gree=vnt shall Le properly and timely performed and to assure that the costs thereof shall be timely paid and all requirements thereof met; and t WHEREAS, the Bank has agreed to take title to and hold in a trust capacity the sun, of. $_31,468.00 and hereby acknowledges custody thereof, to be held pursuant to the l terms and provisions of said Sau;_te-y Sewer Compliance Agreement as hereto attached, and it is desired hereby to set forth and &!fine the conditions applicab;_e to Raid cash bond. i NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall faithfully observe and timely comply with all reLi.irements of said Sanitary Scaer Compliance Agreement and all ordinances and regulations applicable, and if the Principal shall well and truly perform all matters and . things un *Qrteken thereby and hereby tr be performed and shall promp`ly make payment to all persons supplying labor or material for any prosecution of the work, and if the Principal shall not permit any lien or claim to be filed or prosecuted against. ti,e City on account of any labor or material furnished, and if the Principal shall promptly pay all contributions or amounts due the State Industriai Accident Fund anJ the State Unemployment Compensation Fund, and shall promptly as due make payment to the person, co-partnershi.,, association or corpordtion en' itled thereto of the monies mr_ntioned in ' Chapters 279,220 zr� )7o_gl.n ,.R.c_ n"A eh411 promptly comply with all withholding and payment requil-emeriti.• ,f ri,apt 1rs to 3 E.212 O.R.S. with respect to the collection ° '" `"— rnr, ^f all work and the furnishing of evidence of taxes a;.' L .., , , -.. -, _ _-. satisfactory to the Ciiy Lhai ail. LegLi!jLc enr9 ;hereof have been fulfilled, and if. the i .rincipal shall exectttP Anti d,"1 i vpr to the City the Maintenance bond desc,:ibed in sale Sanitary Sewer Compliance Agr.eem-Ant, then the Bank shall thereupon release to the Principal the saj.d cash nand dcpcYit; PRCJIDED, however, that the obligations hereof shall not apply to any money loaned or advanced to the Principal or to any subcontra for or other person in the perfrnnahce of any such work :whether specifically provi.di:�d for by contract or other� ise. IF, howiver, the ^rincipal , shall fail to literally comply with all requirements of said Sanitary Sewer Ccmpliance Agreement and all the requirements hereof, or shall in any pai ..icular perform the wor?t in a defective manner, upon 10 days notice by the City to the Principal and such default or failure continuing thereafter, t.;e City is hereby authorized to have said work performed or the requirements of the Sanitary Sewer Compliance Agreement Lrought into conformity with the term; thereof and with the "'ity's erdinanc-2s and regulations, and the City shall be, and it iE herebr, aur.hirized to charge � w>i the same against the entrusted cash deposit and the Bank agrees to pay therefrom all •~ amounts cert;fied by the City ;o be chargeable thereto. Nothing herein contained shall be constr•.ed to constitute acceptance by the City of any responsibility for maintenance of the improvements nor shall the City by reason thereof become obligated to any-person or property owner for any loss or damage arising by reason of the m-nner in which said improvements were constructed. 'Further, the City be, and it is hereb y, authorized in addition to the foregoing, in the event of such default oi, the part of the Principal to charge against said funds all costs incurred by the City including attorney's fees in exacting compliance therewith or herewith, and the Bv.ik agrees to disburse said funds for said purposes upon certification thereof by the City. i Upon fulfillment of the foregoing in accordance with the terms and provisions hereof, the City agrees to furnish a certificate of release of said deposit or such portions thereof as shall remain after fulfillment of the requirements hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City under authority of resolution of its City Council has caused this agreement n be executed by its Mayor and City Recorder, and the Principal and the Bank have affixed their corporate signature ; on the day and year first hereinabove wr.:tten. CITY: T , OR- ON M Mayor Recorder PRINCIPAL: J. $, ishop_ ` BY: By: (Attach Cori.vratP Acknowledgement By'� Here) By: By: `BANK. (ASSOCIATION) ; First Na i nk of Oregc� �—'�'�aid -annchc .-_ 8y: ,G, �, � !, .t,,1, 8 Stant X381 er By: Cash Bond Escrow AgrPpr;ent - Page 2 of 2 (Sanitary Scwer) MNAMLMIKM --'�! ) �s • C ' ORATE ACKNOVIILEUG,�',LN t' + `i '" r'f 19 before me apr)eared STATE OFi v County of S5.U�l!�d ✓✓7'✓' , '�/ A. D. 19 - - Peappeared the ebnve :.amed �L 1/ ' t\ S and ncknowledged the attached instrument to be — r S voluntary act and deed. Before me: (Notary Seal) - Notary Public for .1479 1464 �' S; Aly Commission Expires. Cr - yoar Iast-. above written_ 1; rPublic for Oreg i Mot C mmission Expires STATE OF OREGON ) n County of - -�----_----) 1979 , before me appeared On this JY ANDa �_ - Iboth to me personally known whi , be ng drily sworn, did say that he, the :aid Al " flu s the Mayor, and she, the said _DQ%.. ix_ ' l-e recorder of the C17Y OF TIGARD, a municipal rurporation and the said _ and 1 � �� _ - —acknowl i Jeed ti,(- paid instrument to be the free .c•t and deed of said municipal corporation. IN WITNESS 1�iIFREOF, 11-evp hereunto sr F;and and affixed my official ,,,al. 1i1 ) r the day and year in •.11is my certifirote t written. f ; a, y i�lblic f-r nrF-on ?:y C', � -ion Exp. .es' 61:316 ' SANITARY SEWER COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT Th1S AGREEMENT dated this '172�d-ay of P6-j, , 1979, between the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of the State of tOregon, hereinafter termed the "City", and J. B. Bishop , an individual hereinafter termed "Petitioner". W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, Petiti.,ner has applied to the City for approval of construction of a sanitary sewer, to be known as Bishop Sanitary Sewer Extention generally being within the boundaries of an area as deEcribed on the attached Ea sem ent, and by reference made a part hereof; and -" WHEREAS, the C-.ty of Tigard requires applicants for construction of sewers, and appurtenances thereto, to submit to construction inspection, a,cd testing rherewithal, to grant public easements,theref'or., and requires the payment of fees; and WHEREAS, the City has approved and adopted the staadard .specifications for Public Works construction by APWA, Oregon Chapter, and the Unified Sew,�7age Agency specifications for sanitary sewers prepared by professional engineers for Public Works construction; and WHEREAS, the public improvements required to be constructed axe incomplete, tat petitioner has nonetheless requested that the City permit granting of the property to the Public, and the parties herein named desire to protect the public interest generally ro assure the l.vlilic improvements will be installed as required and completed within the time hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premise and the covena.ts and agree- ments, to be kept and perf.)rmed by the Petitioner and its contractor and contractors surety, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. Petitioner shall proceed to complete all public improvements as shown on herewith improvement plan, as approved by the City of Tigard and prepared by Martin Engineering Co. (Portland, Ore. dated December 21, 1978 Said improvements to be completed no later than one 1) year from the date of this agreement. and Petitioner hereby agrees to comply with all standard specifications adopted by this City, or as may otherwise be approved by the Department of Public Works and to use only such material and to follow such designs as may be required to conform the-eto. 2. To ass-re compliance with the City's requirements and the previsions thereof,Petitioner agrees to obtain, provide and tender to the City, a surety bond(s) in form approved by th, City, with Liability in thf amount equal to the contract price of $ 31,468.00 _ prior to issuance of a permit £o� construction of said improvements; Petitioner's contractor shall be licensed, and insured as required by Unified Sewerage Agency Resolution end Order(s) No. 72-12 snd No. 71-9. 3. in the event that the ?etitioner shall fail, neglect or refuse to proceed with the work in an orderly r.nd progressive manner to assure completion ;Jithin the Lime specifie.', upon ten (10) days notice by the City to the Petitioner and the Petitioner's surety, and such default and failure to proceed continuini, thereafter, the City may at its option proceed to have the work completed and charge the costs tl:ereLf against the Petitioner and the Petitioner's suroty and in the event the sar<« be not paid, to bring an action on the sai _ bond to recover the amount thereof. In the event that such action he brought, the letition�.r and the Petitione- 's surety shall be required to promise 00CANAL and agree to pay, in addition to the amounts accruing and allowable, such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as attorney's fees and cost incurred by the City, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Cou-,t, if any, or the City may at its option bring proceedings to enfor,e against the Petitioner and/or Petitioner's surety, specific performance of the contract and compliance with the standards adopted by the City of Tigard, and in any event, in a like manner, the City shall be entitled to recover such sums as the court may ad udIge re2!!onable for the City's attorney's fees and cost, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any. 4. Petitioner, concurrent with the execution hereof, agrees to pay the following fees as required by Unified Sewerage Agency Resolution and Order No. 70-12: a. A plan check fe,e to cover the �_ost of review and appro-.-al of construction plans and inspect:ion of sewer construtition (except house connections) in the amount of $.-3.00.00 b. A permit fee to cover the ci proccccing the permit application and performing the inspection of property connection (s) in the amount of c. A connection charge to connect directly to an existing sanitary sewer, which was installed with/•without (strike inapplicable word) cost to the Petitioner, in the amount of ,� x d. A monthly sewer s"rvicp charge for the use of the public sanitary sewer system. 5. Petitioner, concurrent with the execution hereof, also agrees to pay a surcharge in the amount of $ as required by that certain contract entered into by the City with for the reimbursement of sewer constructLon co; y pertinerit. thereto. 6. The City agrees to make periodic inspections as, in the City's judgement, i,.: necessary to assure compliance. 7. The Petitioner agrees to insure that the City re.eives 46 hour advance notice of commercement of construction and, also, 12 hour advance notice for all requested field inspections. 8. The Pct:.::.... . _,,—.. — a:at the Petitioner's engineer obtains accurate as-built (field) -instruction records of said sewer installation aact, also, agrees to insure that the City is furnished w1, one accurate as-built mylar thereof. 9. At such time an all public icyrovements have been completed in accordance with the City's requirements, eetitioner stall be required to notify the City of the readiness fcr final inspection/ upon affirmation by the Department of Public Works that all -equire- ments of the City have been met, the Petitioner will submit to the City a good and sufficient maintenance bond in the farm approved by the City in a sum equal to twenty percent (20%) of the contract_ price to provide for correction cf any defective work or :,taintenance becoming apparent or arising within one year a) ter final acceptance of the public improvements by the ,ity. 10. Upon receipt of certification by the Department of Public Works that all require- ments have br_en met, and a one yr,- Maintenance bond, the City Council agrees to accept the public improvements, subject to the requirement of correctio,r of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year. Sewer Compliance - Page 2 of 3 * To be determined and levied. upon application for building connection permits. c ,} elk �.. 11.. That the Petitioner, in consider.~.ion of the City's approval of the application to construct a sanitary sewer within th ! boundaries of easements held by the City, does herfby convenant and agree to save, hold harmless and indemciify the City, its officers, agents and employees, for and from ill claims, demands, damages, and each and every other otligation that can or could arise from the neglect of Petitioner, his officers, agents, contractors and employees, or from trespass upon property outside of the easement area, including attorney': fees and costs, if any, necessarily incurred by the City in defending against such claims, with the intent and purpose that the City shall be made whole with respect to any amounts it may be required to pay to be held liable for in connection with the exercise of the pi:vileges afforded Petitioner to utilize the area within the City's easement for sewer construction purposes. IN 4ITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement pursuant to authority vested in each of them. PETITIONER: J. B. Bishop (Attached Acknowledgment Hereto) CITY OF TIGARD: yor ��atc.e a Recorder Sewer Compliancc. - Page 3 of 3 STATE OF OREGON ' • CC'.Illty of _ W cLs k-_ On this 7'- day of lkl , 19 71 before me appeared and 0'Is r _c 5 , both to Te personally known who, being duly sworn, did say that he, the said « 1_014 � ____is the Mayor, and she, the said �or«_7i�zgrP _ is the Recorder of the CITY OF TIGARD, a municip.li` corporation .and the said and(s�,,� and _ 3ar; .acknowledged the said ir.strt�;iiont to be the free act and deed of seid municipal corporati, IN WT'1'Trr '771'70F, T 1.3ve hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, this day and year in this my certificate first written. Notary Public for Or on My Commissiun Expires: � } STATE OF ORWOF ) County of _Washington Ja this 30th dzy cf A aril , 19 79 , peracn,ally appeared the above named ,_•_,. ! J.B. Bishop i „! the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act and dr�•'- Before me: t otary Public for Oregon �--\ j My Ct.wnission expires: 11/3/80 l 1 �; Col...ty o. _ _� On tris d-ry of 29 before me appeared and both to me personally mown,'who teeing" ucTry ss•rorn—�i�say t at e, t e sai is the President, and he, the said is the Secretary of the within named Corporation, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said Corporation, and that the said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its Board of Directors , and and acknowledged sand strumen-t to be the f-Fee act and deed or said. Corporation. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year :ast above written. Notary Pubric for Oregon. - My Commission expires ACCEPTANCE The City above named hereby accepts the foregoing grants and agrees to comply with each and every term and condition thereof. CITY OFX i By: May or By: Ci y Recor e r STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. County of On this �_ ' clay of _ _ 196 7 9 , before me appeared ' an 7' both to me �personally known w o, eing u y sworn, Oldsay tha he,e, the said .�Ls1a� is the Mayor, and she, the said 13�$"'1S � � is the Recorder of the CITY OF TIGARD, a munil ipal oc� corporation, an -t'hp said _and or, r �,• acknowledged the said instrument to be the fre act: and deed cf said municipal co7_poration. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal , this the day and year in this my certifi ate ,first written. Notarp I'ablic for Oregon �� My Commission expires Page 3 , ;V RECEIVED 1 rA AY 4 - 197 9 ~J CITY OF TIGMU JB Bishop 10505 S. W. Barbur Blvd. ? 303 Portland, Oregon 97219 May 4 , 1979 I hereby authorize payment of over-ti.me to Bob Thompson , an employee of the City of Tigard Engineering Department , for service: conducted, at a rate of time and one-half (approx. $15. 00 an hour) for evenings and Saturday and double-time for Sunday if Sunday inspection services are necessary. Sincerely, JI3 Bishop kit Bishop San. Sew. Extn. Easement: San. Sew. Deed !ference: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we (I) J. B. Bishop an individual, hereinafter termed urantor (s) , in consideration, of the sum of S 1.00 to be paid by CITY 6.7 TIGA.D, a municipal corporatic)n of Oregon, erei.na ter termed the City, her,.by grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the CITY OF TIGARD a perpetual right-of-way and easement as hereinafter described, to- gether with a temperary right-of-way and easement to use an additional area hereinafter described and designated temporary easement, for the following uses and purposes : 1. Perpetual easement: An unencumbered perpctual right-of-way and easement for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, operating, maintaining, inspecting and repairing of an underground sewer line and appurtenances , tnry,•the-r vii +-h t-hr, right to remo,re, as necessary, vegetation, foliage, trees and other obstructions within the easement area, but reserving to the grantors the title to the lands, subject to the casement, and the right to make such use thereof, except to cnnstruct buildings, as will net interfQrQ 1-ith the uses and purposes of the easement; said easement area being described on the hereto attached sheet titled Exhibit "A" --n ac illustrated on the hereto attac.leu sheet -_abeled Exhibit "B". . Temporary easement: N.A. Together with the tcriporary right of ingress, egress and regress , and use for cower ccn=truction purpoEes , of additional lands Lying parallel to, along the sides and within -- feet, when asured at right angles , of the above described perpetual easement area, excepting and reserving to grantors the unencumbered enjoyment, use and preservation of all structures present upon the premises . This temporary easement shall terminate upon completion of the sewer construction work , at which time, upon request of the owner, the City will issue a written release thereof. Should it be ne,zessary to cur and remove any brush, trees matter or materials from the easement arra, said brush, trees or otherher matter and materials shall be removed and disposed of by the City and the City shall leave the easement area in a neat and workmanlike condition. The City agrees that in connection with its use of the perpetual easement area and in inspecting, repairing, maintaining, or replacing said sewer line, the City will leave the premises in a neat and workmanlike condit4on and as nearly in the pre-existing state as practicable. The grantors do hereby warrant that they are the owners in fee simple and have the right to grant the above described easements. Witness our hands and ,seals this _�411 day of = J.B. Bishop x - (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) For a consideration, the mortgage lien on the above described properties is hereby made subordinate to the easements above grafted. Dated this day of 19 Mortgagee B :NATE OF OREGON ) County of Washington ) ss .) On this _30th _ day of Apri 1 19 79 Fors finally ppeared the above named N J.B. BISHOP --------- — ,r�cl acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. Before me: '2'' �'�.�--- •��• f��-fit _____ otary Pub is for Oregon -- I My Commission expires : 11/3/8o Projt: Easement: Deed Reference: KNOW ALL MEN JY TULSE PRESENTS: That we (I) IlkT— hereinafter termed grzntor,$) , in consideration of the sum of $ to be paid by CITY OF TIGARD, a municipal corporation of Oregon, hereinafteF termed the City, hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the CITY OF TIGARD a perpetual right-of-way and easement as hereinafter described, to- gether with a temporary riqht-of-way and easement to use an additional area hereinafter described and designated temporary easement, for the following uses and purposes: 1. Perpetual easement: An unencumbered perpetual right-of-way and easement for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, operating, maintaining, inspecting and repairing of an underground sewer line and appurtenances, together with the right to remove, as necessary, vegetation, foliage, trees and other obstructions within the easement area, but reserving to the grantors the title to t)ie lands, subject to the easement, and the right to make such use thereof, except to construct buildinfts, as will not interfer.e wi l:h flu, lvzo!; and purposes of the easement; said easement area Lcinrr when-mee~94- l+t-3+a., r -t4"ert center-1 i ne w th4it bhe �•' tt*►t+a�!M!d-rref:f�+ye�rre- �e Sc r�dee�, o r. .�-�,-� �n t.r�� �v�l�l..� ��..►d'!o Z�"1-a c�..� s�ash �y-�.`e.� 1c,c�.��e. 2. Temporary easement: Together with the temporary right of ingress, egress and regress, and use for sewer construction purposes, of additional l..nds lying parallel to, along the sides and within feet, when measured at right angles, of the above describe perpetual easement area, excepting and reserving to grantors the unencumbered snioyment, use and preservation of all structures present upon the premises. This temporary easement shall terminate upon completion of the sewer construction work, at which time, upon request of the owner, the City will issue a written release thereof. Page 1 Easement 1 Should it be necessary to cut and remove any brush, trees, or other matter or materials from the easement area, said brush, trees, or otnei matter and materials shall be removed and disposed of by the City and tare City snall leave the easement area in a neat and workmanlike condition. The City agrees that in connection with its use of the perpetual easement area and in inspecting, repairing, maintaining, or replacing said sewer line, the City will leave the premises in a neat and workmanlike condition and as nearly in the pre-existing state as practicable. The grantors do hereby warrant that they are the owners in fee simple and have the right to grant the above described easements. Witness our hands and seals this _ uay of 19` ` k _ —(SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) For a consideration, the mortgage lien on the abrve described properties is hereby made subordinate to t.,e easements above granted. Dated this _ day of _ _, 19 Mortgagee STATE OF OREGON County of On this Say of _ , 1° personally appeared the above named and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. Before me: Notary PubTic-Tr Oregon My Commissior expires: Page 2 Easement 4 - / I _` _- M ✓�KiL C�V VOL f ISL Q) C9 R4"-v / I._�'_I � \ F\�\-e.'i Srn o o-c•.-a � F-c�•iM / - I`� I Yj JA 14 I � s' I i I I /C�,. I r I\�''�'� �RlooedF,�• \►.av�.'.aRT Ta �7I of TiJ0'.�w�1.-ice _ -- .VQ- J. R C�Ro`a�' \ � .yam• 4" C'_o..►cR��� �..�•.'t L�-ag.�ara R��-ac:, �� I � I NI ► \r.►ST n.`.\. fiS �.�Q�\Rto -�o F.'�-s�a�Jc� .a-.-�' � - \�.a��.-r ti � d�a�r`.�.-t� SES Fa�►V.nt -- - _��Fk r+��at\ C�',1nrv� _� 1./\».�.,t-\o�.lE Co.� . �. F"�•.e�n� '\ I .-� P. FZc \ • c�v,\l�Ep \!.► M op�i I.14 -'_'-�-� _._-•----�RoVT 1 - �¢� �'• �`'i'E S�C�N Ca�l/+.�s•�- �4L ,� C�OlaCl�E�� E_xTEr►S.\oH C��wc� \w►sTp:,�l_ N I� <'-b�c Ex-c� .\o•� w�-c►, 1-<OcSP�K�a • ► ` '� , C-a�/iT�..R �F��°CI•.snE�o Gie...'S\Cot� C�lt,�„y'aE_ �] ..► .► t�►l�N-NL-K C o/s.:t '�xT E.R\OR. fin/�`r N hZ o C.w CRs ►, , i',( i � ► •L,..r.' ,r �.:.• 3,400 �'.S.\ C0�.1G. ► NII ' . --�CC�awCrFL�c Ma,�aHo�t'Co� •`a=i1 `31=-T9-1 op.R� r✓\r.��.,Hc��� I14R p+M-�E r pv pl` f / __r._._._ A6 ''� G`►-N`-i.�'�K. J0�NT .1\��rcF7.\a_l.. bR f.{,� T ., . - , -� ► ► >� 1 J. A'" C,.dlJC:.M'Z�.T �_ 'mak:-'('��.ams\h1.. �•k�•la `� - •t�,y. •� ,��� -- E!�4� '' n � ►'''' ►:: \�.. Mott-e>..R \t..►�►'C�►•,�.� ��r CASs=,c��.�I,.�.t�To �*t\..eca 10- < � —�- t �'i." I - n 1 ___.-__^_ � I.L I,► e 1 i, W s .--�: 'q; `P,.'1�-\ C..c V E R � �'P�••A.M�.. �6 �UCc:*'..�c'..vR•a C3�,u.y�.. 4 �: �. • ( ,♦ I f r 5�...00-T NA � — _ ----------�- ----�• � R P.nn•-~,ae.� �o\e�-r t.J�n.-� t�,�►.L. atm �gv�►..�.. t't�C!\p�.a • f C..oA EXT ER\CsR W R t'N K otsp•E!<S I'. ► 0 D 4• � S�PE�-� EixA+C_K �\T W MA.•`'T\G 0 ►. I .� :•i: � ♦ ► C. .°. O v ► `--�COMP.�CZ ES7 C7R4�Ny\.�� '�f. 'I M�+��-► S�.w¢.ate E�+t F Rs !�®o. f-° .., c o e o o Q ; a c�c� `i --- 'i "' •' " S r'v 4r�„ .'.. VA \����C �F VRO\.ar CSR CO�.aC. . .o p'•,I a po C-oR �MOVEN�' \l.►�EWTl-\ ► 1'/ �� 4 v . /\ 'Ir /' \,Nd\St UR�,�LC> E/►.7t<4\ ► - o ----_ ...� r �- �• L. �4 -- I Y 6 y 7� F�\�� SSC \ha �l►��rt �. •. . C/ " . Y e "{ \-A.`CEF� C_OMPAIC�E.b C,!<A�.iE.� ' �, EER C,,OMF•I►-..C."C E..b � •♦ •�. n a,p s•'e ,� a c� o � . fG '- ' l •1'. •.•. _ ti o.� off,a s► O o' `oo � o e e- t '�..:;.• '. ► k.. A,' '>r .•� V�°tI�V�E 3!/4"--Ci �n , p .. - \ e ••. d O o . e o Ob. �. 1 � 3---•-••.— r s. •. O. o 0 0• t p's'O ..v a 1..- ` lr • N- 4; ` . o•o. '• .. -a•. O0 • �+ •� '~•3""}. . -e :a ., --'= \ .1. C.O t> n _n , c • c d e o d _ _ P • ,) MP l�!~'rC E.'C7 CJ�A►u iL1` e..• ,' a,•. p. b• p o ., • • p, �' �"�►s ! 1•.O.:.p. ,e ��� '.,t+,,s'•' `p: • O' ,«e'o 'p a ,� o •"a. y •t.' )-. ,a''D:o•.o'm 's •e., O e.• C a'`'•eQ e:''p'.6 '.+. ¢.-0 ..•�,�'�•.•:,.. �' �'�`A/VL�APD OUTS'/DE • •� a Q TAND,4R� MANHOLE- DROP MANHOLE rANDARD SHALLOW MANHOLE . TREra G1 W\oZ H A.'T E..LEvA't"1at T �PRbVt'p� W►."CE.'R K\QsH'� P�-LJGs �P�•'t•`,1+. >��8•J P\PE_ S\'LE •T�t.ENC.l1 W\V'CN. ' '3't r►.r.►p✓�Ro C�S-c \Roe.+ _ (M-Y 115)P mo IP T-X-T-b, 1&`.v rte. rr,p I&M Ivcc 'r 1°iLOIW_r•T Bot T5 (Ro. 4—t lzbs - 1 _ a ! I r►. 1 .(ZIPa rFoiZ E�•�C K \`.�RCp�]\FiE.MENIZS 'I �^_QV%Ae:p roe. . Lot-T U lIIS /W ZZ�i' =.v � ► -► ;` � • ► NOT�. ------- -� - ---•___. �.- :.-___ I 1n/\a-� w �t '+ _ ___�__�_ PROv�dE. � c"rll�»,.uR F�.� \t•aST I..a_`. P`A'C, , C7C\..kCT �iR11�N\.a�laFi 1`•„��ESi\Pr�. - - - ... - - - - . . . . - - ---- - - - '1 ,�' ► � \N �\P E..Zoev�"��-ooze C..✓•'�M4eA-C.�\ON _ 7J& •_ _ ' it u. (►, , RO GK. CLIP� ZoNB o � c u e o S TANDARD CL.EAIV OUTIp -_�HowN 0 ,o r E I 2• F'IGVIVL t>^NChOFZ �Ol-ig VkL I..D5Z J . Ci►� \NGts n ° VIA. 3• PROV�CJC. wn.-ctr• �,I4.-%."GRp,>N���.r.R nl v e : . P R I ■ - ■ E D, A\ T. 'P," \ U CLMPI►.G'T E p RP►J p R_ _.- �E��C�ta\�.aC� ,/ .u4v p ',b a p �•-�+=:-:-U' - - , 4 ,.� MAR 2 71979 'c - .'�•" M\e.►. r:1"% b�4 p"L-"� Jae... + ry SNC-NL`-� �F �1f4 t.A\ty u g GRuO HED F'I.�JG�[_ W\'C H cw ve,�aEv c�a c.Mc w> v�.1►.et op 4" C,,p 2. Ztt �' X�" GCR1C.. !�L.w.B Y•(�TF� S TANDARL� TR 3/4"—ala' ��DVINICa, <-wzu�N�D Rc7c.1c.,). RAIN ORa111S SHALL MER wEEP S. Qt act\: bay.-r tia EN�H HOEf3 IN CURBS AS PROWMED _.__.--_.•_ _ REVISIONS DRAWING TITLE � --- F?E '�►ytv �TANDARC' C ...�-- J P n - R . E G T r1RAWN BY: DRAWING ���w CUT - A,t;t�rrr�e.•r�5 "A �"13" 8. 3 73 _- r.. �?3►IJea.�_ rRm►�cH g. A- �9 �a©`< ��`�- 1�►. �R PRCf� _ SEI'mWER , DETAIL IN MARTIN F nr i NN G COMPANY �ri,H\c►\'t l.1c•� S � Tt1Rw S RIRCIi!?D �Ys 4p -Jr�\ k-\�.ta CMI ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURV6000s .5, i akEau� W I►.SH�\�.��-�-c�r+ C. _av�-z q _ ?:� 1 4621 a. W. KELLY AVENUE * R 714, �► . SEWER' G TtANGo Wm OF .4 222 - 1839 10 i Aft .r t lhl j11111 �111'11I1�'t'. t t ll� �'M�'�Ii1�1� stn r' Illt I (111�IIrl1) �111�11 1111 lJiltin71111+Its►Illrll�lllllll�llllltlllllj►III'tllltllitll/t1111111111111111111+111111 _._. _ - I NnTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED --rp"�'�-���- •� ?- 3 4 - 5 d l - DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN � . -�" f THIS NOT IL11-IT IS DUE. 71) ,,✓"� JHE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL e ca, "�G.AW ING. _ -— - - --._�---- - - - -- -- -- of ez ea cz 9? 42 rz Ce zz Is oR 61 91 v 91 91 b l c I 3t t 1 01 s s 1 9, s 0 E z 1 ,4,�r/"�,►11„+� 1/IIIlullunlnnl�nllunhll+Iuulul�)11111u�t11111uI111u11INLIuIt11tINI1ingl►n111H♦IM��nitnth11111r,+InnIu1111ti111111it�ou�11c11�1mI1r,tlmchttt�t►+�In�t�tmhtit�Itt��tlll;ulunlnulunlllnbw, lfuuluu�utl�tu�nulnli�ll� JUNE 19 9 2 i I � 3 C+ S. W. WA TKIN S A VE 4 •Y! M11• . 1 11moi. Yr•_ .\711./.r. . j ..... .. -.-_. . .... .aw. . ....... .rte . ......... _.•.r.. ..rr. s.... ..r . ...... w . . 'n .• } , N End Cum U.$4 lo / _ /Q I i Sta8+15.32 23,2Jr . r f �. �•��. / 7' AI .. t w 2 I 020' L Lloaf Z 4;6.*0- 1 S74204 u� N co � 1 l � / ISI _ W ��o � I r R � - -_ - b IT F 16' sp / .- C5� 1400 l � I - MCSP7 / I� WILDING UNDER CONRTIIUCTIOU \ \ S e ✓ 1'0 Ltr3}9�' O/Q• r II \ 4 0 + 5 / \ ajs-/do �1\ u i \ .✓ / / \ j � �. \+b, ,p T._ 1300 ------- \ ��°/ 64 ok; I NORTH !500 Scale I"- 50' , o L0 1600 + .�� 6 \ \ II �� PIE 'Piiiln / 1,SS• O i n to �I FF 238.13OA - INH 9 \ )� \ 3 }p��Q Sta.5+65 a=a""c �o 1700 `r3 �' 800 — - - \_ °e s S 136.05 I 12 V/1 d7- J / so4� p � 7roti/ R�3aOOg_ —1 -- -- �- I • i. �� �/ �� 4CJ� \ .i 1as00 Sz 136.05 pp sa FF 239.57 f N �' I �./ '000 r- In I100 \ U �5 U APR 2 5 1979 8 CITY OF v \ 200 Y � T1Gq Rp P� 1 FF 258.88 '\ I ` ti 300 u ti, 12 OD s 9 �*s 0 Begin :.urb Lt. T!� , 5t o 1+L" --- FF?39.55 f �Q r zle 13 10 \ 30 30 _ - �i 11 ( f j > FF 242.37 \ 301 r \jr r,015 c S. W__WATKINS AVE. REVIS10NS DRAWING TITLE PROJECT v --- -- - — . ---_.._ _ _ --y.. -------•------ DRAWN BY: DRAWING - - - -- — ----- - -- TIGARD COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT CHECKED BY: MARTIN E N G I N E E R G N G COMPANY ^ l CIVIL ENGINEERS • -- _ --- ��-,�. * LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS - — I)ecemDEr 21,1978 °�; _ J.B. BISHOP' DATE: ' - 4621 S. W. KEl '. v AVENUE PORTLAND, OREGON -- SUITE 30;� OREGON DAIRY CENTER M505 S.W. BA,RBUR BLVD. JOB: '� 222 - 1839 BISHOP SEWEF'4 t�P 4 --- PORTLAND, OREGON 97219 BK : _ 97201 —�� M � -- _ .._..-.......,- ,.w•.p.�,...... ,e.. .tl►.,... _. �,rw•".....wcn+ w .elMir...._, ..,,.yr+-• .< 'ar :"uMMw1' y � • w �-...�„� ... .:.,.. _�. .� Ir�IIIIII'IIII11111�Illlrlll�Il� I�IIi�111I11111J(I111fr1 11i► III (Ill�llr�rl 1111'1) III�111I111�'1r1111�111l111IIIIIIII�IIIIIIillll IIII111I111'111 111�1<IIIIIII111 lI1I111If�1�111 �� �-+-� _._, ,, _,.., i I ' I 2 3 4 5 8 7 A 90 I I 12 _ NOTE: IF THIS M I00F I LMED -- ---Y - -- DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN - � THIS NOT IGi-r 17. IS DUE. TO -~ JK QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL .DRAWING. - - --_-- --- ._ - -- - -- - --- oE bZ 92 LZ aZ SZ 1Z CZ ZZ 12 UZ 81 61 Lf 91 it *I 6 l ZI 11 01 d 9 1 9 S fr E Z sent" ,,,+ Iql lln�nn Ilulun uullln►IIIIm�lulultl111►Inn nl►h�►I Ilnln u�1►11 ►NI�HNNII}�tlN�l!lI�II�1 IIIIIIIItItitll;tl�lfll� 1111 IINhN1+ll11�tlll�tlff�I1H�IHl�ItlllNlUlrlbllldl � WIu11�INl�IIH�IIN�II111111HRIUlllllillllllll�llll�llll�llt�1111�1111 ej UNE 24 1992 �: r , , �c?JCv'1lAl SANITARY SEWER C01411LIANCE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT dated this _day of 19 �, between the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of. the State of Oregon, hereinafter termed the "City", and I �.Li hereinafter termed "Petitioner". W I T N E S S E T Ef: WHEREAS, Petitioner has applie� to the City for approval of construction Qf a sanitary sewer, r be known as •, �s:.l1r. ue:ng wi,�hin the boundaries of an h rea as described on f_he attached �, ,� ,•,�.i, and"by re''-erence made a part hereof, and WHEREAS, the City of Tigard requires appiicanti for construe' ion of sewers, at'i appurtenances thereto, to submit to construc,ion inspection, and testing therewithal, to grant public easements,therefor, and requires the payment of fees; and WHt:REAS, the City has opproved and adopted the standard specifications for Public Works c..nstructiou by APWA, Oregon Chapter, and the Unified Sewerage Agency specifications for :unitary sewers prepared by professional engineers for Public Works construction; and WhIMAS, the public improvements required to be constructed are incomplete, but petitioner has nonetheless req,,.ested that the City permit Granting of th property to the public, n^d the parties herein named desire to protc-ct the public interest generally to assure the public improvements will be installed a-, required and completed within the time hereinafter set forth. NOW, rHERFFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premisf! and the covenants and agree- ments to be kept and performed by the Petitioner and its contractor and contracr.ors suretj, IT TS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. l'Ftitioner shall proceed to cumplete all public improve-ments as shown on herewith improvement plan, as. approved by the City of 'Tigard and prepared by H , � ,.\ LV•��r ff. t,,.�q �6L dated " ?.\ 11-1` Said improvements to -3 be corpleted no later than one 1) year from the date of this agreement, and Petitioner he W,y agrees to comply with all standard specifications adopted by this City, or as may otherwise be approved by the Department of Public Works and to use only such L,aterial and to fullow such designs as may be required to conform thereto. 2. To assure compliance with the C: ty's requirements and the provisions thereof,Petitioner agrees to obtain, provide and tender to the City, a surety bond(,) in form approved by the City, with liability in the amount equal t,. the contract price of $ prior co issuance of a permit for construction of said improvements; Petiti.one":-1 contractor st •1 b,a licensed, and insured as required by Unified Sewerage Agency Resolution and Order(s) No. 72-12 and Po. 71-9. 3. in the event that the Petitioner shall fail, neglect or refuse to proceed with the work in an orderly and progressive manner to assure completion within the time specified, upon ten (10) days notice by the City to the Petitioner and the PeLitioner 'g surety, and such default and failure to proceed continuing thereafter, the City may :t its option proceed to have the work complet:d and charge the costs thereof against the. Petitioner and the Petitioner's surety and in the event the same be not paid, to bring an action on the said bond to recover the amount thereof. Ii the event that such action be brought, the Petitioner and the Petit'oner's surety shall be required to pron 'se U ORICaWAI and agree to pay, in aGdition to the amounts accruing and allowable, such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as attorney's fees and cost incurred by the City, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any, or the City may at its option bring proceeding., to enforce against the Petitioner and/or Petitioner's surety, specific performance of the contract and compliance with the standards adopted by the City of Tigard, and in any event, in a like manner, the City shall be entitled to recover such sums as the court may adjudge reasonable for the City's attorney's fees :and cost, both in the Trial Cc urt and Appellate Court, if any. 4 . Petitioner. , coAcurrent with the execution hereof, agrees to pay the following fees as required by Unified Sewerage Agency Resolution and Order No. 70-12: a. A plan chick fee to cover the cost of review and approval of construction plans and inspection of s�eG-.r construction (except house connections) in the amount of $ 1(JQ,=- b. A permit fee to cover the cost of processing the permit application and performing the inspection of property connection (s) in the amount of C. A connection charge to conned directly to an existing sanitary sewer, wLich was installed with/without (strike inapplicable word) cost .o the Petitioner, in tt,e amount of $-r d. A monthly sewer service chLrge for tht• use of the public sanitary sewer system. 5. Petitioner, concurrent wish the execution hereof, also agrees to pay a surcharge in the amount of $ " as required by that certain contract entered into by the City with for the reimbursement of sewer construction - -,s pe.tinent thereto. 6. The City agrees to make periodic inspections as, in the City's judgement. is necessary to assure compliance. 7. The Petitioner ag. ees to insure that the City receives 48 hour advance no`ice of commencement of construction and, also, 1, h( ur advance notice for all requested field inspections , 8. The Petitioner agrees to insure that the Petitioner's engineer obtains accurate as-built (field) construction records . f said sewer installation and, also, agrees to insure that the City is furnished with one accurate as-built mylar thereof. 9. At such time as all public improvements have b-2en completed in accordance with the City's requirements, Petitioner shall be required to notify the City of the readiness for final inspection/ upon affirmation by the Department of Public Works that all require- ments of the City have been met, the Petitioner will submit to the City a good and sufficient maintenance bona in the form approved by the City in a sum equal to twenty percent (20%) of the contract price to provide for correction of any defective work or maintenance becoming apparent or arising within one year after final acceptance of the public improvements by the City. 10. Upon receipt of certification by the Depart•nent of Public Works that all require- ments have been met, and a one year Maintenance burii, the City Council agrees to accept the public improvements, subject to the requirement of correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year. I � SewerCompliance - Page 2 of 3 1r 11. That the Petitioner, in consideration of the City's approval of the application to construct a sanitary sewer within the boundaries of easements held by the City, does hr!reby convenant and agree to save, hold harmless and indemnify the City, its officers, agents and employees, for and from all claims, demands, eamages, and each and every other obligation that can or could arise from the neglect of Petitioner, his officers, agents, contractors And employees, or from trespass upon property outside of the easement area, including attorney's fees and costs, if any, necessarily incurred by the City in defending against such claims, with the intent and purpose that the City shall be made whole with respect to any amounts it may be required to pay to be held liable for in connection with the exercise of the privileges afforded Petitioner to utilize the area within the City's easement for sewer construction purposes. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement pursuant to authority vcited in each of them. PE':ITIONER: (Attached Acknowledgment Hereto) CITY OF TTGARD: Mayor Recorder Sewer Compliance - Page 3 of 3 CASH BOND ESCROW AGREEIT NT THIS AGREEMENT, made this day of , 19 , between the CITY OF TIGARD, hereinafter termed the "City", and + 4R� hereinafter termed the-T'Ptincipall", and hereinafter termed th,- "Bank" (association) . W T .l' N E S S E T H : WHEREAS, the Principal has heretofore executed a Sanitary Sewer Compliance Agreement, with respect to the developwent, construction and iprovement of a � . . in the City known as ��� a copy of said agreement together with a particular legal description of said lands being attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof; acrd WHEREAS, the Principal has proposed to the City that there be entrused to the Bank the sum of $ 1 L..,.as a cash performance bond to assure the City that all. re- quirements of sai Sanitary Sewer Compliance Agreement shall be properly and timely performed and to assure that the costs thereof shall be timely paid and all requirements thereof met; and WHEREAS, the Bank has agreed to take title to and hold in a trust capacity the sum of $ -ZJ,,4 � f� and hereby acknowleacPs custody thereof, to be held pursuant to the terms and provisions of said Sanitary Sewer Compliance Agreement as hereto attached, and it is desired hereby to .yet forth and define the conditions applicabl_ to said cash bond. NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall faithfully observe and timely co.nply with all requirements of said Sanitary Sewer Compliance Agreement and all or6inac.ces and regulations applicable, ,ani if the Principal shall well and truly perfo nn all matters and things undertaken thereby and hereby to be peri'ormed and shall promptly make payment to all persons supplying litbor or material for any prosecution of the work, and i.f the Principal shall not permit_ any lien or claim to be filed or prosecuted against the City on account of any labor or material furnished, and if the Principal shall promptly pay all contributions or amounts due the State Industrial Accident Fund and the State Unemployment Compensation Fund, and shall promptly as due make payment to the person, co-partnership, association or corporation entitled thereto of the monies mentioned in Chapters 2.79.320 and 279..51C O.R.S. and shall promptly comply with all withholding and payment requirements of Chapters 316.162 to 316.212 O.R.S. with respect to the collection of taxes at source, then upon full completion of all work and the furnishing of evidence satisfactory to they City that all requirements hereof have been fulfilled, and if the Principal shall execute and deliver to the City the Maintenance Bond described in said Sanitary Sewer Compliance Agreement, then the Bank shall thereupon release to the Principal the said cash Bona deposit; PROVIDED, however, that the !bligations hereof shall not apply to any money loaned or advanced to the Principal or to any subcontractor or other person in the performance of any such work whether specifically provided for by contract or otherwise. IF, however, the Principal, shall fai to literally comply with all requirements of said Sanitary Sewer Compliance Agreement and all the requirements hereof, or shall in any particular perform the work in a defective anner, upon 10 (rays notice by the City to the Principal and such default or failure continuing thereafter, the City is hereby au`horized to have said work performed or the requirements of the Sanitary Sewer Compliance Agreement brought into cDnformity with the terms thereof and with the City's ordinances and regulations, and the City shall be, and it is hereby, authorized to charge the same against the entrusted cash deposit and the Bank agrees to pay therefrom all amounts certified by the City to be chargeable thereto. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to constitute acceptance by the City of any responsibility for maintenancE of the improvem^nts nor shall the City by reason thereof become obligated to any-person or property owner for any loss or damage arising by reason of the manner in which said improvements were constructed. Further, the City be, and it is hereby, authorized in addition to the foregoing, in the event of s'jch defaul'- on the part of the Principal to charge against said funds all costs incurred by th,� City including attorney's fees in exacting compliance therewith or herewith, and the Lank agrees to disburse said funds for sr _d purposes upon certification thereof by the City. Upon fulfillment of the foregoing in accordance with the terms and provisions hereof, the City agrees to furnish a certificate of release of said deposit or such portions thereof as shall remain after fulfillment of the requirements hereof. 114 WITNE,S WHEREOF, the City under Ldthority of resolution of its City Couoc_il has caused this agreement to be executed by its Mayor and City Recorder, and Vita Principal and the 'dank have a;fixed their corporate signatures on the day and year first hereinabo,,�e written. CITY: CTfY OF TIGARD, OREGON Mayor Recorder PRINCIPAL: a � � ,1•� ��;�' By: By: By: (Attach Corporate Acknowledgement Here) By: By: BANK (ASSOCIATION) : By: By: Cash Bond Escrow Agreement - Page 2 of 2 (Sanitary Sewer) l r - CASH BOND ESCROW AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made this day of 1979 between the CITY OF TIGARD, Hereinafter termed the "City", and _ J. Fig Bishop an ind ividaa l , hereinafter termed the "Principal", and hereinafter termed the "Bank" (association) . W I T ?. E S SF. T H WHEREAS, the Principal has heretofore exccc:ted a Sanitary Sewer Compliance An.(-ement, with respect to the development, construction and improvement of a sariii,arY sewer :facili_iy in the City known as Bishor) M,anitary Sewer _ Ex ten tion _ , a copy of said agreement together with a particular legal description of said lands being attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the Principal has proposed to thf� City that there be entrused to the Bank t_,re sum of $_11,468.00 as a cash performance bond to assure the City that all re- quirements of said Sanitary Sewer Compliance Agreement shall be properly and timely performed and to assure that the costs thereof shall be timely paid and all r.c_quircments thereof met; and WHEREAS, the Bank has agreed to take title to and hold in a trust capacity the sum of $ 31,458.00_ and hereby acknowledges cust;)dy thereof, to be held pursuant to the terms and provisions of s.iid Sanitary Sewer Compliance Agreement as hereto attached, and it is desired hereby to s !t forth and define the conditions applicable Lei said each bond. NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall faithfully cbserve and timely comply with all requirements of said Sanicar.y Sewer Compliance Agreement and all ordinances and regulations applicable, and if the Princip,- _ .;hall well and truly perform all matters and things undertaken thereby anc. hereby to % a performed and shall promptly make payment to al.l persons supplying labs?t or mate•-ial for any prosecution of the work, and if the Principal shall not permit any lien or claim to be filed or prosecuted against the Cit/ on account of any labor or, material fi►rnished, and if the Principal shall promptly pay all contributions or amounts due the State Industrial Accident Fund and rhe State Uneeployment Compensation Fund, and shall promptly as due make payment to Lhe person, co-partnership. association or corporation entitled thereto of the monies mentioned it, Chapters 279.320 and 279.510 O.R.S. and shall promptly Comply with all withholding anu pa)nnsent requirements of Chapters 316.162 to 316.212 U.R.S. with respect to the collection of taxes at source., then upon full r.c�mpletion cif all. work and the furnishing of evidence satirfactury to the City that all requirements hereof have been fulfilled, and if the Pri'nci.pal shall. execute and deliver to thr. City the Maintenance Bond described in said Sanitary Si�wer Compliance Agreement, teen the Bank shall thereupon release to the Principal the said cash Bond deposit; PROVIDED, however, that the ohli-ati-ons hereof shall not apply to any money loaned oradvanced to the erincipal or to any subcontractor or other person in the performance of any such work whether specifically provided for by contract or otherwise. IF, however, the Principal, shall fail to literally comply with all requirements of said Sanitary Sewer Compliance Agreement and all the requirements hereof, or shall in any particular perform the work in a defective manner, upon 10 days notice by the City to the Principal and such default or failure continuing thereafter, the City i.a hereby authorized to have said work performed or the requirements of the Sanitary Sewer Compliance Agreement brought into conformity with the terms thereof and with the City's ordinances and regulations, and the City shall be, and it is hereby, authorized !:o charge 1 t � L r4r. thea same against the entrusted cash deposit and the Bank agrees to pay therefrom all amounts certified by the City to be chargeable thereto. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to constitute acceptance by the City of any responsibility for maintenance of the improvements nor shall the City by reason thereof become obligated to any-pern>on or property owner for any loss or damage arising by reason of the manner in which said improvements were constructed. Further, the City be, and it is hereby, authorized in addition to the foregoing, in t:lie event of such default on the part of the Principal to charge against said funds all costs incurred by the City including attorney's fees in exacting compliance therewith or herewith, and the Bank agrees to disburse said funds for said purposes upon certification thereof by the City. Upon fulfillment of the foregoing in accordance with the terms and provisions hereof., the City agrees to furnish a certificate of release of said deposit or such portions thereof as shall remain after fulfillment of the requirements hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City under authority of resolution of its City Council. has caused this agreement to be executed by its Mayor and City Recorder, and the Principal and the Bank have affixed their corporate signatures on the day and year first hereinabove written. CITY: CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON Mayor Recorder PRINCIPAL: By: By: (Attach Corporate Acknowledgement Here) By: BANK (ASSOCIATION): By:_ By: Cash Bond Escrow AgrF,ement — Page 2 of 2 (Sanitary Sewer) ..,, �, � ° P J vim, �� � � ` ', � � ��� -- ��P _ l ,,�. \ ��,� �I `. e T ICARD CITY COUN C I L STUDY SESSION MINUTES, APRIL 30, 1979, 7:30 P.M. 1. ROLL CALL: Present: Mayor Alan Mickelson; Councilmen Tom Brian, John E. Cook, Kenneth W. Scheckl.a; Councilwoman Nancie Stimler; Legal Counsel, Joe D. Bailey; Chief of Police, Robert B. Adams; City Administrator, R.R. Barker; City Recorder/Finance Director, Doris Hartig; Planning Director, Aldace Howard; Research and Development Aide, Martha McLennan. 2. BISHOP SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION (a) City Administrator described the project briefly and explained the three documents for con3i"'- atioa by Council: 1) Compliance Agreement; 2) Easement; and 3) Agreement to reimburse the developer for a part of the cost for the sewer. The City Administrator went into detail in describing the Agreement to Reimburse, stating that it would include provisions for the developer to be reim:, irsed for up to 90% of his costs, over a period of ten ydr-rs, at a rate of $.54/sq. ft. of property of adjacent owners hooking un to his sewer line. City Administrator went on to say that the documents had been reviewed by the City Engineer and were found to be in order. (b) J. B. Bishop, Developer, questioned the exclusion of City fees and civil. engineering costs in the 90Z future. He compared this policy with other jurisdictions, stating that Tigard is unusual in excludin- City fees. In addition, he felt that as the engineering costs were hard costs of the development they should be included. He stated that if they were included the resultin6 ;.,at- be $.66/sq. ft. (c) City Administrator ntnfed ChAo' lir agreed with the inclusion of they engineering costs, but that current City regulations prohibit it. He went on to say that he wasn't sure about the inclusion of City fees, f because he was ung arc original justification for the provision. 1 I (d) Legal Counsel gave a brief history of the development of the reimburse- I went formula, and went on to say that Council may amend the formula if they se wish . (e) ?. B. Bis=:^-F cf="^ '!i=- ca. the format used for theso documents. He dc=r=bcd , :.attt► u; Credit, which would provide better protection in the future, less expense to the leveloper, a clearer legal document, and would include the actual bond (both performance and maintenance) . Rr that Council look into such a format. (f) Councilwoman Stimler suggested that staff look into the developer's questions and return with a report at the next regular meeting. 7--RE-VIE, OF 72ND AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS (a) Planning Director reported that there were still some unresolved issues, and that staff would be meeting with Mr. Maksym on Tuesday. He recommended that this item be field over until May 7th. 1 ' T I r A R D C i T Y C O U N C I L STUDY SESSION MI,VTES — May 7, 1979 — 7:54 P.M. 1. ROLL CALL: Present: Mayor Alan Mickelson; Councilmen Tom Brian, John E. Cook (leaving at 10:05 P.M.), Kenneth W. Scheckla; Councilwoman Nancie Stimler; Chief of Police Robert B. Adams; Legal Counsel, Joe 1l, Rai-ley; City Adwi«isLrator, Raeldon R. Barker; City Recorder/ Finance Ditector, Doris Hartig; Planning Director, Aldace Howard, Associate Planner, Kenneth L. Selby; Administrative Secretary, Loreen Wilson. 2. J. B. BISHOP SEWER REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT (a) City Administratnr,J. B. Bishop and Council discussed the r•:.quest for reimbursement, easements on property for sewer, and thl? inclusion of engineering costs in the reimuursement amount. Planning Director questioned the reimbursement proposal, noting that Planuing Cummi:a., .Ciii vii Live zone change for the property stated that the sewer extension shotAld be at the developer's expense. Concern was also expressed regarding sewer availability for Rebel's Car Stereo. After lengthy di<<ru4aion, Col- ilman Cook moved to table item until a future study session. Motion seconded by Councilman Scheckla. Approved b;+ +lnenimous vote_ of Council. 3. SW 72ND AVENn L.I.D. (a) Planning Directnr nnre(+ Mr- T—y Maksym was present and wished to talk with Council regarding his cac►cer.ns on 72nd Avenue. (b) Mr. Tony Maksyui, 13565 SW 72nd Avenue, discussed at length with Council his concerns with drainage and road conditions on 72nd Avenue between 21.7 and SW Sandburg Strect. Mr. Maksym requested Council form an L.I.D. in the area with only the businesses participating and seek federal, county and state fund,: for th?^ improvement. (c) 11ay,r 1::.1..: L1,4 ,-._,. 1.1. : :;-nsy u for voicing his concerns and stated the City wad aware of line problems on 72nd Avenue. RECESS: 9:02 P.M. RECONVENE: 9:15 P.M. ' 4. RICHARD RHODE REQUEST — Vacation of Greenway SW 124th Avenue (a) City Administrator presented synopsis of problem presented by Mr. Rhode's request and noted that vacation of the greenway seemed a reasonable request. (b) Mr. Richard Rhode, 12260 SW 124th Avenue, presented his concerns to Council and asked for Council support in znl.ving the problem presented by the unimproved gr^enway area. THIS AGREEMENT, Made this day`` of , 19 between � \. , A. hereinafter termed "Owner", the 'CITY OF TIGARD, a munic pality or the State of Oregon, hereinafter termed "City", and the UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGENCY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON, hereinafter termed "Agency", W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, the Owner desires to construct a sewer trunk line at Owner's expen.,e, extending from an existing City-owned sewer trunk line at d� 1'•, C 1 _ c.�w,EXTF ►^1101 I�,�aya ( la`•'1� and running thence c r rl �. r �c ec E7,71 77 to those cer`?in lands of the Owner as described on the attached sheet headed "DESCRIPTION", denoted Exhibit "A", and by this reference made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the Owner has applied to the City to approve construction of said ( line and to permit connection thereof to the City's line at \��,�_� St A 3L� 11 f and the Owner has further applied to tie Agency for sewerage disposal services, and the City and the Agency subject to the agreements and provisions hereof are willing to grant to the Owner the privileges and uses as hereinafter set forth, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing preml.ses, the agreements 1 re contained, the payments to be made by the Owner to the City and the Agency pursuant L, the terms hereof, and the mutual benefits to be derived by the parties, the Owner, the City and the Agency agree as follows: (1) The Owner may, upon approval by the City and the Agency of plans and specifications prepared by the Owner, proceed with the construction of ,said sewer trunk line from the aforsaid City-owned sewer trunk line to the Owner's premises as described on the attached Exhibit "A", all at Owner's expense and cost except as herein otherwise provided. (2) The Owner shall pay or cause to be paid to the City as agent for the Agency, all connection charges as prescribed by rate orders of the Agency. In addition, the Owner shall bear the cost of connecting Owner's premises to the sewer trunk line as extended, and no connection shall be made until application therefor has been filed and approved, the connection charges paid, and all work and materials involved in the sewer service connection shall have been inspected and approved by the City and/or the Agency. (3) The rights of the Owner hereunder are subject to any charges, terms and provisions of pre-existing contracts and tt.e Sanitary Sewer Compliance Agreement and Bond denoted Exhibit "B" by reference made a part hereof, in addition to all pro- visions herein, (4) Title to, and ownership of, said trunk line, upon completion of construction thereof pursuant to the terms hereof, shall vest in the City, and the City shall thereafter have full jurisdiction thereover in all respects to the same extent as the City exercises jurisdiction over any other sewer line within its system. i I (5) The City and the Agency agree to requilre paymont by any owner or us r of premises whose lands abut upon or are to be sery d by the sewer trunk line he ein described, within the boundaries of the area del nested on the attached plat arked Exhibit "C" and by reference made a part :�ereof, ho sh4:11 apply to the City 'for conr4ectio`n of said premises to said line:, inyaddi ion to all other connection charges, and said amount snail be aid b such a lirant � t VC �,,A v� i;�are'-r+��s�`;�a+ c P' Y pp prior to being issued a permit for each such connection, and the sum thus collected as and when received by the City jhall be paid over to the Owner, or pursuant to Owner's direction, in partial reimbursern,nt of Owner's costs in const'_uctic.n of said sewer line. Owner shall furnish to the City upon completion of construction, a sworn itemi2ed statement of the costs incurred in connection with construction of said sewer line and the pity shall be entitled to examine the records of the Owner with respect to said costs and to verify the amount thereoF. Owner shall riot be entitled to reimbursement for any extension of said sewer line or am connection of property to such extension, and the. Owner's reimbursement shall be limited to direct connections with Viii sewer line constructed by Owner hereunder. Reimbursement hereunder shall. be limited to a period of ten (10) years and shall riot exceed ninety per cent (90%) of the total cost incurred by the Owner in constructing said line. At the expiration of ten years or at such time as the reimbursement has been accomplished in accordance herewith, the Owner's rights to reimbklrsement hereunder shall, be of no further force and effect. 6) It is an express condition of this agreement that at the City's option, Owner's lands or any other lands served by said trunk line for which sewer service is made available hereunder, may be annexed to the City as and when said lands are or become contiguous to the City's boundaries as now established or hereafter extended by annexation, and execution of this agreement by the Owner shall constitute consent to the annexation of the above described lands, and such consent shall run with the land and bind the Owner , its successors and assigns. (7) To the extent authorized by law, any sewer connection or service char.g? hereinabove required to be paid with respect to premises served under the terms of this agreement, which charge is not paid when due, shall thereupon become a lien upon such premises until paid. Said lied right shall be in addition to, and not in lieu cl , any other remedy provided by law. An executed copy of this agreement, containing ,a description of the lands to be served hereby, shall be recorded in the Mortgage Records of Washington Countr, Oregon, with the intent and purpose that notice of the City's lien rights for sewer connection and service charges will be given to all purchasers and users of portions of said lands. If and when the premises are annexed to the City, this provision for lien shall terminate. (8) The City shall not be responsible or liable for disruption or tempoary discontinuance of sewage disposal services hereunder due to flood, earthquake, or other act of Cod, or other causes beyond the governmental control of the City. (9) Eacl, of the parties hereto shall be bound only as to those provisions hereof as to which such party may lawfully assent. f IN WITNESS WHF.RIC' , this instrument has been executed in triplicate pursuant to r.ions heretofore duly adopted by each of the parties signatory hereto. C:I Y 07 TIGARD, OREGON UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGENCY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON By: _ Mayor By: BY: Chairman, Board of County Recorder. Commissioners of Washington County, as governing body of Unified Sewerage Agency (OWNER) 5y: y� BY Attach Corporate and/or Personal. acknowledgments STATE. OF OREGON County of On this day of , 19—, before me appeared ___--------• _•_--- _ and ___-- both to me personally known who, being duly swo -n, did say that he, the _is the Mayor, and she, the saidis the Recorder of the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipal corporation and the said and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free act ar deed of said corporation . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I ha% hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, this day and year in this my certificate first written. Notary Public for Oregon — My Commission Expires: li STATE OF OREGON ) 4 on. County of Washington On this 30th day of _ April 1979�_, peracnally I f appeared the above named T_s. sj�nQY k and acknowl edi ed the foregcins instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. Before me, ctary PLblic for Oregon My Commission Expiress 11/3/80 I 'I'A'! E OF OR'-,(;ONf '11 fit ' � ) } ss . CORPORATE ACKNOWLM)GMT,,4T On 1 h i s day of _ _ , 19_--, before me appeared ind both to me personally known, who being duly ;,wc,rr, , iid say that he, the said is the 1'r,, ident , and he, the said i _ is the Secretary of the within H PA, ('( r;) r;it inn , and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the cor- 11()rntc:- real of said Corporation , and that the said instrument vi--s sJgned and >',';+ led in hehalf of said Corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, ;,nd and said in- t .r•ume nt to be the free act and deed of said Corporat ion . IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written. Notary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires___. _ _y ss. CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT f t h i day of _ __ 19 before me appeared and .-----,-,---both to me personally known, who beim; duly rn , Cid -,ay that he, the said is the jlr - ; dont , and he, the said, _ _i8 the Sec-rotar,, of Vie mithin (1 U�-r lrc,rat ion , an.1 that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate ,-,f1 f ,aid Corporation, and that the said instrument war, signed and scaled in 1,( if 1 < cif sa i d Corpnrat i -n by authors ty of i is Boird of Directors, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of id (',,r1wraI ion . IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, ` harp hereunto s(+t my hand and affixed my official sell the day and year last above written. Notary lru�i 3c n My Commission Expires �_� E.xM1a / T- f,nyineernny cc, 1521 9 w .`1 lr AVE April 26, 1979 POP 22,18 ONCOON 9/201 PO 222 15 5 Property Description- JB Bishop Beginning at the initial point of "Melrose", a plat of record said initial point being, also, the Southeast corner of Lot 15, "Fantasy Hi1111, a ,)lat: of record; thence North -- 397.94 feet, along the East line of said "Fantasy Hill " to the Northeast corner of Lot 17, said "Fantasy Hill " ; thence S. 89" 46' 30" W.- 130.CO feet to she Northwest corner of said Lot 17, said Northwest cornET being, also, on the Fast right-of-way line of S.W. Watkins Avenue; thence N,)rth-188.62 feet along said right-of-way line; thence along the arc of a 20.00 foot radius curve to the right, through a central angle of 890 07' 30", a distance of 31 .12 feet to the South right-of-way line of S.W. Park Street; therce N. 890 08' 25" E.- 698.28 feet along said South right-of-,-,ay line to the Westerly line of that tract of land described in Book 357, page 501 , Washington County Deed Records ; thence S. 33" 15' 17" W.-150.00 feet to the Southwesterly corner of said tract of land; thence N. 89° 08' 25" E.- 100.00 feet to the Southeasterly corner of said tract of land, said corner being on the Westerly right-of-way line of Pacific Highway (99 W. ) ; thence S. 33° 15' 17" W.-253.78 feet along said Westerly right-or-way line; ►.hence N. 56" 4 ' 43" W.- 168.00 feet; thence S. 33° 15' 17" W.-68.00 feet; thence S. 56° 44 ' 43" E.-28.00 feet; thence S. 33" 15' 17" W.-181 .15 feet; thence S. 56" 44 ' 43" E.-140.00 feet to a point on said Westerly right-of-way line; thence S. 33° 1517" w.-Bb n0 feet along said We,terly right-of-way line; thence S. 890 48' 40" W.-64.72 feet; thence S. 330 15' 17" W.- 86.34 feet; thence S. 56° 44' 43" E.-54.00 feet to said Westerly right-of-way line; thence S. 33° 15' 17" W.-354.76 feet along said Westerly right-of-way line to the Northerly right-of-way line of S.W. Watkins Avenue; thence N. 78° 40' 28" W.43.45 feet, along said Northerly riqht-of-way line. to the Southeast corner of Lot 1 , said "Melrose" ; thence N. 3" 03' 42" E.-389.78 feet to the point of beginning. s XW CIP v 41 C� y o iay�'\ �''• 0 \ C6 C pr � ' D " e z�* Cyd' c, �b2 C0 toSIN >. O00\ tr , O 60 U �' 4/J/ m\ %,5� Ob Q DO TD irk .ti I 15 f, � 1 5lte i0'q r — 0tO0 peer PACIFIC . - - ---- -____ I ' C�• r .. w 61 ti 4.� SO 00 o - e �.• n+ a of � �, ,. O ui 't1. f A OL r C000"0,0.9.z 0 si \J do n / . �. .N p s• / O {11 \\V tNJsO,,,p� �f C C �I ,I ro J :.J t �, I . O \ ,�°'�'• O/ � ,moo : /• •�l•�'rn if r I— y��a�y --_..-- '...aj,L✓`,n;,; T'f J* ?`t � _/ r r • ELMRAMILEM T r FXwTBTT "(," Dercriptiun of area served :J;* Frin $ry :'wcr - pi sh Beginning; st the i ntF rrc ct'..' n f the N .-t},E r*, r'ght-:if-way line ^f S.W. Watkins Ave. and thF: ''Ert•Frl.;,► right—f-w:17 line ':f S.W.Pacifi^ "iehway; thence Nc.rthrsstf rly, al nf; said WestE-rly right-;.f-wad* Linc, t:) 13nEa :)f 3.11. Pari FtrEc.t; thence rtFr';- t. til( 14 rtlir rly right- f-way line of S.W. Parr Ftrcct at Y t tarot i r i ` ff--c-t sou ��+�n -�E r c'. :r ? at . ,c•tit c- j r _ t E' ihe rastc'rly r:iE-ht-;•f-aey line •f S.W. 3rant 7trrE:t; the N-rthv, r-tv-^.v. parallel with the Faste'rly ri7-t.- "-tear lines ,f S.W. 3rant, Strcrt, t . the S~uthfarterly line -1" rrcperty moi- In warrr,nty c3Fra rer-•rd, d `'arch 29, P' 2!.1 : thence a:ha crtr rl•,• t, the rr rt, S 'At lr.,1.. ....r'lEr f ra!d i;r--1f rt•r. -' 1 the ncc SJ'rthwcrt, rl„:ft : t-,. "r S w N.-rthFr.rterly c:rner fr;r n;rty -it=r in .ra•.rrant;,” deed rFc rded Parch ;wB. ,.k 1137, Paige 501; rc-rc- rric d January 11, ^'17,'rp :,k 696, NF-e 6: 6; t'1, n^r 1 ','c;tfrlr tL, thi- "' rthwest c..rr.r.r f rr pert;:`tt��` 1n warranty decd rcc rded March 26, �gip,--� �- 1 1'�, P,-,{-c E'T,, rF-rF r^rr'r ci January 11 . 1' 77;v'r Pvgr 6K6 � _. , � nl 1 r' +}F 1. ��t�r1y l jr.0 ..t. ,+ » p- . �U. r_ .. c nc? %\ ;tl-F-rly • r-1,n€roti -n thrr f t• a: ti.r S utherly .". ''rarIe StrC s t: thF ncF Wf-,!I•,-rlt• a:1 'nr thr S,.uthcrly right- ;f-way lir-•c ,f 7.1r. mark Strcct t.. the into r:-F'cti 'n t.-,e EastE•rl;" -f S.W. Avenue; t'-rncF S 1:th�-Ty and 1 ut=:c r r t, algin rRi d �''t- -f-wa • line �-7st. in`' Avenue tc th r, r c r i g 'E'• 3 int .. r ,- nn'n!-. Arril rr .t` ' \OAC s 2� e • p c 1 • 41 oo ll % 6O \ir '✓ /` ; � \v 1'ba 6M Ir 17 I�j . 1 p 1� r 1 �� � 1fl ti 1{• ', 6,j 16 , 111 'Z s IIn • a 100PACr O r 1 n Y , r w�a0oo •ap er + r� C O; aD f�. w'. a W 4� A. \Di qY •t' D Co TuY e U�5T Q 620 cj 1 It 3 r \ V v Qu n 6 6 • ^ fr m o LL CL v 1Jp 2� Ij , iA\ s 0 EkN�a�T � �• �nyn��.�rir�y �.:U. 4621S W KELLY WE PORTLAND OREGON 97701 W 1 277'!39 Apr-i1 9, 1979 Description of Sanitary Sewer Line - Bishop property Beginning at an existing clean-out in the centerline of S.W. Grant Ave. at Sta. 36 + 00.90; thence 5.24053'05"E. - 280.76 feet, along said centerline, to MH2 at Sta. 38+81 .66; thence S.50029'47"W. - 219.38 feet to MH3 at Sta . 41+01 .04; (hence 5.89 '08'25"W. - 297.77 feet to MH4 at Sta. 43+98.81 ; thence S.9"32'25"W. - 251 .95 feet to MH5 at Sta. 46+50.76; thence South - 152.16 feet to MH6 dt Sta. 48+02.02; thence S.3°03'42"14. •- 350.06 feet to MH7 at Sta. 51+52.92, the end of the line. VVV111 ! I .ov Ole' ,�,�` i to AL I ,r, � •,;.., t W MO 'rot _ TY :I� ' �f 5-�--DATE: MR/MRS/MS PHONE: MESSA(;t: IA 1►�+y�C a F,r�N�� - MhtiAGE BY: Avoid Vernal Messages A- CITY OF TIGARD From : __ ��'�- ------- Subject: Date: 719 *3 14 to o� M Ryc 1 M J 1J 7- ki LP C' Fr.��� � F�,3� 1 , Zc D.oS49Z LXAWPL T, L, / '70C deS/res �o cONrtec'f r�'IaS�` Sure h�r�e te'ivti►kau�S ��e J, �D 'bV1 -7 / 3 .14. D. • .^: .:.tom. ',s}w�,_ -�r I C' iTY OF TIGARD DEVELOPMENT DEPOSIT FEE COMPUTATION SHEET PROJECT NAME 'QNQP Sr.�1.SN • EXTt�I�—.PRO JECT N0. +;) PROJECT FEE (City ord. GO-49, Snc 10, Par."A"ll: a)Total estimated improvement coat . . .. . 1) W Less Son. sewer est const cost. .... .... .. S Adjusted improvement cost 2) SEVIER FEE ( U.S A. res. 70-12,SeC.9, Par.°13"): o, Sewer plan check tee 6 Inspection fee , I) ' 10.00 X t� Cort ` Clio, of lots) —.- . . . h ��• I 2) 100.00 min. U) Permit tee O connection chcrge paid . . . . ..... .� c) See+er district contract sur.harge paid ...... .. . ... �i dlstricf num! —.------ (3) STRELT LIGHTING CEE : M- o) P.G.E. lighting schedule no _ h) Mthly rate option no lfypeol!ight I lumens shlr :� I (rohly rate) (no of lights) type of pole �Cet i.tet 01 0 (mfhq rate) (no of poles ) lyr. = I?_ntth's (subta'.al) --- 2yr = 24mfh's -X 1S— (eu6taul) (4) SIGN FEE ({tem-inEtallotian) (per t�gn) (no of sign) STOP i' — -_ X RCSTRICT, OCCUPAt1CY `d _ X = `?- STREET SIGN —..—X --- — �' -- — - COMIa.STOP/ST O,tAE -- ----X --___ - _--.-- NO PARK1140 _ X - -— - X mieCl fypf) rt X - 7 'tnl!cl tYpe) — r .. . RECEIPr No.�_`93 — KATE PAID I � i ctleck f i'RAND TOTAL ,�: -r•(- .as c:�sh C> mcney order E] is In'fert: sewer,strcel,ur s!'',d' 7:7n } 4 RECEIPT DATE: `! - - / AMOUNT --- r # - !,/ ✓� .:.,J CASH;_ NAME: ADDRESS: OF FOR: PERMITS _SURCHARGE AMOUNT` SEWER BILLINGS 40-364 BUSINESS LICENSE 05-331 -• --" 6 ''" 5-----------` ----"'_.�"_ T PLUMBING PERMIT 05-332 ------ MECHANICAL PERMIT 05-532 — BUILDING PERMIT 05-333 iron;' SEWER CONNECTION 40-363 SEWER INSPECTION 40-365 SYSTEM DEV. CHARGE 25.366 �.----_--- - 4 PARK DEVCHARGE #1 30-367 PARK DEV.CHARGE *2 30-368 � 05.362 ZONING ADJUSTMENTS +,��--J1�Qt l".! ,I C. r i/ y r.�..._ _.._____.._ _ --- ••_ ..._.._._.w._.�_.,i`rte. �...� TOTALS RECEIVED BY: FlRMIT N11M/ERS A!lIQNlD: Numbtlr Amount _Numbet _AIMi1tWh1 Nutr+btft_ .q.Zs.�ry TO REQ -----------r--,. - EPWI` IMpP_---�— ..SEe _AREA . • ANS �T Foe. P�►�' p-c N Fe- �P�A �`���• W II ,y i lit �-P , �:i' ��j j'�.`:��/•EJ' c:�r �2�¢--' s �d�G�i I•L,��AD i t- 1p - 0171 Td �.- f r de I 4e I U engineering ca 4611 Ew NEILf AVE rOWLAN1,OREGON t11p1 +w m 16" April 9, 1979 Sanitary Sewer Easement - Bishop property A sanitary sewer easement over the following described tract of land in Section 3, T.2 S. , R.i W. , 0. M. , Washington County, 'regon. Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 1 , MELROSE, i plat of record; thence S.3003'42"W. "0.00 feet along the East line of said Lot 1 ; thence 5.86056'18"E. - 15.00 feet; thence N.3°03'42"E. - 261 .35 feet; thence North - 242.9,E feet; thence N.9°32'25"E. - 262.70 feet; thence N.89°08'25"E. - 296.32 feet; thence N.50°29'47"E. - 171 .34 feet to the Southerly richt-of-way line of S.W. Park Street [C.R. No. 1320]; thence 5.89008'25"W. - 24.02 feet along said Southerly right-of-way line; thence S.50029'47"W. - 147.32 feet; thence 5.39°08'25"W. - 349.38 feet to the Northerly prolongation of the East line of FANTASY HILL, a plat of record; thence South - 515.69 feet along said prolongation of said Easterly line and the Easterly line of said FANTASY HILL, to the iritial p^int of said MELROSE; thence S.3°03'42"W. - 240.95 feet, along the East line of said ME'-ROSE, to the point of beginning. T'�(: r � I a a Ni 00 a 0 E X ml aos T oC engineering co, 4621 S W KEI Ir AVE POR I LAND OREGON 91201 S03 777 t909 April 9, 197v Description of area served by sanitary sewer - Bishop I'eginning at the intersection of the Northerly right-of-way line of S.W. Watkins Aye. and the Westerly right-of-way line of S.W. Pacific Highway; thence Northeasterly, along said Westerly right-of-way line, to the Southerly right-of-way line of S.W. Park Street; thence Northwesterly to the Northerly right-of-way line of S.W. Park Street at a point that is 100.00 feet southeasterly when measured at right angles to the Easterly right-of-way line of S.W. Grant Street, thence Northwesterly, parallel with the Easterly right-of-way liri of S.W. Grant Street, to the Southeasterly line of Tax Lot 1200; thence Southwesterly co the most Southerly corner of said Tax Lot 1200; thence Northwesterly to the Northeasterl;" corner of Tax Lot 1700: thencc '.,r;terly to the Northwest corner of Tax Lot 1 00; thence Southerly, along the Westerly line of Tax Lot 1700 and the Southerly prolongation thereof to a point of the Southerly right-of-way line of S.W. Park Street; then,;e Westerly along the Southerl.r right-of-way line of S W. Park Street to the intersection of the Easterly right-of-way of `,.W. Wa+ kins Avenue; thence Southerly and Southeasterly along said right-of-way line of S.W. Watkins Avenue to the point of beginning. RevisLd: April 20, 1979 �..'''� 4 t William & Sons CO NS.RUCTION - 6,533 S.W. 32nd Ave Portland, OR 97201 PROPOSAL and CONTRACT Phone 246-7196 Late 19---Z--- 70 Dear Sir: ._propose to furnish all materials and perform all labor necessary to comple.re the following: � t�F�`�r.t-.�S'�.n!t r�4t',�s�.w.1,.�_•��"-- �;��t�o(..�::r�ctl�t°_.�.c^..�__ r o All of the above work to be completed in a substantial and workmanlike manner according to stand. ard practices for the sum of - _ •, _ _ _ Dollars ($ � LA - r i�-�-u•-__ ) Payments to be made -- - � g,A2n the work progress<� to the value of /Y/ i per cent (__,?%) of all work completed. The eetire amount of contract to be paid within _�� days after completion. Any alteration or deviation from the above specifications involving extra cost of meeerial or labor will only be .xecuted upon written orders fcr same, and will become an extra charge over the sum men- tioned in this contract. All agreements must be made in writing. CC`�5T tJCTiCI,Kespectfully submitrp•', 6533 S.'�A ?2,,d Avi Portland, CR 972601 9y— PhoneA246-7�9i�T You are hereby authorized to furnish all matet Ad labor required to eomplute tl,e worl: rnr,,- tionod in the above proposal, for which --t5:7—' agree to pay the amount mentioned in said proposal, and according to the terms thereof. �t ACCEPTED Date 19 _ ,�►ndt_ mea-UTIUif One Own No. 55.01/ So.,nl found_ D.sNceN_ Faun Na 9II.M i Department of Environmental Quality 522 SOUTHWEST 5TH AVE. PORTLAND, OREGON MAILING ADDRESS. P.O. BOX 1760, PORTLAND, OREGON 91207 April 2, 1979 • Unified Se-,: rage Agency of Washington C"unty 150 N. First Avenue Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 Attention: llr. Terry Chamberlin Re: S - Unified Sewerage Agency File: 90735 1 Gentlemen: �Ie have reviewed plans for proposed construction of a sanitary sewer system designated "Tigard Commercial Development" located within the City of Tigard. This project iS approved subject to provisions as follows : 1 . Standard provisions enclosed. 2. All approvals oY the City of Tigard required under Oregon law for this project, including but not limited to planning and zoning approvals or permits granted pursuant to ORS CH 227 and in compliance with the statewide land-use planning goals promulgated under ORS CH 197 by the Land Conservation and Development Commission. Two sets of plans submitted are being returned bearing our stamp of provisional approval . Very truly yours, James L. Van Domelen Sewerage Works Engineer Source Control Section Water Quality Division AHJ: lb Enclosures CI_: Martin Engineering Company qty of Ti 3rd Washington County Health Department Northwest Regional Office - DEO, v r / H00 State Of Oregon WARTMENT OF CNVIRONMCNT,IL QUALITY & � DD 979 1VATFR QUALITY, CONTROL ApppOVED A� NOTED UNIFICDE%5-TRA ACiE C�L� BY A P P R 0 V t 5 P w iWr ED subject to provisions in letter of same date. MAR 2 7 1979 State of Oregon DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRUNMENTAL QUALITY RTIN ENGINE : RING COMPANY ENGINEERS • LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS S. W. KELLY AVENUE PORTLAND, OREGON 839 97201 � c y HARVEY F. FREEMAN N\ p 1 �� �p G� ✓fir r ' �• �'�;�► In4Melienei le�Llny Q1II<.I � r'��.��� i503l127-7551 ♦- G tF-`f In.rnerisncr 6entine O.y�- 319 S.W.WmAinyren (,' ,,1 _� "_�' s'• i r o.ee.soee ��t'F--4C1f1 bank \/. Oe"".4.Or.y+n 97709 ..�'• }apo �'• 1 r- Ir 'vP to n Gv '``�•� G Fes,c.C> \�' �Com~ t ` ,-•� -;,'�r CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON SEWER DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (P-W,,) Procedure Check List I. FILE INITIATED.. . . . . .. . . . . . . ... .. ..... ... . ........... . 3Cr (1) 4u;;l,iementary sheets at:tached. . . .... . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II. SUBM7t'.:; 01,, of I'1111,IMINARI' SITE DESIGN: (1) Yondir ," Des pr, Review Board of Council. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . (2) fppruvP0 tentatively by Design Review Board AiL_ eonei.. .. . . . . . . .. . . . .}e / (3) Artrex7ri.,:•r; (pending) (complete) (unnecessary_) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . � Ill. SUBMI�S ION OF .PRE1.114INARY CONSTRUCTION PLANS. (1) Iltur Check c(nmiLnded. . . . ... .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • { t ) Fuvisions required . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . Ci - r b) "t etiped, ,jproved for construction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :I (2) t" l i CcBIT',III nlan.s receive�.1. . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .�- (3) �4:I t G\(tr.rr't (06t e.s: imate received. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �k'=.i;':11 . ..1K IV- EXECU1 fOA OF i K)JFC'i UOCLMh,NTS: . �d�y• : I1`• �,,. .4. O '1`( (1) CC.nt.ract doct.m(nts drawn: (a) Con,plierce Agreement signedt. . . ... . . . . . . . .r.. .: .. . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr"r / 1 (1 ), Prrt(,rn,t,r.ce Pond signed-A . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4% —7 7 (2) c , I ( i I.itens s acquired. . . . . . . . � .. . . . . . . . . . (3) tw ;tcorded. . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J (4) fepcsits n.ad( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . V. COMMEIGC ICFNT OF C('t:6TRUCIION. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . • . . .. .. . . . Nate: lnt.quctiucA t=hcets and Construction/inspection check list (attached) Icr progress. VI. FINAL Z.N5PCC1'0N OF CONSTRUCTION. .. . . . . . . ... ... . . .... . .. . . . . . . . . . . � . .. . . . . •J / � (1) I e ,ling correction of deficiencies. . . . . . . . ',:I (2) l•kI acceptable, construe-;-.ion deficii.nt. .. . . . . . . . .. .. . I . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . -� (3) .1,11 construction items acceptable. . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . .1 VII. FXECU'170N OF FZNLI. PROJECT DOCUMENTS: (1) 14ainttnance Bund signed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 0 . 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ' ` (2) As-built drawi,Ig receive . . .,d• . . . . . " . . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . . ' .a (3) final report to Council i.slued. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ... .. .. .. . . . . .1 VIII. CITY COUN"IL ACCEPTANCE OF PROJECT IMPROVEMENTS. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . ... .. . . .'I �� FAINTLNANCE BOND EXPIR„S: .._ L 1 CIRCULATION COPY GALL SPACLS MUST BE ENDORSED MAR 2 7 1979 PRIOR TO APPROVAL OF THESE PLANS CITY OF .TIGARD PUr;LIC 'NURI<S DEPT. BY,_ [)-,TE–. PL.,Nr!IPJG D: rr. DY- /I _ DATE__- _ BUILDING D'.?T. Dy . �/ paTZ s �7 COUNTY HEALTH DEPT, DY. _ DATE CITY ADMINI5*RATOR We DATE (� AIS TIGARD WATER DIST. UYA////- q*'� -� — D",TT JRS S66-°16'OC NI { - GEIVCRAL TELEPHONE OY_ TE_y v RUSINISS UCENSE u s A vv----sem,, -- - - Dore N. W. NATURAL GAS BY } DATC I��' 7 � GIRO, PERMITS PRIOR P. G. E. BY ATE RVICE10". T. R. F. D. Y__ DATE y -2 EP 1401 FS IN GARBS AS PROVInILO THE CITY SHALT. RE NOrIrIrO PRIOR TO, AND UPON COMPO iUH Of C"51RUCTION. NOTICE TO EXCAVATORS It Is your responsibility, as part of this permit, to nntify all utility operators of She extent of this Work PRIOR TO STARTING THE JOB. (24 hours if possible.) UTIL ITIE3 M-F. Nr). WATER —Tlgora l,'l,nler Dist. 1'; •1 GAS 0. Al lir;±12 TELEPHONE—Gencr,jl Telephc,n^ Co. ]'), 2 et38AQ,, ELECTRIC —Portland General Elec. Co. 6435454 Issued by City of Tigard NORTH - 300 =ak, I"- 50' 16 OL 16 op 00 9 1p/ Gl i "�e C� �q�- ' c / �� � b°� - ter- i. �. V� e,.-'�/ n�•� /- Ql .00 WX st T3 00 •. �, 8'� •ez fr X00 D. p, WWI O : , e i M uts t A ' � I �""•"""+r.... L i q H 4 L �11C r� ' PACIFIC 1 ' p F. o y � ell M ll ZZ� J �\ o 1� am00 s° o. •�6im 0 iO i n , •O � � VC, pIV 1 i / : S9 . _ -\/ r s ti, / a� X15.•; �' ^ Y+S'�� '���/••• �S� \ 3, 0 I �y00�a N � .\__ h r f N •• '` .41 J LY t---.__` fir,f \\ �� _ �i.•I ti /,. \ _ 0 M" 4 s �► v 0 9, "' 0 0Ll 1. J h S. W _