BALDWIN SEWER SANITARY SEWER FILE (;nr)y 1115Sd D BY .DATE.! 7 (CtTll^ GARD) DEV SERV DEPT: BY DAT J ' Z � p, • Ofrt TIONS DEPT: 8Y DAT14 G� CITY NGtNEEFt 8Y DATE_,-.____,�,. z 4-4 P.G. Co. BY DA . --- --- - - - --- - -- -- -- �.► �..- _ __ --- — ---- - �y - — --- . _----- -� a o 31t in TEL CO.: 8Y _DA !/ / V ty ( '-' ct 4► „R _ 3t Lr) ....i ch GABLE CO.: 8 DAT' L7 ti 270 N.W T GAS CO.. BY DA7 G �. ��'/S Mid 0 f 00 / j5 gP UA SE'w'2r �prlxr v� , /o� , I •� O DIST: BY Ul�tt AGENCY: BY � DA �,0•Zg • — __ ------_—_----- � - - - - - -_ __ - - - —-- --- ._.—_— _ F 040PAC040 &I F - 260 _ _ .---- -- -------- -- - --- -- -- --�-= - - - -- - — _—L I ' I •fir 2�//0 TERRACE- TRAILS f: Avel it �V�rit' 250 �n C) v+ C) SANITARY SEWER PROFILE � � I � = 50 ' HoR a J = 5 VERT . LLJ Ln W PLAN 50 ,' cc du LAJ Uj 8 . CONTRACTOR SHALL. MAINTAI ONE-WAY TRAFFIC ON -=�_-�� SW TERRACE TRAILS DRIVE CONSTRUCTION . 9 . CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR ANY CURB OR SIDEWALK Ok Un iTIM Z DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTJON . N � ►rj CL 00 N Q pITAX"41) Not Q U CONSTRUCTION NOTES fAsemeNr AREAS rRAVfLEo RicMrs of w.r 'AAM[ • to cR SAAbt V J ►n W W b[t FRAU[ •T[A A . GENERAL -� IM 11 o4 TAA bAOYT ° MAN Z p Q O 1 . ALL MATERIALS AND ALL CONSTRUCTION FOR WORK SHOWN ON THESE PLANS SHALL CONFORM TO THE "At"'� .'coMcAttt [Rtt11b1oN ./'•; Ir.� \ z w "TRI11ALb [�NSE, 0• COUS0 CO ROCK, CLtAA M>t• 11»TALL Ab •1 OUlAtll - c; REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OF TIGARD , AND ALL APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF "STANDARD SPECIFICA- � MARC AND CWPACTtc --•!t�• to Wne 11N. covtA • `�' � uj U o .� TIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION" PREPARED BY THE OREGON CHAPTER OF THE AMERICAN �' t- -d �' 'AA�;�°t�o;� 'Ai0[' �� U � � o 14 t 4C11.� . 1 -I \ , W v z � PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION , 1980 EDITION . � Q _ J Q rn 2 . co ,� _ THE CONTRACTORS SHALL., DO ALL THE WORK SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS AND ALL INCIDENTAL WORK � � � r �"' A••1•MRK #�IrT � - 1��- ' ' • U �, �� W � -•� w v •, , !At[MAL ort EQUAL \ I 1 r- CONSIDERED NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE PROJECT IN AN ACCEPTABLE MANNER . ��� •- 1t. • ,� .c• 1� l.Ll Zcr 3 . THE CONTRACTOR AND/OR SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF ONE ( 1 ) SET OF APPROVED SELECT MAVULAA WAT[RAL \ 1— W � v ao IN N't 20Nt- t•1 C�tA1Mt t 1 •. " � • CONSTRUCTION PLANS ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PHASES . It MA a 4 . THE CO. ,.;r.; :a•;.,.;. ; . ..::,. -- •T[�e 3 W 'TRACTOR IS TO CONTACT THE VARIOUS UTILITY COMPANIES ( GAS , POWER TELEPHONE u- 1t 1 : •.1.••;' .•. ,�.,. ' •. .. �bTy lose • WATER AND TV CABLE ) FOR LOCATION OF FACILITIES BEFORE ANY EXCAVATION , •N 111st _ �Tt`LbAA»WLAA T a: Q 5 . , ALL SANITARY SEWER MAINLINE ( ASTM 3034 and D2729 ; CONSTRUCTION AND ALL MATERIALS SHALL o �►[ , [• MA• ;�� rup DISTusbtb 41 111Lt1'[•ourutb Is .tov..tb, CONFORM WITH THE APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CITY OF TIGARD AND : INV In • o , • tAATM b •11AA OF o Foam. t • • Nttd111 •I rM f0A11 • THE UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGENCY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY , OREGON . ALL BACKFILL IN PUBLIC RIGHT I IAn sLon �' , , �ILLtT •� �ROyT on eo�c I 'w • , • Ab 1041CAM. O1` WAY SHALL COMPLY WITH THE CITY OF TIGARD STANDARDS . eve ,`` • :• __: _ _ • soy wK[ �rAract illootll A rose eseeves OVERT l 1/ To 014[41110111 •r rLe• SHEET r 6 . ALL SIDE SEWER (ASTM 2751 ) LATERALS TO BE 6 " PVC PIPE . ; •. ♦' - 7 . DLEVELOPER S ENGINEER SHALL PROVIDE^AN AIR TEST REPORT AND A VIDEO REPORT ( ALONG WITH • . 1: LATCR COMPACTtw BETA TAPES ) TO THE CITY OF TIGARD FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO CON- ' ' ••- • .64 •AA1/tL ewe —1/r ' NECTION OF ANY BUILDINGS TO THE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM . OF � D('11-DW I N SE:WEF' STANDARD TRENCH #rANDARD MANHOLE Tw ti► t` , , J • �+ ., .-. r..q,. .. . t, �en.+.wM.... •--+r.+wuyM......�w. ,. '�$:�r•wm . . .• , � I �I1 � 1 ` I�II11t ' t.� r'� il � �rFt� .�lt ��l�ll � � Iit tlrltl��l�r � I � I •I'�I � I I � I� I � � i � t ! I � 1 � 1� 111 i � r � l'� r III � I � I 111 1 � 1 111 111 111 Ilt 111 ill 111 1 � 1 111 �11 111 Ili III t � f 1� 1 III , -. _ __ _. _. NOTE : IF THIS MICROFILMED �"'"�'- - I•••r` ' _-_ _ � 3 4 5 ,3 7 9 1 0 1 1 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT IC&r''IT IS DUE TO THE QOALITY OF THE ORIGINAL ° "'f DRAWING. ---- _ . -----_ - —__ 6? 82 � Z 9Z SZ b2 E2 2'2 12 07, 61 81 Ll 91 S I V I E I 21 11 OI • 9 1 9 � a E z l ' �1'" . .,..y-'f IN,I�II�I�iili�iiii�iiiili�lili�ii���ii�iilj�,lIII�IIItIIIll�liii�iiill��Ill��(IuI�tI�O�ilii�illllili1�I11111111�I11tlfil�tl�llitlt�llilID111111tt1t11iN t1�1��1itilfi�l�lllitll�tltillll�tlltI1111 1�11llIIIlllllltll111IIIIlI►,W�HII+�1<�Uli�llli�l�llU�lll1�111.'•... 1111 U.S.A. - D.E.Q. COPY PROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION ISSU BY.—.. DATE_...---_-. (CITY OF TiGAR,D) ........................ _ --- DEVI FRV DEPT BY._....._.._. h� 28 d - _-_._ _____... 00 COPEIONS DEPT: BY_._____ 14 J Q CT N C) r� GINEER: BY__-___ � \ �� �� CITY i D j op Ilt ►. J y J cJ C •-� 15 �� ,I,a '� o d rn r �. °1 C1 ` co c s +fin In TEL CO.: BY / � i" ►� �� �. � G� � Q� Qu 270 STO R CABLE CU.: BY� N.W. I GAS. CO.: By /-� ��( �5 -a''— /�/ � 9 41? n f 0 ' -/ S21y�r' ����rvc bio / •� DIST: 18Y_.._ - , 00 06, AGENCY: •. / � \ / UNl SEW TERRACE � TRAILS f - - -- --� - - - - �0 d Epi'. �_ f'`n✓. .,,t� '� •` `� �� , s�we� !� . 4¢•. —� i ,� � � I i na1i✓e �r C r-- C _ 250 — -- -_ Z O Uj 0 'F 0 0 ---_._ _ -- ' '�' 0 0 - --- ----- 2 'f 0 0 ------ to a m —16 > z V1 L Q W � ��. C M _j SANITARY SEWER PROFILE -�- + _ ... � 1 •� 50 � HSR . � W —' cc 1 " = J ' VERT . W cC W PLAN S.� V) - F-- 4.1 on i 8 . CONTRACTOR SHALL rM INTAIN ONE-WAY TRAFFIC ON APPROVED SW TERRACE TRAILS DRIVE CONSTRUCTION . R�p��.--- 9 . CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR ANY CURB OR SIDEWALK UNIFIF�'SEWE GEA --r� BY Dl�MAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION . /0 — � $ - CL N c0 00 wrn ti ;, N rn Q /TAXPAA• MK ' ►RA11t . tovt� J � l� L1J CONSTRUETION NOTES f�lSfArrnwr AREAS rRAVECEO RiGwrs of war /l.+l. •RAot 1Tt� _...,.._....j 0 Z Q ICT FRANC SAW """ U OC IN ! OA TAA A . GENERAL -- — — / , w cn a NATiv[ .'coacRttt t=ttasao� /* /moi ��� --J Q cr 1 . ALL MATERIALS AN[) ALL CONSTRUCTION FOR WORK SHOWN ON TI�ESE PL/',NS SHALL CONFORM TO THE "TRA&A a t-o• cRu•Mco 0M A, CLE" Me INSTALL As etewRt• -- - Q Lr REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OF TIGARD , AND AL1_ APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF "STANDARD SPECIFICA- �OtN1K, NARp ANp .;a+'+�cT[Q •. --�!}• � ••�a• w»• 4M G . '� - -."� • /tArt TO Ks••M •eAat. v U W Ln TIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION PREPARED BY THE OREGON CHAPTER OF THE AMERICAN • �-- Isw• • posts) _Iy , �, ' L Uj o tccCatRIe • 7 cep PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION , 1980 EDITION . - _ � � • �! MIM •� A Ar•N t R Ie1 MT � s • - 1 �, - , � /n' �Ll �"" ••�, -� 2 . THE CONTRACTORS SHALL ►.O ALL. THE WORK SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS AND ALL INCIDENTAL WORK •ATtewt ee tewu, ZLO CONSIDERED NECESSARY TO COMPLETE: THE PROJECT IN AN ACCEPTABLE MANNER . '_ co -3 0 3 . THE CONTRACTOR AND OR SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL NAVE A MINI;1UM F N 1 S T F APPR 1EL[cT •RAMULAR MATQRAI .� ~ °p "' a ® Q / 0 C' E ( ) E 0 0VE D +R pirc :ofc- „x CO OCTI CONSTRUCTION PLANS ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PHASES . � n•rA= \ z • w ' 1Tt/! �, 4 . THE CONTRACTOR IS TO CONTACT THE VARIOUS U' ILITY COMPANIES ( GAS POWER , TELEPHONE , •' �. - � � Q F- -tiT•. .• 'i.,`i . . . � a COrKCTRs lRAavLA• � Q WATER AND TV CABLE ) FOR LOCATION OF FACILITIES BEFORE ANY EXCAV TION . "" "''t wAsRn��, ,82TE p o 5 . ALL SANITARY SEWER MAINLINE ( ASTM 3034 and D2729) CONSTRUCTION AND ALL MATERIALS SHALL ; � ' o a� • !• man 0� ; ••_ t RTH •>�. I VWw 1i:1:CI~Tt:s�A:l`• CONFORM WITH THE APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CITY OF TIGARD AND =0"t �a�m f , . NLCT I,• rK /eon A n�� t er •Ro{/T ow coat THE UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGENCY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY , OREGON . ALL BACKFILL IN PUBLIC RIGHT � e ,n 1�o►t �," . : ; . , a +»�+c.rl� ' a/! • _ _ py �t outpace 1Moota • OF WAY SHALL COMPLY WITH THE CIT,' OF TIGARD STANDARDS . '� "` " - . ' • �/ T• OWtcTI� eI FLOW SHEET 6 . ALL SIDE SEWER ( ASTM 2751 ) LATLRALS TO BE 6 " PVC PIPE . �, w —"" • • . • f• . • • '• • 1 •oe •' j s s• •'• �� •�• • +!"IATtA cOMIACTt• 7 • DEVE. LOPER ' S ENGINEER SHALL PROVIDL AN AIR TEST REPORT AND A VIDEO REPORT ( ALONG WITH i�%'� ' ,'',' • 0 • A • • �• • • •eA�t� tam•-+r•1 BETA TAPES ) TO THE CITY OF TIGARD FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO CON- NECTION OF ANY BUILDINGS i"0 THE SANITARY` SEWER SY;I"EM . OF STANDARD TRENCH STANDARD MANHOLE` I 'v.. . +.`._. r . _.n+v".O.w.. , m,.r •"+rl...arr.r-.+1�.;._.a........_ ...•,e,k' _'T!'F" . J'. S. mlTila•'♦ �., 'J, _... .4 i!4 :�.._.�..L y d .. .. -..... .. .._.- w_ r. %. ...v ..x,n........ ... .. im 1 I 1 i t 1 1 1 I I i n l 1 1 1 1 11 111 1 � � III iii III 1III111 IIIIIII 1II � r� Illili111 IIIIII + lil ' 1 � 1 �# I I 1 � � 1 '' I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 ) 1 1 ► I t _ 2 3 4 5 8 ? 8 9 10 1 ; 12 NOTE : I F THIS MICROFILMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT[(`,frI—IT I S DUE TO THE. QUALITY OF THE OPIGINAL DRAWING. O:r 62 R2. iz 92 S2 b2 E2 22 12 02 61 91 L 1 91 sl b, I E I 21 11 OI 6 9 1. 9 S b E 04il111loll 1off I1III IIIII1;111111111111411111,111111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111 If fill a , rr .:....�,�uw,rrwWrr�swrKu.N'diYt;�-• CITY OF TIGARD, OR. DEVELOMENT SERVICES DEPT, jKi. Q�W, DFVELOPMEN'' PROJECT GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET I. PROJECT NO. : �1 II. PROJECT NAME: I1I . DRAWING (TITLE) : dated: T V. PLAT (TITLE) : — __--dated: V SITE VI . PRINCIPALS: �t (1) DEVELOPER: N�1���1r •SCY► . .1-K c- 1 Address_ C � x ` 97140_, Phone No. I.S(pZ (2) DEVELOPERS SURETY AGENCY: Address Phone No. Bond No. _ Exp. Date_ 'f cz (3) ENGINECR: C1���CI�L C��(,1��1tg1�(-L �• N►blk�A x(=''3'7 `'-"v". �.R��1oN 1�►. Address At' Phone No. (4) INSPECTOR: Address , Phone No. (5) PRIME CONTRACTOR: Address Phone No. (6; CONTRACTORS SURE-Y AGENCY: Address _ Phone Bond No. EAp. Oahe_ (1) SUB -,ONTRACTORS W 16S (i m j 88-33884 Washington County bRr� I_I'ASE OF SANITARY SEWER COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT WHEREAS, Lho e;11Y 01' 11GARD, a n,urlici.pality of the Stale of Oregon, and MILLER & SON, INC. , an Oregon Corporation, entered into a Sanitary Sewer Compliance Agreement: on ;January 21, 1907,. for construction of the Baldwin Sanitary Sewer Extension; and WHEREAS, said Agreementt was recorded in the Washin<3ton County Deed Records on February 7., 1987, as Recorder's Fee No. 8700F179; and WHEREAS, said Agreement, upon recording, encumbered the real property in the City of Tigard, Washington County, described as southwest- Terrace Trails Drive, in the Terrace Trails subdivision, a map of which area is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, M111T.R & SON, INC. , has performed all of its obligations to be performed under said Agreement arid the CITY OF TIGARD has made final acceptance of the Baldwin Sanitary Sewer Extension for maintenance by the City as a public sewer line; now, therefore, i THE CITY OF TIGARD, in consideration of the above premises, does hereby acknowledge full per-formance and saLisfaction of Lhe obligations of MILLER & SON, INC„ under the Agreement and rJoay hereby forever release and discharge tha real property described in exhibit "A" from the lion and encumbrance of the Agreement, DATED this _ ,20'��- day of _ �uNe, 1988 THE CITY_QF TIGARD B y ` v--C— Randall R. Wooley, City Engineer STATE OF OREGON ) ss. County of Washington ) On this vZGZ� day of _ �U-r1_t 1988, before me the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Oregon, personally appeared the above.named RANDALI R. WOOLLY, City Engineer of the City of Tigard, a municipality of Lhe State of Oregon, and executed and acknowledged the above instrumoia as the free and voluntary act of the City of Tigard, r. (N4 • AL. oEAI..) Notary Public for- FA Or•egun ifs•\d Rt My Commission Expires : // Lk ���'� .•Z'2tc iLc,' CITY RF,CORDER t iry OF TIGARD ✓tFyL��� GLtf 5i/L4.���� : P- O. BOX 23397 'I TIGARD, OI? 97223 1 - 3 'P D�r�•• ..li.tH e 7 �/ l 9�'�n /H 7lS C r ACC=lc;,A-04c ) ��-c4- -SS -.s C i� �XGGI�YZo4! AJC /LCoi-c�i�1q. .MMUK MRA RELEASE OF SANITARY SEWER COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT WHERE=AS, the CITY 01= TIGARD, a municipality of the State of Oregun, and MILLE=R & SON, I:NC. , an Oregon Corporation, entered into a Sanitary Sewer Compliance Agreement on January 21, 1987, for construction of the Baldwin Sanitary Sewer Extension; and WHEREAS, said Agreement was recorded in the Washington County Deed Records on February 2, 1987, as Recorder' s Fee No. 87005479; and WHEREAS, said Agreement upon recording, encumbered the real property in the City of Tigard, Washi stun County, described as southwest Terrace, Trails Drive, in the Terrace Trails subdivision, a map of which area is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, MIl I ER & SON, INC. , has performed all of its obligations to be performed under said Agreement and the CITY OF TIGARD has made final acceptance of the Baldwin Sanitary Sewer Extension for maintenance by the City as a public sew r line; now, therefore, THE CITY OF TIGARD, in consideration of the above premises, does hereby acknowledge full performance and satisfaction of the obligations of MILLER & SON, INC. , under- the Agreement and does hereby forever release and discharge the real property described in Exhibit "A" from the lien and encumbrance of the Agreement. DAI D this i� day of — 1988 THE CITY OF TIGARD By: Pobert W. Jean, City Administrator - STATE OF OREGON ) ss. County of Washington ) On this _ day of _ _ 1988, before me the undersiq nod, a Notary Public in and fur_th(TState of Oregon, personally appeared the above--named ROBERT W. JEAN, City Administrator of the City of Tigard, a municipality of the Stata of Oregon, and executed and acknowledged tho above instrument as the free and voluntary act of the City of Tigard. (NO]ARI AL SF AL) Notary Public for- Oregon My Commission Expires : cs/5271D Y- Ip n 3 \ of !s 10 s � N �t p • UJI cr O �o o eix ocgc :m d' Z \ °m's 11 J V �A 3 � a N Z o� o) LLJ W !/Y 9 O V a) 'W V/ iy• h 10 b 1 00 W ry C) D W Jf N � W I hl' •M W O sip Ne 8 D co J / ;k� , �► `••r STATE OF OREGON Ss County of Washington y_ , I, Donald W.Masc n, Director of Assessment nnrt Tnxntlnn and Fx-offirin of Con- �� . 15 TERRACE 1 TRAILS rr _ �'.9iL s ��ivE- •, � 16 w � I � Q c I PLAN w I c // \ STATE OF OREGON W County of Washington } SS t- 1, Donald W.Mason,Director of Assessment and Taxation and Ex-Of icto Recorder of Con- veyances for said county, do hereby certify that the within instrument Of writing was received and recorded In book of records of said tour?y. Donald W Mason, Directo, Of Assessment and Taxation, Cx -� Officlo County Clerk #MAIrrn 11 r•N11• S'f t O'QONNELL, PAMIS, ELLIOTT & CREW MARK P O'DONNELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW CANSY OFFICE TIMOTHY V RAMIS KENNETH ELLIOTT BALLOW & WRIGHT BUILDING 18 N GRANT SUITE 202 STEPHEN F CREWCANBY OREGON 97013 1727 N W Hoy T STREET CHARLES E CORRIOAN' PORT'LANp,OREGON 97209 15031 266 1149 KENNETH H FOX JEFF BACHRACH 2 15031 224402 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT PHILLIP E GRILLO FAX 15031 2432944 MARGARET C HAND _ --- SHARON L WILLIAMS PLEA£`REPLY TO PORTLA14D OFFICE MICHAEL REDDEN OF COUNSEL. 'ALSO ADMITTED TO PFIACTICE IN STATE OF WASHINGTON March 30 , 1988 Mr. John Hagman City of Tigard P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Baldwin Sanitary Extension Dear John: Encl sed please find an original of a Release of Sanitary Sewer Compliance Agreement for the City Council ' s considt-ration in conjunction with the final acceptance of the Baldwin Sanitary- Extension. Please give me a call. if you have any questions or would like any revisions made. S ' nG4-Y7el __yours, K nn t Nf./ Elliott KME/my ltr. 26 Enclosure cc: w/enc. to Robert W. Jean RELEASE OF SANITARY SEWER COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of the State of Oregon , and MILLER & SON, INC. , an Oregon corporation, entered into a Sanitary Sewer Compliance Agreement on January 21 , 1987, for construction of the Baldwin Sanitary Sewer. Extension; and WHEREAS , said Agreement was recorded in the Washington County Deed Records on February 2 , 1987 , as Recorder ' s Fee No. 87005479; and WHEREAS, said Agreement, upon recording, encumbered the real property in the City of. Tigard, Washington County, described as southwest Terrace Trails Drive , in the Terrace Trails subdivision , a map of which area is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS , MILLER & SON, INC. , has performed all of its obligations to bepgrformed under said Agreement and the CITY OF TIGARDe- { - o-g final acceptance of the Baldwin Sanitary Sewer Extension for maintenance by the City as a public sewer line; now, therefore . THE CITY OF TIGARD, in c—isi.deration of the above premises, does hereby acknowledge full. pErformance and satisfaction of the obligations of MILLER & SON, INC. , under the Agreement and does hereby forever release and discharge the real property described in Exhibit "A" from the lien and encumbrance of the Agreement. DATED this day of , 1988. THE CITY OF TIGARD By: _ Robert W. Jean, City Administrator STATE OF OREGON ) ss . County of Washington) On this day of 1988, before me the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Oregon , personally appeared the above-named ROBERT W. JEAN, City Administrator of the City of Tigard, a municipality of the State of. Oregon, and executed and acknowledged the above instrument as the free and voluntary act of the City of Tigard. (NOTARIAL SEAL) Notary Public; for Oregon My Commission Expires: C11y4f T167AIW EXPENDITURE REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST i This form is a multi-use form. Where appropriate receipts a:ust be attached. Documentation is important for all purposes. Staple documentation to form. 11 ;A VENDOR NO: DATF: �N� `4, )_9 1919z PAYABLE TO: (�i`1c_rr �:x7v�5 -tv�Fy Z-��eh 1_y.c Reyues�ed by: r_ccacmae:vcrsacccs[caccG=ccccccsc_avcLccccccccr_ccccr-.cccccccccrcccc=c..c.ccccccc MISCELLANEOUS (parking, books, subscriptions, dues, memberships, etc.) : Date Description Account No. Amount 3Z ZCG95 �,� 1 C,, ....,1 \nll�. 7.� t`.,s ac• \�,n v � Retic o., S~ P 4�• . GENERAL MEAL EXPENSE: Tate Description Amount Account Number to be charged: Total ��acscv�w��as�a�s�cecaccaccxccccceac�avvema-�cmr_c-scccsvr-va:casccaccccscs�vv�v MILEAGE: Date Descri tion: (Include end/start readings and total miles) Amount I Account Number: c _ Tota! miles x$.7. 1 t _ aeneoe=c _. sv.nne+¢�� IICCC-CG_^.vC.-e�=v�-bCaCC\ 6CC Cn CIQCC R6C tOCC�CC CG CC�R cq!'46��16 APPROPRIATION BALANCE: __ �} - ^ AS OF: APITOVALS ( i( $25.00 or under ❑.iy lir :r►mhursed through petty r,ish) : (up (o $500.00)Section Hanagei _-_. 1'urch. Agent ---- -- - Jco h n kox CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON CA;)RESOLUTION NO. 88—c1k/ A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS KNOWN AS THE BALDWIN SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION. WHEREAS, Tho City executed a Sanitary Sewer Compliance Agreement dated January 21, 1987, with Miller and Son, Inc. , to install a sanitary sewer main line to specific standards and specifications; and WHEREAS, said Compliance Agreement stipulated that: "At such gime as all public improvements have been completed in accordance with the City' s requirements, Petitioner shall notify the City of readiness fur final inspection and upon certification by the Department of Community Development that all requirements of the City have been met, thc, Council ayrees to accQpt said improvements, for operation and maintenance responsibility, and release the Petitioner's guarantee bond"; and WHEREAS, Department of Community Development engineering staff verifies that all requirements of the City have been meat; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: SECTION 1 : The Tigard City Council hereby accepts the public improvements known as the Baldwin Sanitary Sewer Extk,nsion. SECTION 2: AND, FURTHER, the City Council hereby authorizes release of the Project assurance guarantoo, PASSED: This bti, day of ATTEST : Mayor - City of Tigard C Ly Recorder -- City u lig y of Tigard APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Recorder _3-a-88 Date RE SOLAII JON No. 88 Page 1 hA/34220 ., ►�..��� •��♦ I�\�\ Icy �� ��,� � ml on � ■�■■■ � � : , ��II � 1111 • �' .. • �i ■■■ ■■■ �■■ I ■ �/ ■■ L 1 =i �/1j =i■■ i■■=i 7,F Tf �:I� "fTGARD 0 REGON COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY :NDA OF: _TLMarch_28,_ 1988 DAI`L:: �;UEtM].1 fE[): Febr8 uar 25 198 I^SSUE/AGENDA 'T:CE: Resolutiiun --- �- ---_- --- PREVIOUS ACTION: Placed onto accep_ti2 Baldwin Sanitary Sewers maintenance uarantee _�_._.__g_.__ period o n Extension and authorizing assurance February "- release. PREPARED BY: Jahn Nauman DEPT HEAD OK �!�-�c:'� -. C] fY ADMIN OK REQUESTED BY: CommuniU vpt . De OLICY ISSUE INFORMATi:ON SUMMARY 1 . The project is located on SW Terrace Trails Drive, westerly of ;.;W It Avenue (see attached vicinity map) , 2 Construction of the 280' sanitary sewer main proceeded satisfactorily and all work withstood the maintenance guarantee period without fault. 3 . Therefore, it is recommended that the City Council act in accordance with the terms of the original project agreement, namely--accept the line for public operation and maintenance and authorize release of the installer' s maintenance assurance posting, ALTERNATIVES_CONSIDERED 1. Do )t accept the line at this time, contrary to staff's recommendation. 2. 'fake action to accept the line at a later date. FISCAL IMPACT 1 . Acceptance of the sewer line will obligate (-he City to assume operation and maintenance responsibility. SUGGESTED ACTION PASS THE RESOLUTION 'TITLED: "A RESOLUTION CEPTINBLIMPROVEMENTS KNOWN AS THE BALDWIN SANITARY_SEWER EXTENSION." �'ACG PUIC— ht/3422D CTry or TIGARD, OREGON RI_`s01 U I I ON 1\10. 88 - 7-1- A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PUBLIC 1MPRUVIMINI5 KNOWN AS fill BOIDW11\1 S01\111ARY ;[.WFR EXTENSION. WHEREAS, 'The City executed a Sari i tary Sower Compliance Agreement dated January 21, 1987, with Miller and Son, Inc. , to install. a sanitary sewer main line to specific standards and specifications; and WHEREAS, said Compliance Agreement stipulated that: "At such time as all public improvements have been completed in accordance with the City's requirements, Petitioner shall notify the City of readiness for final inspection and upon certification by the Department of Community Development that all requirements of the City have been met, the Council agrees to accept said improvements, fur operation and maintenance responsibility, and release the Petitioner's guarantee bond"; and WHEREAS, Department of Community Development engineering staff --.rifios that all requirements of the City have been met; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: SECTION 1: The Tigard City Council hereby accepts the public improvements known as the Baldwin Sanitary Sower Extension. SECTION 2: AND, FURTHER, the City Council hereby authorizes release of the project assurance guarantee. PASSED: This — Z- S_6 day of VA ztic 1988, ATTEST: Mayor City of Tigard City Recorder — City of Tigard APPROVED AS TO FORM: City LRecorder 3-a--$S Date - a-- Date -- RESOLUTION N0. 09— Page I ht/34220 L.. .• Err d . `.. fr..• Sr.. y , •' d r �•. ♦ ,, , . �• ��: iii _ .. , '■'� ►`'. � � , ■ / 1111111 ■ 'i �� � 1 i ' 1 �■YII ■ ■�+► ■ ISI 1r ■■ �I 1 ■ Ile=""�$� : � �1 ► � � ■ Lir�I■� �� 1 .E , `' I �aaltaa.�ama� poua�y. Oras .� NAMLrom Dafe- � _--_ ----Time_ �-- � HILE YOU WERE OUT M of— Phone— TELEPHONED f_Phone—TELEPHONED LEASE CALL RETURNED YOUR CALL WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU RUSH Message. 9TH �C��.� y , iJ,4a �.a o5 .,�.;�,r �y� � :.'1 �h�Jl�c�,J�iy:. y +4 � J� �J �..� ���NdV'�i` ... 1�J ����Y tG �'� _, �rr� i1 q � � I � k'.: � �� !,,,1 ,i � v7 a.u:n i I I It �. n J iia,d.t �u r mINLAILMM- �:I7Yeors TIGARD Juiy 29, 1987 ON f Service1986 Miller & Son, Inc. Rt 5, Box 52 Sherwood, OR 97140 RE: Baldwin Sanitary Sewer Extension Dear Mr. Miller: i This is tr acknowledge that: as of February 9, 1987 the Sewer Extension improvement project known as "BAldwin Sanitary�Sewor Extension" has been conditionally accepted by the City, p1:a_61 ff_onto its one year guarantee period, subject to the following: Completion of incomplete performance items, namely: submittal of one as-built mylar drawing of the installation. Continuation of developers maintenance responsibility acid correction of any deficiencies which may arise during the guarantee period. To assure the aforesaid, until such time ae the project is fully accepted by the City operation and maintenance purposes, the City has taken the following action(s) : Authorized a reduction of the original performance assurance and is holding funds as a maintenance guarantee assurance. Also, is holding funds as an as-built mylar submittal. assurance. Should you have any questions regarding any of the above; please contact me at 639-4171. Sincerely, j John S. Hagman Engineering Tech. ca/0284D(Form 3076P) I j1,1!,SW Hall Blvd.,P.O Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 ------ -- - -- -- — --�- _ I CITYOF TICsARD OREGON 25 Years of SeMce March 9, 1987 19611986 Miller & Son Rt. 5, Box 62 Sherwood, OR 97140 Re: Recorded Document - Sanitary Sewer Compliance Agreement Gentlemen: Enclosed please find the above referenced document which has been recorded at Washington County. (Recording No. 87005479) This copy is being provided to you for your fifes. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, 1 Catherine D. Wheatley Deputy Recorder ew Enclosures cc: Randy C.larno, Development Services Manager Central Files w/original. document 7 eXt e, : S 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 27? - a(..E C:�C/4 1A1,47L SANITARY SEWER COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT 87005479 THIS AGREEMENT dated this _'/ ,r day of �..� ,. ,, 19�/_, between the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of the State of bregon, hereinafter termed the "City", and rlillel and Son, inc. hereinafter termed "Petitioner" . W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for approval of construction of a public mainline sanitary sewer, to be known as BA1-DW1N SANITARY Sr1WhR F�S'rFTJT7.ON being within the boundaries of an area illustrated on the attached Exhibit "A", and by reference made a part hereof; •-ind WHEREAS, the City of Tigard requires applicants for construction of sanitary sewers, and appurtenances thereto, to submit to construction plan review, construction inspection and testing, and, further, to provide performance assurances, to grant public easements and to remit payment of relevant fees and charges; and WHEREAS, the ity has adopted the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction Oregon Chapter APWA, for street, storm drain, stru - e and related work, and Unified Sewerage Agency Sanitary Sewerage rules, regulations and specifications for sanitary sewers via Ordinance No. 84-58 and amendments thereto; and WHEREAS, the public sewer improvement to be constructed by the petitioner is incomplete, and petitioner has nonetheless requested that the City permit ( granting of easements to the public, and the parties herein named desire to protect the public interest and assure that the improvement will be installed as required and completed within the time hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premise and the covenants and agreements to be kept and performed by the petitioner and petitioners surety, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1 . Petitioner shall proceed to complete all public improvements shown on the improvement plan, approved by the City of Tigard and prepared by TeOutical Engineering Corp. (Portland, Or.) dated Oct.. 1981? _ said improvement to be completed no later than one (1) year from the date of this agreement and Petitioner hereby agrees to comply with all rules, regulations and specifications set forth by the City and, to use only such materials ani to follow such designs as is required to conform thereto. Petitioner shall provide certification of installation conformance and one as--built m, lar, both stamped by a registered civil engineer, to the City prior to City inspection of petitioners improvement work for City tentative acceptance consideration. 2 . To assure compliance with the City's requirements and the provisions thereof, Petitioner agrees to obtain, provide and tender to the City, a surety bond(s) in form approved by the City, with liability in an amount equal to the contract price of prior to City issuance of a permit or approved construction plans for construction of said improvements; Petitioner' s contractor shall be licenser+, aonded and insured. — 1 - - 5 3 . In the event that the Petitioner shall fail, neglect or refuse to proceed with the work in an orderly and progressive manner to assure completion within the time specified, upon ten (10) days notice by the City to the Petitioner and the Petitioner's surety, and such default and failure to proceed continuing thereafter, the City may at its option proceed to have the work completed and charge the costs thereof against the Petitioner and the Petitioner' s surety and in the event the same be not paid, bring an action on said bond to recover the amount thereof. In the event that such action be brought, the Petitioner and the Petitioner' s surety shall be required to promise and agree to pay, in addition to the amounts accruing and allowable, such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as attorney' s fees and cost incurred by the City, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any, or the City may at its option bring proceedings to enforce against the Petitioner and/or Petitioner' s surety, specific performance of the contract and compliance with the standards adopted by the City of Tigard, and in any event, in a like manner, the City shall be entitled to recover such sums as the court may adjudge reasonable for the City attorney' s fee, and cost, both in the Trial Court and and Appellate Court, if any . 4. Petitioner, concurre t with the execution hereof, agrees to pay the following fees and charges: a. A plan check ,nd inspection fee to cover the cost of City review of public mainline construction plans and, in the City's interest, periodic inspection of mainline construction (except building connections) in the amount of $ 418.96 b. A connection permit fee to cover the cost of processing building ( connection permit applications and performing inspection of building connection(s) . Said fee to be determined, levied, and paid prior to connection of building sewers to (this) public mainline sewer. C. A surcharge to connect directly or indirectly (strike inapplicable word) to an existing public mainline sanitary sewer which was installed without cost to the Petitioner. Said surcharge to be determined, levied, and paid (by the Petitioner) in accord with terms of agreement between the City and N.A. d. A monthly sewer service charge for use of the public sanitary sewer system. 5. While the City agrees to make periodic inspections as in the City's judgment is necessary to assure compliance, the Petitioner agrees to provide certification that the improvement has been installed in accord with City -tandards and the approved improvement plan; said certification to be signed by a registered civil engineer. 6 . The Petitioner agrees to provide the City with 48 hour advance notice of commencement of construction and, also, 12 hour ar:vance notice of requested field inspections. 7. The Petitioner agrees to insure that Petitioner' s engineer obtains accurate as-built (field) construction records of said sewer installation and, also, agrees to insure that the City is furnished with one accurate as-built mylar thereof and, further, with accurate legal descriptions of all necessary easements. L - Z 8 . At such time as all public improvements have been completed in accordance with the City's requirements, Petitioner shall submit a "certificate of installation conformance" to the City to notify the City of readiness for acceptance inspection and.., then, upon notification by the Department of Community Development that the requirements of the City have been met, the Petitioner will submit to the City a good and sufficient guarantee bond, if not already provided with the performance bond, form approved by the City, to provide for correction of any defective work or maintenance becoming apparent or arising within one (1) year after tentative acceptance of the public improvements by the City. 9. Upon receipt of certification from the Department of Development Services that all requirements have been met, and a one year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to accept the public improvements subject to of Petitioner' s correction of deficiencies, and maintenance, for a 'period of one year. 10. Petitioner agrees to provide for correction of any defective work and/or maintenance becoming apparent or arising during the guarantee period. 11 . At such time as all public improvements have been completed in accordance with the City' s requirements, Petitioner shall notify the City of readiness for final inspection and upon certification by the Department of Community Development that all requirements of the City have been met, the Council agrees to accept said improvements, fo-- operation and maintenance responsibiiity, and release the Petitioner' s guarantee bond. 12. That Petitioner, in consideration of City approval of the application to construct a public sanitary mainline sewer within the boundaries of easements held by or to be held by the City, does hereby covenant and agree to save, hold harmless and indemnify the City, its officers, agents and employees, for and from all claims, demands, damages, and each and every other obligation that can or could arise from the neglect of Petitioner, his officers, agents, contractors and employees, or from trespass upon property outside of the easement area, including attorney's fees and --osts, if any, necessarily incurred by the City in defending against such claims, with the intent and purpose that the City shall be made whole with respect to any amounts it may be required to pay or be held liable for in corm,ction with exercise of real or assumed privileges afforded Petitioner for sewer construction purposes. - 3 _ 3 IN WUNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement pursuant to r authority vested in each of them. l CITY OF TIGARD: PETITIONER: Miller & Son, 1nc. _ p ©' Director of CaTrnunity Developnen+ (Attach Notary Acknowledgement hereto) Return Signed Copy to: Miller. & Son Rt. 5, Box 62 Sherwood, OR 97140 (JH:dmj/02145) n,�„ 19 7 STATE OF OREGON, County of )sa' and --�""• � Personally appeared who, each being first duly sworn, did may that the former is the , secretary of president and that the latter is the _ is the corporate seal of said corporation and that said instrument was cigned and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its board of directors; and each of them acknowledged said instrument to be its voluntary act and deed. �_ —/-rte-- (Official �1) Before me: / /� ZL Notary Public for Oregon, My commission exp iree:1tr - - r - 4 — i �\ �� ► I // TERRACE ,, TRAILS V VI I lF _ c N J � I iQ 1 ~ I I PLAN w I 5 Q STATE OF OREGON It W 'I County of Washington SS ~ I,Donald W. Mason,Director of Assessment 3 / and Taxation and Ex-Officle Recorder of Con- veyances for said county, do hereby certify that N the within Instrument of writing was received ' and recorded in book of records of said cou,•ty Donald W. Mason, Director of Assessment and Taxation, Ex Officio County Clerk ie-X/ljel 7- ';V �� 1987 FEB -2 AM 11: 52 CI1� Of TIFA RD I EXPENDITURE REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST This form is a multi-use form. Where appropriate receipts must be attached. Documentation is important for all purposes. Staple documentation to form. VENDOR NO: DATE: Y�b IDS I yg PAYABLE TO: M, r ��SoH� 0titvx�or I✓►c, Requested by: r. Z wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwawwwwwwwwwwawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww� MISCELLANEOUS (parking, books, subscriptions, dues, memberships, Date �ek,.AL scAccount No. Amount iU o�\ , � IU- ZZL� wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwawwwwwwwwwwwwwawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwa GENERAL MEAL EXPENSE: Date Descri tion Amount LAJ 1 4,0 1 60. Ac Total w w wwwww■ 2 C 9 r Iwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaa MILEAGE: �ZIHTCN=� Date - Des( ` �e' r and total miles) Amount -- 6�, ti g bA d►-�W'�� }ccount Number: Total miles x LLQ w .•wwwwrwwwwwwww.wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwawwwwwwwwwww�wwwawwwwwwwwwwww����wwwwwwwww�waa APPROPRIATION BALANCE: AS Of: Signature APPROVALS (if $25.00 nr under may be reimbursed through petty cash) : (up to S500.00)Section Manager Purch. Agent (5500.01-55,000.00)0ept . Head/Purch. Agent Multnomah Aounty, Aragon To— Date---z�9�$7� Time ! M. Mr.- of- Phone— r,_ofPhone—_5E?�_._-�T_1____ TELEPHONED PZF. CALW44 V RETURNED YOUR CALL WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU`- RUSH � Message *O\l `^%y Witt _ pd- 57 � ey; MILLER & SONS CONTRACTORS, INC. Route 5, Box 62 Sherwood OR 97140 PHONE: 625-6562 Febuary 2, 1.987 City of Tigard 12755 SW Ash St. Tigard OR 97223 Attention: Mr. John Hagman Dear Mr. Hagman, T;-lis is to advise you that the Terrace Trails Sewer Extension is complete as of 1-30-87. We request final inspection. Thank You. Sincerely, / Paul 0. Miller President PLEASE TAKE THIS TO THE CASHIER FOR A P.ECEIPT NAME, M�l�e�r X00%, DATE: Z` L 7 -- —fes--� 1 Ge.w LA ACCT.T DESCRIPTIO14 AMOUNT � 7` 10-220Refundable Performance Bond Deposit � �_�L�4 4- 10-435 _ Sin Permits HOP TJ 10-436 Public Sewer Plat. Check/Inspection Fee 10-436 Public Storm Plan Check/Ins ecticn Fee 10-436 Street Dedication/Public Improvement Fee 10-436 Street Opening Permit �` $ 10--437 Subdiv'_sion Applications. S MLP 10-438 Zoning Applications: ZC CPA ZOA PD Misc SCE CU FLPy r 13-440 Other Planning Fees: SDR Non refundable portion of Appeal Fees s 10-220 Refunda'-1e portion of Appeal Fees S Street Liht Fee 10-451 Docuaert Saleu: Engram Planning Bldg. s 10-4' Street end Traffic Signs �— 10-430 Business Tax TOTAL +-7+o QP)- it (1045P) r; CITY OF TWA RD No. 19546 r�f'�f111-. � � w 1 . 1111 r 10 2?7 fta <..r ' ter, 4• � O t 22 dr,- ")«,,, t. 3(� t224U:' ww�r U� 25 Unr,ieic�t;�;; �1 124 � aturr,Drau,;�ri�� 4 1 Bant;rof1 irit L.. ._ tOtAl .1.�._�. . . i i N .4 .. cc it .. o w 1 Z o° N Beg 144. O main O.-C o Viz ° "� � � o �z U o rm I W N fa w c O Vat PLEASE TARE THIS TO THE CASHIER FOR A RECEIPT NAME: C;1 F'1���, Kiwi i1Vu DATE:_�GG ACCT. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 10-220 Refu,,dable Performance Bond Deposit t 10-435, _ Sign Permits_ HOP TU = 10-4=36 Public Sewer Plan Check/Inspection Fee 10-436 Public Storm Plan Check/Inspection Fee _ 10-436 Street Dedication/Public improve►ient Fee = 10-436 Street Opening Permii- _� g 10-437 Subdivision Applications: S MLP 10-438 Zoning Applications: ZC CPA ZOA. PD Misc SCE CU SLP V sJ_ 10-440 Other Planning Pees: SDR Non refundable portion of Appeal Fees _ 10-220 Refundable -portion of Appeal Fees s 21-442 Street Light Pee s_ 10-451 Document Sales: Mm, Planninx Bldg. 10-451 Street and Traffic Signa = _ 10-430 Business Tax TOTI 1, 41,ONO WAR) CITY OF TI67ARD No. 18941) 13125 MALL BLVD —� P.O. BOX 23397 Date •- TIGARD. OR 97223 Name Address Lot TBIockIMap Subdivision/Address Permit q's Bldg. Plumb Cash Cher r Sewer Other Other Re(, H, Acct No bei scnption _ Amount 10.432 Buildin Permit Fees 10 431 6n(i Plumbing Permit Fees 1 f10 431 6)1 Yer,hanical Permit Fees li 10 210 1,01 State_Bldga__Tax. ! 1 V)4 1{ } Plans rhes,k Fee , 34 44 ti ;ewer Crrnnpctron 10 444 Sewer Inspection F 51 44r Street Syst Dev Char t �r,? 449 i`,1 o } Parks I Sy st Dev Charge , ~ . 44(a ) 0:2? Parka S II Syst Dev Char yf' + 31 450 t Storm Drainage Syst Upv Gharqs� 10 4 10 + Business Tax t 10 434 Alarm Permit 1rt ?7l Bail v - +ti 41,1, Fines Traffic;Misd'Parl � T j 1r CPTA Tratf c,Misd Vii Av,r E 10 456 Indigent Defense j 3o 1 401 Sewer Service USA i 30 122 402 Sewer Servrce,City 30 3012"1 viewer Sey,ce,City, Ma'rit ` 10 125 t Unmatched 31 124 Storm Drainage 40 VC, RAncrofl Piro Pymsot -4ti Bancroft Inl Pymt _ TOTAL �� CUSTOMER ��3 taomah Qouat;y, dreg,o�, To— Date WHILE YOU WERE OUT M . of Phone__ b ��� Cc rWANTS NED PLEASE CALL D YOUR CALL WILL CALL AGAIN O SEE YOU RUSH Message Dd - 57 � fav ; I i, 1 r � t Or . T11-` YvAe_v- �A�kke-r R4 ra �x G z — %**wec A.41r. 1'7140 Re: .S,41-AA0.I/V S.OW. SEWS EXT. Dear Enclosed, please find the Compliance Agreement and Performance Bond (forms) for said project. After signature thereof by the principal(s) and notary and, in the case of the bond form, by the surety, please return both documents for final processing. After City execution and acknowledgment, a copy will be transmitted to you, for your file, by the City Recorder. . Subsequently, thereafter, the approved public improvement construction plane can be issued upo.: recei t of a check, in favor of the City of Tigard, Oregon, in the sum of $ •� _; being the said agreement (therein stated) deposit/fee(s). Yours truly, John S. Hagman E-P!7^ Ti--k JSH:pjr ALM .3/ph/, SEY1i!°i PERFORMANCE BOND Bond No. KNOW ALL MLN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we as Principal, and a corporation duly authorized to conduct a general surety business in the State of Oregon, as Surety, are jointly and severally held bound unto the City of Tigard, Oregon, a municipality of the State of Oregon, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of $_1 4 7 oo , lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which we, as Principal, and as Surety, jointly and severally bind ourselves, our successors and assigns fi--mly by these present. THE CON DITzONS OF THIS BONI) AND OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that the Princ pals are ItMS Xv 0 (C IMS/N line .0a "7G.-Vy x�e�'-g'w/� �' 1, lk- 05", located in the cit of Tigard, Oregon, and" have entered into a tusCf, Compliance Agreement with respect to timely development ­6nd improvement thereof, a copy of said Agreement is attached hereto, and by rete►ence made a part hereof; rind NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal herein shall faithfully and truly observe and comply with all terms of the Agreement and shall well and truly per-form all matters dnd things undertaken to be performed under said Agreemwant and under all ordinances, regulations and cond'_tions of the Obligee applicable to said development and improvement, and shall promptly make payments to all f persons supplying labor or material for any of the work provided by said agreement, and shall not permit any lien or claim to be filed or prosecutioned against the Obligee, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. In the event of suit or action be. filed by the Obligee hereunder to enforce said conte act or to recover under the terms of this bond, in addition to all. other rights and remedies hereunder, the City, in the event it shall prevail, shall be entitled to recover such sums as the Court may adjudge reasonable ds and for attorney' s fees , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this bond to be executed this _-- _ day of — _ 19�, Principal �— By: (seal) _ (seal), By: ��—_seal , (seaU (A true copy of the Power of Attorney _ must be attached to the original of Surety this bond . ) Attorney-in-Fact (0927P) PERFORMANCE BOND l Bond No. KNOW ALL. MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we —T. as Principal, and _ a corporation duly authorized to conduct a general surety business in the State of Oregon, as Surety, aro jointly and severally held bound unto the City of Tigard, Oregon, a municipality of the State of Oregon, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of $ --, lawful. money of the United States of America, for the payment of which we, as Principal, and as Surety, jointly and severally bind ourselves, ovr successors and assigns firmly by these orpsent. TIJF CONDITIONS OF THIS BOND AND OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that the Principals are __ _ located in the City of Tigarxi, Oregon, and have entered into a __- Compliance Agreement with respect to timely development and improvement thereof, a ropy of said Agreement is attached hereto, and by reference made a part hereof; and NOW, THLREFORE, if' the Principal herein shall faithfully and truly observe and comply with all terms of the Agreement and shall well and truly perform all matters and things undertaken to be performed under said Agreement and under al.l ordinances, regulations and conditions of the Obligee applicable to said development and improvement, and shall promptly make payments to all, j persons supplying labor or material for any of the work provz..ed by said agreement, and shall not permit any lien or claim to !)e filed or prosecutioned against the Obligee, then this; obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. In the event of suit or action be filed by the Obligee hereunder to enforce said contract or, to recover under Lhe terms of this bond, in addition to all other rights and remedies hereunder, the City, in the event it shall prevail, shall be entitled to recover such sums as the Court may adjudge reasonable as and for at.toriry ' s fees. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ti-ie parties hereto have caused this bond to be executed this v _ day of Principal By : ____(.seal seal By: ---- sealer seal (A true copy of thre Power of Attorney must he attached to the original. of Surety this bond. ) Attorney-in-Fact (()92IP) ■ 725?Teors DSeMce November 25, 1986 Mr. and Mrs. William R. Baldwin 13530 S.W. 121st AvenuQ_ Tigard, OR 97723 _ _ Re: Permanent Sanitary Sewer Easements Dear Mr. & Mrs. Baldwin: Enclosed please find a copy of two Permanent .sanitary Sewer Easements which have been recorded with Washington County (Recorded Document Nos. 86044429 and 86044430). These are provided to you for your files. � Ifou have any y questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sin� ely;�t �,rl G.1) oreen R. Wilson Acting City Recorder cw Enclosures cc: Randy Clarno - Engineering 13125 SW Nall Blvd.,P,O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 w. L INDIVIDUAL-GENE'_' P.'`.k1'NERSHIP 86 0 4 4 4 3 0 PERMANENT SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT W; lljam R. and Jean Baldwin hu;,k,and �I and wife a f itk ttSt3ctrtl c x x R rtnebt vrxk x�trclt xadtx _ " N' y hosalt—fter--callad-tha onto",--ia_considaratIoa-lox_t e-sum of -- --- .; --drills -&—($ 0 ) from the City of Tigard, hereinafter called Grantee, I;ranL and convey unto the City of Tigarc! a perpetual easement f-r constructing, reconstructing, operating, maintaining, inspecting and repairing of an underground sewer lino are appurteaances, P 8 P BX together with the right to remove, as necEseary, vegetation, foliage, trees r �' and other obstructions on the Following described parcel of land, situate.i in the City of Tigard, Washington I unty, State of Oregon SEE AT'PACHED EXHIBIT "A" IT IS EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD that this easement does not convey any right, j title or interest except those expressly stated in t. ,is agement, otherwise prevent Grantors from the full use and dominion thereover; prove -d, however, that such use shal.1 not interfere with the uses and purposes of :''e � intent of the easement. I IN CONSIDERATION of the. premises, Grantee agrees that if said Grain ee, t successors or assigns should cause said easement to be vacated, the righty { the Grantee in the above-described eaiement will be forfeited and p�: Il immediately revert to the Grantors, thea- successors and a&sign,t in the c.tt F of such event. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described and granted p.ttr;sei u i f v a,? Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. IN WICNESS WHEREOF, the grantorO has (he e) her unto �.et his (her) (their.) hanr:(s) and seal(s) thio _ day of /1�,�t,c<d. , 19�?%. � ` (SEAL) �""� (SEAL) (SEAL) STATE OF OREGON ) as. County of Washington ) HE IT REMEMBERED, that on this 13rZ day of )c,. ta� , 19-L 61 before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and r the State of Oregon, personally appeared the within-named JCIyAl ANu LVIU !/9/1 /(. Z/1 'yIl/ who is (are) known to me to be the identi_al individual(a) described In and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he (she) (they) executed the same freely and voluntarily. 1N TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 13 4 day of _ 19 L r+) e,c,ti eL L;6't-6--k' ► • ' Notary Public fut Oregon 11NOTAX14 SEAL) My Commission Expires: � ,�,�-S'i' Approved'ss to form this �( day of �e ' F , 19 Cty Attorney - City of Tigard Approved as to legal description this jZ!'iAay of �� �/„j' 19A. !, City - ity of Tlgar Apgr�OV�e� this day of _ 47�,_k72 J-11,A. J / CITY COU CIL, CITY OF�T�IGGARD, OREGON ! City Recor:er - City of Tigard 1 -3 s EXHIBIT "A" A tract of land located .f.n the Southwest Quarter of Section 3, Township 2 South, Range 1 West, W.l;. , City of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon; said tract being a portion of that tract of land conveyed to William R. and Jean Baldwin recorded in :'ocument 79-030108, said County Deed Records, and being also a portion c`. tlit tract of land conveyed to Richard and Sharon Ullrich recorded i.i 908 Page 373 , said County Deed Records, and being more particularly, described as follows : Beginning at the nortneast corrier J4. d Ullrich tract, said corner being also the most southerly corner of JOODCREST, a recorded plat in Laid County, thence ,on the soo therly line of said WOODCREST North 650 39 ' 16" West 247 . 00 feet; tl.rnce perpendicular with the southerly line of said WOODCREST South 2,;* 20 ' 44" West 15 . 00 feet; thence parallel with the south line of said WOODCREST South 65° 39 ' 16" East 279 . 09 feet to the west line of S.W. Terrace Trails Drive and the East line of lot 16 TERRACE TRAILS, a recorded plat in said County; thence on the boundary of. said Lot 16 North 02° 13 ' 31" East 7 . 58 feet to the beginning of 150 foot radius curve concave to the southeast; thence north and east on said curve 78 . 24 feet (the long chord of which bears North 17° 10 ' 05" East 77 . 36 feet) ; thence north 57° 53 ' 20" West 10 . 15 feet; thence South 32° 04 ' 00" West 70 .79 feet to the point of beginning. lam` tw 's i U1 �6z 7 No g gm Q ips O Cr ol S9 a � O or' seiz = cc ocac R m w Z " b & 13.1 M'S > z = = _ __ YL ffi ar"1. -�- �; Q n 0 U W rN^ al fn0 Z J Q y�" W � pp r a N . W p 0 n Yn W LM � 5 W w U s M �' v 00 I� W V In 041 A~ / r \ {.V oh vi ' m Si v ,J 8 t , STATE OF OREGON } 138 i County o1 Waehlnplon I Onnaid W Mason,Dlrei of Assessment and Taxetion and Ex-ohlclo Recorder of Con- veyances for said county,do hereby certify that - the within Instrument of wrltlnq was received gra j and recorded In book of records of said county Donel.l W Mason. Director of Assessment and Tayatinn Fy- oftio County Clark 1986 SEP 30 PN 1:32 INDIVIDUAL-GC NERAL PARTNERSHIP 86 (. 44429 PERMANENT SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT William R. and Jean Baldwin husband and wife aexi< �aaxjc�d�omcadi�>xn�nr�,a„��ittia� x > herelne€teir-called the-4rAT+tors-, -in-conaidasatlon for the sum of - --- 0 ) from the City of Tigard, hereinafter called Grantee, grant and convey unto the City of Tigard a perpetual easement for constructing, reconstructing, operating, maintaining, inspecting and repairing of an underground sewer line and appurtenances, together with the right to remove, as necessary, vegetation, foliage, trees and other obstructions on the following described parcel of land, situated in the City of Tl,ard, Washington County, State of Oregon: SEE '� "ACHED EXHIBIT "A" IT IS EXPRESSLY UNDEi'STOC, this easement does not convey any right, title or interest except tr,. exprescly stated in this easement, nor otherwise prevent Grantors from the full L%e and dominion thereover; provided, however, that a::-h use aF.:11 not interfere with the u•es a..d purposes of toe lntei.t of the easem!nt. IN CONSIDERATION of the premises, Grantee agrees that if said Grantee, its successors or assign., shot.-.1d cause said easement to be vacated, the rights of the Grantee in the .,bo e-described eaF^went will be forfeited and shell immediately revert rhe Grantors, thei, successors and assigrs In the case of such event. TO HAVE AND 70 HOLD the vbove-described and granted premises unto said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the grantor( ) hoe (haye) hereunto net his (her) (their) hand(s) and seal(s` this /3? , day of 19-a, -(SEAL) 7 (SEAL) (SEAL) (rt:AL) STATE OF OREGON ) as. County of Washington ) / BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this /3 r�dt.y of ( 6 4:�t before me, the undersigned Notary Public In and fO Fthe State of Oregon, personally appeared the within-named ,LC�1l 2a D bL'ILLIAM R who Is (are) known to me to be the identiCal Ind tvidual(s) described in and who executed the within instrument ani acknowledged to me that he (she) (they) executed the same freely and voluntarily. / IN T STIMUNY HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this o figro i, 19-LL. 1<; Notary Public fcr C ,Ion 1 V(404'ARTAl. SEAL) My Commission Expires: Appzovid rho to form this day ofv�, 1 By: City horny - CIO of Tigard i Approved as to legal description Chian— tlry of lg , 1 by: /Liv' U, ( -CEtt�fLf is City wsl& - City or Tigard . . ApproO1�,ed this day of 19% CITY COUNCIL, CITY Or' TIGARD, OREGON By •� -r� 41, Ity Recorder - City of Tigard ' - 3 EXHIEIT "A" A. tract of land located in the Southwest Quarter of Section 3, Township 2 South, Range 1 West, W.M. , City of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon; said tract being a portion of that tract of land conveyed to William R. and Jean Baldwin recorded in document 79-030108, said County Deed Records, and bei.g also a portion of that tract of land conveyed to Richard and Sharon Ullrich recorded in Book 908 Page 373, said County Deed Records, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at this northeast corner of said Ullrich tract-, said corner being also the most southerly corner of WOODCREST, a recorded plat in said County, thence on the southerly line of said WOODCREST North 650 39 ' 16" West. 247 .00 feet; thence perpendicular with the southerly line of said WOCDCREST South 24° 20 ' 44" West 15.00 feet; thence parallel with the south line of said WOODCREST South 65° 39 ' 16" East 279 .09 feet to the west line of S.W. Terrace Trails Drive and the East line of lot 16 TERRACE TRAILS, a recorded plat in said County; thence on the boundary of said Lot 16 North 02" 13 ' 31" East 7 . 58 feet to the beginning of a 150 foot radius curve concave to the southeast; thence north and east on said curve 78. 24 feet (the long chord of which bears North 17° 10 ' 05" East 77 . 36 feet) ; thence north 57° 53 ' 20" West 10. 15 feet; thence South 32° 04 ' 00" West 70.79 feet to the point of beginning. ZQ:I Nd 0£d3S 9861 >uelo(4unoo o1o14o -x3 'uollexel pus luewssessy 10 1010811(] 'UOSeln1 'm PIl'.100 Alunoo pies 10 sploosl 10 rlooq w peplOo01 pue penleoal sem Bullym 10 luewnlisul ulyllM 041 leyl A11Ueo Ageley op'punoo plus lot seOueAen -UOo 10 lep/00e8 010140-x3 Pug Uollexel Pug luewssessy 101o1o41n0'Uosev('M PlsUoo 1 r uo{Bumsom{o Muno0 SS t NU'J3tl0!O 31d1S All 1V�S N k IQto ? s .u;S > c , Z :a O V W J w x W R w to 3 W3 - CD Wni U1 N �• to `� I 1 W ''^^ r V! ^ � r n 41 L V R r� _ ., in CID 1 g CL U 71 1100 ti i 3 g kh +. OD _. ♦ ' S i• V• ly' 4 l vt m $° m �r a ♦ - �w • M A s ,w coAb ��7 rAp a +J,t �j• Y�I � t • K es +� '' � r s Z 40 QQ TE a Via o, e a of a �' N as }a �` V1 all • y a •res.'!•"r n � ,h t.,_ Ti � '9✓. STATE OF OREGON SS County of Washington I,Donald W Mason•Uirector of Assossrnent and Taxation and Ex-Officin Recorder of Con- voyance-for sold county,do hereby certify that the within Instrument of writing was received and recorded in tuck of records of said county Donald W Mason Ditectnr of Assessment and Taxation. Ex- onlcln County Clerk 1986 SEP.0 PM 1-32 November 7 , .1.986 C'TYOFT'IFARD OREGON 25 Years of Service 1961-1986 Mr. Gregg M. Peters Sam Gotter Realtors 12995 S.W. Pacifit A ghway Tigard, OR 97223 RE: Baldwin Sewer Extension Gregg, I have reviewed your .request to waive all plan check and inspection fees ($418.96) associated with the Baldwin sewer extensi — permit.. Two permits are actually involved (street opening and pit.. , c- sewer construction) however they are being combined into rine. .:he Tigard Municipal Code chapter 3 section 3 provides for the Council to exempt fees for non-profit organizations, but not individuals. Based on this Code provision, I have to deny your request . Your additional request to exempt this property from future LID assessments is reasonable, however staff does not have the legal authority to grant this action. I might just note that to my knowledge Council has never included properties into sewer LID when they already have that service. V Randy S. Clar.no Engineering Services Manager - t 13125 SVJ Holl Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 CITY OF ThFARD November 3, 1986 OREC.®M 25 Years of SeMce 1961-1986 Mr. Greg Peters c/o Sam Gotter Realtors 12995 S.W. Pacific Hwy. P.O. Box 23023 Tigard, OR 97223 Re: Baldwin Sanitary Sewer Extention Dear Mr. Peters: We have completed our review of the said proposal and can issue an 'approved construction plan' upon applicants execution of a standard construction compliance agreement, a peEformance bond, in the sum of $10, 474 . 00, and payment of $418. 96 in fees for the plan check (and inspection of work during construction) . Upon determination of the project "principal " , please inform me of name, address and phone number so that I can have the aforesaid compliance agreement and bond forms prepared. Also, enclosed, for your information, please find a zerox copy of the plan which will be issuable upon completion of all. of the above. Sincerely, i .7ohr+. S. Hagman Engineering Technician JH/mj 13125 SW Hall Blvd,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (603)639-4171-- LMMIMMt of es TECHNICAL ENGINEERING CORPORATICN 8835 S.W. CANYON LANE SUITE 405 PORTLAND. OREGON 97225 15031 297 - 3721 November 3, 1986 John Hagman City of Tigard P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 1'i4W%A r Re: Teop a ;Fre�•i s sanitary sewer t.� x-1 4p Dear John; The engineer's estimate for the above referenced sanitary sewer is $10,747.00. If you need additional information, feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, TE NICAL ENGINE RING CORP. )o�m�asL.�hmArg, .E. ENGINEERING PLANNING SURVEYING r /•1 Dare!'_ / F.�Tt J fj� lt.'�Sn /e� efl/T����pJ��/Cs/( /s /; 1-30 C-A:"S tz2 S�. WJ / Cs r+n /7�H /� • 12995 SW PACIFIC HWY gam 90 er PO BOX 23023 Rf At?ORS TIGARD. OR 91223 GREVG PETERS Sales Associate Member Million Dollar Club . #11. j Bus:103mg.>I»> IH PES 503115,84 5901 Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington County 150 N. First Avenue Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 503 648-8621 October 28, 1986 City of Tigard P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, OR 9722.3 SUBJECT: TERRACE TRAILS The above referenced project construction plans have been approved by the Unified Sewerage Agency. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call . Sincerely, Terry CZiberl i n P,-oject Manager TC/eb Enrlosure(s) UC'7 Z7 19�� - ��� CirfOF TIFARD OREGON � �rz��e s 25 Years of Service SAiY>�0�� 1961-1986 r%(yy,Pl�, Qom, 97z Z 3 • �, ; .�,�, ��z,� �"res RE: Dear r Attached please find 4!�W—E- copy(s) of a public improvement plan. Said plan needs to be circulated through the below noted agencies for review acknowledgement and, subsequently, returned to this office. Very ruly, John G. Hagman l/ Engineering Technician ( (JSH: sb45) /�/ PGE Company �Nor•thwent Natural Gas Co. `� 14655 SW Old Schools Ferry Rd 220 N.W. Second Avenue Beaverton, OP 97005 Portland, OR 97209 SEE: Jim Johnston, 643•-5454 SEE: Ron Polui 2.26-4211 )i�/ General Telephone Co. Tigard Water District 12460 SW Main Street 8841 SW Commercial Street Tigard, OR 97223 Tigard, OR 97223 SEE: Donna Donaldson, 620-0373 SEE: Bob S; nt:ee, 639-1554 L-1 Metzger Water District [ / Tualatin Rural Fire Protection Dist. 6501 SW Taylors Ferry Road 8455 SW Elligson Road Portland, OR 97119 P.O. Box 127 SEE.: Jesse Lowman, 245-3331 Tualatin, OR 97062 SEE: Gene Birchell, 682-2601 I' 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P,O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 L/ Fire District No. 1 / / Storer Cable 20665 SW Blanton 14200 SW Brigadoon Court Aloha, OR 97062 Beaverton, OR 97005 SEE: Bert Parker, 649-8577 SEE: K. J. Street, 64'-3188 L/ Tigard Post Office / / State Highway Division 715 NW Hoyt 2131 SW Scholls Ferry Road P.O. Box 3047 Beaverton, OR 97005 Portland, OR 97208-97608 SEE: Lee Gunderson, 229-5002 SEE: Mike Krygier, 294-2380 (JSH:sb45) ,Q�U � a �hee--,>scol/ cc��iEs wke-17 we e d b-- SSC t�el-� r�qe NC 1 I ` 1 1 •s' MIKult31121110 »ak Ooun*,y, 003raM4022, To - Date / Time WHILE YOU WERE OUT of f Phone TELEPHONED '01 EASE CALL RETURNED YOUR CALL WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU HUSH MesseQe__ ,� � _ od- I �� i City of Tigard Planning Department City Planning Director: I respectfully request on behalf of Mr. William Baldwin that you waive the plan check and permit fees for the sewer line extension on Terrace Trails Drive. I am making this request at the suggestion of your planning staff. The request is made because of the unusually high cost that will be charged to Mr. Baldwin for construction costs on the sewer line extension. This sewer line extension will cost in the neighborhood of $10, 000, and is necessary, according to the City, fcr the .issuance of only one building permit on Mr. Baldwins . 79 acre parcel . In addition, this sewer line-extension will benifit the City of Tigard greatly by providing a simple solution for sewer extension to 121st Street and the Woodcrest subdivision. We also request that this property be exempted from any future L. I .D. assesments for the purpose of sewer improvements. Thank you for your consideration on this matter_ . Sincerely, Gregg NT. Peters Sang Gotter Realtors, 639-1111 JUWJ �IW-KXIUU��XqMLMIR� PLEASE TAKE THIS 1-0 THE CASHIER FOR A RECEIPT NAME: ACCT. # DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 10-220 Refundable Performance Bond Dtpasil __ 10-435 S i_qn HOP TU 10-436 Public Sewer Plan Check/Inspection Fee 41F�. 10-436 Public Storm Plan Check/Ins Rtction._Fee-.,- 10-436 Street Dedication/Publi�._Lmpr_qvemerit Fee 10-436 Street Opening Permit 10-440 Subdivision Applications: S MLP .---.------ — —. 10-441 Zoni.nq Applications: zC CPA ZOA P0 Misc SCE CU SLP v $ 21-442 Street Light $ 10-451 Document Sales: Engrg. Planning Bldg. $ 10-451 Street and Traffic $ 10-451 Land Use Actions/Fees: SDR $ TOTAL $— (1045P) CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT FEE COMPUTATION SHEET Project Title: �'����u��l l\ �,��.,, ,,E_�j�f , � -Av, Imprv. Type: Computed By: _ Date: 1. PR�l7'f:T--R MLTT FEE (T.M.C. 18. 164. 150) : A. ImprovemenT-Mrs4.--eztimate, less sanitary sewer. . . -� -� (Adjusted Cost) B. 0.04 x $ '$- — QAdjusted Cast _— L Y SEWER MAIN, PLAN CHECK AND INSPECTION FEE (Ord . No. 85-02) : ntract surcharge applicable . . . . . yes, /1/; A. no. (agreement name) pc` wer Improvement cost estimate $ /047¢ 7— sewer est, )04 x $ i 4 �4 < = s(sewer estimate) (fee)r] $100.00 min. , whichever is greater . . . . . . . . . 3 . STR6€TLIGHT FEE (T.M.C. 18. 164. 130 (x) & 3 .08.010) : A. P.G.E. dule No. Option No. Type of Lamp - _ Lumens/Watts Type of Pole _ Height _ B. $ x - /mo. (monthly rate) (no. of lights) $ x = $_ _ _/mo. (monthly rate) (no. of poles) $ + x 24 months (subtotal lights) (Subtotal poles) 4. T' AFFIC-PEDESTRIAN SIGN FEE (T.M.C. 18. 164.030(u) : A. Stop:----,:,__ @ $! _ = s_ (n,: r) (each) (subtotal) B. St. Name: @ $ = s C. Combo- @ D. No. Parking: @ E. @ $--- (Misc. ) \ F. Sigr. !) Total . . . . . . .$ (RAND TOTAL (FEE'S DUE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-- _--------- Po('fl i pt No Date Paid: - _ Check Cash 1920P