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72nd Avenue, Villa Ridge, Sly Sanitary Sewer
FILE C OPS t � D � 0 L Qom' * �� �� ry- OCT 4 1978 CITY OF. TIGARD e.-D06;0 00400 aR,,fA- Ar //VT-o 7, 4�� 00 /y/11711' (:5)0 our /"V it es 45�. C�70 5 �s 0, 0 eel', -7� % .0 -,Y, low. q%-I" T VIA JL JL At of AV, A 44 kj It. L. .414 . �q ^.Pow M A* 60 #44 a - . AI'M A; low: A. It NET GER ! 't j 7�'"� ; = �' L :.,.,. l .� 1 .� x / / • t I t& 4.44 1. w e It 3 JY It. ,Iva r14 0 141:120 rz RIO Q-� .4 ] _j C= SiTE- A A Iva A/ -1 jAmrkh".tj j A J IA V WA X N11v 1. It c lot " TIGARD to op.*I A fk . r*../ N hrN o' CE TO EVA XrCAITORS It is vour r-c'e,1nnns; 'I, 0 rera.ors cof tt,,., -01ifv at.k, utility A RTI-i" THE JOL;- (24 h1'j`u;,s p.)z- I r' 0 A T ER, T`1. C., FILE COPY 000, T E L E-P[-? L (0-)P..."r ..l . ^�. IPA A ELECT ! ALL SPACES MUST BE ENDORSEED N PRIOR TO APPROVAL 7 - -,ESE. PLANS j,&A /00 GI i i�jAl LJ A PUBLIC W0F?1j<- D!TPT. cy �DATE_LZ A 2ZA 7e PLANNI. �G Z#0 A COUNTY Id 11A lec _514�1-ylzz_ CITY Y _.___ C, — etq--5'77,-W A:r - /44 DATE 10 ' 1017[f, V_ GENERAL TL LEP140NE DAT7_ JWP 42 3 In, u S A 44— PATE N. W. NATURAL 'GAS DATLr . ye 0 0- P. G. F. syE)ATE-_/_V_'p S7'., 7& To R. F. 0. xy_ DATE_jV_# rO od I r le OX r740*e40 JWWAw1ZX414?bt c r00 7`14:9 4 A>27 + 7- 7WC oftolhb44604 Y' a0glo G.4 2 a i,;) 1 0 74 0 0 /.1000 OGS5400 72i, . AVE , V TL L I A I LY DESIGN I OF 1 THE AMERICA LEGION SCALE t�F�l �� ', =�'` �' _/0 / lx?le TIGARD POST No. - 15 8 /".r /0� , � �,�� , �,,r .�. . ,� ��Ic TRACED P. O. BOX 23482 le,017* 4'77, 0a S , W. 72nd AVENUE JOB NO. TIGARD , OREGON 97223 AA FA, -CHECKED OFTSHEET A 11.1 MCA IN R ft 14*4 "1 It E V 4)14% DA cb TE SEWER t"OXTENS ION K 711,01� SAW. 410SININACCIA I. WFUN1,71, OF mmdm.-.-mL—1 —AAAAAmd.- 4 f�j,116" 400i � I pplippIrl 111111ter lillp I I A, 3 5 9 i NOTE : IF THIS MICROFILMED bw 2 4 6 7 o .0 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN ---"Eau THIS NOT ICS;-lT IS DUE TO A,11 THF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL 0-00"DRAW ING. OE 62 92 L2 92 S? V 2 c 2 22 12 0Z 61 131 LI 91 El 21 11 01 _6 a 4 9 s IP c NIIIN11Nlrjtltl1N1111111111ililtlffliwltH 1111111 111W 111111111 If fill III 11111111 1 ww 4 'K% -4 7. TTTT V N mc°D � 1 C Cl) cu ch s� CITY OF TIGARD RESOLUTION No. 80-_2�i" A RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER IMPROVE- MENTS KNOWN AS 72ND AVENUE SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION, GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF PACIFIC HIGH14AY AND NORTH OF BAYLOR STREET. WHEREAS, the City executed a Sanitary Sewer Compliance Agreement, dated January 8, 1979, with The American Legion (Post 158) , to install a public sanitary sewer line and appurtenance.; thereto, to specified standards, and WHEREAS, the City Council tentatively accepted the aforsaid improvements, via Resolution No. '/9-63, subject to the normal one year guarantee period; and WHEREAS, a maintenance guarantee has been on file as required by said agreement, ensuring continued maintenance of the work throughout the one year 40arantee period; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department has issued certification that the specified terms and conditiunis of said agreement and bond have now been sat- isfactorily completed; N')W, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Tigard, Oregon, hereby accepts the public main line sanitary sewer improvements known as the 72nd Avenue Sanitary Sewer Extension; AND FURTHER, the City Council herein authorizes release of the afursaid maintenance guarantee. PASSED: This gay of �., „ , 1980. 0000, ATTEST: Record+r RESOLUTION No. 80-55 III I nA11 A Harris-McMonagle Associa•%S, Inc. /� ��/(/ PRIORITY '; ar...f a���l �jY ❑ URGENT! 0 8905 S.W. Commercial St, ru.E wo– — - ,� M TIGARD, OREGON 97223 LTaWN AS POSSIBLE III Y /� > �rrFNri�iN - U REPLY NEEDED Phone 639.3453 ;�,/ - -- y S� ITI IL�7 D 17�w,� "us .crS - c� I - - ----------- — SIGNED I SIGNED a t.` SENDER: MAIL RECIPIENT WHITE AND PINK SHEETS �V .M, Harris McMonagle As-, �..res, Inc. ENGINEERS-StIRVRVEYORL IEUU u IF `113 17i=JR0000UV L 8905 S.W. COMMERCIAL STREET TIGARD,OREGON 97223 telephone(501)639.3453 AT LNTION .. J RC TO MN LA r - GENTLEMEN. [, )� WE ARE SENDING YOU ['� Attached C Under separate cover via,J-_----r • �rleSfd g items: Shop drawings ❑ Prints 0 Plans C:. SamplesSPACIfi yc�1 �D CIT'I UUtt'' T(ll.�� Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ —�__—_- COPIES _DATE^- iVO. _ DESCRIPTION IT --SEP 24 1979 GIT r-OF-TIGAMY-- - - I THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below. For approval Approved as submitted Resubmit_- r.ople•s for approval For your use Approved as noted Submit _ copies .'or distribution As requested Returned for corrections Return _corrector' prints For review and comment FOH BIDS DUE - ..__ -_ 19 _ PRINTS RETURNEC AFTER LOAN TO US RF MARKS r (11'v To SIGNED: if enclosures are not as noted. A,ndly nohty u• ,1 onre GEARIN. LANDIS & AEBI RECEIVED LAWYERS AUGIE,16 GEORGIA-PACIFIC BUILDING AU G 3 1 l IIQ79 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204 JOHN GORDON GEA RIN TELEPHONE(5031224-6532 CITY OF TIGARD DAVID C LANDIS FRED M AEBI JOE D.BAILEY JEFFREY M BACHELOR FRANY A MOSCATO JOHN C.MERCER ,IAMES M.CALLAHAN August 29, 1979 Mr. John Hagman ^.O. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Tigard American Legion Post #158, Sewer Maintenance Bond Our file: 12 , 836 Dear John: I have reviewed the bond submitted on behalf of the American Legion Post' s project and Dale ' s Sand arkd Gravel . I have no objection to the substitution of this bond for the cash he'd by the U.S. National Bank. Would you please inform Mr. Heyer of the Tigard Branch of the U.S . National Bank that we do not. object to the release of $2 , 930 to the American Legion Post? Very truly yours , Joe D. Baile� JDB:pb cc: John W. Sonderen, Esq. 'I �< -� ..� •� --rte« --,�.:P --r t � eee CL Ix- .G.�r o-.f v� pso / SF, CITY OF TIGARD P.O. Box 23397 12420 S.W. Main Tigard,Oregon 97223 June 25, 1979 Re: 72nd Avenue Sanitary Sewer Extension Gentlemen: In the matter of the fourteen thousand six hundred and fifty dollar ( 14,650.00) Cash Bond Escrow Agreement, between the American Logion Posr, 158 and the City of Tigard, Oregon, and the U. S. National Bank: this is to serve as official notice to allow said U. S. National Bank to release to the American Legion Post 158 a portion. of the deposit entrusted to said batik, The amount hereby authorized to be released is Eleven Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty dollars (ill The amount to remain entrusted to the U. S. National Bank, as a cash performance bond to assure the City that all remaining requirements are completed, shall be two thousand nine hundred thirty dollprs ($2,930.00). 'Phis aotice shall not be construed to nullify or alter the terms of the aforesaid Cash Bond Escrow Agreement in any way; it is merely an authorization to release a portion of the entrusted monies. City of Tigard, Oregon 41avor City Recorder CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION No. 79- FZ it 0%.:7s RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC SANITARY SEWED�t ,0 IMPROVEMENTS KNFOVN AS 72 V AVE"SANITARY SETTER EXTENSTON, COiJSTRL'CTED `-, AojiwvE WR"00 6 QAC�'F�t µl4NALA K SUBJECT TO NE YEAR MAINTENANCE PERIOD, i WHEREAS, the City executed a Sanitar Sewer Compliance Agreement dated SLAW-877 18 , 1971! with .. ar w���...i-g�•h�P..k ISd�to install a 430 ros� Iv+�gJ sanitary sewer line and appurtenances thereto, -12 '-4 siiL�ospecified standards; and C WHEREAS, the Public Works Department has now issued certification that ' all terms and conditions specifie.: by said agreement have been sat.sifactorly completed, and WHEREAS, an acceptable maintenance bond has been rece .ved by the City to permit release of the previously submitted performance bend gas z\row" by said contract, ensuring continued maint•,nance of the work throuJiout m o�P.e 7r„- period; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Tigard Oregon, 11 hereby accepts the publL*Jc im rovements, constructed within �2' kno�,n as the 7L sanitary Sewer Extensicn J SUBJECT TO, tha nc -mal one' year maintenance period. AND FURTFER, the City Council herein authorizes release of the previously subni.tted performance bond therefor. PASSED; chis _ day of _ _ , 19 7 1 , by the COLInCil of the City of Tigard. i Mayor AT LEST: Recorder .'uw..:i.,+•n .I(n. ,.....:.:. .....♦l.Mv.vrv7 «.. ...1w-... .n......0"�N.w+Yru:W.r s'.Mn:..ru�.'L.M:IK�.mI�N :. WWYiwMAY�YL1dPN1'WINMI![Y .. _ . CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION No. 79- � 3 e;SO .iPL'iui� Or' 'f11F TIGA_RD CJTY COUNCIL ACCEM'1NG THE PUBLIC SAMI'TARY SFIWER '_M:ROVEMENTS KNOWN AS 72ND AVENUE SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION, CONSTRUCTED WITHIN /2N]" AVENOF SOUTH OF' PACIFIC HIGHWAY, SUBJECT TO .A ONE-YEAR MAINTENANCE PERIOD, WHEREAS, thc. City :xecuted a Sanitary Sewer Compliance Agreement dated Jar,. r,.rtir ,2, i_979, with the American Legion (Post 153) to .install. a 430 foot long sanitary ewer line and appurtenances thereto, within 72nd Avenue south of Pacific Hiohwa.y to specified standards; and 1.'E-IERFA,S, the 1'ubli.c. Works Department has now is sued certMcation that all terms and conditions specified by said agreement have been satisfactortly completed, and WHEREAS, the developer has expressed a desire to reta.lu a portion of the existing perfornnLnce bond now on file with the City, in lieu of suhmitttng a separate mazu.te;r- anr.e bona, to anrure continued maintenance of the, work thr<rughout the required ore- ., .:nr guarantee period, and 110W, 7'Hn(EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Tigard, Oregon, hereby accepts the public improvements constructed within 72nd Avenue south of Pacific lli.ghway known .s the 72nd Avenue Sanitary Sewer Extension. SUBJECT TO the normal one-year maintenance period, AND FORTHER., the City Council herein authori2.es reduction of the existing performance bond to $2,930.00, to assure continued maintenance (and freedom from defects) through the aforesaid maintenance period. PASSED: This dey of 4tAv��_____.,____; 1979, by the Council of the City of Tigard. r ' j //tz- Ma-,ror ATTE 5T: Recorder RESOLUTION No. 79- FIRE i FUND INSURANCE C♦"PANY �. THE CAN INSURANCE COMP. 4y NATIONAL SURETY CORPORATION ASSOCIATFO INDEMNITY CORPORATION MAINTENANCE BOND � V�W Ili.9H S rUN17 AMf RICAN AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY lilJ1j.4:+NCE C01v1PAN1E5 NOME OFFICE•SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA Bond No.—__SC 6352152 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That,----- Dale's Sand and Grave; Co., Inc. -_"" as Principal, andFt�eman-'s-Fu�Insurance Zom an �-�-`- _Cc�l �fOrn�a _ - - -y a corporation organized under the law:; of the State of- __ -and authorized to do a surety business in the State 01. 0..regon as ty, ar held and firmly bound unto the American Legion Tigard Post O 158 -and The-Crty of gard_, Oregon - __ _enin the sum of Thousand Nine_�1u� Lr�y- -'_ -_ , lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executor,, administrators, successors and assigns, Jointly and severally, firmly by these presents: June 8, 1979 SEALED with our seals and dated this_.-- _ WHEREAS - — ---oP he,Dale s Sa _ and ve � ..- the said_ __— __ _-------- ..Gal . as contractor, entered into a contract forConstruction of the S. W. 72nd Avenue Sewer Extension for hR Eum of--Thi rteen Thousand Seven_Hundred Seventy-one__and .50/100----�---..._„ (3__.."_-•-----� and, WHEREAS, under the terms of the specifications for said work, the saki Dale's Sand and Grave 1 Co., Inc, _� —_IR required to give a band for---1116 Thousand Nine Hundred Thirt and - —^-^rw......__„r_ ____-_-- _. ---------r------------------rrw-rwrr-rrf�— ---rr �tmertGanTeg on rgar Foss-Ao: 2-On rJ��inet the result of faulty mqterlal or orkfg� Ap�s}�Ip for a period of one year from and after the date of the completion and a^ceptance of sarr.e, namely, un1iL_ Mara 2 , 1�t30 '40W, THEREFORE, if the said_—_d0-1e's Sand and Grave Co�1 InC� `- - •hall for a period of one year'from and after thy,dale Is completion and acceptance of same by Vsaid_.- er Cam LerOn 9 _ T!9At Q-5!A,-Jr��II � d � Ti�ard�_pregon - _ _ _ ny and al defects arising in said work whether resulting from defective materials or defective %.orkmanship, then the above obligation to be void! otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Dale s Sad onj Gravel m., Inc. f BY: Fireman's Fund Insurance Comp&ny By " Iyi� .�----- Car Ginter, Attorney-in-Fact 3 6 002 7-4-aa .-RAL n;TORNEY FIRED PI'S FUND INSURANCE CC- ANY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY, a Corporation duly organized an,-' existing under the Liws of the State of California, and having its principal office in the City and Cou-ity of Sun Francisco, in said State, has made, constituted and appointed, and does by these presents moko, constitute and appoint ----CAROL GINTER----- PORTLAND, OREGON as true and lawful Attcrney(s)-in Fact, with full power and authority hereby conferred in its name, place and stead, to execute, seal, ac-knowladge and deliver any and all bonds, undertakings, recognizances or other written obliga- tions in the nature thereof and to bind the Corporation thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such bonds were signed by the President, sowed with the corporate seal of the Corporation and duly attested by its Secretary, hereby ratifying and confirming all that the said At';orney(s)-in. Fart may do in the premises. This p,,wer of attorney is granted pursuant to Article VIII, Section 30 and ai of By-laws of FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY now in full force rind effect. Article Vlil, .4ypuintmrnt and Authority of Rrudret Assistant Seeretartes, and Atlorery-in-Fact and Aperits to accept Legal pros-ss and Make 4 ppenranees. Section 30 Apppoointmeet. The Chairman of the Board of Directors, the President, any Vice-President or any other person authorized by the Board of Directors, the CFiairman at the Board of Directors, the President or any Vice-President, may, from lime to time,appoint Resident Assistant Secretanes and AuaCo ya-in Fact to represent and act for and on behalf of the Corporation and Agents to accept legal process and make appearances for and on behall of the Corporation. Semon 31 Authorrfv. The Authority of ouch Resident Assistant Secretaries Altorneys-in Fart and Agents shall be as prescribed the Instrument evidencinq their appointment, and any such appoiniment and all authority gran nted thereby may be revoked at any it b°y the Board of Directors or by any person empowered to muke such appomiment' This rower of attorney is signed and sealed under and by the authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY it a merhr,g duly called and held on the 15th day of July, 1966, and that said Resolution has not been amended or repealed RESOLVED that the signature of any Vice-President, Assistant Secretary and Resident Assistant Secretary of this Corporation, and the seal of this Corporation may be affixed or printed on any power of a torney, on any revocation of any power of attornity, or on any certificate relating thereto, by facsimile, and any power of attorney any revacanen of any power of attorney, or certificate bearing such facsimile signature or lacsirntle seal shall be valid and binding upon the Carl oration." IN WITNESS WHEREOF. F-IREMANS FUND INSURANCE CnMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its Vice-President, and its corporate seal to be hereunto allixed this 16th day of. Ma,y 19 _ '8. yAN 1 , FIRF-MAN S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY •, a By Vice-Pres cent STATE OF CALIFORNIA, } ss. CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO 1 On this 16th__day of.__ __Mal_-_ 1S_T8 GLi.P.Uam W. laubet before me personally to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he is Vice-President of FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCEJCOhI- PANY, the Corporation desr•rtbed in and which executed the above Instrument, that he knows the seal of said Corporation; that the, seat affixed to thra sai-1 instrument is such corporate seal, that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Corporation and thnt he signed his name therelo by like order IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year herein first above written. F'ttttnunnuurnttnnttttutusuatnmstmuusutf _ OFFICIAL SEAL j SUSIE K. GILBERT NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA S Notary Public �`LXi Cly E (CONT'r OF SA,N fRANCI (o Expire! Now. 11, 19N0 ' CERTIFICATE M aIfill I I I I I#to 1111111111/I11111,t1 IIItA STATE OF CAL1�' "YAIIIIII , ler CITY AND r- �tTNTY OF SAN FfIA1'1CISCO I the uridersigned. Asol;lant Secretary of FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY, a CALIFORNIA Corporation, CO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing and attached POWER OF ATTORNEY remains in lull force ar.d has not been revoked; and furthermore iiia! Article VIII. Sectians 3n and 31 of the By-laws of the Corporation, and the Resolution of the Board of Directors, Piet forth in th.- Power of Attorney, are now in lorce 5i;ned and sealers at the City and County of San Francisca Dated the 8th day ol_ ,June _ ig-79-- VAssistant Secretary ,yet rl.f 360546 4 Hot —FF-- 11.76 Harris-McMonagle Associates, Inc. ENG INEEkS-SURVEYORS 8905 S.W. COMMERCIAL STREET TIGARD, OREGON 97223 Telephone)503)6.14 1453 RECEIVED May 25, 1979 MAY 2 9 1979 CITY OF TIGARD Mr. John Hagman City of Tigard 12420 S. W. Main St. Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: S.W. 72nd Ave. Sewer Extension Dear John: The American Legion, Tigard Post #158, would like to leave the present construction bond in force at a reduced amount in lieu of pro- viding a maintenance bond at this time. If this -is agreeable to the City, please notify Ms. Patricia Skoog at the Tigard Branch of U. S. National Bank that the present security may be reduced to $2,930.00. If you have any questions, please call me. Sincerely, �t�CIQ� Harris-Mr_Monagle Associates, Inc. By: Stuart L. Cato SLL:ds cc: American Legion cc: U.S. Bank - Patricia Skoog I Avoid Verbal Messages A- 1 CITY OF TIGAItU To From: S � C Subject: Date:___-- 1 � 21 O/� ?��qlr r"V of Tig _ tY r err INSPECTION REGUEST for I N,S PE C T!O N T I til E : _ PERMIT NO, * ________ DATE: : �_ i. DATE ISSUED:_.L-/ OWNERS NAME : __. /h-fr��I ' ADDRFSS ' CONTRACTOR : 1�, L TEST: Air ❑, Wa er L-1 , VisualO , Laboratory ❑ RES^UL.T.' Approved ❑ Disapproved 0 Pending ❑ SKETCH: N n /(,r: A 4 , S ', '(7 1141-d/r. g m C m0^014 iNSPEc ro DATE N0TE Attach supplemen,nl test data hetet- AMA MRAMRA Harri;,-McMonagle Associates, Ipc. HNOIN88RS.SURVBYORS 8905 S.W.COMMERCIAL STREET TIGARD.OREGON 97223 DATE ____ JOB NO Telephone(503)639.3453 S— _7.* ATT RE TO GENTLEMEN- WE ENTLEMEN WE ARE SENCING YOU L AUached Udder separate cover via _ _. the following items Shop drawings fryr►rtts Plans Samples L: Specifications Copy of letter f Change order [yam�_ /�_ --. - —_ ---- -� r.oPiEs DATE NO. DESCRIPTION ------- --- - - /",. �- I ,_ j�-7 _ -S rp 0A to a MAR 0 2 1979 -- - - -_–_ —-------- - -------_CIIY_.QE TIrAR.D — TNE�E ARE TrtANSMITTEU as checked below: For approval U Approved as submitted i__7 Resubmit copies for approval your use ❑ Approved as noted n Submit copies for distribution As requested ❑ Returned for corrections 11 Return--corrected prints For renew and comment 1`7._ FOR BIDS CUE -- 19-- PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS -- l��s L �•'/.-� /��_ G�E'—G�. iis �11fi _1/`i�__L::_L-., .s _�/�s ,1 �c r•OPY TO SIGNED: It anelo.urat arta net of noted, kindly notify us of once _------_ q � a 7 kN } � -- ITh, __ - N--- --- -- - - - -- - -- - - -- f v� l I Q aD I I I W o I i V) © tLIJ , z In N -r_ w z ;I o CITY OF TIGARD—12420 S.W.MAIN—TIGARD,OREGC'J 9723 RECEIPT -71 DATE:— AMOUNT: 1 LT'u_ J �S _L_ DOLLARS NAME: 1) CASH: _� { ADDRESS: `i , ' cf C�: - �CN CK M.O.: _ r OF r FORT � ACCT.r PlRMITS SURCHARO! -----AMOUNT SEWER BILLINGS 40-364 S_ i BUSINESS LICENSE . 05-331 PLUMBING PERMIT 05-332 MECHANICAL PERMIT 05-332 BUILDING PERMIT- 05-333 SEWER CONNECTION 40-363 SEWED INSPECTION 40-365 SYSTEM DEV.CHARGE 25-366 PARK DEV.CHARGE #1 30-367 t. PARK DEV.CHARGE #2 30-368 i E ZONING ADJUSTMENTS 05-362 V TOTALS S _ RECEIVED BY: f PERMIT NUMRIR! IIONID: Number _Amount Number Amount Number Amount �w RICtDT 0 1 Q A CITY OF TIGARDI � DEVELOPMENT DEPOSIT FEE COMPUTATION SHEET PROJECT NAME - ) PROJECT AME 77 `"ted Del `J� '� ('PROJECT NO. ( ) PROJECT FEE (City ord. 68-43, Sec i0, Par."A"): a) Total estimated Improvament cost . . ... > — G) Less eon. sewer est const cos . . .. .. i Adjusted improvement cost ........ . ... ... c) .013X = . . . . . (sublot t r) SEWER FEE (U.S A. res. 70--12, Sec.9, Par."B"): 0)Sevrer plan check fee H inspection fee , 6 1) hp 10.00 X — ` (no,—fl Coris) . li---t-�-�--�---- ?_) �> 100.00 min. b) Permit fee B connection charge paid. E:3 1 c) Sever district contract surcharge paid...••.••• • ••• • •Q i (district name � ,__ , (3) STREL•'T LIGHTING PEE : o) P.G.E. lighting schedule no. _ti--- b) Mthl, rate option ItYDeOf!!ght I-_lumens J - j�I (mthly rate) (no Of lighte) type ofpole -___ /=—_____� (riOly rnt^) (no of poles ) lyr 12mth's (subto'cl) 2yr = 2,1mth's A , ss X(W.- — (su6roluq .otrnths)~ r (4) SIGN FEE (Item+•installetien) (persign) (no of sign) STOP _X - RESTRICT, OCCUPANCY ------X --- - — STREET SIGN X co!,13 STOP/ST.NAIAE - X --- -NO PARK1140 X - - X Ise, tip X _ a— 'misci type) RECEIPT NO -- I Z4 Xf PATE L PAID ___._ -1 r,h e c k r, 'i R A N D TOT L cash C7 mcney order G] \\\ __- ., :;Intierl' sewer,strce!,ur s'.:`•d lien OIUW AL THIS A:fiEfPiETti`P,, tI'R":• ''' ..(�. 'el C i _ J4 it ft_Lt. 1 1 CITY OF I1�,+RD,. r-�_�•:i:.z.� " pd th- "c i American.Ilegion Post-158 w 1 V N t V. i WHEREAS, the Pri-_i} z_ - } :f VKI t:; Witt', re!pect to c 1•.. �,. .. ..f cc, • i ..d t Sanite _Sewem- Iain---- ____ _' .�._ �• ,. 5..1�� ,7.2-t�d .Pvenue.. San. :5 - Exterdjon_ _..._ . . r� r t .., � �ooc�ax�c�c xaotaoac S.e WHEREAS., -?,,t P-in• trj a. 9 tv .Lt + + '�' stt t,, 4. , .. of { : - a c.3'' ,. {":':f' �?1't; � f,.ttd tG., .Ss .• irI' 11 'y i' �..i �'fgt:i.r is of !.,_Q.Q ._. .`. Cc �li.•t Arra-em4. +. ►, 11 1.... ltc..., H .: s^.d to eas'.. sPtal.t bft: ti•..p!y P-J;d b"A l a: therec t and WH ERE e- B I . f . t _ q f.t.�t. , rsi , .i . it is d �. s. f , r,i �• t ,.. . I I A. .. ► r-.1 t e 51.a ► . C"t-E, r.k�' ! _. ! t.. a -r .t d= �.k r•av`s:• t t'. t*' t. ..t f fAT.� L�tt. . :It ���. • 1 t .� , r, Y'. � . .. i'ti R' t t1dV'r;e• , .t It, .. .iiL � . . 1.::y I . , r,FI:A , .-L !(} r, rt �} t. p ., ) s ;� ':'i ist �N.: '1 C•a•, ; ' ••,. Cry , r" t • Pr h a f Sall A lit.Y t a- r..•t.. , rtd . r Ak-t � , r �f, t . • • • tin 1: be cont A :r� i Ir- all LalZ -:zst-S i..►.�i1C•j t �' �. Y• 1 f c x M � moi' . 1"r 2, rl. :a � Nr{ '. •� . .. _ •a t f.0 ? 7.a: Lb S:.s. !..L'I AIL ''J W,h•�r.•c,. WuERrr,c i �. � ,, . f'. p '.`. American Legion Post 158 4• r ,� _ ._ ._ .. .W.......... ., .. ... __.� ... . tl:.►,,( ,.��;;JCH • U. S. NAT ICNAL BANK is CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON SEWER DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (P.W. ) Procedure Check List I. FILE INITI.: TED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ...... . .. . ......... ... ...... . . .. . ..... . . .� / zv (1) Supplementary sheets attached . . . .. . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . .. . . . . . •. . . . • • • . ..>4) 1I. SUBMISSION OF Pll:.l:"CMiNARY SITE DESIGN: (1) Pending Design Review Board of Council. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . (2) Approved tentatively by Council . .. . . . . . . . . . . . (3) Annexation (complete)'T unnecessary) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...>C III. SUBMISSION OF 1'k0,IMINAk'V CONSTRUCTION PLANS: (1) Plan Check commended. . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � la! /7 (a) hevisiors required. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+*— (b) Stamped, approved for construction, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . ...P-P (2) UtiIi.ty Company plans received. . .. , . . . ...• . . . . . . . . . • . .. . . . . . +ii" (.i) Improvement costestimate received. .. .. .. . . .. . . . . . . IV. EXECUTION OF PROJECT DOCUMENTS: r.(1) C'cntract documents drawn. a� "a) Compliances Agreement signed. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . >T" (b) Performance Bond signed. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2) Permits and Lices.ses acquired. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' (3) hasemente obtained and records , .s,,,,... . . . e . . . . . . . . . i (4) I'eposits made . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. .t' f.: l7.. . ... .rl4ir.# 6,�5; . . . . . . . . . . . V. COMMENCEMENT OF ^ONSTRUCTION. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . ... . .. .. . . ... .. . . $ . . . . . . . . . . . f / Note: Inspection sheets and construction/inspection check list .� (attached) for progress. VI . FINAL INSPECTION OF CONSTRUCTION. . . . . . . . ... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . (1) Fending correction of deficiencies. . . . .. . . • o . . .. . . . . . . . I . .. . . . . . . . . . ...) (2) Not acceptable, construction deficient, . . . .. . . . ... .. . .. . . (3) 1,11 ccnstruction items acceptable. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . VII. EXECUI TOId (tF FI NI L PROJECT DOCUMENTS: tl) 1'alnttn8nce Bond signed. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .lose . .. . • . . . . . .. .. . . • . . .. . .1 (2) i.s-built dri-ving received. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. .. . . . . .... . . .� (3) final repott to Council issued. • . . ... . . . . . . . . .. . ... .. . . . . . . .. .0 . . . . . 8 �J VIII. CITY COUNCIL ACCEPIANCE OF PROJECT IMPROVEMENTS. .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . ..1 MAINTENANCE BOND EXPIRES: / / SANITARY SEWER COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT dated this 8th day of .January , 1979 , between the CITY 07 TIGARD, a municipality of the State of Oregon, hereinafter termed the "City", and AMERICAN LEGION POST 158 hereinafter termed 'Petitioner", W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for approval of construction of a sanitary sewer, to be known as S.W. 72nd Avenue (San.) Sewer Extension �t e x xrgx�v<�-ux A i�sc a�e'sc:ofic enc�aa'e3ec pec�descxvmdsedc x�ax xq fies�mrx�ia�aic x x x x x x�c x x�C xx�pty�yc�c x x-Lf'Exmmx !x x=d3exxe TMctxboceafru and VHEREAS, the City of Tigard requires applicants for construction of sewers, and oppurtenances thereto, tn submit to con3truction inspection, slid testing therewi.thal., o grant public easements,therefor, and requires the payment of fees; and WHEREAS, the City has approved and adopted the standard specifications for Public Works construction by APWA, Oregon Chapter, and the Unified Sewerage Agency specifications for sanitary sewers prepared by professional engineers for Public Works construction; and WHEREAS, the public improvements required to be constructed are incomplete, but petitioner has nonetheless ;-equested that the City permit granting of the property to the public, and the parties herein named desire to protect the public interest gener.al.ly to assure the public improvements will be installed as required onri completed wi.thi.rr the time hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premise and the covenants and agree- ments to be kept and performr,d by the Petitioner and its contractor and contractors surety, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. Petitioner shall proceed to complete all public improvements as shown on herewith improvement plan, as approved by the City of Tigard and prepared by Harris-McMonagle As sociation, _TiRard, Ore dated 9-10-71 Rev.9-22-78) . _ Said improvements to be completed no later than one (l.) year from the date of this agreement, and Petitioner hereby agrees to comply with all. standard specifications adopted by this City, or as may otherwise be approved by the Department of Public Works and to use only such material and to follow such designs as may be required to conform thereto. 2. To assure compliance with the City's requirements and the provisions thereof,Peti-ti_oner. agrees to obtain, provide and tender to the City, a surety bond(s) in form approved by the City, with Liability in the amount equal to the r�ontract price of $ '.4,650.L)0 prior to issuance of a permit for construction f said improvements; Petitioner. 's'^ contractor. shall be licensed, and insured as required by unified Sewerage Agency Resolution and Order(s) No. 72-12 and No. 71-9. 3. In the event that the Petitioner shall fail, neglert or refuse to proceed with the work in an orderly and progressive manner to assure rompleti.on within ti.p time specified, upon ten (10) days notice by the City to the Petitioner and the Petitioner`s surety, and such default and failure to proceed continuing thereafter, the City may at its option proceed to have thework completed and chatge the costs thereof against the Petitioner and the Petitioner's surety and in the event the same be not paid, to bring an action on the said bond to recover the amount thereof. In the event that such action be brought, the Petitioner and the Petitiraer's surety shall be required to promise OL and agree to pay, in addition to the amounts accruing and allowable, such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as attorney's fees and cost incurred by the City, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any, or the City may at its option bring proceedings to enforce against the Petitioner and/or Petitioner's surety, specific performance of the contract and compliance with the standards adopted by the City of Tigard, and in any event, in a like manner, the City shall be entitled to recover such sums as the court may adjudge reasonable for the City's attorney's fees and cost, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any. 4 . Petitioner, concurrent with the execution hereof, agrees to pay the following fees as required by Unified Sewerage Agency Resolution and Order No. 70-12: a. A plan check fee to cover the cost of review and approval of construction plans and inspection of sewer construction (except house connections) in the amount of $ 100.00 b. A permit fee to cover the cost of processing the permit application and performing the inspection of property connect=-on (s) in the amount of c. A connection charge to connect directly to an existing sanitary sewer, which was installed with/without (strike inapplicable word) cost to the Petitioner, in the amount of $ * d. A monthly sewer service charge for the use of the public sanitary sewer system. 5. Petitioner, concurrent with the execution hereof, also ag-ees to pay a surcharge in the amount of $ N.A. as required by that certain contract entered into ty the City with N.A. _ for the reimbursement of sewer construction costs pertinent thereto. 6. The City agrees to make periodic inspections as, in the City's judgement, is necessary to assure compliance. 7. The Petitioner agrees to insure that the City receives 48 hour advance notice of commencement of construction and, also, 12 hour advance notice for all requested Yield inspections. 8. The Petitioner agrees to insure that the Petitioner's engineer obtains accurate as-built (field) construction records of said sewer installation rnd, also, agrees to insure that the City is furnished with one accurate as-buil mylar thereof. 9. At such time as all public impro•►ements have been completed in acc:rrdance with the City's requirements, Petitioner shall be required to notify the City of the readiness for final inspection/ upon affirmation by the Department of Public Works that all require- ments of the City have been met, the Petitioner will submit- to the City a good and sufficient maintenance bond in the form approved by the City in a sum equal to twenty percent (20%) of the contract price to provide for correction of any defective work or maintenance becoming apparent or arising within one year after final acceptance of the public improvements by the City. 10. Upon receipt of certification by the Department of Public Works that all require- ments have been met, and a one year Maintenance bond, the City Council agrees to accept the public improvements, subject to the requirement of correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year. * to be determined at time of application for building connection permit. Sewer Compliance - Page 2 of 3 Qom• 11. That the Petitioner, in consideration of the City's approval of the app..ication to construct a sanitary sewer within the boundaries of easements held by the City, does hereby convenant and agree to save, hold harmless and indemnify the City, its officers, agents and employees, for and from all claims, demands, damages, and each and every other obligation that can or could arise from the neglect of Petitioner, his officers, agents, contractors and employees, or from trespass upon property outside of the easement area, including attorney's fees and costs, if any, neceEsarily incurred by the City in defending against such claims, with the intent and pur2ose that the City shall be made whole with respect to any amounts it may be required to pay to be held liable for in conn—tion with the exercise of the privileges afforded Petitioner to utilize the area within the City's easement for sewer construction purposes. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement pursuant to authority vested in each of them. PETITIONER: ALne�-r-ican Legion Post 153 (Attached Acknowledgment Hereto) CITY OF TIGARD: yor Recorder r Sewer Compliance - Page 3 of 3 ikhyt•,'l- ' +1'b•'YI,,.GkZ:�hgi49,.t f1�i67E ° 'vE`t r c tiw'S.eltd.,t:. 1 AI A'(';: OF OREGON � SS• o u I t y r)f --22-6? on this c': day ofE"CPivlbPrr .. ----' 19-- Personally t-he above named oe!5 ,_,�� r..i a�kn wlPdged ihp foregoing instxu*r.ent to be their voluntary act and deed. Before mea Nof"ary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires:, -�V g f, 1i� n ` i ` `�� • riP i � •5, fr rt� ' rl ti ' a � f� bK ;r;, a � :9 � 'A� .taC�� '' .i r� y; ��. ,Rt�"f�y � st�f c r .W�. '► � .ft +� �i ��' t 'y`��, i r 'y. t..R ' �! '� 4� „r.l .�,1 r it t ,f{. '��L11 �K, �` H j JJ � y i .1. ",. •.�� ��i' , ;' Fr� - W'Jt�i r�",j �� #�. ;' /' '<rP'."d+�j'•'F �'; :'' 1,�: ' T Y:�. "� ~A # ^... f ♦� i� 'x, ,,,� 'YY ' ',.+..�IjA•f �' ,�yy ' i. r r 7 r t .te t + y 1AFt1 4' t.i r ^ +1 .'1 jr. l,�c' • • !^�. '�Ar• ��j� � � � �- �9'r ��'�Y ,�vf�� Y � f � ce �t.,Yib�.it.7. ,t '� t J '.! ��.t 4i �t� 4 r C 'i t -.r {•�'' ♦J� ��, r fi 1 �' ';' ''' n,lp �,' s K y" ' F ] � �� ��'tet•� \ ,,1 ,5�''t'! f it`fd/ lr w.�t• � �' '��. !• r�da ,f� rye t"T' iii #.� ti,1 {,°. � •"�'1+ l�rf E ''"#, .+;,,•'�': f �':ft��ryrft• t ,ir' � 11j�•"�" r ,.�e '11 r�M1 ,r �'�1 �1? }JJ �' '� 3 d '' ♦rP i Wl;-t.y r • 'kb ,r�. i* f�'r•�T�{:��'' 'I I r ry,wt ,t,p v ��r� j,.. ' ( hf. 1( � �Y'M"Ijjr 4..y_ -, r.,•,.+ f 1 ���Siit �,• s�+' . t ) Y Ff � j prf•' � �'/J !r) S} •y. 'f,` t"' '><, •.�.A ' lir � y'i r Ik �u. �* D .i• ��t y 1} �.. - -y�ati � P Ia vj ,Vt v .a hi e. ` swat. a'7�y;�� }�I�A r.� y •a���y� `"�#�'1., � T � • � r -r,. ✓V. i .•l� w_ AI'. a '��:�dl�����r:.��• +1tit r,. 1� +• � �+•r{�• .1: HARRIS-MCMONAGLE ASSOCIATES srrt»rr:rite_XURVmroxe 8905 N.W-COMM ICRCIAL 14TREELT TIUARD,ORE(JON 97223 TML6PHON1C (503) 039-3463 November 29, 1978 RECEIVED OV3u1978 CITY OF TIGARD Mr. John Hayman pity of Tigard 12420 S. W. Main St. Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: S 1;. 72nd Avenue Sewer Extension Dear John: Our estimated cost for construction of the referenced project is $14,650.00. Sincerely, J. ;`Harris Harris-P1ctlonagle Associates , Inc. JRH:ds UJr I Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington County 150 N. First Avenue Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 503 648-8621 November 9, 1978 City of Tigard 22Gq�� P.Q. Box '2_3997 Tigard, OR 9727.3 Gentlemen : I SUBJEC''.' : MORNING HILL, S.W. 72nd AVE. & ANCELYNN SUBDIV. Enclosed for your file are two sets of the construction plans on the above-referenced project which have been approved by this Agency and the Department of Envi.ron- mertal Quality. Very truly yours , Engineering Division jb Encicsures rr � � � 0 e— ' n nn � i ES %��.,-�-i.�L y .�,f►vcrir/.�-ti r�R.c�'-sT•,�?.9�-�a�v L'NT/14- ,•�c'�.E/�',rE'J dY �p APPROVED 7Q UNIFIEDSt.%Nf-RAGE AGErqCy � B Y I SCALE 72nd AVENUE JOB NO.JOB NO. S IFE? IER EXTENSION OF j r I Y8. r�rLer w\�!1 JM3S G Pu ZL N r 11/01 J/V//Vf"b'iN ;s S -P 77, PWI "PACES MUST BE ENDORSED PRIOR 7"0 APPROVAL OF THESE PLANS PUF3LIC WOI:IC: D,,pT. BY._. - q BATE._._ -- PLANNING DEPT. D g DU11-DING DEPT DY ,� DATE COUNTY HFALTH r DPT, 6Y' _ CITY ADMINlST,`,•.T�Drj eY_ 71Gt,170 WAT21 DIST. ay—-- ATE_._,. GENr_F�AL TELEPHONE I s A DATE DATE N. Vit. NATURAL GAS AY —_- DATE 1 N JJQ� E•F. D. ®Y._..._._ ___ DATE__ J �.�il. - •Y__-- _--� DATE_ ELEC i'k A s rM Al_L SPACES MUST BE, ENDORSED 2 ALL BAc PRIOR T*O APi=i r vNL Or THESE PLANS PUBLIC W07iK1 D=PT• F~Y �� _ _. DATE e PLANNING D,--PT. SY_.._—. _ /C IDUILDING DEPT. ey.__ -----� DATA � �-- _ �✓(/QL COUNTY WALTH n!'PT. S*f-----.-- - DATE . —.___--- - 3, WDfY/r DATe_...�---- rrC--ITY ADMINISTRATOR qY_ (�-------- f ` `/ /�tT.JIStfD.D WATER DIST. ®Y__..1:-�C. DATE �D.�� DATE .L-�-=--�--�� GENERkl� 7 EL.EPHONE 5� — "'�- IJ S A — ---- DATE_._.___---- N. W. NATURAL GAS BV _. _ By DATE V. G. E. rJ • h ByT _. DATE_ T. R. RICA �.EGION ST NW ��e i S.W. 32 0 97923 I:1:I!� , ��t►�.,II,.L: ..�tvt,� I.,'Ii SEWE .�r.-, w. ', t't1M�11:H('f.�l, w•t'Irtlati'I I I HARRIS - McMOIIIIiAGLE A MATES LFFIT r —IM OF TfMRS AUUUL 8905 S.W. Commercial Street L TIGARD, OREGON 97223 DATE 9/29/78 (503) 639.3453 ATTENTION John Hagman RE TO City of Tigard-- - S. V.. 72nd Avn. Sewer Extension ---- WE ARE SENDING YOU ❑ Attached Under separate cover via ____ . __the following items: Shop drawings ❑ Prints ❑ Plans Samples i I Specifications Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 4 9/29/76 S. W. 72nd Avenue sewer extention THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as chec!,ed below: [X For approval ❑ Approved as suhmitted ❑ Resubmit_ --copies for approval I7 For your usf-. El Approved as noted ❑ Submit---- copies fer distribution ❑ As requested CJ Returned for corrections L Return___corrected prints 0 For review and comment 7 ❑ FOR BIDS DUB _.-_— _19 CI PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS _. -- WAS SIGNED I!enclosures one not as noted, kindly notify us of once kc; ' POND ESCROW AGREEMENT I'115 V:REEMENT, rr!qd(-- day of . 9_21t. between the OF' TI;ARD. I- - i -i! + ,i the "Cit y 1515 V,c re i- o 1 t- rr,f.:d Lfio� P i -,."I _317 and ;-,,after termed `B;3 7k." (Association) WIj' NFSSETP .,; WHEREAS, the Pri— ir. , ! ' -f — (- Y( .,ut-cd a Sanitaxy Sewer Cc - i`.I.arre Ag--,:Pm(-1 .. tl' — - pect to eons t,uction- a-,d ir-p-ovem a S 4oA1 gmet Vt.% Ihi City known as ---1L4Aj__ I L Itc a copy ->f said agre(imert t-M %W4j *,vkj t�p� )mLr NAL a I :.g qtta,,.:.hed h-,r, t and by i part and I-10 st-d to the, (,I L) 0,-?re be entr;,s ted to the Bank tl),: ., o 1+% _ as a cash pe*r.f To, , pond to assure the City that all. q i,It i-rent.sof I i J -I Y Sewer- Compliance Ag!eerrif-rl shall be properly and L ime I y I,( -for- :d and to assurc> that the costs thereof sh-31.1 be tAmely paid and ail requirements I h( reof rtiet; and WHEREAS . I he B.—I, hss ag—ed r.o take title to ard hold in a trust capacity the sum of arto 1— :eby ack.n:lwledgts c,istody thereof, to be held pursuant to th�- rms atM of s,ild Sanitary Sewer Coilptiance Agreement as hereto attached, anu ! t is desired herc..by Ln srL fr,rLt, •;jnd define t.'-!r- % orditions applicable tci F-31d cash bro'd, W THEREFORE, if 0-'e. Principal. sh,all falthful.1v k, with and Limely comply wItall of said ;,3-,Ar.ary Sewer Compliance A, ard all ordinances and reguLati -ris and if 0 P cIpaL shall well. a-d !y perform all -:,qt rs and thins 01crebv a-,J V If. he perfrtmed a i -11 promptly mak(_ ill j so"'.5 rupplyipt; la!, ;a[ f- any 1. of th,r work, a-d If incl pa 1. P It .3- I ' air; to he filed -# r::uted ag,.-,.InsL the Cit1 oun t f env _ ah,. ,. fu - i -hed, ta--I if -1i P ir. ; j,ij. s}ial_l promptly pay a' trt.bUtlGc,S d"' t s du�j rl'c Stat k Acc id,:nt Fund and the S ta te C Fund, a-d shall premptIv as di.,, ir,ik payrnE^.L to tk-: person, co-pa, 1 associnticri or corporation of the riori!.es trienfl-ned in Chapt- I-Id 2;9,510 0 R.S and shat(. P-orriptiv (.r,r.-.p'y with a] withholding and payment q I Chapter's 316. 16Z t-,i 310.21�. 0 R.S. wlt*i rpt:pc0 t he LOU.er:tior of i-.axes -t ! ' -11 Uptn full complvtjr'-i of 'al ., W I P, of evide-ce s,itisfa t - y that all require F J. and If the Pv:tncipal. sl,al I -:d dc.!Liver to the City tl M= 1, d4, Ire said Sanitary Sewer (' Avr•nneint, then t[e Bank tl,cre ease Principal the said cask i, I'VOVIDED, hclw#;�vi r, thit. the ch(ig8'_I(;r`,S shall not apply to Any m nr" Iris, 1,IX-4riced to the Ptincipat 'n In any sub.(..nLrac1r.j (-r other person in tit(, p� , Itr i--- of ti such work whrl , - qp1_ ,.r'i0.'.y prf,vided for by contract or othrrw1sc , how,verj Lhe I , r- ipal., shall fail to lit.eraiiy comply %ith all of ,aid sanitary Sewer Ccyipliarc,!- Agtarrterrt. and all the i,,,qu3ie-ets hereof, or shall I -,jrjV l,SrtiCU!2r perf(>rrr, the work in a defective manner, uprri 10 day-, notice by the. Ci , ,, i < Prtt- ipal and such default or failure continuing thereafter, the Cilti• 1 ,: herFl hol Iced n have said work. Pf rf0tMed or the reclu,T-r-iFrts or the San[ tary Sewe=r plilin(�: Agreement brought i-Itt'i L.("nformity with ttrm,., thereon and with the Cltv ', tdi-ar .c ,; and regulatiors. and the City stall I . d It is hereby , at,j0v,)rfz(, `1 agailsl the c:tit-rusted cash deposit and Uif, Bti,ik agree� to pay Oi,ref-i,,i a r. un Ls r e?:L i f!, d by I hr G1 ty to he (Jar6eabLe t he rE't.(-,, Nothing. herein - t-titainoqi 0-111 tic, i.onst.rijurl to constituLe 4cc.vptar.i-.f. by the City of arty responsllfl IlLy for ma i tit una-rC f the Improvement,6 rl.,.ir th,, City by reasovi thereof bvcorTiv ohligatpd tr% 'Ifiv (I a. or Fre:perty ow-- by the rra-,kn.. er in which said Improverrents wt. Further . the City b4-, a�, addit ,- -- to the foregoing, fr'. the event, of sl_lch fl-44._ F rn Fai-A cl I i - cipat t , (-harge against said funds all cc ,-,ts incurred h,- r',c Cltv '-dirg at,. � fees I - txacting compliance therewi -.h. herewith,heewith, and t1— 11 v k agr! ',o J f ..ds f(-,- said purposes upon C.Pr tj f I cil tirp thereof by the City Pper f:j I f 11.Iment of the f()."-c Roi rig In a,-,. -dance with the Lk.—I)s ar,.J provisions hereof, -he City agrees to f'jrT'i-h a , '. t i fka t 0- Of 1 110'Ase of said deprsit or such portions thereof sus s ha I I r ertia i r a I !-:. f t'l f I I 11MET1 t 0 f the requirements het .of. IN WITNESS WHFRLoF*, the C, 0-1-- i 'v of tps-lutirm of its City Council has - Li ; a g r f.,(1!-,>- t. t-: 1, i by Lt- May, - and City Re,:order, and the Principal I Q'> P i4k. civ- :affixed Lh 1, ate slgriat,. es )n the day and year first herEinabovc w-1 t ter, CITY: CITY OF TIGARD,0REGON Mayor Recorde r PR I.NCIPAL AleAse S� BY! BY A t act, C:,z p, A k--w -d - AV, BANK (ASOOCIATION). BY: BY, Cash B(, ,d Es,. 1 , W Agreement Pa,.ip 2 of 2 (Sa-t ,a,Y Sewer) AI CITY CiF TIIFA RD WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON Re: 72nd Avenue Sanitary Sewer Extension Gentlemen: In the matter of the foutteen thousand six hundred and fifty dollars ($14,650.00) Cash Bond Escrow Agreement, between the American Legion Post 158 and the City of Tigard, Oregon, and the U. S. National Bank; this is to serve as official notice to allow said U. S. National Bank to release to the A!�:-rican Legion (Post 158) all of the balance of the deposit entrusted to said bank. City of Tigard, Oregon Mayor City Recoraer 12420 S W. MAIN P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PH: 6394171 --- - CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON DE:VELOPMIENT PROJECT GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET I. PROJECT No. : II. PROJECT NAMES � � 5 - - 9�i ~__.-• III. DRAWING (TITLE) : _._. ..._ dated:_ / /M___�.____._• IV. PLAT (TITLE) : _ _-dated:___ V. SITE LOCATION: __ �_ __ _� _____ _.__�• T,L .X110 VI. PRINCIPALS:• 'S R> (1) DEVELOPER: Address 11 S78 5.v-)• --'��-�`� \\.,�a .,y Phone (2) DEVELOPERS SURETY AGENCY __--__...___ ___, _ -• one No. Address_ .._ ..-__.__.--_--_�..�.._.. __.-� - -- - - -- Bond ?;o Y .__._.__..- n.._.__.� Exp. Date- -Z--/- ( 3) _„/_( 3) ENGINEER! Phonn No. (4) INSPECTOR:_^_-_-___—__„__.�,____ Address _ Phone No. (5) PRIME CONTRACTOR: Address_-_ -- �_.. ._ --- -' Phone No. - - -- - - - (6) CCNIP.ACI'ORS SURE'T'Y AGENCY Addi css ___.___.-_. ..__ -... .._ .__.._._• Phone NO. - -- -n Bond 110. _,. ___.�___• Exp. Date _-_�..__-• (7) SUB-CONTRACTORS! _..--_._.-__-_ ._____—____.� _.. r.__._..__._._.r ----__....__,• CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON CONSTRUCTLON/INSPECTION (P,W,) PROCEDURE CHECK LIST NOTE: UTILIZE ONLY clearly mark Ad APPROVED PLANS, plan revisions, change orders, spo.cifications, etc. : I. SANITARY SEWER: (A) Comnv±nr_ed install*tion.. . O (B) Completed installation. . . ...., ... ❑ f / 1) A5-built field notes filed.,........ ❑ s) C(-; ,, --rit to engineer.......,. . . ❑ �) As-built fielo notes received... . . . . ❑ a) Filed in project folder. . ., . - . C —moi (C) Inspected and Tested. , ❑ 1) TPgt nomonographb filed. , . ❑ (D) Tentatively accepted by City.. ,. . . . ., ❑ II. STORM SEWER: (A) Commenced installation,.. ,, . . ... . p (B) Completed installAtion, . . . . ❑ 1) As-built field notes filed..........., ❑ (C) Inspected. • .. .., . . . . . , , , ,.,.. ...... .. .... ..... p (D) Tentatively accented by City... ... ........... ❑ _ III. CURBS (A) Commpncod instAllntion. .. . . . . . ........... ❑ _ i 1) Bench Marks sat.. ,.... . ❑ 7) Bench Mark lorntions filed.,,.. . ,... ❑ (B) Comoleted in-ltall-ition................ ,,. ❑ ' (C) Inspected... ... . , . ❑ - - (D) Tpntativply 4ccont_ed by City. ,. . .......... , ❑ IV. STREETt (A) Commenced Grading. ... . . ..... ❑ 1) Sub-grAcles insrerted. . ,, ❑ a) Test plata filed.. .,.•. . . O b) Tentatively accepted by City. O y (B) Commenced rocking.... Cl i 1) Sub—bASP inspected.. ... ❑ / a) Test data filed. . .. . p b) Tentatively accepted by City. ❑ (C) Commenced Paving „ C) 1) Paving inspected. . [3 a) Test data filed , ._..... . l7 b) ',a,,tAti.Valy Accepted by City. O (D) Street tentatively ncrppt.ed by City. . . .. , . . .. C] V. PARKING L07•: (A) CommPnred grading. .. . ................ . 1.) Sub-grAcle in4pected...... .....,,.. .». n �) Test data filed,. b) Tentatively accepted by City. O (B) Commenced flocking...,. .. (3 l) Sub-bas i nspected,,. p n) Test data filed.... ...... h) Tentatively Arrprted by City, C, ' (C) Commenced Paving. . . . . . . . . ... .. .. . . .. . .. ...... . ❑ _ ' 1) Paving inapected.. — .. .. .. . ... ... ..... ❑ — a) Test data filed. .. . . ... . .. . ... .. ❑ b) Tentatively af-rPntPd by City... , C] (D) Parking lot tentatively accepted by City.,,... . p VI. SIGN: (A) Street name sign4 instilled. .. . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . ❑ (B) Traffic signs installed. . .. . . . . . . . . . . ❑ VII. SIDEWALK: (A) Commenced installation.. . . . . ., . .. . , . , , . . . , ❑ / (B) Completed inmtaliation. . . . . . . ❑ (C) Inspected. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. ❑ (D) Tentatively acr•nntnrl by City. .. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . ❑ VIII. STREETLIGPTING: (A) Comm,�ncerl inst.a ll at.ion . . . ... .. . .. . . ❑ ' (R) Completed installation. . .. .... .. . ..... . . .. . . . ❑ !�! (C) Inspected. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ❑ i (D) Tentatively accepted by City. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ❑ 1) Authori+ation letter to Energise filed IX. LANDSCAPE: (A) Commenced instnil»tion. .......,.............. . . ❑ (B) Completed installation........................ ❑ (C) Inspectod. ..,...... C] r (D) Tentatively accepted by Cit , X. GENERAL AREA .DRAINAGE: (A) Buildinq rain drair�i inspected.. .............. ❑ ' _ (B) Culverts inspected. . . . . .. . . ...........,...... ❑ (C) Drainage ditcher inspected. . . ..............< .. ❑ (D) Tentatively accepted by City. ....... ........ . • (i NOTE. PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF EACH CONSTRUCTION PHASE. REVIEW FILE TO INSURE COMPLETION 01' CiIECK LTST AND FILING OF. 1) Approved Plan Revisions 2) Approved Specification Variances 3) Change Orders/Extra Work Orders 4) All Correspondence!Memo-, 5) Daily Inspection Sheets